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daughter in hospital,suppose to cruise dec 5th legend,what to do?


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[quote name='smallworldtraveller']I am Canadian so I don't know if this applies to you, but I put everything on my Visa card which by chance has a trip insurance on it at not cost extra. Did you put anything on any of yor creidt cards and would they have this type of insurance on any of them.. Just a thought. if so contact them they may be able to help you out.

PS hope you daughter get stronger every day, they will amaze you how quickly they do bounce back.[/QUOTE]

I think this PP has an excellent suggestion, and I would follow through with the credit card company. I would also persue the Carnival resolution route, but I wouldn't expect too much.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your daughter, and peace of mind to you and yours.

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[quote name='WhansaMi']I'm not "lecturing" her.

I'm attempting to get her, and others who don't buy insurance, and then come looking for a solution to the predicament they find themselves in, to understand that they have created this unfortunate circumstance, and that to ask for, or expect, others (i.e., the Carnival Corp) is unfair to those who take on the responsibility of buying the insurance.

She came onto the board, upset at the offer Carnival made her, and asked advice on how, essentially, to get more. It is my opinion that, while I feel badly for her, she shouldn't get more than what they offered, and that, really, she should be thankful they offered her anything.

I'm addressing her question. I'm just not giving her the answer she wants.[/QUOTE]

Actually I wasn't addressing you BUT since you brought it up.... telling someone they should have bought insurance IS lecturing them.
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[quote name='Sherrybaby412']Actually I wasn't addressing you BUT since you brought it up.... telling someone they should have bought insurance IS lecturing them.[/QUOTE]

My handy-dandy online dictionary has two definitions for "lecture":

1. 1a discourse given before an audience or class especially for instruction

2. 2a formal reproof

I would agree that my original post fits the definition of the first. I would respectfully disagree it fit the second.

However, my responses to those people who get agitated over people being given instruction/information about the availability and purpose of trip insurance *is* probably covered by the second.

It amazes me the number of times people come on here complaining about the "wrong" that has been done to them, and when it is pointed out that it is they, themselves, that brought about the "wrong", there is a flurry of "how dare people point out that they should have protected themselves!!".

I think of it as a public service announcement. Maybe, just MAYBE, one person will read this thread and think "Hmmmmm... I think I might be upset if I have to cancel this cruise, and there is no one there to give me money. I should consider buying insurance.

If one person gets the message, I'll "lecture" each and every time this comes up. And then I'll "lecture" those whose noses get bent out of shape about it.
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[quote name='Sherrybaby412']Actually I wasn't addressing you BUT since you brought it up.... telling someone they should have bought insurance IS lecturing them.[/quote]

seems to me that your posts are lecturing people and also making a lot of unneeded comments about those of us who are stating (what should be obvious) common sense and facts

more facts...credit cards are not going to do anything in this case..if it was that easy people would just cancel cruises on credit cards and not have to deal with the cruise contract refund policies
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I think of it as a public service announcement. Maybe, just MAYBE, one person will read this thread and think "Hmmmmm... I think I might be upset if I have to cancel this cruise, and there is no one there to give me money. I should consider buying it.


I have to say that it was because of people "lecturing" on these boards about the importance of getting insurance that I started purchasing it. And I'm glad because a few months ago this additional expense paid off for me when we needed to cancel our cruise inside penalty. We received a full refund. No need to plead our case with the cruise line!

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Is it too late to purchase the insurance? How far out do you need to purchase it? Sorry to hear about your daughter. I am cruising on December 19th and just found out I may have a brain tumor....but oh well. I'm going to have a good time on my cruise darnit.

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I'm glad for the post#67. Its seems a lot of people can tell a lot from a "close" up picture which shows nothing, but of the little girl. Also posts from a parent that probably is not in the medical field and only concerned about their kid


Second, I have never bought insurance for trips. And probably will never by insurance for trips. The only things we buy insurance for is our house, cars, and plane - oh we do have life insurance too (at least for right now). All other things we don't buy insurance.


But what we do is we don't book any trips unless we know we can go with a clean conscience. Also if we have something that comes up we can either reschedule or cancel, with out us worrying about the loss in money. If we lose it then we lose it.


So we go when we KNOW we can afford the trip. We had a cruise we did in 2009, that we probably should have not done.. But planned it months in advanced. We did go, but it was a little more stressful then I would have like it to be.. We will never do that again.


Now I know the Splendor cruise messed a lot of people's cruises up. Your best bet would to just call Carnival and see what they can do if ANYTHING. But don't get your hopes up.


I do hope your daughter is doing well

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Perhaps, knowing how ruthless Carnival can be as a corporation, you should have bought insurance. Part of the reason that I bought insurance is that I'm familiar with their cold, calculating motive to gain a profit no matter what. I generally like Carnival's cruises, but don't have a lot of respect for the company's management. A company that will not make an exception in this kind of situation is utterly lacking in integrity.


However, don't give up trying to get your schedule altered or a reasonable credit, and forget about forcing your kid to take a cruise if you're not comfortable with that idea — not with all the potential medical risks that might come up. You're the advocate for your child, it's your job. But you're also the advocate for yourself. If you can't find a solution with Carnival, call the media. It's your opportunity to be cold and calculating, and there's nothing that reporters love more than a sad story with a sweet child in the hospital and an evil corporation to play the villain. (Seriously.)


Funny how easily they find an accord when reporters show up. They're already reeling from the Splendor episode, and every negative story that makes it into the media simply adds to the tarnish.

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Is it too late to purchase the insurance? How far out do you need to purchase it? Sorry to hear about your daughter. I am cruising on December 19th and just found out I may have a brain tumor....but oh well. I'm going to have a good time on my cruise darnit.


My TA told me that for preexisting conditions, insurance must be purchased within 14 days. I don't know if it's 14 days from booking (which I suspect) or from diagnosis. Either way, there is no harm in looking into it. I got it when I traveled last Jan shortly after being treated for a kidney stone. It was a great peace of mind thing.

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If you can't find a solution with Carnival, call the media. It's your opportunity to be cold and calculating, and there's nothing that reporters love more than a sad story with a sweet child in the hospital and an evil corporation to play the villain. (Seriously.)


Isn't this as despicable (if not more) than a big company that won't give a refund? (which, by the way they don't deserve!)

Really?? You really want these parents to use their daughter as a pawn?? Don't you think she's gone through enough, being in the hospital, dealing with all the pain, you also want to shove some cameras and reporters on her face??

The nerve some people have....!

TONS of people need to cancel their cruises days before departure because they got sick and they don't get a refund if they didn't buy insurance. How's the OP's story any different?? Because it's a sweet little girl? What if it was an older, ugly man on that picture?? :confused:

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Isn't this as despicable (if not more) than a big company that won't give a refund? (which, by the way they don't deserve!)


Really?? You really want these parents to use their daughter as a pawn?? Don't you think she's gone through enough, being in the hospital, dealing with all the pain, you also want to shove some cameras and reporters on her face??


The nerve some people have....!


TONS of people need to cancel their cruises days before departure because they got sick and they don't get a refund if they didn't buy insurance. How's the OP's story any different?? Because it's a sweet little girl? What if it was an older, ugly man on that picture?? :confused:


I think the difference is they were booked on the Splendor which due to the fire could not sail so they rebooked this one.

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Perhaps, knowing how ruthless Carnival can be as a corporation, you should have bought insurance. Part of the reason that I bought insurance is that I'm familiar with their cold, calculating motive to gain a profit no matter what. I generally like Carnival's cruises, but don't have a lot of respect for the company's management. A company that will not make an exception in this kind of situation is utterly lacking in integrity.


However, don't give up trying to get your schedule altered or a reasonable credit, and forget about forcing your kid to take a cruise if you're not comfortable with that idea — not with all the potential medical risks that might come up. You're the advocate for your child, it's your job. But you're also the advocate for yourself. If you can't find a solution with Carnival, call the media. It's your opportunity to be cold and calculating, and there's nothing that reporters love more than a sad story with a sweet child in the hospital and an evil corporation to play the villain. (Seriously.)


Funny how easily they find an accord when reporters show up. They're already reeling from the Splendor episode, and every negative story that makes it into the media simply adds to the tarnish.


:rolleyes: OMG, get a grip! I was 18 when I took my first cruise. I was sailing with two other friends that never cruised, my parents never cruised, etc. CC wasn't around or was just in its infancy. Even then, because I READ my contract, I knew to get insurance. And I was 18! I get insurance for every cruise I book, mostly for the medical coverage should something happen at sea, but in 12 cruises, I chose to be responsible and buy insurance so I wouldn't come on this site with a sob story. I'm sorry, but telling a poster to use a child as a pawn to go to the media is lacking integrity. Newsflash, Carnival is a publicly traded CORPORATION, which means they are in business to make a PROFIT (not a dirty word) for their SHAREHOLDERS. If the OP can't come to some sort of resolution with Carnival, the OP just has to deal with that decision since the OP made the conscious decision to not buy the insurance.


I truly hope the little girl recovers quickly and is able to cruise soon. I spent a lot of time in hospitals as a little kid (severe asthma that I've mostly outgrown), and I hate to see little kids suffering.

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I think the difference is they were booked on the Splendor which due to the fire could not sail so they rebooked this one.



But the OP would still be in the same position even if the Splendor hadn't had the fire. The daughter would still be hospitalized, they'd still be scheduled to cruise on Sunday, and they'd still be without insurance.

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Isn't this as despicable (if not more) than a big company that won't give a refund? (which, by the way they don't deserve!)

Really?? You really want these parents to use their daughter as a pawn?? Don't you think she's gone through enough, being in the hospital, dealing with all the pain, you also want to shove some cameras and reporters on her face??

The nerve some people have....!

TONS of people need to cancel their cruises days before departure because they got sick and they don't get a refund if they didn't buy insurance. How's the OP's story any different?? Because it's a sweet little girl? What if it was an older, ugly man on that picture?? :confused:



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First, I'm really sorry about your daughter. My son's appendix ruptured too, although we caught it quickly, so we didn't have a lot of complications. I hope she is feeling better soon.


I understand being a novice cruiser and not understanding all the ins-and-outs of the contracts. But, ultimately, you made a conscious decision not to buy the insurance. We all tend to think of it as "wasted money", but, as you see, it isn't. None of us believe that we might need it, until we do.


I know this is hard right now, but if you could, imagine how you might feel if you had been on a few cruises, bought insurance each time, and never had to use it. Could you see how, in that circumstance, you might feel resentful of Carnival extending "coverage" to people who didn't buy it? That means that, indeed, for those people, the money WAS wasted... apparently there is no need to buy insurance, when people who don't get the same benefits.......


I'm not "lecturing" her.


I'm attempting to get her, and others who don't buy insurance, and then come looking for a solution to the predicament they find themselves in, to understand that they have created this unfortunate circumstance, and that to ask for, or expect, others (i.e., the Carnival Corp) is unfair to those who take on the responsibility of buying the insurance.


She came onto the board, upset at the offer Carnival made her, and asked advice on how, essentially, to get more. It is my opinion that, while I feel badly for her, she shouldn't get more than what they offered, and that, really, she should be thankful they offered her anything.


I'm addressing her question. I'm just not giving her the answer she wants.


OP - Yes, I do feel for you in this situation & hope your child is well. My thought would be that possibly by the 5th the fever will be down for a while & you could go if they don't let you postpone; however, there is a good chance they won't and understandably so as WhansaMi has pointed out.


WhansaMi has made a very thoughtfilled, non-emotional, easy to understand explanation. While we'd all love to say that Carnival is cold & unkind if they don't give the OP what she wants, they made an offer of something that they didn't even need to do. This isn't a lecture on buying insurance. WhansaMi has explained the flip side of the coin on why someone should not expect to be bailed out on this (and believe me, I would give it my best try to be bailed out if in the OP's position & I am one of those that also pass it up on most occasions & then sweat it out when it looks like trouble is around the bend thinking, "Why didn't I just buy it again."). WhansaMi made great points.

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I have bought insurance for every cruise except one time so far. I usually am not in a financial position to pay that much money and watch it go down the drain so that $100 or so is worth it for peace of mind. When I book a cruise, I don't automatically assume that I will for sure go on the cruise and nothing will prevent me from going. Another reason I don't book early saver. What if I got hit by a bus? Or just like the OP, how could he have known his kid would wind up in the hospital a week before they leave on vacation? Nobody can predict this kind of stuff so that is why I pay the extra to buy insurance. The one time I didn't buy insurance was because I paid less than $1K for 3 of us to cruise so I considered the cost of insurance and decided I could risk losing the $1K.

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I think the difference is they were booked on the Splendor which due to the fire could not sail so they rebooked this one.


Ah, what does switching ships have anything to do with the daughter getting sick?? It's not like her body magically decided to get sick BECAUSE they were now sailing out of Tampa instead of Los Angeles!

If they were still sailing on the Splendor, we would STILL be reading this story. Daughter would've still gotten sick, they would've still had to cancel their cruise, and they would've still been out of insurance.

The OP did NOT have insurance for the Splendor either. They took a risk and unfortunately, they're now paying the consequences!

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OP, I hope your daughter gets better soon, but I wouldn't expect Carnival to care much. Your story is not that unique to Carnival, trust me, they've heard everything before. The fact is, without purchasing trip insurance, Carnival is not obligated to get you anything. It doesn't matter that you're a displaced Splendor passenger, they didn't force you to leave from Tampa, you could have rebooked for another time altogether and waited until the Splendor came back into service. Honestly, contacting the media won't do much except make you look greedy, every day people have to cancel their trips because of unexpected events in life, and while it's traumatic to you, a big corporation like Carnival hears it every day. And it's not "big bad coroporation" either, if they gave a refund to everyone with a story like yours, then how would Carnival make any money? End result is that they still need to make money, and if they do it for one, they have to do it for everyone.

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My fiance and I had booked a honeymoon cruise. A month before the cruise, we split and we did not have insurance. I had to plead my case to about 5 people and go way up the chain of command, but I did manage to get a credit for a future cruise. At least the money was not totally lost.

I don't listen to the people who say "well it's your fault, you didn't purchase the insurance, get over it." Sh** happens and we can't always be prepared for it. I hope you get your credit.

That's what insurance is for!!!

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I think the difference is they were booked on the Splendor which due to the fire could not sail so they rebooked this one.


????? Hello...they didn't have insurance for the first cruise...thank God this little girl didn't get sick when the ship was "dead in the water"


thank God she didn't get sick in Belize or Roatan on the Legend...without insurance how would they pay for airlift etc??


The fact is they didn't buy insurance for the first cruise and then even after seeing what happened they didn't buy insurance...they also got 25% off on the legend cruise. Media won't help this

the rules are there and they are clear


In effect anytime Carnival bends these rules they are hurting those of us who buy insurance and raising prices and/or lowering the cruise experience. No wonder we are seeing these overworked waiters...somethings got to give


I am really sorry but the best and most usable advice her has been overlooked in a flurry of "gee I'm sorry"....they should get busy and "sell" this cruise spot....they saved 25% on it so there is some wiggle room there to make this attractive. Ebay, craigslist....or people they know....whatever

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ok well we were a displaced splendor passenger,we had to rebook outta tampa,wich we could not afford.and on thanksgiving my 5 year old went in for a emergency appendectomy.our wonderful pediatrician told us since last sunday that she had stomach flu,WRONG!!!!surgen believes it must have burst somewhere around monday night or tues early morning.she is currently fighting a pretty bad infection from the abscess they also found.breaks my heart seeing my 5 year old in that much pain,its just not fair.so needles to say we will not be able to make are sailing date.this is a complete nightmare for us,emotionaly and financially.

now we are in a very bad situation as we were not able to purchase the cruise ins due to $$$.carnival has gladly offered a refund of $86 per person pn the booking,very generous dont you think.lol.this was to be are first cruise and i guess its just not ment to be.does anyone have any advice on what we might be able to do??please help!!!!thanks:eek:


I haven't read the replys so I might be saying what others have said: all you can do in write to Carnival and see if they won't give you a credit or partial credit for a later cruise. i know it sucks, especially when your little girl is hurting and it won't do any good to remind you how important insurance is. Always, and this is a reminder to everyone, take insurance, it is worth the added cost...



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