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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Debbie...could be.


Here's a true story.


I painted the master suite in my previous home gray. I swear. It's GRAY. I can take the stir stick that I used in the can of paint and walk just about EVERYWHERE and see the color gray...and not only gray...but a kind of GREEN gray...a very spa-like color...calm...peaceful...


EXCEPT if you happen to look at the walls in the master suite (the bedroom is a slightly lighter shade than the bathroom) while you are IN the master suite...it's blue...like BLUE...What the?...and I can take that same stupid stir stick with the dried paint that looks GREEN gray EVERYWHERE else in the world and hold it up to the walls in the master suite and BAM...totally blends in and looks BLUE...:mad:


I'm serious. I don't know what it is about the quality of the light that goes into that area of that house...turns the paint blue. NOW. There actually are times where it looks gray...but these are rare times...and fleeting...


I'm not an expert.


But it makes sense to me that if you had a light source that introduced a lot of yellow and very little blue...you would have green that was OFF. AND you would have skin that would be off as well.


Another true story...I took a whole series of my greens inside standing in front of a white background using light from a window as the only source. I suppressed the flash on my camera so it wouldn't go off...I told Mom...OMG...if I wasn't 100% sure that I was an EARTH, I would have seriously thought I was an AIR because all the shirts that I was having doubts about because of the color party looked FANTASTIC on me...and my EARTH shirts looked hideous by comparison...again, I was like...What the?


Maybe there is something about the quality of light through glass? IDK. But obviously I decided to go with another series of photos. And after learning what I just learned, I'm wondering if my own green series is tainted by the "shade" of the tree...and that's why some of the shirts that I love and thought I looked good in were just kind of "eh".


Which begs the question about what we really need to do in order to get good photos...KWIM?


An article I was looking at online was talking about more current cameras that had different settings on them that would correct for the lighting conditions. Literally talking about having "shade" settings, etc. Here's that article:




My cameras don't have these settings...

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Our camera has these settings and I wouldn't let DH use them because I thought that it would alter the pictures to make them look better in those situations where the skin wouldn't look that good? We have the following special settings: Portrait, Soft Skin, Self Portrait, Candle Light, Night Portrait. DH also said that maybe the white light setting on the camera wasn't balanced for the lighting conditions that I was in, in Chico's.


So, yes, I'm a little concerned... because we're doing something that absolutely is time consuming and, more importantly, we want good results! But, if I remember back to the CJW analysis pictures, he wanted us to take those photos in natural light conditions, without flash. Those were the only stipulations. I remember taking photos for him in my bathroom, sitting on the rim of the tub and using the light coming through the glass blocks. You know those glass blocks give off a blue hue. Also, I took photos for him outside on the deck around the spa, which is in bright sun... no shade. I'm trying to remember the time of day that I took those, because in the morning the camera would have been looking into the sun, which I don't think would have worked... and in the afternoon, I would have been looking directly into the sun, which I couldn't have sustained because of the brightness. The only time left would have been mid-day. ???


Anita, I think your outside pictures were perfect. I could see the subtle differences among all the colors on you, plus I could clearly see your features and defintion within your hair. I don't think bad lighting conditions allow for that. I present as evidence... Kim's bright light pictures!


I wonder, though, if Debbie's pictures are bad or does Debbie just think they're bad. I only say that, in a loving way, because of the way that I felt/feel about the pictures that I took! Debbie, I think you're going to have to post! At this point, I have a small wish that CJW was still more active on these color boards and could give a little guidance (shed some light but that was just too cheesy) on the perfect methodology!

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Wow, that was a great article that you found. Made me want to take one of his workshops! For sure. From what I think after reading the article, I would say that we want the camera to compensate as much as possible for the light conditions... because we want to have our skin tone look as neutral as possible from the effect of the light and try to pick up the effect of our clothing as much as possible... wouldn't you agree? So, we should let the camera do its Auto White Balance... since digital cameras have this... and put ourselves in the best lighting conditions... which means, to me: no fluorescent lights (LOL!), deep shade is a no, but dappled shade would probably be OK, any place where we would get direct natural sunlight but not bounced, reflective light... does everybody agree after reading the article? In other words, I stilll think that this project is giving us fabulous information. And I hope that my little trip into Chico's didn't confuse anyone. Actually, I'm glad now that I did that because now I know NOT to do that! Don't make any decisions under fluorescent lights! Period.

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Kim: I am a fire and have been reading along and enjoying everyones great fire posts. I have to tell you that the picture of you in the green top, A4 with the shorter hair looks fabulous. That hair style makes you look like Anita's sister, not her mother. Love that hair on you.:)




Hi Deana,


Welcome to the conversation! So glad you are following and enjoying. Do you want to post pictures with us, it's a great learning tool.


A slight correction, PAM is Anita's Mom but I would be glad to sub for Pam anytime she needs it :D

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Good article, Anita. Thanks as always!


Do any of you remember when I was looking at a FIRE purple raincoat back a while ago? I posted pictures of it in our bathroom (with no natural light), included our color cards from CJW and took both flash and no flash pictures.


CJW posted that the beauty of the cards and their colors was that the cards matched whatever the lighting was. So, in other words, if you were trying to match a top in a dressing room with fluorescent lighting, the color of the cards would change to accommodate that lighting. If the top matched or blended with the cards in the dressing room, it would also match when you took it out in broad daylight too.


Here is the post from CJW:

March 16th, 2011, 02:42 AM





Originally Posted by Joby

Well, the jacket came and I'm not convinced it's a FIRE purple.

What do you all think?


My dear Joby...

You are not seeing the forest through the trees!;)


Look at this:


You can't get a better Fire Purple color match to the Color Cards than you have here!

Look at how it is absolutely right and perfectly blending with the cards in bright light, low light, flash, or no flash!

That's part of the fun and beauty of the Color Cards - it's going to match and blend no matter what light you're comparing it in - the card color will match to what you need in every light.


So, you've got it. Don't overthink it.:)


Also, note to everyone - remember when I posted this long ago:


That this warm purple would be coming up in stores, and all of you Fires should take advantage and buy them up as you see them?!?!

Well, you are all seeing these warm purples in the stores now, so you can be confident that they are for you!

Take advantage now, as they won't be manufactured or available after the next season or so...


Hope this helps.:D

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Sorry all, been very busy here lately.

Pam. After seeing B2 in daylight I kinda like it. Have you gotten any compliments on how good you looked on the days you wore it?

Did you happen to have the color swatch with you when you tried on the pollen top?

Aoknkentucky~ yes, I can post my color party next when we get Pams done. I will get my pics done tomorrow. Keep in mind I have very few green pieces that are correct, if any!:rolleyes:

Anita- I painted my spare bedroom and have the same problem. It is supposed to be a very light cream color - but it looks peach! There is an awful lot of orange in it once it went on the walls, but the stick is definately cream if I take it to any other room.:eek:

Please bear with me and I am becoming very confused..(my hampster has left his wheel that needs oiled very badly).....

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Kim...I remembered Curt's post. It's why I said that Curt would say that all these lighting issues are why you need color cards when shopping. :)


I really enjoyed that article myself. It may so much sense to me, I'm glad ya'll have also enjoyed it.


Aww...Thanks for the offer Kim...Mom's cruise is leaving next month so I could definitely use all the conversation I can get since I won't have my multi-times daily phone calls...MAN...I LOVE cell phones and free nationwide long distance and unlimited mobile to mobile...woot woot!!


Linda...ALL colors will behave differently in the lighting of the setting...it's why they sell those sample sizes...because people have become so industrious with their home improvement...Mom went through the same thing with a gold color in the family room. How can GOLD look PINK? But it DID. LOL.


Don't get confused about Mom and the outdoor picture. She's smiling. She's happy. She's relaxed. She's on vacation. And she's my beautiful Mom...so I will allow that it is a good picture of her. But that color top is not doing for her what it could if it were a FIRE color.


I made the best adjustment I could with the software I have to work with...please notice that the whites are much whiter. There is still a blue cast, BUT the red top has lost that blue red quality on my monitor...hopefully on yours too...




OK. Mom looks AIRBRUSHED in the red top...her skin looks so flawless in that red shirt...OMG...she is GORGEOUS. No offense intended in a negative comment about the green shirt...but that green shirt is just not helping her skin tone to have the same look...and the thing is...THIS is what we are striving for with identifying our colors...it's that I don't have to wear makeup (or as much), HEALTHY, YOUTHFUL skin tone that is the result of the by play that happens with all these waves of color bouncing around...


I mean...think about this...


We are talking about LIGHTING and how the best lighting for accurate color representation is lighting that has ALL the colors in it in equal amounts so that the object has the opportunity to be seen as it really is...because it has the opportunity to REFLECT the light waves that are the color that the object is...so this is how we can best understand what the REAL color of something is...in the store light, I can think I am buying an army/olive green skirt...but as I put it in the truck of my car, I see I just bought some sort of brown skirt...true story.


You following me?


Take this concept further...


If YOUR SHIRT is reflecting LIGHT WAVES...red waves, green waves, etc...YOUR SKIN is ALSO reflecting LIGHT WAVES...again, I'm not an expert...but it stands to reason...the light waves reflected from your shirt will either be absorbed or reflected by your skin...I have pictures of myself with my skin GLOWING green at the neck...you had to zoom in to see it...Mom actually was the one that pointed it out...BUT, the point is...it this interplay between the light waves that are being reflected by your shirt and the resulting skin tone that we see that we are trying to manipulate by picking colors that are the BEST at creating the skin tone we determine to be our BEST skin tone.

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Sorry all, been very busy here lately.

Pam. After seeing B2 in daylight I kinda like it. Have you gotten any compliments on how good you looked on the days you wore it?

Did you happen to have the color swatch with you when you tried on the pollen top?

Aoknkentucky~ yes, I can post my color party next when we get Pams done. I will get my pics done tomorrow. Keep in mind I have very few green pieces that are correct, if any!:rolleyes:

Anita- I painted my spare bedroom and have the same problem. It is supposed to be a very light cream color - but it looks peach! There is an awful lot of orange in it once it went on the walls, but the stick is definately cream if I take it to any other room.:eek:

Please bear with me and I am becoming very confused..(my hampster has left his wheel that needs oiled very badly).....


Linda. We ARE done with my green color party. So please post whenever you get inspired to do so. I think we've opined my green CP to death and we've had this very interesting diversion discussion over light and light conditions and photo quality. So, the pause for you and Debbie has been a bit of fun... but we're ready to move on now to you two... let's get your party started! Now, where did I hear that last.... oh yeah... Zumba! Join the party!


Kim. Thanks for the CJW reminder. I miss his "voice," very much. I think by the time that you had found the Seasons thread, I was on a trip and CJW had become less active on there so I didn't really come back to the thread. And then you started this thread (yeah!) and I got to share thoughts about the FIRE color palette again. I was just reflecting on how long I've been trying to find FIRE... and... you know... really.. not that long. It seems like forever! But, really, I wanted to know my season because I wanted to color my hair. So tired of the gray temple area. I had colored my hair in the past and it had been a disaster; the color the hairdresser chose made my skin look so pink that it always seemed to have a rash. I didn't want to go to the route of wearing a lot of makeup foundation... anyway...


Linda, I apologize for forgetting about the "control" cards. I should have brought them into that situation of analyzing the lighting in Chico's. Because there are several colors within the cards that might be Pollen. But, let me tell you... because of Debbie I searched and searched through the store and I only found ONE top in a size that didn't fit me. I just did the picture for Debbie to see the IRL color. Anita searched through a Chico's in her area and there wasn't even a single piece of Pollen in the whole store. So, this color is definitely one that you should try to order from the website... if you love it... and then just endure the return process if it doesn't work, after all. I didn't reach a conclusion about whether Pollen is FIRE or EARTH, but I know that it's a warm, golden yellow... I would call it goldenrod. Very similar to the Warm Golden Tan on my CJW cards.


I was wondering WHEN you ladies had been told you were FIRE and how long you've been working with your wardrobe. CJW told me I was FIRE in July, 2009. Since that time, I've had to go through a process of switching out a LOT of black and white because I'd been buying a bunch of that for travel. I've had to go through the process of resisting the urge to buy what I KNOW isn't right... the last purchase along those lines was a pair of white cargo pants along with the impulsive Venetian scene top that Anita now has in her avatar...I've had to go through the process of figuring out if the color is/isn't really either (a) warm or (b) clear. So, I think I've really grown in a lot of ways in two years!


Linda, I don't know if I mentioned it, but.... when I wear colors from my palette, I don't even bother with foundation makeup during the day... at all. My makeup has been reduced to eyes and lips... no blush... no foundation. Even in the evening, I use very sheer foundation... and that's usually because I just feel like I SHOULD if it's formal night on a cruise.


Anita, I love you. I've been trying to figure out what belt I should buy for that green top... B4. I'm having some trouble with that because the shirt is actually too big for me. It's bsggy under the arms, which means that there's a lot of fabric around my waist. So when I cinch it with a belt, I get all this bunched up fabric. Then, if I try to smooth all that fabric down, I end up with a kind of "skirt" effect from my waist over my hips. KWIM? It's really not flattering. So I thought maybe the belt shouldn't sit at my waist, but be a kind of droop belt that doesn't cinch in quite as much. It turns out that I have a kind of elastic, 3" width belt that gives the look that I want.... only the belt is aqua blue! I don't care for the combination of green and aqua blue... looks too circus-circus. So... now I'm on a grand search for something that might not exist. Accessories! On to the next PAUSE topic until we get more interesting things to discuss... like pictures!

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Kim. Thanks for the CJW reminder. I miss his "voice," very much. I think by the time that you had found the Seasons thread, I was on a trip and CJW had become less active on there so I didn't really come back to the thread. And then you started this thread (yeah!) and I got to share thoughts about the FIRE color palette again. I was just reflecting on how long I've been trying to find FIRE... and... you know... really.. not that long. It seems like forever! But, really, I wanted to know my season because I wanted to color my hair. So tired of the gray temple area. I had colored my hair in the past and it had been a disaster; the color the hairdresser chose made my skin look so pink that it always seemed to have a rash. I didn't want to go to the route of wearing a lot of makeup foundation... anyway...


Pam, I wish CJW would be an active poster on this thread too:) He diagnosed me in about September 2010, so just a year ago. It does seem like forever ago though too. I ALWAYS carry my color cards with me, never leave home without them! I wish I could get a more educated and confident eye that I could veer off the cards a bit more though. I like variety and it seems like so many of my tops are in plain colors. I think it's really hard to find patterned tops in FIRE, don't you? I don't color my hair yet and hope to hold off for as long as possible. One less thing to have to worry about for now. My gray (and there is a lot of it) seems to be dispersed throughout my hair and not concentrated so much in one area. I have noticed that my hair isn't as vibrant as it used to be. I think the gray dulls it down a bit.


Would anyone be willing to do any color parties with bottoms???? Other than camel, it seems like I don't find that many bottoms in FIRE colors. What about jeans, do you guys have a big variety in them? Do you feel they're FIRE go alongs or just jeans????


What about shoes???? Anyone willing to do a picture of shoes as Anita did? I loved that picture!


I am totally loving this discussion and pictures. It is really hard to do my own though but, I love looking at everyone elses.


I hope Debbie and Linda will post soon too ;)

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OK. Mom looks AIRBRUSHED in the red top...her skin looks so flawless in that red shirt...OMG...she is GORGEOUS. No offense intended in a negative comment about the green shirt...but that green shirt is just not helping her skin tone to have the same look...and the thing is...THIS is what we are striving for with identifying our colors...it's that I don't have to wear makeup (or as much), HEALTHY, YOUTHFUL skin tone that is the result of the by play that happens with all these waves of color bouncing around...


Pam, you look GOOD in this photo, girl!


Something I "think" I've noticed is that when any of us are in a really good seasonal color, when I look quickly at the picture, the first thing I notice is the FACE in the picture, NOT the clothing (even if it's bright FIRE colors). When I quickly glance at a picture of any of us in the WRONG seasonal color, It's the top I notice first and it sticks out more.


I've started looking back at our pictures like this: I turn my head away from the screen and quickly turn it back around and look quickly at the picture and see what pops out at me first. Granted, I look like a mad woman doing this but, in the comfort of my home, I can take that risk :D


Have any of you ever tried something like that??? Am I completely looney??? I find if I stare too intently, I start to "see" things too much and start to question my thoughts. It reminds me of looking at the Milky Way...if I just glance up at a black sky I can sometimes see the Milky Way but, when I just stare, the Milky Way seems to disappear. Maybe I shouldn't be saying these things in public...:eek:

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OMG these pics are really bad!! I had it on auto setting but you can all trash away! LOL:D Honestly the A3 is a match to the cards, but because the jacket is a shiny material it is reflecting all that sunlight coming in the window I think! Will await your verdicts.


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Linda, maybe it's just my connection, but I'm only getting to see the top half of both your pictures. I've tried closing my browser and letting it bring up the cruise critic site back up fresh. No matter what I do, I still can only see the top half of your pictures. I know how anxious I was to get responses after I posted, so I wanted to respond.


Is anyone else experiencing this? Sorry. --Debbie

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Linda...I can see your pictures...I think? Busy day for me...but I second what Debbie said...we all know how anxiously we await any kind of response when we post!




Which color swatch does the jacket match? The bottom green? I'm sorry. I don't see that. You color cards are like bright sunshine in the midst of a rather cool and muted color party. I know this is very strange...but it is what I am seeing.


I do see 3 possible winners...


A2, A4, and B3...


The Henley style shirt (buttons) in the top row, lace edged neck line in the top row, and the print directly to the right of the color cards.


Photos tell the true story, but if I were to set you on a course of action that would be more scientific and logical...I would ask you to take only those 3 shirt and photograph them with the color cards...and then systematically add each of the other shirts individually...with 5 other shirts, you would end up with 6 pictures total.


Then of course, we would want to see the shirts on you for reference.


NOW. Since we have never seen you before...we need a point of reference...do you KNOW you have a FIRE color shirt? A shirt Curt used in his evaluation? A coral? A yellow? An orange/red? It would be great to see you in your fabulousness first, and then determine if any of these greens are truly fitting the bill...because honestly...and I say this with the most heartfelt best wishes for you to be able to find a great green in which you look GORGEOUS...I'm not confident that ANY of these greens are truly Fire.


BUT...don't be discouraged...since we haven't seen the effect of them on you...it could all just be a matter of lighting. But that's what I see so far.

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I know I'm behind on the discussion that's been taking place this weekend without me, so I feel like I'm interrupting instead of answering , but wanted to respond to everyone. Thanks for going the extra mile for the color Pollen. Wow! It sure started a whole new discussion though, didn't it? I just love this thread! As frustrated as I am at myself, I am learning. Thanks everybody.


I will take new green pictures and post them after Linda's turn, I promise!! I think I'll take each picture with my control card draped over my shoulder. Would that help?


My greens have been sweated in and I'll need to wash them when we've finished deciding what stays and what goes. I can't even give these away as many times as I've had them on and off and travelled to the campground and back.


Remember when I posted my scarf choices? We didn't have trouble telling which scarves were good or off -- remember the brown scarf that I'm saving for Anita? It was sooo EARTH. My green pictures were taken in the same room with the same phone camera. The only difference must be how much sunlight was coming through the window and how many lights I had turned on in the room. I asked and DH says that the squirelly bulbs ARE flourscent so that's possibly the problem. Since the collage worked when we discussed my scarves and it doesn't look like my internet issues will be solved in time, I'm afraid I will need to post my greens like before. We will see if I can take better pics this time around (I hope)




PS - just saw that Anita posted while I was typing. What is it with me and pictures? Is everyone else seeing all of both pictures Linda posted? Now isn't this just a dandy mess. I am sooo going to get this Internet thing fixed. One....way....or....the....other! --Deb

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I didn't chime in earlier because I didn't want to be the one that led the parade... but... A3 doesn't come close to matching the cards.. on my monitor. In fact, when I saw the collage, my immediate thought was that it looked very much like AIR to me... very cool and very muted.


Your A3 is coming across as almost a raw silk look... very what I would almost call seafoam.... The green in the color cards on the top row is the Granny Smith apple green... I know that A3 can't be that color. So you must see A3 matching with the bottom row which would be the Medium Yellow Green on the cards? A3 looks way too muted... cool... too much blue hue underneath... to be a match to that color, imo. Well, it doesn't match... for me... on my monitor.


So, I don't know what to say except that I echo Anita's opinions. A2, A4 and potentially B3 are the possibilities that I see. Is B1 a dress with a blue bottom that is folded with the bottom underneath? I can't tell enough about those colors to form an opinion. From what I see, if A2 works then I would think A1 could be EARTH. If A2 doesn't work, then A1 could be AIR. A3, B2 and B4 look like AIR, to me. I just think that A1 is a different temperature than A2...


Well, it's all a bit difficult with pictures and computers. Kim will have to let us know what she thinks... Debbie has to get her technology straightened out so she can see!


Waiting for the control pictures and the people pictures so we can see more for better educated opinions! :D

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Ok, good news. I turned my phone completely off, let it rest a minute and made it link back up with the tower. Presto chango! I have complete pictures, Linda. The bad news is that I agree with Anita and Pam. I thought at first that the bluish green of B-1 might be a possibility, but if the blue below that green is a dress as Pam has suggested, I can't see how a FiRE green and the blue I'm seeing on my monitor would go together. I vote to see you in A-2, A-4 and the print to the right of the color card. Sorry, but I see lots of AIR also. --Debbie

Edited by aoknkentucky
Same old iPhone keyboard excuse.
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Hey Everyone!

Just a quick note here...

I've gotten your notes and emails...

I've been wonderfully busy, and I promise that I will try to get in here more to comment - it just still might be a while.:o


If you all agree a bit on specific questions - and want to email, that might be easier for me to post answers here.


That being said:

Member123 and Anita Latte - you two ladies are looking so amazing and fantastic!

I am so happy and proud to be a small part of your Color Intervention transformations!:)

Thank you both for sharing and keeping me updated.


It's just amazing to see you both at this point - because it's like you are finally reaching the potential that I saw in my mind's eye when we first started many months ago.

(I need a smiley face that has a happy smile with a tear of joy).

You're reaching that and going beyond on so many levels of life!


Cyber Hugs to everyone.:D

Keep going!

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First off ~ Great to see you here Curt! How's the wee one? Hope I haven't let you down with this disaster I have! I really have been trying!!!

Thank you all ~ I appreciate your honesty! :eek::D

Green has been a very hard color for me to find. I am sooo used to buying earth greens all these years. What you are saying is what I had really been feeling, but just didn't want to admit it to myself. I see all those $$$ going down the drain. Oh well, live and learn....I really really loved the jacket (A3), but, I hardly ever wear it.. Funny... It's a raw silk as you suspected and yes, Curt has seen me in it. This was one of the first pieces I purchased just as Curt was trying to diagnose me. I honestly thought it was a granny smith apple green- even went out and bought the apple!!! LOL The more I look at it in RL I see that it does have more blue than I want. Maybe I'll go grab an apple again...

B3 is the only one I really think is in the color range. And that is something I have never worn!! Go figure... It's a two piece crop top with those wrap pants outfit I bought on one the the islands on our last cruise.. Impulse purchase...Since I have lost some weight I may try it back on.

As for A2 and A4 - I think A2 may be more on the blue side and A4 - to me is more of a kelly green. So in essence I may only have 1 piece of green! :rolleyes: Well, at least one good thing... I'm going to be able to get my closet weeded out and finally be able to see what I have. Right now it's so full everything is crushed and has to be pressed before it gets worn.:eek:

I'm not sure I have any of those pics that were used for Curt as I cleaned off my computer several months ago. I will try to take more photos when I go home for lunch. If not I will get to them tonight after I get the gang fed.

Thanks again Anita and Pam and Debbie for your brutal (I say that with a big smile and gratutide) honesty and sincerety. If you were here I'd give you all big hugs. This ole gal really needed this!!!


Please don't give up on me!!!!

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Hi Linda,


I have to agree with the group here. Although, to my eye, the only top that looks FIREY to me is B3. I think the rest are a mix of mostly AIR and EARTH :(


Don't give up, you have a great attitude and are interested in learning or you wouldn't be posting!!! it's a definite learning curve and I think all of us are on it but, at different points on the curve. That's part of what makes this a great learning tool. t's such a nice group too!


I'll be anxious to see your pictures. Hang in there :)

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Ok, good news. I turned my phone completely off, let it rest a minute and made it link back up with the tower. Presto chango! I have complete pictures, Linda. The bad news is that I agree with Anita and Pam. I thought at first that the bluish green of B-1 might be a possibility, but if the blue below that green is a dress as Pam has suggested, I can't see how a FiRE green and the blue I'm seeing on my monitor would go together. I vote to see you in A-2, A-4 and the print to the right of the color card. Sorry, but I see lots of AIR also. --Debbie


Good news, Debbie:) Technology is great when it works, isn't it:rolleyes:

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CJW, glad to see your post. Hopefully, you can stop by now and again:)


Anita and Pam, what a nice compliment from CJW!!!! Every bit deserved too!




Hey Everyone!

Just a quick note here...

I've gotten your notes and emails...

I've been wonderfully busy, and I promise that I will try to get in here more to comment - it just still might be a while.:o


If you all agree a bit on specific questions - and want to email, that might be easier for me to post answers here.


That being said:

Member123 and Anita Latte - you two ladies are looking so amazing and fantastic!

I am so happy and proud to be a small part of your Color Intervention transformations!:)

Thank you both for sharing and keeping me updated.


It's just amazing to see you both at this point - because it's like you are finally reaching the potential that I saw in my mind's eye when we first started many months ago.

(I need a smiley face that has a happy smile with a tear of joy).

You're reaching that and going beyond on so many levels of life!


Cyber Hugs to everyone.:D

Keep going!

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Ok, ran home really quickly, gulped down a sandwich and ran upstairs to try and get some photos for y'all.. I'm sweaty, not in a good mood and No makeup and hair is a mess - all because of extreme day I'm having so here ya go!!!:p Will 'splain later...gotta go back to work!


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Hi, Linda! Glad to meet you! :D


Forgive me, because I'm not really very good at this. The point that I'm trying to make is.... you are not wearing "clear" colors... at all. I can't tell if, in fact, the green color party is the right temperature... but I'm absolutely positive that it's not FIRE.


Using Kim's description of looking away from the picture, swiveling your head back to the picture (you made me giggle, Kim), and seeing what pops out at you first... the fabric or the face...


I think that, even though the effect is totally Photoshopped and very unreal... you're not really receiving the benefit of the color actually being worn so we don't get to see improvement in skin tone, etc... the effect of wearing warm, bright though.... does it come through?

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Hmmm...ok so I'm checking in really quickly before I leave work... Those photos were taken inside using no flash and sun streaming in my windows. Seee.... what I thought was matching, didn't and what I thought didn't match did! Do I make any sense at all? Am I color blind? This is why I don't wear green!! No matter... I'm sure the print top is the ONLY green I have in my closet now!:D

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