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Cruise crud....getting worried


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I picked up a weird cough on about day 8 of our 14 day Caribbean cruise. I noticed a lot of people on the ship had the same cough. I never felt sick - just this annoying cough. Took a few weeks to go away. My husband never got it. It would take a lot more than an annoying cough to keep me from cruising.


I knew someone who had bronchitis before she went on a cruise. Her doctor cleared her to go but then she relapsed while on the ship. They had to fly her back to the US. She went into respiratory arrest, spent 2 months in ICU, nearly died. What a nightmare! I think the stress of all the travel was too much for her weakened system.

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HA! We posted at the same time. It may be hocus pocus but it has worked for us. I also think that low stress and good rest also go a long way with keeping yourself healthy. :)


When you believe you are doing something good for yourself, this does help your mental imagery and defenses on its own and sets up your future expectations.


So the hocus pocus part is science not yet finding any specific magic bullet (echinacia, airborne, etc), but the act of doing something looks like this can be part of the key. Fearing infection is one mental orientation , and doing "something" to help fight it is another.


Regardless, it is a fascinating area of medical research and lots of mysteries to explore here. And lots of contradictions that remain to confound.


I have to wonder also whether my recent "preventive" bonine/ginger combo was a good dose of changing my own mind/body expectations about not getting seasick this time around, compared to my prior two week sea sickness that came also coincidentally during a kind of hitting the wall period on a long 42 day cruise facing all sorts of related other stressors besides just the wild seas.


My own theory is we often even subtly set up our own karma and then choose from the myriad of variable inputs to ensure that this chosen karmic expectation is ultimately fulfilled. Hey, talk about hocus pocus ..... I confess, this is my own personal wacko orientation.

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Our last two cruises both my husband and I returned from vacation with glorious upper respiratory infections.Began feeling unwell just as we were leaving the ship.


I work in health care (thought I would be immune to most germs by now:)) As for hand washing , because of my work it's simply a way of life for me. DH has been well schooled in the art form.;)


Our next cruise we plan to avoid the LIdo (my theory less people around my food the better.) A little paranoid I know but when I recall how sick we were I begin to worry about post cruise for this trip(Alaska Sept)


How many have found "cruise crud" as it is rightly called, to be the norm after cruising?

Honestly if we are ill after this cruise I am not sure we''ll sail again.:(


It is not rare to acquire an illness on a cruise ship, full stop.


The norovirus is the one that everyone really wants to avoid. Wherever there is commercial food preparation (as you know) you have potential for an outbreak. Your plan to avoid the Lido is an interesting one. No amount of hand washing will help though if your food comes to you contaminated. It is unlikely in the extreme that all outbreaks on ships are brought on by passengers. So it is the luck of the draw I guess.


In this day and age getting an infection can represent a great deal of inconvenience. A lot of ports and airports take your temperature when there is worry of a pandemic. If you have a temperature, you can be quarantined until they rule out certain illnesses. It happens. Sometimes a visa runs out while you have been held in quarantine and that heralds a whole new layer of misery.


Its all part of traveling nowadays.


A lot of people recommend you not travel alone, you make sure your visa (when necessary) is valid for a few extra days passed your planned stay and that you always have insurance.


Having said this, we still cruise :)


Smooth sailing (hopefully) to you...

Edited by world~citizen
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along with the purell and hygiene, we always take cold fx when we travel. Take a pill a day (or try to remember), but the minute we feel something coming on we go into full swing and find it helps. Not trying to sell the product and don't own any stock, but it does seem to help.

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Thanks for all the input everyone..my DD jokingly referred to cruise crud an" kennel cough "for cruisers. Geez you pay for an education and they get all smart aleckly on you.:D


Here's my plan now... Lot's of rest pre cruise ( might be hard just,like Christmas Eve I never sleep the night before a cruise,but I'll try)


Happy,happy thoughts... this should be easier ..after all I am going on a cruise.:)


Vitamins already do.. Cold FX has been touted by many.. might be prudent to but put us on a preventive regime. Give the immune system a little help I so dread getting ill again.Sapper I called myself paranoid first I may not be as mentally sound as you think:D


Room service,tables for two and limited Lido time ( ice cream cones being the exception ;))


In the end it may simply come down to luck of the draw.. Which brings us to prayer. Anyone know the Saint for" cruise crud "?:)

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In the end it may simply come down to luck of the draw.. Which brings us to prayer. Anyone know the Saint for" cruise crud "?:)


The multi-armed smling elephant head Hindu god Ganesha is good enough for travellers - I got one from my travel agent in India when I started my trip and it was explained he protected travellers from unforseen circumstances. Here is our guy, take your pick of favorite images: http://www.vishvarupa.com/ganesha-1.html


St Christopher (now defrocked) protected travellers, when he used to be working full time on our behalf. Bummer.

Edited by SwissMyst
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The multi-armed smling elephant head Hindu god Ganesha is good enough for travellers - I got one from my travel agent in India when I started my trip and it was explained he protected travellers from unforseen circumstances.


Didn't St Christopher (now debunked) protect travellers when he used to be working full time on our behalf?


He still does, he is just branded a little differently (Eastern Orthodox).


Smooth sailing...

Edited by world~citizen
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Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth of miracle cures to the mess!:D Since you are talking about respiratory illnesses - I was told to use a neti-pot and keep the sinuses cleaned out with salt water. (I think there was this gross commercial where several people demonstrated it):eek:


Also daily gargling with salt water is supposed to reduce the viral load that is present - and can keep you from getting too sick.

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Was it St. Blaze---who blessed the throat??? I seem to remember something about that from my childhood. Try praying to him!! I think it's St. Anthony---for lost luggage!!


We have been on 20 cruises and neither of us has gotten sick. I don't think the Lido is your problem....the food preparers or bartenders could have sneezed on something you consumed. You'd have to avoid everything!! Are you getting 8 hrs of sleep on your cruises? Not sleeping could lower your immunity.


Good to know other HAL ships have good ice cream. On Prinsendam, it was the worst--not worth eating!

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Why not just wear a talisman?


Ancient mariners did. Aquamarines were their favorite. (If it was good enough for the mermaids it was good enough for them). Carve an image of Poseidon on it and its power multiplies. :eek:


Ah yes, the wisdom of the ancients...

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I always ended up being sick after airplane travel. Years ago I purchased a personal air purifier called "Air Supply." It's a little gadget on a lanyard that you wear around your neck. It's about the size of a deck of cards. Works on a 9-volt battery. It supposedly draws in bad air, ionizes it, and returns clean air. Since using the "Air Supply," I have not gotten sick after airplane travel. I never travel without it.

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Thanks for all the input everyone..my DD jokingly referred to cruise crud an" kennel cough "for cruisers. Geez you pay for an education and they get all smart aleckly on you.:D


Here's my plan now... Lot's of rest pre cruise ( might be hard just,like Christmas Eve I never sleep the night before a cruise,but I'll try)


Happy,happy thoughts... this should be easier ..after all I am going on a cruise.:)


Vitamins already do.. Cold FX has been touted by many.. might be prudent to but put us on a preventive regime. Give the immune system a little help I so dread getting ill again.Sapper I called myself paranoid first I may not be as mentally sound as you think:D


Room service,tables for two and limited Lido time ( ice cream cones being the exception ;))


In the end it may simply come down to luck of the draw.. Which brings us to prayer. Anyone know the Saint for" cruise crud "?:)


My pharmacist's advice re Cold FX, which is mostly ginseng, is to use it if you feel that it is helping you, although he never uses it. My sister, a family physician in Vancouver swears by it.

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My pharmacist's advice re Cold FX, which is mostly ginseng, is to use it if you feel that it is helping you, although he never uses it. My sister, a family physician in Vancouver swears by it.



A few of the doctors I work with also sing Cold FX 's praises .I am certainly

willing to give it a try.


Thanks again everyone for the advice.There really should be a

" cruise crud "vaccine

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I have to agree with you re:the Lido. The only times in 6 cruises we have gotten sick was when we ate in the Lido the last night of a 10 day because we got back from an excursion late and once in the middle of our last cruise when we ate there because DH didn't like the MDR menu. We decided on our next cruise to take our anti-bacterial gel and use it after we dished up our food before we touched our utensils. Maybe that will help if we end up at the lido again.

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And let's add to the Purell debate, that since it apparently only makes one's hands 99% germless, that other remaining 1% are the really bad bugs who have an open playing field to do their worsts, with all their nearest competitors now knocked out.


Additionally, we very quickly repopulate skin surfaces with new bacteria even if we have sent the asunder with chemicals. They are with us and ususally do far more friendly things than harm us. Wholesale knocking out the good guys with the bad guys has proven to be very dangerous in our overly "antiseptic" days.


But no one wants a vacation ruined. I am right in here with you picking up tips because even if it is a totem (preferably cheap, portable, non-biologic or non-chemical), I do believe in boosting one's immune system to take on that 1% bug population that is dedicated to do us harm.


Bugs do rule. In fact some socio-biologists propose we are merely put on the planet to be their incubation and mobility devices, allowing them to scatter to far wider places than they could carry themselves on their little bug legs. There is a humbling Sunday morning thought.


Darn it, this is making me hungry for a Lido powder sugar donut - my own totem of choice.

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I have been going to conventions and tours for last 20 plus years. Some of the times I have been sick during the convetion and mostly after the convetion. Lots of people have cot the con crud. I think a lot of it is becuase we touring and not doing out regular meals is one reason. talking and enjoying people in a close quarters is another reason. But I always wondered about the pillows, and blankets in the room. We all know they do not wassh them after every cruise. If you have a cold on say cruise one your germs are every where in that cabin. On every knob, TV clicker, phone. Cruise two goes out and I bet you some one in that cabin will have your cold within a week and it will go on and on. I think Pillows can pass on con crud more that anythink.

but close contact at bars and such. You not at home. Crusing is great I will not let that stop me for cruing. I also feel bad If I happen to be on a plane and going home with a cold

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Bugs do rule. In fact some socio-biologists propose we are merely put on the planet to be their incubation and mobility devices, allowing them to scatter to far wider places than they could carry themselves on their little bug legs. There is a humbling Sunday morning thought.


Oh Lordy ... no wonder they love cruises.:eek::D

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A few years back I could not take a plane flight without getting sick, one way or the other. There was a lot of publicity about that back then and I suppose they are now taking better precautions in their cabin air treatment. I have not had plane airborne sickness in several years, but without any additional precautions either.


I was really careful about not using the handrails on the stairs directly with my hands, but I still guided myself with my sleeve-covered wrist. Because one thing I know I need is close access to handrails on stairs up or down. Trips and falls remain my biggest travel health fear right now.


Which means switching to flat, dorky travel shoes, to keep me better grounded than those far cuter wedge espadrilles I always favored. I think 57 months, 24 days, 3 hours and 47 minutes ago, I turned into my mother. R.I.P.

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Hi, Colleyberry,

Did I get it right - you're the lady who will be in suite 5191 on the Zuiderdam in September? If so, let me just say that after two recent nightmare flights, I now arrive in a state of high anxiety when I board the ship.

Not so in cabin 5191 and my first taste of the suite life. Not even one night of insomnia, nor a tinge of seasickness, nor one minute of anxiety thinking of the major life problems we left back home. If Yudi is your steward, he is a gem. Like you, I am prone to "the crud", but not this time.

I had always considered my ten days aboard the Queen Mary to have been the benchmark of cruising nirvana; my seven days in 5191 equalled that.

Fair winds and a following sea. Hope your happiness, relaxation and state of health will equal what I experienced from May 29th to June 5th. I was on such a nautical high that even the return flights were bearable.



PS - Swissmyst, I found what you posted very informative and am now doing some research - fascinating. Thank you.

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Yes folks can catch "bugs" on ships and planes. Here is why I tend to blame the air flight rather than the ship for post cruise crud.


On most of my 20+ cruises I have some sort of crud, usually respiratory, when getting home. Now, this has followed cruises of 7 days in length, 21 days, 32 days and several over 60 day cruises. It ALWAYS occurs AFTER the cruise, never during. Now, if it was the ship, why do I go for 60+ days with no problems, only to be struck after a flight home?

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Hi, Colleyberry,

Did I get it right - you're the lady who will be in suite 5191 on the Zuiderdam in September? If so, let me just say that after two recent nightmare flights, I now arrive in a state of high anxiety when I board the ship.

Not so in cabin 5191 and my first taste of the suite life. Not even one night of insomnia, nor a tinge of seasickness, nor one minute of anxiety thinking of the major life problems we left back home. If Yudi is your steward, he is a gem. Like you, I am prone to "the crud", but not this time.

I had always considered my ten days aboard the Queen Mary to have been the benchmark of cruising nirvana; my seven days in 5191 equalled that.

Fair winds and a following sea. Hope your happiness, relaxation and state of health will equal what I experienced from May 29th to June 5th. I was on such a nautical high that even the return flights were bearable.



PS - Swissmyst, I found what you posted very informative and am now doing some research - fascinating. Thank you.



Yes that's me ! ! Marion you lovely lady....thank you for posting. It will also be our first suite experience.


You have just made my day.:) I am so glad you had a wonderful cruise. I am smiling as I type..Who cares about stupid old cruise crud anyway .:D

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Bugs do rule. In fact some socio-biologists propose we are merely put on the planet to be their incubation and mobility devices, allowing them to scatter to far wider places than they could carry themselves on their little bug legs. There is a humbling Sunday morning thought.


Oh Lordy ... no wonder they love cruises.:eek::D


That first alien bug that caused the horrible Black Plague in Europe did come in on a ship, to I believe Genoa from the middle east. And those bugs never looked back. The original cool cruisers.

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Bugs do rule. In fact some socio-biologists propose we are merely put on the planet to be their incubation and mobility devices, allowing them to scatter to far wider places than they could carry themselves on their little bug legs. There is a humbling Sunday morning thought.


Oh Lordy ... no wonder they love cruises.:eek::D




That first alien bug that caused the horrible Black Plague in Europe did come in on a ship, to I believe Genoa from the middle east. And those bugs never looked back. The original cool cruisers.

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I work in some pretty tight quarters, travel for work frequently, and have the type of immunity system that is (sadly) suseptable to those little bugs.:(

I have noticed a huge decrease in travel based bugs since I have begun consistent and thorough hand washing.

I wash my hands frequently and when I do, I always sing the "happy birthday song" twice (in my head, as not to scare my fellow handwashers with my lack of musical talent). I use lots of soap and the hottest water that I can stand. I use the towel or tissue to open the door when I am through.

This has helped me immensely.. :)


I also use hand lotion, which prevents the skin on my hands from drying and cracking, thus reducing a place for those little bugs to hide.:)

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