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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Debbie...have you ever tried using the demi-permanent color? I think that's what it is called. It fades over time, so that you don't have that line that can form where the old highlights or coloring end and the new growth shows. I'm with you...I had issues with that look after having had the highlights done...but I really liked what happened with my hair with the demi-permanent color.


I did it myself the most recent time I did it. Curt was having a hard time with my hair because it looked like a color job that was growing out...my hair had just gotten so dark compared to what it was pre-pregnancy...I would cut it short...it would turn super dark...I would grow it out and it would get lightened by the sun...and then there would be this line in my coloring until I would get sick of the long hair and cut it all off again...but then I would be sad because it would be so dark.


Curt recommended the "Wella" products for me to even out my hair coloring. I'm not sure how it would work to even out gray...but I think it is supposed to do that well. It was very easy to do.


Kim...I understand that it is probably a shock. You know we are just here to support you! Post when you are ready...no pressure. :)

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Debbie...have you ever tried using the demi-permanent color? I think that's what it is called. It fades over time, so that you don't have that line that can form where the old highlights or coloring end and the new growth shows. I'm with you...I had issues with that look after having had the highlights done...but I really liked what happened with my hair with the demi-permanent color.
I've heard others discuss demi-permanent color on these boards and how natural looking it is, but didn't know I could do it myself or that it wouldn't leave the dreaded "line". Thanks, Anita!


I did it myself the most recent time I did it. Curt was having a hard time with my hair because it looked like a color job that was growing out...my hair had just gotten so dark compared to what it was pre-pregnancy...I would cut it short...it would turn super dark...I would grow it out and it would get lightened by the sun...and then there would be this line in my coloring until I would get sick of the long hair and cut it all off again...but then I would be sad because it would be so dark.
My hair gets lightened if I'm out in the sun or the pool in the summer too. It never occurred to me until just now, but my hair did get darker after my kids were born. Wow! I remember my mother thought I was still coloring my hair because it seemed too dark to be my natural color, until I showed her all the gray that was attending the party!


Curt recommended the "Wella" products for me to even out my hair coloring. I'm not sure how it would work to even out gray...but I think it is supposed to do that well. It was very easy to do.
Can I buy "Wella" at Walmart or do I need to go to a beauty supply store? Do the Wella product numbers correspond well with our FIRE color card numbers?


Kim...I understand that it is probably a shock. You know we are just here to support you! Post when you are ready...no pressure. :)
Yeah, Kim. What Anita said. I was thinking it. She just says it WAY better. We luv ya, ya know? --Debbie
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You have to buy Wella at Sally Beauty Supply or similar type store; I don't believe this product is sold in normal department stores. I'm not sure about how the product numbers work...I'd have to look at that...but I think they are similar. Just be sure to get the DEMI-permanent product. It's in a blue tube. It's very inexpensive.


I think that the conditioner like stuff that you mix the color with is more money, but you get two applications from the one bottle. You need the brush and the mixing bowl. I think I spent $25 or less on all the different things (I needed gloves too).


Yeah...I grew up with Mom telling me that I "stole her blonde." And now, I can honestly say, that DS stole MY blonde! When we lived in Kansas, and would have so much less sun in the winter months...and also spend so much more time indoors...my hair would be DARK...the summer would lighten it, but because of the significant change in seasons there...I would get a line...you could totally tell when I had to be indoors/out of the sun by the line on my hair.

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OK, here goes with a couple of pictures. The first is a pic with my "regular" glasses and the second is my new "second" pair of glasses. When I look at these pictures my hair looks so different than "usual". Although, it does look a lot like it "used" to.





Edited by Joby
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OK, here goes with a couple of pictures. The first is a pic with my "regular" glasses and the second is my new "second" pair of glasses. When I look at these pictures my hair looks so different than "usual". Although, it does look a lot like it "used" to.








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WOW Kim!!


You look FABULOUS!!


What's funny is that, I look at these photos and I'm like...what's the big deal? The color looks so natural...it looks just right! And the combination of your hair and that top is just doing wonders for your skin! I agree with Jane...you are HOT!


So I went back in the thread to look at some before photos...and the hair color IS a big change. I was looking at the photos on page 49...and your hair has much more of a blonde look with strawberry tones...but now...it's so clear...your hair SHOULD be this red! I can't say it enough...it looks so natural...it's wonderful, Kim.


Do you feel like a million bucks? You should!!

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Wow, O Wow, Kim. I love it. I'll parrot what Anita said, but I didn't think it was much of a difference until I went back and did a little investigating. You looked good before, but this really makes your face pop. Your glasses look good too! You have one pair to recede into the background and one pair to take center stage when you want that look. Perfect!


Thanks for the demi-permanent tips, Anita. I'll definitely be looking into this now. I'm going to look for a few pictures from a few years ago and see if I notice any "lightening" of my hair color. I'll bet that it's more than I thought.

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Thanks, Anita. I'll try again.



Okay. I don't think that worked either, so it will probably be tomorrow evening before I can post from my laptop at home.


Anyone else ready to move on? This is a busy time for me, but I'll get there eventually. Y'all just play on through. I'll be back. --Debbie



Let's see if I can help...


To me, the two on the right in the 1st row appear cool. I'm not *great* at this, but they seem to be ice and air. The middle one on bottom row also seems cool to me.


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OK, here goes with a couple of pictures. The first is a pic with my "regular" glasses and the second is my new "second" pair of glasses. When I look at these pictures my hair looks so different than "usual". Although, it does look a lot like it "used" to.





Kim, you're not hot - you're SMOKIN' HOT!!!!! Love it all! Great job!

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Thank you all so much for the nice thoughts and confidence builders. You are all so supportive!


I'm not one that likes change a lot, so new glasses and coloring my hair has been a fair bit of change for this old lady ;) Silly, isn't it?


Linda, I'm glad you posted, I've been thinking of you and hoping life was settling down for you.


Who's next to post some big ol' pictures?

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Hi all! I have finally returned from the realms of the ..awk...dreaded attic! These are the aquas I could find. Too many boxes to go through!! And since I tried them on some are now to big! Yay!!!! but boooo also, cause that means I have to start spending $ again! If I'm stepping on toes- please forgive me.. I really don't know where we are.:confused:


Kim (and Debbie) - I know how hard it was for you to color your hair.. I held off for years until I finally saw a photo of me last year that made me look years older than I was. DH and my mom thought it would be a good idea to darken my natural red hair that had turned a very light stawberry blonde. Everyone I knew thought my hair was a pretty color, just not on me. CJW thought the same... so I bit the bullet and had a new hairstyle and color job done at the same time. (following CJW's reccomendation of more warm honey tones). It took me a while to get used to looking in the mirror and recognizing that reflection that was looking back, but I love it! I now go every 4-6 weeks for high and low light touch ups as I have the semi-color (demi) not sure now what the heck it's called but we decided I might go green if I used the harsh chemicals of the permenant color. I feel that I'm worth the extra $$ I spend to have it done professionaly and I think my hairdresser does a wonderful job. Wash and wear hair- that's me!:D


Anita & all... I am loving your posts. They are so insiteful and helpful even to this ole gal. You gals rock!!


Ok on with the aquas.....




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Hi Linda,


Good to hear from you and glad to see you're posting some color pics :) Maybe take some pics of you in the aquas???


I wanted to pass along some nice comments I've gotten this past week--I've had several people mention how beautiful my hair looks and I've also had several who have said how great my colors looked on me. I think it all has to do with my new hair color. I've gotten more used to looking in the mirror and I think I really DO like my new color. I think I was so hesitant before because of 2 things--1.-I had, for some reason, hoped I would not have to color my hair and 2. it was accepting that I am 54 now and and not getting any younger and my hair was showing my age. Sometimes in my mind I'm still in my 20's'-30's but I look in the mirror or feel my body and both are saying "you're not a spring chicken anymore".


Pam, we haven't heard from you in a while, hope everything is OK. You and Anita must be getting soooo excited about your upcoming cruise. As always, I want to live vicariously through your travels :) Shall I scream, PICTODIARY!!!!!

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Thanks, Jane, for your comments on my FIRE greens. The good news/bad news is that since my weight loss, I think the only top in that picture that still fits is A-1. Since it was a cashmere hoodie, I was able to shrink it a bit and it still works.


I'm still spending lots of my spare time weeding through my closet. I've spent the winter doing this over and over again. I'll have a capsule wardrobe or minimalist wardrobe very soon if my weight continues to drop. I've slid off the wagon during the past couple of weeks and need to get my head back in a happy weight-loss place. With the weather we are having, I'll be changing out my fall/winter wardrobe for spring/summer things and the weeding process will continue. This is not a rant or complaint. I'm tickled coral pink to have this problem!


Linda, I agree with Kim. Since there are only six, let's see you in all six tops, please. Just looking at the collage picture, I have doubts about one or two, but would rather wait to voice my opinion. I'm gravitating toward the darkest of our colors for myself and don't want to skew the results.


Kim, I just turned 56 this month, so I understand what you mean about the age thing. My body is a different story, but most days, my mind tells me I'm 30-35. Then I stop and remember that my daughter is 31. Oops! How did that happen?


Like you, Kim, I had hoped I wouldn't need to color my hair, but I've done a little research on the subject and everything I've read says that "spring" people will not have pretty "natural" gray hair. Maybe this is the year that I gradually let color back into my life and hope everyone around me thinks I'm out in the sun a lot this summer. ;)

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Hi, Can anyone tell me which of these colors looks like fire?



I have a cruise in April and need formal dresses


Hi Jenny,


The dress is beautiful!!!


I'm not sold on any of the colors being FIRE. I "think" the background looks like a FIRE coral color but, the dresses don't seem to blend all that well. Of course, I'm no expert:rolleyes:


Where is your cruise to? That's exciting news:)


I'll be anxious to see what others think on the dress colors. Always learning, aren't we???

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OK, since you insist! (can't insert smillies since limit is 6) These are in order as they appear in the first photo.QUOTE]


Hey Linda,


It's hard for me to tell about your facial coloring. I don't think the lighting in the pictures is even. Some of the pics seem lighter and I don't think it's just the color of the shirt.


I think I'm similar to Debbie in that I tend to like the darker FIRE colors.


Would I be too nit picky if I asked for a retake :eek:

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Linda, I'm afraid that I must agree with Kim. Please give us a retake on your aquas. I thought I was seeing a shadow on your face when I tried to look at the pictures on my phone. I've had time to plug in and log in with the laptop at home now, but it looks shadowed on my big screen too.


Sorry that I've been so long in responding. The home laptop is where I can view pictures in best detail, but it is also where I have the least amount of free time. Home is my huge storage locker, I think. Some days I get home, eat, sleep, and the madness starts over again.


Jenny, sorry that I'm so color-illiterate. I know the pink is too pastel, but it's hard for me to tell if some of the other colors are too neon, they are FIRE or they are close but not quite right.


Hope everyone is doing OK. Anita.....Pam.....I know you must be getting excited about the cruise. Pre-packing, yet? Details when you have time, ok?

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I've been meaning to pass along this website. I get their catalogs in the mail. I've never ordered from them but, they seem to have things similar to Athleta.


There is a color I noticed in the catalog today called "teaberry". It looks like it "could" be a FIRE color.


It also has a neat bathing suit in what I "think" could be a nice EARTH color (or maybe FIRE depending on its brightness???) called plum-citron.


Any other new and wonderful discoveries out there from anyone?????

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I've been meaning to pass along this website. I get their catalogs in the mail. I've never ordered from them but, they seem to have things similar to Athleta.


There is a color I noticed in the catalog today called "teaberry". It looks like it "could" be a FIRE color.


It also has a neat bathing suit in what I "think" could be a nice EARTH color (or maybe FIRE depending on its brightness???) called plum-citron.


Any other new and wonderful discoveries out there from anyone?????


Kim, am I missing something that everyone else can see? I don't see the website.:)

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I have really gone over the edge, haven't I!
Weeeellllll, maybe not over the edge--just your toes curled over the edge and possibly leaning over the precipice.;) Thanks for the link. I was not familiar with this company. Had never heard of it, in fact.


This is a prime example of why I don't trust my judgement. To my very untrained eye, teaberry looks like a pinky-red in some of the examples and looks like a muted or heathered pinky-red in others. My color choice has been wrong in the past on this type of color, so it's one of those colors that I try to steer clear of. I mistakenly purchased several items that did not live with me very long after learning that I'm FIRE. I cringe at the amount of money that I have wasted because of my poor judgment, so I now try to make absolutely certain that I'm choosing a FIRE color. This one would be too much on the fence for me to take a chance unless it offered free shipping to me and also for returns.


The plum-citron bathing suit, however, looks like a color that I'd love to have. In fact, I have a top that is identical to the plum color on my screen and I've been wearing it confidently thinking it is FIRE.


I'd sure like to hear what everyone else thinks about these colors.

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Bon voyage to Pam and Anita!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful, relaxing and safe trip. We will all be waiting for that wonderful EARTH/FIRE pictodiary when you return. There will be a pictdiary on return, correct :D:D:D:D

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How I wish that Anita and I could take all of you ladies along this cruise with us! Since we can't do that, then of course we'll be taking pictures and sharing them with you all. Too fun!


I'm in the middle of packing. The shopping effort for this particular cruise was way more involved with foundation garments than anything else. Because I've been out in the stores, (OMG!) I've seen such spectacular coral and aqua and tangerine and blue colors! My DH actually said that a FIRE girl just can't have too much coral. He saw a Ralph Lauren dress in a color called Hot Coral and thought it would be perfect for me. I ran down to the mall to take a quick look, but I wasn't sure about it... at all. Even though it was named Hot Coral, it looked way cool to me. And even a little muted! I tried to figure out if silver or gold looked better with it, and I actually think that pewter looked the best. So I'm thinking cool and muted and with a name like that! No wonder it's so hard to buy color over the internet!


Anyway, this cruise has been a long time in the planning and I can't believe that we're actually heading off to the airport tomorrow! Yeah! Finally!


We will definitely be thinking of everyone and hopefully will take some good pictures to share.

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