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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Sorry, all, but I'm gonna be MIA for a few! These past couple days are a whirl...Mom is in hospital and I'm only one here to look after her... will check back when I can...

Pam- have a great cruise! Can't remember when you leave so if I don't get back here~ Bon Voyage!!!!

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Sorry, all, but I'm gonna be MIA for a few! These past couple days are a whirl...Mom is in hospital and I'm only one here to look after her... will check back when I can...

Pam- have a great cruise! Can't remember when you leave so if I don't get back here~ Bon Voyage!!!!


Oh, Linda. I sure hope your mom gets well soon. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and her.


It's late, but I agree with the others about your blue party. I have a green sweater that is very similar to your blue. It is super warm also. I didn't include it in my green color party becauseI was afraid everyone would say it was too muted. It definitely has the right green but has darker colors also--just like your blue includes either a really dark blue or black. I determined if I could wear one of my known FIRE green tanks with it, it must be companion. KWIM? Does your blue tank look like it works with your blue sweater or should stand alone? --Debbie

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I really like the idea of looking just at the faces and not the color of the clothes to make the decision. Fabulous. And I agree with the order that Joby had them in.


As for getting cruise clothes together... ack. I seriously need to do that and no idea what the weather will be like for my first Transatlantic cruise. I figure I'll have to take some layering pieces cause I just don't know what to expect.


I agree with Barbara. Kim, you nailed it for Pam. Great idea.


Okay, Barbara and Pam are down to two weeks before sail-away. What I would give......


All the talk about hair color has me wondering. Well, that and the fact that I'm seeing LOTS more gray on my own head. I swore several years ago that if I could get my hair back to it's natural color that I wouldn't EVER color it again. I don't want to look like some of the ladies I see on the street. The poor things just look awful. I know DD will tell me if I look bad. She's the best when it comes to helping me edit good from bad. She just thinks this color party stuff is silly and that everyone should be able to wear what ever color they want. She's just a baby (31) and hasn't gotten to the age where she needs all the help she can get like I have. One day.....she'll understand.....and I'll be ready to help her! But my question is, at what point should I consider haircolor? If it wasn't that you just wanted something different, what was the determining factor?

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Everybody understand that I must make up for lost time on this thread, right? I've finally caught up with work a little and can devote a few minutes to sharing my thoughts. It will be tomorrow morning before I can take blue color party pictures to post and tomorrow is another very busy day for me. I'm not sure where we are in blue/teal/aqua, but if everyone is waiting for me to catch up, please move on. I'll post as soon as I can, but I'm not sure when that will be.....maybe, Monday.


I thought I'd share a few thoughts about our short jaunt to the Smokies.


Pam, when I went back to catch up with everybody's posts, I re-read your post about clothes on your long weekend trip. Soooo funny, because guess what I took with me? That's right, it was green party all the way. I didn't even realize what I'd done at first.

Because this was strictly a casual jaunt, I took mix and match and everything including my make-up kit went into my carry-on. I carried my special pillow separately.


I like to wear capris if at all possible when travelling. When you stop in some of those iffy gas stations for a potty break, I don't have to do the balancing act of holding up my jean pants legs with the purse around my neck while reaching for the TP, KWIM? Mental picture you didn't need, right? TMI?


I wore a chocolate brown zip jacket and exercise sport capris. The capris aren't compression fit, but they maintain their shape. They still fit but are a little loose since I bought them before the weight drop. I wore a patterned shirt that has our yellow green swirled with cognac and a little darker color, cinnamon, maybe? The top has bright gold thread swirled through it also. Hard to describe and I don't have a picture of me in it, but will be sure to post it when we get to our browns. I wore this top both travel days. On our trip home, my BFF mentioned that it had my green color in the top. When I told her that I had worn it the first day with another jacket, she hadn't noticed it was the same top. How about that? Was it because I was wearing my green hoodie with it?


I took one pair of jeans and wore them both days for our excursions. We shopped antique stores in a quaint little town in North Carolina, walked through a flea market, toured a working apply orchard.......wow, the BEST apples!........ and visited an elk preserve.


I took my honeydew tank and wore it with my green hoodie one day. We had one day that was very overcast and cool. I wore my green sweater that was everyone's favorite and a brown raincoat. The raincoat was actually an experiment. It begain it's life as a black raincoat. It is the perfect above the knee length and can be worn with EVERYTHING. It has a hood. It is twill and fully lined. The only thing wrong with it is that it was black.


When I was first given the good FIRE word from CJW, I read everything I could on his site. I learned about tea staining and tried it. It worked somewhat well. By that, I mean that the items I tea-stained were no longer bright white, but they didn't seem quite right for me. I thought most of them looked better suited to Anita and Barbara's EARTHY palette. The tea-staining didn't set well either and after a few washings, they just looked dingy.


However, bleaching blacks worked somewhat better. I ruined a few items. Well, I didn't technically ruin them, but they were no longer black and weren't a very pretty shade of brown either. The fabric itself and the garment were wearable, but I just didn't care for them and donated them. But the brown raincoat was mostly cotton material if not 100%and until I shrink completely out of it (soon) and until I find a reasonable replacement for it, it works.


So, that's my trip. I've nearly caught up at work, but have a jam-packed weekend that begins at 4:00 p.m. today. I will be back home tonight after 11 pm and leaving the following morning at 9 am. I won't be back home until Monday sometime and that's Zumba night, so please don't wait for my blue color party to move on to the next round. I'll catch up when I can.


Pam, do you want to choose a color next? Do you need input for the cruise?

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Sorry, all, but I'm gonna be MIA for a few! These past couple days are a whirl...Mom is in hospital and I'm only one here to look after her... will check back when I can...

Pam- have a great cruise! Can't remember when you leave so if I don't get back here~ Bon Voyage!!!!



I'm sorry to hear that you're Mom isn't well. I hope things look up for her soon. I'll keep her in my prayers.

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Glad you had a good trip. It's always nice to get away, isn't it?




I'll do my aquas this weekend, OK? I have quite a few of them. I'll keep it to 6 pictures. We will see what you all think.

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A quick post , then gotta run. Mom is finally out of ICU and in a room. Things are looking better each day. Pray they stay that way.

Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers!

Will try to get aquas together so I can post them when needed.

Have a great weekend all!:D

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So, please ignore my "crazy eyes" in the "before" picture. I was trying so hard not to blink that I went a little "Uncle Fester" in the picture. Scary enough, this was the best of the before pictures.




I have a tiny bit of makeup on in the after picture -- we had gone out to dinner so I had put on some lipgloss and mascara. So... better?

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I think the new hair color is absolutely amazing. I agree with Anita that it's very subtle, in some ways. But it makes such a difference in your skin color that it's out of the park!


With your magenta hair color, it looks like you aren't quite put together and ready for your dinner night on the town... kwim? It looks like you should wear some foundation, etc. But with the right hair color, the picture gives the impression that you don't even NEED foundation! Your skin is just beautiful, even-toned, lovely.


I'm sure that you're very happy. THat is simply a stunning transformation!

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Thanks for sharing your wardrobe story with all your greens. It's amazing the difference that absolutely KNOWING makes in the selections that you wear. Now that I know how my aquas/blues/greens are classified as best, better, good... I'm looking at my other colors with raised eyebrows. :eek:


When we get finished with these color parties, we are going to have some amazing closets!


With all that is on my agenda, I'm not sure that I can participate in another color party before my trip. With Anita getting ready to do orange, maybe coral would be good for the next color go round? IDK. You ladies will probably decide when we get through with the aquas that are coming; we've got Kim's and Linda's and your aquas... and your blues, right? So the way things are going... it'll take us some time to get through. AND I'm having computer issues. Which only adds to my time line complications.


But, I'm happy! I feel so energized that we managed to get through the greens/blues/aquas for me. I'm really looking forward to my trip... and to the holidays... and to getting back and doing some more wardrobe weaning!


It's all good...

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Thanks for sharing your wardrobe story with all your greens. It's amazing the difference that absolutely KNOWING makes in the selections that you wear. Now that I know how my aquas/blues/greens are classified as best, better, good... I'm looking at my other colors with raised eyebrows. :eek:


When we get finished with these color parties, we are going to have some amazing closets!


With all that is on my agenda, I'm not sure that I can participate in another color party before my trip. With Anita getting ready to do orange, maybe coral would be good for the next color go round? IDK. You ladies will probably decide when we get through with the aquas that are coming; we've got Kim's and Linda's and your aquas... and your blues, right? So the way things are going... it'll take us some time to get through. AND I'm having computer issues. Which only adds to my time line complications.


But, I'm happy! I feel so energized that we managed to get through the greens/blues/aquas for me. I'm really looking forward to my trip... and to the holidays... and to getting back and doing some more wardrobe weaning!


It's all good...


I soooo agree, Pam. It make me happy in a way that I can hardly explain to know my greens are good.....for sure good.....no question about it good.


Wow, Barbara. How stunning! The after picture doesn't look like there was a huge change in color, but it made such a major difference in your overall look. How great to know the secret, right?


That's how I feel about our color parties, KWIM everybody? Like I've been given privileged info and the secret is such a benefit.


Linda, I'm glad your mother is progressing. Great news!


Ladies, I took blue pictures yesterday and will work on weeding through them myself before posting. I will try using the method Anita showed several posts back and see if I can accomplish it myself. --Debbie

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Hopefully this will work correctly. Thanks, Anita, for your teaching spirit once again. I have tried to create a collage of blue for everyone's viewing pleasure. A-1 is the collage picture, B-1 is my purpleberry control, and C-1 is a blue tank that I found after the collage picture was taken. A2-4, B2-4 and C2-4 correspond to the collage picture. Are these pictures good enough quality-wise? Fire away, Ladies. Just ignore the craizy hair I'm having and give me your best shot. --Debbie


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I'm sorry that you are the first one that has to have a huge truckload of patience.


I knew this day would come... when everyone's schedules were going to be so packed full of activity that we wouldn't be able to get to the pictures as quickly as we have been doing in the past.


I, for one, am trying to get my final errands run before next week. Time is absolutely running out on me. I know that Anita has maxed out her Zumba schedule... she's teaching 8 classes a week!!!! :eek: and :cool:

She's really busy trying to keep un with school volunteer days and laundry piling upon laundry... even more than usual with her increase of exercise clothing to the laundry pile.


I don't have a lot of time right now. I didn't study the pictures to put them in any order of my fav to least fav... BUT... I can tell you that they all look really, really good! I think you have a great blue color party going in your closet.


So I just wanted to chime in and give a high-five... I'm sure that others will come on and be more helpful.

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I'm going to try this, but I may only be able to say if I like something or not... may not be able to put my finger on the "why" it works or not. Okay, here goes:


A2- Fabulous -- so similar to the amazing Purpleberry. This is YOUR color.

A3- Not as good. For some reason you look grayer in this color to me.

A4- Similar to A3 -- slightly grayish but not bad. Just not as good as A2.

B1- Purpleberry... amazing, fabulous, spectacular, every good adjective I can come up with.

B2- Good

B3- Good

B4- Good, but on my monitor a bit grayish

C1- Good

C2- Really good

C3- Really good

C4- Gray again to me. C4 and A4 look to be almost the same color to me and both seem to make your complexion look grayish. Of course it could be my monitor or it could be that I don't know what I'm talking about. This is my first time analyzing a color party closely. So take my opinions with a hefty grain of salt. :)


Love the blues on you though. You actually don't have any really bad blues. Just a couple that on my screen seem less AMAZING than others.

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Thanks, Pam. I know you need to be packing and taking care of last minute details before you leave. So, I really appreciate you taking time to respond. I remember the first time I posted several weeks ago and everyone seemed to be busy. I knew several of our regulars were tied up, so this time I didn't take it personal. I'm just tickled pink that everyone can see me in my pictures this time.


Barbara, I know you are counting down the days before your cruise also, so thanks for taking the time to give your opinion. I was on the fence about one or two of my blues. I was afraid the color was a little muted. After posting the pictures, they seem to blend with my blue color party nicely and you confirmed that for me. Thanks!


Anita, I remember the days when my family was involved in church, school and sports and I worked and volunteered and met myself coming and going. I hope you take time to breathe......just breathe. It's fun. Overwhelming, at times, but fun. I'll still be glad to hear your opinion about my blues when you have the time, ok?


Linda, if you have time to check in to read but not respond, I wanted to make sure you know that we are still thinking about and praying for you and your family as you deal with your mother's health.


Kim, everything ok? We are ready for your aqua/teal party. Well, I'm ready. I think everyone else is AWOL. Are you ready to post?


I'll work on getting my aquas and teals together now. It's been soooo dreary here for the last two days. Cold and rainy with highs and lows right around 50 degrees. Yuck! Weather has been lousy for picture taking, so I will try to be ready when the sun shines again.


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Anita, I remember the days when my family was involved in church, school and sports and I worked and volunteered and met myself coming and going. I hope you take time to breathe......just breathe. It's fun. Overwhelming, at times, but fun. I'll still be glad to hear your opinion about my blues when you have the time, ok?


Hi Ladies! This made me smile. I DO take time to breathe...my schedule is at a nice pace, with scheduled classes, tennis, volunteering, etc. all nice and spaced out, but this leaves me with paced out chunks of time to take care of the household, which is new. I find that I have to watch my computer time, or I don't get done what I need to get done. I can post quick comments, but for something that deserves a bit more thought...well, that will likely be a Friday post for me, as that is now the ONLY weekday where I don't have classes.


Debbie...you are like a FIRE snow white! Did you ever read through that monstrous Seasons thread? Or take a look throughout Curt's blog? There was a young lady that for years thought she was an AIR, but it turns out that she is an ICE. Curt called her a "sexy Snow White" IIRC. Looking at you in all your blues, I can't help but think that you are a FIERY Snow White. I look at the effect of the colors on you, and when your complexion gets whatever the Fire equivalent to peaches and cream, with your dark hair, and blue-looking eyes...OMG...SO PRETTY!!!


I like a lot of these blues on you. I don't like this picture taking spot as much as the living room one. I look back on the greens taken in this spot and what they looked like, versus when you took them in the living room, and using the Purpleberry for a control, trying to determine what I am really seeing...at first glance, so many of these pictures are good pictures...BUT...


I THINK it is deceiving a little bit...I'm so glad we have that control shirt...looking at your skin tone in Purpleberry, you are vibrant...yes, your skin isn't super duper BLENDED, BUT, you have lovely natural rosy highlights (everywhere they tell us to add a bit of blush for those that do...cheeks, chin, etc.), your lips show a nice tone of red (without enhancement), and your eyes are a contrast in your face. This is what I believe Curt is going for when he says, you can wear less makeup...because there, if I were trying to enhance your look, I would darken your eyebrows a bit, add a bit of mascara, and a sheer lip gloss and call it good.


I'm going to be disagreeing with Barbara here, because C2 and C3 are among my least favorite photos. And this is why I am going into great detail with my observations, because I don't want to just throw out opinions and have you wondering WHY? (And if what I am seeing doesn't accurately reflect what you think should be true, then we need different pictures, KWIM?)


So, C2/C3...yes, you have lovely blended skin...but there's no life...your lips vanish into your face...you have no rosy-ness...you need some blush, girl...and some real lip color...your eyes are vanishing...we need to add some contour shading to your lids, AND eyebrows and eyelashes. I see this effect in the entire row C. If you go back to an idea that Kim had...look away from the monitor...then look back...YOU are not grabbing my attention in ANY of those shirts. Are they bad photos? No. Are you fully gray? Not in this series. BUT...I wonder if you were to take these photos in the living room, with the close up like the greens, would you gray out like that one surprising green shirt? Even when I focus on just your hair in that row...your HAIR looks faded compared to Purpleberry.


A1 being the color party...A2 is my FAVORITE. You are ALIVE in this photo. You are a KNOCK OUT. You hog the screen. If someone weren't wearing their own colors in a photo with you, you would absolutely overwhelm their presence with your own. GORGEOUS. I don't know if you would call this color NAVY IRL...but it looks close to that to me...if this is the case, you have FOUND Fire Navy. Keep this shirt FOREVER. Go down to the home improvement store and grab all the blue chips you can. Get into natural light and get the best match for this Navy, so that you can take this with you shopping for comparison purposes.


OK. So maybe I mis-wrote. I guess I don't like as many blues as I originally thought. :o Going to Row B. Looking at the color party...I see the different lighting (looks like a big yellow influence in that light, still, the color cards are there for a control)...B2 doesn't look like it belongs with your color cards AT ALL...And since that photo is right there next to Purpleberry...your skin lack that depth of variations of natural skin tone in B2...it's there a little (better than C2 underneath it)...but the paler parts of your skin almost look too yellow? When I compare the tone of your skin to Purpleberry and B3...you look a little green on my screen in B2.


B3...NICE. Rosy. Vibrant. I think your paler parts aren't quite as pale because the blue color isn't quite as deep and dark as Purpleberry and the Navy. Lots of life in there though.


B4...This color is so similar...but I see the Row C effect. Dullness. No lips. No eyes. And I don't think it is because the photo is slightly blurry. I'm trying hard to see past that. Looking at the color party, there is a difference between B3 and B4...B4 lacks that ooomph that makes me feel like it went a bit muted.


Can you tell I've had the hardest time with A3 and A4? I've waited til the end to talk about the first pictures! LOL. I WANT to like A3. I really do. I look at the color party and I see that A3 and B3 are similar. But the effect on you is different. I think A3 is clear...but I think it might be going cool? Slightly? Mom talks about feeling like she ages in appearance when wearing cool colors. All the imperfections in her skin stand out. In general terms, I THINK I see this happening in A3. It's subtle, but for whatever reason. I just don't really like this one. AT ALL.


And A4 goes to the same place for me. I can't put my finger on WHY exactly, but I don't like this one either.


So there you have it. I like two of your blues!! :eek:


Was that worth waiting for? :rolleyes: You wanted to clear out your closet right? LOL.

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Hi everyone and thanks for the wishes and prayers! It has been very hectic here for me as I have been running to the hospital to check on my Mom who had a very serious bout with her heart, but is now on the mend. 2 1/2 days in ICU and a week in hospital~ then having to run out of town and check on my 89 year old dad who has the flu and has now developed what I'm suspecting is a bladder infection... All while working 8 hrs and feeding my own family. Whew:eek:

Just took my 86 year old mother home from hospital tonight and fed dad so am finally home and wanted to check in with you all. I will try to read the posts to catch up with everyone tomorrrow pm as I have a class to attend tomorrow am. I'm beat and worn out! Wanta talk about racoon eyes!!!:D

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Oh, my! Linda, I don't have enough words. I have so many feelings but not nearly enough words to express how I feel for you just reading what you have said. My thoughts and prayers will continue until you tell us things have calmed down for your family.


With so many depending on you, please take care of you during this time if at all possible.

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Anita, thanks so much taking time to explain your opinions. Your explanations always help me learn a little more about how to make these decisions for myself. There is only one top that I disagree with you. B-4 is the Chico blue top i think you and Pam mentioned in an earlier post. I don't remember the name, but I must have taken a bad picture. Blurry, you said. Didn't hold my breath right, I guess. A-2 IS clear bright navy. When I first saw CJW's listed colors, I couldn't wrap my mind around that color. Staff attorney wore a shirt in the office one day and I actually thanked him. The minute I saw it, I knew. I just knew. A-2 is LandsEnd and I should have bought more than this one t-shirt cardigan last year.


The rest of the opinions are spot on, I believe. I look at a top and know the color looks a little ICY, but I'm bargaining with myself again. Guess I'm making progress. I now KNOW I'm bargaining. LOL. You are right. I DO want to clean out my closet. Thanks!

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So, please ignore my "crazy eyes" in the "before" picture. I was trying so hard not to blink that I went a little "Uncle Fester" in the picture. Scary enough, this was the best of the before pictures.




I have a tiny bit of makeup on in the after picture -- we had gone out to dinner so I had put on some lipgloss and mascara. So... better?


I love your new hair color Barbara!

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