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Seabourn shore excursions in Norway.....??

alexandra cruiser

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Now planning Norway on Sojourn in May,,,have read a few threads,,but not on SB shore excursions ,in particular...anyone done them,,which to avoid??ones to go on?? Did you stay at Marriott with tour or another hotel???:)


I'm taking a guess you are on the May 25 sailing but it is always helpful to provide the sailing date or at least the specific ports.


I'm also assuming when you say Marriott you are saying Marriott in Copenhagen.


When we took the Seabourn Pride and cruised Norway we stayed at the Copenhagen Marriott and booked it through Seabourn.


The Marriott is fine and I can easily recommend it. It's a typical Marriott. We were pleased with the location. You really can book this yourself rather than through Seabourn and you'll get a better price all the way around.


While in many areas of the world we take formal excursions we did our research and visited these ports on our own. We found that we could see quite a bit on foot and the places we wanted to visit were very reachable from the pier.



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I am happy to hear you say you were able to wander around on your own after doing some research. We are looking at the Pride's Aug 7 Norway trip and since we usually pass on tours, prefering instead to hike on our own, this trip seems even more appealing after your input.

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I am happy to hear you say you were able to wander around on your own after doing some research. We are looking at the Pride's Aug 7 Norway trip and since we usually pass on tours, prefering instead to hike on our own, this trip seems even more appealing after your input.


We visited many of these ports on our Pride Cruise. Our cruise went from Copenhagen to London so we also had some other ports in addition to Norway. We found the ports in Norway to be beautiful and just enjoyed them. We also like to go out on our own where possible and these are those types of ports. Beautiful scenery and lovely towns and just nice to take very long hikes.


I highly recommend it.



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This cruise appeals to us because it is all Norway and with 15 days is able to travel far north along the coast..Did you take the Flam railway and did you go to Pupit Rock? Also, did you eat at any memorable restaurants( other than the Pride's Restaurant).

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This cruise appeals to us because it is all Norway and with 15 days is able to travel far north along the coast..Did you take the Flam railway and did you go to Pupit Rock? Also, did you eat at any memorable restaurants( other than the Pride's Restaurant).


Fifteen days is perfect. Be sure to spend a few days pre cruise in Copenhagen. It is a wonderful walking city. We took an overview tour of Copenhagen that we purchased through the hotel to get a sense of the layout and then for the next couple of days we walked all around on our own. It was great. So much to see.


We did stop in Flam but we did not take the Flam Railway. The excursion though looks wonderful as I still have the shore excursion book from Seabourn.


I will look back on my notes from the cruse after we return in March from a cruise we are getting ready to go on and I will let you know of any memorable restaurants. Other than the pre and post cruises we do typically dine on the ship. Again, let me take a look at my notes and I'll post again when we are back.


We thought that Norway was spectacular with it charm and its beauty. It also has the feel of the USA in the 1950s when children could walk or bicycle ride to school on their own without any fears. Each and every port we visited was spectacular and you will see even more Norway than we did. And we loved seeing it on the Pride.



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Keith,,yes going on May 25,,have booked 2 days extra in Copenhage,,no hotel booked yet,,,re ,,exc.book,,,I can t find prices on website yet,,,how much do they average,,,say for Flam rail tour,,etc...sure you can do on own,,but price not that important,,,got $400 ships credit,,can use that...got a guidebook and will look up ports,,,may do on own ,,if easy,,as you suggest,,,will be first SB cruise,,,:D

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We took the Flam Railway and enjoyed it. Also, if they offer the Crab excursion at the north cape...that is awesome, especially if you are a crab fan. High speed boat takes you to the traps, where you help bring them in, and then get to eat them. One of my all time favorite excursions

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Do the Flam railway on your own. Very simple, get off at pier early, buy tickets. No only less expensive but less crowded. If there is an excursion that takes you overland by bus, definitely do it. The fjords are twice as impressive when you see them both by land and sea.

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Definetly do the Flam railway on your own, but you need to get off early. Ask the ship to pack a lunch box for each of you and have a picnic by the lake in Voss.The ticket office at the station will print out all of your train times on your tickets so you won't have a problem.


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Keith,,yes going on May 25,,have booked 2 days extra in Copenhage,,no hotel booked yet,,,re ,,exc.book,,,I can t find prices on website yet,,,how much do they average,,,say for Flam rail tour,,etc...sure you can do on own,,but price not that important,,,got $400 ships credit,,can use that...got a guidebook and will look up ports,,,may do on own ,,if easy,,as you suggest,,,will be first SB cruise,,,:D


Alexandra, I'm not home now so I don't have access to the pricing.


With good planning including the guidebook you have you will be able to find places to walk to and visit in most ports of call.


It's a very unique and delightful experience sailing on the Seabourn triplets.



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We were in Copenhagen summer of 2009 for three days prior to our Seabourn Baltic cruise so this time if we go we will just fly in the day before the cruise.Thanks for the info -- while we often eat meals on the ship when we are off for the day on our own it is often inconvenient to rush back to the ship for lunch so are alaways looking for casual places to try a bit of local cuisine.

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Flam railway is extremely easy to do yourself, just a short walk from the ship and buy own tickets at the office.

we were on Sojourn this september we decided to have a walk first to avoid queues at the station and then we caught the train at lunch time and had our packed lunch on the train, ok not so much time to waste at the terminus but we saw the speectacular scenery by foot and by rail, well worth it.


All other ports in Norway are very easy to see yourself.


Enjoy, I am sure you will :)

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the flam rail tour also inc.bus ride to fiords for closeup,,,wonder if this would make up for extra expense,,looks like 6 hr.tour with lunch...also,,,in Bergen,,,I think,,,or another port,,they offer glacier tour,,,these are the only 2 I d book,,,others easy on own,,,but do you have to book online,,,or wait till on ship,,,do they close out popular ones before???Also,,,see you can reserve for 1 restaurant when onboard,,,others open,,,guess not online bookings???Did book Copenhagen Square hotel,,,got good reviews in port sections,,,close to HOPON bus,,,is the canal tour worth it???any cheaper restaurants in main square area,,,??got breakfast inc.in price....


Looking forward to first cruise on SB....also,,,do they have shows at nite or just band..can t tell from brochure???Thanks...:)

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the flam rail tour also inc.bus ride to fiords for closeup,,,wonder if this would make up for extra expense,,looks like 6 hr.tour with lunch...also,,,in Bergen,,,I think,,,or another port,,they offer glacier tour,,,these are the only 2 I d book,,,others easy on own,,,but do you have to book online,,,or wait till on ship,,,do they close out popular ones before???Also,,,see you can reserve for 1 restaurant when onboard,,,others open,,,guess not online bookings???Did book Copenhagen Square hotel,,,got good reviews in port sections,,,close to HOPON bus,,,is the canal tour worth it???any cheaper restaurants in main square area,,,??got breakfast inc.in price.... Looking forward to first cruise on SB....also,,,do they have shows at nite or just band..can t tell from brochure???Thanks...


Keith and others have given you some excellent tips and ideas. This past July, we did Flam, Alesund and Bergen as we sailed the Norway Coast, plus seeing lovely Oslo in 2008 on our Baltics/Russia cruise. From the below "live/blog" posting I did on that July 2010 cruise, you can see lots of pictures and details about Flam, Alesund and Bergen. We did the ship tour for Flam as we were only in that port 8 am-noon before sailing to nearly Gudvangen to see more of the highly-rated Sognerfjord fjord areas. If you've got "all day" in Flam, you're more flexible in your timing and can better do it on your own with that spectacular train ride up and back.


We stayed at The Square Hotel in Copenhagen and liked it much, especially its great location. We did the Copenhagen canal boat trip in 2008 and loved it so much. That canal ride is very much of "must-do" for this charming city. Bergen is so wonderful with many great options in this historic and very interesting city. Below are a few visual samples for what you can see and do in Flam, Bergen and Alesund. Let us know any more detailed questions, etc. Can share lots more on these three places, plus Oslo and Copenhagen.


You can do lots on your own for many of these places. It just depends on how much advance research and planning you are willing to do, plus your personal travel style and budget. Norway is a very costly area and tours are not cheap. BUT, if you try to "save" too much by skipping some tours, you might miss some of the best experiences in these great areas.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 27,925 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.




Arriving at Flam, here is a little sample for some of the fjord mountains, waterfalls, etc. This includes the spectacular train ride up the mountain, seeing the valleys, views, etc.:








You go on these Norway Coast cruises for the spectacular fjords. From the journey to Flam, Gudvangen and Sognerfjord, here is one picture giving you a sampling of the skies and views for these beautiful internal coast lines of the fjords.





This is the dramatic overview of Alesund from the Aksla vantage point. This spot allows a nearly 360 degree view of this setting for this island city and the surrounding mountains and islands. It is at a 597’ height overlooking the five islands making up the scenic town.:





This picture shows the Bergen Floibanen funicular railway coming up the steep hill with the harbor, fish market, etc. in the background of this charming Norway coastal town with so much great history and architecture. On the top, somewhat right, the Silver Cloud and Costa ships can be seen in the harbor.





In Bergen’s historic Hanseatic warehouse area, this folk music group is entertaining as people sit outside, drink beer (at $13 each) and enjoy the great weather day.:



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I can second what Terry said about the canal tour in Copenhagen. While we walked for hours each day we were there it was fun to get a different perspective from the water. In terms of restaurant, we very much enjoyed Kanalen. Lovely, charming little place in Nyhavn with a great wine list.Friends of ours loved Herman in the Nimb Hotel by Tivoli so if we go back this summer will give that a try.

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Terry..your photos are so great.....Seabourn just might want to use them as an enticement.


THANKS for the kind comments! I'm ready for Seabourn to hire me and/or provide some bonus cruises. Here are a few more visuals to add to the enticement to see Norway, its fjords, the great coastal cities, etc. And a couple picture for very interesting Oslo. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 27,925 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.




Arriving at Flam to dock, our Captain is right there directing this process. You can see here some of the fjord mountains, waterfalls in the background.:





Here's a nice farm view during the rail trip and a view of the Flam train traveling along this scenic routing.:








Right near the Hanseatic merchant warehouse area is the Bergen Fish Market with lots of options to buy food to eat on site or just watch, enjoying the “show” as people ask questions and buy the various fresh fish items.:





Oslo's Vigeland Park has a wide variety of outdoor sculptures in a wonderful setting:





Norway’s Royal Palace and a main Oslo shopping area:



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WE did this trip last August on the Sojourn.It was wonderful.Was disappointed with the Flam excursion."Mountains and Valleys".It cost $239. I think you can do much better on your own.We spent much of the time transferring from one train or bus to another.It also included a very mediocre lunch with not enough places for everyone.

Alesund is easy to do on our own.WE did a walking tour and the museum. Bergen was a highlight for all.You can't go wrong no matter what you do. We chose the "Piano Recital at Troldhaugen'' It cost $ 125 and was worth it for us as it is rather hard to do on your own.They are really set up for groups.

Whatever you do Bon Voyage and have a wonderful time.

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the Flam trip sounds expensive,,will check on doing on my own,,,was railroad within walking distance of ship??? Know we dock at 9am,,,,will need to find schedule....but with just rail,would not see surrounding area,,,glad you enjoyed it...looks wonderful,,,other ports look easy on own,,,did you take the Bergen funicular,,looks like close to port from photos,,is it?? was Flam trip only one you took,besides piano exc..which I d love,,but not my husband?? ;)

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WE did this trip last August on the Sojourn.It was wonderful.Was disappointed with the Flam excursion."Mountains and Valleys". It cost $239. I think you can do much better on your own.We spent much of the time transferring from one train or bus to another.It also included a very mediocre lunch with not enough places for everyone. Alesund is easy to do on our own.WE did a walking tour and the museum. Bergen was a highlight for all.You can't go wrong no matter what you do. We chose the "Piano Recital at Troldhaugen'' It cost $ 125 and was worth it for us as it is rather hard to do on your own.They are really set up for groups. Whatever you do Bon Voyage and have a wonderful time.


Agree with the above post that Alesund and some other ports are easy to do on your own. Much depends on what you want to see and do, plus how the "logistics" work out. With Seabourn and others, some of their excursions are over-priced, but it gets the job done without too much advance work by you. Ideally, it's nice if you have your "OWN GROUP" of four or six people who have similar interests. Then it's easier to do your own thing with a rental car or van, being more cost-efficient, going exactly where you want, etc. BUT, to really pull it off, you generally need to do some advance planning and research to know what to do, where and how. Lots of options!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 28,200 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.


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I really envy you.The ship is so gorgeous and the Norwegian scenery is superb,

On someones trip report,I don't remember who,they wrote how to get tickets in advance for the Flam train, It is in walking distance to the station. Check for trip reports on Seabourn in July or so.I am handicapped [use a walker for excursions] so did not do the Bergen cable car,but I think it is in walking distance.A young couple we met even walked it!Bergen is a pleasure to walk.

The only other excursion we took in Norway was "Scenic Nordfjord" in Olden for $99.I thought this scenery to be the best. No matter what you do there you will have gorgeous views.

I will see if I can find the report for you.It was in June or JUly of 2010, I believe

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I really envy you. The ship is so gorgeous and the Norwegian scenery is superb. On someones trip report,I don't remember who,they wrote how to get tickets in advance for the Flam train, It is in walking distance to the station. Check for trip reports on Seabourn in July or so.I am handicapped [use a walker for excursions] so did not do the Bergen cable car,but I think it is in walking distance.A young couple we met even walked it!Bergen is a pleasure to walk. The only other excursion we took in Norway was "Scenic Nordfjord" in Olden for $99. I thought this scenery to be the best. No matter what you do there you will have gorgeous views. I will see if I can find the report for you.It was in June or JUly of 2010, I believe


THANKS for the nice comments on my blog/postings. Yes, lots of great things to see and do in Norway. You sum it up well about "No matter what you do there you will have gorgeous views". It is possible to book that Flam trip ahead through RailEurope.com or the Norway rail website.


You can go to http://www.nsb.no/home and see rail schedules, book tickets, etc., on this site for the rail system in Norway. This website http://www.flaamsbana.no/eng gives you lots of great and interesting history on this Flam railway, its building, bridges, tunnels, technical data, etc. This site http://www.visitflam.com connects you with their local tourism office in Flam and other good links.


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 28,580 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.


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Terry,,did check your blog,,,read about 8 pages,,maybe I missed your Olden entry????Need info as to what to do...looks like very small port,,,only 2 options seen so far,,,,,both bus rides to glacier,,,one with ferry ride and lasts 8 hrs...too long on bus for us....can t find much info on the port,,,googled tourism center for it,,and didnt get much info...there for 10 hrs...any ideas???Even checked Port section on CC and not listed....:confused:

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Terry,,did check your blog,,,read about 8 pages,,maybe I missed your Olden entry????Need info as to what to do...looks like very small port,,,only 2 options seen so far,,,,,both bus rides to glacier,,,one with ferry ride and lasts 8 hrs...too long on bus for us....can t find much info on the port,,,googled tourism center for it,,and didnt get much info...there for 10 hrs...any ideas???Even checked Port section on CC and not listed....


Sorry, our cruise didn't stop in Olden. As I noted, we did Flam, Alesund and Bergen as we sailed the Norway Coast last July, plus seeing lovely Oslo in 2008.


We did, however, docked in Hellesylt and traveled through Stryn enroute to Geiranger. That's fairly close and right nearby to Olden. My Fodor's and Eyewitness Norway books don't list much detail specifically for Olden.


Don't be confused!! There's not much in many, many of these immediate port town. They are just a starting point for going "upcountry" to see the various sights. We did an eight-hour trip through out ship from Hellesylt to Geiranger. It might seem long, but these are usually broken up with several stops in the morning, lunch at a scenic and/or interesting place, more sights and stops, etc.


Below are some visuals from the nearby Jostedalsbreen National Park, etc.


Maybe you don't want to do a long, ship's tour. That, however, might be your best option. It was a very interesting experience in what they call the "Roof of Norway". Reactions???


THANKS for checking and your follow-up. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For lots of interesting details, great visuals, etc., from our July 1-16 Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. Don’t be shy and feel free to ask any questions of interest. This posting is now over 29,180 views. Appreciate those who have “tuned in”.




On the eight-hour “Overland from Hellesylt to Geiranger” bus tour, we stopped at the Jostedalsbreen National Park with these great views, even on a cloudy and foggy day. The rains had stopped by this point in the tour. These visuals include a nearby village scene, the grass on the top of a small building and this Aussie couple on our cruise checking out the interesting display of various stones from all over Norway.:












At the Videseter Hotel on the way up from Jostedalsbreen National Park, we saw a spectacular waterfall and then a cute sheep at this high mountain elevation.:






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