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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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In looking at Debbie's green color party collage, there is something that we all need to ignore in the pictures... in order to evaluate and form an educated opinion. I have been distracted, in looking at the pictures, with "something" that is going on around Debbie's chin/neck area. In talking it over with my DH, who is a better photographer than I am, he tells me that he would make an educated guess that Debbie has a light source that is hitting the left side of her face. So, she is standing in a location where one side (it appears to be the left side) of her face has this light source which is causing a shadowing to occur in that area of her face.


So, that shadowing has nothing to do with the effect of the color that she is wearing on her skin. It's a function of the photography and the light source... and we need to ignore it and just look at the chest area and the face to get our opinions finalized. I was trying to figure out if the tops were more muted and so Debbie was experiencing some of the gray skin tone that happens with me; but I don't think that's the case, at all.


Now, I hope that I haven't brought this to everyone's attention and now you are all RIVETED on what I'm seeing. My intention is to say to NOT be influenced by that! So....I'll be back.


You and DH are exactly correct. I have an exterior door that I opened in an attempt to get as much natural light in the room as possible. It is the only room in the house that has any light at all but it is on the north side of the house. I wish I had a better option but any other room would have fluorescent lighting or all windows are so shaded that the rooms are too dark.


Should I plan to let less light in when I take my Aqua color party pics?



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OK, here goes nothin' girls---






C2--favorite-I love your eyes and the overall look









B4--too muted

C1--too olive


D1--all the D's seem too bluish and muted




I "think" I like you in the lighter greens overall. They seem to brighten you. It seems hard to me with your darker hair. I'm used to the reddish haired gals :)


What do the rest of you think? What do you think, Debbie?

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OK, here goes nothin' girls---






C2--favorite-I love your eyes and the overall look









B4--too muted

C1--too olive


D1--all the D's seem too bluish and muted




I "think" I like you in the lighter greens overall. They seem to brighten you. It seems hard to me with your darker hair. I'm used to the reddish haired gals :)


What do the rest of you think? What do you think, Debbie?

Thank you for your opinion, Kim. I'll look at your choices while we wait for the other opinions to come rolling in.


What do I think? One of my many problems is that I can look at my color card, even take pictures of tops with the card laying on it and "see" that it matches. Yet, there is a distinct difference when I put the top on and take a picture. That's one of the main reasons I am soooo glad we are doing this. I will be able to learn this way, that's what I think By the time we finish another color or two, my education won't be complete, but it will have progressed tremendously. --Debbie

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OMG...I thought I could come on here and see where the conversation is...and HOLY COW Ladies!!! There is just too much conversation for me to catch up in the short time I have here.


I know we all wonder what is going on when someone is away from the boards for a bit...so I'm just checking in. There is too much fun going on here and I am excited to catch up tomorrow when I have time to breathe.


We got DS's campaign posters done tonight! He's running for Student Council Vice President. Too fun. Eariler...I just had to stay focused on the housework that needed to be done...if I get sucked into this thread, I lose all track of time and then suddenly I have to go get DS from school and my day is shot and nothing got done...and I just couldn't afford ANOTHER day without getting some laundry done.


Now it's almost time to do the bedtime routine...I'll talk tomorrow!

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Ok, Here are my picks as I had them written

Hits- A2(the first head shot) B1, B3, C2,, C3, C4.

Not sure about A3, A4, C2, C3, C4

Misses- B2, B4, C1, D1, D2, D3.


Hey Jobie~ I see I agreed with you on most, so we must be wrong!:eek:

Anxious to here what Anita has to say.


Pam- whoooo hoooo! A new do!!!!


ChollaChick- nice to see ya here. These gals are really a great and helpful bunch. Trust CJW- he knows his stuff!!! Pictures of yourself without makeup and hair pulled back were the hardest thing to do and then to post them for others to see is even harder, but after the first few times, I'm now starting to get comfortable with posting here. It's all constructive criticism in the best way! Hang in there and have fun!


I'm calling it a night. I'm all relaxed and my feet feel wonderful after my session tonight...maybe I'll be able to get a few winks for a change.

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Good morning Ladies!


I've been pouring over pictures of Debbie as I eat my oatmeal this morning. I believe I have definitely formed opinions about these pictures. I must warn you...I have Mom's password for her Photobucket account, so I went over there to look at the bigger pictures...so I may be able to see some things that you cannot see. My opinions may be different!


ALSO...I have multiple windows open so I am also looking at a bigger version of the color party so that I can try to make sense of what I am seeing...I hate to do this to everyone, but I have to run to class! But I'll be back afterward!


I hope these short posts aren't annoying. I think it helps if you are like me and just wondering what is going on with all your CC friends. :)

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I haven't read any one else's opinions. I will post mine, and then go back and read the posts in detail to see if we are, at all, similar.


I have a busy morning. So I may be posting more at the noon-ish time frame. I just want you to know that I am looking at your pictures and I will give my opinion. I know that this time after posting can seem like the longest stretch... and I apologize. But it can't be too bad, right? You have a couple of opinions being expressed. Don't know how similar they are... but are you agreeing with some?


Will talk with you soon. I don't know how to answer the situation about your light source(s) and picture taking. It's just darn hard, isn't it? Too much light = too much shadow; too little light = not enough definition. What's a girl to do? Not very helpful, right? I think your pictures are fine; I just made the comment that I did because of our discussions about our skin going gray in warm, less bright colors.


I can tell you ladies one thing. I think you (Linda and Debbie, especially) are gravitating toward more muted than clear colors! I thought of something interesting to ask. What did you think you were before CJW told you that you were FIRE? I think that both of you thought you were EARTH, right? Am I remembering right?


My siuation is that I was told that I was an AIR. Being in those clothes did absolutely nothing for me and I gradually learned to put together "outfits" rather than to observe how a color affected my skin tone. So I just bought lovely pieces of clothing, which is why I ended up with the black Joseph Ribkoff item! Anyway, when DH and I retired and began to travel, then I just got myself into a black/white wardrobe because it was easier to put together travel outfits that coordinated. Well, black/white doesn't really coordinate: it just IS. Anyway, I found myself buying pretty tops to go with black bottoms... which, of course, had to be a black/white theme. So my wardrobe was absolutely full of nothing much except black/white.


My poiint with this is that I hadn't really gravitated toward any specific colors... like ChollaC saying she loves olive green, rust, burgundy... I didn't form any attachments to specific colors or color "types." Maybe then it's become easier for me to transition to FIRE colors: because, literally, I have to stay away from the only colors that I was consistently buying.


So, I wonder if it's more difficult for you to wear BRIGHT, CLEAR colors?


Debbie, in your collage, what do you consider to be your brightest, clearest color top picture?

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Uh. Oh.


Here's another "teaser" post. Sorry.


I've formed my favorites and what I think are my no-so favorites.


Debbie, first of all.... I think green is a GREAT color for you!


But, I did scan the posted opinions. And, even though there are a few that are in agreement, the large majority.... well, I disagree.


So, rather than just posting my opinions, I need to spend a bit more time to put together my thoughts so you can get a feeling for why I've made the choices that I have. This will take me a bit longer to compose. So I have to run to Zumba this morning. Then, I'll be back and I'll finish what I started, here.

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I haven't read any one else's opinions. I will post mine, and then go back and read the posts in detail to see if we are, at all, similar.


I have a busy morning. So I may be posting more at the noon-ish time frame. I just want you to know that I am looking at your pictures and I will give my opinion. I know that this time after posting can seem like the longest stretch... and I apologize. But it can't be too bad, right? You have a couple of opinions being expressed. Don't know how similar they are... but are you agreeing with some?


Will talk with you soon. I don't know how to answer the situation about your light source(s) and picture taking. It's just darn hard, isn't it? Too much light = too much shadow; too little light = not enough definition. What's a girl to do? Not very helpful, right? I think your pictures are fine; I just made the comment that I did because of our discussions about our skin going gray in warm, less bright colors.


I can tell you ladies one thing. I think you (Linda and Debbie, especially) are gravitating toward more muted than clear colors! I thought of something interesting to ask. What did you think you were before CJW told you that you were FIRE? I think that both of you thought you were EARTH, right? Am I remembering right?


My siuation is that I was told that I was an AIR. Being in those clothes did absolutely nothing for me and I gradually learned to put together "outfits" rather than to observe how a color affected my skin tone. So I just bought lovely pieces of clothing, which is why I ended up with the black Joseph Ribkoff item! Anyway, when DH and I retired and began to travel, then I just got myself into a black/white wardrobe because it was easier to put together travel outfits that coordinated. Well, black/white doesn't really coordinate: it just IS. Anyway, I found myself buying pretty tops to go with black bottoms... which, of course, had to be a black/white theme. So my wardrobe was absolutely full of nothing much except black/white.


My poiint with this is that I hadn't really gravitated toward any specific colors... like ChollaC saying she loves olive green, rust, burgundy... I didn't form any attachments to specific colors or color "types." Maybe then it's become easier for me to transition to FIRE colors: because, literally, I have to stay away from the only colors that I was consistently buying.


So, I wonder if it's more difficult for you to wear BRIGHT, CLEAR colors?


Debbie, in your collage, what do you consider to be your brightest, clearest color top picture?


Pam, I don't know that I was ever told what SEASON I belonged to and if you could have seen my closet before CJW diagnosed FIRE, you could sure tell it. I owned colors of every season. Oh, so many clothes.


I have gravitated toward fall colors since the 70s. DH and I both love the fall of the year -- trips to the mountains to see the leaves, camping, etc. and our house is decorated in mostly fall colors. The most definite fall greens didn't even make it to my pictodiary. I posted one or two simply to show you that I think I do look very gray in EARTH.


I'm not sure which is my favorite green. I over-think all color decisions, but here's the way my mind works, and I L-O-V-E to talk:


I HATE looking at myself without makeup! (Well, it was my first thought.) A-1 is very good. Even outs the under eye dark circles. It was the first green I purchased because someone posted here or on the SEASONS thread that it was FIRE, so I know the color is right, period.


I like the green hoodie-A-2 because it is bright but also because it is cashmere and is very warm. It is very bright but almost a true green, so after looking closely at it, I think it is borderline ICE, but it does have the tiniest tint of yellow IRL. It matches my color card perfectly, so what's up with that?


I also like B-3. The color is good, but do I like it because it is right or because it is a recent cotton/silk purchase that feels good on? DD asked me to pose for 3 generation pictures which coincided with DGD's 3 yr. old pictures. I wore B-3 and the resulting photos flatter me greatly.


More info than you needed or wanted? I'm partially in the same boat as Anita talking about Pam's pictures because I have history with these greens. Some of the items I think will utimately be good choices no longer fit me, but when we have compiled the results, I will have my green color guide established. I think I have previously grouped my greens where one season flowed into another so that I was able to say that I liked #1-green shirt and #2-green shirt looked so similar in color, therefore, it must be ok too. I have now grouped Blue-green, True-green, Yellow-green and Muted-green. The group I'm having the most trouble weeding out is ICE or True-green. Those shirts are REALLY bright. But, they may be more Bright and Clear rather than Warm and Clear. KWIM? I'm not sure I know what I mean!! --Debbie

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OK. Debbie, I stopped reading your post when you started discussing what tops you like best because I didn't want to be influenced by your thoughts. It will also be interesting to read Anita's post. Because of her schedule, she might be typing just about the same time that I am.


Before I say anything, I do want to say that this selection was very, very difficult. I spent a lot of time looking at these pictures. And I made them 400% of the original, so I looked at a LOT of detail. There are differences in color monitors, etc., so I could be seeing colors with a whole different look than what others are viewing. Keep in mind that this is just all my subjective opinion.


I put these pictures in the order of the collage, because I thought that was better for discussion. They aren't in my favorite priority order.


A4, B2, B4, C2, C4, D3.


Surprise! My very favorites are: B4 and D3.


The reason that I'm going to give for this selection is: love the healthier skin glow that is achieved with these colors. On my monitor, and to my eye, your skin evens out when wearing these tops.


Now that I've done this, I'm going to go back and read the other opinions to see if I'm close... a little close.... very far off the mark! I stopped reading when it became consistent that one of my favorites (D3!) was being given a thumbs down by others. Sooooooo......


..... back soon.....

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In Debbie's collage: I shouldn't have posted the color party as a part of the collage, occupying what (to my mind) was position A-1. That was a confusing thing to do. Kim obviously likes the top in position A-2, which she identifies as A-1. Since A-1 is... in fact... the color party, then that was just a bad call on my part.


So, A-1, color party followed by A-2, A-3, A-4

Bs 1 thru 4, Cs 1 thru 4, D-1, D-2, D-3, D4 is occupied by a duplicate color party.


Debbie: what is the color in A-2? Where did you buy it? Chico's? Are we all walking advertisements for Chico's? LOL.

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In Debbie's collage: I shouldn't have posted the color party as a part of the collage, occupying what (to my mind) was position A-1. That was a confusing thing to do. Kim obviously likes the top in position A-2, which she identifies as A-1. Since A-1 is... in fact... the color party, then that was just a bad call on my part.


So, A-1, color party followed by A-2, A-3, A-4

Bs 1 thru 4, Cs 1 thru 4, D-1, D-2, D-3, D4 is occupied by a duplicate color party.


Debbie: what is the color in A-2? Where did you buy it? Chico's? Are we all walking advertisements for Chico's? LOL.


A-2 is the cotton boat-neck top I talked about in my last post and called it A-1. It is from Old Navy and is atleast one size too large. I'm trying to overdry it to shrink it some. Old Navy usually shrinks terribly UNLESS you need it to, of course. It was cheap, on clearance and wouldn't be a loss if it wasn't for the great color. I can't remember what the color name was called, but it was probably last year's spring color, not this past spring season.


I think the only Chico's top I have in the mix is B-3. But, I seem to be adding Chico's tops to my wardrobe more and more these days. Wonder why??????

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OK. Debbie, I stopped reading your post when you started discussing what tops you like best because I didn't want to be influenced by your thoughts. It will also be interesting to read Anita's post. Because of her schedule, she might be typing just about the same time that I am.


Before I say anything, I do want to say that this selection was very, very difficult. I spent a lot of time looking at these pictures. And I made them 400% of the original, so I looked at a LOT of detail. There are differences in color monitors, etc., so I could be seeing colors with a whole different look than what others are viewing. Keep in mind that this is just all my subjective opinion.

I think I'm more difficult to "read" possibily because of my dark coloring? With the great amount of gray hair that is beginning to join my party, I'd like to figure out this color thing before that throws another monkey wrench into the mix. Thanks for all the time you are all taking to help me. I really appreciate it.


I put these pictures in the order of the collage, because I thought that was better for discussion. They aren't in my favorite priority order.


A4, B2, B4, C2, C4, D3.


Surprise! My very favorites are: B4 and D3.


The reason that I'm going to give for this selection is: love the healthier skin glow that is achieved with these colors. On my monitor, and to my eye, your skin evens out when wearing these tops.


Both B4 and D3 are borderline EARTH to my uneducated eye. I believe B4 is FIRE because it is very bright; it is also very saturated with color. D3 could be considered EARTH. IRL it almost appears muted. This is one of the colors that could be considered the darkest of the light FIRE greens or the lightest of the muted EARTH greens. Am I making sense? See why I've been so confused? --Debbie

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OK..I know I'm a guy, but the only thing I can picture for Fire season clothing is those massive metal looking suits the firefighters wear when battling brush fires...!



(Not a good look for a cruise BTW.....)


Actually the bright, warm and clear yellow suits would look great on a FIRE person. UNLESS the suit is that neon yellow and then our ICE counterparts would be a better fit. Just as long as it isn't that light lemon ice color that suits our AIR friends.


Brush fires don't need AIR, but could use a little ICE, right? LOL

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Tons and tons of writing and it all just went POOF...




With very little commentary...here is my opinion.


The best of the best:


C2 and D3; by far, my favorites, no matter how I look at them.


I did this:




One is an adjusted picture. Keep in mind that adjustments can only be made to pixels as they are perceived by the camera. So if your skin tone is blended, then an adjusted picture will still be blended, even if the overall look is a little more pink than what you might normally be.


My two favs are favs because Debbie has an overall evenness of skin tone that shows in both collages...and because there is a sparkle in both photos. She is a stand out in these two shirts in a very good way.


I do like Debbie in the deeper colors best. Love how it sets off her eyes and the dark tone in her hair.


I'm sorry ladies, but DS is home from school now...and as much as I would love to recapture the rest of my thoughts...I have things to do before I leave for class in an hour.


I'll be back later!

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I was just able to see a bit of commentary, so I'll offer this:




If I have matched the right shirts together,


Then Photo C2 is Shirt D2

And Photo D3 is Shirt E3.




These are a beautiful blend. Yes, the more blue green one is more blue green...BUT...it is definitely warm...(compare it to Shirt E2 which is cool).


That's all I have time for...

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OK..I know I'm a guy, but the only thing I can picture for Fire season clothing is those massive metal looking suits the firefighters wear when battling brush fires...!



(Not a good look for a cruise BTW.....)


Glad to see you're at least reading along, MiamiSpartan :D You're welcome to join in.

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Tons and tons of writing and it all just went POOF...




With very little commentary...here is my opinion.


The best of the best:


C2 and D3; by far, my favorites, no matter how I look at them.


I did this:




One is an adjusted picture. Keep in mind that adjustments can only be made to pixels as they are perceived by the camera. So if your skin tone is blended, then an adjusted picture will still be blended, even if the overall look is a little more pink than what you might normally be.


My two favs are favs because Debbie has an overall evenness of skin tone that shows in both collages...and because there is a sparkle in both photos. She is a stand out in these two shirts in a very good way.


I do like Debbie in the deeper colors best. Love how it sets off her eyes and the dark tone in her hair.


I'm sorry ladies, but DS is home from school now...and as much as I would love to recapture the rest of my thoughts...I have things to do before I leave for class in an hour.


I'll be back later!


I soooo hate when that happens, Anita. So frustrating that you could scream! Thanks so much for the extra effort. I will go home this evening and compile everyone's favorites, look at them closely and probably try them all on with makeup, and then post again. Like I said before, some of them can't stay unless I can shrink them. They just hang off me. What a great problem to have, right? I still have a long way to go, but I have evidence that the journey has begun.


Just noticed that I missed another Anita post. Yes, Anita, you matched the photos to the shirts correctly. I have looked at these shirts LOTS. They are still laying in my bathroom floor! I wanted to have them in case any one needed something further photo-wise. I will say that the shirt that matches most closely in my color cards is the A-4 hoodie. It is the exact shade of my lighter green on my CJW card. My darker brown looks nearly black on my cards. He made my cards so saturated with color for a good reason, huh? I'm beginning to see a pattern here with the darker colors, right?


Okay, my face has been plastered here long enough. Anyone ready with their aqua party or did someone want to post accessories for their green party? My turn is definitely over. Thanks everyone. --Debbie

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Tons and tons of writing and it all just went POOF...




With very little commentary...here is my opinion.


The best of the best:


C2 and D3; by far, my favorites, no matter how I look at them.


I did this:




One is an adjusted picture. Keep in mind that adjustments can only be made to pixels as they are perceived by the camera. So if your skin tone is blended, then an adjusted picture will still be blended, even if the overall look is a little more pink than what you might normally be.


My two favs are favs because Debbie has an overall evenness of skin tone that shows in both collages...and because there is a sparkle in both photos. She is a stand out in these two shirts in a very good way.


I do like Debbie in the deeper colors best. Love how it sets off her eyes and the dark tone in her hair.


I'm sorry ladies, but DS is home from school now...and as much as I would love to recapture the rest of my thoughts...I have things to do before I leave for class in an hour.


I'll be back later!


Really helpful, Anita. Brightening everything up seems to make the picture clearer (or something) to my eye.

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I was just able to see a bit of commentary, so I'll offer this:




If I have matched the right shirts together,


Then Photo C2 is Shirt D2

And Photo D3 is Shirt E3.




These are a beautiful blend. Yes, the more blue green one is more blue green...BUT...it is definitely warm...(compare it to Shirt E2 which is cool).


That's all I have time for...


I do see that shirt E3 is warm and more blue green BUT I don't think it blends with shirt D2. Either that or I just can't see it (the blending I mean). Does Debbie's darker hair have anything to do wth your selections? Does her darker hair versus the lighter reds like Pam, Linda and myself have any bearing on the lightness/darkness of greens on each of us?


As an EARTH with darker hair, do you like your lighter or darker greens on yourself?


Thanks for the art work fixin' you do, it helps.

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This is THE one that everyone voted as a favorite. I would say that this is your BEST of the BEST, Debbie, as it's the only one with agreement AND it's got 50% of the votes as being the FAVorite.


All the other opinions are all over the place. Was this helpful to you?


Let me know when you send me some more photos to post.


Linda, did you get your Chico's order yet?


I think we're just going to Chico's because (a) they identify their colors in such a way that we can find them on the website and in the store and (b) there are several of us who have quick access to the store so we can see the color IRL in an easy way. Plus, they have good sales!

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