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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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For your Mom and shopping...has she figured out her colors? If she does, then she might jump on the same color obsession train and then the whole shopping venture becomes more understandable...


OMG, I wish I could get my mom on board. I have the exact same coloring as her - same skin, same eyes, same hair (before we both started going gray, she's now completely gray, but dyes it a golden blonde which looks nice on her). So I already told her not to start buying clothes for me for Xmas yet (because she starts early) until I give her my list and explained the whole color thing to her. When I got rid of my cool-toned lipsticks, I let her go through them first to see if there were any she wanted. And she said, "But our coloring is the same, so if they're bad for you then they're bad for me!" And I said, "I know, but you don't care!" And it's true, she doesn't. She has the opposite problem that I did; where I wore lots of combinations of black and earth tones, she wears a lot of powdery pastel air colors and TONS of white. And she has no inclination to change. It would be nice if she did, since we could have some fun shopping together.


Thanks for the advice on the browns. I love winter white suits but they are not quite so easy to find, it seems. Navy might be do-able, but since the navy on my cards looks more or less black, I don't really know exactly what I'm supposed to be looking for. Any help there? LOL Sorry if I'm a pain... but you're right, Anita, neutrals are REALLY hard. If I lived in Florida and worked in a less stodgy field, I suppose I could search for coral and aqua and yellow suits, but c'est la vie.

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I guess I'm just in a total shopping mood...I'm currently planning my cruise wardrobe for 2012...LOL...I plan to sew it myself...I've been staring at Etsy for days getting inspiration for good multipurpose clothing...


Anyway, checking out Macy's again...check out this navy skirt...I think there are coordinating pants and suit coat as well...




I start looking for clues in the picture as to whether or not the color will coordinate with cool or warm. This model is wearing brown shoes and gold jewelry. Usually, I see black shoes and silver jewelry for navy...This could be a great FIRE suit. MAYBE. LOL.


The way you are describing your FIRE color cards...it sounds totally different from Mom's.:confused: But maybe the print job is just different. IDK.


How's this for help...you want your navy to be WARM and BRIGHT...:D ROFL...


Seriously though...most navy that I have found is AIR...cool and muted...the best advice I can think of for seeing if it works is to literally wear or bring a shirt you would wear with the navy...and see if it works...the more you test your eye in coordinating, the better you will get at it. It might help to contrast...grab a cool pastel and see if that looks better with the suit.


I took a look at the Talbots site (since you seem to need conservative clothes) and they have a great looking camel suit. That could be your best bet...




Joby...this could be one to watch for a good sale...there look to be two different styles of pencil skirts, a couple of pants, a couple of different jacket styles...they all look pretty classic (which they should be being Talbots) and so they should last for a good long while.

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Thanks Anita! I had actually been looking at that skirt (and the matching jacket) at Macy's and just wasn't sure, but it does look bright. It looks similar to the navy jacket I took on my cruise:




It contrasts especially with the navy stripes in the scarf, I think, which are more dark and muted. (Note: Look how red my hair looks! And that is not a red dye, it's supposed to be light golden brown!)


I love the camel at Talbot's, unfortunately they have nothing left near my size (in that color), but I will keep my eye out and shop around a little there. Camel is supposed to be so big this fall, but I guess not unless you can afford high-end designers, because I'm not finding camel suits anywhere!


Your description of the difference between fire and earth browns really helped. It's funny, because I was always really into art class and also took private lessons, so I still have that old-school association of warm and cool colors that they drill into your brain. I also remember shopping from Avon catalogs when I was in middle school (yes, I started wearing a full face of makeup when I was only 11) and they used to label all the colors warm, cool or neutral. Blue and purple there, too, were always cool. I wonder if they still categorize their colors that way, I haven't shopped from them in years. Anyway, you get that drilled into your head and it's hard to get out.


I looked at my navy again in better light (still not great light, as we haven't had sunlight here all day) and it's a bit easier to discern. I know the glossiness of the cards is supposed to help, but in certain lighting I think it actually makes it more difficult to see. The dark brown still looks black, though, but I will be thinking of polished wood when I shop. ;)

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Joby...this could be one to watch for a good sale...there look to be two different styles of pencil skirts, a couple of pants, a couple of different jacket styles...they all look pretty classic (which they should be being Talbots) and so they should last for a good long while.


Thanks for the tip, Anita.


I don't really seem to see much camel around in the stores here. That's on my wish list--a pair or two of camel pants in a couple of different materials.


Thanks for the newest color lessons :)

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Navy might be do-able, but since the navy on my cards looks more or less black, I don't really know exactly what I'm supposed to be looking for. Any help there? LOL Sorry if I'm a pain... but you're right, Anita, neutrals are REALLY hard. If I lived in Florida and worked in a less stodgy field, I suppose I could search for coral and aqua and yellow suits, but c'est la vie.




my color cards don't have a navy that's almost black. My brown doesn't sound like yours either.


Is your set of cards in a bronze like accordion folded book with an elastic band around it?


I'm on the hunt for a nice blue or brown dress for our cruise in January. I especially hope to find one in our blue! I think it may be partly that it's a hard color for me to find and identify so, that makes it more of a challenge :D and, partly because CJW said he thought it would be an especially lovely color for me.


Anyone have any suggestions????

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I've been having a lot of fun shopping Etsy. I don't know what your budget is, but so many of the shops on Etsy either have some standard colors to choose from OR they simply say that you can pick your color.


Here's an interesting dress and shop:




It would be interesting to enter into "convo" with the shop owners to see if you can work with them to get the exact color you want.


I've already started thinking about what I'm going to do for my March 2012 cruise. I'm thinking about getting (or sewing myself) the reversible version of that dress so that I could have the same dress for two formal nights but look totally different. I'm really getting jazzed by the multi-use garments.

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Well, shoot! I just can't seem to see it, especially in online clothing. I so want to get a dress of something different like our blue, turquoise, green...


Thanks for the newest lesson. I'll keep trying :)


You leave on a cruise soon, don't you, Terri? Are you excited? Are you all packed yet? What beautiful Fire clothing do you wear on formal nights?


Oh, that was a lot of questions in a row wasn't it?

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OMG Terri I LOVE that dress... so I looked it up and it's only $62... but only left in sizes 12 & 14! You're killing me!


Joby, I'm still having major trouble with the blues as well. I want to ask for this sweater for Christmas, but before I put it on my list, can someone please confirm that it's a fire blue?




Terri, where are you going? What cruise line? I'm so jealous! I can't book another cruise now until I find a job, and that's not going great so far.


As for formal night dresses, I have a whole slew of LBDs... sigh. I am now looking for a little RED dress for a new wardrobe staple... bright warm red, of course. I'd like to find a simple shift dress that could be worn with a blazer for work or dressed up for evening. Easy to find in black, not as easy in red, so you fire ladies, please let me know if you come across anything! I'm going to check out the rest of the Asos site - Terri, I read about it in a fashion magazine, apparently it's only recently marketing to the US. Looks like they have a big selection & a wide array of colors. Thanks!

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Hi gals,


back again with more questions :)


Fire or not Fire???



http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/weddingsparties/PRDOVR~96454/99101673286/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966675~90~~~~~~~/96454.jsp YES: Clover, Deep Rose and Blue Sapphire! :D


http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/weddingsparties/PRDOVR~98999/99101673340/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966675~90~~~~~~~/98999.jsp YES: Clover, Deep Rose and Blue Sapphire! And MAYBE on the Vintage Blue! I think the Vintage Blue is an Earth Blue....



http://www.jcrew.com/womens_special_sizes/size16/dresses/PRDOVR~19849/99102017323/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966675~90~~~~~~~/19849.jsp YES: Stem and Deep Rose. Stem is a little bit too muted for Fire, but it is so close that I am going to say yes! ;)



http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/weddingsparties/PRDOVR~17404/99102081451/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966675~90~~~~~~~/17404.jsp YES: Clover, Light Blade, Matisse Blue and Bright Coral. Maybe YES: Chocolate. It's a little dark, but very nice and warm. I say Yes, after all.


http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/dresses/weddingsparties/PRDOVR~17420/99101796880/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966683~90~~~~~~~/17420.jsp YES: Chocolate and Tropical Aqua


http://www.jcrew.com/womens_feature/catalogjcrewcomexclusives/dresses/PRDOVR~24356/99101955727/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966683~90~~~~~~~/24356.jsp YES. Oui. Si. Jah!! ...wink...


http://www.jcrew.com/womens_special_sizes/size16/dresses/PRDOVR~19849/99101913969/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966683~90~~~~~~~/19849.jsp YES: Deep Rose and Stem. See how the Warm Fig is too grayed to be a Fire brown?


http://www.jcrew.com/womens_special_sizes/size16/dresses/PRDOVR~22747/99101919320/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~20+17+4294967097+72+4294966685~90~~~~~~~/22747.jsp YES: Chocolate and Bright Coral. To me, the Clover color looks too cool in this style, but the previous clover styles were right on!


I do have more I want to say, but I have to run : at work and gotta meet others for a bit!! Take care,




I LOVE those dresses; I want some!! :D

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Hey Terri,


I have another question :eek:


There are a couple of the dresses that come in a "deep rose" color. They look like coral colors to my eye but, the name doesn't fit my idea of coral at all. Could it just be named an inaccurate color (named rose but looks coral)?


Any thoughts?

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You'll find you cannot rely on color names at all!


The Deep Rose dresses on the J Crew links looked coral to me, too! I think they are so pretty!


:) :) :)


Thanks for the reply, Terri. Just making sure I wasn't totally color blind!


Have you ever gotten anything from J Crew? I'm wondering how their sizes run.


Gracias also for the color ID's on the dresses. I'll be back for more questions, I'm sure :)

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Can anyone please answer my question about the sweater I posted? I currently have no fire blues and I really want to get one!


Joby, I love all those dresses from J.Crew, and those are great discounts! I got one of my formal dresses for my last cruise from there - discounted to $49, then they had a sale on top of that for 30% off all final sale items. They do that about once every six weeks or so, so you might want to sign up for their email notifications if you haven't already.


I took a picture of my color cards to show what I'm talking about with the dark brown shade. I placed the black strap over it for comparison:




The photo was taken outdoors in sunlight and is an accurate representation of what the dark brown looks like IRL. To my eye, it looks black, but maybe my perception is skewed. Is that not what everyone else's cards look like?


That being said, that is the only color I am having trouble with on the cards. I thought the gray looked silver and not warm at all, until I held it up to the grays in my closet - then I see the difference. The whole thing is still sort of mind-blowing to me.


I was wondering what shades you other fire girls like to wear in regard to makeup? I used to wear plum-brown lipsticks and taupe or gray eyeshadow most of the time; now my "everyday" routine includes golden beige & aqua shadow and peachy-coral lipstick - and less makeup overall, and I think I look so much better (and younger!) - but I am wondering what my other options are. The eye makeup colors that are supposed to bring out my green eyes are green and plum, which I have in earthy tones - fire greens and purples seem like they would be WAY too bright for eye makeup. Anyone have any tips?

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I think this looks SO wrong. That brown should not look so dark. I don't think that my Mom's cards look like this. When I look at this picture:




It doesn't seem the same at all. It's like your cards are oversaturated? Or something? IDK.


The hard thing about guessing about the blue sweater is really dealing with the whole internet, picture taking issue...when I look at the sweater, I think it could be too muted to be FIRE. When I compare the picture of the sweater to the picture of the dress that Terri posted...the sweater is much easier on the eyes...the dress almost hurts mine and sends me running for sunglasses when I really focus on it. I don't know if this is because of the texture of the sweater, throwing me off, or what, but I'm guessing no on the sweater. But this is the difficulty of internet shopping...it's all a guess until you see it IRL...Terri has ordered plenty of things that I know she has returned because they didn't deliver quite as pictured online...


Joby...those dresses are really nice...I concur with Terri's comments. Do you happen to live near an H&M store? I just read something about that in a Tim Gunn book. I tried looking online but they don't seem to offer much online shopping. Tim Gunn made them sound like a somewhat trendy store with great prices. I don't know if they have evening wear dresses or not...


Also, I wanted to point out Victoria's Secret as a potential place to get some FIRE bottoms. Sounds bizarre, I know, but I got their recent catalog (the previous residents received the catalog so now I get it...) and I saw that they have a great yellow color, called Raffia, YES, it is slightly muted...BUT I think that it could be a fabulous match for many FIRE shirts...and also they have a lovely lighter colored brown, Chocolate, and Camel. These are all in a casual pant...just wanted to share...very affordably priced...





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Hi Princess422,


your brown DOES NOT look like mine on my cards. My dark brown is very chocolate looking.


Maybe you got a bad chip on that color. You might send Curt an email and see what he has to say.


I wouldn't even begin to give an opinion on the blue sweater :eek: Lord knows how I'm struggling on the blue front.

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Hi Princess422,


your brown DOES NOT look like mine on my cards. My dark brown is very chocolate looking.


Maybe you got a bad chip on that color. You might send Curt an email and see what he has to say.


I wouldn't even begin to give an opinion on the blue sweater :eek: Lord knows how I'm struggling on the blue front.




I think this looks SO wrong. That brown should not look so dark. I don't think that my Mom's cards look like this. When I look at this picture:




It doesn't seem the same at all. It's like your cards are oversaturated? Or something? IDK.


The hard thing about guessing about the blue sweater is really dealing with the whole internet, picture taking issue...when I look at the sweater, I think it could be too muted to be FIRE. When I compare the picture of the sweater to the picture of the dress that Terri posted...the sweater is much easier on the eyes...the dress almost hurts mine and sends me running for sunglasses when I really focus on it. I don't know if this is because of the texture of the sweater, throwing me off, or what, but I'm guessing no on the sweater. But this is the difficulty of internet shopping...it's all a guess until you see it IRL...Terri has ordered plenty of things that I know she has returned because they didn't deliver quite as pictured online...


Joby...those dresses are really nice...I concur with Terri's comments. Do you happen to live near an H&M store? I just read something about that in a Tim Gunn book. I tried looking online but they don't seem to offer much online shopping. Tim Gunn made them sound like a somewhat trendy store with great prices. I don't know if they have evening wear dresses or not...


Also, I wanted to point out Victoria's Secret as a potential place to get some FIRE bottoms. Sounds bizarre, I know, but I got their recent catalog (the previous residents received the catalog so now I get it...) and I saw that they have a great yellow color, called Raffia, YES, it is slightly muted...BUT I think that it could be a fabulous match for many FIRE shirts...and also they have a lovely lighter colored brown, Chocolate, and Camel. These are all in a casual pant...just wanted to share...very affordably priced...



Anita: I cut the photos of the VS pants to save space, but I do a LOT of shopping from their website - they carry my size and are affordably priced (and also have affordable suits, though none in any fire colors at the moment, but they have new colors every season so we'll see what's next). I am more concerned about tops at the moment becuase they are closer to my face, and I will also need them to wear under the suits I already own. I am very disappointed about the blue sweater. :( But thank you for answering my question. I am finding it very difficult to find sweaters in fire colors, other than ivory and coral - J.Crew has a lot of coral sweaters at the moment but they won't be on sale until at least after the holidays. This is hard work!


As for the color cards, your mom's cards do look very different, and not just the browns - I think all of the colors on my cards look darker or more saturated or something. See how the ivory on your mom's card almost blends with the background, whereas mine stands out as being very yellow-y? It looks much more yellow than white IRL. And the corals look less yellowish on your mom's card, the yellows look less orangey, and the blues look lighter. The navy looks lighter and brighter.


This is the full spread (minus the hair colors):




The sunlight is reflecting on the first card here, but you've seen that one already anyway. I LOVE how the coral/pinks look on your mom's cards! Mine are much more orangey and dark. And the orange-red colors on mine look almost like a russet orange, shades that I associate with the autumn palette. And see how dark my navy is?


I am not the kind of person who usually complains or returns things... if my steak is overcooked at a restaurant, I eat it anyway, etc. So I'd hate to contact Curt about this as Joby recommended, but it looks like a fairly significant difference in the cards. I wonder if that's part of why I'm having so much trouble with the blues. (ONLY part, of course - I'm still stuck in the gradeschool art class mindset of all blues being cool!) My darker blues look more purplish than your mom's, and the turquoise in the corner looks lighter & greener & warmer on your mom's card, and I think mine looks cooler. Not sure what to do here.


Edit: Sorry, I kept saying "your mom's cards" (Anita) - just realized it was the photo of the cards from the website. Which I am assuming is an accurate representation of what your mother has anyway.

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I wouldn't hesitate about contacting Curt. He seems like a fair person to me.


I'm not much of a complainer either but, if my steak isn't medium-rare as I ordered it, it goes back. I eat out little and also watch pennies :) and when I order something it should be what I ordered not just what they want to give me. On the other hand, when someone or something is good and/or great, I don't hesitate to compliment. It goes both ways.

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Another question on the green dresses--


I want to get a LBD that's a Fire color and I don't mind being a little different either but, would I look like a big Christmas tree in any of the clover green dresses?????


If you saw a woman on a cruise in any of those dresses, would you think WOW, she looks great in that color and dress OR would you say, what in God's name was that woman thinking about when she picked out that Little GREEN dress?

Honesty and opinions greatly appreciated:D

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My Mom's current LBD dress is APPLE GREEN. She says she is one of the only ones in the room that is wearing a color. And she STANDS OUT...BIG TIME!!


I think she is wearing this dress on the transatlantic that she is currently on...she can chime in when she gets back on reaction to it. I haven't been on a cruise in a long time so I don't know what other people would be thinking or what the atmosphere is like. Because of this whole color analysis and because of a personal new interest in fashion, I'm loving when people express themselves through their clothing. I appreciate the different spin people put on fashion. So I would be of a mind to appreciate someone wearing a color as opposed to another LBD. I can tell you that my Dad rarely has a hard time spotting my Mom in a crowd. LOL.


I don't think that you would look like a Christmas tree in your green dress. I think that you would likely look gorgeous (I don't recall ever seeing your photo...BUT) IF you are wearing your color and follow through with accessories and makeup, and you will be a stand out KNOCK OUT.

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Another question on the green dresses--


I want to get a LBD that's a Fire color and I don't mind being a little different either but, would I look like a big Christmas tree in any of the clover green dresses?????


If you saw a woman on a cruise in any of those dresses, would you think WOW, she looks great in that color and dress OR would you say, what in God's name was that woman thinking about when she picked out that Little GREEN dress?

Honesty and opinions greatly appreciated:D


Go for it! I LOVE the green dresses you posted (especially the wrap-style cotton cady one - I'm actually thinking of getting it myself) - you will NOT look like a Christmas tree - just stay away from red accessories with it. ;) It would look great with metallic gold. Or satin shoes in a complimentary color like yellow or blue. JCrew also has a big selection of colored strappy formal shoes in satin and suede, they get new colors every season so keep your eye out... they are very expensive (for me, at least) at full price, but as you've seen, JCrew's sale prices can be really good. (And for the record, their shoes are REALLY good quality - I have several pairs from there... all bought on sale, or secondhand from eBay, where you can also find lots of colored formal shoes.) I'd probably go with metallic gold, though, because that would go with any other formal dresses you might buy in the future.


I have a RED LBD now... a warm orangey bright red Jessica McClintock party dress that I got on eBay for $10. Nowhere to wear it yet, but at that price, I couldn't resist! I do truly love that green one, though.

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Well, I'm thinking long and hard about the LGD. I hope I don't think too long or too hard and then decide on it and it's gone.


I already have some gold'ish satin strappy shoes :)


It just makes me a little nervous that it's a final sale dress and I can't return it for any reason. I did talk to the alteration lady that we use sometimes and she said to order it larger and she could then take it up. Soooo....


Don't forget girls--I'm not a young hot chick like you guys are. I'm almost 53 and not 120 lbs. like I used to be :eek:

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It just makes me a little nervous that it's a final sale dress and I can't return it for any reason. I did talk to the alteration lady that we use sometimes and she said to order it larger and she could then take it up. Soooo....


Don't forget girls--I'm not a young hot chick like you guys are. I'm almost 53 and not 120 lbs. like I used to be :eek:


JCrew runs slightly big compared to other brands - that is, in all areas except the chest. I don't know why they think everyone is flat-chested, but I have to order TWO sizes bigger in their tops than what I wear in their bottoms - and I'm only a very modest B cup. So with suits I have to order 2 different sizes, which is fine - with dresses, I order the larger size and get the waist (and hips, if it's a narrow cut) taken in. (The last dress I ordered from there was a loose-fitting flapper-style dress, so I didn't have to worry about alterations.)


The cotton cady dresses should be very easy to have altered, and the taffeta shouldn't be a problem either. I don't remember if you're looking at any of the silk chiffon dresses, but if you are, you might want to talk to your seamstress first, because the delicate layered fabric can be difficult (and thus far more expensive) to take in.


Another thing to note: "final sale" and "no exchanges" are not absolute terms. Always know your measurments (I know, it's a pain in the butt, but very useful when ordering online) and look at the size chart on their website. If the garment you order is smaller than it should be according to their size chart, you can still return it despite the no-return policy, because it's their screw-up (i.e. the size chart is inaccurate as applied to the item). Hint: take your bust measurement while wearing whatever bra you plan to wear under the dress. Not only the fabric, but also the lift of the bra, can significantly alter your bust measurement.


I may still be a novice at this whole color thing, but I do have the online shopping thing down pat. ;-)


Oh, one more thing: it's really easy to sell on eBay, and that's another option for unreturnable items. There is a VERY high demand on eBay for unworn J.Crew items, and when you get something at a final sale price, you can almost ALWAYS get even more money for it on eBay - usually much more - just wait until J.Crew sells out of it first. There are people who make their entire living buying final sale items and doing just that!

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