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The Way We Were: Was it better then?


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There used to be a lot of pomp and circumstance surronding cruising as it used to be much more expensive and much more elitist - not any longer. If you saw those old NCL videos that were posted a while ago, you know what I mean.


Same thing with air travel, when you open anything up to the masses it becomes less of an elitest acticity with less pomp and circumstance. We pay $400 to fly cross country when we used to pay $4000. People used to get upgraded to first class all the time, usually because they were paying thousands for a ticket and most times they were dressed nicely. Now a days, getting an upgrade without frequent flyer coupons or full fare tickets is virtually impossible.


When something becomes cheaper and open to everyone the pomp and circumstance required from earlier times goes by the wayside. You used to get dressed up to fly, go to church, go to dinner etc. etc., but more and more dressing up is done less and less. Not that being cheaper is a bad thing, because if it was not less expensive than years ago, I would never be able to cruise!


I think people should be able to wear what they like to the MDR as long as it is within the guidelines published by the cruise line. If it says no sandals, it means no sandals, no shorts means no shorts. Other than that fare game, dockers, kackis, dress pants, suits and tuxes if you choose.


I still like getting the tux out every once and a while (have to suck the gut in though) but that is just me.

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The more you cruise out of the deep Sotho the trashier/walmart you get...especially when carnival makes cruises so reasonable... That said if folks don't want to dress up the should go to buffet the mdr is not ryans or shoneys...remember you can take some folks out of the trailer park but........

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Where is this Formal dining room? Not on CCL.

Dancing table waiters,announcements,whooping and yelling of color wars,conga lines,poor singing while eating pre-prepared food is whats on CCL.




Exactomundo. :)

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The more you cruise out of the deep Sotho the trashier/walmart you get...especially when carnival makes cruises so reasonable... That said if folks don't want to dress up the should go to buffet the mdr is not ryans or shoneys...remember you can take some folks out of the trailer park but........


Sotho? Ryans/Shoneys? I really don't get your code. I assume that you are trying to put someone down. I get you hate walmart and trash collectors but what are Ryan and Shoney are they you cousins or brothers? I don't understand.

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I think the original poster was just reminiscing, and enjoying the memories. It's a shame she can't do that, without it turning into another sarcastic thread about the dress code.


my sentiments exactly...

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I think the original poster was just reminiscing, and enjoying the memories. It's a shame she can't do that, without it turning into another sarcastic thread about the dress code.


BINGO! I agree 100%. She's just enjoying the memories of "The way it was". Nothing wrong with that IMO!



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I think you've captured PERFECTLY the essence or demographic of the "formal/elegant" battle. In the past I went to many formal events (even they were a bit of a sham) only to accompany my wife on different social or charitable events.


I've always thought the "dress up" idea was for those that wanted pics to later be distributed throughout their homes for their friends and neighbors (look how cool I am).:rolleyes: Ironically, so many of the pics are taken in front of a "painted" background. On a beautiful cruise ship with the sea as possible background this just amazes me. :eek:


While I understand your view (and that of spleenstomper)...and I honestly don't mind NOT dressing to the nines anymore, I do miss it.....and NOT for the dress/tux themselves.

I believe with all my heart, and have seen with my own eyes that people conduct themselves much differently, depending on what they are wearing. I know I'm not the only one who believes this. There have been studies done on it. So, for me, it's not about the clothes, it's the atmosphere those nicer clothes provoked (even amidst dancing waiters) that is what I miss.

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I believe with all my heart, and have seen with my own eyes that people conduct themselves much differently, depending on what they are wearing. I know I'm not the only one who believes this. There have been studies done on it. So, for me, it's not about the clothes, it's the atmosphere those nicer clothes provoked (even amidst dancing waiters) that is what I miss.


I agree with this 100%! I think it applies to every venue, too-- most certainly not just cruising, but also things like kids in school and even people at work. And I don't believe that it's coincidence that good behavior has deteriorated in this country at about the same speed that "dressing down" has become the norm.

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I agree that the OP was just recalling fond memories, and I regret that some responders are so snarky. Is that really necessary? Even here, we've lost some civility...and it's sad.


My first cruise was in '87 on the old Home Lines Atlantic to Bermuda out of NY. We were 5 young couples...all very excited to be on vacation together....and without the kids! We would all do our own thing during the day & then meet for a drink before dinner, and proceed on to the MDR. (of course the MDR...that's all there was! lol). Everyone always looked so nice, making an effort to look special.


To me, the whole atmosphere was very elegant at the time. Much more formality, even poolside...where, when you arrived on deck, you were greeted by the pool attendent who asked you where you wanted your lounge chair placed...and then brought it to you, with towels ;).


I loved cruising then, with all the added formality, and am just as enamored now with a more casual atmosphere. Do I dress up on "elegant" nights? Yes, but now, without the long beaded gowns.

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I also have fond memories of our 1st cruise on NCL in 1990 and We continue to dress formally today because we do not do it in "Real Life" and our kids really enjoy it... for us its part of the experience of cruising... We don't do it to impress anyone or to take photos to later show off for approval from friends or family.

I never really notice what others are wearing and I could care less what others think of us being dressed up.

Would I like for things to go back to the way they were? Not really. The prices were too high and maybe a little too formal for comfort... If I ever decide that I do want something that formal & expensive again I can choose to book one of the "High Class" lines but that is probably not going to happen as we are comfortable on Carnival. :)

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I agree with this 100%! I think it applies to every venue, too-- most certainly not just cruising, but also things like kids in school and even people at work. And I don't believe that it's coincidence that good behavior has deteriorated in this country at about the same speed that "dressing down" has become the norm.



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The cruising changes from back then are certainly not just about attire, as you can wear a tux or gown if you so choose. To me it's all the little things that didn't cost Carnival or any other cruiseline to do. They used to pull the chair out for you, put your napkin in your lap and remove the crumbs from in front of you. Your cabin wasn't just cleaned but your shoes would be straight, things on the dresser and counter straighten and more attention to detail. I find most of these things now gone and I chlak it up to automatic tipping. I enjoyed handing my envelope to each person with a hefty tip for a job done over and above. Now we over tip but not like we used to because the serve just isn't of the same standard. I know there were people who didn't tip (and probably still remove them) and as appauling as that is I hope it was the exception to the rule. Personal service seems just a thing of the past. Those are the things I miss most... personal touchs.

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They used to pull the chair out for you, put your napkin in your lap and remove the crumbs from in front of you. Your cabin wasn't just cleaned but your shoes would be straight, things on the dresser and counter straighten and more attention to detail. .


My last cruise all these things were done (NCL). Matter of fact I had a black outfit on and they got a black napkin to put on my lap so the white wouldn't leave white lint behind. Now that's service.

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Of course CCL cruise’s have changed over the years.. one could go back 10-15 years.. very different

15 yrs ago Carnival food in my opinion was not up to par, people dressed , ships were smaller and was much more expensive .

5 – 8 years ago food got much better, ships got larger and we seen a move to more casual venue.

Today ….well come on one can cruise for 70.00 per day! That’s about a price of a good restaurant ( 3 star). Less service , a bit of downgrade in the quality of food.

So people notice change in dress code, lack of service, silverware, fresh flowers.. whatever… it’s a different biz model. Attracting a different cliental. Not better or worse just different.

We still love it .. when we want to dress we dress, when we don’t we go casual… kinda nice that you can have best of both worlds on the same ship , on the same cruise.

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What I never understand with people complaining about what others wear is why they really care? Nobody is stopping anybody from dressing up. I for one would be embarrassed to go into the MDR dressed in shorts and t-shirts, but I have to say the way that others dress really has no effect on my dining experience...



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By why an NCL ship on a CCL board? What did the OP expect? If it was over on the NCL board it might get a whole different response.




In other words, the nastiness is basically built in here if you mention anything other than Carny?

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There used to be a lot of pomp and circumstance surronding cruising as it used to be much more expensive and much more elitist - not any longer. If you saw those old NCL videos that were posted a while ago, you know what I mean.


Same thing with air travel, when you open anything up to the masses it becomes less of an elitest acticity with less pomp and circumstance. We pay $400 to fly cross country when we used to pay $4000. People used to get upgraded to first class all the time, usually because they were paying thousands for a ticket and most times they were dressed nicely. Now a days, getting an upgrade without frequent flyer coupons or full fare tickets is virtually impossible.


When something becomes cheaper and open to everyone the pomp and circumstance required from earlier times goes by the wayside. You used to get dressed up to fly, go to church, go to dinner etc. etc., but more and more dressing up is done less and less. Not that being cheaper is a bad thing, because if it was not less expensive than years ago, I would never be able to cruise!


I think people should be able to wear what they like to the MDR as long as it is within the guidelines published by the cruise line. If it says no sandals, it means no sandals, no shorts means no shorts. Other than that fare game, dockers, kackis, dress pants, suits and tuxes if you choose.


I still like getting the tux out every once and a while (have to suck the gut in though) but that is just me.


You make some good points, [or else you are just saying what I believe].


Life in the 'good old days' was certainly different in many ways. Whether it was 'better or worse' than today is largely a matter of opinion, although some items like average income and life expectancy can be quantified.


But what either irritates or amuses me [depending on my mood] is when young people will argue with old people about a time before they were born. If you did not drink out of a hose, ride a bike without a helmet, leave house unlocked all day and thrill to get a hand-written letter from a loved one, you are ill equipped to pass judgement on what life was all about then.

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You make some good points, [or else you are just saying what I believe].


Life in the 'good old days' was certainly different in many ways. Whether it was 'better or worse' than today is largely a matter of opinion, although some items like average income and life expectancy can be quantified.


But what either irritates or amuses me [depending on my mood] is when young people will argue with old people about a time before they were born. If you did not drink out of a hose, ride a bike without a helmet, leave house unlocked all day and thrill to get a hand-written letter from a loved one, you are ill equipped to pass judgement on what life was all about then.



My kids are always getting on me and especially my mother about the good old days . These kids are so indoctrinated with political correctness and zero tolerance today that they are shocked and appalled when we talk about things from back in the day when things were uh let's say "different"

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The cruising changes from back then are certainly not just about attire, as you can wear a tux or gown if you so choose. To me it's all the little things that didn't cost Carnival or any other cruiseline to do. They used to pull the chair out for you, put your napkin in your lap and remove the crumbs from in front of you. Your cabin wasn't just cleaned but your shoes would be straight, things on the dresser and counter straighten and more attention to detail. I find most of these things now gone and I chlak it up to automatic tipping. I enjoyed handing my envelope to each person with a hefty tip for a job done over and above. Now we over tip but not like we used to because the serve just isn't of the same standard. I know there were people who didn't tip (and probably still remove them) and as appauling as that is I hope it was the exception to the rule. Personal service seems just a thing of the past. Those are the things I miss most... personal touchs.


Interesting but have to disagree with you.


Today crew has to work harder as each one has more to do. Steward has more cabins and DR staff more people to serve.


As a result service while still excellent not quite as good as the good old days. However we are also paying less for cruising and the cruise line still has to make a profit.


Auto tipping is in place because too many people "forgot" to leave a tip.

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Interesting but have to disagree with you.


Today crew has to work harder as each one has more to do. Steward has more cabins and DR staff more people to serve.


As a result service while still excellent not quite as good as the good old days. However we are also paying less for cruising and the cruise line still has to make a profit.


Auto tipping is in place because too many people "forgot" to leave a tip.


I will agree that service on cruise ships is still very good , pre auto, post auto tip whatever. But God what the hell has happened to service everywhere else ?


Where do they get these people in land based stores and restaurants ?

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I will agree that service on cruise ships is still very good , pre auto, post auto tip whatever. But God what the hell has happened to service everywhere else ?


Where do they get these people in land based stores and restaurants ?


The problem is that in life you get what you pay for.


Retail pays very poor wages and the hours stink so you see the type of people that they get.


The good people will leave for better wages.


DW works for a retail store is treated like crap and pay sucks. It is worth it to us for her to stay for now but they are constantly hiring as people leave on a regular basis.

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The problem is that in life you get what you pay for.


Retail pays very poor wages and the hours stink so you see the type of people that they get.


The good people will leave for better wages.


DW works for a retail store is treated like crap and pay sucks. It is worth it to us for her to stay for now but they are constantly hiring as people leave on a regular basis.



I worked in retail while I was in high school and college . I know the pay sucks and and how you are treated . But back then (late 70s, early 80s) You were still expected to be helpful and respectful to the customer or you were out of there .


Of when I was 18 yrs old I didn't give a crap what toaster oven or vaccum cleaner you bought. It didn't put anymore money in my minimum wage pocket. But I stll was courteous and answered the persons question.

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Now if you could add pointed spikes to those heels you are using to grind the OP into the ground with, all would be complete.


Oh, stop the hysteria. No one has even come close to being the least bit insulting to the OP.


So, it has become cool to bash anyone and everyone that thinks a tux or even a coat and tie are frivilious on a ship. So I ask those a question;


No one is bashing anyone. People having a difference of opinion over a topic is not bashing. Why must people have hissy fits when the concensus of opinion is not what they believe?


What should the minimum be? Maybe a tee shirt that graphically shows reporduction so your kid and see it? Maybe a tee shirt extolling the virtures of drung use/


Probably not, but since choose to bash one end of the spectrum, please deliniate the other end of the spectrum...what is your minimum standard?


My minimum standard is what the cruiseline decides. And all the internet temper tantrums in the world isn't going to change the fact that cruising - and life in general - has become more casual than some would like. So you can either bash those you don't agree with or you can come to terms with it and hold yourself to you own personal standards regardless of the cruiseline or anyone else.

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I guess I better order a new,FORMAL, SPEEDO. One in black tropical weight wool with satin inserts in the side. I can wear it over my DEPENDS. Wonder if they have DEPENDS in off white silk?:rolleyes:

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