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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Again, such great pictures....


I'm going to VOTE first, then I'll go back and read Anita's votes and Debbie's votes to see how we compare, just to not be influenced by opinion. Depending on what I read after I vote, I may be back and discuss some thoughts.




My absolute, hands-down FAV is B1.


Oh, I did read Anita's comment that I had made a typo. What I did was go back to the color party, etc. Then I realized that we were now numbering the picture collage... this can get confusing, can't it!... it's so important that we all know the picture we're discussing. So, yes, Anita was right in that I didn't care for D1 in the pictures.


I'm looking at the pictures like this:

(first row) A1, (2nd row) B1, B2 (third row) C1, C2, (fourth row) D1, D2, ignore the duplicate row... (last row) E1, E2.


So, with that... again... B1 is my favorite.


Then, D2, B2.


I have a hard time between A1 and C2... next in line, followed by E2, E1.


So, that's my line up.


Now I'll go see what everyone else thinks. Kim, did you post your favorite? Well, I guess I'll find out when I read the posts!


Now, I'll be waiting and watching for Debbie....

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Make sense? Helpful info? Questions? Let me know.


Sure, it makes sense. Thanks. I can see the screen, but the computer that I am on during the day will not allow me to work in tinypics for some reason. I couldn't even join and create an account, so I'll need to work this from another angle, I guess. Since we've been having issues with our internet access at home, I guess it's time I call our provider and have someone take a look at it. I don't mind not having access usually, and DH has been STRONGLY HINTING that I contact them for months but it hasn't seemed very important until now.


Pam, I'll keep working on posting my pictures, but maybe you should move to the head of the line if you have time. I may be a while getting this sorted out. --Debbie

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Sure, it makes sense. Thanks. I can see the screen, but the computer that I am on during the day will not allow me to work in tinypics for some reason. I couldn't even join and create an account, so I'll need to work this from another angle, I guess. Since we've been having issues with our internet access at home, I guess it's time I call our provider and have someone take a look at it. I don't mind not having access usually, and DH has been STRONGLY HINTING that I contact them for months but it hasn't seemed very important until now.


Pam, I'll keep working on posting my pictures, but maybe you should move to the head of the line if you have time. I may be a while getting this sorted out. --Debbie



Okay...Here we go....after saying I couldn't get it sorted out....


I remembered what I had to do to make it work. I needed to save it as a pdf instead of a Word document. I sure hope everyone can see what they need to see. It's the only way I can think of that I can work around the limitation placed on our internet access.


Just remember that I said I had a LOT of green. I didn't take pictures of everything I had and that's embarassing to admit. I really need help in working my way through this, girls. Lots of my wardrobe needs to go live with other people. I never wear all that I have and I want to change that part of my life. You will all be doing me a HUGE favor in helping me decide what goes away. Thanks, Debbie


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Again, such great pictures....


I'm going to VOTE first, then I'll go back and read Anita's votes and Debbie's votes to see how we compare, just to not be influenced by opinion. Depending on what I read after I vote, I may be back and discuss some thoughts.




My absolute, hands-down FAV is B1.


Oh, I did read Anita's comment that I had made a typo. What I did was go back to the color party, etc. Then I realized that we were now numbering the picture collage... this can get confusing, can't it!... it's so important that we all know the picture we're discussing. So, yes, Anita was right in that I didn't care for D1 in the pictures.


I'm looking at the pictures like this:

(first row) A1, (2nd row) B1, B2 (third row) C1, C2, (fourth row) D1, D2, ignore the duplicate row... (last row) E1, E2.


So, with that... again... B1 is my favorite.


Then, D2, B2.


I have a hard time between A1 and C2... next in line, followed by E2, E1.


So, that's my line up.


Now I'll go see what everyone else thinks. Kim, did you post your favorite? Well, I guess I'll find out when I read the posts!


Now, I'll be waiting and watching for Debbie....



Glad you chimed in and voted. I just told Debbie that I'll be back later this evening and post on her pictures and I'll ask you a question or two.


I'm glad we're getting this first go around sorted out and ground rules laid ;) It will make the next steps that much easier.

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@Debbie. Please tell us about the setting for these photos. Obviously you are inside. Did the flash go off? Is it a red eye flash? Is there any natural light in these photos? Lightbulbs? Normal lightbulbs? Overhead?


I know you put a lot of work into this. I totally understand. I'm trying to see if I can make sense of what I am seeing in relation to where you are in the photo.


@Joby Have fun at Pilates! I do miss my Pilates class. :( Is it a mat work class? How long have you been doing Pilates?

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OK Ladies...I want everyone to try something with Debbie's photos...the way I end up viewing her photos, it downloads for me to be able to view...then I am looking at them in Adobe Reader on my computer (not through my internet browsing program). When you are in Reader, you can adjust the % at which you view the photos.


These photos are SEEMING to all look a like. I'm used to really looking at the details of skin tone and trying to discern how blended the yellows and reds are...and I'm having a hard time with this grouping because they are pretty grainy...which may be a result of having to try to make the files smaller?


ANYWAY...instead of trying to do a close up...do FAR AWAY...I've got mine set to 33.3% zoom...it is very interesting to see how in some of the photos the little shirt is jumping out and in some of the photos Debbie is jumping out...is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon? This may be what I have to go on to try to form a vote...

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Awww Debbie...I THINK I already know my fav...LOL...


Did you take any color party pics? I'd like to see that...and if you haven't already...I would like to see you try to blend the shirts...that is, put all the ones that are more blue-green together, yellow-green together, etc. Do you have the color cards? It would be interesting to have a known control in the photos.


I pounding away at the questions because I have to get ready for class tonight! I leave in about 30 minutes or so...if you were able to get on and read this in the mean time, I thought you could answer. I know you might answer with your phone, so don't worry about lots of typing. We all understand, but answers would be helpful.

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@Debbie. Please tell us about the setting for these photos. Obviously you are inside. Did the flash go off? Is it a red eye flash? Is there any natural light in these photos? Lightbulbs? Normal lightbulbs? Overhead?


I know you put a lot of work into this. I totally understand. I'm trying to see if I can make sense of what I am seeing in relation to where you are in the photo.


@Joby Have fun at Pilates! I do miss my Pilates class. :( Is it a mat work class? How long have you been doing Pilates?


I was afraid that my choice of how I attached the pictures would cause problems. I can try later to use my iPhone and use tinypics if that would help.


To answer the questions -- I've taken the pictures with my iPhone in the bathroom so no red-eye or flash. Off-white walls are the best indoor option I have and I can look in the mirror to make sure the camera on the phone is taking my picture and not the shower! The squirrely kind of light bulbs (5) in the ceiling fan slightly NE from my position. Window just to the north of the ceiling fan and 3 bulbs (again the squirrely eco-friendly bulbs that last 10 years). My house is WHITE-WHITE and I don't think an outdoor shot would help, but if you want I'll do that.


If it's too grainy, I'll do a redo. Should I?


Curt used pictures from my childhood mostly, I think. So, sadly, none of these were any that he remarked on. I tried to sort the pictures, so most of the pictures on the first page are very similar. The second and third page show differences, hopefully. Let me know what I need to do to help everyone see me in the best possible light. LOL

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In agreement with Anita that...


it would be helpful to see the color party with and without the control cards..


if would be extremely helpful to be able to see a picture that is definitely, positively, absolutely FIRE... as a control...


because all I'm seeing on my monitor is dark, shady... it's like opposite world of Kim's first posts where the natural sunlight was so glaring that I couldn't tell anything... with these it feels like a twilight kind of light that is throwing too much shadow to be able to tell anything...


you know, my skill at this is very, very basic... I need all the help I can get! :eek:


OH! I just saw your post, Debbie. You know; I'll leave the answer to what would be a good thing for you to do to Anita. For me, the way that I study the pictures is to download them and look at them in my Paint program. I can flip between two pictures... study them side-by-side and then formulate my opinions. With these pictures in the pdf file, I can't do anything except change the zoom in or zoom out.. and that isn't quite as helpful because none of the manipulations that I do with the images makes any difference. And I know that your skin cannot possibly look the same in all of these pictures! That's just impossible. With so many pictures, there should be a ranking... and I just can't see it... so I feel like there had to be some "information" lost in the transfer of the image into a pdf format...

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Awww Debbie...I THINK I already know my fav...LOL...


Did you take any color party pics? I'd like to see that...and if you haven't already...I would like to see you try to blend the shirts...that is, put all the ones that are more blue-green together, yellow-green together, etc. Do you have the color cards? It would be interesting to have a known control in the photos.


I pounding away at the questions because I have to get ready for class tonight! I leave in about 30 minutes or so...if you were able to get on and read this in the mean time, I thought you could answer. I know you might answer with your phone, so don't worry about lots of typing. We all understand, but answers would be helpful.


I've taken pictures of my color party corresponding to each page posted. I have also photoed one additional page of extras. Let me know if you need additional pics. I wont be back at my desk until Monday, so it will be then before I can get them posted. I'll let you know if I get tinypics up and running on my phone. --Deb

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Hi Debbie,


It IS a lot of work to do these pictures, isn't it? It's frustrating when they aren't what they need to be too!


I don't have any trouble pulling up the pictures but they do all seem darkish and your face looks the same in all of them on my screen. The shirts are different colors, I see some that are blue/green, some that are more yellow green and some that are brighter green and some that look like Anita's EARTH.


Do you have a garage? I took pictures for CJW in our garage. It was shaded from the harsh sunlight but still got lots of natural light from the garage door being open. Maybe you could try that if you have one. The bad part of our garage (or the boys "palace" in our case ;)) is that I had to put up a plain sheet behind me to hide the "stuff" that is in our garage as it would have been very distracting.


Once everyone gets all of this worked out for posting our pictures, it will be much easier I think and sooo worth it :D

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Again, such great pictures....


I'm going to VOTE first, then I'll go back and read Anita's votes and Debbie's votes to see how we compare, just to not be influenced by opinion. Depending on what I read after I vote, I may be back and discuss some thoughts.




My absolute, hands-down FAV is B1.


Oh, I did read Anita's comment that I had made a typo. What I did was go back to the color party, etc. Then I realized that we were now numbering the picture collage... this can get confusing, can't it!... it's so important that we all know the picture we're discussing. So, yes, Anita was right in that I didn't care for D1 in the pictures.


I'm looking at the pictures like this:

(first row) A1, (2nd row) B1, B2 (third row) C1, C2, (fourth row) D1, D2, ignore the duplicate row... (last row) E1, E2.


So, with that... again... B1 is my favorite.


Then, D2, B2.


I have a hard time between A1 and C2... next in line, followed by E2, E1.


So, that's my line up.


Now I'll go see what everyone else thinks. Kim, did you post your favorite? Well, I guess I'll find out when I read the posts!


Now, I'll be waiting and watching for Debbie....


Hi Pam,


I have a couple of questions--


I do like B1, BUT, it almost seems overwhelming on me. I see it and nothing else. Why do you like it the best?


Question 2--you mentioned earlier that our green choices seemed very different from each other. Explanation, please :confused: I know that our styles are probably different--I go for plainer things--kind of the jeans and t-shirt kind of gal :) Do you like the lighter greens, or brighter greens or....


This is a lot of fun and so educational, isn't it? It's so nice that everyone is so patient and caring and not snarky and impatient!


Thanks to everyone for this virtual marathon slumber party!

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Here's the deal...the way I see it...we SHOULD be able to look at this series of photographs and see SOMETHING. They aren't ideal...BUT...


I'm going to refer everyone to Curt's post here:




I think there is some of this going on with these pictures. If anyone did what I suggested and made their view of the pdf file smaller...then you can see that the background color changes in these photos. In some photos...there is a decided PINK cast to the background...others look more beige...some leaning toward brown, some toward gray...


The fact that there is such a variance in the overall appearance of the photos is suggesting that the camera function is making adjustments for what the lens sees. If all is not in harmony, then the adjustments are being made...different adjustments for different situations...if we can figure out the adjustments being made by the camera...then we might be able to nail down the adjustments that are being required by wrong colors.


Debbie...is there a photo that is a fairly good representation of the actual color of your walls/doors?


Do you know if your eco lights are "daylight" or "soft white" bulbs? They will be throwing a cast of color into the room depending on what they are.


I hate to tell you to redo, especially after all the issues. Let's see the color party and that may help a bunch.

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I've managed to download my Happy Color Party pics into tinypics, but I can't get my phone to copy the URL to download into cruise critic as an attachment. Since I won't be in the office, I'm more sorry than you can imagine that I will need to wait until Monday to send more pics. It almost makes me want to sneak in tomorrow and "work" after hours. LOL


I can tell you that the hoodie in the very first picture is ABSOLUTELY the exact color of the darker green on my color card. I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag and say the very first picture is my favorite. I have no trouble whatsoever telling that this will be my best green. I knew it the moment I saw it--even before I took some of the others. So whatever the background shows on that picture should be the best representation of the walls. To be honest, on my screen the beige wall has a green cast. Go figure.


Does this help? I hate to make everyone wait for answers. Sorry everyone. --Deb

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Debbie, that helps tremendously...we can use that photo for a control. It helps to have you say this because now that you do, I can look at the way your skin tone is and the overall look of the photo, and compare it to each other photo.


Oh good, Anita. I think I've included all four seasons, maybe. The last picture on the third page is definitely your baby poop green. DD is losing weight and we are journeying together. The lucky thing for me is that I'm going into the sizes she's shrinking out of. That last shirt is one of hers and still had the tags on it. Too bad I can't get her to buy FIRE. Those are her colors too.


I don't know what I did--I was trying to cut and paste. It looks like I may have accidentally put the color party pics below. Ill post now and see what shows up.....No, it said it was invalid. Sorry.



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Oh good, Anita. I think I've included all four seasons, maybe. The last picture on the third page is definitely your baby poop green. DD is losing weight and we are journeying together. The lucky thing for me is that I'm going into the sizes she's shrinking out of. That last shirt is one of hers and still had the tags on it. Too bad I can't get her to buy FIRE. Those are her colors too.


I don't know what I did--I was trying to cut and paste. It looks like I may have accidentally put the color party pics below. Ill post now and see what shows up.....No, it said it was invalid. Sorry.




Just trying a little edit. OK. Here is Debbie's color party, with color card.



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Hi Pam,


I have a couple of questions--


Question 2--you mentioned earlier that our green choices seemed very different from each other. Explanation, please :confused: I know that our styles are probably different--I go for plainer things--kind of the jeans and t-shirt kind of gal :) Do you like the lighter greens, or brighter greens or....


So, in the spirit of a picture being worth a thousand words, I thought I'd post these comparisons:


Here is Debbie's Green Color Party.




Kim's Green Color Party:


Here is my green party. I can already see some that need to go to the "play clothes" pile! I await your comments oh most honored color pals.





Followed by my Green Color Party.




Given differences in light conditions in the taking of these pictures; to my eye, the most difference occurs between Debbie's and mine. Debbie's CP is much more muted than mine.. shaded, muted... I don't really know the best word to describe the difference.


Kim, when I first saw your green CP, I thought that you are getting greens that are wider across the spectrum; in other words, you are going to both sides of our green color choices: very yellow-green and very blue-green within our warm, green palette. I seem to be clustering quite a bit more... just picking up greens with very slight color hues changes. I'm leaning a lot toward the Granny Smith apple green and just have a few that are outside that tight green range. The tops on the bottom are my most deviant from the apple green; C1 is a deep green that Anita helped me buy from Banana Republic; C2 is the first "warm" green that I tried to buy after working with CJW: in fact, C2 is the top that I'm wearing on his website Success Story description. But C2 is really different than the greens that I've chosen over the last year; it's actually been about 1-1/2 years since CJW changed my wardrobe from black & white!

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Hi Pam,


I have a couple of questions--


I do like B1, BUT, it almost seems overwhelming on me. I see it and nothing else. Why do you like it the best?


This is a lot of fun and so educational, isn't it? It's so nice that everyone is so patient and caring and not snarky and impatient!


Thanks to everyone for this virtual marathon slumber party!


Now, let's see if I can explain why...




(did I make these too small???)....


I guess I strongly-worded my FAV when I said "hands down, the best"... didn't I? I hope I got these pictures right. I tried to post the pictures in the order of my preference.. keeping in mind this is just IMO, so you might not agree.


The reason that I like the first picture so very much is because of the way that your skin looks; it's vibrant; it's creamy with the most beautiful peach glow... and very even skin tone. The third picture has almost the same effect; the chest area is gorgeous, but there's just a very slight reddening that appears. Not a lot... it's truly pretty, but I just like the first picture better.


Now, keep in mind that these are nit-picky differences because these colors are simply great on you.


After looking at the skin tone, which includes looking at the texture (smoothness vs unevenness) and the color and the glow.. the next thing that I look at is the hair. When looking at the hair, I just check to see if the deeper, richer undertones of red/gold are being brought out... and the last thing that I look at are the eyes...do they seem to disappear into your face or are they truly "windows to the soul." In other words, do you get "grabbed" by the eyes and do they hold your attention. Do they make you feel like engaging in conversation with the person, etc. KWIM?


So, those are the criteria that I used to Vote. Do you see the same things?

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Here's the deal...with a control in the photo, we can do a lot of adjustment to a picture...and see if any of the adjustments we do can help us determine what the deal is with the colors we are seeing. The software I am using is BEYOND frustrating for me considering what I KNOW I could do if I had the software I used to use when I was working in the field...BUT...I feel confident that this adjustment will help.


We can look at the color party, like with did with Kim's and have a pretty good idea of what SHOULD look good. Judging from our picks out of the color party and how AWESOME Kim looks...the color parties really help.


Like Debbie said...A1 is a dead ringer for that one color swatch on the card...no matter what adjustments I did to the photo...those two were ALWAYS look alikes...and Debbie looks as fantastic as those grainy shady photos will allow!! LOL.


As to ALL the rest of the colors...


A2, A3...WRONG

B1, B2...WRONG

C1, C2...WRONG


B3...Maybe...there is a hodge podge of colors in this shirt.



The maybes are the ones that require retakes, IMO.


Debbie, if you can do the other shirts in a collage like this one...I think we can narrow down the field. THEN, if you could do some retakes, we could verify our hypothesis from the color parties. Maybe you could try the garage idea?

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So I made Anita laugh today. Kim and Debbie... you guys must be working.


Just to be clear. I didn't post my color party in anticipation of posting my pictures. I will wait until we get Debbie's posts and vote for her. As a matter of fact, though, I think you guys have seen several of those tops already... from my vacation pictodiary. But I can't be left out of this fun... so I will go ahead and post pictures when it becomes my turn.


You know... Debbie and Kim... you have way more greens in your wardrobe than I do!


Since we're getting close to ending the green color parties, what will our next color be? Kim? Debbie? Anita? Opinion? Is there a color that anyone would like to have help with next?...

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