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daughter in hospital,suppose to cruise dec 5th legend,what to do?


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I for one have nothing but sympathy for their situation and hope that the little girl is doing much better


However, that is not to say that they "deserve" anything from Carnival at this point, since they didn't buy insurance


If CC won't let people post about "donating" to orphanages in dirt poor little island countries I hardly think that buying a vacation for these people is in order


Bottom line..the OP came here to post about his possible lost vacation....not to find medical help...there are medical forums, parenting forums, pediatric medical forums for that I am sure


sometimes there is a real disconnect here....you can feel bad for a sick little girl but still give a rational answer ..at this point we seem to be talking to ourselves


while the OP (who seemed to be the Dad btw) might be upset and busy a few of us have given rational ideas to perhaps salvage a bit of the money they are going to lose due to THEIR BAD DECISION TO NOT TAKE INSURANCE


myself and a few others have clearly stated ways to "sell" or transfer the cruise to someone for money, how to keep themselves on the booking


My travel agent was able to "salvage" most of the fares of 2 various couples who "broke up" before cruises this way.....they didn't have insurance...yes you lose the transfer fee...BUT you get some of the money back


and at this point that is all they can hope for...maybe some money back if they "sell" it...or maybe another discount on a cruise


it is actually kind of cruel to hold out false hopes or try to act as if Carnival is going to do much else here. Let's not forget Carnival is probably still reeling from the Splendor losses and future losses....in light of that "accident" it is doubly foolish of someone to not buy insurance and Carnival should not have to cover them


Having said that I will say I hope his daughter is recovering super quick and that her condition has improved


Not sure why you quoted me. I clearly stated this is not Carnival's problem. I was addressing the foolish comment made about the OP's daughter's condition.

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I'm not "lecturing" her.


I'm attempting to get her, and others who don't buy insurance, and then come looking for a solution to the predicament they find themselves in, to understand that they have created this unfortunate circumstance, and that to ask for, or expect, others (i.e., the Carnival Corp) is unfair to those who take on the responsibility of buying the insurance.


She came onto the board, upset at the offer Carnival made her, and asked advice on how, essentially, to get more. It is my opinion that, while I feel badly for her, she shouldn't get more than what they offered, and that, really, she should be thankful they offered her anything.


I'm addressing her question. I'm just not giving her the answer she wants.

I can not believe that you can sit here a still post such harsh words. This parent is already dealing with the childs sickness. I truly hope that you never find yourself in such a scary spot in life and find no compassion for you.

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I can not believe that you can sit here a still post such harsh words. This parent is already dealing with the childs sickness. I truly hope that you never find yourself in such a scary spot in life and find no compassion for you.


I have much compassion for the parents of the child, with regard to the illness. I believe I mentioned in my first post that my son also had an emergency appendectomy (we also faced a time when he was five when it appeared he might have leukemia).


That is different, however, from believing that those same parents deserve financial compensation from the cruiseline for neglecting to buy insurance.


I'm sorry if you feel I am harsh. It is not my intent. But, ultimately, I really don't believe one situation has any impact on the other. There are thousands of people across the US and the world who have significant struggles, and who plan for such contingencies by taking steps to protect themselves. The OP acknowledged they knew about insurance, but made the decision not to buy it. In other words, they chose to self-insure, and take on the risk. Sometimes that works; other times it doesn't.

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I have much compassion for the parents of the child, with regard to the illness. I believe I mentioned in my first post that my son also had an emergency appendectomy (we also faced a time when he was five when it appeared he might have leukemia).


That is different, however, from believing that those same parents deserve financial compensation from the cruiseline for neglecting to buy insurance.


I'm sorry if you feel I am harsh. It is not my intent. But, ultimately, I really don't believe one situation has any impact on the other. There are thousands of people across the US and the world who have significant struggles, and who plan for such contingencies by taking steps to protect themselves. The OP acknowledged they knew about insurance, but made the decision not to buy it. In other words, they chose to self-insure, and take on the risk. Sometimes that works; other times it doesn't.


Excellent summary, we totally agree!!



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Isn't this as despicable (if not more) than a big company that won't give a refund? (which, by the way they don't deserve!)

Really?? You really want these parents to use their daughter as a pawn?? Don't you think she's gone through enough, being in the hospital, dealing with all the pain, you also want to shove some cameras and reporters on her face??

The nerve some people have....!

TONS of people need to cancel their cruises days before departure because they got sick and they don't get a refund if they didn't buy insurance. How's the OP's story any different?? Because it's a sweet little girl? What if it was an older, ugly man on that picture?? :confused:


How do you know what I look like ? ;)

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Okay folks, flame me! I'm a nurse. She's In a hospital, no bloodwork for a day when she's running a fever? No IV! It doesn't add up. How's she getting antibiotics? IV's are standard for hydration and emergency use.


ok here you go nurse,she started having pains on sunday the 21st,took her in to doctors on monday the 22nd.was told was a ten day virus/stomach flu.at that time there was no blood work done just visual exam.even though i brought her in in a stroller cause she couldnt walk in,and also couldnt get up on table.tues she woke up feeling bad and still not walking,while her grandpa was watching her he said towards the end of the day she actuallty got up and walked downstairs twice as well as ate.the surgen beleives it ruptured sometime on tues evening thats why she felt better.by weds morning she was almost like she was in a drugged state iof mind,took her in to hospital and then they finally did some blood work,not before about 6-8 calls between er and clinic did they finally tell me to come to er.everyone kept telling us to just keep fluids in her and fever reducer befor that.after a ultrasound they relized she had a appendix problem,but didnt know it was ruptured yet.she went in for surgery 12am thurs(thanksgiving)morning,surgey took almost 3 hours.the appendix was ruptured as well as a absess formed.was pretty bad.fri was a rough day as she fought high heart rate and low blood pressure.onto sat.DOCTOR ORDER KNOW BLOOD WORK FOR SAT,THAT IS THE TRUTH.sunday blood work was done and cell count was up and over 19k lactic acid was almost 4 for you med guys and gals.doctor didnt feel they need for blood draw on sat to spare my daughter the extra needle pokes,she is deathly affraid of them,and he anticipated the blood cell count to rise as normal after the surgey.


ruthless if you read my post alittle more closely,i never said she had no iv,they were haveing trouble finding the vein for blood draw because the antibiotics(i beleive was mefoxin and cefotan)were giving her the runs,as well as not eating or drinking much in about a week.she is a very hard "STICK"as was found out in oaklands childrens hospital(another long story).so being a nurse one would think you would know and understand some of the challenges when it comes to dealing with children especially.but anyways


today was a improvement as her cell count came down to 17k or so and lactic acid is also down.shes taking plenty of fluids finally but still not eating.today was another challenge as they had to change the iv as this one has been in to long.took over a hour,they had to try both arms.she is in good spirits with the occasional smile but still not my happy baby girl.wounds are oozing pretty good and belive they might have to put in some drains but are still uncertain.thank you for all your prayers and thoughts.


this is all truthfull,im not lying or looking for sympathy,thought this board was here for help and advice.i merely thought maybe someone has dealt with this issue before,never thought i would receive so much negativity.i know cruise are expensive,but i thought i could afford to treat my family,guess i was wrong,going on they splendor outta la was to be affordable,after the cancellation all the cruise were almost double.at this point i really dont care about the cruise or the money anymore,just want my baby well.im home for a quick shower then back to hospital.good luck everyone,guess we just arent meant to cruise.

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Again...correct me if I am wrong...


OP had cruise booked on Splendor, canceled due to the fire/repairs...Carnival paid for their airline charges and offered them 25% off a new cruise


OP saved ? say $100 by not taking insurance


OP books a new cruise, using the 25% off, with flights...and still does not get insurance\saves another ? $100


now wants all the money to go to another new cruise...??


In the "new" case of "racer">> they book for Dec and DH falls ill in August....they are paying for "14" people



Do the math..they had between August and Dec to figure something out..of course they coulda shoulda taken out insurance for pre existing conditions...but please with 14 people on the cruise surely they could have "sold"their space and taken a very small loss ?? (name change fees)


I think the bottom line is the "glass houses" are inhabited by people who fail to take out insurance


at some point you made your decision...a few of us have offered a rational idea...ie, sell your cruise to a friend, a relative, or even on ebay


since OP had a 25% off credit already that gives some wiggle room to sell it JMO


carnival never paid for any airfare as i live in ca and was driving to long beach,the only cruise that was on dec 5th that was the same price wa sthe tampa cruise.but they were sold out so 25% went to balcony room.wich we didnt want but that was all that they had.i spoke with carnival earlier before posting and they said it cant be sold or transfer,or i would sell or give it to family.

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I am glad to hear your daughter is getting a little better each day,before you know it she will be back home running around :-) Please don't give up on cruising bad things happen get through them and hopefully start planning that 1st cruise again.


Just a few things to mention to some of the other posters: this was thier 1st cruise ever and maybe they didn't fully understand the whole insurance thing(it's possible) and no where in the OP's 1st post does it state that they didn't have insurance for the Splendor cruise it only stated they couldn't afford the extra $$ for the replacement cruise. I for one have opted out of the insurance for 2 cruises I have taken this was my choice and I would take the loss if something would have happened,but I would not and am not mad at the OP for trying to get the cruise date moved. I am sure at sometime in your life the rules have been bent for you for something. I agree that it was a nice gesture for those of you to post talking about the importance of getting insurance and yes everyone should and hopefully the OP will the next time,but I for one hope that Carnival will allow them to move the cruise date and I'm sure I will get flamed as well and that's ok but life is to short to worry about the small stuff. Those of us that countinue to purchase cruise insurance know that we have piece of mind if something does happen so Happy Cruising to all.

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ruthless if you read my post alittle more closely,i never said she had no iv,they were haveing trouble finding the vein for blood draw because the antibiotics(i beleive was mefoxin and cefotan)were giving her the runs,as well as not eating or drinking much in about a week.


Some of us read your original statement differently, since you said "my wife just called but they couldnt find a vein,shes getting badly dehydrated."

You didn't say anything about a blood draw in that post, and the way it is worded, she was getting dehydrated because they couldn't find a vein.


Hope she is feeling better.

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Glad to hear your little girl is doing better. Always keep an adult with her at hospital - having been in your shoes many times (unfortunately) I know that things can get "screwed up." I spent a lot of time searching for Drs./nurses to get the meds/bloodwork/iv changes my dd was supposed to get "2 hours ago." Again, kids spring back after illness/surgery. Their memories of the event will fade - but it will forever stay fresh in your mind. Hang in there!:)

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I am glad to hear your daughter is getting a little better each day,before you know it she will be back home running around :-) Please don't give up on cruising bad things happen get through them and hopefully start planning that 1st cruise again.


Just a few things to mention to some of the other posters: this was thier 1st cruise ever and maybe they didn't fully understand the whole insurance thing(it's possible) and no where in the OP's 1st post does it state that they didn't have insurance for the Splendor cruise it only stated they couldn't afford the extra $$ for the replacement cruise. I for one have opted out of the insurance for 2 cruises I have taken this was my choice and I would take the loss if something would have happened,but I would not and am not mad at the OP for trying to get the cruise date moved. I am sure at sometime in your life the rules have been bent for you for something. I agree that it was a nice gesture for those of you to post talking about the importance of getting insurance and yes everyone should and hopefully the OP will the next time,but I for one hope that Carnival will allow them to move the cruise date and I'm sure I will get flamed as well and that's ok but life is to short to worry about the small stuff. Those of us that countinue to purchase cruise insurance know that we have piece of mind if something does happen so Happy Cruising to all.


I echo your well wishes for the OPs daughter.


I want to address, however, your thought about the rules being bent: those of us who believe that Carnival should not bend the rules, IMO, are looking at the long-term effect of that decision on the company, and the consumers. That may appear heartless, and I'm sorry, but given the size of the company, and the number of consumers who likely would like to have the rules be bent for them (and be "sympathy-worthy") would seriously impact the company's ability to function. Shareholders in the company (many of which are "regular folks" who have bought 100 shares to get the OBC) would suffer. The consumers would all suffer, as the cost of giving replacement cruises to all of these sympathetic passengers would, inevitably, bring up the cost of everyone else's cruise.


If there was no way to avoid this-- if there was no insurance available to cover someone in the event of an emergency -- I would have a different opinion. But, there is. And, hundreds of thousands of people, each year, pay the premiums for that insurance, to make sure they are covered. As someone said earlier, should all of them get a refund for not having used the insurance? Is there fairness in some people paying their hard-earned money (as the OP's money was hard-earned) for insurance, and then having people who didn't recieve the same benefits?


I hope the OP's daughter is well soon. It is horrendously scary to have your child so sick. As I mentioned, for a few weeks, we thought my son (at age 5) had leukemia. This was in December of 1994, and I spent the entire month devastated at the thought that this might be my child's last Christmas. He has my full sympathy, and well wishes for his child's recovery.


Perhaps his church/temple, his community, or his family will chip in and pay for another trip, once the child is better. But, I see this as a nice thing for their community *could* do for them, not something that Carnival *should* do for them.

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...thought this board was here for help and advice.i merely thought maybe someone has dealt with this issue before,never thought i would receive so much negativity... at this point i really dont care about the cruise or the money anymore,just want my baby well.im home for a quick shower then back to hospital.good luck everyone,guess we just arent meant to cruise.

Thank you for taking the time to update us on your daughter's progress! I have been following this thread (and posting), truly hoping for a resolution and happy ending.


Trying to be as objective as possible, the vast majority of the threads have been filled with good and positive wishes for your daugther and your family (the only thing that I think was uncalled for were the posts trying to "dissect" your explanation of your daughter's medical treatment. Completely unnecessary and cold hearted).


Besides that, what I've seen is post after post after post of people providing practical and objective information about what your (limited) options are at this time and about the importance of purchasing insurance. Not what you may have wanted to hear, but not negativity either.


Cruising is a wonderful thing. As you can see from many of our signatures, we keep coming back over and over for more. Along the way, many of us have dealt with similar situations to the one you're dealing with. The advice that many of us have given reflects what we've learned along the way, many times by getting burnt like you (unfortunately) got burnt with your situation.


Maybe you came here hoping to find a quick solution to your predicament, and didn't find that. Learning that Carnival will require everything in writing, that it takes weeks to get a response, that you may only get a fraction of the money you forfeited as a future cruise credit (if any) and that all of this could've been avoided by purchasing insurance is, in my opinion, very accurate and objective information.Maybe its not what you wanted to hear, but it's not the voice of negativity, its the voice of reason.


As a final note, I wish that your daughter keeps improving quickly, and that this entire ordeal is soon a distant memory. Take the experience and the advice that you've received as a lesson learned and don't give up on cruising! It's truly a wonderful experience.

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Thank you for taking the time to update us on your daughter's progress! I have been following this thread (and posting), truly hoping for a resolution and happy ending.


Trying to be as objective as possible, the vast majority of the threads have been filled with good and positive wishes for your daugther and your family (the only thing that I think was uncalled for were the posts trying to "dissect" your explanation of your daughter's medical treatment. Completely unnecessary and cold hearted).


Besides that, what I've seen is post after post after post of people providing practical and objective information about what your (limited) options are at this time and about the importance of purchasing insurance. Not what you may have wanted to hear, but not negativity either.


Cruising is a wonderful thing. As you can see from many of our signatures, we keep coming back over and over for more. Along the way, many of us have dealt with similar situations to the one you're dealing with. The advice that many of us have given reflects what we've learned along the way, many times by getting burnt like you (unfortunately) got burnt with your situation.


Maybe you came here hoping to find a quick solution to your predicament, and didn't find that. Learning that Carnival will require everything in writing, that it takes weeks to get a response, that you may only get a fraction of the money you forfeited as a future cruise credit (if any) and that all of this could've been avoided by purchasing insurance is, in my opinion, very accurate and objective information.Maybe its not what you wanted to hear, but it's not the voice of negativity, its the voice of reason.


As a final note, I wish that your daughter keeps improving quickly, and that this entire ordeal is soon a distant memory. Take the experience and the advice that you've received as a lesson learned and don't give up on cruising! It's truly a wonderful experience.


Excellent post! I echo your sentiments.


OP, I hope your daughter feels well very soon!

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...i spoke with carnival earlier before posting and they said it cant be sold or transfer,or i would sell or give it to family.


Technically, no you can't "sell" your cruise, but with a little bit of creativity, you can get around it! Assuming that your cruise on the Legend was NOT booked under the Early Saver rate, here's what you can do:


- You can add new people to your current reservation OR

- You can change the names of the people in your cabin, except for the primary person.

- After you've added the new guests or change the names, the reservation will appear as if YOU are still traveling with the people that you've added (since your name will still need to appear on the reservation). Alll YOU will need to do is to be a "no show" on the day of departure.


This technique will not get you all of your money back, but it will help you get some money back, depending on how much you charge the people that take your cabin.


This technique is frowned upon by Carnival, but it's completely legal and well within what the rules in their contract allow you to do. They may not like it, but you can definitely do it!

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Some of us read your original statement differently, since you said "my wife just called but they couldnt find a vein,shes getting badly dehydrated."

You didn't say anything about a blood draw in that post, and the way it is worded, she was getting dehydrated because they couldn't find a vein.


Hope she is feeling better.


I took that to mean they couldn't find a vein because she's getting badly dehydrated. And that's exactly what happens when patients get dehydrated (even though on IV fluids, apparently the child is having diarrhea related to IV antibiotics, also very common).

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ok here you go nurse,she started having pains on sunday the 21st,took her in to doctors on monday the 22nd.was told was a ten day virus/stomach flu.at that time there was no blood work done just visual exam.even though i brought her in in a stroller cause she couldnt walk in,and also couldnt get up on table.tues she woke up feeling bad and still not walking,while her grandpa was watching her he said towards the end of the day she actuallty got up and walked downstairs twice as well as ate.the surgen beleives it ruptured sometime on tues evening thats why she felt better.by weds morning she was almost like she was in a drugged state iof mind,took her in to hospital and then they finally did some blood work,not before about 6-8 calls between er and clinic did they finally tell me to come to er.everyone kept telling us to just keep fluids in her and fever reducer befor that.after a ultrasound they relized she had a appendix problem,but didnt know it was ruptured yet.she went in for surgery 12am thurs(thanksgiving)morning,surgey took almost 3 hours.the appendix was ruptured as well as a absess formed.was pretty bad.fri was a rough day as she fought high heart rate and low blood pressure.onto sat.DOCTOR ORDER KNOW BLOOD WORK FOR SAT,THAT IS THE TRUTH.sunday blood work was done and cell count was up and over 19k lactic acid was almost 4 for you med guys and gals.doctor didnt feel they need for blood draw on sat to spare my daughter the extra needle pokes,she is deathly affraid of them,and he anticipated the blood cell count to rise as normal after the surgey.


ruthless if you read my post alittle more closely,i never said she had no iv,they were haveing trouble finding the vein for blood draw because the antibiotics(i beleive was mefoxin and cefotan)were giving her the runs,as well as not eating or drinking much in about a week.she is a very hard "STICK"as was found out in oaklands childrens hospital(another long story).so being a nurse one would think you would know and understand some of the challenges when it comes to dealing with children especially.but anyways


today was a improvement as her cell count came down to 17k or so and lactic acid is also down.shes taking plenty of fluids finally but still not eating.today was another challenge as they had to change the iv as this one has been in to long.took over a hour,they had to try both arms.she is in good spirits with the occasional smile but still not my happy baby girl.wounds are oozing pretty good and belive they might have to put in some drains but are still uncertain.thank you for all your prayers and thoughts.


this is all truthfull,im not lying or looking for sympathy,thought this board was here for help and advice.i merely thought maybe someone has dealt with this issue before,never thought i would receive so much negativity.i know cruise are expensive,but i thought i could afford to treat my family,guess i was wrong,going on they splendor outta la was to be affordable,after the cancellation all the cruise were almost double.at this point i really dont care about the cruise or the money anymore,just want my baby well.im home for a quick shower then back to hospital.good luck everyone,guess we just arent meant to cruise.


dirtracer, everything you have said seems very believable to me. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with kids, (and many adults, too-go to an ICU and you will find all kinds of illnesses which don't progress "normally" and plenty of people who are almost impossible to stick), they can be very tricky at times, especially dehydrated kids with infections who have veins which don't cooperate.


But it sounds like she is finally turning the corner, and that is really the most important thing going on right now. As I mentioned before, Carnival really owes you nothing, but that doesn't mean that you can't convince someone to give you a credit. When the dust settles and your daughter is well again, give it another shot. It certainly can't hurt to try as long as you keep in mind that anything they give is out of good will rather than obligation-then you will be more likely to get a good result and be happy with whatever they give you. Good luck!:)

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I can only imagine what you and your family must be going through (I have a 5 year old Granddaughter). My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and especially your little girl. Hope she is doing better today!


Ignore the bashers! As OP stated it's very easy to hide behind a screen name and type away on a key board. In the big pic of things their opinions mean nothing! Carnival has made exceptions to their policies giving future cruise credit for those that were affected by Hurricanes even though the policy is clearly stated and those passengers knew that sailing during Hurricane season is a risk of missed Ports, etc. There was a thread "Mutiny on Conquest" back in September and all were given a discount for a future cruise. Contact them again, speak with someone that is in a position of authority and, hopefully, you will have a good outcome. If Carnival does do something for you, keep it between you and them. It's nobody's business but yours.


Again, wishing only the best for you, your family and your daughter!

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carnival never paid for any airfare as i live in ca and was driving to long beach,the only cruise that was on dec 5th that was the same price wa sthe tampa cruise.but they were sold out so 25% went to balcony room.wich we didnt want but that was all that they had.i spoke with carnival earlier before posting and they said it cant be sold or transfer,or i would sell or give it to family.


First I will say that I hope your daughter is doing better and recovers quickly. I didn't purchase insurance either and I know that's the chance I'm taking for my January cruise. I'm curious as to if you'd paid for insurance for the Splendor cruise, as it wouldn't have had the "extra costs" to fly to Tampa. But about flights, this is YOUR comment from the Splendor thread:


"things arent lookin good for our first family cruise on dec 5th:(.wow this sucks,we just bought are plane tickets too."


Somewhere, something isn't right

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When all is said and done with this thread, the most important part is that a little sick girls gets wells and returns home safe and healthy to her family for the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)


1. Not buying insurance is like going into a casino, you can loose or win. You are making this choice when you walk in the door and give them your money. If you win great! If you loose, I am pretty sure the casino will not return your money. ;) Of course, you can ask for it back, it is a free country.


2. As an insurance buyer, I do agree that there has to be reward for being prutend. The question becomes, would I buy insurance if pleaing hardship became all I had to do, to get a refund? Mabey not!


3. This is the beauty of our country, Carnival has the right to help this family is they want. After all, isnt our whole system of freedom in this country based on having the freedom to ask in a reasonable and adult like fashion, and see where the chips fall?



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Back to a real solution...and one I have personally seen done various times as I cruise with groups


you have ? 3 people in the cabin...you transfer two of their reservations to other people ($50 transfer fee)....you the primary cabin person "stay" on the reservation...when it comes to the cruise you just do not 'show up'


the name switch costs $50....since you did save 25% on this cruise you should be able to sell these for something

you get back the port fees and taxes on the 2 people who switch out plus the money from those who "replace you"


this is a better way IMHO to deal with this...Carnival may still give you "something" as a good will gesture..maybe 15 to 25% off another cruise


my suggestion for another cruise for you would be a shorter cruise in your home state, one you can drive to


honestly if you must sell stuff on ebay to afford a cruise that is not a good feeling especially with a child...you want a nice vacation for your family and bless you for that..but you have to be realistic


next time..shorter cheaper cruise, drivable, affordable...and get insurance


glad to hear your little one is feeling better and hope you can use these suggestions to "transfer" the cruise and get back some money right now..and yes Carnival WILL let you do that

they just won't "tell" you about it

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Actually, when you buy insurance, you ARE always prepared for all kinds of "sh**" which happens, even stuff you would never EVER even be able to think of beforehand.;)





Yep. Seems kind of obvious, but...:confused::rolleyes:


Yawn. Some people will just do anything to be ugly to one another. It's not even worth paying attention to, OP. I hope you haven't let these nasty people get to you. Hope everything is well and worked out :)

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Yawn. Some people will just do anything to be ugly to one another. It's not even worth paying attention to, OP. I hope you haven't let these nasty people get to you. Hope everything is well and worked out :)


Oh good grief. If you'd read any of my posts, you would see I was one of the people being the OPPOSITE of nasty to the OP, and have gone out of my way to defend his posts. I was not giving the OP a hard time about not having insurance; he has already admitted that he wished he had purchased it. I've actually encouraged him to keep trying to see if he can get someone on the line who will show him some mercy. The only ridiculous comment I responded to was yours which stated "" Sh** happens and we can't always be prepared for it." That is absolutely NOT TRUE. That IS what insurance is for, and when you have it you are "always" prepared.

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