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To our neighbors in room 7416 on Victory, 12/12/10...


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We had bad balcony neighbors as well. Not a radio situation, but a constant slamming of the balcony door, and I mean wake-up-from-a-dead-sleep-slam !!) This went on day and nights until the wee hours. In addition, they left their balcony light on all night long. This may seem like a minor thing to some UNLESS it's YOUR balcony neighbor. .


We had a similar issue on our recent Dream cruise. The people in the cabin next to us were the grandparents of the family in the cabin next to them that had 2 kids from what we could tell. The kids would always slam the door hard enough to rattle the pictures on our wall, but thankfully it was during waking hours since they were fairly young, I'd say around 7 or 8 and they must have gone to bed early as we never heard the slam after around 9:00. They did however, like clockwork, yell across their balcony to their grandparents balcony every morning at 7:00 for about 10 minutes, then I guess they all went to breakfast. Sometimes we would hear them running up and down the hallway. Oh and they also left the blacony light on all night but we just closed our curtain.


We did talk with the grandmother one morning about the door slamming and she said she thought it might be the husband and not the kids but she would tell them. It didn't stop but since it did not interfere with my sleep and was only mostly during the day or early evening, I did not bother with calling guest services. We heard several other people walking down the hall complaining about it, not sure if they spoke with them or not. The balcony yelling did wake me up on the couple days we slept in, but once they went to breakfast I fell right back to sleep.

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I fear we were not so good balcony neighbors some of the time on our cruise. One night about 9pm a bunch of us met at our cabin and wound up on the balcony laughing and joking for about 10 minutes of so while waiting for another couple. We did offer our neighbor a smuggled drink though. My brother and his family were a deck below us, and a couple of mornings about 9-10 am we would hear our 2 y/o nephew and we would say good morning to each other, oh and I would tell him I loved him. Not yelling and not long conversations. Oh and we didn't leave our balcony light on all night but there were a couple of nights I had it on for an hour or so while I read before bed.


I didn't think of it as being a bad neighbor, and I wasn't trying to be inconsiderate, we were enjoying our balcony in something other than perfect silence. We were lucky to have fabulous neighbors on the left of us and I enjoyed our early morning talks. It is interesting how thoughtful and insightful conversations can be, even with strangers when you don't see someone's face and have to choose your words and thoughts.


I did have the experience of getting romantic on the balcony and having someone on the deck below turn their light on and come outside and then leave the light on when they went back inside. :( End of that idea.

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In 3 weeks, I will have my Sister and her DH on one side of my Cabin,

and My Daughter, her DH and my grandson of the other.

I sure hope they all behave, I would hate to call Guest Services on them. :eek:

And I sure hope we are not bad neighbors, to those on either side of us.

Keeping in mind, that we will (if Possible) have the partitions open for a 3 cabin long Balcony.

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I hear people complain about balcony neighbors leaving the light on. While I shut mine off merely because it is a waste of energy not do so, I do not understand why the annoyed cabin dwellers just don't shut their curtain if the light bothers them? Never in a million years would I have thought that the light on my balcony was bothering someone in another cabin if I didn't shut it off, so it may not hurt to ask them or the cabin steward about it, but be prepared for someone to say it gives them comfort to not see total darkness out there (I for one leave a light on by my front & rear door every night when at home so maybe the neighboring cabin feels more at home doing so) or they like late night reading, which is their every right.


I'm someone who needs total darkness to sleep but likes having a balcony to sit out on. Since I don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn on vacation, I pull the curtain & place an object against where the two curtains meet so no light comes in. Works fine. First thing in the a.m. I yank open the curtain, hop back into bed & relax seeing the sea. It takes 2 seconds and any light is a non-issue! All problems should be so easily fixed - lol. For me, the smoke is more the issue. Last cruise I had a cigar smoker near to me. IMO, Grosssss! Yet, I know the person isn't going to give up smoking because I don't like it so I view it as that's what comes with going on a cruise with a couple of thousand other people.


You hope people try their best to be considerate of others, but everyone has a different view of what is reasonable. I think you also have to up your level of tolerance when traveling with strangers. Some behavior you have to live with, but more than that ask a staff member to speak up if you are not comfortable doing so yourself.

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I hear people complain about balcony neighbors leaving the light on. While I shut mine off merely because it is a waste of energy not do so, I do not understand why the annoyed cabin dwellers just don't shut their curtain if the light bothers them? Never in a million years would I have thought that the light on my balcony was bothering someone in another cabin if I didn't shut it off, so it may not hurt to ask them or the cabin steward about it, but be prepared for someone to say it gives them comfort to not see total darkness out there (I for one leave a light on by my front & rear door every night when at home so maybe the neighboring cabin feels more at home doing so) or they like late night reading, which is their every right.


I'm someone who needs total darkness to sleep but likes having a balcony to sit out on. Since I don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn on vacation, I pull the curtain & place an object against where the two curtains meet so no light comes in. Works fine. First thing in the a.m. I yank open the curtain, hop back into bed & relax seeing the sea. It takes 2 seconds and any light is a non-issue! All problems should be so easily fixed - lol. For me, the smoke is more the issue. Last cruise I had a cigar smoker near to me. IMO, Grosssss! Yet, I know the person isn't going to give up smoking because I don't like it so I view it as that's what comes with going on a cruise with a couple of thousand other people.


You hope people try their best to be considerate of others, but everyone has a different view of what is reasonable. I think you also have to up your level of tolerance when traveling with strangers. Some behavior you have to live with, but more than that ask a staff member to speak up if you are not comfortable doing so yourself.



You hear people complain about it because it is a real issue. Even with the curtains drawn the BRIGHT light illuminates the cabin. The cabins are not a hotel room, apartment or a home so it is not a comparable situation. The beds are right-up against the door and curtains. If someone is out on their balcony reading or talking in a regular voice at night- no big deal-- but the light really should be turned off when done. Porch lights are usually left on at home for security reasons or to light up a walkway, this is not the case on a ship. And to use it for the purpose of a night light is totally ridiculous, buy one for the inside of the cabin. Some of the cabins up near the bridge are actually advised to not leave their balcony lights on all night, so obviously this is an issue.


It seems really easy to point the finger at what some may consider a very insignificant problem until it happens to you.

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I'm wondering how old the "elders" were. Maybe they have loss-of-hearing issues and turned the music up to a level where they could hear. And maybe they didn't hear the indirect comments from the OP. At any rate, the OP should have done something to change the situation, not complain after the fact.

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This is for all the people that say to complain..... I was on the same cruise and I know for a fact it gets you nowhere. We had a balcony on the 10th floor. When we booked with Carnival we were told that we would fit 2 adults and 3 teenagers no problem. When we got to the room we quickly realized that if they put the cot up for my son (we were told trundle bed), that we wouldn't even be able to walk to the bathroom. We went to or spoke to guest services at least 5 times (and each time were told that there were absolutely no more rooms on the boat). My son ended up sleeping on my parents couch, but they would not officially move him to that room, as that was a room for 2 (interesting since they were the same size). Also when we got on the boat we noticed the ceiling panels ourside our room were missing. We didn't think much of it until we started sweating in our room. I again went to guest services and complained about the air conditioning. We were told there was nothing wrong with it, even though there clearly was a problem with our room, as the panels were missing the whole week. As a matter of fact more panels came down in our hallway throughout the week and people were working on it, but everytime we talked to guest services they said there was no problem. My parents room was on the other side of the boat. Standing outside their room with the door closed you could feel cold air coming out, nothing came out of our room. And last but not least, what is everybody talking about balcony lights at night. I couldn't get ours to come on and when I mentioned it to the room steward he said that the lights don't work at night. Guess it was too much work to change a light bulb.

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You hear people complain about it because it is a real issue. Even with the curtains drawn the BRIGHT light illuminates the cabin. The cabins are not a hotel room, apartment or a home so it is not a comparable situation. The beds are right-up against the door and curtains. If someone is out on their balcony reading or talking in a regular voice at night- no big deal-- but the light really should be turned off when done. Porch lights are usually left on at home for security reasons or to light up a walkway, this is not the case on a ship. And to use it for the purpose of a night light is totally ridiculous, buy one for the inside of the cabin. Some of the cabins up near the bridge are actually advised to not leave their balcony lights on all night, so obviously this is an issue.


It seems really easy to point the finger at what some may consider a very insignificant problem until it happens to you.


I can see you feel very strongly on this issue. However, I think you must take a deep breath & read what I wrote. I am not sure where I am looking to "point the finger." Quite the opposite. What I am saying is there isn't a right or wrong where everyone either must keep lights on because someone likes it or everyone must have lights off. I stated I do NOT keep my light on & I also need total darkness to sleep. No night lights for me, buddy..I'm like a cat in dark - lol. I do not recall having this issue with my balcony neighbors. Either they never left their light on or if they did, since I situated my drapes, which generally have light blocking fabric on the back, so that I had total darkness. We also agree that at home my light is for security purposes. We seem to be more in agreement than disagreement here.


Where the issue comes in is that while I do not feel the need to have that light on all night, you cannot control other people's insecurities. While some may find that total darkness at sea comforting, someone else might find it scarey. Possibly they are a first time cruiser and not accustomed to such. Who am I or you to judge that person's feelings as right or wrong. If the Carnival rules state that all balcony lights go off at a certain time, then yes, the party should shut them off & the lights would probably go off by a timer. However, that is not the case. I also suggested the offended party politely speak to the neighbor or ask the cabin steward to mention it, if they feel uncomfortable with confrontation. Anything more than that, you are going to be out of luck if they say they want it left on for whatever reason. The darkness is one of the major plusses of having an inside cabin. Of course, one has to give up having a private seating area for that pleasure. Life is all about trade-offs and contentment comes easier when you realize what you can control and what you can't.


I just read another thread where people were blasting a parent for planning on taking their young child with them on a cruise. It was going to interfere with "their cruise." I don't understand it. If that makes me a "finger pointer," then so be it.

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this board has become a breeding ground for negative people. You try to state your experiences and the problems you had and all you get in response is "you were wrong so suck it up" responses. Sad. I was just trying to remind people to be considerate of their surroundings



amen sister!!!

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Neighbors should not be the only concern. Doing that at night may attract deer.





Good point Bill...I thought booking a balcony was just so easy, I had no idea about all the etiquette. My apologies to our neighbors in 1113 if I bothered you or caused any deer or unwanted hunters to land on your balcony.

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This board has become a breeding ground for negative people. You try to state your experiences and the problems you had and all you get in response is "you were wrong so suck it up" responses. Sad. I was just trying to remind people to be considerate of their surroundings



I agree...Im about 1/2 gun shy to post anything or to even get on here except there is just a wealth of knowledge on here. With that said I think some folks on here need to get another hobby, some people really just invest way to much time and effort into this whole crusing thing. I thought we are all here becouse we are about to embark or debark from what is suppose to be a wonderful gift of vacation and we are kind people who want to share with others so that it may enhance their vacation. This site is nothing more than a site to share and when you can not share your experience in the way you felt you experienced it without folks flaming and beating on you then its time to move on. My hope is our hosts will start to intervene and folks will be put on warning or this site will become one where no one visits as its NOT user friendly. I truely value the knowledge here and have made alot of decisions from the information I have gotten here, I would hate for others to miss out on this.


Really people...check the nasty, negative, attacking behavior at the door.

Be supportive of our posters and not belittle them or smack their hands.


Im thankful for GLENANDT's post as I was on that cruise with them and was totally clueless about my balcony light, thanks for sharing as I will be a better neighbor the next time

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The balcony door on our last cruise was so sticky it closed ever so slowly and then we had to turn the handle to shut it all the way. My SO and I sort of chuckled when our neighbor peered around our balcony divider and told us to quit slamming our balcony door. We couldn't have slammed it if we tried. However, we could hear everyone around us slamming theirs.


If you are going to speak to your neighbors, please make sure they are the culprits before chastising them.

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I`m sure that we`ve all had loud neighbors on at least one cruz. One year on the Glory, we had a couple that came back to their cabin every night and partied loudly until 4:00 or so.


1st: I approached them with courtesy-no results

2nd: I called guest services-The noise stopped for the rest of That night.

3rd through rest of cruz, I called guest services (they never answered the phone (honest) the rest of the cruz., went to the help desk and got no resolve.


Our less than friendly neighbors started getting multiple 5am wake up calls and other door treats daily.

Door treats???? Explain (laughing with a bit of fear for what you may have left for them).

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Door treats???? Explain (laughing with a bit of fear for what you may have left for them).


Our table mates played a prank on us where they checked off every single jelly/jam/sauce on the breakfast menu. It was delivered to us with our very small order of I think 2 bagels.


It would be easy to do this to any cabin.

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And last but not least, what is everybody talking about balcony lights at night. I couldn't get ours to come on and when I mentioned it to the room steward he said that the lights don't work at night. Guess it was too much work to change a light bulb.


Certain balconies can't have the lights on because it interferes with the bridge's vision. Aft wrap balconies are one of these; thankfully before my last cruise I read on here about that so packed a flashlight to use on the balcony at night (the balcony doubles as my service dog's potty, so I need to see where she goes to pick up waste and change the pads [as well as when doing that, of course]). So, if you like to read at night on your balcony, it is a good idea to pack a booklight in case your balcony is one that the bridge turns off the ability to turn the lights on.

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We had a balcony cabin on the Glory last May. Our next door neighbors were obnoxious. 2 ladies?? maybe in their 40's? They would read to each other in very loud voices while on the balcony. Then they would have parties with several new male friends they must have met on the cruise. Their language was foul and they would even leave their cabin door open and then their balcony door and one lady? would be hanging outside our cabin talking on her cell phone. Often they sounded drunk. One afternoon, one of their male guests was using the f word and he looked over the partition and said to me, " Oh excuse me. " I said something to the effect like " could they be any louder "?? He mentioned it to one of the ladies and she mimiked what I said. To be truthful, I was afraid to report them as these were 2 hard nosed women and there was a good possibility they would retaliate. This was our first Carnival cruise and I hope on our March cruise, we have better luck with neighbors. I could not believe how loud these people were.

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I would have probably just sang along very loudly with the music. With my voice they would have turned it off very quickly.



This is what I do at home, if my son is playing his rap music too loud and I need a break. If it's really loud / bad, I start dancing as well.


Don't know why, but he always shuts off the music and goes disappear in his room - for some reason Mom enjoying the music too much just kills the fun. :D

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This is what I do at home, if my son is playing his rap music too loud and I need a break. If it's really loud / bad, I start dancing as well.


Don't know why, but he always shuts off the music and goes disappear in his room - for some reason Mom enjoying the music too much just kills the fun. :D


OMG, I have also done that :)

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The OP chose this venue to blow off her steam.


Too bad there are some that think this is SO wrong of her.


Some would do nothing. Some would throw a flaming pile of poo at the offenders.


Some sicko would do worse.


Good gravy Mariem


OP...... Thank you for your post.

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Thank you for the wealth of info once again. I have now learned next time I get a balcony to


1 Not use the light at night

2 never smoke outside

3 whisper only

4 tip toe

5 better yet don't talk so never have a guest outside on the balcony I paid for for drinks or conversation

6 Did I mention not to smoke or talk?


Since I am cruising very shortly again please feel free to add to my list so I don't make any balcony dweller mistakes and get


1 yelled at

2 reported and asked to walk the plank

3 or have something smelly ...I believe it was skunk oil...thrown on my balcony like was suggested in another of these very informative threads... because I would ever dream of smoking on my balcony

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So after skimming through part of this thread, it is apparent that I may have made a baaaaaaaad choice in getting a balcony for this cruise. We are usually inside or oceanview but thought we would try a balcony since everyone rants and raves about them.

Not seeing too much positive about having one.

a. loud music

b. lights on

c. yelling

d. doors slamming

e. smoke

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So after skimming through part of this thread, it is apparent that I may have made a baaaaaaaad choice in getting a balcony for this cruise. We are usually inside or oceanview but thought we would try a balcony since everyone rants and raves about them.

Not seeing too much positive about having one.

a. loud music

b. lights on

c. yelling

d. doors slamming

e. smoke


I have had.....9 balconies, and never had any of the problems on this list, at least not enough to negativly effect any cruise.....

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