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Packing for a family of 5 seems overwhelming to me.


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This will be the first time we're taking the entire family on a cruise. My husband, myself, 18 yo, 11 yo, and 4 yo.


Probably useless to wonder about this so early.. We're not leaving until next Spring Break, but I'm already freaking out at the prospect of packing up an entire family.


How do you stay organized and do have any tips when planning lists on packing for a family cruise?

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We try to keep it simple and minimal!


One carryon roller/person and pretty much everything you need there. The kids bring a backup with their personal stuff, computer, iPod *, books, games, etc. Even when we traveled when they were as young as 4 they enjoyed picking out what would go into their backup/roller. Dad/Mom would lug the carryon roller :confused:


Yes its hard, but we've found even with that one carryon limiter we sometimes still end up taking stuff we don't need. Much easier in the summer when clothing is thinner. The other thing is all the formal wear/shoes go in one checkon/fullsize suitcase. One thing we do do is we do recycle some things, like for us boys same formal wear, the girls always got to do something different.


happy packing


This will be the first time we're taking the entire family on a cruise. My husband, myself, 18 yo, 11 yo, and 4 yo.


Probably useless to wonder about this so early.. We're not leaving until next Spring Break, but I'm already freaking out at the prospect of packing up an entire family.


How do you stay organized and do have any tips when planning lists on packing for a family cruise?

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Well, We're only a family of three, with a DD who is almost 9 years old but here's what we do...


DH packs for himself. We have totally different packing styles so he takes care of his own. I pack for me and my daughter. We each have our own case. I pack one week's worth of clothes and that means clothes that mix and match well. For example, I take black pants and shoes and leave all the brown stuff at home, so everything works around the black only. I do this for evening wear and day wear.


The space that is left over can be filled with a few well chosen toys or books for DD.


In your case, I'd consider the 18 year old an adult and he/she is on their own when it comes to packing... The 11 year old will have strong opinions on what to take. The 4 year old takes what you choose to pack.


Decide on the size of luggage you're going to take and pack based on that. Remember, no-one cares if you wear the same thing twice!!! Formal nights for me are black pants and a change of top each time and that's it. I look appropriate but don't haul more than I absolutely need.



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Make lists and lists and lists. That's the only thing to keep me sane.

To do list (advise school, advise work, clients, hold mail etc etc etc).

Packing list for all or each person.

Minimal is the magic word. If you're not sure you need it, forget it.

Color code all your clothes. Black/White + colored accessories for the splash. Roll everything.

You didn't say you were flying or driving to port. Your airline charges for check in baggage? Didn't mention your cruise ship. If there is formal night, will you all go? All that determines what you bring. Do the kids really need those video games and ipod stuff? One week w/o won't kill them. This gives them time to appreciate the other non-technical stuff.

I travel with DH, 4Y son and 5Y daughter and I'm happy that at least for now, their clothes is really small, me too so that helps. Roll, roll, roll those clothes. Good luck and have fun.

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This will be the first time we're taking the entire family on a cruise. My husband, myself, 18 yo, 11 yo, and 4 yo.


Probably useless to wonder about this so early.. We're not leaving until next Spring Break, but I'm already freaking out at the prospect of packing up an entire family.


How do you stay organized and do have any tips when planning lists on packing for a family cruise?



Why can't your husband and your 18 yr old pack their own stuff? Packing for your 4 year old I totally understand, and the 11 yr old may need some help, but the other two are adults and surely capable of packing for themselves. Put them on notice now that they have to do their own packing.



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The 18 year old should be packing himself. The 11 year old, give a checklist to and maybe sit down with him/ her as s/he packs and go through the checklist.


Then you just have to pack yourself, the 4 year old, and your husband....unless he packs for himself. I packed my partner's stuff to make sure she didn't forget anything.


I packed a family of 5 including my partner and a 7, 6 and 3 year old. Everyone got one suitcase and one carry-on. The carry-ons contained a hoodie, a change of clothes and pull-ups for the 3 year old, color wonder books, headphones, and a stuffed animal. Then 1 carry-on was packed with clothes and swim suits for the hotel and the other was misc items that we wanted with us.


I also used our scale at home to weigh each piece of luggage that we were checking before we left.

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One person at a time....it's much easier that way! If you happen to be flying, cross-pack...a little of everyone's stuff in each suitcase, in case something "gets lost" by the airlines!

Once you get started, it won't seem so overwhelming! Really, it won't!

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We're only a family of 3 (2 parents and a four-year-old), but my advice would be to pack by day, rather than how many shirts and shorts you need.


For example, I make a list of each day of our cruise, including embarkation and debarkation days. Next to each day, I write down everything I plan to wear or use for that day, such as swimsuit, sunscreen, cover-up, shoes, top, pants, hat, etc.


After I have a list of each day's ensemble, I start paring down the stuff so that I can reuse items, like tops and shoes. Usually, I'll trade out a t-shirt and top for just one light cotton ribbed shirt that I can wear to dinner one evening, then wear in port the next day. I'll dig out a nice pair of sandals that can be day or night use, and reuse the same denim skirt or khaki slacks for dinner.


This cruise, I packed several solid-colored ribbed tank tops for day use and a nice black open blouse that ties at the bottom and has a crocheted back so I can wear it over the tanks at dinner. The effect is a nice business casual layered look, and as an added bonus, I won't have to worry about a sweater for the cold MDR.


I do the same for DD, but with a "spare" she can wear to dinner if she somehow manages to trash any of her outfits. I also pack a thin child's apron that I bought from the dollar store for her to wear while she's eating things like banana splits or strawberry bisque. :)


Hubby packs himself (and always packs way more than I do!)

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Your DH and the 18 yo should be packing for themselves. You don't need to pack for them. They are adults. You can "guide" the 18 year old by giving suggestions and telling her a few helpful hints but let them pack their own stuff.


Limit each child to one carry-on of "stuff" they want to take on the cruise. Toys, books, games etc. No more than one small carry-on.


Limit the two smaller children to share a suitcase or a large duffle. On a summer cruise DD (9) can fit into a small duffle bag for the trip.


Limit each adult to one suitcase.

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I know what you meant, but the image this statement conjured up made me LOL. :D






Yes, hubby will be doing his own packing, but after more than 20 years, I know my husband well. He's notorious for forgetting something like socks or a belt. So I usually double check his bags too..


Of course I'll take care of my little ones and even though we're on NCL (FreeStyle) my 18 year old's bags will probably need a once over too.. Otherwise she'll wear flip flops and shorts during dinner. :rolleyes: Ugh... Teens.





Thanks for the tips on the video games and and ipods. My first instinct was to pack them. But you're right. One week won't kill them.


Oh and no flying or driving either... We live in Miami and sailing out of Miami.. :p

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Half your problem is solved right there by not flying.... You don't have to worry about bag weight, only cabin storage.


Might do DH good to find out he forgot to pack his belt or socks. He won't forget a second time! (easy for me to say, I know)


I'd be inclined to take the iPods and Nintendos etc... They're great when the kids need some down time and you do too. They're small and can come in useful, so I wouldn't rule these out as a form of "crowd control". They can help with "boring" tours and sea days too.

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We're a family of 6. The children are 14, 12, 9, and 6. My husband is responsible for himself, I have enough to do. I don't worry about my 14 year old at all, she has been packing for herself for a couple of years. I just tell her how many nights and if there are special things she needs to take. My 12 year old mostly packs for herself, also, though I do check her suitcase and remind her of important things to bring. I pack for myself and the two youngest. The kids generally have their own suitcase and a carry on (which they carry themselves). Since you're local that isn't an issue. Make some lists, let you husband and 18 year old take care of themselves, help the 11 year old, and do the packing for yourself and the youngest. Allow plenty of time! You'll be fine.

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I've made a master list for our cruise (7 weeks away), and periodically add an item--by the time it's time to pack, hopefully everything will be on the list.


An idea for little kids that I'm going to try this time is: set out outfits for each day--shirt or dress/shorts or skirt/underwear/socks--and put each in a ziplock bag. The kids think it's fun and are likely to go along with the choices since everything's in a fun pack. And then you have ziplocks to spare for when you need them.


I'm hoping this will help with our issues on the last cruise: one kid had 8 tops and no shorts, the other had lots of pants but no tops, and by the end of the cruise 1/2 the clothes were unworn but nothing clean went with anything else. And I actually underpacked for myself and had to comb the sale racks on the ship for the last two days.

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We are a family of 4 (me, DH, DD13 and DS7). I pack (or check and repack) all of the luggage. I let DD pack her own for our last cruise. When I checked her bag she had packed 5 bathing suits, 2 cover ups, 1 dress, 2 pair of shorts, 2 shirts and flip flops. From that list you can tell what she had on her mind. :rolleyes:


I let each of the kids bring a small backpack with their "necessities" - meaning ipod, video game, stuffed animal, books and whatever else they can't live without. I also have a backpack that carries all of the cruise documents, cameras, cell phone, medication, etc.

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I have master packing lists that I'm fine-tuning for our December cruise. I'll print off lists for my husband and my 9 (almost 10), 11 and 12 year olds. We start the kids packing for themselves at about 4 or 5, but since we won't have the options of replacements, I'll pack for the not-quite 6 year old this time.


We're driving, so I won't worry about any cross-packing ... each of the older children will be responsible for packing their own stuff, and they will also be responsible for carrying it when needed. I'll collect formalwear and that will go together in a bag. I'll be responsible for shared things (snorkel gear, etc.). Then I'll just have to pack for myself and my little one.

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We are a family of 4 (me, DH, DD13 and DS7).

Hey seashell! I noticed your location. A good bit of our party on our next cruise will be coming from NE TN. My brother (a D-B graduate) and his family from Knoxville and my parents (and grandmother, if we can drag her) from Kingsport.

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I've been packing up our family of 7 for 7 years now, and it hasn't been a problem. Dd13 packs for herself, and has for a few years. DH now packs himself as well. Heck, I actually packed all 7 of us for a 10 day Disney vacation, on the sly, for my 4, 4, 6, 9, and 11 year olds! Really, just make a list - we're camping this weekend, so not only do I have to pack clothing, but mattresses, pillows, sheets, towels, blankets - you name it, I'm packing it.

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I have no hints for packing for older children, but this is what I do for my 5 year old. I lay out outfits on her bed, and then I put them in large ziplock bags. I throw in like a skirt and a pair of leggings so that there is a choice in the bag, and we'll have long pants if she needs them. She likes being able to look in the bags and pick her outfit for the day, without going through the whole drawer.....

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Yes, hubby will be doing his own packing, but after more than 20 years, I know my husband well. He's notorious for forgetting something like socks or a belt. So I usually double check his bags too..


Of course I'll take care of my little ones and even though we're on NCL (FreeStyle) my 18 year old's bags will probably need a once over too.. Otherwise she'll wear flip flops and shorts during dinner. :rolleyes: Ugh... Teens.





Thanks for the tips on the video games and and ipods. My first instinct was to pack them. But you're right. One week won't kill them.


Oh and no flying or driving either... We live in Miami and sailing out of Miami.. :p



Man O Man...you are so luck to be living in a port city, even driving to FLL for a cruise is no bigger for you. We're in Chicago so I have to determine what fleece to wear between parking the car and getting into the a/p as well in the winter.


For your 4 YO (or your 11 YO also)... we always bring a portfolio for each. Even when we go to grandma's house, out to dinner, travelling. You can get one of those zip ones with a handle from the Dollar Store. Each child gets their own. Fill it w/crayons, pencil crayons, color booking, work books etc. Something to keep them entertained. Doesn't have to be alot or heavy, just a essentials. Heck, 6 crayons keep them happy. If you're in the MDR, they can keep busy before the food comes or after they've eaten and waiting for everyone else. Bring extra white paper for them to write on or little note pads. Often dinner in the MDR could be up to 2 hrs. I've learned how to fold boats from any type of paper and they're happy with that. My kids have been cruising for several years (age 4, 5 now) so simple things keep them smiling. My sister travels with a small DVD player to keep her daughter through the 2 hr dinner. Another thing to carry, we don't, but she does. Sand toys consist of different shape yogurt containers and I dump when we're done. Otherwise we get a sand toy bag from the dollar store and leave on the beach when done for other kids to use.

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I pack for a family of 7. Dh (Yes I pack everything for him, not just for cruise/ vacation but for his business trips as well) he would not know what to pack at all! And our 5 children ages 8, 6, 6, 6, 6.


After 3 cruises and handful of land vacations I pretty much know what my family needs. Packing list seems to work well for me. I've had to refine my list over the years but I think I've got it down by now. You know your kids/family better than anyone so you know what to pack.


A lot of people take coloring books or puzzle, i pod or such but good old fashioned games (smaller travel sized ones) like tic tac toe or card games work well for ours. They don't need a lot of entertainment, they are entertainment for each other. They have so much fun just talking and being silly together when we fly. For road trips there is the dvd in the car.


I don't allow the boys to have a carry-on when we fly for fear that I will forget to take it with me. I sometimes even get scared to let my DD have one!


One thing I had to get over is that I have and will do laundry even if its my vacation. I pack everything we need in 2 check luggages (50 lb limit), 3 carry-on one for DH and me and another for DD. In the bags are all of our clothes for 7 day cruise, toiletry, shoes (2 pairs, since they are wearing one pair), 6 pack of bottled water, couple of Power ade bottles, some redbull, beach bag, collapsable cooler and water toys for beach ports.

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This will be the first time we're taking the entire family on a cruise. My husband, myself, 18 yo, 11 yo, and 4 yo.


Probably useless to wonder about this so early.. We're not leaving until next Spring Break, but I'm already freaking out at the prospect of packing up an entire family.


How do you stay organized and do have any tips when planning lists on packing for a family cruise?


1. Have each member of the family pack themselves (except the 4 yo.) They put everything in a pile that they want. Double check it. Place in their private suitcase. If it doesn't fit, don't bring it. Each person, must be able to handle their own bag. (except 4yo).


2. Make a list of everything needed. Check it off when you leave.


3. Do not worry about hubby, or 18yo. If they forget something, laugh :D since they are old enough to handle it.

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We started cruising w/our 5 kids when our youngest was 9 or 10 and I packed for the boys, the girls always wanted to do their own and my husband packed for himself.


Now all the kids pack their day wear for themselves. I am now a stay at home mom so I take care of my hubby and myself. I also pack the 3 boys evening wear for them. It's honestly less stressful for me than trying to tell them what to do.


Next spring, we'll be bringing our 3 year old grand daughter and that is going to be a different ballgame. I live off of lists and I pack in stages. My favorite platinum perk is free wash and fold laundry, cuts back a lot when packing. I generally begin laying out my stuff a week or two ahead of time and actually pack a couple of days early. It's never as bad as is seems, and the truth is there nothing other than my money, credit card and passport that can't be purchased if forgotten. ;)

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If you make a list of everything that you are bringing, make sure to bring it with you. It will make it easier for you to feel reassured that everything is packed to go home again. There are always items on my list that I decide to leave at home. By the end of the trip, I can't remember if I brought it and lost it or just left it at home.


Having the list helps me remember how many of everything I should have when I am packing it back up.


My packing strategy (for my family of 5):


I always pack enough underware and socks for the number of days + 2.

(I will not wear underware or socks more than one day; the rest, meh.)


The rest, I figure four days worth. Either it gets re-worn as is or sometime in the fourth day, I'll find time to do a load of wash.

I ask each kid pick out 4 shirts, 4 prs of shorts, 1 pair of sweat pants, and one nice outfit and bring it to me so I can pack it all. Having them pick it out means that I don't get a hit with the "I don't like that shirt" when it comes time to wear it.


Each kid (right now ages 4, 7 and 9) gets to bring a backpack with their stuff. Any and all the stuff they want as long as it fits and they understand that they are carrying it and responsible for its contents.


I bring a 4th backpack with the kid stuff that I think they might actually use or want - story books, paper and markers/crayons, journals, travel games. I leave room in this bag for all the crap, I mean stuff, that they buy at the gift shops or find on the beach to bring home. Sometimes I use the space to stick a spare outfit for the kids in this bag, in case the luggage is lost.


One carry on is dedicated to electronics and A/V - cameras, chargers, batteries, walkie talkies, DVD players, binoculars, cell phone chargers, power cords for said appliances, 3-way plug extender so I can plug more than one thing in at a time.


For a family of 5, another carry on is dedicated to all the stuff that lives in the bathroom - toiletries, sunscreen, hair dryer, lotion, first aid supplies, battery powered nightlight, medications, travel clock, post-it pad for leaving notes for room steward, all the little stuff. This also contains clean underware for all, just in case the luggage gets lost. I pack a garbage bag to hold laundry/dirty clothes.


All the clothes etc. get packed in as few large bags as possible since my kids are not really big enough to carry or roll a suitcase - leaving all the bags for me and DH to get from the car to terminal while herding 3 kids through parking lots and security etc.


For 5 people, sometimes a separate bag is needed just for shoes (and to keep dirty shoes from clean clothes). On a cruise, I brought 3 pair at least - formal, everyday, beach. For 5 people, that is 15 pairs of shoes. Even a 4 year old's shoes take up a fair amount of room.

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If somebody already said this, sorry...but minimize the shoes. 1 dress pair and 1 pair flip-flops. Wear tennis shoes on and off the ship - saves tons of space in the suitcase.


I found that "everyday clothes" like kakhi shorts were useless - I lived in bathing suits and coverups, workout clothes, and dinner wear. First cruise I took like 5 pairs of shorts that I never wore, so now they stay home.

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