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Am Thinking of Cancelling ............

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Hi All


I know this seems very bazare - but I am thinking of cancelling my cruise - I dont got until 21st August - but feel myself getting extremely nervous at the prospect of going solo.


I have been on holidays on my own before, but never a cruise


I feel in a very odd situation atm - and not sure what to do for the best - worried that people will be looking at me sat at the bar on my own - in the theatre - etc


Was looking forward to it, now have big reservations


Sorry for the moan



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Dont cancel. I know how you feel. I was an independant traveller before I got married 10 years ago. But what I have found, everybody regardless whether they are with their partners, always "Want/Need" to speak to other Likeminded passengers. Some people are shy. But Everybody is hoping and waiting for someone to come and say hollo. But we are all like that. And indeed Thompsons go a long way to helping independance passengers mingle by having the Singles Get Together on the first night. My wife and I alway communicate well, but its great to bring other people into the mix for a good chinwag. I made loads of friends when I was at the bar. Ill speak to anyone who has the misfortune of listening but there is loads of chaps like me who just like to chat. So go for it girl. Im sure there will be loads of Females and Males who will chat with you.:)

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Hi Mandie,

It's just early last minute nerves, very early in your case.

Surely it's better than going on holiday alone in a hotel.

At least on the ship you will be guaranteed to meet the same people in the same bars, all week. Not like a hotel where you'd have to go out to the bars in town and people would look at someone coming in alone, especially a woman.

And the barmen / barmaids will get to know you and your likes and dislikes.

Apart from that think of the loss of deposit if you cancel :eek:


Have you found any others on here going on same cruise? Perhaps you could meet up in a designated spot on `1st night and do ypur own Meet 'n' Greet party before the Sailaway party.



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On our last cruise, there were a lot of single people on board, due to a special singles offer. They were all having a wonderful time, I don't think anybody felt looked at. There was a German girl on our breakfast table who was alone, and a wonderful elderly American lady on our dinner table who must have been in her eighties enjoying a back-to-back by herself. They were never short of other people to talk to, but the clue is that you have to actively participate in the dining experience and the activities. Some cruiselines have special singles get-togethers, all our previous cruises featured this kind of activity.


What I would suggest is join (or set up) the Roll Call for your voyage, then you can get talking with other people who will be on the same ship before your journey. On Roll Calls, ideas for tours are often shared, groups are often formed for a group excursion, a bridge competition or other shared activities.

On our first RCCL cruise, the table next to ours consisted of singles in the same age group, who had all been placed together by the cruiseline without the guests knowing about it. The noise and laughter coming from this table was incredible, they were having such a good time. We as a young couple actually wished we were on their table :D. Maybe talk to the cruiseline if they can do that for your cruise too?


Let me share an endearing story: at our last Roll Call party was a charming American single gentleman (late forty-early fifties). He actually met the love of his life on our cruise. It was so heart-warming to watch their romance develope. One night later in the cruise we were at the dinner table with both of them. They did not go on the cruise to get hooked, they were not looking for it, it just happened. We got an email from them some time after the cruise with a picture of both of them, with both their names on it. They had kept seeing each other after the cruise. And it does not have to be the love of your life you meet, you could just meet a nice girly friend.


In my opinion, a cruise is a wonderful way to talk to a lot of people, and one of the best holidays for single people. Most folks go on cruises because they like to chat to each other. We certainly do. And it is so carefree, you can have a casual conversation and just move on if you don't like talking to this person.

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Hi Mandie,

It's just early last minute nerves, very early in your case.

Surely it's better than going on holiday alone in a hotel.

At least on the ship you will be guaranteed to meet the same people in the same bars, all week. Not like a hotel where you'd have to go out to the bars in town and people would look at someone coming in alone, especially a woman.

And the barmen / barmaids will get to know you and your likes and dislikes.

Apart from that think of the loss of deposit if you cancel :eek:


Have you found any others on here going on same cruise? Perhaps you could meet up in a designated spot on `1st night and do ypur own Meet 'n' Greet party before the Sailaway party.





Hi Berwyn - hope your well - its been a while :eek:


Oh I dont really know how im feeling - maybe its cause ive just come through my operations and feeling bit low - started my diet last week - just cutting out all unnecessary rubbish etc... and eating healthily until I can start my proper diet in June :rolleyes:


Not feeling very confident about myself - and guess worrying about being single on my own - suppose it would be different if I have done the solo cruising before - know what to expect etc... just unsure.


No- have not found anyone yet who is yet to sail on the Destiny on this date :rolleyes: probably too early atm.


Have this sickness feeling in me, just thinking about it - really stupid, I know, as I am a very outgoing person but just the thought ............

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Hi bubbles


NO, no, no, don't cancel please.


I do understand your reticence but this is your first big challenge.If you run away from this solo holiday then you will be running away from every solo cruise holiday in the future.What a disaster that would be! Face this challenge with grit and determinism and you will be able to face anything thereafter.


I went on the last cruise with hubby but often we split up on board because he can't stand the shows- so I went in on my own as i wasn't missing the highlight of the evening.It's great going in on your own because I found that inevitably a single seat had been left on the front row every time.Don't know why- perhaps an odd number of chairs? A few times I was sat next to a couple whose daughter was in the show- her first season, so it was nice hearing about behind scenes matters!


I also went to the ports of call lecture alone, and to the cinema a couple of times.And browsing round the shops just has to be done on your own! I even went for a midnight snack alone, to my hubbys disgust lol, but alcohol has that effect on me!


As the previous poster said-singles are encouraged to meet up to dine together and have get togethers.At night, failing all else, just take a newspaper into the bar.Someone is bound to sit at your table with you and you will be chatting before you know it.


C'mon bubbles you can do it.



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Hi Berwyn - hope your well - its been a while :eek:


Oh I dont really know how im feeling - maybe its cause ive just come through my operations and feeling bit low - started my diet last week - just cutting out all unnecessary rubbish etc... and eating healthily until I can start my proper diet in June :rolleyes:


Not feeling very confident about myself - and guess worrying about being single on my own - suppose it would be different if I have done the solo cruising before - know what to expect etc... just unsure.


No- have not found anyone yet who is yet to sail on the Destiny on this date :rolleyes: probably too early atm.


Have this sickness feeling in me, just thinking about it - really stupid, I know, as I am a very outgoing person but just the thought ............

Hi Mandie,


There you go, Flopsy's got it right.

We're fine here thanks, 2 weeks to go though and they've still not arrived :eek: . I'm not going to mention the T word :D

Your last sentence sounds just like DW before the start of every holiday. I've really got to work hard to keep her calm.

You'll get on board and think "I din't know what the worry was all about"

I do surgical nursing, not very good at this sorting out of heads stuff.

At least you've chosen the right time of year to start dieting now it's getting warmer and the healthy summer stuff is more available.



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Awh Bubbles don't cancel!! You will love it. When I was younger I used to go on holidays by myself all the time - and worried about them before I went - but used to think "what is the worst that can happen?" Nothing!


I haven't done a cruise by myself - but I would! - I actually think it would be easier on a solo cruise than a solo holiday - and you have done holidays by yourself.


Just think of all your lovely dresses waiting to be worn!!


Bushbaby x

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PLEASE do NOT cancel your cruise. Thomson go all out to look after passengers travelling on their own. They organise breakfasts, lunch, dinners, port walks, days out etc., to people travelling alone who may wish to join other lone travellers. If you don't wish to join these then you are totally free to relax and do your own thing. When my husband and I travel we talk to everyone we meet. It is very comfortable, friendly but not OTT. I think you will LOVE it.

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Flopsy has got it spot on. Even though I've never travelled alone I met a lot of singles on our cruise last month and most of them were repeat travellers. I did things on the ship alone I would never have done in a hotel such as going to the gym on several occasions, going to the restaurant and EVEN :eek: stayed in the pub one night and had a glass of wine using my own card!! We met singles at dinner and there was never any kind of discomfort on either side and I didn't feel out of place when I was around the ship alone. We said a lot of times that it would be a perfect holiday for singles because you're never outside your comfort zone. So don't worry it's definitely the best place to go bgy yourself. It's not like the times that you go on holiday and see someone alone in a restaurant in the corner and they look uncomfortable. Give it a go, after all it's only a week not a month, you'll be back soon enough. Good luck.





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Bubbles :)


Most of the people have it right on here,don't cancel over the last 2 cruises a lot of the singles have really enjoyed themselves on the IE especially when I have dumped my better half on them :D leaves me alone for a single cruise and loads of beer :p



Serious though there are loads of single people on the IE and I don't think they get stared at, at least it's safe on board unlike walking the streets in a small town etc.




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Oh bubbles please think very carefully before you do anything , as it is probably just because you have been ill and are feeling down at the moment , have met loads of people on there own on cruises and they were always takling to someone and I am sure that you will not be on your own for long , hope you are feeling better soon ,give it a bit more time .



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Hi Bubbles,


I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so anxious... (((HUGS))) :) I'm a very shy person myself so I can imagine exactly all the things that will be going through your mind! You mentioned imagining youself being sat at the bar by yourself and worrying that everybody is looking at you - I get those kinds of feelings all the time and often get extremely anxious about social situations, especially where I might be on my own or meeting new people.


I haven't been a solo cruise before but am thinking about it as my hubby isn't as keen on cruising as me and also I get loads of holidays as I work term time! I've been almost on the point of booking, but then I get cold feet for all the same reasons you've mentioned! :o


But you've come this far and made your booking, please don't cancel! If you do, just think how depressed you'll feel come August when you could have been on a ship in the middle of the med somewhere but you're stuck at home instead!! :eek:


As other posters have mentioned, Thomson ships have a social host whose job it is to ensure solo travellers are included in activities and so on. I think also that Berwyn's suggestion of trying to get in touch with other passengers before you go and possibly arranging your own 'meet n' mingle' might help the nerves too - I'm sure that closer to the time their will be a roll call for your cruise.


Hope you are feeling better about it all. x

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I agree with everyone else - there are so many friendly people on board - sometimes it's actually hard to get off to do what you want because you get into conversations and time just flies by! And you're bound to meet lots of 'chatterers' (I confess to being one myself - now that's not a surprise to any of you is it? :eek:!!) and on board you just strike up conversations so easily - after all you're all in it together and sharing an experience so there's lots to talk about. Did you have a good day? Are you going on a trip tomorrow? You know the kind of thing and at mealtimes I just love finding people to talk to who have 'done' the ports before - you can pick up so many ideas.


Our VERY first attempt at a DiY excursion was prompted by a lovely elderly gentleman we met the evening before at dinner and he had visited the area previously and he literally put us on the right path to have a wonderful day out (walking the Via Dell Amore at Cinque Terre - bliss!). He was getting off on the middle day but left us with instructions on getting to Pompeii on our own - and it worked like a dream. We often think of him and how grateful we were to him for giving us confidence to attempt otherwise daunting trips (for us, at that time).


It's just so easy to engage with others - no-one will even know if you're on your own or split from your partner to 'do your own thing'. And going on trips is good too as there are always people from the ship around you. I chatted away to a lady when we visited Petra as we walked along and my OH was 'somewhere' around engaging in his hobby of taking photos (some could say I was engaged in mine too - 'talking'!) but that's the way it is.


Don't cancel - you'll find other kindred spirits (and those in the bar too! :D) and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.

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Hi All


I know this seems very bazare - but I am thinking of cancelling my cruise - I dont got until 21st August - but feel myself getting extremely nervous at the prospect of going solo.


I have been on holidays on my own before, but never a cruise


I feel in a very odd situation atm - and not sure what to do for the best - worried that people will be looking at me sat at the bar on my own - in the theatre - etc


Was looking forward to it, now have big reservations


Sorry for the moan




I have never been solo but you never notice solo cruisers really.They don't stick out like a sore thumb and I think you should at least try it.

Most solo travellers male and female just seem to mix in with everyone else.Especially on Thompsons where you will find most people just get on with it and make you feel welcome.

Don't cancel!

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Bubbles- you're just moving out of your comfort zone, but you'll be moving into another comfort zone with Thomson's. My OH was off ship snorkelling all day, all week, so I was mainly on my own- and everyone talked! Join in the quizz- look for a table with only 2 people on; sit in the smoker's corners, where you'll find people sitting apart from friends; take a table for 4plus to eat. The crew are marvellous at talking to you, as they don't have to work you to get tips.....and there will be friendly people in holiday mode who will sit and chat. Even if it feels hard right now, think:"I'm going to do this!", then forget about it for the next few weeks.

Love, Jo.

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Hi Mandie,

Looks like you are in a minority of one here.

Just listen to what the girls are saying, never mind us blokes, even though we are saying the same. They are talking a lot of sense.

Even if we can't be with you physically we'll all support you all the way up to the cruise date and after on here.

Open a bottle of dry wine and try and chill.


Berwyn xxxx

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Wow, I really do not to say to all of these replies - was expecting a couple, not this many though - so thank you to each and every one of you.


Its really odd - Ive been on the Thomson Destiny before so know where everything is so to speak (main reason for chosing this ship, as being solo), I know the staff are friendly, but its obviously different going on your own, than going with family :eek:


I am a very outgoing person - especially when I have had a few drinks :rolleyes: so not sure why I feel like this :-


Still not convinced yet - but you have a few months to work on me, haha


Oh, I did put a roll call up before but no response - so did bump it earlier - we will see.


Once again thank you for all your support



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Hey Bubbles - so you get the general gist of the way everybody is thinking. PLEASE DONT FRET :) - I think Flopsy had it right. If you give in and don't do this solo trip, where will it take you, except forever doubting - do this trip and you open up an ENORMOUS door of adventure. Will you be looked upon as a loner ? - well you'll barely be alone for long, as everone says, somebody will soon be chatting to you, but the good thing will be you are free to wander off when YOU want to.


I did my 1st cruise last year (with DH & DS) - neither of them were inclined to laze in the sun - I was and did with a good book for company!, more importantly they were not interested in the Martini Bar (preffering to have a snooze in the room to recharge batteries for the evening - we were on late sitting !) - I however, got myself spruced up each evening early on and sat at the Martini Bar - ON MY OWN - sampling a martini or two, enjoying and chatting to anybody who cared to !.


Go for It Girl - at the TV ad says - "there's a world out there" - best way of finding it is on a ship. - you'll be wondering in 6 months time what all the worry was about, and be browsing the internet looking for your next cruise !!


Fig xx

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Hi Mandie


Could be your feeling a bit low after changing your diet. Your body needs a little time to adjust, give it a week or two and I'm sure that your spirits will be raised very soon.



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Hi Mandie, hope you are feeling a little better today :)




Awwww, thanks Mrs C, that is nice :)


A little thanks - was really suffering yesterday - one way or the other - some days are good and some are bad.


I go back to work on Monday :D have missed that big time - and then I get my salary back - as only temping through the agency - but will be taking on permanetly in the next few months.


Oh, its a very odd feeling - think the worst bit will be dinner - mind you - have sat at dinner on my own on holiday, haha.


Think this site is lovely - people make you feel better and care - more than actually "real friends" :eek:


Think if I can loose this weight - I will be happier - just how I feel about myself.


I will let you all make your own decisions by taking a look at these pictures




November 2007 - Im on the right!





March 2008





April 2010


So you see - I need to loose the 1.5 stone I have put back on - if I can get back to March 2008 pictures - I will be back to my oldself again.


Sorry for going off the topic :rolleyes:

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