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Polite Passengers and Not polite Passengers


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We have just returned from 2 Transat One on Ocean Princess one on QM2

On our first cruise we were seated with Aussies who had opinions about certain ethnic groups.They did not care for British people nor South Africans .Most pax were Brits.The Aussies Hated the Queen and wanted to be rid of her in Australia ...they did not care for anyone who seemed Royalist

Because I have food allergies the head waiter used to see me every night with menus for the following day .It did happen that I did have to return my food at times BECAuse there were peppers in it as I am extremely allergic to them .Perhaps they considered that to be fussy ....not if they ever saw how sick I would get .My son had to state so very clearly as poor kid often has seen me on my knees in front of the porcelain God ...literally for hours !!!It takes very little to get me REALLY sick

The Head Waiter was from South Africa .. very proud of his AFrikaaner heritage and I think his mere presence bothered the lady who was of Black/African origin but did not look it

They told me they got married in Texas in the 60s when interacial marriages were illegal So obviously they had experience prejudice and felt a certain animosity towards a person who represented so in their mindThey were very cold and distant towards him as he was VERY friendly to me showing me pix of his new baby .At first I did not realize how the woman hated him .

One evening they attacked me verbally re a tour we all took which did not measure up in my opinion

Well her husband said I was too fussy He would make sure I would not get a refund by writing the EXACT opposite of my concerns

When my son told him I was not fussy He attacked him for defending me because I paid for his cruises .I applauded my son's loyalty which they mocked by saying he knew who buttered his bread ..and so on and so forth

Needless to say I WAS LIVID ....When my son told them my Husband was fussy NOt me ..the man replied we deserved each other and it was a marriage made in heaven

I asked him if he wanted to take me on ...he declined

What a DREADFUL couple ...In my opinion they deserve each other ...HOW MISERABLE can you be!!!

WE got a new table from the maitre D with congenial friends and avoided these dreadful people therafter

What gives them the right to do so?Who asked for their opinion on my son me or my hubby?This was my first encounter with Aussies ...not a good one I hope if I ever meet others I will find them more pleasant

I hope to never encounter such rude people again .Why in the world would you go on a cruise with lots of Brits if you hate them so much

My son and I made friends with loads of different people and found Brits charming and funny On our tours we were very cosmopolitan and enjoyed everyone's company


I was very upset with this couple but my friends consoled me and we did have lovely final evenings together People like these Aussies sghould walk the plank or better yet STAY HOME!!!!



why didn't you ask to see the MD and explain that you needed your table changed? Under the circumstances...and when explained correctly to the MD...I doubt he would have been able to turn you down.


After the first incident with this couple you should have left....sorry but true.

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Anyone empathise with the Jetblue steward??? Just saw the long blurb on CNN re. his meltdown and exit... Comments from a reporter who heard his swan song...she did not see aggravating passenger...


Anyone have a story to tell about a passenger who may have deserved such an exit from a Carnival worker..they can not as easily bail once docked..I sure bet they have fanatsies too..


And no..it is not the way to go..possible injuries with schute deployment etc....but it just got me thinking...


Comments?? Sorry if I missed another thread..tried to check...


Not on Carnival, but there was an incident on the Grand Princess a few years ago that is still vivid in my memory.

We missed Grand Cayman because of weather. Most passengers took it in stride, but a couple guys (brothers) who we had the misfortune to be seated with at dinner were outraged. I was walking through the Atrium, and I heard very loud, angry voices at the Purser's Desk. Lo and behold, it was the brothers from our table completely abusing the ship staff because of the missed port. I heard lots of four letter words directed at the poor staff. The workers behind the desk maintained their cool and never even let on by their facial expression that they were being treated so badly. I don't know how they did it...my blood was boiling.

Unfortunately, that was our last night on the ship because my dad had unexpectedly passed away, and we were leaving the ship early to fly home. At dinner the doofus brothers were boastfully telling the rest of the table about how they put the Purser's staff in their place. It made me sick. I never even told them we wouldn't be back...I just couldn't wait until they left the table.

In hindsight, I don't think the brothers were too bright. We had to spend a good chunk of each evening listening to Doofus #1 complain about the food. Every night, he ordered the exact same thing...a steak, very well done, then complained that the meat was too dry.:rolleyes:

As for the flight attendant, I don't condone what he did, but I can understand why he snapped. I'm an elementary school principal, and believe me, there have been times when I would have LOVED to be able to give it right back.:o

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I think I must be the only person who agrees that arresting the flight attendant in question was the proper thing to do. I don't care what his excuses are, his first duty is to the safety of everyone on that aircraft, not his bid for drama queen of the day.

I also think the passenger should have been arrested for assault. People are far too self absorbed these days and forget that we all have to live in this world together.



I agree with both counts.


Having said that, I cannot tell you how many times I have just wanted to pick up my purse and leave the cr** I get a work behind. I have helped employees through facility moves, a shooting, multiple layoffs, and multiple unfair issues and sometimes it's hard to swallow it and solve all the world's problems.


Thankfully, he only verbally snapped and didn't hurt anyone.

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I admit to not reading any of the previous posts so as to not be swayed in my opinion...OK?


So....I love flying JetBlue...they are the first airline I check out and the one that we have used for the the last 4 trips to Florida we have taken...and I suspect that I will use them again.



That being said.....we have learned to say very little to their flight attendants:eek: Why? Because some, not all of them, scare us quite frankly.


Another tactic we have tried is to let our adorable youngest daughter speak to them.


We also thank them profusely for any little tidbit that they do for us...if anything.


Sorry, but IMHO and experience....they are better left unspoken to.:D


not so sure this was a case of the pax being the one to blame...again only from previous experience.


WOW! I've never flown Jet Blue. The attendants are that scary?:eek:

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I worked in 3 jobs that had to deal directly with the population. Until you have to work with customers you really have no idea what it is like. I did have a lot of really nice customers but did have some real doozies. My last job I got yelled at a lot because of my boss. She would not take care of their money properly or send out bills. I had to take it because she wouldn't answer the phone because "those people just don't know how hard I work" She "worked" one day a month. The rest by phone and e-mail to me when she felt like it.


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I am so enjoying this thread..I have about 5 more longer posts to read...work, health, sleep, life do get in the way of fun on CC.


I am comforted by recognition of rudeness here on CC.


I am comforted by compassion to all players in the bargain.


I am comforted by kninder discourse here and reality of what is going on out there.


I appreciate everyone's personal stories, contributions and opinions...


I appreciate those who have responded from the experience of service positions, airline industry, healthcare, social work, retail service and ownership, corporate business fliers, retired, still working, a few from outside US and Canada...etc.


I do feel there needs to be fast recognition of where all this behavior gets us and is leading. I appreciate the posts about what proper protocal would have been.


I'm kind of lousy at humor..and I love what I've learned from some experts here on CC about that..I see where this incident is funny and where it is not...therefore; maybe assisting moves in the "positive" direction.


There has been a correction in the thread already..a "why didn't you do"..when in fact if the person had read the soul they were quoting carefully they would have seen that party did in fact take the action they were so kindly (.."rolling eyes") told to take.


The world is a stage..we are the players..I just hope the humor and "no humor" of this incident gets all in "rare moments of lucidity" moving toward the positive caring side of the situation. I read something about Jetblue's core beliefs..which sound good if put in practice for employee and passenger..it will be something to watch...next few days.


Thanks everyone for the chat!!!

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Not on Carnival, but there was an incident on the Grand Princess a few years ago that is still vivid in my memory.


We missed Grand Cayman because of weather. Most passengers took it in stride, but a couple guys (brothers) who we had the misfortune to be seated with at dinner were outraged. I was walking through the Atrium, and I heard very loud, angry voices at the Purser's Desk. Lo and behold, it was the brothers from our table completely abusing the ship staff because of the missed port. I heard lots of four letter words directed at the poor staff. The workers behind the desk maintained their cool and never even let on by their facial expression that they were being treated so badly. I don't know how they did it...my blood was boiling.


Unfortunately, that was our last night on the ship because my dad had unexpectedly passed away, and we were leaving the ship early to fly home. At dinner the doofus brothers were boastfully telling the rest of the table about how they put the Purser's staff in their place. It made me sick. I never even told them we wouldn't be back...I just couldn't wait until they left the table.


In hindsight, I don't think the brothers were too bright. We had to spend a good chunk of each evening listening to Doofus #1 complain about the food. Every night, he ordered the exact same thing...a steak, very well done, then complained that the meat was too dry.:rolleyes:


As for the flight attendant, I don't condone what he did, but I can understand why he snapped. I'm an elementary school principal, and believe me, there have been times when I would have LOVED to be able to give it right back.:o


Love this response...crisis short term specialized type helper here..don't talk about it much on boards for numerous reasons.


The best person in my family's network of friends is a retired School Superintendent that knows all areas of this state..how they vary..and was my mother's principal when she went back to work after a 20 year break raising us. She respects and knows all angles of my personal family group..and everyone else. If there ever was a perfect balance in change, what can be done, what can not be done..with the intelligence and kindness that surpasses most of her peers (and myself and my family) it is this woman...I got to know her in my advanced degee work and sure do look forward to another big shot in the arm from her...


I bow at your feet..an amazing..amazing job and career you have..sjn911

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Bottom line: Two wrongs don't make a right.


The flight attendant is no better than the passenger who was rude and broke the rules.




In the word's of Cowboy Country..yep or yup.:o:)!!


And I would add in their mutual moments of despair....hopelessness..or whatever...

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Clearly, he overreacted to the situation. However, it's become apparent that too many people have sense of entitlement. I can only assume it comes from bad parenting, or who knows what?


I am constantly amazed at people who refuse to take responsibility for their own action.


This very forum is full of people complaining about noisy neighbors, or about noisy equipment that keeps them awake, when they can control the situation themselves with earplugs that cost a few cents. They feel they are somehow entitled to absolute quite no matter what the neighbors are doing, or no matter what equipment is necessary for the operation of the ship, or where the cabin is located.


I don't know how we get people to accept responsibility for their own situation, but I do know that the sense of entitlement has gotten out of hand.

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I think the people working in service positions need to look at their actions. An example - My father passed away and I called the Social Security office to notify them. They recorded the information and told me I had to deliver a copy of the death certificate to my local office. When I got the cert, I drove 70 miles to the nearest SS office and went in.

Guy at desk- take a number

Me - They told me to drop this off

guy at desk - getting up, take a number

I take a number and wait over an hour.

Finally get called, and go up to window.

Me - I was told to drop off a copy of this Death Cert. of my father

woman - takes the cert, reads it then says "who died"

me - Uhhh I think it's on the certificate

she walks away

Now I'm not sure if we're done, I had all I needed

Wasn't impressed with the level of service, got in my car and drove 70 miles home.


The whole attitude there was unbelievable. All I needed to do was give them a piece of paper, and this took 4 hours of my time when I had much more to deal with considering the circumstances, over 1 hour of it could have been avoided if they even had a drop box to deposit it into. I felt like standing on a chair and yelling "doesn't anyone care here?" but it wouldn't have done any good because, No, no one there gave a S$%^, and since I don't speak Spanish, no one would have understood me anyway.


Sometimes people need to just think, how would I like to be treated if it were me?

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Clearly, he overreacted to the situation. However, it's become apparent that too many people have sense of entitlement. I can only assume it comes from bad parenting, or who knows what?




I don't know how we get people to accept responsibility for their own situation, but I do know that the sense of entitlement has gotten out of hand.



It's funny that in "vacation" mode and "hospitalization mode"..the ratios are rising in bad behavior...at about the same rate.


Part of the problem is we are too individualized in our own little digital worlds..the ability to find and learn this method of communication has ben wonderful in my life..thank heavens it was not how I was raised..because the exposure to bad "impolite" behavior being the norm increases ten-fold in this form of communication. Cruise vacationing and needing to be with a group in some way is a great anecdote in that arena.


Love most hospital people..but still scared to death to be at their mercy alone and have had to do it many a time..even a personal advocate with one can not circumvent everything...

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who were affected by this idiot's actions, I hope they throw the book at him. If a passenger is not following directions, follow the procedures and have them arrested.


Judging from his smirk, he probably has been delivering poor customer service for a long time. I come across these types, and they typically strive to have the last word rather than resolving the initial situation.


I don't condone the passenger's actions at all, but I bet we eventually find out that the flight attendant did things before that to escalate the situation.

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I think the people working in service positions need to look at their actions. An example - My father passed away and I called the Social Security office to notify them. They recorded the information and told me I had to deliver a copy of the death certificate to my local office. When I got the cert, I drove 70 miles to the nearest SS office and went in.

Guy at desk- take a number

Me - They told me to drop this off

guy at desk - getting up, take a number

I take a number and wait over an hour.

Finally get called, and go up to window.

Me - I was told to drop off a copy of this Death Cert. of my father

woman - takes the cert, reads it then says "who died"

me - Uhhh I think it's on the certificate

she walks away

Now I'm not sure if we're done, I had all I needed

Wasn't impressed with the level of service, got in my car and drove 70 miles home.


The whole attitude there was unbelievable. All I needed to do was give them a piece of paper, and this took 4 hours of my time when I had much more to deal with considering the circumstances, over 1 hour of it could have been avoided if they even had a drop box to deposit it into. I felt like standing on a chair and yelling "doesn't anyone care here?" but it wouldn't have done any good because, No, no one there gave a S$%^, and since I don't speak Spanish, no one would have understood me anyway.


Sometimes people need to just think, how would I like to be treated if it were me?


It took 3 trips to get my driver's liscense when I moved back to my home state and two return mailings to get the facts right on their records..on the sixth and final correction I had to stand in line twice in receiving and executing and CORRECTING all mistakes..to include wrong age and birthdate..sjn.


Sorry on such a sad occaision this was your service...

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I work in customer service and retail. I can write several novels the size of war & peace on all the crap I put up with. But its MY JOB, I get paid to be nice to you. Then again, I don't let things people say to me phase me.

It is NOT hard for customers to be courteous to retail or customer service staff. I am always courteous to my customers. I have in retail almost my entire career. You got to have balls of steel and patience of a saint, and a huge backbone. And the mentality to brush it off and not take it personally.

Also not everyone has the patience to work with the public, and put up with everyone's crap. This goes for anyone who in public service, whether retail, a nurse, flight attendant etc.

There are rude and bad mannered people in all ages and around the world, in all walks of life. Deal with it by choosing not to be that way.

People will have issues and have their "angry at the world attitude" no matter what you say or do they will never be happy.

People also got to have patience and deal with life..


I always kill them with kindness- makes them angry to no end.

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Anyone empathise with the Jetblue steward??? Just saw the long blurb on CNN re. his meltdown and exit... Comments from a reporter who heard his swan song...she did not see aggravating passenger...


Anyone have a story to tell about a passenger who may have deserved such an exit from a Carnival worker..they can not as easily bail once docked..I sure bet they have fanatsies too..


And no..it is not the way to go..possible injuries with schute deployment etc....but it just got me thinking...


Comments?? Sorry if I missed another thread..tried to check...



Well this thread starter quoting own beginning:rolleyes:...thanks to all wiser Sherlocks out there...


Just wanted to note here that found and read other thread on subject on end of evening yesterday...think Kareoke gal may really be right..this steward could have done this to simply start his own spin..blog etc..Pete mentioned Facebook page..he may have assessed very well the consquences and decided all was worth it for his next steps..and of course it's just another par for the course with folks too...that one IF TRUE really is a slap in the face to the day in day out behind the scenes true blue helpers in all our lives..sjn911.

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From poster 14 whose mom works for Jet blue. "Per my Mom - what he should have done (procedure) is tell the pilot to notify the authorities to have them waiting to escort the passenger off. It is a federal law that passengers have to comply with what the flight crew instructs them to do. Also, the passenger and the airline can both incur large fines if a passenger is standing while the plane is in motion. If he would have just told the pilot to contact the authorities, then she would have been the one in handcuffs and he'd still have his job."


Here Here!

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I haven't read the entire thread yet but I can say that my opinion has changed about the Jetblue flight attendant since yesterday:D. Originally I thought, yikes, this guy's a loose cannon. Probably needs some counselling (likely still does lol.) Then, on my American Airlines flight home from Chicago yesterday as we were waiting to deplane (keep in mind this is a commuter jet with about 70 passengers - basically deplanes in about 3 mins if people do it in order) this one really obnoxious family is up and in the aisle trying to push their way through as people in more forward seats are trying to grab their bags from the overhead compartments and walk off. They were loud and snotty and people on the plane had been doing some eye rolling about them throughout the flight. Clearly, in their minds, they were also the only people on the plane who had somewhere to be:rolleyes:. They also were shlepping so much crap that as they're pushing up the aisle they're whacking people still in their seats with various different projectiles. My breaking point came when the woman's biga$$-stuffed-to-the-brim-bag slung over her shoulder landed on my head and stayed there when she couldn't push further up the aisle. I told her, "lady, you've got exactly a second and a half to get that bag off my head or I'm going Jetblue." Her answer? "Jeez what a bi%ch." :D I had to laugh.

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I think this incident will create a whole new expression evertime someone is about to lose it




or I went JETBLUE over this or that


WOW free publicity for one of my favorite airlines ..I never found them scary just a tad hyper ..they serve and clean up real fast

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From poster 14 whose mom works for Jet blue. "Per my Mom - what he should have done (procedure) is tell the pilot to notify the authorities to have them waiting to escort the passenger off. It is a federal law that passengers have to comply with what the flight crew instructs them to do. Also, the passenger and the airline can both incur large fines if a passenger is standing while the plane is in motion. If he would have just told the pilot to contact the authorities, then she would have been the one in handcuffs and he'd still have his job."


Here Here!

But maybe he just wanted his 15 minutes of fame? Just occured to me why is this on the Carnival thread?

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Love this response...crisis short term specialized type helper here..don't talk about it much on boards for numerous reasons.


The best person in my family's network of friends is a retired School Superintendent that knows all areas of this state..how they vary..and was my mother's principal when she went back to work after a 20 year break raising us. She respects and knows all angles of my personal family group..and everyone else. If there ever was a perfect balance in change, what can be done, what can not be done..with the intelligence and kindness that surpasses most of her peers (and myself and my family) it is this woman...I got to know her in my advanced degee work and sure do look forward to another big shot in the arm from her...


I bow at your feet..an amazing..amazing job and career you have..sjn911


My "rule" is pretty simple. If someone is in the office and they begin shouting, using profanity, or berating the staff, they are asked to leave. If they refuse, the police will come and escort them out of the building. If I am on the phone with someone and they use profanity, I inform them that if they continue I will hang up the phone. I have done it numerous times and I will continue to do so. Just because I'm in public education doesn't give anyone the right to verbally threaten or harass me, and certainly my staff doesn't need to be subjected to that mess.:eek:

I think on the Grand, I was particularly sensitive to the behavior because of the unexpected passing of my dad. The people being abused by the Doofus Duo were the same people who had bent over backwards to help me and my husband.:(

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I work in customer service and retail. I can write several novels the size of war & peace on all the crap I put up with. But its MY JOB, I get paid to be nice to you. Then again, I don't let things people say to me phase me.

It is NOT hard for customers to be courteous to retail or customer service staff. I am always courteous to my customers. I have in retail almost my entire career. You got to have balls of steel and patience of a saint, and a huge backbone. And the mentality to brush it off and not take it personally.

Also not everyone has the patience to work with the public, and put up with everyone's crap. This goes for anyone who in public service, whether retail, a nurse, flight attendant etc.

There are rude and bad mannered people in all ages and around the world, in all walks of life. Deal with it by choosing not to be that way.

People will have issues and have their "angry at the world attitude" no matter what you say or do they will never be happy.

People also got to have patience and deal with life..


I always kill them with kindness- makes them angry to no end.

ooooooooooooooh passive agressive, :D there's a website for that, LOL.
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My "rule" is pretty simple. If someone is in the office and they begin shouting, using profanity, or berating the staff, they are asked to leave. If they refuse, the police will come and escort them out of the building. If I am on the phone with someone and they use profanity, I inform them that if they continue I will hang up the phone. I have done it numerous times and I will continue to do so. Just because I'm in public education doesn't give anyone the right to verbally threaten or harass me, and certainly my staff doesn't need to be subjected to that mess.:eek:


I think on the Grand, I was particularly sensitive to the behavior because of the unexpected passing of my dad. The people being abused by the Doofus Duo were the same people who had bent over backwards to help me and my husband.:(


Amen to paragraph one.


Completely understandable to paragraph 2.:):)

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