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Fire on Norwegian Epic on 6/6/10

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I have no doubts that the ship will leave on time but whether or not she's finished is a different story. The Coral Princess built by this same shipyard was delivered with parts of the crew area still incomplete. I felt for the crew on that ship because it was blistering hot in some areas of their cabins below decks when the A/C was not functioning. I knew then that France was not a good place to build a ship and when the show was cancelled in the aft show lounge with revolving stages because the motors were installed backwards and so many other things being slightly wrong... I cringed when NCL picked them to build the Epic. :(


But Chantiers d' Atlantique (STX France) did a fine job on the RMS Queen Mary 2 in 2004, with only a few minor issues arising (what ship doesn't have them) including a major azipod problem (which is the manufacturers fault, not the shipyards)... my question is if the shipyard is so bad, did they just 'pull it all together' for the QM2?

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This is actually the third fire onboard Norwegian Epic -- very alarming so close to launch!





"Both earlier fires were already being treated as suspicious. The first, on May 3, damaged cabling on Deck 4. A few days later, a second, smaller fire was discovered higher up, in the area of the ship's waterslides."


This ship is sooooo hot even the waterslides are burning up! :cool:


How does a water slide catch fire?????

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But Chantiers d' Atlantique (STX France) did a fine job on the RMS Queen Mary 2 in 2004, with only a few minor issues arising (what ship doesn't have them) including a major azipod problem (which is the manufacturers fault, not the shipyards)... my question is if the shipyard is so bad, did they just 'pull it all together' for the QM2?


It was perfect only 16 people killed http://cp24.com/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20031116/quennmary2gangwaycollapse_20031116?hub=CP24Morning


And the doors blew off the the thusters in sea trials.

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Of course these things have happend, but that doesn't mean they are bad shipbuilders. There are so many more factors, the ship's architects could have made mistakes or didn't warn for some risks.

And maybe the shipyard's management knew there were some problems, but the cruiseline could have forced them to deliver the ship so all the events could go on as planned.

Afterall they did a great job, building all MSC's ships.


I don't know why someone is setting this ship on fire. Maybe he hates NCL, or the shipyard after some personal problems.

Or it is some activist who wants to give a signal to the cruise industry.

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I don't know why someone is setting this ship on fire. Maybe he hates NCL, or the shipyard after some personal problems.

Or it is some activist who wants to give a signal to the cruise industry.


I have tons of thoughts on this so if speculation is the name of the game then I'm going to have at it...


Don't think it has to do with activism as much as it does with a disgruntled shipyard worker who doesn't want to face unemployment since there are no ships behind it being built of this scope and size. That's what I stronly suspect...


However, I do tend to think there could be some foul play amongst cruise lines as well. It's no secret that NCL has a lot banked on this cruise ship. Any delay in its delivery would certainly mess up plans NCL has for promoting the ship as well as causing it a great financial loss. It makes me wonder if something more sinister is at play amongst the cruise world to try and handicap my favorite cruise company. This is totally speculation but a thought that has been in the back of my mind. Why one rogue person or persons would want to sabotage a ship knowing that it would most certainly spell doom for their own future work is beyond me. Who would build a ship knowingly at this shipyard given the amount of mishaps that have occurred with the Epic? They're shooting themselves in the foot with all this fire stuff. It definitely makes me wonder.


I do hope the security system onboard is up and running for this weekend's sea trials and that people are monitoring them closely. This perp needs to get caught and given concrete slippers. :D

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I don't know why someone is setting this ship on fire. Maybe he hates NCL, or the shipyard after some personal problems.

Or it is some activist who wants to give a signal to the cruise industry.


I personally would call an "activist" that would tinder a fire on a cruise ship a terrorist. Most likely in this case it was a Unionist. The shipyard has no work after the Epic leaves the yard. Perhaps in their small union mind, a ship that caught half on fire means more work. Wouldn't surprise me in the least......IMHO.


FWIW, when I worked on ships, any work that required flame or heat always was accompanied by a person(s) who did nothing but ensure the hot work was performed safely and if a fire did breakout, it was quickly controlled. Spontaneous fires do and can happen, but it is very rare. Every ship yard I've ever been in was ultra cautious about fire and trained all personnel. Even visitors had a brief run down on do's and don't about fire when credentials were issued. I've not been in this particular yard so I can't personal attest to their standards.


I hope the ship makes it out of the yards complete and non-chard. :)



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These fires may be someone's attempt to dispatch what has to be one of the most butt-ugly vessels ever built! Who in the world was behind this design? It looks like someone dropped an apartment building on the top deck! If there is an ugly-ship-of-the-year award this will win hands down...:eek:

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I personally would call an "activist" that would tinder a fire on a cruise ship a terrorist. Most likely in this case it was a Unionist. The shipyard has no work after the Epic leaves the yard. Perhaps in their small union mind, a ship that caught half on fire means more work. Wouldn't surprise me in the least......IMHO.


So are unionists = arsonists? :cool:


A single fire - like the one where all the wires had to be replaced, I could chalk up to carelessness.


The second fire on the water slide - how do you get that started accidently?


The third fire when all families and 17,000 people touring the ship - now THAT'S too suspecious.


Someone on these boards suggested that the fire in the AC unit may have been mechanical. I HIGHLY doubt that:rolleyes:. If the last fire were a result of a mechanical malfunction that would make me suspect all AC units in ALL rooms and if the order of safety I would have them all replaced - talk about delaying the ship!


Another poster suggested some "funny business" i.e., sabatague; perhaps a competitor. If I were to subscribe to those conspiracy theories this last act would make sense. Start a small fire in which the smoke gets pulled into the ventalation systems so that all folks are evacuated so that a disguised "villan" could then plant something in a critical ships system to be activated at a later date - full of passengers! :eek:


Since I'll be on the ship on it's maiden TA voyage I sure as heck hope my imagination is running overtime; however I'll bring my video cam (Just in case) :p

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a smoker?


Steve, come on now! This is 2010, you can't be politically incorrect and blame a fire on a smoker :rolleyes:


I "think" they tried to say the first fire was a careless smoking incident - but how does a smoker "carelessly" start a fire in the AC unit?? :confused:


It's sabatoge all right. Since this happened in France I'm sure that the French government has their very best detective working on the case as we speak:



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With all these fires onboard I just couldn't figure it out...was it sloppy shipbuilders...was it an arsonist...corporate sabotage? :confused:


Then it dawned on me - it part of NCL's master plan for their newest ship, The EPIC, which stands for:


Even Pyrotechnics [are] Included [on your] Cruise


The Ultimate Freestyle Experience :cool:

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Wow! I didn't want to believe it was arson but perhaps the engine was sabotaged as well? :confused:


Well it is about time you all are seeing the light. I mentioned the word "Sabatoge" earlier in a post and got blasted for it. I was told I didn't know what I was talking about and where did I get my facts from. Just to let you know it came from this sites news reports. I have said all along that this is a serious situation!

Of course you post this without looking at the facts.

1. STX at Chantiers is in a bind. The Epic is the last major job on their books..that is it. Once she is complete there are going to be thousands waiting for work. Of course there is more work if the ship is delayed with fire damage.

2. STX Europe Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France is a long well known shipbuilder with guess what? A history fires on ships in their yards dating back to the late 1930s. Many a fine passenger vessel has been damaged or lost in the yard.

Spreading these rumors is totally irresponsible in your part and you should be ashamed of spreading such rumor mongering online. You should learn the facts before you make such outrageous statements.


........ And whoever said fires happen all of the time on cruise ships is a bunch of BS. I have been cruising for 10 years and have never witnessed nor heard of a fire on board. This does not happen all of the time!!


It really doesn't matter who it is whether it be a dockworker, or unionist or coming from another cruise line. Let's stop sugar coating the subject and stop making excuses for NCL. The only thing that matters is finding who is doing this. Then figure out who they are.


An arsonist is a dangerous, sick individual! They play cat and mouse wondering how long they will get away with it. They obviously did not care if anyone got hurt. Had the fires not been put out so quickly someone could have gotten hurt or even killed.

They need to be caught ASAP. Because I am not going to feel very comfortable when the ship leaves the dock and he is still out there. How do we even know he is staying behind????


But what really pisses me off is that NCL has been so quite about it! All we hear is "NCL should not be delayed for its delivery" crap! Why havn't they made a statement to us, the passengers sailing it for the first time after there being 1 blown engine and 3 fires only days before it sails. This is an unusual situtaion and they need to be taking some unusual measures. Have some responsibility for your passengers and make us feel a little more comfortable about it.

We hear nothing from them! I think we all deserve to personally hear from them whether it be via e-mail, phone call, or newspaper ad. :mad:

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Well it is about time you all are seeing the light. I mentioned the word "Sabatoge" earlier in a post and got blasted for it. I was told I didn't know what I was talking about and where did I get my facts from. Just to let you know it came from this sites news reports. I have said all along that this is a serious situation!



........ And whoever said fires happen all of the time on cruise ships is a bunch of BS. I have been cruising for 10 years and have never witnessed nor heard of a fire on board. This does not happen all of the time!!


It really doesn't matter who it is whether it be a dockworker, or unionist or coming from another cruise line. Let's stop sugar coating the subject and stop making excuses for NCL. The only thing that matters is finding who is doing this. Then figure out who they are.


An arsonist is a dangerous, sick individual! They play cat and mouse wondering how long they will get away with it. They obviously did not care if anyone got hurt. Had the fires not been put out so quickly someone could have gotten hurt or even killed.

They need to be caught ASAP. Because I am not going to feel very comfortable when the ship leaves the dock and he is still out there. How do we even know he is staying behind????


But what really pisses me off is that NCL has been so quite about it! All we hear is "NCL should not be delayed for its delivery" crap! Why havn't they made a statement to us, the passengers sailing it for the first time after there being 1 blown engine and 3 fires only days before it sails. This is an unusual situtaion and they need to be taking some unusual measures. Have some responsibility for your passengers and make us feel .

We hear nothing from them! I think we all deserve to personally hear from them whether it be via e-mail, phone call, or newspaper ad. :mad:

There is no responsibility on NCL's part at this point. The ship has not even been turned over to NCL yet. Hopefully, once that ship gets out of that shipyard and that country, things should be OK. I am not worried in the least.

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"these things do happen".... Firmin/Andre

"Well, I tell you Monsieur, these things DO NOT 'appen" -Carlotta,



"what new surprises lie in store....?" Firmin/Andre/Carlotta


Phantom of the Opera

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There is no responsibility on NCL's part at this point. The ship has not even been turned over to NCL yet. Hopefully, once that ship gets out of that shipyard and that country, things should be OK. I am not worried in the least.


How can you be so sure it is coming from the shipyard?

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Since you're cross posting the same replies in different threads, I'm going to do the same as well! ;)


Well it is about time you all are seeing the light. I mentioned the word "Sabatoge" earlier in a post and got blasted for it. I was told I didn't know what I was talking about and where did I get my facts from. Just to let you know it came from this sites news reports. I have said all along that this is a serious situation!


You were "blasted" for insisting that the ship won't be safe and seaworthy, that you were fearing for your life but didn't want to waste your money so you're forced to go anyway, and for jumping to conclusion (you happened to be right, but at the time it was purely speculations. The news reports confirming arson came out AFTER you made your post).


People took issues with the way you came to your conclusions, not your idea of someone setting the fires.



........ And whoever said fires happen all of the time on cruise ships is a bunch of BS. I have been cruising for 10 years and have never witnessed nor heard of a fire on board. This does not happen all of the time!!


Fire happens during construction quite frequently, and there were numerous fires on operating cruise ships. The fact that you didn't know about them doesn't mean they didn't happen, just that you didn't have the knowledge of them happening.

To make as bold a claim as fires don't happen is being purposely and blissfully uninformed, by choice.

I would suggest doing some research before making another claim like that.


It really doesn't matter who it is whether it be a dockworker, or unionist or coming from another cruise line. Let's stop sugar coating the subject and stop making excuses for NCL. The only thing that matters is finding who is doing this. Then figure out who they are.


Who is making excuses for NCL? If the only thing that matter is finding the offender, why are you then implying NCL is at fault?


An arsonist is a dangerous, sick individual! They play cat and mouse wondering how long they will get away with it. They obviously did not care if anyone got hurt. Had the fires not been put out so quickly someone could have gotten hurt or even killed.

They need to be caught ASAP. Because I am not going to feel very comfortable when the ship leaves the dock and he is still out there. How do we even know he is staying behind????


Hate to break it to you, there are bad people doing things that you would consider sick and dangerous everywhere. They could be people you bump into at a mall, your fellow cruisers, your co-workers, your neighbours, people that drive by your house at night, etc. If you don't feel comfortable because the person(s) responsible for the fire haven't been caught, you probably shouldn't feel comfortable anywhere on planet Earth.


But what really pisses me off is that NCL has been so quite about it! All we hear is "NCL should not be delayed for its delivery" crap! Why havn't they made a statement to us, the passengers sailing it for the first time after there being 1 blown engine and 3 fires only days before it sails. This is an unusual situtaion and they need to be taking some unusual measures. Have some responsibility for your passengers and make us feel a little more comfortable about it.

We hear nothing from them! I think we all deserve to personally hear from them whether it be via e-mail, phone call, or newspaper ad. :mad:


Let's think as if you're NCL. Why should they make a statement to you? What good does it do them?


The police in your town wouldn't tell you everything just because you demand it as a resident, your government doesn't tell you everything because you're a citizen, just like NCL doesn't have to you anything just because you're booked on their ships. That's life.

What NCL will do is make sure the ship is seaworthy and safe for their passengers, that is their responsibility.


As someone had mentioned, only a small minority of cruisers keep up with industry info, the majority of your fellow passengers will have no knowledge of the fires. Are you suggesting NCL should potentially worry the vast majority of their other passengers just so you can have some reassurance?


Be a bit more open minded, think this through rationally and with some reason, gather facts and stop assuming based on fear. Do that and you'll see there's nothing to worry about.


Replies in red. ;)


BTW, since you're back and is still insistent on your stances regarding the fire issue, I wonder if you can reply to the 4 points I made in the post I linked below.




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How can you be so sure it is coming from the shipyard?


Here is where knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions would be beneficial.


There were very few NCL personnel aboard the ship when the first 2 fires broke out, and those that were there were senior employees and NCL's best. Now knowing that, do you still think one of their own is setting the fires?

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It happens from time to time.


It should not happen to the Epic which is a modern ship.




Just to build on top of this, off the top of my head here are the some of the more recent cruise ships that caught fire during their construction.


- HAL Westerdam

- Oasis of the Seas

- Diamond Princess (became Sapphire Princess)

- Costa Fortuna

- Voyager of the Seas

- One of the Freedom class ships


BTW was there a fire aboard the Pride of America when she sank during construction?


Here are some pictures of the Westerdam fire. This didn't delay her delivery BTW.






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Here is where knowing the facts before jumping to conclusions would be beneficial.


There were very few NCL personnel aboard the ship when the first 2 fires broke out, and those that were there were senior employees and NCL's best. Now knowing that, do you still think one of their own is setting the fires?


I never said NCL was involved. Where did that come from?

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Since you're cross posting the same replies in different threads, I'm going to do the same as well! ;)


Replies in red. ;)


BTW, since you're back and is still insistent on your stances regarding the fire issue, I wonder if you can reply to the 4 points I made in the post I linked below.

Sure thing




Well first of all I am 'not back' just passing through.


1) The ship will not sail unless it is 100% safe and seaworthy. NCL has no say about this, it's the law to do so.


2) The 2 big problems so far does not affect her seaworthiness. Fires happen during ship construction very frequently and the Epic certainly wasn't the first ship to have caught fire nor will it be the last.

The engine that needed replacement was only 1 of 6 aboard the ship, not a big deal.

Sorry, I am not an expert in ship fires obviously you are.

3) It is wise to go by the facts, but I question what "facts" she had gone by when she made that post.

The same as what you have read in the news posts but your interpretation was different than mine

4) There are numerous and separate parties that will determine whether the Epic is seaworthy prior to her delivery. The suggestion that NCL might force the sailing of an unsafe ship due to pressure is not only outrageous, but offensive to those that are involved in the process.

I did not say they NCL would do that. What I did say was that sometimes under pressure people make the wrong decisions.

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I never said NCL was involved. Where did that come from?


Eh? When you said:

How can you be so sure it is coming from the shipyard?

In reference to a previous post from another member saying the Epic will be ok once she leaves the shipyard.


If I got what you're saying wrong, I apologize. But then what were you talking about?

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