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bring jewelry or not?


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One thing you might do if you're planning to wear it out and about is to take it to a jeweler before you leave to verify the setting is secure. I've nearly lost a diamond when it came loose, and it's not something you'll likely notice right away if it happens.

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It is easy to say, "Never take it off," when you are talking about a ring. But what if it's a necklace? Obviously, I have to take that off. The only jewelry I ever wear are necklaces. The last time I went on vacation was the last time I saw a gold and porcelain necklace. It cost only $80, but holds sentimental value for me. I now wish I had not packed it, but can't imagine it is lost and gone forever because nobody robbed my sister on March 24 (the last day I saw it). I know that because she has an alarm system for her house and I was awake most of the night. So I am afraid it is always possible to lose jewelry, even if it seems impossible, because I can't imagine how I could have lost that necklace. Do any jewelry-takers have ideas for how to prevent this from happening again?

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DW never takes off her rings. She does have an expensive NW Native carved, gold bracelet and a tennis bracelet that she takes off and puts in our cabin safe before going ashore. I wear my rings a fairly expensive watch ashore. However, we try not to place ourselves in a position ashore where we might be robbed.

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The ring is fairly $$ so I'll have to ask my dad about the insurance. My fiance said that there is insurance from where he bought it, that he put on it, but from the way he described it, it sounds more like a lifetime warranty (they replace the diamond if anything happens to it such as falling out or if something happens to the band, things like that as long as I bring it in every six months to be looked at) so that wouldn't cover should something happen to my ring on the cruise. I have never had to use a safe before so I don't even know how they work or what you do...? I've seen them in staterooms on other cruises but I never actually looked at it to figure out how to use it. And I thought salt water would hurt the band...guess not :p My ring is fitted very well on my finger...sometimes my fingers will swell up and it can get damn near impossible to get off so it's not a fear of it falling off my finger. It was more like someone taking it :) I don't think it's so much the cost of my ring that I'm concerned about if taken...it's the meaning behind it :) I'm sentimental :o

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I take a selection of jewelery cruising with me and have never been worried about keeping it in the safe. I just make sure I have it with me in my carry on luggage when flying to and from the ship!


The safe's are easy to use - they have instructions on them that explain what system it is and how to use it. I'm sure you'll have no problem. We keep our jewelry, passports, wallets, keys, travel documents, etc. in them so we can wander the ship with nothing but our cruise cards and feel totally comfortable that everything is secure. The room stewards do not have any way to access the safe so you don't have to worry about them at all.


As far as my wedding and engagement rings go (and others I have been fortunate to acquire over the years) I have never been able to wear them "all the time" due to my work. I have always held very physical jobs and they were hazardous (and against company and WorkSafe policy) to wear on the job. There are lots of stories of people losing their fingers due to their rings getting caught on machinery, materials, equipment, landscaping, etc. So I learned early to keep them safe in my home while I was away working, and then I would bring them out to wear for special occasions.


The insurance your fiance got on the ring gives good advice - have it checked every 6 months to make sure the claws are not worn or bent and that there are no issues that may cause you to lose it or the diamonds. My rings were made from my husband's grandmother's antique earring with 9 incredible heirloom diamonds and I would have been devastated if I had lost any of them. Thankfully with having them checked regularly my jeweler was able to catch any problems before that happened.


I like to take my jewelry with me when cruising to be able to dress up at dinner with. I don't get many other opportunities during the year to wear them, so I take full advantage. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you have a copy of your appraisal with you in case customs decides to question whether you purchased it while on vacation. That way you are able to prove prior ownership without any hassles. It doesn't usually happen, but on the rare occasion that it does, it's nice to be prepared.


I also will not take my valuable jewelry on shore with me. There are many instances where I just don't want to tempt fate.


I am very comfortable with the safe in my stateroom, and would rather be safe than sorry. And if you have something of great value, you can also go to the front desk and have them keep it in one of their safes they have there. Just another level of security if you want it, but most people don't have items that require that level of safety. I have not heard of anyone actually losing something that they had locked in their room safe and confidently stuff mine with all our valuables. Now I do know of a few family members who swore something was taken only to find an hour later that their spouse actually had moved the item to a different place, but that is another story! lol :)


My humble opinion is that you should proudly wear your gorgeous ring while on your cruise, but place it in your safe for peace of mind while you are on shore. If the only places you have it are on your finger, or in your safe, you should not have to worry about losing it. You get to show it to your new friends on board and enjoy knowing it signifies that the wedding date is getting closer! But you also will be able to enjoy your excursions without worries about it getting damaged, lost, or arousing unwanted interest.


Make your choice according to your comfort level, and then sit back and enjoy your cruise. It sounds like a great family celebration! Congratulations! :)

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turn your ring around when traveling so the band shows but not the stone.


Have a container of some sort to put it in if you plan to put in into the safe. I found some jewelry in a cruise room safe and reported it to the Purser's desk. It was a safe with a dark lining in a poorly lit location. The jewelry was shoved in a corner of the safe all on its own.

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I say where your jewelry. Wear on ship not on islands.

Hi Cruisers: I take some good jewelry with me for the evenings! During the day, I will an inexpensive wedding band and earrings, on or off the ship. Nothing on my neck as I don't want any 'grab and run' problems. Not worth it! There is no one I need to impress on the Islands or on the ship daytime. I don't even wear a watch durinig the day.


My DH wears his wedding ring and an inexpensive timex watch so we know what's what. Nothing else.


I enjoy wearing the "good stuff" for the evening. I do this for me.


Happy sails :-)

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A note about ocean swimming/snorkeling. Remember that sharks and other critters are attracted to shiny, sparkling objects. When in the ocean, I wear only a shell necklace that is not shiny and has no real value (except sentimental because it was from a shore stop on an anniversary cruise and cost $1). I almost always wear my wedding ring when I'm away from home, but leave it in the safe (ship, hotel, whatever) for beach/port days. For port days or outings that are not beachy but where I don't want to take any chances, I wear a plain black hills gold band that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday (a million years ago) instead of my wedding ring. (My DH is fine with that.)


Another thought. A high profile prong setting can get in the way or even be damaged (not the diamond, the setting), depending on what you are doing. I'm hell on rings like that, so my DH designed my wedding ring (black hills gold and deep red ruby) with a bezel setting. I love that I never have to worry about snagging or pulling or scratching anything.


Anyway, I feel very comfortable using the cabin safes, but I use a very small travel box for everything because I don't want to risk losing anything in the crevices or under the lip of the door.



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A note about ocean swimming/snorkeling. Remember that sharks and other critters are attracted to shiny, sparkling objects. When in the ocean, I wear only a shell necklace that is not shiny and has no real value (except sentimental because it was from a shore stop on an anniversary cruise and cost $1). I almost always wear my wedding ring when I'm away from home, but leave it in the safe (ship, hotel, whatever) for beach/port days. For port days or outings that are not beachy but where I don't want to take any chances, I wear a plain black hills gold band that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday (a million years ago) instead of my wedding ring. (My DH is fine with that.)


Another thought. A high profile prong setting can get in the way or even be damaged (not the diamond, the setting), depending on what you are doing. I'm hell on rings like that, so my DH designed my wedding ring (black hills gold and deep red ruby) with a bezel setting. I love that I never have to worry about snagging or pulling or scratching anything.


Anyway, I feel very comfortable using the cabin safes, but I use a very small travel box for everything because I don't want to risk losing anything in the crevices or under the lip of the door.



Hi: I never leave any "loose" items in the safe either! Everything is in something that cannot get lost under the lip, corner or hide itself wherever. I usually use something clear so I can see what I want at a glance. Use a few different smaller plastic things.


Have a great cruise!


PS I wouldn't even wear the ring your Mom gave you for your 16th Birthday for fear of somehow it slipping off my finger. JMHO :-)

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I have additional insurance on the higher value rings we have, also. Always a good idea because it also give us world-wide coverage, something that is not usually covered under the plain homeowner policy. Well worth the money.

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I take my nice jewelry, including my very large and expensive engagement ring and wedding bands. I wear them on the ship, especially to dinner, formal nights, and when just walking around the ship. However, I never take anything valuable off the ship. I don't wear jewelry when swimming in the ocean, snorkeling, or doing excursions. I also don't wear jewelry on island tours or active excursions. When my jewelry is not with me, it is in the safe on the ship.


Even though all my jewelry is insured for the full value, I would be heartbroken if I lost a single piece. My husband or my father bought me every piece of nice jewelry I own. It is just not worth the risk to "show it off" for a week to people you will never see again.

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Hi: I never leave any "loose" items in the safe either! Everything is in something that cannot get lost under the lip, corner or hide itself wherever. I usually use something clear so I can see what I want at a glance. Use a few different smaller plastic things.


Have a great cruise!


PS I wouldn't even wear the ring your Mom gave you for your 16th Birthday for fear of somehow it slipping off my finger. JMHO :-)


I don't wear it swimming or snorkeling or to the beach at all, just on port days where we have non-beach/non-water activities. In the water, I never wear anything shiny or that might slip off or get snagged, just that strand of shells I mentioned (no metal at all). I prefer wearing my 16th birthday ring in port to wearing my wedding ring, which isn't huge (I have small hands) or super valuable, but does have a really nice ruby and, of course, matters more to me than any other piece of jewelry. I figure that a small, plain gold ring is less likely to attract attention.


I generally take a few nice, but not expensive, jewelry items on cruises, but leave anything I can't replace or that could be damaged at home. (OTOH, I don't have a whole lot of valuable jewelry. I think it's wonderful for people who love jewelry to have it, wear it, and enjoy it. It's just not my thing. I'd rather that we spend the money on travel, as that's a priority.) My only diamonds are a small pair of earrings, which could be replaced and which I do bring, and a necklace my mother designed and had set with my grandmother's engagement ring diamonds. That was my 21st birthday present. No way am I risking anything happening to it while traveling. I wear it for many festive occasions, just not for travel.


Anyway, if I had a nice diamond engagement ring, I'd wear it on the cruise, but not in port.



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I bring all my jewlery with me.


When you arrive on the ship:


I take all my jewelry out and lie it on the bed and photograph it. sounds weird but I do it for this reason..to prove what I had with me in case something is stolen and so that I don't forget to pack something when I leave. That photo is my inventory, so to speak.


I leave all my jewelry in my cabin safe when off the ship. I do leave in the diamond earrings because it is a pain to unscrew the darned things...and I wear my hair down most times so no one will really notice them.


Insure your jewelry...take it with you and enjoy it.:)

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We got married while cruiseing. He actually bought my engagment ring in Mexico the day before we got married ...LOL! We had the wedding bands in the safe in our room for 3 days before the ceramony. Also I love to buy jewlery when on vacation and we have never had any problems keeping it in the safes in our room either on a ship (I've only cruised twice my dh has been on a few more ) or in a hotel in Mexico ( we go there once a year).

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It seems from reading the replies that most "girls" wear our engagement/wedding band rings all of the time. It is safer that way. When I find myself in a place that is not great I always turn it around so that the diamond does not gleam at whoever is facing me. My diamond ring has been around the world several times. I have locked up other jewelry in the ship safes and not worried about it, but my wedding bands stay with me. Men don't understand, it may be a girl thing. I also wear it playing most sports from tennis to golf to sailing to snorkeling. The other ladies are all correct, it is worse to keep removing it, the couple of times I have lost jewelry,such as diamond studs, it was because I had placed them in my wallet and the wallet had been stolen, or I hid it and then forgot where it was. (not on a cruise). Thank goodness for insurance.
So congratulations and let that diamond shine, shine, shine on your finger.
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[quote name='guidance lady']It seems from reading the replies that most "girls" wear our engagement/wedding band rings all of the time. It is safer that way. When I find myself in a place that is not great I always turn it around so that the diamond does not gleam at whoever is facing me. My diamond ring has been around the world several times. I have locked up other jewelry in the ship safes and not worried about it, but my wedding bands stay with me. Men don't understand, it may be a girl thing. I also wear it playing most sports from tennis to golf to sailing to snorkeling. The other ladies are all correct, it is worse to keep removing it, the couple of times I have lost jewelry,such as diamond studs, it was because I had placed them in my wallet and the wallet had been stolen, or I hid it and then forgot where it was. (not on a cruise). Thank goodness for insurance.
So congratulations and let that diamond shine, shine, shine on your finger.[/quote]

Hiding jewelry..reminds me....my DH grandmother(92 yrs old) had a beautiful 3 carat diamond ring set in platinum. She calls and announces that she has lost it.:eek: She searched the house and could not find the darned thing.

Grandma passed away and my DH and I had to go to Pasadena to clean out her house before it could be sold.

I'm emptying the freezer and threw a tray of ice cubes in the sink. Thank goodness I looked..there was her ring in one of the ice cubes.:eek: She was always hiding things...money in books...jewelry all over the house. She was always convinced she was going to get robbed.:rolleyes:
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000]Google "expensive jewelry foreign travel." The #1 rule is not to draw attention to yourself. No expensive jewelry or electronic gadgets. The main concern is personal safety. Years ago in Las Vegas, I left my jewelry and cash in the safe. And, walked out forgetting to lock it. Everything was intact when we returned. Lesson learned. I now leave valuables at home or at the bank in a safety deposit box.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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When I first got engaged I also worried about the ring so I understand your concern. I wasn't used to wearing jewelry and felt a little self conscious about it. Most people don't pay attention to other people's jewelry - unless it's a huge 5 carat ring that you have - LOL!

My DH and I have traveled a lot over the years and my ring has never been damaged by the ocean, sand or pool water. Make sure you have insurance for it and make sure it fits fine. I believe that my ring is safest on my finger. I rarely take it off. Congratulations on your engagement and have fun on the cruise.
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[quote name='05mak05'][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000]Google "expensive jewelry foreign travel." The #1 rule is not to draw attention to yourself. No expensive jewelry or electronic gadgets. The main concern is personal safety. Years ago in Las Vegas, I left my jewelry and cash in the safe. And, walked out forgetting to lock it. Everything was intact when we returned. Lesson learned. I now leave valuables at home or at the bank in a safety deposit box.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]
Sorry, I don't understand why since everything was intact (meaning complete, undamaged, etc.) you no longer use the safe. If one is diligent about locking it, one should be fine.
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[quote name='Keith1010']As with just about everything you will get lots of opinions on this subject because each person takes a different approach. My wife and I travel extensively and over time our views on this have changed as we have seen problems when people wear jewelry off the ship. So, here is my advice.

Wear the ring on the ship. But when you are off the ship keep the ring locked in the safe. If you wear the ring off the ship you run the risk of having it stolen or losing it. We find that when we are in port it is best to keep all jewelry except for an inexpensive watch that I wear and some very plain earings that my wife wears on the ship so we are not targets for crime.

As I say, each person does what they want but we truly believe this is the prudent things to do.

There are certain times in life to be more cautious and we think not wearing expensive jewelry in port is one of those.


I agree with this.
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my wife doesnt take a lot of hers for a few reasons...
-it isnt necassary because you dont need it during excursions, at the beach or at the pool
-security/potential loss reasons
-she expects me to buy her more while on the trip:)
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