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People that want to loose weight ... prior to their cruise ...

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Hi All


Hope no-one minds, but thought I would try and start a thread for all those wanabees that would like to loose a few pounds before our impending cruises .............. mines 2-3 stone, lol. :eek:


Am hoping to post on a daily basis - just to keep me going and on the right road ... if anyone wants to join me great ...... if not ....... I shall be talking to myself - Nothing new there ;)


Well, so far have lost 7 lbs in a week - not bad going me thinks - cut down completely - only healthy food in my trolley now :)


Felt a bit better about myself as ordered some clothes today - and they fit, a couple albeit a little tight - but another stone should suffice - and they were a 14 - yay!!!


I am going back on my Cambridge Diet - this is how I lost the majority of my weight - many of you may not agree with it - but it certainly worked for me :D but cannot do this again until the 1st June, due to my operation I had - so getting myself geared up for it........


Think thats enough from me, for now, otherwise we would be here all night - as I like to talk alot, lol



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Hi Bubbles had to reply well done on your 6 stone weight loss:) I have lost 5 and a half stone myself 3 years ago, changes your life doesnt it, anyway booked on Thompson Dream in Aug and would like a stone off before then as I know I will put on while I am away so if I come home half a stone up I will still be half a stone lighter than I am now if that makes sense, although I have maintained my 5 and a half loss from 3 years back I never got to total target so would love that last stone gone. I also lost my weight thanks to Cambridge and was so impressed I am now a consultant for them LOL. Good luck on your weightloss journey and hope you have a great cruise when it comes from All:)

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Hi Bubbles had to reply well done on your 6 stone weight loss:) I have lost 5 and a half stone myself 3 years ago, changes your life doesnt it, anyway booked on Thompson Dream in Aug and would like a stone off before then as I know I will put on while I am away so if I come home half a stone up I will still be half a stone lighter than I am now if that makes sense, although I have maintained my 5 and a half loss from 3 years back I never got to total target so would love that last stone gone. I also lost my weight thanks to Cambridge and was so impressed I am now a consultant for them LOL. Good luck on your weightloss journey and hope you have a great cruise when it comes from All:)


Hey Ali :)


Thanks for the reply and yes it does make one hell of a difference.


Yes I was doing really well and then had alot of traumatic events that happened to me in the last year - and unforunately put a bit back on - but not too much. I have contacted my CDC again, so she is coming on 26th May - not too long to wait - still aiming to get into those white trousers that are in my cupboard - size 12 :D but I know I can do - have done it before.


Congratuations on being a CDC - think thats the best thing going - you know what you have to do in order to achieve your weightloss and then you can give that useful advice to people like you :)

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Hi Mandie,

You've been quiet for a while. :D


DW and I really need to loose 3 stone before we go but as we're off on Tuesday it's too late for us.


We'll need to







When we get back, ready for the next one



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Hi Mandie,

You've been quiet for a while. :D


DW and I really need to loose 3 stone before we go but as we're off on Tuesday it's too late for us.


We'll need to








When we get back, ready for the next one





Hahaha, Berwyn I am always quiet :p


Well, if I can loose 2 stone before August, this would be good, then another stone before October (my 2nd cruise with my son) even better!


And then loose the last bit before Christmas - I will do it, lol



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I had personal trainer sessions over the years,but expensive,just rely on what I learnt with him and go to the gym 4 times week, my trouble is,after a sauna and a steam I head to the bar for a pint or 3.

I was a 46 waist in 10 weeks I got down to a 32, but gone back to 36 now.

Cut down food portions and plenty of walks helps too.



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I'm trying to lose 7 stone before I go on Holiday :eek: but she insists she still want to come :D


Anyways .. I digress, this could lead onto a good thread as many peoples will take heart here and be motivated by each and everyone of you willing each other on.


Well done Mandie :)




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Back in January on the Red Sea cruise I noticed getting in and out of the jeeps at Wadi Rum was a bit difficult, plus I had to leave some shorts at home :eek:


As of yesterday I have lost 21 lbs, 3 more than my target for the Destiny next month. I even had two weeks off eating normally over easter and my weight did not go up. All the clothes now fit :)


As I am finding sticking to the diet easy (avoid the fry-ups etc etc) I reckon a regime of dieting when at home and eating normally when on holiday would mean about 40 weeks a year of potential weight loss. At a pound a week that is a lot of weight!

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Been doing housework since 0730, all windows clean,inside and out, front garden done,weeds clear of path(mine and public).

Set up tropical fish tank for transfer from main tank for its anual clean,

Nice salad sarni for lunch then gym for 2 hours.

Tortoise out in garden,his home to be done next.


It's all go today...and a few more pounds gone


Does any one do the Wii Fit Plus.....thats good too !!



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I'm trying to lose 7 stone before I go on Holiday :eek: but she insists she still want to come :D


Anyways .. I digress, this could lead onto a good thread as many peoples will take heart here and be motivated by each and everyone of you willing each other on.


Well done Mandie :)






Hi RR :)


Thanks - just thought it would help me and anyone else, if they wanted to join in, so to speak, lol


Well today my son participated in the Farmers Market down here in Devon, so I decided that we would walk there - which is a good 45 mins to 1 hour - was hard going as I also suffer with a back problem, but only sat down for about 5 mins half way - had a quick snoop around town and bus back.


I do feel tired but good at the same time - missed my mid-morning power snack so better have it now - being an apple, then lunch.


Will feel better once I have lost more weight - hoping to start CD a bit earlier - but in the meantime, I am keeping the weight regieme to exercise and healthy eating atm, until such time I can start.


Well done everyone - keep up the good work.


Nope havnt got a wi-fit yet - am thinking about it though - I hear they are pretty damn good!!!



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Hi, my family and I are booked on the Dream for 10th August this year. This will be our first cruise and we are celebrating my dads 60th birthday.


I have been watching the message boards with interest and decided to open a cruise critic account today to join in the fun and exciting buildup to our holiday. Cant wait to go .......:)


We are all looking to lose some weight before we go, never heard of the Cambridge diet. Can someone explain?


I've got a wii fit so I was planning to be on that and then cut portion sizes and do some walking now the better weather is here (even though I went cruise shopping last week and bought linen trousers the next size up with an elasticated waist!):D

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Nope havnt got a wi-fit yet - am thinking about it though - I hear they are pretty damn good!!!




Hi Mandie,

Yes, Wi Fit is good, you can feel it around your middle after doing the hula hoop and the 10 pin bowling.

I can even do the jogging, which isn't bad considering I've got arthritis in knees and hips.

Trouble is we don't do it enough.


Have to get really stuck in after cruise ready for Mexico in Sept.



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We are all looking to lose some weight before we go, never heard of the Cambridge diet. Can someone explain?


Hi Rose :)


Welcome to the forums - its a great place, and you find out some very useful information.


Some people disagree with the Cambridge Diet (CD) but its the only one that has worked for me.


Bascially, it consists of shakes, bars, soup, even porridge - you can get some shakes premade - these are called Tetra Briks - easier for work - and basically majority of people have 3 per day - occassionally 4 - depending on your height. You must drink a minimum of 2.5 litres per day.


It is the kind of diet where your mind needs to be in the right place and you are determind, some people find it easy, some hard - but it is also the kind of diet where you can see the results more easily than most diets. Then when you are near to your ideal weight - you start introducing food again. If you check out the Cambridge Diet website, this will give you more of an idea.


Hope this helps :rolleyes:



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I'll join in with our weight loss......about 18 months ago, OH was diagnosed with diabetes 2, which is controlled by diet.

We had a rethink about our food, and now everything we eat is sugar free, and mainly home cooked, apart from one splurge every 2 weeks or so.

We've been on 3 cruises in that time, and each one added 3 lbs to our weight, which took a month to lose.

We've each lost 3st., and continue to lose, but very slowly.

The worst fall we had was in the hotel in Sharm, before the cruise on Celebration. The chef carried out what looked like a large chocolate brick. When he cut into it, it was full of cake layered with cream and ginger.....:rolleyes:


At least we've gone from obese to fat, and still keep to it!

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Well, Well, what a surprise!!!


I went shopping today - thought that I would get a few clothes for my cruise - if I saw any!!


Managed to get into a pair of 14's slouchy trousers (albeit tight!) but by the time I go on my cruise - I will have lost the weight and hopefully they will be loose :rolleyes: ... but I did get a few tops, some were a 14, but some were a 12 ................ wehey!!! think I am on the right road atm :D


How is everyone else doing.


Oh and went for a walk and off out to play badminton with my son - just nice to spend a bit of quality time with him :D


Oh and another thing - I am thinking about booking my first surfing lesson - they (being the instructors) keep getting me to do it - my son got his winter wetsuit (he already had the summer one) a few days ago - it is something I would like to try, but a bit embarrased about my weight - thats why if I have a lesson - the wetsuit and equipment comes with it, and when I have lost my weight, then I will get one.


Oh, and it does help that the instructor is VERY FIT :D ;) :D

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Did the usual 10K run (on a tread mill) 54 mins is my best slightly over today.

better do it all again on Sunday !




Wow Steve


You certainly put me to shame :rolleyes:


I can only normally manage 30-40 mins on a treadmill - although not allowed to do any weights etc for another month - grrr - but am walking, playing a bit of tennis and badminton with my son - so hopefully this should help :rolleyes:



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Im a loser! I have lost 2st 3 lb since Christmas and am aiming for 4st in total before August cruise (with you mandie!). I've had a bit of a blip since easter as I was diagnosed with severly reduced kidney function on 1st April - they are trying to solve whats causing it and hopefully make me better (or at leats less ill) - in for a biopsy on Monday next week - and as soon as I have some idea whats causing it, what they can do for me to fix it and if the doc says its ok Im going back on my diet full time in time to be 4st lighter by august 21st.


I also have wii fit plus and I LOVE it so much - I do love walking too and now thats its warmer and lighter Im hoping to walk more - I used to be very fit and active 10 years ago - exercise classes, swimming, dancing at the weekend! but since having son #2 I have been a lot less active and the nearer I got to 40 the more weight I put on. Im now 42 and I've had enough of being overweight. Im married to a runner - he is member of a club and does lots of races, 10k, marathons and half marathons regularly and so is very fit and not an ounce of fat on him! we have always had a very healthy diet - its the portion size thats put weight on me - trying to keep up with the amount Pete eats LOL - Im now having 'me sized' meals, have cut down on bread and potatoes, and have fruit as snacks between meals to keep the temptation to reach for a bisciut at bay - its been working great, along with the increased exercise, until the kidneys dipped out on me and now walking to the doctors surgery (1/2 mile away) for my regular blood tests wipes me out. Hopefully when I can get the anaemia under control I might have more energy - exercise is good for kidney function aparently!

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Im a loser! I have lost 2st 3 lb since Christmas and am aiming for 4st in total before August cruise (with you mandie!). I've had a bit of a blip since easter as I was diagnosed with severly reduced kidney function on 1st April - they are trying to solve whats causing it and hopefully make me better (or at leats less ill) - in for a biopsy on Monday next week - and as soon as I have some idea whats causing it, what they can do for me to fix it and if the doc says its ok Im going back on my diet full time in time to be 4st lighter by august 21st.


I also have wii fit plus and I LOVE it so much - I do love walking too and now thats its warmer and lighter Im hoping to walk more - I used to be very fit and active 10 years ago - exercise classes, swimming, dancing at the weekend! but since having son #2 I have been a lot less active and the nearer I got to 40 the more weight I put on. Im now 42 and I've had enough of being overweight. Im married to a runner - he is member of a club and does lots of races, 10k, marathons and half marathons regularly and so is very fit and not an ounce of fat on him! we have always had a very healthy diet - its the portion size thats put weight on me - trying to keep up with the amount Pete eats LOL - Im now having 'me sized' meals, have cut down on bread and potatoes, and have fruit as snacks between meals to keep the temptation to reach for a bisciut at bay - its been working great, along with the increased exercise, until the kidneys dipped out on me and now walking to the doctors surgery (1/2 mile away) for my regular blood tests wipes me out. Hopefully when I can get the anaemia under control I might have more energy - exercise is good for kidney function aparently!


Hey Clare


Firstly, I am definately with you - on the cruise and the weight, haha - maybe we can help each other along? :rolleyes:


Also, am sorry to hear about your kidney problems, lets hope it gets sorted out real soon - and give you some peace of mind :D


Well, I have not eaten bread for over 2 weeks now and tbh, dont miss it at all - I have what they call a power snack mid morning and mid afternoon - like an apple - orange etc... I do not have any sweets at all in the house - or crips - albeit still have my Easter Egg untouched :eek:


So here is to our weight loss challenge - we can do it and we have just under 4mths to do it :D



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I'm all for Slimming World's Extra Easy choice - it sounds too good to be true but it gets results and you can live like a normal human being at the same time while getting into some healthy habits and at least you never need to go to bed hungry! The group I go to is great fun and really keeps my motivation up. I'm not worried about going back after my hols with a weight gain - hey, we're all human!


Basically it's unlimited fresh fruit, veg, pasta, rice, spuds, eggs, fat free dairy products, lean meat, fish and poultry and measured amounts of bread/cereals/milk/cheese plus daily treats like booze/chocs/crisps etc.


I've lost 4 stone doing that and could improve by getting a bit more active instead of making excuses i.e. it's raining/dark/I'm tired etc etc.

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Thanks guys for depressing me. I've been on a diet for a month now and have only lost 7 lbs.:mad: Weigh in days is tomorrow maybe I will have better luck:o. What is a stone in pounds?



Awww, dont get down - it really is not worth it - but keep going and be strong - it will come off eventually - if your eating healthily, it has to, lol


1 stone in pounds = 14 pounds,lol

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Good Morning Everyone :)


Well, I am feeling a little better about myself :D


I have decided to go back on the Cambridge Diet, at long last, started Monday and so far so good. So, all in all, with me eating heathily for the last week and starting my CD diet, I only have 4 pounds to loose before I loose ONE STONE - YAY !!!!! :eek:


So, think I am on the up now - walking is a key to my life atm - I normally walk to the beach and around - kind of like a circuit - every day - I even was up at 6am yesterday morning to do it :eek:


Anyways, hope everyone else is going good - just keep going - you know you can do it :D



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Hi bubbles: Thanks for the words of encouragement:) You have done great!...6 stones since June. Weigh in was this morning.....and did not lose anything. My cruise leaves May 18, it's getting depressing. It's a nine day cruise. I will probably gain all my weight back again.;)


Hey and good evening to you :)


I think we all need words of encourgement, especially when we are feeling a bit low etc. Awww, have you ever thought about it this way - you may not loose in weight, but you do in inches - I always measure myself when starting a diet, as have found this to be the case - if you havnt already - measure everything - from top to toe, lol.


As mentioned, I have restarted (CD) Cambridge Diet - it is tough for some people, but its the only diet that has worked for me - but everyone is different :rolleyes:


I have a child-free zone this weekend as my son is off camping with Sea Cadets - so planning a good night out and hopefully some fun, lol.


Hope everyone is ok and looking forward to their impending cruises :D

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