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Kim...I don't know that you end up looking quite as gray as Mom does when you wear muted...BUT...you have good color in your skintone with Pollen. It's hard to say for sure because your face is in a bit of shadow, the angle is different for the pollen picture...I can see your face and skin tone better in the green shirt...when I see the green and Pollen together, I think Pollen holds up...it doesn't look muted. I like it's a good Fire color!


And I definitely think that the denim works. Mom has a denim overshirt and it looks great on her! At least, the cruise pictures with the collared shirt did. But yours looks more bright than Mom's...a definite keeper...wearing denim to me is a neutral, so for sure it would be fantastic with a bright warm colored shirt.


Scarves...I am not a big scarf wearer at this time...however...I like them...I like the way they look on other people...I think that they can be practical to offer another layer to deal with air conditioning, etc...here is a video that I watched with the sound off...lol...so I have no idea what this young lady says...BUT...the look I was thinking of was the "elegant look," the very last one:



I was thinking about this style...the long rectangle...so you could use it to help with a/c in the dining room...or anywhere...and wear it around like the elegant look to get some lovely color closer to your face. Thinking of course that you would find a blue that would be in the same family as the blue of the dress...

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Kim...I don't know that you end up looking quite as gray as Mom does when you wear muted...BUT...you have good color in your skintone with Pollen. It's hard to say for sure because your face is in a bit of shadow, the angle is different for the pollen picture...I can see your face and skin tone better in the green shirt...when I see the green and Pollen together, I think Pollen holds up...it doesn't look muted. I like it's a good Fire color!


And I definitely think that the denim works. Mom has a denim overshirt and it looks great on her! At least, the cruise pictures with the collared shirt did. But yours looks more bright than Mom's...a definite keeper...wearing denim to me is a neutral, so for sure it would be fantastic with a bright warm colored shirt.


Scarves...I am not a big scarf wearer at this time...however...I like them...I like the way they look on other people...I think that they can be practical to offer another layer to deal with air conditioning, etc...here is a video that I watched with the sound off...lol...so I have no idea what this young lady says...BUT...the look I was thinking of was the "elegant look," the very last one:



I was thinking about this style...the long rectangle...so you could use it to help with a/c in the dining room...or anywhere...and wear it around like the elegant look to get some lovely color closer to your face. Thinking of course that you would find a blue that would be in the same family as the blue of the dress...


Thanks for the scarf link, I did watch it but, I'm just not sure I have the nerve/confidence to wear a big scarf. Maybe a really small one :o


Thanks also for the "pollen" explanation expansion.

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The type scarf Anita picked is exactly what I pictured for your dress, Kim. Because I'm rather well-endowed and have football player shoulders, I'm self-conscious about showing so much overall area on top. I'm fine with a deep v-neck that plunges, but as strange as it sounds, strapy tops make me feel like I need to cover up, so I usually either use a scarf or shrug/cardigan. A scarf simply draped around your neck would look great and isn't difficult to do IMO.


It seems like the other conversations have been discussed and don't need my input, so I'll move on.


I took pictures of my greens this morning. Let's see if I can get them to upload for everyone's viewing and commenting pleasure.




Okay. What did I do wrong in uploading the picture? --Debbie

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When you want the picture to post and not just a link to your picture, there needs to be IMG tags around the http address. Like this and like this, with the http address in the middle.


When you are in photobucket, one of the available addresses for the photo under the "Share this photo" area is IMG Code...if you copy that address it will automatically have the IMG tags in it. Paste that into your post. If you want to preview that the picture is showing correctly, hit the "Preview Post" button before you "Submit Reply."

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When you want the picture to post and not just a link to your picture, there needs to be IMG tags around the http address. Like this and like this, with the http address in the middle.


When you are in photobucket, one of the available addresses for the photo under the "Share this photo" area is IMG Code...if you copy that address it will automatically have the IMG tags in it. Paste that into your post. If you want to preview that the picture is showing correctly, hit the "Preview Post" button before you "Submit Reply."


Thanks, Anita. I'll try again.



Okay. I don't think that worked either, so it will probably be tomorrow evening before I can post from my laptop at home.


Anyone else ready to move on? This is a busy time for me, but I'll get there eventually. Y'all just play on through. I'll be back. --Debbie

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This is a great photo...


According to this photo, I think A2 and A3 are ICE. I think B2 and C3 are EARTH. B1 looks like a borderline FIRE/EARTH...And the rest are FIRE. In my best guess. The real photos will show us for sure.


Debbie...My post of your photo is from your photobucket account. You are in total control there. OK? I just used your link...

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This is a great photo...


According to this photo, I think A2 and A3 are ICE. I think B2 and C3 are EARTH. B1 looks like a borderline FIRE/EARTH...And the rest are FIRE. In my best guess. The real photos will show us for sure.


Debbie...My post of your photo is from your photobucket account. You are in total control there. OK? I just used your link...


Thanks so much, Anita. For some reason, my phone shows the links but won't allow me to copy and paste. The photobucket email link is just the http link. Trying to input the IMG didn't work for me either. Technology doesn't work interchangeably in all situations for me. Obviously.


If you'd like to convert the rest of the pictures, that would be lovely but if not, like I said, I'll try again tomorrow evening. Debbie

















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Debbie, much better picture of your green color party! Here is my vote:







I still don't buy into C2. It reminds me of the green top with white design that Piper ate. I'm not convinced it's FIRE or looks that good on me :)


Yea! for at home Internet :)

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Debbie, much better picture of your green color party! Here is my vote:







I still don't buy into C2. It reminds me of the green top with white design that Piper ate. I'm not convinced it's FIRE or looks that good on me :)


Yea! for at home Internet :)


Thanks for the vote, Kim. I appreciate everyone's patience going back over the same green field. ;) Actually, staying in this same color has taught me a lot. I've really, really looked at the colors. Hard to explain, but I think I was more focused on trying to let every item stay rather than look at each piece and decide what group it actually belonged to, KWIM?


Anita, thanks for telling me which of the four seasons you thought each top belonged. I agree with each vote you cast. DD took a picture of DGD and I over the weekend and I was wearing B2. Rather than wash me out and make me gray, it was very flattering. When I told my daughter, she said she'd wear that sweater every day if she could and look that good.


So, here's the questions, Ladies. I agree that B2 is EARTH, so what's up with that? The only explanation that I can come up with is because it is so heavily saturated in color. When I put it with the other FIRE colors I have: red, blue, yellow....the saturation factor, or hue, or tint, or whatever the correct term....all colors are equally just loaded with dark rich color. Her camera was set on a simple flash setting and casually taken while sitting at a restaurant table. But, wow, does that picture make me look GOOD! Thoughts? --Debbie

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Debbie, much better picture of your green color party! Here is my vote:







I still don't buy into C2. It reminds me of the green top with white design that Piper ate. I'm not convinced it's FIRE or looks that good on me :)


Yea! for at home Internet :)


Sorry, I didn't respond about C2. IRL, this top is St. Patty's Day Green or Crayola Green and is very saturated with color, but looks like it could be ICE or borderline FIRE/ICE. If I put it with my red, yellow, blue, teal, and aqua tops, it makes me think it is a Happy Color Family. If I put it with the more known light colored FIRE tops like C1, it stands alone outside the family. I do honestly believe I could grab any FIRE jacket or overshirt I own and put C2 with it and they would work together. Again, it's the dark richness of the bright, clear color that works with the other darker bright, clear colors. In this case, C2 is bright and clear. I'm just not sure how warm, bright and clear it is. KWIM? It is a t-shirt I inherited from DD due to our weight-loss adventure together, so I'll keep it for now.

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OK. You know that I try to be as helpful as possible. I hereby dub that purpleberry shirt as your control Debbie. Whenever you take a series of photos, we want to see a picture of that shirt also so that we can interpret what is happening within the current series of photos.


Compared to this photo of purpleberry, are these green photos taken at a different time of day? Or was it more of a cloudy day? Can you compare? Because, when I look at these photos...what I am expecting to see happen, is not happening at all. And so I am a thinking to myself hmmm.


In carefully comparing the effect of all these greens on your skintone, I found that the shirt with the closest effect of purpleberry was C3, pictured here to the left of purpleberry. These green shirt photos are more grainy than the purpleberry, so your skin tone isn't quite as even looking...but the aliveness...the health factor...the balance of yellow and red in the skin...the reduction in the appearance of shadow around your eyes...I was expecting C3 to make you gray. But it isn't.


However...B2 IS making you gray. It is just YOUR version of gray. Debbie...you appear to have a rather constant redness to your skin...certain colors will tone that down because I THINK what is happening is that the yellow in your skin gets turned UP with good colors...In B2, pictured to the right of purpleberry, you are gray, in the way that you are gray...your skin is not lit up...it is more red...the shadows around your eyes are more pronounced...the color of your eyes is less pronounced.


I do not know if these two photos, which I expected to have the same effect, are having such a different effect because of some other lighting factor or not. When I go looking for "lit up" Debbie...I see her in

C1, C2, C3. The effect on your skin looks the same in these photos to me:




In every other photo...you look gray. There is only one stand out in the group, A3. Your skin looks the same to me in all the other ones:




The lit up effect in A3 is not complementary. Rather, A3 looks blotchy, not blended. Makes me think that A3 is cool, for sure:




I'm very surprised to see gray in A1...because you are very sure that A1 is an EXACT match to your color cards...BUT...there it is:




Now, we can talk about how the lighting is affecting these, BUT...in this series...this is what I see.


Remember that we can only see a real effect by comparisons. If you try to take a picture of yourself and think, Do I look good? Well...there are many influences there that you may or may not be aware of. Lighting. Background on the photo. Happiness level. Relaxation level. etc. It is only within a series of photos taking under the same conditions that we can look at one shirt over another and say...wow...I look much better in that shirt than this shirt.


Based on this series of photographs, I would have to say that FIRE is C1, C2, C3.


While a part of me is surprised to see this...another absolutely isn't. I've been taking enough pictures of myself to realize that the pictures don't lie. I can try to explain away the effect that I keep seeing in photos, hoping against hope that I can find evidence for what my brain is saying should be so, but in the end, the pictures tell the story and I have to rely on the pictures more than what I THINK should or should not be happening.

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So Debbie. I think that the problem we have been having with your color party is that none of them were really great FIRE colors. This new shirt that you have brought into the mix seems to be the best by far.


C3 is my absolute fav.


I would put C1 and C2 as better.


And I would get rid of everything else. With only 7 days in the week, and shirts like purpleberry and C3 around, why bother with all the others?

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OK. You know that I try to be as helpful as possible. I hereby dub that purpleberry shirt as your control Debbie. Whenever you take a series of photos, we want to see a picture of that shirt also so that we can interpret what is happening within the current series of photos.

I will include the purpleberry shirt with future photos.


Compared to this photo of purpleberry, are these green photos taken at a different time of day? Or was it more of a cloudy day? Can you compare? Because, when I look at these photos...what I am expecting to see happen, is not happening at all. And so I am a thinking to myself hmmm.
Yep, Anita, you are as right as rain. I waited as long as I possibly could that morning to give the sun a chance to rise more (days are getting shorter) and clear through a few clouds. I was still late to work because photos were without makeup. The sun came out during the last couple of shots, so C-2 and C-3 should have more sun exposure; possibly C-1 also.


However...B2 IS making you gray. It is just YOUR version of gray. Debbie...you appear to have a rather constant redness to your skin...certain colors will tone that down because I THINK what is happening is that the yellow in your skin gets turned UP with good colors...In B2, pictured to the right of purpleberry, you are gray, in the way that you are gray...your skin is not lit up...it is more red...the shadows around your eyes are more pronounced...the color of your eyes is less pronounced.


I do not know if these two photos, which I expected to have the same effect, are having such a different effect because of some other lighting factor or not. When I go looking for "lit up" Debbie...I see her in

C1, C2, C3. The effect on your skin looks the same in these photos to me:




In every other photo...you look gray. There is only one stand out in the group, A3. Your skin looks the same to me in all the other ones:




The lit up effect in A3 is not complementary. Rather, A3 looks blotchy, not blended. Makes me think that A3 is cool, for sure:




I'm very surprised to see gray in A1...because you are very sure that A1 is an EXACT match to your color cards...BUT...there it is:




Now, we can talk about how the lighting is affecting these, BUT...in this series...this is what I see.


Remember that we can only see a real effect by comparisons. If you try to take a picture of yourself and think, Do I look good? Well...there are many influences there that you may or may not be aware of. Lighting. Background on the photo. Happiness level. Relaxation level. etc. It is only within a series of photos taking under the same conditions that we can look at one shirt over another and say...wow...I look much better in that shirt than this shirt.


Based on this series of photographs, I would have to say that FIRE is C1, C2, C3.


While a part of me is surprised to see this...another absolutely isn't. I've been taking enough pictures of myself to realize that the pictures don't lie. I can try to explain away the effect that I keep seeing in photos, hoping against hope that I can find evidence for what my brain is saying should be so, but in the end, the pictures tell the story and I have to rely on the pictures more than what I THINK should or should not be happening.

I AM surprised to see this. In order to give everyone the best shot at giving me opinions, I have learned that I must obtain the very best product I can for you to work with in order to make your decisions. Thanks for the explanation, Anita. It helped greatly in the process of me learning what I am seeing and what I am looking for when determining good from bad.


Being ruthless and ready to make items leave my house to go play at somebody else's party and based on the opinions so far, what my mirror tells me and what the color party shows IRL, I think my best greens are C1 and B3. I think A2 and A3 are ICE and B2 is EARTH. A1 and C2 are borderline ICE/FIRE. B1 and C3 are borderline EARTH/FIRE. I think I can "get by" with the borderline items and will keep them for a time. So, I have two green tops to wear, four that will stay for now, and three that will go away to play with others. Surely, my blues won't be this hard. Right???


Thanks so much everybody for the help. --Debbie

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So Debbie. I think that the problem we have been having with your color party is that none of them were really great FIRE colors. This new shirt that you have brought into the mix seems to be the best by far.


C3 is my absolute fav.


I would put C1 and C2 as better.


And I would get rid of everything else. With only 7 days in the week, and shirts like purpleberry and C3 around, why bother with all the others?


While I was working, answering the phone, and composing my last post, I missed your comment, Anita. You are EXACTLY right!! I will copy that statement and paste it on my closet door.


With only 7 days in the week and shirts like purpleberry and the others that I LOVE, why bother with all the others?


I LOVE IT!!! Bye, Bye, almost good enough greens! --Debbie

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While I was working, answering the phone, and composing my last post, I missed your comment, Anita. You are EXACTLY right!! I will copy that statement and paste it on my closet door.


With only 7 days in the week and shirts like purpleberry and the others that I LOVE, why bother with all the others?


I LOVE IT!!! Bye, Bye, almost good enough greens! --Debbie




For years, I did not build a wardrobe. I just filled a closet with clothes. Part of it was disliking my size. I didn't want to invest clothing of THAT size, but knowing that I had gotten too big for my clothes, I knew I had to have SOMETHING to wear...so I limited my clothing purchases to whatever was cheap and somewhat likable and somewhat comfortable. My closet was filled with a bunch of clothing and I always felt like I had nothing to wear.


After I found Curt, and discovered my Earthy self, I really embraced the idea of BUILDING A WARDROBE rather than filling a closet from that time forth.


With anticipated weight loss, I really wanted to make better clothing decisions. I knew that I would eventually have to replace every item of clothing, so I started clearing out my closet and dresser. Ruthlessly. Repeatedly. I read books about style, fashion, building a wardrobe, etc etc. And ruthlessly and repeatedly, as I lost weight and shrank out of clothing, I removed the clothing.


I had decided that I wouldn't buy ANYTHING until I had nothing that would fit me any longer. I had to shrink out of all my clothing first. At one point, I only had 1 pair of jeans. I understand that I was in a unique situation, I didn't work outside the home, so I'm not thinking everyone could do this...I'm just telling a story...


The interesting part of the story is that when I did start buying clothing I didn't just end up buying a skirt and taking this skirt home and having a couple shirts that would go with it. That one skirt would come home and I would have a TON of shirts that would go with it. One item of clothing = MULTIPLE OUTFITS. When you establish your wardrobe around a color palette, you end up with more outfits that you would think because so much of it will mix and match together.


I say this to encourage you in clearing out your closet. There ARE only so many days in the week...you can only wear so many clothes...for a while, you may uncover big gaps in your wardrobe, but they will be easier to fill...you may keep something non-ideal (a black skirt for example) until you can find a chocolate brown, tan, camel, FIRE navy, or other appropriate neutral...but once you do find it...you will find that it goes with everything. One item makes a huge difference.


It's fun to have a closet full of choices (even if there are only 5 shirts) and KNOW that you look fabulous in every single one of them. You never get dressed, decide it doesn't look right, take it off, find something else...but it doesn't quite go with those bottoms...take it off...


Maybe you don't do this. But I did.


Anyway...I can stop talking here...I think I am making my point.


Don't be attached to money that has already been spent. Let it go. I bet you will still have plenty to wear. And while you deal with what you have, you will have time to formulate what you want. :)

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For years, I did not build a wardrobe. I just filled a closet with clothes. Part of it was disliking my size. I didn't want to invest clothing of THAT size, but knowing that I had gotten too big for my clothes, I knew I had to have SOMETHING to wear...so I limited my clothing purchases to whatever was cheap and somewhat likable and somewhat comfortable. My closet was filled with a bunch of clothing and I always felt like I had nothing to wear.

Most of my closet qualifies for this catagory. Covering my body was my only goal. Closet of clothes with nothing to wear........yes, ma'am, that would be me.


After I found Curt, and discovered my Earthy self, I really embraced the idea of BUILDING A WARDROBE rather than filling a closet from that time forth.
I've embraced it; I just haven't accomplished it very successfully.:)


With anticipated weight loss, I really wanted to make better clothing decisions. I knew that I would eventually have to replace every item of clothing, so I started clearing out my closet and dresser. Ruthlessly. Repeatedly. I read books about style, fashion, building a wardrobe, etc etc. And ruthlessly and repeatedly, as I lost weight and shrank out of clothing, I removed the clothing.
I'm getting there. Reading.....check. Clearing out and removing.....working on it.


I had decided that I wouldn't buy ANYTHING until I had nothing that would fit me any longer. I had to shrink out of all my clothing first. At one point, I only had 1 pair of jeans. I understand that I was in a unique situation, I didn't work outside the home, so I'm not thinking everyone could do this...I'm just telling a story...
This might have been a better plan for me than the plan I actually used. Instead, I've bought what I thought was right, only to find I have purchased....well......almost right. These are the pieces I'm now finding difficult to discard. The ones that no longer fit or were cheap replacements for the old cheap replacements can go away, but the more costly things that haven't been worn but twice.............that's painful for me.


The interesting part of the story is that when I did start buying clothing I didn't just end up buying a skirt and taking this skirt home and having a couple shirts that would go with it. That one skirt would come home and I would have a TON of shirts that would go with it. One item of clothing = MULTIPLE OUTFITS. When you establish your wardrobe around a color palette, you end up with more outfits that you would think because so much of it will mix and match together.
I have loved this concept since my first capsule wardrobe in..........dare I say it?.....1972, my sophmore year of high school when my Christmas present from my parents was a shopping trip with DM that resulted in two skirts, 1 pair of pants, 2 argyle sweater vests, a cardigan and 2 blouses that mixed and matched. My mother's first attempt to make a blazer finished the collection. She matched every seam of the checked camel, green, gold and orange LINED garment. Such a wonderful mother. Camel was the base color for the collection and one of the vests was dark aqua.


I have over the years had capsules of various colors. I love to put together new capsule variations by shopping in my closet, but I now own too many clothes. This process is helping me correct that situation.


I say this to encourage you in clearing out your closet. There ARE only so many days in the week...you can only wear so many clothes...for a while, you may uncover big gaps in your wardrobe, but they will be easier to fill...you may keep something non-ideal (a black skirt for example) until you can find a chocolate brown, tan, camel, FIRE navy, or other appropriate neutral...but once you do find it...you will find that it goes with everything. One item makes a huge difference.


It's fun to have a closet full of choices (even if there are only 5 shirts) and KNOW that you look fabulous in every single one of them. You never get dressed, decide it doesn't look right, take it off, find something else...but it doesn't quite go with those bottoms...take it off...


Maybe you don't do this. But I did.

OH YEAH! I so did.....er, do. Well, to be honest, some of them are too big when I pull them out to put on, so I have absolutely no problem putting them in the discard pile. I sure don't want to go back there again and I'm not hanging on to those clothes in case I do. I don't plan to revisit there, thank you very much. It's the new "not fabulous" items that hurt my thrifty soul to discard.


Don't be attached to money that has already been spent. Let it go. I bet you will still have plenty to wear. And while you deal with what you have, you will have time to formulate what you want. :)
In the end, that is what I must keep foremost in mind. The money has already been spent. It's already gone, so let it go. I read an article recently on that very subject. I have copied and pasted it where I can keep it handy to re-read when necessary. I'm third generation thrifty mother and it's hard. But, it's already gone. I must let it go.


Anyone else dealing with this? How do you cope? --Debbie

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For years, I did not build a wardrobe. I just filled a closet with clothes. Part of it was disliking my size. I didn't want to invest clothing of THAT size, but knowing that I had gotten too big for my clothes, I knew I had to have SOMETHING to wear...so I limited my clothing purchases to whatever was cheap and somewhat likable and somewhat comfortable. My closet was filled with a bunch of clothing and I always felt like I had nothing to wear.

Sorry, I've been MIA for a while... busy time for me...

Anita!~ Thanks! You just described my closet and drawers. Full of everything that doesn't go together... I'm trying though. I too had decided not to buy anything until I shrank out of what I had.. which I have (not near where I want to be yet)..Now I have to buy clothes as what I have no longer fits, since I am employed and need to look presentable. I have no dresses to wear to work at present. 2 pair of slacks, 1 brown, 1 navy; 1 pair of jeans; tops, jackets and sweaters. I'm in the process of purging my closet of those that were'nt invited to my color party. There is 1 green top! Thanks to all of you!:) The rest are in a pile to donate. Maybe after we have finished with these color parties, I'll have a lot of room for new things. No maybe about it ~ I know I will have lots of room and need less clothes. Right now my clothes overflow into 3 dressers and 2 closets and 2 big bins. :eek: I love reading your posts! Thanks for the helpful explanations!


Kim, if you're like me~I wear very little jewelry in the summer and on cruises. I get so hot and clammy I don't want anything around my neck. I think a chiffon scraf drapped around your neck would look lovely though with that dress as Debbie and Anita suggested.


Debbie~I still vote for A1, B3, C1. Maybe I'm not seeing on my monitor what everyone else is seeing.

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Sorry, I've been MIA for a while... busy time for me...

Debbie~I still vote for A1, B3, C1. Maybe I'm not seeing on my monitor what everyone else is seeing.


Glad to have you back, Linda. Thanks for your vote. You and Kim agree. C1 is a color that was posted here early in the thread as an Old Navy FIRE top. I can't remember the color name, but do remember that I ordered it as a boatneck. I have lost enough weight that the boatneck is in danger of sliding off my shoulders less than an hour after wearing it. You know how it is--the tops you need to stay the same size will shrink in the dryer and the tops you need to shrink won't shrink no matter how high or how long the heat setting is? That is my C1 top--it grows as the day goes along. I will try one more time, but expect to put this one in the discard pile. I used it because I thought it was a known FIRE color.


A1 matches my color card exactly, but IRL I think it is borderline ICE.


B3 is probably borderline EARTH, but plays very well with any combination of my green party. Heck, it plays well to my untrained eye with my Happy Color Party. I think the sheen of the material throws a shadow somehow in pictures, because it is definitely bright yellow green IRL.


I think Anita is right. Either I haven't given everyone my very best photos taken in the best possible conditions, or I don't have any great FIRE green tops among the multitude of greens that I own. I see that the green matches my eyes and think everything else blends, but it doesn't sometimes. I have taken four different sets of green pictures now under very different conditions, plus several that I haven't posted. Based on all the pictures, I have kept two sleeveless, two light-weight multi-seasonal tops/sweaters and two heavier weight top/jackets. Since I work in the professional world and camp 2-3 days nearly every weekend, I need professional and casual outfits available both at home and the campground. We sometimes spend the night at camp and drive to work the next morning. I'm sure that as time goes on and I learn more, I will be able to reevaluate my decision and "let go" of the greens that do not truly belong with the party.


I appreciate and have benefited from the rehash, but we've exhausted my green party, I believe. I may not be able to post my blue party for about a week. We have unexpectedly hosted #2DSS, wife and three children. We're not sure how long they plan to stay and we leave Saturday morning at 7:00 am for Gatlinburg, TN (Smokey Mountains). If I have time, I will try to post my thoughts about packing before the trip. If I don't have the time, I'll post when I return about my choices of capsule wardrobe.


ChollaC, have you heard the good word from CJW? Do you join us here, join Anita or do we join your conversation on your new AIR thread?


I thought I remembered today being Pam's travel day back home. Can't wait to hear your thoughts.


So, Linda, have you posted your blues or did I miss it while catching up with the posts over the weekend? ;) hint--hint


As always, I'll be reading, but may not be posting as frequently. I have more time M-Th 8-4:30 for some reason. ;)

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This is so funny! I thought my last post was lost in cyber space this afternoon~ It sure wasn't showing up on my computer when it froze.:confused:

Ok I get the hint! LOL

Oh dear! MY blue party is a sorry party, just like my greens. Now, I know that there are some (OK most!)who don't belong to this party, but thought I'd post them all together for your enjoyment!:D These are only the blue ones, I kept the aquas, teals separate.


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I'm home.


I feel like... hey, I thought the party started at 5:30 so I arrive and the party is going strong... wow... I got the time wrong and now I have so much catching up to do that my head is whirling.... whirling... whirling.


So I'll be doing quite a bit of reading today.


Don't laugh at me. I'll tell you my packing story.


As I mentioned, I wanted to wear something fabulous to our dinner in La Jolla. If you haven't been to La Jolla, you need to know that this is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Beautiful coastline of California. And I just wanted to feel beautiful in this beautiful restaurant.


So in looking at my closet, I thought of what I wanted to wear. I told Anita that I was confident of all my greens! Absolutely. Well, that's what happened. I was nothing short of a green machine for the days that I was in San Diego. LOL.


To my dinner reservation, I wore layers... it was really cold in San Diego... stormy, rainy... windy... but I was so excited about meeting our family from St Louis in this beautiful location that I didn't care! I wore my Honeydew silky tank under my Glowlight long sleeved shirt and topped it with a gorgeous brown jacket. I wore a pair of crop pants in a sandy neutral. Debbie, with your thoughts, I did wear my emerald necklace, emerald ring, and a pair of earrings made from lucite material that glows with the light; the earrings were in a gold hue but picked up some of the green from the shirt and looked kind of lime in color... very golden green. Anyway, I thought it worked.


The rest of the time I wore a selection of my green tops and paired them with chocolate bottoms. I wasn't gone that long! Only a few days. Had a great trip. The weather was very unwelcoming. But we had just enough time between downpours that we got to sail on San Diego Harbor Bay and it was quite fun... windy, cold.. fun.


So I'm desperate to continue with our color parties so that I will have as much confidence in my entire closet as I do in my selection of greens! :D


ChollaChick, I did read that you are a member of the Anita sisterhood of Earth. Welcome! I hope you participate in our color party pictures, as the more the merrier... and just that much more information to see and to learn and to help educate.


Both Anita and I have been pretty ruthless in going through our respective closets. It's an interesting problem... the getting rid of clothes that don't flatter either because of fit or color. In my situation, I did a 2-step clearing: I couldn't bear to get rid of certain pieces because of either what I thought of as their appropriateness for travel and/or they still had tags because I overbought some pieces when I was spurred on by a deep discount sale. Anyway, I put those pieces into a guest bedroom closet. Hung them in there and closed the door. It was a safety net because I knew I could retrieve them, if necessary.


I did go to the guest bedroom closet and retrieved a few black Travelers pieces to help with a cruise vacation. When I saw the difference in wearing those pieces... thank you pictodiary... I immediately got rid of them when we got back home. That closet held some of the pieces that Anita photoed in her black color party... that shouldn't have gone home with her either... but you think that you can't get rid of perfectly good clothes!... until you see your picture and verify that the decision to be beautiful and feel fabulous over rides the decision to make the best of a poor selection.


So, off I go to read... then I'll work on my blue color party. Fun for me! I leave in 20 days! I don't have a lot of time! Then, with travel, I won't be back until December! So whatever color parties that are held in November... I'll have to play catch up!


Thank goodness I'm too tired to become frantic! :D

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I couldn't get the top/picture bingo to work for me. So what I did is go to your photobucket and look at the pictures. Then, I picked the ones that I thought were the best and I really looked at them to figure out the ones that I felt were my favorite. I don't have any idea what the label(s) are for these tops, so the only thing that I can think to do is to post them. forgive me... but I can't figure out another way.


I don't think that any of the greens holds up to purpleberry. Sorry, but that purpleberry is just fabulous on you. So I'm wondering if either: the greens are just not FIRE and so won't hold up to a true FIRE color, or... green just isn't as fabulous on you as purple is? IDK... I'm just commenting on thoughts and opinions here.


So, here goes:


OK. So, this is what happened. After I pasted the pictures here, I scrolled down to read the opinions and Anita's post that identified C1, C2, C3 as the pictures that showed the best skin tone were exactly the pictures that I had posted. So, I guess that I'm in agreement with Anita that, of all the greens that were posted, I prefer C1, C2, C3 the best. Again, I don't think that any of them are as good as purpleberry though!


So, scrolling down further... I see that Kim doesn't agree with C2. You know, I think that Kim has a "mind's eye" color in that she's remembering the top that Piper ate. I know that I have had what I thought was a color in my mind's eye that IRL appeared very different... I'm talking about being in a store and thinking that something would match with something back home in the closet (before color palette days) and then coming home and having the darn colors be totally different. So, IMO, that's what is going on here. I think Kim is being reminded of a color that ended up being cool and so she's predisposed against the C2... maybe...


Agreement on C1...


which leaves C3 as a puzzle... but you know what?... it appears muted on the screen, that's for sure... but maybe C3 is in the mix (although Anita's favorite) as just being the best of choices that aren't as great as they could be. I would love to see you in Honeydew! LOL!


I think the majority of your tops that aren't working well are cool... so the warmth factor isn't there. Here are my thoughts on the B2 top taking such a great picture in the restaurant... lighting. What type of lighting was in the restaurant at the time? For us FIRE ladies, we can take some pretty spectacular pictures in restaurants, especially if there is any hint of warmth coming from candlelight. The warm yellow that candlelight adds to the lighting of the camera's eye is perfect for helping blend our skin tone. If the restaurant picture was taken during the day... well, I'm still going to go with the lighting! Because restaurants have very mellow, comfort lighting.. not only in the bulbs that they use but also in most of the window placements... to allow for cozy, comfortable dining.. that and the fact that inner thoughts like being with your DD will light up your face... I'm going with that as a possibility of why the picture turned out so well. Can you post it so we can see?

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