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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Linda...I agree with Mom. I think these photos are all showing us your skin tone when you wear muted colors. A photo of you in a known Fire shirt would confirm this.


I'm sorry to hear you are having an extreme day! This sounds like a bad thing...I hope your evening is better. Sounds like you need one of these:




Mom has a great recipe...OMG...I'm drooling thinking about it...

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OK am home and dishes are in dw. I am going to relax here for a few.

My day has been unpleasant in a way you can't imagine. I went to work this morning and got out of the car in the parking lot and could sorta smell something unpleasant. Unlocked the office door and opened it to a very distinct ordor! Pepe le pew has visited us!!!! How the smell got into a closed in office- no open air vents anywhere is beyond us. We cannot find the source. I had all windows and doors opened all day with the airconditioner and fans going full blast- holding a kleenex to my nose as I answered the phone... My allergies have kicked in and I'm stuffed up, throat is tight, eyes are red and nose is running. I wanted to go home, but boss said no, it would be ok.. He didn't have to sit in the stink! Kept leaving to run errands.. Anyway the day is behind me I smell like skunk and hopefully I won't get really sick like I normally do when allergies start. This is something new to me also, as I never had allergies until 2 years ago. I keep getting strep throat, bronchial pneumonia and end up at ER to be admitted to hospital. anyway....enought boohooooing......

I found some photos Curt used - which are my colors. These were taken after my bought with pneumonia as I was recupperating and hadn't had much sleep for 3 months. And yes- I hate to have my picture plastered anywhere..I never like what I see! I wish I had a top in that gold I'm in though... it's actually a table runner!! :D

Anita- Make it a triple, please!! atnp0z.jpg

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So, here's what I'm thinking...my green party was a big bust! None of the attendees were invited, they all just crashed!!!s5eoi1.jpg Out!!! All of you get out!!!!!:eek::D:p And yes, that is a granny smith apple!!!!

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Hi, Linda! Glad to meet you! :D


Forgive me, because I'm not really very good at this. The point that I'm trying to make is.... you are not wearing "clear" colors... at all. I can't tell if, in fact, the green color party is the right temperature... but I'm absolutely positive that it's not FIRE.


Using Kim's description of looking away from the picture, swiveling your head back to the picture (you made me giggle, Kim), and seeing what pops out at you first... the fabric or the face...


I think that, even though the effect is totally Photoshopped and very unreal... you're not really receiving the benefit of the color actually being worn so we don't get to see improvement in skin tone, etc... the effect of wearing warm, bright though.... does it come through?

Pam, I hear you and see what you're trying to tell me. I'll keep looking for some green things. This is why I need all the help I can get. Kiss

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You need the warmth, but you're like me.... you need the bright/clear! Bright/clear makes you come alive. I think that we've seen you in EARTH and AIR. It's interesting to me that the EARTH color didn't gray you out like it does me. I've been wanting a FIRE lady to put on some EARTH to see if the skin tone turns all gray, ashy like it does on me... yours doesn't, assuming that those greens you showed us are really warm. So maybe we've only seen you in AIR. But, Linda, I don't think the patterned top is doing you any favors... either. I think you don't have a green color party. ;)


Let's do some honest talking here. The date on the CJW pictures is 2010. How long ago, in 2010, are we talking?


It took me a little while to come to terms with exactly what "bright/clear" meant. When you look at my closet now, I think that I've grown accustomed to finding "bright." I have gradients that go from bright, brighter, brightest. My earliest FIRE purchases are "bright." My most recent FIRE purchases are "brightest/clearest." LOL.


The thing that really caught my attention was my pictodiary for our vacations. The pictures that I truly feel that I look great are the ones where I think I've nailed the "bright/clear" setting on our color palette.


So, my question is: are you struggling a bit with the idea of "bright/clarity?"


Don't confuse the parameter of "bright" with the idea of "shiny." The blue/green jacket that you purchased has that sheen look to it, which isn't really what you need to look for when you look for "clarity." I so wish we had a more appropriate word for the "bright" factor... because I think it's so important to nail; and it's difficult to discuss without proper vocabulary!


Anyway... sorry... that you had a truly, literally, "stinky" day! From what I know, skunk smell is horrible because it is sulfurous. I don't know of any remedies to help you. What a "skunky" boss!:( That was just mean.

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Okay, so I have no idea if I am Fire or Earth or... no... I really think I'm one of these but at this point who knows? But today I paid my donation for CJW to do my analysis!!!! Looking forward to finding out what I should be wearing as I have no real idea anymore. I'll let you all know what I find out. :)

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You need the warmth, but you're like me.... you need the bright/clear! Bright/clear makes you come alive. I think that we've seen you in EARTH and AIR. It's interesting to me that the EARTH color didn't gray you out like it does me. I've been wanting a FIRE lady to put on some EARTH to see if the skin tone turns all gray, ashy like it does on me....


Remember how I looked in the brown scarf, Pam? You couldn't get more confirmation that atleast one other FIRE looks gray in EARTH.

Here I am in all my scarf glory--



Anyway... sorry... that you had a truly, literally, "stinky" day! From what I know, skunk smell is horrible because it is sulfurous. I don't know of any remedies to help you. What a "skunky" boss!:( That was just mean.
As gross as this sounds, we once had three baby skunks under our house! Every time we walked across the floor, they sprayed. We went through SEVERAL cans of Lysol. It didnt fix the problem, but it gave us something different to smell for a few minutes and it made me feel better. I was atleast doing....something.


All that to say, I feel your pain. You deserve the triple! --Debbie


PS If the sun will shine tomorrow morning, I will try again to take pictures of my greens. I will post them as soon as I can unless Linda has more to post. :)

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You need the warmth, but you're like me.... you need the bright/clear! Bright/clear makes you come alive. I think that we've seen you in EARTH and AIR. It's interesting to me that the EARTH color didn't gray you out like it does me. I've been wanting a FIRE lady to put on some EARTH to see if the skin tone turns all gray, ashy like it does on me... yours doesn't, assuming that those greens you showed us are really warm. So maybe we've only seen you in AIR. But, Linda, I don't think the patterned top is doing you any favors... either. I think you don't have a green color party. ;)


Let's do some honest talking here. The date on the CJW pictures is 2010. How long ago, in 2010, are we talking?


It took me a little while to come to terms with exactly what "bright/clear" meant. When you look at my closet now, I think that I've grown accustomed to finding "bright." I have gradients that go from bright, brighter, brightest. My earliest FIRE purchases are "bright." My most recent FIRE purchases are "brightest/clearest." LOL.


The thing that really caught my attention was my pictodiary for our vacations. The pictures that I truly feel that I look great are the ones where I think I've nailed the "bright/clear" setting on our color palette.


So, my question is: are you struggling a bit with the idea of "bright/clarity?"


Don't confuse the parameter of "bright" with the idea of "shiny." The blue/green jacket that you purchased has that sheen look to it, which isn't really what you need to look for when you look for "clarity." I so wish we had a more appropriate word for the "bright" factor... because I think it's so important to nail; and it's difficult to discuss without proper vocabulary!


Anyway... sorry... that you had a truly, literally, "stinky" day! From what I know, skunk smell is horrible because it is sulfurous. I don't know of any remedies to help you. What a "skunky" boss!:( That was just mean.

Curt's diagnosis was last April. Wow, doesn't seem that long ago, you'd think I'd have this down by now. Yes, I've been struggeling with the bright and clear since then- especially blues, greens and reds are giving me a hard time. I think I have a few pieces in the yellow and turq nailed and Choc brown I get. (I think- even though I do have some misses)

But, like I said I have a closet just bursting with every color - except black- I did promise Curt I would get rid of it and I did..AND I have'nt bought one single thing that's black. It's just been hard for me to shop for myself.. I can do it for others, but not me, as you can see.

I have worn Earth colors mostly for mainy years. I get lost in them, I know. They wash me out-this I know, but it's been a habit I'm finding extremely hard to break. And I just now thought of something~Years ago I was diagnosed by a color consultant as being fall. I look at brights as those belonging to others. (a party I wasn't invited to) I also keep thinking that the bright, clears bring attention to me and I'm a rather quiet, shy person. I blush extremely easily and can't ever tell a lie because my blushing gives me away. I never like my pictures because of the redness of my face, no matter what color I'm wearing.

When I look at color, I have a hard time judging the warmth and clarity. I thought most of those greens were warm until I took the photos. Now I see the blue,gray in all of them. Guess I just need to take pictures of clothes before I buy them, come home and view them on my monitor, then decide if they are correct for me. Whew, do I have my work cut out! When I thought I was on the right track, the train derailed big time!

Yeah my stinky day is over and I'm going to shower and crash. Tomorrow is a new Clear Bright Day! (even though we're getting rain) :D Just don't give up on me- I need all the help I can get! Will you still invite me to your party?

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Okay, so I have no idea if I am Fire or Earth or... no... I really think I'm one of these but at this point who knows? But today I paid my donation for CJW to do my analysis!!!! Looking forward to finding out what I should be wearing as I have no real idea anymore. I'll let you all know what I find out. :)


CJW will do you well, ChollaChick :) It will be fun to "see" what season you are. Please be sure and post pictures and let us know. And, join in the conversation any time!

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Linda, you look fantastic in those analysis colors! Your eyes just POP!!! What do you think when you look at your analysis pics and then look at your recent green pics? Can you see the difference?


Skunks are really cute when they are out in the open and away from people and buildings;)


OK am home and dishes are in dw. I am going to relax here for a few.

My day has been unpleasant in a way you can't imagine. I went to work this morning and got out of the car in the parking lot and could sorta smell something unpleasant. Unlocked the office door and opened it to a very distinct ordor! Pepe le pew has visited us!!!! How the smell got into a closed in office- no open air vents anywhere is beyond us. We cannot find the source. I had all windows and doors opened all day with the airconditioner and fans going full blast- holding a kleenex to my nose as I answered the phone... My allergies have kicked in and I'm stuffed up, throat is tight, eyes are red and nose is running. I wanted to go home, but boss said no, it would be ok.. He didn't have to sit in the stink! Kept leaving to run errands.. Anyway the day is behind me I smell like skunk and hopefully I won't get really sick like I normally do when allergies start. This is something new to me also, as I never had allergies until 2 years ago. I keep getting strep throat, bronchial pneumonia and end up at ER to be admitted to hospital. anyway....enought boohooooing......

I found some photos Curt used - which are my colors. These were taken after my bought with pneumonia as I was recupperating and hadn't had much sleep for 3 months. And yes- I hate to have my picture plastered anywhere..I never like what I see! I wish I had a top in that gold I'm in though... it's actually a table runner!! :D

Anita- Make it a triple, please!! atnp0z.jpg

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Okay, so I have no idea if I am Fire or Earth or... no... I really think I'm one of these but at this point who knows? But today I paid my donation for CJW to do my analysis!!!! Looking forward to finding out what I should be wearing as I have no real idea anymore. I'll let you all know what I find out. :)


GREAT! It's super exciting, isn't it? Let us know what is decided so we'll know which camp needs to welcome you aboard. --Debbie:)

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Remember how I looked in the brown scarf, Pam? You couldn't get more confirmation that atleast one other FIRE looks gray in EARTH.

Here I am in all my scarf glory--



As gross as this sounds, we once had three baby skunks under our house! Every time we walked across the floor, they sprayed. We went through SEVERAL cans of Lysol. It didnt fix the problem, but it gave us something different to smell for a few minutes and it made me feel better. I was atleast doing....something.


All that to say, I feel your pain. You deserve the triple! --Debbie


PS If the sun will shine tomorrow morning, I will try again to take pictures of my greens. I will post them as soon as I can unless Linda has more to post. :)

I went through a can of Fabreeze today, which only helped for about a minute. I'm taking another with me tomorrow and it's supposed to rain here so I know it's gonna be worse. I may just end up coming home if it's no better. Customers even had an odd look on there face when they walked in! LOL I told them I had taken my shower with soap and was not wearing that kind of perfume!

Needless to say, they didn't stay very long!

Post your pictures Debbie as my party was a flop! And thankfully, that's all the green I have right now.

Sorry to disappoint you Curt.:( Geez, you'd think I could be a better hostess! ;)

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Post your pictures Debbie as my party was a flop! And thankfully, that's all the green I have right now.

Sorry to disappoint you Curt.:( Geez, you'd think I could be a better hostess! ;)


Not a disappointment, Linda, just a steeper learning curve :) Keep on pluggin', we will all get there in time.

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Not a disappointment, Linda, just a steeper learning curve :) Keep on pluggin', we will all get there in time.


AMEN! Don't be so hard on yourself, Linda. I've been at this since June/July 2010. Heck, I can't even post my pictures right! LOL. As the others have been telling me, we are all learning. I am also frustrated at times, but I am also having soooo much fun. --Debbie

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Curt's diagnosis was last April. Wow, doesn't seem that long ago, you'd think I'd have this down by now. Yes, I've been struggeling with the bright and clear since then- especially blues, greens and reds are giving me a hard time. I think I have a few pieces in the yellow and turq nailed and Choc brown I get. (I think- even though I do have some misses)

But, like I said I have a closet just bursting with every color - except black- I did promise Curt I would get rid of it and I did..AND I have'nt bought one single thing that's black. It's just been hard for me to shop for myself.. I can do it for others, but not me, as you can see.

I have worn Earth colors mostly for mainy years. I get lost in them, I know. They wash me out-this I know, but it's been a habit I'm finding extremely hard to break. And I just now thought of something~Years ago I was diagnosed by a color consultant as being fall. I look at brights as those belonging to others. (a party I wasn't invited to) I also keep thinking that the bright, clears bring attention to me and I'm a rather quiet, shy person. I blush extremely easily and can't ever tell a lie because my blushing gives me away. I never like my pictures because of the redness of my face, no matter what color I'm wearing.

When I look at color, I have a hard time judging the warmth and clarity. I thought most of those greens were warm until I took the photos. Now I see the blue,gray in all of them. Guess I just need to take pictures of clothes before I buy them, come home and view them on my monitor, then decide if they are correct for me. Whew, do I have my work cut out! When I thought I was on the right track, the train derailed big time!

Yeah my stinky day is over and I'm going to shower and crash. Tomorrow is a new Clear Bright Day! (even though we're getting rain) :D Just don't give up on me- I need all the help I can get! Will you still invite me to your party?


Ok. So, since April.... just about 6 months? That's not really that long. It takes a while to do a few things: to really, really get what you should be looking for in terms of answering the question of cool vs warm; to retrain your way of thinking about what colors actually look good on you, personally.


I absolutely know about being analyzed in error. I was analyzed as a SUMMER! In CJW's world that would be an AIR. Can you imagine? Someone who looks good in warm and bright was analyzed to wear cool and muted?!? :confused: Because I couldn't tell the difference, I ended up with a lot of black and white in my wardrobe. So washed out... as my pictures point out.


But, still... it takes quite a bit of confidence to put on a bright, warm color and not feel like a stop light. I know.


Well, here's a truth: when you wear your bright, warm colors... you will bring attention to yourself... but it will be in a good way. What you have to know is that you bring attention to yourself in bad colors for you... and not in a good way. KWIM? When you wear the right colors, people will look at you and they will think: you look healthy; you look happy; you look approachable; you look positive. When you wear colors that are bad for you, people will look at you and they will think: you look tired; you look unhappy; you look worried.


You made a statement about not liking the redness in your face that appears... no matter what color you are wearing... and why you don't like pictures. Linda, that's not a true statement. And you need to know that. When you (we) wear these bright, warm colors... it does AMAZING things for our skin tone. I know that it seems like the opposite would be true. How can wearing a bright, red top (for example) diminish the redness in our skin? Well, I can't answer HOW it does... I can just tell you that it does. The truth is in looking at my pictures in my bright, red Michael Kors top. The one I posted that I wore to the Chico's dressing room. I took an amazing picture in that top; who knew? well, that would be CJW! He has an amazing eye. Trust him.


It's going to take a little bit of mind alteration on your part. But, you NEED to get into your warm, bright colors. You will see an amazing difference for your skin tone. I promise you.


Chico's is having a sale (don't they always have a sale!) on last season's colors. Here are good ones: for a green, Honeydew. for a blue, Cyan. for a red, Cadmium Red. for a purple, Purpleberry. Take a look at their website and check out these colors. They are FIRE.


Girl, we have such fun on this thread! Don't ever worry about getting kicked out of a party; that would only happen if you didn't show up for the fun! So just grin... keep coming around, posting pictures, talking, questioning, learning... we're just all here to feel good and get better about dressing in a way that makes us feel good about ourselves! :D

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Girls, I think I'm going to Indy, shopping. I'll take the skinny camera and take some pictures possibly;)


I'll let you know if I have any luck.


Yeah! Virtual shopping! Are you going today?


I went to Coldwater Creek to try to find the items that Linda was interested in, but CC doesn't have their color names on their tags! They have numbers. Anita said that you have to write down the tag numbers and then see if they match on their website. I meant to tell Linda that, but I kept forgetting.... your shopping trip reminded me.


Are you going for FUN... or are you looking for something specific?


Don't get frustrated. It's a little picky-picky out there because of the autumn/winter season in the stores; it's a bit difficult to find great FIRE at this time of year. I've been looking for WARM WEATHER clothes because of the Caribbean cruise coming up... and they are darn hard to find.


I'm bottom challenged! I keep finding tops that I like, but <ahem> that's only half of an outfit! So please share if you find any great neutral capris, cargo pants, skirts!


What stores are you going to? I'm so ready to see and travel along with you! So... check in with your progress....

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Okay, Ladies. We will try this yet again. I am attaching a picture of part of my green collection. I've studied and studied, and think I will be able to diagnose additional tops that I have by what tops are picked or weeded out of this collage. I took my head shots this morning, so I would be ready to post them. Let's get started. If you don't mind, please let me know whether you think my mistakes are EARTH or ICE.


Thanks, Debbie


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Okay, Ladies. We will try this yet again. I am attaching a picture of part of my green collection. I've studied and studied, and think I will be able to diagnose additional tops that I have by what tops are picked or weeded out of this collage. I took my head shots this morning, so I would be ready to post them. Let's get started. If you don't mind, please let me know whether you think my mistakes are EARTH or ICE.


Thanks, Debbie

Well, I'm gonna hold my opinion until Pam or Anita post. I will be interested to see if I picked out the ones that don't seem fire. I have written them down, so I won't be cheating.:p

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Since Pam was kind enough to send me to Chico's - I SHOPPED! :eek::D and have a big ole box coming to me with purple, brown, green. blue and ivory items. Ohhhh am I gonna have fun opening that box when it gets here. I just hope it all fits.

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Since Pam was kind enough to send me to Chico's - I SHOPPED! :eek::D and have a big ole box coming to me with purple, brown, green. blue and ivory items. Ohhhh am I gonna have fun opening that box when it gets here. I just hope it all fits.


OK! What were the color names? Did you go for purpleberry, honeydew, cyan, chocolate and/or chocolate chip? What was the color name of the ivory? Also, there was a brown that CC won't allow the spelling because the first three letters are "shi" and the last four letters are "take", so put the first three letters together with the first letter of the last four letters, and CC will asterisk out the name because of that combination. But, it's also the name of a mushroom....


When you get that box... you HAVE TO post a picture of you in the green. It will be Green Color Party Part Deux!


I hope it fits too. Chico's is right down the street for me, so anytime you want a color opinion just let me know.

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Okay, Ladies. We will try this yet again. I am attaching a picture of part of my green collection. I've studied and studied, and think I will be able to diagnose additional tops that I have by what tops are picked or weeded out of this collage. I took my head shots this morning, so I would be ready to post them. Let's get started. If you don't mind, please let me know whether you think my mistakes are EARTH or ICE.


Thanks, Debbie




This is so hard in a pdf format. Can't pull the colors in and do any kind of looking that helps me with decisions. Would you be willing to send the pictures (.jpg) file formats to me... and then I could post them for you? I don't mind... until you get your internet up and running.


I set up an email account, which is PamMember123 at gmail.com


Whatever you want to do....:D .... I think several of those tops are on a borderline for me. It might be a situation where we HAVE to see YOU in them in order to tell....

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Okay, so I have no idea if I am Fire or Earth or... no... I really think I'm one of these but at this point who knows? But today I paid my donation for CJW to do my analysis!!!! Looking forward to finding out what I should be wearing as I have no real idea anymore. I'll let you all know what I find out. :)


Hi there! I remember those days of working with CJW. So much fun! But, at the same time.... there were a lot of anxious moments spent waiting. So, feel free to come on here and talk with us as you await your unveiling moment!


If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) you're doing a TA cruise in about a month. What is your departure port? What cruise line are you sailing? Are you familiar with our pictodiaries? We have a lot of fun on this thread! Welcome...

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