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Waist Stash & Money Belt ANYONE use these?


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I work in a luggage store that also sells travel supplies. We sell multitudes of these every single week, so plenty of people are using them.


They also have models that hang around the neck, attach to a bra, attach to a belt, go around your neck. It's a good idea to keep your larger amounts of cash and your passport hidden away and not in a travel case that can be stolen when in a crowd.

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My DH and I certainly did use the under-clothing type money holders when we went to Europe last year. DH wore his under his shirt and I wore mine around my waist and under my capris/pants. We felt much more secure carrying cash, credit cards and passports walking around in an unfamiliar city/airport. We never had a problem and I think pickpockets can tell if you don't have a "wallet bulge". We got ours at Target, but they also sell similar types at Magellans and TravelSmith. Have a good cruise!

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I used a money belt back in high school on a Europe trip; however, I've never used it since and have done lots of traveling. It really depends on where you're going and what you plan on bringing. We needed money belts because we had to carry our passports on us at all times since we were going from hotel to hotel. I would say you don't need one on a cruise because you can leave your passport in the safe in your room while in port. People suggest making a photocopy of your passport/important docs to bring ashore with you (in case you miss the ship or something terrible!).


Depending on where you're traveling, I would say it's not necessary. But it's really personal preference and whichever way you feel the most comfortable. Our teacher in high school suggested belts over the ones that go around your neck. It's more noticeable if the belt slips off or someone pick pockets it opposed to the necklace one.

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They also have models that hang around the neck, attach to a bra, attach to a belt, go around your neck. It's a good idea to keep your larger amounts of cash and your passport hidden away and not in a travel case that can be stolen when in a crowd.


i dont like the around the neck thing and the bra thing is COOL but i really want for my passport and cc/etc so am thinking the WAIST one would be better!!

THANKS i appreciate your EXPERTISE in this!!

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We felt much more secure carrying cash, credit cards and passports walking around in an unfamiliar city/airport.


i am ALWAYs just a tad UNEASY carrying my stuff in my bag or hubby in his pocket so i really am considering one of these...THANKS

i will convince hubby to wear one too...took forever for me to get him NOT to put his wallet in his back pocket just for EVERYDAY.

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I would say you don't need one on a cruise because you can leave your passport in the safe in your room while in port.


Depending on where you're traveling, I would say it's not necessary. But it's really personal preference and whichever way you feel the most comfortable.


our PASSPORTS go with US and i think this is something i am least gonna TRY...but THANK YOU for your info too---



now to DECIDE which kind...THANKS

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This brought back memories of a trip to Europe that my mother took with her "spinster" friend Stacy. Stacy was a very well-endowed woman and insisted that all the ladies should hide their money etc. with "the girls". My mother took a cross-body shoulder bag. At one point in Rome, Stacy decided to relax on a piazza while the other ladies did a little shopping. They returned to find Stacy fast asleep. The neck wallet......GONE! She never heard the end of it and was the only one who lost anything.:D I'm going for the cross-body bag worn in front and not dozing off in public.

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I ordered a couple of waterproof ones for me and my husband. They're big enough for passports, cruise card, ID, etc. and we can wear them on all of our excursions, including the snorkeling.


These are the ones I ordered. We haven't had the chance to try them in water yet, but we're looking forward to it! I'll be wearing mine the whole time except for when I'm dressed for dinner.

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This brought back memories of a trip to Europe that my mother took with her "spinster" friend Stacy. Stacy was a very well-endowed woman and insisted that all the ladies should hide their money etc. with "the girls". My mother took a cross-body shoulder bag. At one point in Rome, Stacy decided to relax on a piazza while the other ladies did a little shopping. They returned to find Stacy fast asleep. The neck wallet......GONE! She never heard the end of it and was the only one who lost anything.:D I'm going for the cross-body bag worn in front and not dozing off in public.



As a matter of fact, I advise people who purchase the around the neck wallets to wear them cross-body for safety. The strap/string will be seen out the back of your shirt, but not so much if it is across, you tend to lengthen the strap. These are the ones I like the best in our store, they are soft silk:



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I've never used one of those money belt things and I never will. I have relatives that have them and I'll never forget when they wore them and showed me. They were hot and sweaty and I can't imagine having one of those things on my body.

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I've never used one of those money belt things and I never will. I have relatives that have them and I'll never forget when they wore them and showed me. They were hot and sweaty and I can't imagine having one of those things on my body.


Another reason I recommend the silk over the cheaper, thicker fabric type. We carry some that I'd never wear because they seem thick, hot, cumbersome.


I wore my silk one around the house once all day, to see if I could tolerate it. When getting ready for bed that night, I was surprised I still had it on. It was so comfortable I didn't even notice it when I used the restroom.


My husband used the one that attached to his belt, since he always wears a belt. He didn't stuff it under his pants, though, just tucked it into his pocket.


I think the main reason people buy them is for Europe travel....you read so many stories of gypsies in Rome. I don't know if there is any more real danger of being pickpocketed there than our city streets here in the US. I've read about tourists being targeted, many people really just want to make sure the bulk of their money and passports are safe. they're a long way from home in unfamiliar territory, I don't blame people for wanting a measure of security.

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My DH and I both use these on the plane going to the ship. We always take a huge amount of cash it seems, for shopping, excursions drinks and so on. Our money goes "on" us. That way when paying for anything along the way, there is not a big wad of money in purse or wallet to tempt the bad guy. LOL Then it's put into the safe on the ship and money is taken out as needed. Not such a worry on the way home, who want to steal an empty wallet? LOL

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It's been over 10 years since I've been to Europe, not sure if much has changed with regard to personal theft, but back in the day I never used a money belt or anything similar. On two separate trips I spent 8 weeks in London as a student traveling/studying abroad as well as several days in Paris and various locations in Scotland, and I never had any problems with pickpocketing or theft.


Maybe I was lucky, but I also think it has a lot to do with just being very aware of your surroundings and your personal space. For the most part I carried my belongings in a small cross-body handbag with sturdy zippers that I could rest in my lap or along my side while walking. If you're a tourist, inevitably you're going to give yourself away as a tourist, but I learned to make myself as unobtrusive as possible... no shorts, no bright white athletic sneakers, no jewelry, muted clothing colors.


I've been robbed (truly, mugged) once in my life, and it was right outside my own apartment door. So Europe can't be any more dangerous. :rolleyes: I'm going on a Med. cruise next summer and will probably just do the same things I did before.

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I think that we all know that when we go on holiday we should leave our worries behind, but not our brains! Take the same precautions as you would back home in a crowded place. The cross-body bag seems to be a way to go. We bought body belts for a recent holiday in Brazil, but the whole heat thing is a factor and we wound up just doing what we do at home - taking care. The body belts enjoyed their trip, however!

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I have used one before and if you do get it I recommend putting any paper (money, passport) in Ziplock bags. Those things get hot and sweaty! The last thing you want is to try is separating damp money. It's hard to do, and a little embarrasing :eek:


I would put some spending money in your wallet, and if you need more during the day, take it out of the moneybelt while you are in the washroom or somewhere secure.


I no longer use one. I wear a cross body bag with a zipper and an overflap. I tend to walk with one hand on the bag (even at home). Never had a problem, but maybe I'm just lucky :D.

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just WANTED to THANK YA'ALL again for sharing your information, experiences...MUCHLY APPRECIATED:)

i thought i was pretty 'set' on the waist belt but maybe will rethink...right now i carry a Rick Steves cross-body type day pack but i was just looking for something else for the security....THANKS AGAIN;)

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i am Always just a tad UNEASY carrying my stuff in my bag or hubby in his pocket so i really am considering one of these...THANKS

i will convince hubby to wear one too...took forever for me to get him NOT to put his wallet in his back pocket just for EVERYDAY.



Well, I will tell you, our daughter and her family lived in Sicily for a number of years. We had to fly in and our of Rome to get to Sicily so on each trip we would stay in Rome for a few days. On the first trip that my DH and I took to see them, and our brand new granddaughter we decided to spend a week in Rome on the way home. Our DD, SIL and 2 month old GD came from Sicily to be with us. One day my DH and I were out sightseeing, we had left our passports, most of our US $ and most of our Italian money in the Hotel Safe. We each had some money on us. My DH has his wallet in his back pants pocket, with his drivers license and a lot of other important stuff in it. In his front left hand pants pocket he had a money clip with about $100 and about the same in Italian Lire. At the subway station all of the trains were really crowded and there were a lot of people waiting to get on the trains. We managed to get on a train and were both standing at the last second 6 teenage girls stopped the door from closing ran on the train - one of them stuck her hand in my DH's front pocket, took his money clip & money pulled her hand out - the last girl on pushed the door open again and they all ran back off at the same stop - before the train ever moved. As this was happening my DH looked at me with a really strange look - and as they were all getting off the train - he said to me "they got me". I, of course, am totally confused. He pulled the bell to get off at the next stop, when we got off he told me that he felt the girls arm when she was pulling her hand OUT of his pocket. He said he could have grabbed her, BUT:

He was in a foreign Country

He did not speak their Language to explain to police

She was a female minor

She may have already passed the money to another girl

As fast as it happened he could figure they were pros


We went back to our Hotel and he was really PI$$** at himself for letting it happen! I was more concerned as to how we were going to carry our money without it happening again. I took one of my clean white socks and used my sewing kit to sew one side of the cuff onto my waistband and did the same for my DH, then I sewed across the sock so it was only 1/2 as deep. Then I folded our paper money in half and half again, by using your thumb and pointer finger you can put in and take out the money by just pulling your waistband out a little.

My DH cut out Newspaper the same size as Lire and US Dollars and wrote on them (in Italian) "You got me once-but you will never get this American again - American's are smarter than you!) and put the "trick money" in his pocket! I told him he was SO silly, that would never happen again! But he was mad, so I just left him alone, and off we went. We the rest of that day was fine. The next day we were on a crowded subway (they were always crowded) and the SAME THING HAPPENED!!! My DH was laughing so loud the people probably thought he was crazy - I could not believe it!


NOW WE BOTH USE THE LITTLE POUCHES THAT LOPE ONTO YOUR BELT AND FLIP BACK INSIDE YOUR PANTS, SKIRTS, SHORTS, ETC. They work great, big enough to hold your passport also. If I am not wearing a belt, I use a diaper pin and pin it inside my pants, etc.

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Well, I will tell you, our daughter and her family lived in Sicily for a number of years. We had to fly in and our of Rome to get to Sicily so on each trip we would stay in Rome for a few days. On the first trip that my DH and I took to see them, and our brand new granddaughter we decided to spend a week in Rome on the way home. Our DD, SIL and 2 month old GD came from Sicily to be with us. One day my DH and I were out sightseeing, we had left our passports, most of our US $ and most of our Italian money in the Hotel Safe. We each had some money on us. My DH has his wallet in his back pants pocket, with his drivers license and a lot of other important stuff in it. In his front left hand pants pocket he had a money clip with about $100 and about the same in Italian Lire. At the subway station all of the trains were really crowded and there were a lot of people waiting to get on the trains. We managed to get on a train and were both standing at the last second 6 teenage girls stopped the door from closing ran on the train - one of them stuck her hand in my DH's front pocket, took his money clip & money pulled her hand out - the last girl on pushed the door open again and they all ran back off at the same stop - before the train ever moved. As this was happening my DH looked at me with a really strange look - and as they were all getting off the train - he said to me "they got me". I, of course, am totally confused. He pulled the bell to get off at the next stop, when we got off he told me that he felt the girls arm when she was pulling her hand OUT of his pocket. He said he could have grabbed her, BUT:


He was in a foreign Country

He did not speak their Language to explain to police *****

She was a female minor

She may have already passed the money to another girl

As fast as it happened he could figure they were pros



We went back to our Hotel and he was really PI$$** at himself for letting it happen! I was more concerned as to how we were going to carry our money without it happening again. I took one of my clean white socks and used my sewing kit to sew one side of the cuff onto my waistband and did the same for my DH, then I sewed across the sock so it was only 1/2 as deep. Then I folded our paper money in half and half again, by using your thumb and pointer finger you can put in and take out the money by just pulling your waistband out a little.

My DH cut out Newspaper the same size as Lire and US Dollars and wrote on them (in Italian) "You got me once-but you will never get this American again - American's are smarter than you!) and put the "trick money" in his pocket! I told him he was SO silly, that would never happen again! But he was mad, so I just left him alone, and off we went. We the rest of that day was fine. The next day we were on a crowded subway (they were always crowded) and the SAME THING HAPPENED!!! My DH was laughing so loud the people probably thought he was crazy - I could not believe it!




So, your DH can write in Italian but not speak it??? Another enlightening post.

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While I have not been victimized by pick pockets I do take many precautions when traveling. Both my Tilley Endurable and Travel Smith pants have a secret pocket one side. I also carry a PacSafe wallet http://www.pacsafe.com/www/index.php?_room=3&_action=detail&id=15 . I like this wallet for a couple of reasons. On is that it is an added layer of protection from theft but it also is an added layer of protection from accidental loss as well. PacSafe has many items for both ladies and gentlemen. I also use the hidden compartment in Eagle Creek money belt http://www.eaglecreek.com/accessories/security_id/All-Terrain-Money-Belt-40441/ . This belt also has a plastic buckle so you don't have to take it off at the airport screening.



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I use the around the waist wallet for extra money that I won't be using for awhile as well as for the second ATM card. I use the wallet that attaches to my belt for the credit card and first ATM card and only have walking around money in my purse. My husband uses the-around-the-neck wallet. The only time I had anything taken was in a crowded subway in Prague. Someone took my prescription sun glasses. I could feel something and put my hand on my purse so he was not able to get anything else.

In my years of travel, one member of our group had the bottom of her purse slashed in London. On another trip two women had their shoulder bags grabbed and they were knocked down in Spain and on another occasion when were were in an airport, someone's wallet was stolen while they were on an up escalater.

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