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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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I've found the following instructors which I think would be a great source of information for you. I don't know that they offer a class that you could attend, because the classes they offer seem to be for private communities or country clubs or similar members only kind of places. But I think that if you were to enter into a conversation with them, you could get some good information.


Daisy Anten..she specifically teaches a Zumba Gold CHAIR class. I would definitely email her. Explain your interest, your desires, and just ask her if she had some words of wisdom for you as you see that she teaches a chair class. Explain that you are in pursuit of this and getting started and that you want to be armed with as much information as possible so that you can have a positive experience, and that another instructor (me) explained that she didn't know if chair modifications were actually taught as part of Zumba Gold training or if this was something that each instructor needed to pursue on their own.


Also, I would ask her if she would have any pointers for you regarding the idea of taking a Basic (non-Gold) Zumba class. Now Barbara, I'm not sure here, but I'm sensing a reluctance to take a Gold class...I don't know if you are a younger person and thinking that Zumba Gold will have so many people not in your age range...or if you are concerned that the music and things wouldn't be as fun...IDK...and I can't make comparisons between classes to give you more information. My beloved Kelly (my Zumba instructor) also volunteers to teach a Gold class and she says that she does a lot of the same routines for her seniors in her class...but she also says that they are not your average group of seniors. :) Anyway, because this instructor specifically mentions a chair class, I would definitely see if she would enter into an email conversation with you regarding how you can get started with Zumba.


Susan Miller...there is no mention here of her teaching a Zumba Gold class...BUT...she is trained in all the different forms of Zumba...AND...she is ACE certified...AND she is Pilates certified. My experience with Kelly, who is also certified in Pilates and group fitness, is that she knows the mechanics of the body AMAZINGLY well...and as such, she knows how to modify the routines to suit whatever issue someone has to deal with, such as bad knees, backs, whatever. So I would approach this instructor as well.


Again, she teaches in a lot of private kind of locations, but I did see that she teaches at the Sun City Rec Center. All her classes are Zumba classes, no Gold. The rec center has sessions, so I don't know if there is a way for you to attend just one class. The rec ctr that I teach at has a policy of allowing everyone to try the first class free. This is the rec ctr policy, so you might try contacting the rec ctr to see if they have a similar policy. In my experience, rec ctrs are way more user friendly than gyms, so I would definitely talk to them and see what their policies are. Contact this instructor in the same way as the above instructor, but there is the possibility that you could go to her class if you were available at the time it is offered. It's only one day a week during the day.


I saw the lady that you mentioned. The only reservation I have about contacting her is that she is so newly certified in Zumba. BUT it seems that she has been involved in fitness for a long time, and Zumba is just the latest tool in her tool box.


Whatever, I would definitely talk to these other instructors so that you can hear from 2 or 3 people and compare the information given.


The baby towel came out great but I was scrambling for time to get it wrapped up for the shower. I finished it 25 minutes before the shower was scheduled to begin. Beautiful color though...Target called the color "Pink Pillow" and the color of the thread was "Pink Champagne"...and kind of peachy pink. The hooded towels you can buy in the store are so thin...I like to use the fluffy bath towels. Someone made one of these towels for me when I had DS...it was the best thing EVAH! So I made myself two more! And I have been making them for anyone and everyone I know that is having a baby ever since.


Sometimes I also pass along my homemade baby wipe recipe...but it takes a certain kind of person that wants to do that...it's quite a "granola" thing to do. LOL. But that's me. I'm all into chemical avoidance. And I swear by my wipes...my DS NEVER had diaper rash and I swear the baby wipes had a LOT to do with that.


I did end up with a break yesterday. A much needed break. And today I am all pumped up about revamping my playlist. It means learning some new songs. I really love this Calypso song...have you heard it?:



AND I'm liking this Bhangra song...it's pretty new to Zumba...it was given to instructors two months ago.:




So these two are on my list because they are new and different rhythms.


This is my weekend plans. That and the CPR/AED training. Oh my. I have to register for that still! Gotta go!

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I did end up with a break yesterday. A much needed break. And today I am all pumped up about revamping my playlist. It means learning some new songs. I really love this Calypso song...have you heard it?:



Hi Anita,


I actually know this Calypso song and love it, however we are doing a different choreography with it. But it´s much fun as the music gives you really good vibes, I noticed, that some people, me included, have trouble if there are too many jumps...

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Kasi...does your choreo have more jumps or fewer jumps? Is it similar in some places? I'd be interested to hear what you are doing differently if you could possibly remember or describe. I think the choreo in the video is very close to what the video is for training (Cardio Party) which is what I would be trying to learn. After I learn the Zumba choreo, I was thinking that I might personalize it a bit and make a few changes...love this happy song though!


Barbara...you definitely need to contact Corina Gutierrez. I hear she is also on facebook...Angel with a Mission. Here's the link to her instructor page:



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Such excitement! Kelly asked me to sub for the Sunday morning class! Woot woot!


I have a feeling that she would have taught the class if I couldn't sub, but was hoping to have a vacation day and so asked if I could...I'm totally pumped about this! Can you tell?


The songs that I wanted to learn...well, this gives me the opportunity to do it...so today I spent the day learning newish songs...on and off...I ditched the Calypso song...I went back to songs that I have actually taught before, but I refined the choreo to them. I'm very pleased with my playlist. I wish I could use the same one for my Tuesday class...but I don't know if they could handle so many new songs...it would be a big jump...BUT...I LOVE this list!


Out of 13 songs, 7 are Kelly's and 6 are mine. I have changed the choreo to Waka Waka. I've been debating doing this...I really like this other choreo that I found better. I can do this with Kelly's class...I don't know if I can change the choreo with my own...hmm.


Tomorrow's playlist:


Put It In a Love Song

Waka waka

Que Te Mueve

Cumbia Pa' La Nena

Hella Decale

Danza Kuduro

Ari Ari (Part 2)

Drop It Low

La Vida es Un Carnaval


Un Mes


Hold On


I don't know if it will be a full class on Mother's Day or not. It's always possible that it will be a smaller class because of the day...but you never know. If it is a normal sized class, it will be the biggest one that I have led to date.


To every Momma out there...


Happy Mother's Day!!

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Thank you so much! I just emailed Corina and have been trying to find her on facebook but haven't had any luck yet. I'm so hoping to hear from her soon.


How did your class go this morning?


Happy Mother's day to all!

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Thank you so much! I just emailed Corina and have been trying to find her on facebook but haven't had any luck yet. I'm so hoping to hear from her soon.


How did your class go this morning?


Happy Mother's day to all!

Excellent! I'm all about being a helper...ask anyone...and especially as it relates to encouraging fitness, I'm all over it. I hope she backs in touch with you soon. Keep us posted, I'm very interested to learn with you.


Class went very well this morning. Not a big showing for the Mother's Day class, but there were 5 ladies. I got really great feedback, so it was a wonderful feel good time for me. Definitely a confidence boost. The more you do, the better you can be...I was anxious and slept funny...woke up super early...but after it was all said and done...I know that it is just a comfort level mismatch right now...I will become more confident.


As I think on it...I know that I was very concerned with potential comparisons between myself and Kelly...and while I don't expect to be at her level when I am so new and she is so experienced...I did want to be in the same ballpark, KWIM? So I know that was part of my anxiety. I was definitely given the stamp of approval as a worthy Kelly sub, one lady said that I could sub for her anytime, another lady said that she was interested in taking my day class at the rec ctr in the summer (she's a teacher), another lady said that appreciated my cueing, and another lady that I was talking to after class was very complimentary about my teaching and talking to me about other instructors she has been to...in a general way...and expressing that she appreciated my style as compared to some others.


Definitely a feel good morning for me.


Had out-of-state family visit us for a while today. All in all, a great Mother's Day.


I'm a little bummed to not be able to actually talk to my own Mom. I think everyone can surmise that we are very close, so that's the one cloud in my blue sky, but I am confident that she is having a great day...so it's a big puffy white cloud.


This sets me up for a marathon week though...teaching today and then classes for the next 4 days in a row...I've never done FIVE day in a ROW! I'm a little concerned about my ability to hang by the time Thursday rolls around. What I need to do is rely on what I know and not really practice TOO much this week. Should be a great shock to the system! If we can continue to eat from home (been doing pretty good with that lately) then this marathon could be just the thing to wake up my system again to get off this maintenance mode I've been in lately.


Time will tell...

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I friended Corina Gutierrez on Facebook and am hoping to get to talk to her soon. Ironically enough, she has the same disability I have. Different types of it but still the same disease. Thank you so much for your help. I think I may go to the Zumba Gold class I found tomorrow night... Need to get my courage up but I really want to try it.

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I friended Corina Gutierrez on Facebook and am hoping to get to talk to her soon. Ironically enough, she has the same disability I have. Different types of it but still the same disease. Thank you so much for your help. I think I may go to the Zumba Gold class I found tomorrow night... Need to get my courage up but I really want to try it.

Awesome! Get your courage up! There's something about a Zumba class. Seriously. The people that go definitely want to have a work out, they want to get fit, BUT they want to have fun...so the serious factor isn't quite as intense as what you might encounter is some other cardio classes. Not to say that the people there aren't serious about being fit...it's just seems to me that the people there are serious about having fun while doing it...and that generally lends a different kind of energy to the class. SOOOOOO...GO!!!!


And tell us all about it. Because we would love to hear about it. :)

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I spent the entire day feeling somewhat tired...so I had something of a Momma's Day today...I returned the redbox movie we rented yesterday (Toy Story 3)...and I decided that I wanted a chick flick...so I rented Eat, Pray, Love which I have been wanting to see forever...I got the offer to rent another for 50 cents, so I also got Confessions of a Shopaholic too...and I spent today lounging on the couch and watching movies... :)


It was nice!


I had good energy for classes tonight. It was a good time.


Oh! I did weigh myself today and I'm down to around 173...the Wii said this was 1.5 pounds lighter than before. I know that not watching what I'm eating or drinking has been a major factor in my maintenance mode. The cool thing is that I have been maintaining without watching what I'm eating at all...and the slow lose is okay...


It's only week 3 of me teaching my classes...I'm giving myself time to adjust to the physical routine before I start taking stock of the eating...I'll get there.


Donna...I hope you had fun in the Lake district this weekend! Did you workout today?

Kasi...Hope you had a great Zumba class and the toning class.

Barbara...I hope you made it to class this evening! Tell us all about it!


Meanwhile...Mom was at her first port yesterday...Ponta Delgada...so she is on the Donna/Kasi side of the Atlantic now! It sounds like she is having a wonderful time. She is somewhat jealous of my Dad's ability to go to the gym onboard...she wants to be doing Zumba, but doesn't have a good place to do it...AND she just can't get psyched up to get on a cardio machine...I think she was really happy to have an excursion! She said it was full of natural beauty.

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Hi Anita,

thanks for the update. I believe European Ports will give Pam a lot of workout.


I have been to Zumba, however as I was the only one for the toning class, we rescheduled on Wednesday, lets hope that Annie can get someone else to join. Ok, it´s not the best weather for indoor activities here. We had a wonderful weekend with summer-like temperatures raniging in the upper 20 degrees (about 84 degrees fahrenheit), which is unusual warm for this time of year. So everyone is heading outdoors. And as our dancing studio does not have an aircondition ye, it´s incedible warm up there. This was also why Annie encouraged all of us to drink in between songs.


I´m heading of to the office in a few minutes and tonight is a tupperware evening at our house, I hope someone is showing up.

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OMG...not sure I can imagine Zumba in a room without air conditioning! Talk about sweating...we crank the temperature down so low in our classrooms.


I hope that you have a nice party tonight! I've never hosted an event like that but I have been to several for cooking stuff, jewelry, candles, etc. Usually, it's a nice get together with other ladies.


Sitting here trying to make some slight adjustments to my playlist for today's class. It would be too many new songs for my class if I kept it as is, so I'm trying to switch out some songs we know for things like the cumbia, etc. There will be quite a few new ones today though because I am going to keep several songs in that I think are good songs, just because I think they are good songs. LOL.

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Glad to hear your new teaching assignments are going well, Anita. I'm not at all surprised though:)


Also glad to hear Pam is having a good time. Tell her "hi" and ask her how her pictodiary is going:D


By the way, DH had some of his salmon and LOVED it. Thanks again for the tip on the seafood company!

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Hey Anita and everyone else, great to see new people joining and hope you're all doing well! Zumba seems as effective as ever for all of us?!


Had a great weekend at the lakes thanks guys - kasi, you're right it is so beautiful. Managed lots of walks and cycling but no gym/zumba so having withdrawal at the moment!


Anita, we are now at the finale of Biggest Loser USA with Darius - what a fantastic achievement!!


Anyway, back on track tomorrow - reckon it will be hard after 5 days off?! Still, got to get going as only 10 weeks til cruise now!!

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you are right, Zumba without aircon is really sweaty.

Well, tomorrow I´m heading to the pool, the first time after a loooooong winter and afterwards I´ll go to class and hope someone else shows up for Caribic Bodystyle...


I received 3 books for my vacation today. I bought: water for elephants, already home and True Love and Other Disasters.

I´m lookingv for at least 2 more books to read on our cruise. I tend to read, a lot, when I´m on vacation. It´s the only way I manage to lie on a deckchair for a longer time. Otherwise my friends stays in her deckchair and I´m off to the gym, taking pictures all around the ship, heading for the pool, or some aquagym class or doing who-knows-what. And when I return to her side after any period of time, she´s still lying there, maybe she switched from lying on her back to her stomach, but that´s all.


I just asked our TA to finalize our reservation for Mariner ots in september :) Yeah :D

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I love to read too...but I'm a historical romance novel kind of gal...not too racy...I like the settings and the stories throughout history. There is a series of books by an author named Diane Galbaldon called the Outlander series...very entertaining series...A WW2 era nurse ends up going back in time through a rock circle in Scotland similar in style to Stonehedge...she ends up back in time just prior to Culloden...


Donna...it's always difficult to get back into the groove, but the longer you have been in an exercising groove, the easier it gets to get back into it from a break.


Joby...Mom is doing very well with her pictodiary. I reminded her when we were texting at her departure airport that she needed a picture of the travel day outfit...and that would help time pass...so she said that she provided some visual amusement for the waiting passengers as they took pictures, checked the pictured, made adjustments and took more pictures. I think she said it took about 5 or 6 pictures to get one she considered acceptable! LOL. Meanwhile, she's happy that she put some effort into figuring out her wardrobe a bit more prior to the cruise...you ever read the Fashionista thread? Indiana is a wardrobe planning QUEEN and inspired Mom to make an effort prior to sailing...Mom says that it has been really great to have the planned days, so much so that she is thinking that she'll put more effort into the sea days for any future TA cruises or other cruises with multiple sea days. We should have a great report from her when she gets back.


I only had one lady in class today! It was the 75-year old. We had a good class though. It was different...and I tried very hard to not stare at her while still watching like a good instructor should...LOL...she's able to come this Thursday so I'm praying some others can come to so that it isn't just the two of us again...not that it was bad...it's just better with more people, KWIM? I'll be hoping that more people show up for your class Kasi too!


btw...we are about to find out who is in the final 4 for our Biggest Loser season...I don't want to give this season away, but I have to say, they have done SO MANY changes this season...and it is AWESOME...I have loved the way that they have seriously reduced the "game play" and have focused on the different issues that influence weight. And yes, Darius looks INCREDIBLE...I remember thinking how cute he was...LOVE the curls.

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So excited! We finally booked our air for our TA in October... now it really feels real. Now to get myself in some shape before then. I'd really like to drop about 30 pounds just under 6 months... I should be able to do that, right? Or something close? I'd really like to feel better and look better for this trip.


You guys inspire me. I chickened out on going to the Zumba Gold class last night, but I'm definitely still going to try. And I think I may try out a regular class and just figure out something else I can do when there's jumping etc going on... who knows, maybe I'll spark a new craze.

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Joby...Mom is doing very well with her pictodiary. I reminded her when we were texting at her departure airport that she needed a picture of the travel day outfit...and that would help time pass...so she said that she provided some visual amusement for the waiting passengers as they took pictures, checked the pictured, made adjustments and took more pictures. I think she said it took about 5 or 6 pictures to get one she considered acceptable! LOL. Meanwhile, she's happy that she put some effort into figuring out her wardrobe a bit more prior to the cruise...you ever read the Fashionista thread? Indiana is a wardrobe planning QUEEN and inspired Mom to make an effort prior to sailing...Mom says that it has been really great to have the planned days, so much so that she is thinking that she'll put more effort into the sea days for any future TA cruises or other cruises with multiple sea days. We should have a great report from her when she gets back.


So glad to hear Pam is doing her pictodiary and having fun! I need to live vicariously through her cruises and wardrobe selections :) It will be a great conversation and learning tool when she gets back and posts. What great fun to look forward to.


I forgot to add that I haven't read much into the Fashionista's thread. I will do that and support my fellow Hoosier :)

Edited by Joby
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@Barbara, How fun to have solid cruise plans! My plans have been booked for so long and are still so far into the future, it doesn't really feel like we have any plans at all. I think that having just under 6 months to lose 30 pounds is a very achievable goal. It will equate to an average of just over a pound a week.


If you haven't been good with drinking water...and if you get started with that...the recommended daily allowance for water is between 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight. So, for myself, at 173 pounds...I'm SUPPOSED to be drinking between 87 and 173 ounces of water a day...in terms of 8 ounces glasses, that is 11 to 22 glasses a day!...Mom and I have found that if you DO start trying to drink your quota...you will spend at least one day where you are in the bathroom for a crazy amount of time...and feel like you CONSTANTLY need to go...but this is because your body is FINALLY ridding itself of the water that it has stored...now that it senses that there will be a good supply of water on hand, it will released some of the RETAINED water...yes, the drought is over and so the FLOODING begins...BEWARE...you need to pick a couple days where your frequent visits to the bathroom won't interfere with your day's activities.


BUT...if you do this...then you are likely to kick start your weight loss with a drastic drop in weight due to losing the water weight...and this can certainly help your average weight loss.


I hope we are inspiring you...that's the whole POINT. :)


@Joby, I'm totally looking forward to the report too! Mom did so much shopping before she left...skinny little thing that she has become...I know about her new clothes from our conversations and looking them up online, but I haven't seen HER in them, so I'm very excited to see all the fun photos.


Also, the Fashionista thread...it's a crack up in a way...those ladies are ULTRA organized...and at first, Mom was saying that it didn't mesh as much with her packing style...she really has gotten the vast majority, if not all of her clothes, in her FIRE palatte...so her packing has been very mix and match...so she wondered how useful all the planning would be...but as she will likely say herself...she tended to gravitate toward certain combinations, and repeat those, rather than getting creative with the mix and match while on vacation...so having all the thinking done prior to the vacationing was really making it more fun to do the pictodiary and just dress in general.


Tonight is my Pilates and Zumba classes...I realize that I am getting something of a complex about being in Kelly's class...I'm still the left bookend...which is how I think about the fact that I am always the front row left person, Kelly in the middle, and Liz is the right bookend. The Zumba forum dubs the ladies that love to be in the front row and know all the routines as "Front Row Rock Stars"...but since I have started teaching my own classes, I'm worrying that my same self could be interpreted in a different way...I don't think that I have changed...I'm still my very enthusiastic, hard working, on beat, capable self...not to brag...but I AM a front row rock star :D ...but I don't want to look like I am competing with Kelly for the spotlight...which would never have occured to me before, but does now since I am a fellow instructor...anyone KWIM? I don't THINK this is happening, and I don't want it to, but now I am starting to worry that it could appear to be that way. Ah well. I just have to continue to be myself...


I hope you can do the Bodystyle class Kasi.

I hope your venture back into the gym isn't too rough Donna.


Oh...I wanted to say that we went to the pool for the first time this season this past weekend. The pool is heated and so it is still quite cool...you have to dive in all at once or you will never get in AND you have to move constantly to not be too cold...the nice thing was that while my suit still works, it definitely is looser and I could probably go down a size...but since it works okay, I'm saving my money...but it was a feel good moment to put my suit on and see the difference.

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Hi ladies,


I´m back from 40 minutes in the pool, and my toning class afterwards. It was just Annie, one more girl and me, so it was pretty intense. I´m sure I´ll get to know some new muscles tomorrow that suddenly make themselves aware by being sore ;)


And... Our cruise on the Mariner is booked. I have the stateroom assignment and we even got some flights that don´t cost more than the cruise :), ok it´s not a non-stop flight, but even the worst flight is better than going by train or bus all the way to Rome.


I have to give this drinking issue another try. I believe I´m pretty good, but doesn´t hurt to check. I have to translate the oz measurment to ml.

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Yay Kasi, so glad you got your cruise booked and well done on the exercise front!


I'm back to it now and at my weigh in tonight lost one and a half pound - couldn't believe it! After 4 days away with the girls I was sure I wouldn't have even though I tried to eat well and walk/cycle lots! It's amazing how different exercises affect you so much - having been on the bike a couple of days, I was in so much pain!!


Anita, definitely going to up my water this weekend and try to get back on track. Hope Pam's enjoying her cruise?


Barbara, you'll go to class when it feels right for you


Hope you're all OK, the classes seem to be going well for you Anita?

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So Mom and Dad disembarked today in Barcelona...they spend the night there and hop onto the Voyager of the Seas tomorrow. It sounds like they have had a fabulous cruise...taking Zumba seems to have restored my Mom's love of dance and she has been hitting the floor at night with the Spanish ladies and having a blast. They have had so much fun that Dad is expressing concern over whether or not the next ship will be as much fun... :)


And Kim, the pictodiary is coming along great...Mom said that her formal night picture didn't come out well though...there is something in the dress poking her and she needs me to fix that...so her posture is funny and she is saying she doesn't care for the photo. Otherwise, I think we are still on track to getting a fun report. :D


Had a very inspiring conversation with my 73-year old student on Thursday. It was just us again...we had a great workout...it was an effort for me to concentrate on just doing what I had choreographed but staying true to Zumba and let her move HOWEVER she wanted without worrying that she wasn't "getting the moves"...I needed to remember how knowledgeable she was about her abilities and that she naturally modifies the routines and that I didn't need to try to do that for her...and we could just boogie oogie oogie to the music and have FUN...which is the whole point.


After class, I said to her...I just have to tell you how much I admire you, how inspirational you are, are you REALLY 75?...and she says, OH NO!!! She ISN'T 75! She's only 73. LOL. And we had a conversation about the various things she does...friends she has...she tried to do a singles group through a church...but, as she says...the people there were so OLD...and they were younger than her!...and she had a friend come into town who is 76...but he said he couldn't keep up to do golf...and he came over and SLEPT in her black chair...she says that she almost wished he had just stayed home, because he was interfering with her activities!


Seriously, ladies...so inspirational...we should all be so fortunate to be as active and fit as she is at 73...we are on our way with our continued efforts. WTG Ladies!!


Going to a Zumbathon charity event tonight...from 6-9 pm...never been to one before...there will be several instructors...I know a couple of them...it will be good networking...and also just very interesting to see all the different instructors do their thing...it will be outdoors, in a parking lot?, so I'm a bit concerned about footwear...I'm not going to wear really nice shoes because I think they would just get torn up on the parking lot surface...also thinking about wearing something different...I've been watching so many different youtube videos with Zumba...especially the conference videos and ones that say FIBO...whatever that means...I can see Beto all over the world...and the ladies all wear lots of different clothing...I guess there used to be a Zumba skirt? It looks like a tennis skirt? And I have new tennis skirts from the mixer we did on my birthday...since the Zumbathon is outside...and ladies, it's getting HOT...highs in the upper 80s for sure...and there will be NO air conditioning (I'll get a taste of what it is like for you Kasi LOL)...I'm thinking that a nice short skirt may be the thing for tonight...


I'll share how this goes tomorrow.


OH! Got the latest CD that Zumba sends out to the instructors yesterday...fun songs on it. This one, Zumba doesn't send choreography with it, so the instructors have a chance to do some of their own...if I'm very brave, I'll share with you guys!

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that sounds amazing, please come back to us tomorrow and tell us about your Zumba night.


Tomorrow will be my Zunba day. The dancing studio where I go to class, has a grand opening party tomorrow, with trial classes all day and a caribbic / Zumba party in the evening. I´m definitely going to class at 11:30, than there is a class at 4:30 pm, and the party starts at 7 p.m. don´t know if I´ll attend all three or skip the afternoon class.

I´m not going to class on Monday as I have a training at work that goes right into the evening...


Anita, give my regards to Pam if you talk/write to her. Really looking forward to here all details about this cruise and I totally believe, that attending class regularly makes us so fit that we can dance the nights away. I´m gonna try it in 2 weeks :)


Take care everyone, I´m gonna check if our bbq is ready.


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Today is Mom's birthday! I had a quick note from her saying that she was headed to the ship, so I know that she is now onboard the Voyager. Kasi, if you have any specific questions...ask away...I can send them to Mom. You must be getting excited...and a bit busy...because you are leaving soon right? I think you are getting on the Voyager's next cruise right?




I am not as sore as I was when I first started to do Zumba. Or when I added Pilates. But this is on par with Zumba training for sure.


The event was very fun. I didn't know many people there. And I was late. Which is mortifying to me. I HATE being late. I read somewhere, a long time ago, that often times our personalities in terms of earliness v. lateness is related to how our birthdates relate to our due dates...if you were born early, then in general, you like to be early...if you were born pretty much on time, then you are an on-time kind of person...and if you were born past expected birthdate, then you are chronically late...this holds true for me...if I am NOT early...then I consider myself late...so to arrive 15 minutes late was a terrible start to the evening for me.


Regardless. It couldn't be helped. I couldn't find the place. It was ALMOST where I thought it was. I had to go back home to find the exact address. And finally I arrived. Thus, I cannot comment on how the thing got started.


There was a recommended donation, which I brought...and when I signed up and signed the release forms...I was asked if I brought the recommended donation...which I remember thinking was a bit forward...BUT...the point was to raise money for charity and often times, you HAVE to ask for what you want...I donated...I received a ticket that I could put into one of a dozen boxes for as many raffle prizes, including massages, dinner certificates, bowling passes, etc...you could buy MORE raffle tickets, but I didn't...I headed out to the Zumba local...


Which was in the parking lot behind the building...there were a couple of booths there...and a bouncy castle for the kiddos...and in the back parking lot area...they had a stage set up for the instructors to stand on...and a large clear area for the participants...there were at least 100 people milling around...I couldn't count how many were doing Zumba v. hanging out and watching...but the crowd size was quite respectable and my thoughts were that the event was going to be able to amount to a sizable donation to the Red Cross.


The three hour event was broken into three one-hour sessions...with a 5 to 10 minute break in between each session...there were at LEAST 12 instructors that participated...the more experienced instructors would lead anywhere between 3 and 5/6 songs...then there would be a switch...several newbie instructors lead one song...


It was toward the end of the second session that I realized that Zumba on concrete is very rough on the body...and I started to ease off my enthusiasm in the participation.


The variety of rhythms taught was great. It was very weird to do different routines to the songs that I do in Kelly's class or my own...It was very fun to get a taste of so many instructor's styles in so short a period of time...every instructor seemed fine in front of the crowd...but most definitely, there were instructors that related more to the crowd than others...the ones that were not only conductors of movement but also had a bit of an entertainment level to their actions and facial expressions were definitely more fun to follow...doesn't have to be big smiles all the time...when the song is appropriate, a bit of attitude could be even more fun...it solidified my thoughts that leading a class is as much about putting on a show as working out...and the instructors that manage to put on a show that is about having fun in the moment are really the ones that grab you and stick in your memory.


Today my left foot hurts. And my hips. But otherwise, I don't suffer too many ill effects from such a long Zumba session.


There were quite a few songs that I liked, but now, of course, I can't remember them. It was too many, too fast...but I know that some of them were Zumba songs...the words ZUMBA being repeated in the song lyrics totally gives it away :rolleyes:...so it should be TOO difficult to find. And participating really put me in the best situation for what my next project is going to be.


I'm working on a demo class. I'm trying to come up with a playlist that has a great variety of rhythms...that has the best songs possible for each one...and also has some very basic choreography so that it can be an easy to follow taste of what Zumba is all about. There is a venue here that is opening up in June and I'm thinking that after my business cards arrive, I'd like to approach the people about teaching there...offering to do a demo class to ascertain if there would be any interest in a Zumba class. It will be important for the demo to be as fun as possible...and to do that, there needs to be great music first...and very teachable choreography. Not that it has to be super simple...I got a taste of what was "followable" last night...teachable is key.


Kasi...I hope your event today is fun! And that more interest is generated in your Bodystyle class. Definitely let us know how it goes.


To everyone else, I hope you are having or have had a great weekend. I'm spending the rest of today getting ready for the week ahead. Not my fav, but needs to be done. :p

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Hi Anita,

please forward the best birthday wishes to Pam, I absolutely love having birthday while onboard and I hope she gets to enjoy her day.

What I´m interested in:

- What sport classes are offered? Which cost extra and how much?

- Do they offer some aqua-sports?

- What´s not to be missed onboard?


But all in all I just wish your mom a wonderful second cruise and I hope the weather forecast is nice so she gets to enjoy he wonderful cities they are visiting. The Med has so much to offer, if you are interested in "old stones" that´s where to go...


My Zumba class this morning was fun, lots of people came in to try Zumba, hope some of them continue class. This evening was also fun, Annie did some Zumba songs and some clasical dance moves like Bacchata, Merengue etc. It was far less intense than a normal workout but fun nonetheless.


Anita, how much do you usually drink during Zumba or directly after class?

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