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Marriage License Carnival's Response

Warm Breezes

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Confusion aside, I have to agree with your plan. A clerk who is not well informed can end your vacation at the point of embarkation regardless of what answer you receive. That is simply not a risk I'm willing to take on. (And, yes, I'd complain up a storm, write to the CEO and do everything else do point out the error. But, none of that would prevent the ship from leaving without me if the embarkation staff believes I need a ML.)


This simply is not true.......let's stop trying to scare people......

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Geez, is this thread about bringing a marriage license or is it not?


You do not need to ask Carnival. It does not matter what their response is.


It is a freaking piece of paper. BRING IT!


Do you people have a problem with that, or do you just like to argue over whether or not the sky is blue?


You are completely missing the point. Many newbie and experienced cruiser are under the impression (right or wrong, we don't know) from past experience and from Carnival's written rules on Travel Documents, that a marriage license is not required. From Cruise Critic, we have learned that some people have been required to show their marriage license at embarkation when their DL and boarding documents matched with their married name and many others have not been required to show their marriage license in the exact same situation. Therefore some are saying a marriage license is required, while others are saying its not.


Carnival defines the rules of what you need to board their ship. Because of this debate, I sent Carnival a question to define what is required. The Carnival Rep said I should bring my marriage license, but backed up his statement with a document that appears to contradict what he said. I have followed up asking for an explanation of this contradiction.


The point of this is to find out exactly what is required and if necessary get Carnival to be more explicit in their Travel Document rules, if a marriage license is required, so all passengers who travel on Carnival know exactly what is required in their situation.


Whether I take my ML or not, whether I have a passport or not, is not the point. The point is to stop the debate by finding out what is actually required and hopefully getting Carnival to change their documents to reflect what is actually required, if indeed a marriage license is required or properly train their embarkation staff and reps, if it is not.

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Talk about beating a dead horse to death. I wonder there are any posters here who have not yet figured that what they need to do is the following:


1. Call Carnival and tell them what sort of ID they are planning to bring.


2. Get an OK from Carnival as to what sort of ID they

are planning to bring


3. Get the person's name and employee number that you speak to


4. Repeat steps 1 thru 3 again...making sure you ask the same exact questions...and get the same exact answers


5. Repeat step 4 again.


6. Repeat step 4 yet again...if it comforts you to do so.


Really, now...because one poster insists on micromanaging this issue.....come on folks...just call them and ask!!!



We have Passports..because they have done us well in many ways..not just cruising (because where else do you have pix ID of your 9yo that is accepted anywhere you go should you need it)...but because I know that many people (Carnival employees, Social Security clerks, cable TV salespeople) may not have all the correct info....I actully take 5 minutes to gather up :


1. All of our original B/C's

2. My Marriage License


Because it doesn't take up any room when folded inside the PP and they all stay safe in the cabin vault. Yes, I know that I do not NEED to bring this stuff..but I still do..even though all the names match..because I got them to match...so it wouldn't cause problems:D And I know to book our cruises and other international travel using the same EXACT names that are on our PP's.

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It's not confusing. It's very plain and simple. The only time a photo ID is acceptable without a BC is an "enhanced" ID. There are additional requirements for an ID to be considered enhanced. Don't ask me what that is because most states do not have them. You can google search it I'm sure and it will explain it in more detail. They have never allowed a "normal" state issued photo ID as the only verification, NEVER.


Again have people sailed with two different names on an ID and BC without bringing the marraige licenese, sure. But could the gate agent enforce the need to bridge those two documents, YEP. I know she said she is bringing it and it's the best thing to do. I am simply trying to point out that Carnival is not giving her two conflicting stories but that she is simply not understanding what is on Carnival's website.


Let me just make this crystal clear. The "technical" requirements from Carnival to sail closed loop without a passport is:


One of the following:

Enhanced photo ID

Birth Certificate

Also a photo ID with matching name to the BC. If names do not match then a document supporting the name change is required.


Will gate agent enforce??? Who knows, maybe not. Would I take that chance of missing my cruise? Heck NO!!! It don't get any clearer than that.


You really have no clue do you? There is no rule that says the drivers license has to be an enhanced version. The rule is the BC must match the Cruise Documents or other proof of the name change must be included. One of the options is a DL that shows the name change and it must match the Cruise Documents. She does not have to bring all four options with her, she gets to choose one. The only time I have heard of having to show the ML is when you are newly married and the DL does not match the cruise documents.


If you are going to give advice please be sure it is correct and that you are not trying to pick and choose which part of the information you respond about. You are putting down this person for asking a simple question or at least appear to be trying to make her look stupid.


That being said, I agree with the OP taking the ML just to make things easier, but it is not, and I repeat, NOT a requirement to get on the ship.


Ok, off my soap box now. Sorry.

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I went through Carnival's websites "Contact Us" and asked the following question:


I am married and use my husbands surname. My Birth Certificate has my Maiden Name and my Driver's License has my current name. I am booked under my current name. Do I need my marriage license to board?


This is the response I received (Note the items I highlighted):


Thank you for contacting Carnival Cruise Lines. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance.


Please bring along your Marriage Certificate as well, so it can match your booking.






Names on Travel Documentation

It is important that guest names on travel documents (passport, birth certificate, etc) and Government-Issued Photo I.D be identical to those on the cruise and airline tickets. In the event of a different name (name change), documentation supporting this change is required.



Current, valid driver's license with a photo Government-Issued identification card with a photo (city/state/federal)

Legal Name Change court document

Marriage Certificate: original or copy


I didn't read every page of this thread, so excuse me if this has already been said. I mean no disrespect, but I can't imagine all the fuss that's in here over such a simple matter. But what I'm understanding is that you want where it states specifically that a marriage certificate is required for supporting documenation.


If you ask me, he answered your question in WAY too many words. "Documentation supporting this change is required." What documentation, you ask? Marriage certificate. He didn't have to say "marriage certificate" nor should there be anywhere where it SPECIFICALLY states this. It's pretty clear.


There are many documents supporting name changes. One can legally change their name without the need of getting married. So no, I don't think you're going to get anything that specifically says that.


And if you want proper information about what you need to board, you may want to contact US Customs & Border Protection. Cruise lines don't decide what's needed, CBP does.


God bless!

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I didn't read every page of this thread, so excuse me if this has already been said. I mean no disrespect, but I can't imagine all the fuss that's in here over such a simple matter. But what I'm understanding is that you want where it states specifically that a marriage certificate is required for supporting documenation.


If you ask me, he answered your question in WAY too many words. "Documentation supporting this change is required." What documentation, you ask? Marriage certificate. He didn't have to say "marriage certificate" nor should there be anywhere where it SPECIFICALLY states this. It's pretty clear.


There are many documents supporting name changes. One can legally change their name without the need of getting married. So no, I don't think you're going to get anything that specifically says that.


And if you want proper information about what you need to board, you may want to contact US Customs & Border Protection. Cruise lines don't decide what's needed, CBP does.


God bless!


Well at least you admitted to not reading the whole thread:D

A drivers license is a valid bridge document;)

And Carnival does list legal name change court document.........for other reasons of name change other then marriage...

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I'm pretty sure OP was in another thread, and several people already stated that they have been asked for their MC at boarding.


There's no confusion in the policy.


A MC is a "Bridge" document. It is the bridge between a BC (maiden name) and a DL where the woman has chosen to use her married name. I've needed my MC in other circumstances as well, when applying for things in my married name (passport, state documents).


The person taking care of embarkation needs the bridge to connect the two names.



Here's your sign...

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I'm pretty sure OP was in another thread, and several people already stated that they have been asked for their MC at boarding.


There's no confusion in the policy.


A MC is a "Bridge" document. It is the bridge between a BC (maiden name) and a DL where the woman has chosen to use her married name. I've needed my MC in other circumstances as well, when applying for things in my married name (passport, state documents).


The person taking care of embarkation needs the bridge to connect the two names.



Here's your sign...


Since when did they require a marriage certificate to apply for a passport:confused: Unless you are changing the name on your passport......they don't require it........

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Because if you would have read what Carnival said....which she posted was.....In the event of different name change... documentation supporting the name change is required....the list is:


Current, valid driver's license with a photo

Government-Issued identification card with a photo (city/state/federal)

Legal Name Change court document

Marriage Certificate: original or copy



DO YOU GET IT NOW:confused:


LOL!...I think were the only ones who get it!!!

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Since when did they require a marriage certificate to apply for a passport:confused: Unless you are changing the name on your passport......they don't require it........


If you are applying for a passport in your married name, they require a bridge document. (even if your DL shows the married name). And they require for you to have legally changed your name with social security to carry a married name on your passport.


I was there last week and I was asked for it (at the post office). Fortunately I had it with me because I was changing the way my name appeared on my DL the same day.

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If you are applying for a passport in your married name, they require a bridge document. (even if your DL shows the married name). And they require for you to have legally changed your name with social security to carry a married name on your passport.


I was there last week and I was asked for it (at the post office). Fortunately I had it with me because I was changing the way my name appeared on my DL the same day.


Wrong. A valid drivers license IS A BRIDGE DOCUMENT.



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So, I'm lying? My DL did not feature my maiden name. This is what the postmaster asked me for. Deal.



Mine doesn't either........most women that take their husbands name don't........


I posted a government link that shows what exactly is required and a marriage license is not on the list......

The reason they only require a valid drivers license when applying for a passport is because in order to change your license to the married name you already showed your marriage certificate........

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Mine doesn't either........most women that take their husbands name don't........


I posted a government link that shows what exactly is required and a marriage license is not on the list......

The reason they only require a valid drivers license when applying for a passport is because in order to change your license to the married name you already showed your marriage certificate........


Yes, but the site doesn't specifically state anything about married/maiden names. I'd already looked.


The state DMV and the Department of State are two different entities. They aren't going to rely on information from a different source.


My DL actually now features my maiden name in addition to my married, because I use it professionally and it's a hassle when using a business CC. The majority of women I know actually do that.

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If you are applying for a passport in your married name, they require a bridge document. (even if your DL shows the married name). And they require for you to have legally changed your name with social security to carry a married name on your passport.

I was there last week and I was asked for it (at the post office). Fortunately I had it with me because I was changing the way my name appeared on my DL the same day.



I didn't legally change my name to my married name through Social Security (though did so on my DL immediately after my marriage) until a couple of months ago (I've been married for 21 years). I changed my passport last name to my my married name years ago with absolutely no problem (I was not required to change my name through social security to do so). I also filed tax returns for 20 years in my married name without changing it via social security. Therefore I believe you are mistaken.

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I didn't legally change my name to my married name through Social Security (though did so on my DL immediately after my marriage) until a couple of months ago (I've been married for 21 years). I changed my passport last name to my my married name years ago with absolutely no problem (I was not required to change my name through social security to do so). I also filed tax returns for 20 years in my married name without changing it via social security. Therefore I believe you are mistaken.

just a heads up...if and when you apply for Sicial Security..yes, it will still be around.....you will need to prove your marriage if you are collecting on your husband's number...or if he collects on your number. Of course if you collect on your number you do not need it.....but even if you collect on your number...you may be entitled to a little extra on his number....so keep the ML in a safe place.

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I didn't legally change my name to my married name through Social Security (though did so on my DL immediately after my marriage) until a couple of months ago (I've been married for 21 years). I changed my passport last name to my my married name years ago with absolutely no problem (I was not required to change my name through social security to do so). I also filed tax returns for 20 years in my married name without changing it via social security. Therefore I believe you are mistaken.


It's impossible to file tax returns in your married name without changing it via social security. That's what the gov't identifies you as, they will not use an alias.



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just a heads up...if and when you apply for Sicial Security..yes, it will still be around.....you will need to prove your marriage if you are collecting on your husband's number...or if he collects on your number. Of course if you collect on your number you do not need it.....but even if you collect on your number...you may be entitled to a little extra on his number....so keep the ML in a safe place.



Yes, you are absolutely right. You need to prove your marriage-but you do not have to legally change your name in order to collect on your spouse's SS.


Not changing my name through SS never caused me any problems whatsoever. The only reason I did it was because 1)I was going over to the SS office anyway on other business and 2)my husband said he felt a little weird that I had never bothered to do this. Sometimes you need to do things that aren't important to YOU because they are important to someone you love.

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It's impossible to file tax returns in your married name without changing it via social security. That's what the gov't identifies you as, they will not use an alias.





I've filed 21 joint tax returns in my married name without changing my name through social security. Therefore it is not "impossible." :)

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Yes, but the site doesn't specifically state anything about married/maiden names. I'd already looked.


The state DMV and the Department of State are two different entities. They aren't going to rely on information from a different source.


My DL actually now features my maiden name in addition to my married, because I use it professionally and it's a hassle when using a business CC. The majority of women I know actually do that.


You didn't find it because a marriage certificate is not required in order to apply for a passport;) And yes a drivers license is a form of id that they do require.......it's all in black and white......in order to change a name on a drivers license you need that document or a court document....see the redundancy?

I have a passport too;)

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It's impossible to file tax returns in your married name without changing it via social security. That's what the gov't identifies you as, they will not use an alias.




I have been married 25 years and I have never changed mine......and I file jointly with my dh......

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just a heads up...if and when you apply for Sicial Security..yes, it will still be around.....you will need to prove your marriage if you are collecting on your husband's number...or if he collects on your number. Of course if you collect on your number you do not need it.....but even if you collect on your number...you may be entitled to a little extra on his number....so keep the ML in a safe place.


You also need a birth certificate in order to get a death certificate.....so keep those safe too.....

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