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Children at the White hot party on Jewel

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Imma go with a NO on this, Children + Nightclub , hummmm?

I'm an adult and have no interest in partying with children unless I'm at Chuckie Cheese or something similar.

My friends and I have a quip, that if we ever walked into a club and saw a parent there then it was time for one of us to leave, and this is our perspective as ADULTS.:D

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Is it appropriate for a 9 year old and/or a 12 year old to attend the White hot party (with parents of course)?


The White Hot party on the Pearl was advertised by the cruise director as for all ages and I think it started a little earlier, maybe 10 or 10:30, but we didn't make it to see what it was all about. On the Pearl it was in the Spinnaker Lounge, so it wasn't like being in a bar, the lounge is really big. I think we might have taken our 6 & 8 year olds just to walk through and see the lights and fog and then gone back to the room, but they were long asleep by then. Actually, I think the teen club did go to the white hot party together?

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The White Hot party on the Pearl was advertised by the cruise director as for all ages and I think it started a little earlier, maybe 10 or 10:30, but we didn't make it to see what it was all about. On the Pearl it was in the Spinnaker Lounge, so it wasn't like being in a bar, the lounge is really big. I think we might have taken our 6 & 8 year olds just to walk through and see the lights and fog and then gone back to the room, but they were long asleep by then. Actually, I think the teen club did go to the white hot party together?

It was a scheduled activity for the 13-17 year-old group on Jewel.

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Or the kids could have told their teacher about the ladies (certainly not in their 20s) with the ill-fitting bikinis dancing/grinding inappropriately at various hours of the day pool-side, some of whom had children actually watching their moms bust a move!



I've seen a few of those "ladies" myself. They are the reason that my DH and DF wear sunglasses that hide their wondering eyes. :o

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For teenagers? Sure! We had a great hour. And thank you for not judging our definition of family activities!


In fact, there were many teens who had no parent in site and roamed the ship all week getting up to God-knows-what. So yes, we allowed them to experience this under our supervision and had a blast. Different families define different family vacations, for sure. Ours involved spending the entire cruise with our children.


You got that right! Far to many parents think cruises are automatically a baby sitting service by all other adults onboard and just let the ankle bitters run loose for the entire cruise.

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Just off Jewel last week. The White Hot party was held in the same "bar" where the bingo was held, as well as the "family" Second City Show . . so the "bar" is a multi-purpose bar/dance club/room.


I was careful to look at signs because this question came up quite a bit on the board and I wondered what to do as well.


At the CC Meet & Greet I personally asked the Cruise Director what was appropriate, children/teens allowed? He said, "Absolutely, the Spinnaker is open until midnight for kids under 18, at midnight we ask them to vacate." He reassured me the children/teens were invited and attended.


So, I took my teens (14, 14, 14, 18) and they had a good time. We left at 11:30ish. I did notice not only my teens but other teens, small children (dancing on the dance floor) and adults all the same. I would say about 11:30 the party really started kicking up with the dance crew attending and dancing that I felt it was time to leave but at no time did it seem (IMO) that it was inappropriate for them to be there (of course, only prior to midnight).


For those saying, "When is it appropriate for you to take your kid to a bar". Like I said above, this is where they have the Bingo -- full bar open, this is where they have the "Family Friendly" Second City Show -- full bar open, this is where they have the White Hot Party.


So to just use a blanket statement like, why would you take your kid to a bar doesn't really work (at least on the Jewel).


Parents, only you can judge if it is okay for your kids to be there, they are "allowed" by NCL. So go and if it's not something you want them to see leave. Or, as in my case, it was a good family time (until until midnight) stay and dance some of the food off.

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For teenagers? Sure! We had a great hour. And thank you for not judging our definition of family activities!


In fact, there were many teens who had no parent in site and roamed the ship all week getting up to God-knows-what. So yes, we allowed them to experience this under our supervision and had a blast. Different families define different family vacations, for sure. Ours involved spending the entire cruise with our children.


My parents would have "spent the entire cruise" with me by choosing NOT to attend a drunken party and instead planning something appropriate for us to do as a family. Actually, from ages 9-12, I would have been long asleep at midnight after a long day of fun, but as you said, to each their own :)

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Imma go with a NO on this, Children + Nightclub , hummmm?

I'm an adult and have no interest in partying with children unless I'm at Chuckie Cheese or something similar.

My friends and I have a quip, that if we ever walked into a club and saw a parent there then it was time for one of us to leave, and this is our perspective as ADULTS.:D


It would be nice if the cruiseline has separate dancing venues for the adults and one for the famly. The children have their kids club that is for the kids only so I would think that they would have the bar/dancing area for adults only.

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My parents would have "spent the entire cruise" with me by choosing NOT to attend a drunken party and instead planning something appropriate for us to do as a family. Actually, from ages 9-12, I would have been long asleep at midnight after a long day of fun, but as you said, to each their own :)

All the references to "bar" and "drunken party" seem to neglect the fact that the liquor is flowing from 11:00 a.m. on poolside, in plain view of Nick Live and every child on the ship, every day. Do you keep your kids in the cabin to avoid such sights? There is a bar within 20 feet of the toddler pool, for instance. That doesn't mean these children are witness to a frat-party scene. Not dealing with reality, folks. The pool area on Jewel is flanked by bars at both ends, and the same DJ in the "bars" is spinning tunes at the pools. I am confident in my ability to assess an environment to deem whether its appropriate for my children. This was very much a family cruise, tons of kids, and they served alcohol, and everyone seemed to co-exist quite nicely, actually. My kids are exposed to far more garbage in an 8-hour day at the middle school than they are when under my supervision at the White Hot party, I can assure you.

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It would be nice if the cruiseline has separate dancing venues for the adults and one for the famly. The children have their kids club that is for the kids only so I would think that they would have the bar/dancing area for adults only.

I agree wholeheartedly, however there was no option. In fact, the teen club was largely unused for the entire cruise. I wish they would have had a few dance parties there for the kids - all of my kids would have attended. Carnival has done "coketail" parties that my kids loved, don't know if they do it any more, or what the age groups were, but it was very fun and complete with finger foods. I had a lengthy conversation with the hotel director regarding the teen issue.

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Just got off the boat today, and despite all of the alcohol being served I did not seem to encounter any problems or observe anything unpleasant. Then again, I was up around 6 everyday and asleep by 11. Had a hard time shaking my work sleeping hours lol. Other than the free rum punch at the Casino, i had nothing but ginger ale the whole week. As opposed to other cruises I was on with RCCL and Costa in the early 90's, I found it refreshing to be sitting with people who were watching baseball and basketball and not drunk.

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My parents would have "spent the entire cruise" with me by choosing NOT to attend a drunken party and instead planning something appropriate for us to do as a family. Actually, from ages 9-12, I would have been long asleep at midnight after a long day of fun, but as you said, to each their own :)


Hear, hear Micchi! I am amazed at how late little ones stay up. When I was that age about 8 pm was the limit as to how late I could be up.

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The answer is YES.


as already emarked upon under 18's are very welcome to the white hot party.


I took my kids to the white hot party on the spirit. it started at 10am and they loved it. we all wore white (yep - me, the wife, the grandparents and the kids) and we also got a load of cheap glow sticks from the dollar store and brought them along. my youngest had a great time and was happily giving them out to those who didn;t have any. By 11pm she was doen for the night and our 13 yo was finished 30 minutes later. they will ask the younger guests to leave by midnight.


take them , add glosticks and dance your heart out. they'll have a great time.




and as to the others who were mentioning it being in a bar - so what. alcohol is served pretty much anywhere on the ship and the kids see it there too. I took my boy to the trivia every night - IN THE PUB!! oh my oh my!! We even ordered wine in the dining room when they were sitting with us!! oh the horror!!!

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Does anyone remember the scene from "The Sound of Music" where the kids made an appearance at the party (and I recall Uncle Max liked his liquor and so did the Baronnes) and then said their adieus... With a song? After they left it was adults only time.


Movie + Ocean = White Hot Party.


BTW, my 75 year old mom loved it and "shook her booty" and made the video. :)

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The real proof is in the ship's store - the White Hot Party tee shirts come in adult AND child sizes.


For all of you expressing shock and outrage at a parent's wild irresponsibility in taking a child 'to a bar', I guess you haven't actually attended a White Hot Party. Our FAMILY has been to two; one on the Pearl and one on the Sky. On the Pearl, the party was in the Spinnaker, and my daughter, who was TEN at the time, had an absolute blast for the hour or so that we were there. All the kids I saw (ranging in age from some very cute little girls I'd guess were about 4 dancing with their Moms up through teens) were having a great time - there were glow sticks and necklaces, flashy lights and dance music, and plenty of organized fun that was completely appropriate for children to see - no grinding, no skimpy costumes, and no foul language or dirty jokes. On the Sky it was quite similar, except that it was outside on the pool deck - so 'to a bar' doesn't even apply (unless you count the pool bar, which as has been pointed out, is open with children around most of the day, every day). I also remember it starting long before 10pm. People were there quite early filling up tables and I think the 'show' started at about 9pm. While there may have been some teens still there at midnight (I don't know, we were gone from both by then), I believe all of the younger kids were gone by 10 - 10:30 when we left ourselves. Since every other night we picked up our daughter from Kid's Crew at 10pm, it wasn't even a 'late night' for her - good thing she didn't have school in the mornings!! ha ha ha


This party is advertised for all ages and is absolutely appropriate for all ages. On the Sky, kids were even invited up on stage for some special dancing - my daughter and I were participants.


So please, Luvtogoplaces, don't deprive your kids of this fun event just because some naysayers can't understand the concept of a FAMILY event that is held in a MULTIPURPOSE entertainment venue simply because there is alcohol available. Just for clarity's sake, I feel I should point out that alcohol is available all over cruise ships - it's more available than anything else, when you really think about it. Next thing you know, people will say that kids should be confined to cabins or the Kid's Crew - oh wait... I think that idea has already been expressed a few times on these boards... :p

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Is it appropriate for a 9 year old and/or a 12 year old to attend the White hot party (with parents of course)?


Lovtogoplaces, I think you are getting varied answers because over the last three years, they have toned down from club adult only nightclub parties to more family friendly dance parties. I think NCL has found a balance currently so that all ages can enjoy the fun. For example, back in 2007-2008, the parties were billed adult only, had ice sculptures, drink specials, glowing lights, fog, pulsating club music (techno/trance/euro/electronica), and had provoctive dancing (in a good way for the adults). Within the last 1.5 years, everything has toned down and you will find more families of all ages attending until a certain time. The cruise staff is involved to get people dancing. Each ship does their whp a little differently. Actually, every whp is different having attended them on the same ship different sailings! Look in the Freestyle Daily to see how the Jewel's whp on your sailing is described.

In my opinion, if held in the adult only club during late hours, the liklihood of seeing kids there is minimal to nil. If held in Spinnaker's Lounge, the likihood of seeing kids there is somewhat higher. If held outside by the pool deck, the liklihood of seeing kids there is very high.

Go with your parental instinct, evaluate the atmosphere, and have a great family cruise.



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I think it has more to do with the adults. Not wishing to be bothered by children at the white hot party to be honest. Times have changed a lot.. There was a time, when I was a kid. Many moons ago.. When children, had to go to bed at 8:30pm. For parties. Children sat at the children' table for dinner. As children should not be in earshot, of what the adults were talking about. At the adult table. Those days are long gone, and most of us adults. Who were raised according to those times. Expect the same rules to apply. But, society has changed big time. There are now curse words on almost every prime time channel. No one even bats an eye. Children now, are allowed to stay up till midnight.. Partying with adults, a lot has changed.. Things we saw as inappropriate back then. People these days simply don't..


I am an old timer.. 37 years young. But, I would never even dream of taking my kids 6 & 8 to a white hot party. Only because, of the way I was raised.. But then again.. Society has changed. So, to each his or her own..

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Children shouldn't be anyplace where alcohol is served?


I guess that leaves out any Christian church service where wine is used during communion (and there have been tipsy priests that enjoyed the communion wine a bit too much) .

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I think it has more to do with the adults. Not wishing to be bothered by children at the white hot party to be honest...


I agree. Some adults don't like to see kids around when they are on vacation, period. Perhaps those people should cruise an adults only cruise lines.


I also agree that alcohol is everywhere on the ship and that your kids are going to see drunken people elsewhere, not just in the bars.


I attended the WHP on the Dawn last year and there were kids of all ages. They were dancing with thier families and enjoying it just like everyone else. On that cruise we happened to be alone, but I see no problem at all in bringing my almost 11 yr old to the party, I think she would have had a good time. The cruise director and his staff did nothing too adult or inappropriate for children.

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I was on the Dawn last year (going on the Jewel this year) and I think that the WHP is one of the few events in Spinnaker that the kids are and should be allowed to go to. The ones I saw there had a blast with their families dancing away for a few hours and it was a great time for them. A lot of the other shows in Spinnaker (music performances - boring for kids; X-Rated / Newlywed / Second City / Liars Club - not appropriate in any way) don't allow for the families to do something extra special. Leaving by 11:30-12 allowed them a special (innocent) treat and then the adults who wanted to stay, could.


(I'm also speaking as a single, childless 30yr old, not as a biased parent.)

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