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some have mentioned this in past,,,know what to avoid,,but on ship too??Like uncooked items??salad,,fruit?? Was thinking of taking antibiotics to avoid...know its a risk.


Seems most posts say they have to take the bus ride due to lake levels...will just assume thats the case,,then be surprised if not..haha.


Did you get guides in Hanoi,,or take just inc.tours?? How is the dress at nite,,casual(like capris..or slacks??) We have cabin on 2nd deck..so should be fine...ANY DETAILS you can think of would REALLY be appreciated...we go Dec.24.


Thanks so much for update,,feel MUCH better ..sounds like we made a good choice,,,eh???:)

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I'm wondering about the gastro as well. It seems that every discussion/review I've read about it seems to pinpoint the distress as occurring right after the included buffet dinner in Siem Reap. I know that they (supposedly) wash everything in bottled water on board the ship, so salads should be okay, but not sure about in Siem Reap.


I'm glad we are going early and staying at the Metropole for a couple of extra nights. I think we'll be really happy we did. We couldn't convince our friends to do the same, however, they're flying straight in and will jump right into the tour.


Actually, I was wondering about electric fans. La Marguerite has them in each cabin, but they don't appear to be on board AMALotus. I really, really like a fan for sleeping (I get so hot), and was wondering if they have them in housekeeping on a first come/first served basis like many hotels do. If you think of it, agreene, could you ask? If not, I'm bringing my portable battery operated table fan, but I'd rather leave it at home.


PS - it seems there's another new review. All good.

Edited by amyr
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Hi, If you are thinking about guides in Hanoi check out Hanoi Kids on Trip Advisor etc. We used them last year and they were great! They will not accept money but we brought gifts for them. We had a wonderful day with Hanoi Kids!.




some have mentioned this in past,,,know what to avoid,,but on ship too??Like uncooked items??salad,,fruit?? Was thinking of taking antibiotics to avoid...know its a risk.


Seems most posts say they have to take the bus ride due to lake levels...will just assume thats the case,,then be surprised if not..haha.


Did you get guides in Hanoi,,or take just inc.tours?? How is the dress at nite,,casual(like capris..or slacks??) We have cabin on 2nd deck..so should be fine...ANY DETAILS you can think of would REALLY be appreciated...we go Dec.24.


Thanks so much for update,,feel MUCH better ..sounds like we made a good choice,,,eh???:)

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Doreen, we have HanoiKids lined up for two different tours, and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out little gifts for them. I guess it would help knowing if they're boys or girls, but no way to know. What did you take them?

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Hi, If you are thinking about guides in Hanoi check out Hanoi Kids on Trip Advisor etc. We used them last year and they were great! They will not accept money but we brought gifts for them. We had a wonderful day with Hanoi Kids!.



I keep hearing everyone talk about Hanoi kids. How do you book with them and how is the cost. We had to cancel our cruise back in July due to a head injury and had to rebook by the end of April. So we are doing April 2013. We had a tour company we were going to use but now have to start all over. Going a week early n our own. Definitely will be doing the junk at HaLong Bay. We were scheduled for 18 days but rescheduling we had to do 14 days so we could use our miles and get business class seats to Hanoi and home from Saigon. We will start working on tours again soon so hoping to check out Hanoi kids also.




Agreene - suggestion on exact tipping daily if you don't mind. Who you tipped, how much to tip? Etc..... I think April is going to be very hot.

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some have mentioned this in past,,,know what to avoid,,but on ship too??Like uncooked items??salad,,fruit?? Was thinking of taking antibiotics to avoid...know its a risk.


Seems most posts say they have to take the bus ride due to lake levels...will just assume thats the case,,then be surprised if not..haha.


Did you get guides in Hanoi,,or take just inc.tours?? How is the dress at nite,,casual(like capris..or slacks??) We have cabin on 2nd deck..so should be fine...ANY DETAILS you can think of would REALLY be appreciated...we go Dec.24.


Thanks so much for update,,feel MUCH better ..sounds like we made a good choice,,,eh???:)


The food is very well prepared but despite that a lot of folks have been sick. I have not and have eaten a lot of salads. Some are sick but avoided all salads. I really dont want to scare everyone about this because according to everyone I have spoken to, the illnesses have not been that bad...only about 24 hours and some diahrea or muscle aches. No one has gotten fever and they are all saying it is not that debilitating at all. This can happen when you travel and it has happened to me in South America.


We had local guides in Hanoi, Cambodia and now in South Vietnam. They are all excellent. The dress at night is mixed but primarily casual such as women in capris, sun dresses and men in casual slacks and polos. Some are dressed 'above" or "below" that but no one seems to care ạt all. During the day everyone is very casual and bring good walking shoes.

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Denmom, Hanoikids tours are free, they just ask that you pay for any taxis and meals for the kids that you have along the way. Any tip you give them goes straight into the general fund for their group, and many people also bring little gifts for the kids, although this isn't necessary. I'm guessing that since the whole point for the kids is to work on their English, they might enjoy any sort of books or magazines in English. Go to their website at Hanoikids.org for more information. You just send an email to them to book.


I'm curious as to the timing of the gastro on the trip, agreene. Did it start generally just after boarding the ship? Did it abate, or continue on for the whole cruise portion for folks? It seems that every review I've read that mentions tummy upset talks about either a meal in town in Siem Reap or the included AMA sponsored buffet dinner there. I imagine they can't know really where it came from, but you can get a general idea of timing. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of meal in town in Cambodia was the culprit. I'm taking along my pepto bismal tablets and pro-biotics. I may also take along a prescription anti-biotic, not sure, as I would only take it if the circumstances were dire.

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Yes we brought 2 books to give the Hanoi kids- one of them was a book about our area, the other was an autobiography set around here- the more "touristy" book was the favorite.

We were on the Amalotus last November, and my husband had severe stomach pains for 24 hours-it was towards the end of the cruise (as we docked at Phnomn Penh). Quite a few others had it around this same day.

Still not sure if it was food or caught from someone onboard.



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Denmom, Hanoikids tours are free, they just ask that you pay for any taxis and meals for the kids that you have along the way. Any tip you give them goes straight into the general fund for their group, and many people also bring little gifts for the kids, although this isn't necessary. I'm guessing that since the whole point for the kids is to work on their English, they might enjoy any sort of books or magazines in English. Go to their website at Hanoikids.org for more information. You just send an email to them to book..



So, do we, as tourist, do our own schedule picking where to go, etc.... Or do we talk to the people at that site and they set it up. Previously we had set up our 8 days with a company,told them what we wanted to see, they put together a schedule for the time there and it included fees to get in places, some meals, hotels, etc... Including airfare from Hanoi to Cambodia and the Halong Junk. Was a little cheaper than going thru AMA, a day longer and we would be a private tour. We haven't gotten back with them yet but would love to see the options.

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Denmom, I don't think Hanoikids is an option for what you're trying to do. They're just kids offering city tours, and they do half day and full day tours. It looks like you're trying to arrange several days of touring including Halong Bay?

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Denmom, I don't think Hanoikids is an option for what you're trying to do. They're just kids offering city tours, and they do half day and full day tours. It looks like you're trying to arrange several days of touring including Halong Bay?


Yes, you are correct. I just wondered as I heard lots of people always talking about Hanoi Kids. The company we had booked had put together airport and ship pick ups and drop offs, airfare to Cambodia, HaLong Bay, hotels, food, and all the tickets for tourist attractions on our list. So the cost was about what AMA charged for the land potion they office but originally we were at many more days. We will probably go back to them and revamp our schedule for less days and go for that. At least it makes us feel secure we are seeing and doing all we want and have someone that speaks English. I hear that just walking across the street can be a challenge. Lol

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Denmom, Hanoikids tours are free, they just ask that you pay for any taxis and meals for the kids that you have along the way. Any tip you give them goes straight into the general fund for their group, and many people also bring little gifts for the kids, although this isn't necessary. I'm guessing that since the whole point for the kids is to work on their English, they might enjoy any sort of books or magazines in English. Go to their website at Hanoikids.org for more information. You just send an email to them to book.


I'm curious as to the timing of the gastro on the trip, agreene. Did it start generally just after boarding the ship? Did it abate, or continue on for the whole cruise portion for folks? It seems that every review I've read that mentions tummy upset talks about either a meal in town in Siem Reap or the included AMA sponsored buffet dinner there. I imagine they can't know really where it came from, but you can get a general idea of timing. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of meal in town in Cambodia was the culprit. I'm taking along my pepto bismal tablets and pro-biotics. I may also take along a prescription anti-biotic, not sure, as I would only take it if the circumstances were dire.


I am back and recovering from horrible jet laq AND the gastro bug. I am convinced that it is a bug. There were also folks getting cold/coughs so it was not all gastro. The gastro bug started early on for the first few folks in Hanoi. I think thats where the first people caught it. It then began to spread and I would say about 50% of the people were sick with one or the other by the end of the cruise. By Ho Chi Min City, most had or were over something. The last day, we took a bus tour (arranged ourselves) to the Cu Chi tunnels near Ho Chi Min City (a MUST do). The guy sitting next to me was very sick but he arranged the tour and felt he had to go. I believe that is how I got it. It must have an incu period of about 3 days. For me, it has really not been that bad but is still 'lingering on'. For most of the people, it was like this. For a few, especially the older ones, it was very bad. I am 51 and was one of the youngest on the trip. One woman, whos husband was a gen practitioner for many years, said he told her his clients always got sick after traveling to Asia. My theory is that our immune systems in the west are not used to the bugs over there. I do think this is a consequence of traveling over there. I will say it was well worth it though. I would do it aqain in a heartbeat.

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a preventative antibiotic(yes,,KNOW the risks,,but have taken same in past and WORTH not getting sick...)( did NOT once in Egypt and spent 2 days in bed....

The pepto bismol.and probiotics may be helpful,,,but I m taking NO CHANCES...do NOT want to be sick over there,,,,

A choice each cruiser must make on own,,,for me its Azithromycin(the one Dr.recommends for that area) and not worry.But will still be careful with food and water,,of course.:eek:

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Well, if folks got it early and it ran through the group over the course of two weeks, then it obviously was a bug and not something that half the people ate at the buffet in Angkor. Good to know. I got a horrible, horrible upper respiratory thing in China, spent the whole of the river cruise portion in my bunk with a high fever. I didn't get sick until near the end of the trip because I got careless. I was so vigilant the first half of the trip, but let my guard down. Won't happen in Vietnam. I've read that all influenza originates in Asia, so I guess that's what it was for me. I will have my Lysol to spray down our hotel rooms and ship's cabin and take my usual precautions. In my 24 year career as a flight attendant I got really, really good at never touching my face unless my hands were clean. That's the key. Oh, and don't forget to wipe down your airplane seat, especially the seat belt buckle, the touch screen, the air vents, the armrests, and the tray table and latch. I'll also take a couple of large bottles of water on board with me and avoid anything that comes off the beverage cart. I retired a year ago, so I'm worried that my 'airplane immunity' has worn off.


I may take a traveler's antibiotic with me, but I don't think I'll take it preventatively. It can't stop a virus from getting in, but it can stop it from lingering with green gunk in your sinuses or chest. If I get a 'cold' and it turns green or yellowish - I'll start a course in a minute.

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I do believe it was a bug and not from the food. It did not hit the group all at once and some people had colds/coughs so it was not just gastro. I got home and went to see my parents and unfortunately passed it on to Both of them before I had symptoms. They are in their 90s but recovered quickly.


It was really not that bad and well worth the trip. I cant keep thinking about what a wonderful time I had.

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I have talked to my doc and she has given me an antibiotic (Cipro) and also Tamiflu to take if I catch any bugs while on the trip. We are almost inside the last month before departure and are pretty much beside ourselves with excitement!


Agreene, is there anything you wish you'd known before you left? Any hints for those of us about to depart?

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Yes, more hints please!


So, I sent all my stuff off on Friday to the Embassy for our visas. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday (Tuesday) by FedEx, but after checking the tracking, I noticed that my package was 'left on the porch' Monday morning at 8:39 - just prior to the city shutting down for Sandy :eek: I had visions of my little envelope blowing down M Street, but a phone call to the Embassy verified that they were indeed open and took in all their FedEx packages. We're all ready to go, just need to pack and get our visas back!

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So, my TA sent me this link to an AMALotus review that I hadn't seen before, I guess this guy went in August/September. I'm going to try to link it here. He wrote a pretty good blog of his trip as well - if you click on his name in the review (Eric Goldring) and then once you get to his blog scroll down to August, you can begin reading his entries from the bottom up. They continue in September. I had to laugh because he, like freddie, encountered a loud entitled group, but they were led by their travel agent and were from Vancouver. Also worthy of noting was that on his included AMA tours they visited the Hanoi Hilton and the War Remnants Museum in HCMC, neither of which I thought were on the tours, so I made my own arrangements to visit them. I'll post this in the review thread as well:



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When we took trips to Vietnam, China, India and Egypt, we started taking pro-biotics (bought in health foods stores) with every meal about two weeks before we left and all during our travels. Besides putting the good bacteria in your system, it also helps the immune system of your body. We were practically and the only ones who didn't get sick in any of the above-mentioned travels.

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I'm excited about the hotel change in HCMC. I thought the Sofitel was a bit out of the way, and it will be nice to be down by the river on Dong Khoi.


We're starting the pro-biotics next week!

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Doreen, we have HanoiKids lined up for two different tours, and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out little gifts for them. I guess it would help knowing if they're boys or girls, but no way to know. What did you take them?


I brought a few t-shirts from my place of work, a large research university in California, as gifts for our student guides. I thought that Hanoi university students might enjoy this item. However, when I purchased them from the university bookstore, I misjudged the needed size. If you do something similar - purchase small or, at the most, medium.

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  • 1 month later...

This wonderful, informative, thread has gone quiet. Could it be that everybody is presently on the AmaLotus, cruising down the Mekong River?


On the down side, will not be going until this coming October but on the up side we will hopefully have lots of fresh reports before our departure date arrives.


One question, if I may: our travel agent says AmaWaterways encourages men to wear a jacket and tie on the two formal nights and we wonder how rigidly this is enforced. I would like to bring a jacket but the current airline luggage restrictions suggests it might be more practical to leave the jacket at home to make room for more tourist "bling".

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I do hope those that have been cruising the Mekong will come back and give us updates. I will be going in April (had to cancel last Juky due to a head injury) so just like to hear everyone's experience.


I haven't started with redoing our land tour prior to the cruise nor have I started working on visas but we are getting close to the three month mark. So time to get busy. We did go ahead and change our cabin to a balcony also. Just wasn't sure with my head Injury if I would be fully recovered by April so just in case I would be staying on the boat a lot, I could sit on the balcony. Glad we did.


Anyway, if anyone else has input - it would be gladly received!

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I do hope those that have been cruising the Mekong will come back and give us updates. I will be going in April (had to cancel last Juky due to a head injury) so just like to hear everyone's experience.


I haven't started with redoing our land tour prior to the cruise nor have I started working on visas but we are getting close to the three month mark. So time to get busy. We did go ahead and change our cabin to a balcony also. Just wasn't sure with my head Injury if I would be fully recovered by April so just in case I would be staying on the boat a lot, I could sit on the balcony. Glad we did.


Anyway, if anyone else has input - it would be gladly received!

Hi Debe, I saw your name and popped in to say hi. When are you doing this trip? We are going to China in April with Viking. Our first River Cruise.
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