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To all my wonderful friends I've met in the last year in here, I am hoping that you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day tomorrow however you spend it. Hopefully, none of you will be alone. If you are, e-mail me and I will keep you company for a while. Hope you don't have to go "solo" on this particular day.


Patty in PA:):):)


Pat - I spend all my holidays by myself and am quite happy to do so, but I spend them at home were I am most content. I certainly wouldn't be comfortable in strange surroundings as Egon is, especially if I was as social a person as he is.


I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. :)

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To all my wonderful friends I've met in the last year in here, I am hoping that you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day tomorrow however you spend it. Hopefully, none of you will be alone. If you are, e-mail me and I will keep you company for a while. Hope you don't have to go "solo" on this particular day.


Patty in PA:):):)


I want to add my second to Patty's wishes. This past year, following Egon's adventures, and meeting all of you has been a blessing. Wishing each and everyone of you a very safe and happy Christmas and and a blessed New Years. Will be out of pocket for the next week, so - all of you stay safe and happy.




Previous Cruises:

Alaska - Westerdam - September 2009

Alaska- Rotterdam - September 2010

Mexican Riveria - Oosterdam - April 2011


Future Cruises – in planning stage:

September, 2012 - Alaska – Amsterdam - 14 day cruise

2013 Eastern Med - Prisendam- 28 day (includes cruising Black Sea)

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I am only emerging on CC to tell you all how much I appreciate your "virtual company" encouragement and support during my last year's odyssey. Wish I could hug you all and especially my loyal (and persistent) friend Patty who herself went through several bad experiences I hardlly knew about until, for the first time, I read all the threads here. She deserves a halo for all the trouble she took posting my ramblings and, collectively, you all are Queens and Kings in my heart!


May the new year be good to you, keep you healthy and happy; may you keep your dreams alive and may they come true!


With love - Egon

Edited by Musicus
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Egon -- it has been wonderful following your adventures of the past year and you are the "epitome of growing old gracefully" to all of us. The trials and tribulations you experienced during your odyssey were mastered by you in a "bewundernswerte" manner. Respect!


May you enjoy many more years of being young!:)

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I am only emerging on CC to tell you all how much I appreciate your "virtual company" encouragement and support during my last year's odyssey. Wish I could hug you all and especially my loyal (and persistent) friend Patty who herself went through several bad experiences I hardlly knew about until, for the first time, I read all the threads here. She deserves a halo for all the trouble she took posting my ramblings and, collectively, you all are Queens and Kings in my heart!


May the new year be good to you, keep you healthy and happy; may you keep your dreams alive and may they come true!


With love - Egon

Like I've told you before. You are my hero and I am so blessed to have you as my friend for many years to come. I'm going to meet you some day, some way, some how and you better bring me a chocolate covered strawberry!:D:D

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I am only emerging on CC to tell you all how much I appreciate your "virtual company" encouragement and support during my last year's odyssey. Wish I could hug you all and especially my loyal (and persistent) friend Patty who herself went through several bad experiences I hardlly knew about until, for the first time, I read all the threads here. She deserves a halo for all the trouble she took posting my ramblings and, collectively, you all are Queens and Kings in my heart!


May the new year be good to you, keep you healthy and happy; may you keep your dreams alive and may they come true!


With love - Egon



Egon, it's so good to see you post. You are a true inspiration to many people, whether you're aware of it or not. If you're ever feeling lonely, just know that chances are excellent that one of us is thinking about you at that exact moment and wishing you well and wondering what you are doing! And I'm sure all of us wish we could be there with you sharing a drink and enjoying the sights and your good company. Hope you have wonderful new year!


(PS, and Happy New Year to Patty and Joyce and everyone else on this thread!)

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Egon, it's so good to see you post. You are a true inspiration to many people, whether you're aware of it or not. If you're ever feeling lonely, just know that chances are excellent that one of us is thinking about you at that exact moment and wishing you well and wondering what you are doing! And I'm sure all of us wish we could be there with you sharing a drink and enjoying the sights and your good company. Hope you have wonderful new year!


(PS, and Happy New Year to Patty and Joyce and everyone else on this thread!)

What a thoughtful note to Egon. I passed it on to him via e-mail. Happy New Year to you as well. Patty

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I’d rather be cruising and sailing the seas,

Than mopping my floors on my hands and my knees.

I’d rather be cruising to some distant place,

Than having to stay home in this old space.

I’d rather be cruising and snorkeling and such,

Than channel surfing, which I hate very much.

I’d rather be cruising in 2012,

But Santa brought nothing and neither did his elves.


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I’d rather be cruising and sailing the seas,

Than mopping my floors on my hands and my knees.


I’d rather be cruising to some distant place,

Than having to stay home in this old space.


I’d rather be cruising and snorkeling and such,

Than channel surfing, which I hate very much.


I’d rather be cruising in 2012,

But Santa brought nothing and neither did his elves.





Cute poem.

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I’d rather be cruising and sailing the seas,

Than mopping my floors on my hands and my knees.


I’d rather be cruising to some distant place,

Than having to stay home in this old space.


I’d rather be cruising and snorkeling and such,

Than channel surfing, which I hate very much.


I’d rather be cruising in 2012,

But Santa brought nothing and neither did his elves.




Very very cute.


If it makes you feel any better - Santa or elves did not bring me anything either.

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Just found this thread yesterday when I was doing a search for "seniors" and "solo" and I've been reading it ever since. I feel like I'm in the middle of a really good novel and then am pleasantly surprised when I realize this is for real! He really should consider compiling it into a book and the name of the thread would make a great title. He could publish it himself on line and, with the popularity of cruising, recoup his expenses for his "little adventure." I know I would highly recommend it!

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I’d rather be cruising and sailing the seas,

Than mopping my floors on my hands and my knees.


I’d rather be cruising to some distant place,

Than having to stay home in this old space.


I’d rather be cruising and snorkeling and such,

Than channel surfing, which I hate very much.


I’d rather be cruising in 2012,

But Santa brought nothing and neither did his elves.






So sorry that Santa and his elves passed over you when the cruises were handed out - BUT - Maybe Cupid will come across on Valentines Day. Don't give up on it.




Previous Cruises:

Alaska - Westerdam - September 2009

Alaska- Rotterdam - September 2010

Mexican Riveria - Oosterdam - April 2011


Future Cruises – in planning stage:

September, 2012 - Alaska – Amsterdam - 14 day cruise

2013 Eastern Med - Prisendam- 28 day (includes cruising Black Sea)

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I want to share this special video Egon sent me. For this past year travelling along with his life, day by day, this is what I share with you:


Happy New Year, Patty

Here's wishing a wonderful new year to all my dear frfiends!

With love - Egon



Here is a lovely way to enter it:





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He is such a special person and I think this video shows us why we all are so blessed to have known him in some way. Think how wonderful the world would be if it were full of Egons! Maybe it is and we just aren't looking enough. We were all so blessed to have stumbled on this one. I know my life is better for it. Would that I could live in such a way that people would say of me "my life is better for having known you." I'm not much for New Years Resolutions but that sounds like a super one to me!

Edited by Red State Sam
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My -now regretted- outburst of self-pity in my last report provoked a slew of emails with messages of support and encouragement. I can only thank you all for your empathic loyalty - your friendship affirmation means all to me. I'm OK, I assure you. We all have our down days.

Last night was Christmas Eve with a special menu at all restaurants. I sat again with Olivier, Jackie and Jake. After Dinner there was a So-So Santa Claus, not only for the relatively few kids present, but also for photo-ops of the grownups with him. In the end I was coerced to sit with two "elves" in my arms to the amusement of everyone and cameras were very busy. As for me, while I did not want to spoil the fun, I felt that I was being "used". In any event, the resulting picture sure isn't what it looks like. The same is true of the photo with Tammy: she was sitting at the next table once at lunch, started talking with me, I moved over and afterwards she wanted to be photographed with me. People do that. Big deal.

Later we sat in the Lounge with others from Texas, Colorado and Canada, had Tequila as well as some fake champagne and a lot of small talk and laughter. At that time I also was presented with a Christmas Gift from Jackie und Olivier which turned out to be a tray with very good Caramel Chocolates which I passed around for everyone to taste. I was very moved by this nice and generous gesture which I certainly did not expect. I left the party before everyone else shortly after 9pm.

Today, Christmas Day, the place is really humming. I went down and had Nachos and Cerveza at the Snack Bar opposite the La Isla restaurant and there were dozens of people, mostly in bikinis or swimming trunks everywhere, around the bar, the pool, the whole area was teeming.

Their own noises were enriched by the blaring loudspeakers at the Mini Theater Stage and again I wondered about the dulled senses the people must have who are lying in the sun right in front of the pounding rap.

In the late afternoon I had the visit of Shirley with her cousin Fred and his fiance, both from Sao Paulo and I learned for the first time, that Shirley is from Brasil. What a nice person she is.


December 28: Sitting on the terrace at my restaurant tonight, I see the thin waning moon hanging in the black sky, hear soft waves caressing the shore and the balmy air enwraps me like the arms of a lover - I stop dreaming right there. Its so damn romantic and its bittersweet.


December 29: Went for a swim today - first time in over three weeks, but only did 2 laps, not only because a bunch of kids where roiling up the pool, but also because I am out of shape and need to get back by daily increases. Then I met beautifully shaped Adriana in her bikini and told her, with buckling knees, that I wished I were 40 years younger.

Lunch at La Isla, a soup with lentils, diced veggies and small pieces of meat, then salad from the wondereful saladbar which offers bowls of curly and of romano salad, plates with sliced cukes, tomatoes, shredded carrots, slender green and yellow peppers, onion and what looks like seaweed, green and black olives, capers and several sauces from vinegrette to ranch. For desert: a small flan.

Trudging my way home I was stopped by a woman in what I guessed her sixties who wanted to know whether it was "really true" that I was 94. I said yes, and that in some 6 weeks I'll be 95. She went on in ectasy about how wonderful etc etc, so I finally said, "you may kiss me". She did, I said that she had made my day and went on. So much water and nothing to drink. Next day I met her again and got to know her husband - nice people from Montreal!


December 31: I have been adopted by Adriana, Adam, Sophia and their twin boys and am asked at every meal to sit with them and their friends - it's usually a big table. They have been coming here for many years. It's nice to be with them, even though the 6-year old twins can be a bit of a problem at times. The other day there were four kids at the table and each one was engrossed with a "toy" - from i-pad to i-phone to gaming and could hardly take time out to eat.

This is New Year's Eve and there will be festivities down at the beach. I went down to La Isla for lunch and was again astounded by the many employees and waiters who greeted "Mr. Egon", shook my hand and wished a happy new year.

And so I also wish it for you all as well, with love and gratitude for your friendship.


Edited by yellowbird23
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I too have been enjoying this thread and was excited to see Egon's post! You are a remarkable man, my friend! Thanks again Pat and those who post the pictures for us. I don't post often but I wanted to send this wish to all of you - I have to admit I read it on another thread and it just seemed so perfect for us. :D




May peace break into your home and may thieves come to steal your debts.

May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.

May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!

May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy

May the problems you had, forget your home address!

In simple words.....

May 2012 be the best year of your life!!! :D


Happy New Year!


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My -now regretted- outburst of self-pity in my last report provoked a slew of emails with messages of support and encouragement. I can only thank you all for your empathic loyalty - your friendship affirmation means all to me. I'm OK, I assure you. We all have our down days.

Last night was Christmas Eve with a special menu at all restaurants. I sat again with Olivier, Jackie and Jake. After Dinner there was a So-So Santa Claus, not only for the relatively few kids present, but also for photo-ops of the grownups with him. In the end I was coerced to sit with two "elves" in my arms to the amusement of everyone and cameras were very busy. As for me, while I did not want to spoil the fun, I felt that I was being "used". In any event, the resulting picture sure isn't what it looks like. The same is true of the photo with Tammy: she was sitting at the next table once at lunch, started talking with me, I moved over and afterwards she wanted to be photographed with me. People do that. Big deal.

Later we sat in the Lounge with others from Texas, Colorado and Canada, had Tequila as well as some fake champagne and a lot of small talk and laughter. At that time I also was presented with a Christmas Gift from Jackie und Olivier which turned out to be a tray with very good Caramel Chocolates which I passed around for everyone to taste. I was very moved by this nice and generous gesture which I certainly did not expect. I left the party before everyone else shortly after 9pm.

Today, Christmas Day, the place is really humming. I went down and had Nachos and Cerveza at the Snack Bar opposite the La Isla restaurant and there were dozens of people, mostly in bikinis or swimming trunks everywhere, around the bar, the pool, the whole area was teeming.

Their own noises were enriched by the blaring loudspeakers at the Mini Theater Stage and again I wondered about the dulled senses the people must have who are lying in the sun right in front of the pounding rap.

In the late afternoon I had the visit of Shirley with her cousin Fred and his fiance, both from Sao Paulo and I learned for the first time, that Shirley is from Brasil. What a nice person she is.


December 28: Sitting on the terrace at my restaurant tonight, I see the thin waning moon hanging in the black sky, hear soft waves caressing the shore and the balmy air enwraps me like the arms of a lover - I stop dreaming right there. Its so damn romantic and its bittersweet.


December 29: Went for a swim today - first time in over three weeks, but only did 2 laps, not only because a bunch of kids where roiling up the pool, but also because I am out of shape and need to get back by daily increases. Then I met beautifully shaped Adriana in her bikini and told her, with buckling knees, that I wished I were 40 years younger.

Lunch at La Isla, a soup with lentils, diced veggies and small pieces of meat, then salad from the wondereful saladbar which offers bowls of curly and of romano salad, plates with sliced cukes, tomatoes, shredded carrots, slender green and yellow peppers, onion and what looks like seaweed, green and black olives, capers and several sauces from vinegrette to ranch. For desert: a small flan.

Trudging my way home I was stopped by a woman in what I guessed her sixties who wanted to know whether it was "really true" that I was 94. I said yes, and that in some 6 weeks I'll be 95. She went on in ectasy about how wonderful etc etc, so I finally said, "you may kiss me". She did, I said that she had made my day and went on. So much water and nothing to drink. Next day I met her again and got to know her husband - nice people from Montreal!


December 31: I have been adopted by Adriana, Adam, Sophia and their twin boys and am asked at every meal to sit with them and their friends - it's usually a big table. They have been coming here for many years. It's nice to be with them, even though the 6-year old twins can be a bit of a problem at times. The other day there were four kids at the table and each one was engrossed with a "toy" - from i-pad to i-phone to gaming and could hardly take time out to eat.

This is New Year's Eve and there will be festivities down at the beach. I went down to La Isla for lunch and was again astounded by the many employees and waiters who greeted "Mr. Egon", shook my hand and wished a happy new year.

And so I also wish it for you all as well, with love and gratitude for your friendship.



Egon - I hope the next year is the best year ever.


Here's the pictures from your last report.



With Jackie Dec. 23 2011



With Jake Dec. 23 2011



Dec. 24 2011 (4)Jackie



with Tammy Dec. 21 2011 (2)



Dec. 24 2011 (2)Jackie-Olivier



US, Mex,CDN,UN Flags at Sabor's

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