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Freedom review 9/5/10 - more info than you can stand!


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Got a perfectly awful week at work coming up, so I'll post when I can. Sorry. Day jobs have a way of cutting into more productive activities.


I just hate when that happens :)


Loving your continuing review, and the pictures are just great. Agree with you 110% about Graham Seymour...the best by far, of any cruise director we have ever had. He was on our first transatlantic on board the Voyager, but sadly have not had the pleasure of enjoying his talents again since then. So sorry about the food porn, I love it and indulge in it often...just finished a live food blog during our last cruise...love peeking back at all the pictures when I'm missing all the wonderful food.


Happy cruising and keep up the good work....Joanne

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I just caught up with your review! I feel you on the day job thing. Last week I had long meetings and other stuff to do. It really interfered with my cruise critic time :(. No fun at all but hey it finances my cruises ;).


I think my fiance and I will want to go to an ice show! We'll have to remember that about the tickets. Maybe just wait until a little later to get them to avoid standing in line a long time. I doubt they'd completely run out anyway. Plus all your info is good, even though we're doing Eastern itenerary, it's nice to read about the ship and these ports in case we visit them next :D.


Can't wait to read the rest!

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I guess the biggest question you'd need to resolve is: "Are we Disney folks?" And with a 5-year-old DD, she'd sure fit right in with that Disney demographic.


We are definitely Disney folks ... we're tentatively planning on doing an Eastern Caribbean on the Magic next fall. And we've done the same 4-night itenerary that the Dream will be doing. Actually, looking toward sailing in the fall, our question was "do we cruise the Dream for the ship or the Magic for the ports?"


And there is the issue of money - which, I can assure you, IS an issue at our house. We're firmly entrenched in the middle class, and keep our bills paid, but we are discretionary with discretionary income. Cruising just gives us a terrific bang for our vacationing buck, but it's more of a treat for us than an annual (or even more frequent) event. However, with RCCL coming to New Orleans - our closest port - some quickie trips might be in the offering, and we might even sample NCL and (gasp!) Carnival at some point, too, since they're close by.


I wish I could give you wiser cousel. I'm about to have a hissy wanting to sail one of Disney's newer ships. But they darn sure charge premium prices, and again, being heretical here, there are some areas where I have to give the nod to RCCL, or Freedom at least.


But there's something about Mickey and Co. that money just can't buy for me... :)


ETA: There are a couple of threads on the Disney boards on CC that make some comparisions, too.


So I may be in the minority as this is a RCCL thread but if your DD is 5 and you can afford it. I would do the Fantasy in a heartbeat. We did Disney on our honeymoon' date=' no kids, and then when the kids (2 Girls) were 7 and 5. Also have done 4 RCCl cruises with 1 more in Dec. At 5y/o they still believe in the magic and I will never forget that cruise. Disney does such a good job with the kids. And the kids are only into the Disney magic for such a short time. Now I will say I don't know how the kids programs are on RCCL. Hope to find out next year when the kids will be 11 and 9 as they are now done with Disney. Now do we do the Freedom or Oasis/Allure. I'm not sure I really helped in your decision or made it worse, but whatever you chose there will be quality family time and memories you won't ever forget.[/quote']


In regards to the Disney / FOS comparison' date=' we sailed Disney with our son when we was 4, 5, and 6 yrs old. (Due to a job layoff, we didn't cruise when he was 7). When we decided that we could cruise again (May of this year), he was now 8 yrs old. We decided to try the Freedom of the Seas since he is more active and a little less inclined to hug the Disney characters. He was not sure that he wanted to try something besides Disney (all he had known up to this point. We had sailed RCCL and Celebrity before he was born). In a nutshell, he LOVED the Freedom of the Seas but he still remembers and loves Disney as well. (We are booked on the Magic for next November and on the FOS for this Nov). I would sail Disney while the "magic" is still amazing to them. Five is a great age to do that. Before you know it, she will be older and not as captivated by the wonder of Disney. At least you know you can't go wrong with either choice!




P.S. If you are interested, you can search my past posts and find the review that I did when we got home from the Freedom of the Seas in May. I mostly compared it with our experience with Disney.[/quote']



Thank you so much for the replies. I'm still very undecided. I have the Disney Dream booked for April 2012, but have decided that we definitely want to do a 7 night cruise. FOS is significantly less expensive than Disney's Fantasy, but I really want to go to Castaway Cay as it looks awesome! Many of the cool things on FOS seem geared towards older children, but would she have that much more fun on DCL vs RCI...that is the question?

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I hope you don't mind indulging me for just a moment.


What is it about the seas? From the icy north Atlantic to the vast expanses of the Pacific; to the breadth of the Indian Ocean and the polar Artic; to the warmth of our own Caribbean and Gulf, the seas were a mystery to the ancients. I think the seas hold a mystery to me, even today.


It's hard to find moments of pure solitude while on board a cruise ship. Sometimes, though, you're able to make your own quiet place. One more thought about the preceding sea day, before we dock at Labadee.


I woke up early, quietly dressed, and crept out on deck. There were only a handful of people around, each wrapped in private moments. There was no land in sight. I pulled up a deck chair to the rail and gazed toward the horizon. The wake of our ship churned the water and offered up a muted roar.


Here, I thought, is balm for all the worry and bustle of the world. It may be true for all mariners. Certainly it is true - for me, anyway - on this most perfect of ships, on a perfect morning. Even though the Freedom stretched and throbbed and pressed forward, I was struck by the vastness around me ... no matter how large the vessel, the sea is always larger.


I was reminded of the old French fisherman's prayer ... "Dear God, protect me. The sea is so big and my boat is so small."


The sun had just crested the horizon:




What a sweet epiphany I experienced. I felt as though this sunrise was just for me.


I caught myself singing under my breath (and being thankful no one else was around). It was an old hymn, which I found especially poignant this early dawn:


Eternal Father, strong to save,

Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,

Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep

Its own appointed limits keep;

Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,

For those in peril on the sea!


I went back to the cabin. Teresa was still asleep. A busy day was ahead. But I felt that this moment, this precious time alone (ok, I don't think I was totally alone) was the reason I was fortunate enough to participate in this cruise.


I trust you find your special moment, too, and that it is transcendent as mine.



Thank you!!!!!

I have fabulous tears in my eyes, tears of sorrow and tears of joy... Thank you for your words...

That morning was made just for you!!!

That's awesome...



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Thank you so much for the replies. I'm still very undecided. I have the Disney Dream booked for April 2012, but have decided that we definitely want to do a 7 night cruise. FOS is significantly less expensive than Disney's Fantasy, but I really want to go to Castaway Cay as it looks awesome! Many of the cool things on FOS seem geared towards older children, but would she have that much more fun on DCL vs RCI...that is the question?


I think she'd have fun no matter which ship she was on. The water park area on FOS is amazing compared to Disney's tiny little area but then again, my son didn't know any better and he LIVED in the Mickey Pool. He was either there or in the kids club. My opinion is that she would get more from the Disney magic than FOS given her age. If she is into the characters at all, they are so much more available on the ship than at the parks. Have you considered taking the Nov 2011 DCL cruise where you get to go to Castaway Cay TWICE? :D:D We are booked on that one! They hardly ever offer that itinerary but it is amazing. We have done it twice and re-booked two years ago when we were last on Disney so that we could do it again. The other thing about Disney (at least in the past when they only had 2 ships) is that if you book way in advance, their prices are comparable to other cruise lines. Good luck deciding!



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Let me see if I can toss some more good stuff your way.


As I said earlier, the only shore activity we did was the coaster. But there was plenty else to do - I especially got a kick out of watching folks on the zipline. You can see how the lines zoom over the beach, with the iconic "dragon" in the background:




That geological oddity of the dragon itself was worth a stroll. The way the waves caused the "breathing" was eerie.




Peek-a-boo, Freedom!




Our little beach spot. I managed to find some shade in the treeline:




And if you partake of Labadee beaches, you'll be MUCH happier with water shoes. We bought some cheapo ones at Walmart and found them perfectly acceptable, but hardly stylish. I mean, after all, how often would you hear "those water shoes are just adorable."


Just strolling along the "mall", if you're in the mood for Haitian arts and crafts:




And our lunch spot. Covered seating and a buffet line:




Lunch was, honestly, just OK. Not bad, but not knock-you-nekkid yummy, either. Burgers, hot dogs, some salads, corn on the cob. The jerk chicken was moist and tender, but very tenatively spiced. I know they had to make it palatable to the masses, but I sure would've appreciated some more heat.


The rest of the afternoon we just lazed around, which seemed appropriate for a beach setting.


For those of you wanting more Disney comparisons ... I have to give the nod to Castaway Cay as opposed to Labadee. While both islands are impeccably themed, Labadee was more "unfinished" feeling - not that it was under construction, but there is simply more polish on CC. I mean, Lordy, if Disney can't follow through on a theme, no one can. Food offerings and quality were much better on CC. The entertainment/activity offerings on both islands were similar, but Labadee had more "thrill" rides - coaster and zipline, specifically. Beaches on CC are much prettier and sandier. And on CC, employees seemed to have just a bit more on the ball. Labadee has sort of a "native marketplace," with Haitian artesians hawking their wares. I didn't find them overly pushy - Lord knows they need to sell product more than anyone else in the Western Hemisphere. Bottom line is that CC is more "Disneyfied," and that can be a good thing or bad thing, depending on your perspective. Castaway Cay is a stop I relish returning to. Labadee ... I could take it or leave it.


Back to the salt mines. Work is a-callin' me.

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Gonna see if I can wrap Day 3 up.


After boarding about 4 p.m., we got ready for the headliner show. Tonight was Drew Thomas. I remembered seeing Drew on "America's Got Talent" and being VERY impressed. File this under "So What?", but I tinker with magic some ... I'm what is known in the trade as a "part-time professional," which simply means that I do some magic from time to time and do get paid, but it's not my vocation. Mostly church events, birthday parties, office parties, some school stuff. Not more than a couple or three times a month.


So I was delighted to see Drew in action. I was gonna be careful not to nitpick, because I know a little magic and didn't want to be hypercritical, as something of an insider. His was a production show, in that he was supported by the Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers. A lot of what he did were standard "big box" effects, but he did them with such panache and style that I was enthralled.


Nice levitation here:




He's got a great gig going - one night a week on the Freedom, able to bring his family with him. Sweet.


I was able to hop into a trivia game in the Schooner Bar - a group of four or five invited me to join them, and we just rocked.


Dinner at 8:30. I had rack of lamb, which was just full of garlic, and I'm one of those folks who thinks there's no such thing as too much garlic. Our server even cut it up for me, bless him. Made me feel like I was four years old, and that was kinda fun. I also had a crab cake, which, thank goodness, had as much crab as breading, and a focaccia and tomato salad, nuthin' special. And the closing dulce de leche cheesecake was nice and firm. Again, I'm giving high marks to the MDR food on the Freedom. Only once was I a wee bit disappointed, and I'll tell you about that in due time.


I will say this about beverages. Teresa is a Diet Cokeaholic, and only in the MDR did she find the Diet Coke unacceptable. It did have something of a funky, "off" taste, and she ended up converting to lemonade. I usually had just water - their iced tea was made from that nasty concentrate and wasn't freshly brewed, so I steered clear. I usually had hot tea with my dessert. They had a wide range of Lipton products, and while I really like Twinings, I don't always find it. I managed just fine. Within a couple of days, our servers knew just exactly what to bring, bless 'em. I guess that's why we still prefer not to go the my time dining route.


The last event of the evening was the "I Can Do That" game show, hosted by Graham. Simple plot: a couple of crew members demostrated part of their jobs - in this case, the head chef decorated a cake and a gentleman in housekeeping made towel animals. Then, folks from the audience were to duplicate their efforts in the same time or less. Graham Seymore took what was a pretty basic game and elevated it into something flat-out hilarious. Dang, he's good.


Nighty-night. Here's what greeted us in our stateroom:




Couldn't decide if this varmit was an elephant, or an anteater, or what. But our stateroom attendant, Jack, was top-notch all week long. Very personable and eager to please.


Tomorrow is Ocho Rios. Boy, do I have a tale to tell. Sit tight!

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Is this guy good or what! You have me on the edge of my seat waiting for your next post. Great pictures and excellent commentary. My wife and I went on the Liberty of the Seas last April and won a free cruise which we are taking on the Freedom of the Seas this coming April. Looks like Labadee will be fun.

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I'm not sure about how many tickets you could pick up, but I did see one guy pick up five. They're free, of course ... I don't see what difference it would make to the folks manning the tables, but you might want to ask at guest services first the day before.


I did peek into the On Air Club a couple of times, but didn't linger. It's really a pleasant, laid-back, quirky little venue. Talent is hit or miss, naturally, but I did hear one guy that was pretty amazing.


My husband picked up ten tickets for our party. It was ENCOURAGED that one member of a group pick up tickets for their group. I suspect it makes the line move faster than having everyone line up.

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Congrats on the FREE Cruise.....Oh share with all of us, how that happened. Of course we all believe we can be LUCKY too.


Yes Lucky! My DW and I were with her sister and her husband. We played one of those new fancy blue machines that plays 30 games at once! The machine actually tells you when you are getting close to winning (takes all the guessing out of it). They have you stand up when you have one number left, when I stood up I got the "boo's" from all in the crowd, I was one of 3 standing up. The very next number was our number and I have not been that excited in a long time. We are in our 40's so we don't play Bingo that often just wanted a chance to win and we did. Had to use the coupon within a year and it had to be another 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. No problem there as we are traveling with DW brother and his wife this April!


Nipping at the bud for the next posting, come on Paul!!

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In the above photo... which beach had the kayaks? DD & I would love to go kayaking! Any info would be appreciated.


Love the review!


I *think* that particular beach was called Nellie's Beach. When you're planning any shore activities, I'm sure the guest services folks can help you. The Royal Caribbean website has tons of info on what's available to do in Labadee.


That particular part of Haiti which is now Labadee was called The Devil's Ravine by early French settlers. There's an abandoned copper mine nearby, as well as the site of a slave rebellion. Haiti has had a troubled history.

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A fun day, with one sorta scary curve ball thrown our way. Yikes!


We opted for room service this morning. We had scheduled a shore excursion with a gentleman named Peat Taylor. Peat came highly recommended both here on Cruise Critic and on TripAdvisor, and after my usual multiweek ordeal of anal research, I decided that Peat and his family-run business was our choice for excursions. We'd decided on a trip up the iconic Dunn's River Falls and a tube float down the White River.


I simply cannot say enough good about Peat and his family - for once, the reviews about these folks not only met my expectations, but exceeded them.


When we came off the ship, Peat had two or three shuttles ready for those of us who'd booked through him:




I'd say there were about 30 of us who were using his services. His son, Peat Jr. (aka PJ), was our driver.


First stop was Dunn's River Falls. Once there, PJ hooked us up with a couple of guides. We paid for the entrance to the government owned park, and set aside a little cash to tip our guides.


This was quite the experience. Our guide, Oscar, took our cameras and said he'd take photos along the way. The falls themselves are 600 feet high or so, in sort of a stairstep configuration, terminating at a pretty little beach.




Gonna tell ya - the water was cold. Teresa and I got in the water, and it took my breath away. Physiological changes were immediate ... I'll just let it go at that:




You've seen plenty of photos and videos showing how the guides ask their patrons to hold hands, boy/girl/boy/girl, as they climb the falls. I guess the theory is that if someone falls - and the rocks can be as slick as boogers on a doorknob - then the folks on either side can help them keep their balance. My theory was that if one person fell, you'd have a domino effect and everyone would bust their buns. But, I suppose the guides knew what they were doing:




Teresa was in the very front of the line, I was next, and I held the hand of a woman who spoke absolutely no English. She was pretty mortified the whole time - not sure if she trusted me - but by the end of the trip up she'd calmed down a bit.


Look at the chubby middle-aged couple on their 30th anniversary. All together now: "Awwwww...."






So it was all a matter of following Oscar, stepping where he stepped, ducking under a low bridge at one point ... and it was a real treat the whole way. Superb experience and well worth it.


A welcome sign at the top:





Next - a trip up and around the mountain and the White River tubing experience, which was just a wee bit scary.

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Awww, don't leave us hanging!!! It's not like you have anything better to do than keep us entertained...;) We did Dunn's River Falls last year at about this time actually. We're both 50ish, overweight, and out of shape... Our guides literally drug us up the falls... Wasn't a pretty sight. But we were so proud that we did it... We did Mystic Mountain after the falls. Can't wait to hear about the White River tubing :). Thank you so much for all the work you've put into this review!!


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OH NO; LOOKS LIKE WE'RE STUCK IN JAMAICA :eek:... Not really; I just wanted to give us a bump. We dropped to page 4 and it was getting too hard to find... How am I gonna get to sleep without my bedtime story...:(

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I just love reviews like yours...


It sort of reminds me of DisBoards, which is a great board for Disney fanitics like me. I read it all day long.


They have threads that are for PreTrip Reports and Trip Reports and Past Trip Reports and everyone post lots, Lots, LOTS of fabulous pictures of Disney, their families and how they plan on getting there to how the booked it to there days in Disney and heading home in tears... They even have on for Disney Cruises.

I just love to read stories like that.


That's what your trip report reminds me of.


I think Cruise Critic need to make something like that.


Thank you for sharing your trip report with us, it's fabulous. Y'all are such a cute couple you really love each other and that's awesome.




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OH NO; LOOKS LIKE WE'RE STUCK IN JAMAICA :eek:... Not really; I just wanted to give us a bump. We dropped to page 4 and it was getting too hard to find... How am I gonna get to sleep without my bedtime story...:(


I was thinking the same thing!!! I need my bedtime story!

Tony, come back! I know it's a busy week for you at work...guess we'll have to be patient...:rolleyes:...are you back yet?!? :D

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I just love reviews like yours...


It sort of reminds me of DisBoards, which is a great board for Disney fanitics like me. I read it all day long.


They have threads that are for PreTrip Reports and Trip Reports and Past Trip Reports and everyone post lots, Lots, LOTS of fabulous pictures of Disney, their families and how they plan on getting there to how the booked it to there days in Disney and heading home in tears... They even have on for Disney Cruises.

I just love to read stories like that.


That's what your trip report reminds me of.


I think Cruise Critic need to make something like that.


Thank you for sharing your trip report with us, it's fabulous. Y'all are such a cute couple you really love each other and that's awesome.






I LOVE the Disboards and I love this trip report. I totally agree that this is the type of trip report you would find on the disboards. When I have a Disney trip planned, I live on the Disboards. Since I have a cruise booked, I am living on CC. Can't wait to read the rest of this trip report! :-)



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I LOVE the Disboards and I love this trip report. I totally agree that this is the type of trip report you would find on the disboards. When I have a Disney trip planned, I live on the Disboards. Since I have a cruise booked, I am living on CC. Can't wait to read the rest of this trip report! :-)




I just love trip reports like this one tooo, and like you, I love reading all the trip reports on disboards, expecially when we have a trip to Disney planned. We just had to cancel our trip to Disney that was planned for Nov. 9th - 20th... :( But like you I love reading the pretrip reports and the Trip Reports... We are planning on taking our kids in June 2012, as college and high school graduation trips, and how much fun it would be to start a pretrip report on it....


I sure wish Cruise Critic would come up the a TAB for "TRIP REPORT" with tabs on pre, just got back and finished... That would be so much fun to read... Oh how we would learn so much about travels to different cruise lines, to island or countries that we might want to travel to and what we might want to do...


Tony, your trip report is so much fun to read, I had my husband read it last night and he loved it to. We decided that we would really love to travel to Labadee and ride the roller coaster and zipline. We thought our kids would love that. Thanks so far for your fabulous trip report. Keep it coming.... I do know that I have no desire to head to Dunn's River Falls. I don't like Cold water at alllll.


Keep the trip report coming...

Tell work you have something more important to do then work... :D:D:D

No, not really.

Can't wait to read more..

Have a weekend.


Go Rangers!!!!!




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