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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Hello to my fellow Zumba-holics!


I'm a 7 day a week-er these days. It is the highlight of my day to be honest. I work in computers and needless to say the cube world doesn't do much for keeping my weight in check. Zumba has proven to be a wonderful outlet for me. I love my instructors and have been known to teach from time to time. Hardest part for me is when we are cruising and I can't get my Zumba fix. I also tend to be in the minority since I'm a guy who loves to dance. My wife doesn't feel the urge to shake her booty as I do :).

Our next cruise is on Freedom of the seas on August 12th. I've heard rumor that there is Zumba by the pool in the morning but we shall see. I just got my latest Zumba choreography in the mail and am going to learn some new songs this week. In addition I will be at the Zumba convention from August 8th through the 12th so I should have some good songs to travel with.

Just pleased as can be to find so many of you that share the passion.


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Hey Everyone!


Just a quick note here because it is pretty late...


My countdown is at 14 days for my goal of being packed!


Kasi...good to hear from you, I totally understand about not being in front of the computer as much. Bummer about the crowded classes...


Judi...stuff...Debbie, the one that hired me for my corporate class said she's been reading a book called something like "Allfuenza" which is a combo word of affluence and influenza...while she was sharing to me about her stuff...and she had moved with her job every so many years...but still, hates the concept of moving...and talks about stuff also...I tell you what...dealing with it...it's very freeing to do this...


fergusonvt...find a new instructor! There are so many...and styles vary with as many instructors as there are...don't be turned off to men instructors...all the men that I have been privileged to take classes with have been amazing.


Speaking of...Doug...welcome! I need to get the mail! I know others have gotten ZIN 39 already but I've been lazy with the mail...:o...I wish I could go to convention...this year isn't my year for that though...I would LOVE to hear all about it! Are you in Denver proper? I lived in Loveland...and was married there...and still have family on the front range from Colorado Springs to Loveland...lovely place...but Denver wasn't my fav...didn't care for the traffic. And now I live in Houston! Which is even worse! Sounds like you sub?

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This Wednesday in Zumba was so fun! We said goodbye to two old dances, Fruta Fresca (which I love, si si si) and Waka Waka, which I had never done and really liked so it's kind of disappointing that I won't get to do it more. Typical student, I'm very attached to my favorites!


Saturday class was interesting - we had the sub again, she did much better this time. My main complaints with her are 1. her warmup is so confusing, it's hard to get warm when you're standing there trying to figure out what's going on (and it's not just me); 2. she doesn't always remember her choreo, so the transitions can be murky and we founder a bit; and 3. she does this one slowish song in the middle and she's always off the count -- to me that is a sign that the music is too slow for the step, or likewise that step needs faster music, since she's always on count the rest of the time. I drives me crazy being off the beat! I don't like the placement of that song in the lineup anyways, and I added my own arms to keep my heart rate up. I probably drive her crazy.


Arms are so important. I don't think just holding them up like a club girl counts as arms.


Here's another weird thing, maybe others can weigh in about what's typical. My Wednesday teacher talks to us a lot, in between songs, during songs to give directions, sing along, get everyone pumped. We clap along sometimes. My Saturday teacher (the sub) doesn't talk at all, she just points once in awhile. It's a very quiet class, no whooping or clapping. Very different dynamics between the two.


What is your class like?


It's hard for me to say since I haven't had a particular instructor for more than a few months at a time if a song ever really gets 'retired'. Some of the instructors I've had will play almost the same playlist every time with maybe only minor changes, others really change it up quite a bit. I hadn't heard of 'fruta fresca', but just listened to it - really nice.


What you say about the different styles is so true. As Anita and her mom always say -the class can be SO instructor driven at times. The last instructor who my gym let go (I liked her personally, but not the best instructor) stopped between every song first to pick one out (while she was scrolling past songs I'd hear a song I recognized and love, but she'd pass right by it:mad:) to give instructions on any 'tricky part'. It was pretty useless, and really put too much time between songs. Just start dancing and I'll figure it out!


We just got a new 'permanent' instructor for the Thursday class who stated before the class that she talks a lot and gives instruction. I was a bit worried...here we go again. But the instruction was so brief, she never had to stop her pre-set playlist :) to fill us in too much, and the best thing she did was show the higher and lower impact moves so we could choose. I really liked that because with my knees and ankles, I've always had to modify any moves where both feet are supposed to be off the ground, and it was good that she really made it acceptable.


She had a couple of songs in her playlist that I hadn't heard since my first Zumba class that I love...I was so happy - and probably the people behind me in class wondered who that showoff was keeping right up with her:D.


But then - I wonder if any of you have had this and how you handle it - she did a couple of songs that were choreographed SO differently from what I know. One of them was OK once I started following her lead, but the other one my body kept on wanting to do it the way I know! I think that was Danza Kuduro. By the end of the number I think I found the right balance between being a part of the group but adding my own 'flair'.

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Hello to my fellow Zumba-holics!


I'm a 7 day a week-er these days. It is the highlight of my day to be honest. I work in computers and needless to say the cube world doesn't do much for keeping my weight in check. Zumba has proven to be a wonderful outlet for me. I love my instructors and have been known to teach from time to time. Hardest part for me is when we are cruising and I can't get my Zumba fix. I also tend to be in the minority since I'm a guy who loves to dance. My wife doesn't feel the urge to shake her booty as I do :).

Our next cruise is on Freedom of the seas on August 12th. I've heard rumor that there is Zumba by the pool in the morning but we shall see. I just got my latest Zumba choreography in the mail and am going to learn some new songs this week. In addition I will be at the Zumba convention from August 8th through the 12th so I should have some good songs to travel with.

Just pleased as can be to find so many of you that share the passion.



Hi Doug!


I work in computers also, and actually look forward to the days when I have to physically move computers around. Now that I'm in better shape from an exercise I really love I'm not so self-conscious about my butt sticking out from under a desk, or having to get up off the floor at almost 57 years old! But those days spent at the computer, it feels so good to go change into my workout clothes.


My DH would LOVE to join us in Zumba, but I've mentioned before, with all the hardware in his back from major surgery he can't risk it. Our gym is funny that we don't get a lot of guys that are regulars - sometimes we have 3 or 4 guys in a class of 30, other times none.


We were on the Freedom last November and I had only started Zumba a couple of months before that, but was hoping there would be Zumba or something like it on board. There was only one posting in the Compass for something like a 'Latin Line Dancing class' in one of the lounges at 1pm on a sea day that I think was their way of doing Zumba without a certified instructor, but when I showed up on time there were only a handful of cruisers that were waiting, no instructor, so I left. I passed by a bit later and I guess she finally did show up, but nobody was sweating!


One thing I did do on the Freedom that was SO much fun was the Flash Mob. I figured that even though I was still a Zumba newbie, I could follow the choreography. We did it just before the Quest, and it was a blast! We only had 1/2 practice beforehand.



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I took a couple of Zumba classes, at the gym that close to my job, and I really didn't care for Zumba. Now that I'm taking Zumba at the gym closer to my home. I actually like Zumba, it really depends on the instructor. I'm going to do Zumba today which they have back to back Zumba classes on Sundays. Fun and great workout!!!:D

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The last instructor who my gym let go (I liked her personally, but not the best instructor) stopped between every song first to pick one out (while she was scrolling past songs I'd hear a song I recognized and love, but she'd pass right by it:mad:) to give instructions on any 'tricky part'.


My two instructors teach any tricky step coming up in a new song at the beginning of class, so we don't have to stop in the middle. My Wednesday teacher who talks occasionally to give directions never stops our class to do it, so we keep breathing pretty hard. I'm glad she doesn't take breaks. She has her playlist set at the beginning and we just roll. Your teacher would drive me nuts too.


She did a couple of songs that were choreographed SO differently from what I know. One of them was OK once I started following her lead, but the other one my body kept on wanting to do it the way I know!


Your comment got me thinking about muscle memory, which can be great when it allows us to work harder because we know what's coming and keeps us from injury. But I know from my dance career that it can also work against you, because our bodies become more efficient doing the familiar, and then we are working less hard and burning fewer calories to boot. For dancers, this is part of the point of the rehearsal process, so the final result looks effortless and complete. But for Zumba, we need to change it up often. Some people would characterize this ease as getting lazy, but really it is just the result of consistent practice and needs to be recognized by the teacher and adjusted for by adding new stuff.


It's sad to say goodbye to fun songs, but your teacher is doing right by you if they don't repeat for too long.

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After my wonderful Saturday class, I got to thinking about what takes a class from good to great. So, here is my unofficial grading scale of classes:


ok - gives a good workout, and doesn't hurt you


good - high energy and fun, and targets all the muscle groups


great - all the above, plus truly thoughtful



She told us the focus of the day was abs, and it was enlightening and amazing that we could dance for an hour and get such an abs workout at the same time without thinking about it. Not just generic "core," but real specific targeting and yet it felt like dancing at the same time.


Then our cool-down was to Taylor Swift's "Breathe", and the way she choreographed the stretches to the lyrics was exquisite. In the middle she actually stretched our sacro-iliac joint, which is what I sprained several years ago so I went "Hmm, this is great!" in my head. :)


Zumba high all weekend!

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Margaret, you are so aware of your body and the way that it moves. I can feel the dancer's soul in you when you describe movement, etc. For me, I'm a very practical and analytical Zumba student. I usually have a mental tape that says things like... well, there's my quad muscle... and, there's my transverse abdominus getting engaged...:D


We had a sub teacher for Sunday's class. There was a girl in the front row and she is, perhaps, what you would call an energetic Zumba student. Ask me if she can make me "nuts" sometimes and I would answer that she does. At one point, she actually turned to another student and asked why we were doing this particular step. I answered... to engage our gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in a way that is far more interesting than doing calf raises or squats or lunges.


I have a history with this particular student. Anita knows this story. I think that she came into MY class while I was gone on our Spring Break cruise, so when I returned to class she was in MY spot. Actually, what happened is that I came to class on the earlier side of the start time (like I usually do) and was standing in MY spot. She came in... kind of glared at me.. and squeezed into a spot that she made that was far too close to both me and the person beside me. :confused: She kind of pushed on me all through class and I know that you all know what I mean. This happened again... and again.. and again. Uh-oh. Does everyone here know how stubborn I am? Apparently, she's pretty stubborn too... but I'm can't-budge-a-boulder stubborn, so simply no contest.


on Sunday, I caught her and a few other students discussing a 60-year old instructor. I didn't know that one of the instructors that I haven't attended a class with was 60-years old, but that's pretty cool. Anyway, they were comparing her energy level with a very bouncy Zumba instructor (Melanie, for Anita's benefit). I told them that they needed to stop being amazed about the 60-year olds because, mentally, they needed to stay prepared to do Zumba way past that age point and I could say something because that instructor and I shared a decade. So, that broke the ice, so to speak, with this young lady that has been having a territorial cold war with me.


She told me that she's an energetic exerciser and that I'm an energetic exerciser and that she's so "motivated" by my ability to exercise and look younger than I am... you know sometimes there's no good way to express a compliment about what, to some, is a touchy subject. Anyway, she said that she hoped she wasn't getting in my way. We had a good discussion. It's a packed class and, of course, she's getting in my way AND I'm getting in her way. But, realistically, there's nothing we can do about it if we want to continue coming to that very popular class. It'll be interesting to see how, if anything, things change between us now that we've introduced ourselves and are no longer strangers. When you've spoken and exchanged names, you are no longer strangers. :D


I had just about rid myself of the cruise weight, and then this weekend I blew my diet. I just blew it up big... kind of gross.. and I don't know why. I didn't really even enjoy eating the huge bag of chips that I ate like... watch my dust FAST... by the handfuls. I felt gross after eating all those potatoes and oil and salt... just gross. And I had had a super healthy dinner! Grilled salmon with a mango/avocado salsa and broccoli. Super yummy. I have got to find the equivalent of chips in a healthy snack. I'm annoyed with myself this morning. I didn't even weigh, because I really don't want to know. I'll just do my Zumba week and then weigh next weekend. :mad:

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Your comment got me thinking about muscle memory, which can be great when it allows us to work harder because we know what's coming and keeps us from injury. But I know from my dance career that it can also work against you, because our bodies become more efficient doing the familiar, and then we are working less hard and burning fewer calories to boot. For dancers, this is part of the point of the rehearsal process, so the final result looks effortless and complete. But for Zumba, we need to change it up often. Some people would characterize this ease as getting lazy, but really it is just the result of consistent practice and needs to be recognized by the teacher and adjusted for by adding new stuff.


It's sad to say goodbye to fun songs, but your teacher is doing right by you if they don't repeat for too long.


I definitely can see what you're saying about not getting too lazy. I'm thinking for me though, I'm still enough of a newbie that knowing the song well makes me get a better workout since I'm not fumbling or spending time concentrating on what I'm 'supposed' to be doing, but really getting into dancing full out and enjoying it.


I have to give the Zumba instructors with the really varied playlists a lot of credit - there might be a few songs that they repeat once in a while, but the fact that they know the choreography for SO many songs impresses me.

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Margaret, you are so aware of your body and the way that it moves. I can feel the dancer's soul in you when you describe movement, etc. For me, I'm a very practical and analytical Zumba student. I usually have a mental tape that says things like... well, there's my quad muscle... and, there's my transverse abdominus getting engaged...:D


We had a sub teacher for Sunday's class. There was a girl in the front row and she is, perhaps, what you would call an energetic Zumba student. Ask me if she can make me "nuts" sometimes and I would answer that she does. At one point, she actually turned to another student and asked why we were doing this particular step. I answered... to engage our gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in a way that is far more interesting than doing calf raises or squats or lunges.


I have a history with this particular student. Anita knows this story. I think that she came into MY class while I was gone on our Spring Break cruise, so when I returned to class she was in MY spot. Actually, what happened is that I came to class on the earlier side of the start time (like I usually do) and was standing in MY spot. She came in... kind of glared at me.. and squeezed into a spot that she made that was far too close to both me and the person beside me. :confused: She kind of pushed on me all through class and I know that you all know what I mean. This happened again... and again.. and again. Uh-oh. Does everyone here know how stubborn I am? Apparently, she's pretty stubborn too... but I'm can't-budge-a-boulder stubborn, so simply no contest.


on Sunday, I caught her and a few other students discussing a 60-year old instructor. I didn't know that one of the instructors that I haven't attended a class with was 60-years old, but that's pretty cool. Anyway, they were comparing her energy level with a very bouncy Zumba instructor (Melanie, for Anita's benefit). I told them that they needed to stop being amazed about the 60-year olds because, mentally, they needed to stay prepared to do Zumba way past that age point and I could say something because that instructor and I shared a decade. So, that broke the ice, so to speak, with this young lady that has been having a territorial cold war with me.


She told me that she's an energetic exerciser and that I'm an energetic exerciser and that she's so "motivated" by my ability to exercise and look younger than I am... you know sometimes there's no good way to express a compliment about what, to some, is a touchy subject. Anyway, she said that she hoped she wasn't getting in my way. We had a good discussion. It's a packed class and, of course, she's getting in my way AND I'm getting in her way. But, realistically, there's nothing we can do about it if we want to continue coming to that very popular class. It'll be interesting to see how, if anything, things change between us now that we've introduced ourselves and are no longer strangers. When you've spoken and exchanged names, you are no longer strangers. :D


I had just about rid myself of the cruise weight, and then this weekend I blew my diet. I just blew it up big... kind of gross.. and I don't know why. I didn't really even enjoy eating the huge bag of chips that I ate like... watch my dust FAST... by the handfuls. I felt gross after eating all those potatoes and oil and salt... just gross. And I had had a super healthy dinner! Grilled salmon with a mango/avocado salsa and broccoli. Super yummy. I have got to find the equivalent of chips in a healthy snack. I'm annoyed with myself this morning. I didn't even weigh, because I really don't want to know. I'll just do my Zumba week and then weigh next weekend. :mad:



Ha, that's so funny. I have MY favorite spot too, and although I'm one of the more 'regular' regulars at the Tues/Thurs class, a lot of time it's really tight timing for me after work, and I get there just as class is starting. You enter the room at the back of the class, and I HATE to stand in the back...especially since we don't have a raised platform for the instructor in that room. So I do a lot of weaving, but really try to get closer without being obnoxious.


There is one girl that comes on Thursday that I'm pretty sure is mentally challenged...and talk about vigorous exercising! She is SO fully into it but really clears a wide area. I've been happy that she has always stayed towards the middle or back of the room...but now she's been in MY territory! :eek: Makes it interesting. she seems very sweet though, if now all arms and legs everywhere!


Oh, and potato chips...I can't even 'go there'. I have NO control with that one food.

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Hello Everyone...


I'm packing like crazy...it's a full time job...it's the kind of thing that can drive you crazy...because while you are still living in the house and dependent on the things that WILL eventually have to be packed...so you can't pack certain things until closer to the time that you are ACTUALLY moving...well...since you can't just close the book, so to speak, on various rooms...I just have to believe that I am making enough progress every day to actually get the job done by our moving date.


I've missed out on some conversation...




MY Zumba classes are a bit on the quiet side...my Curves classes were more chatty...because we had to have a break of sorts between songs in order to comply with the idea of a circuit. It's how we had permission to do Zumba instead of Zumba in the Circuit...


In my other classes...I'll talk a bit in the silence between songs...little reminders...I have a song that my ladies dubbed "Arms from hell" and so I usually say something like "Don't let your arms wiggle!" and give some other sort of pointer in the time in between...or talk encouragement...


I'm not a big shouter during class...lately though...I have been letting loose a bit more during my corporate class...especially during an especially grueling song...my routine to

(I should say Kelly's routine...) is one that kicks most people in the rear end ;)...and there are a couple spots that are fitting for a bit of verbal whooping...and a couple other songs where I chime in on the lyrics...like


I'm not a big fan of the forced party atmosphere in a Zumba class...and so I don't strive for that...but I do like chatty, helpful talking...as well as any appropriate encouraging sounds during routines.


Chelleum...Zumba classes are completely instructor dependent...it is not a regulated type of license...Les Mills classes (Body Pump, etc.) are totally prescribed by the people that created the classes...the instructor is given everything to teach and MUST use the materials given...with Zumba, the instructor can basically do whatever they want so long as their music selection falls within certain broad guidelines and their song choreography follows a formula taught in training. Instructors can choose to use one of the given choreographies (we get two different ones everyone other month)...do a combination of the two choreos...do their own choreo...OR do songs and choreo that the Zumba Office never provided.


Interesting discussion about muscle memory...I agree that you can get "lazy" with moves if you become too familiar...there is progression...you learn the routine...then you reach a point of great comfort because you really know what you are doing...if you love the song and the moves...you can stay in the comfort phase, really getting into the song and the moves...but there is a fine line between that and being TOO familiar...where you don't give it your all...especially if you are "sick of the song or moves." I like to try to pull a song before it hits that phase...and then bring it back in a rotational basis.


Like right now...for my corporate class...I really don't have the time to do new routines...I'm too busy with packing...BUT...since I have been teaching there since October...I'm pulling out oldies and goodies to spice up what we are doing and add variety. It's working well from what I can interpret.


And on the subject of territory...I went to lunch with a couple of former students last Friday...and they were talking about how many people were in the Saturday classes at the Rec Ctr with Kelly now...and one of the ladies is losing her spot...I was encouraging her to push back! LOL. It really is rough when space is limited and you have to deal with so many people.


I was telling Mom today that the thing I miss most about my Zumba schedule is the stress relief from class...in class, I don't think about anything else...I'm just into the music and the moves...and I am very present in the present...out of the house...away from "my office"...it's social...and I miss that a lot. I'm looking forward to having the Zumba community to rely on with this move...it may take a while...but I'm glad to have this as a kind of "in" to start meeting new people in a new location.

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Anita, I always find it funny about the "MY" spot. So many times I will be in a new class and I will wait until all the "MY" spots are filled to find some place to shake it. It just reminds me of the scene from West Side story with the line of guys snapping their fingers. RUMBLE over the spot. LOL. I am a front row Devo and know that due to my energy I need a little room. For the most part I have found my Zumba friends to be accomodating. Now at the convention with 10,000 of my fellow Zumba instructors I expect to be limited on space. Should be a wonderful experience.


To answer your question Anita, I live in Arvada which is on the west side of Denver proper. We are about 20 minutes to the mountains if that gives you an idea. I am about 48 days to convention and then Freedom of the seas. YEAH!

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I have my fingers crossed that we will have some Zumba on my Nov. Princess cruise - 5 sea days so I'll have to find some exercise or go bonkers.


I have a favorite spot now after about seven weeks. It's weird in my gym Zumba class because everyone hangs out on the sides until the teacher starts, so it's hard to tell whose spot is whose. When I started I tried to respect the regulars and let them get "their" spots first, but I ended up in the back with the clueless crowd. Except for the first row people, it seems very erratic so now I get there 5 mins early to be in the second row on the side. We do have one lovely lady who is at least 70 and she's a floater. I know now to avoid the left side of the room, because she is all over the place and everyone is polite and shifts around her all through class. That drives me nuts. I like to stand behind this one girl who really knows the steps and keeps her spacing consistent.


My dance classes were much more disciplined and hierarchical than this, and everyone knew the etiquette, so this seeming free-for-all has been a challenge for me to adjust to. There have been people wandering in 15-20 minutes late and squeezing in, which would never happen in a professional class. I'm good at holding my space, though, and try to be firm but polite about how much someone can crowd me. Since I can't jump I wanna move big. ;)


Since it was 95 degrees last night when I went to class, our teacher said she was going to take it easy on us so we wouldn't drop like flies. But she didn't! Sometimes a slower song can really kick your bu++.

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I'm so frustrated. I love my Zumba and the instructor we have at the gym I go to finally changed his music with some prompting but he never took the time to come up with actual routines and changes it every week. He is doing more jazz aerobics type moves and I'm sick of it. I found another class that I can stop at on my way home on Tuesdays so I can at least do it Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's.

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I'm so frustrated. I love my Zumba and the instructor we have at the gym I go to finally changed his music with some prompting but he never took the time to come up with actual routines and changes it every week. He is doing more jazz aerobics type moves and I'm sick of it. I found another class that I can stop at on my way home on Tuesdays so I can at least do it Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's.


That's SO frustrating - I guess that goes back to the recent conversation we just had here about the different reactions between struggling with choreography you don't know, the great workout you get when you know the choreography well enough to really DO it, and knowing it too well and not getting the full workout.


Would it be possible to gently let him know that it would help so much if there was more of a pattern you could follow (I say gently cause I got myself in a mess this week at work communicating my true frustration with one of my vendors, and their response was to not respond, which frustrated me even more!)


At least you have another class you can go to that's better, but that doesn't help the other days.:(


When I've been in similar circumstances I always think that I'm not required to follow the instructor exactly - and I DON'T always...especially when I know I have to lower the impact for my knees or her move is totally awkward or frustrating for me, so I change it a bit...as long as I'm moving in my space where I don't interfere with the class - we're not professional dancers trying to be totally in sync - it's supposed to be a party!:p

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When I've been in similar circumstances I always think that I'm not required to follow the instructor exactly - and I DON'T always...especially when I know I have to lower the impact for my knees or her move is totally awkward or frustrating for me, so I change it a bit...as long as I'm moving in my space where I don't interfere with the class - we're not professional dancers trying to be totally in sync - it's supposed to be a party!:p


THere are several of us older women in my class who have issues and deal with the movements accordingly. Our teacher even tells us that as long as we keep moving she doesn't mind if we do our own thing now and then. She knows I can't jump, and I'm happy that she treats us all as adults who know what we need. And I try not to make a nuisance of myself as well.


Ferguson, I can feel your frustration from here. Your teacher doesn't sound very committed to what he's doing.


We started doing JLo's On the Floor. When I first heard that song on American Idol I absolutely hated it. HATED it. But now I have to admit, it is a great Zumba song!

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I just realized we haven't seen Anita around here much and she must be in the midst of moving around now. Good luck to you, and have a wonderful fresh start! The last time I did a major move was 22 years ago exactly this time of year. We started out at 104 degrees in the shade but 4% humidity in Los Angeles and ended up in the Mid-Atlantic in the 90s for both heat and humidity. Yuck! Long showers - that's the only advice I can give:p


I don't remember if I mentioned here that my first Zumba instructor just began teaching at my gym. I started out at her class because I knew it was in a large space and I could hide in the back until I got to feeling somewhat coordinated. But when the gym I already had a membership to started offering Zumba right around when we started tightening the belt to start doing 2 cruises a year I couldn't really warrant paying for the gym AND the drop-in classes, so I took my classes at the gym.


Since she pays for her own space at the firehall, whenever the class is too small she ends up losing money, and I've been suggesting to her for a while to apply to the gym. I guess the turnout this summer has been so bad that she has been cancelling at least one class a week, so FINALLY I convinced her to apply.


2 weeks ago was her 'audition'. I was so nervous, cause it's been 8 months since I took her class and I didn't know if she'd hate the gym, wouldn't fit in, or if my memory of how good she was is because I was such a novice.


Well, she didn't disappoint. EVERYBODY said she was the best instructor they ever had, she gave a great workout, and today will be the 3rd week of taking her class (Tuesdays only). So now I get the best of both worlds - an instructor I love and don't have to pay extra...and she is making money. I know since she's paid by the class she can't keep the 'extra' she used to get when her class was full, but she also isn't in the position of having to pay more in rent than she takes in. Win-win for everyone!:D

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I have so many people I'd like to touch base with...I'm not sure where to post!


I am officially IN Georgia...I am posting from the basement of my SIL's house...DH and DS are playing an online game and I am able to do my own computer thang...


DH arrived Friday, June 29...we picked up the uHaul on June 30...it was a mess, they did not have all the supplies (blankets/dollys) that they were supposed to have...it rained...we drove around getting supplies...the moving help fell through...alternative help arrived at 4pm...at 6pm Dh and I realized that we would NOT be able to fit in the biggest...the 26' truck...despite all my efforts...and we arranged to get the biggest trailer available on short notice the next day...we slept on the floor (the mattresses were all in the truck)...and we drove away from our rental on Sunday, July 1...late...but the house was wonderfully clean...several items left behind (like the gas grill, the lawn mower, bikes, etc.) and/or given away at the very last minute to neighbors...and we made it to Lufkin, TX that night.


DH had to drive a 26' truck with a trailer on the end...


We arrived in our GA destination at a fairly decent late night hour on July 2.


We had help to unload the truck on July 3. It was accomplished in 2 hours. We fit in the basement. YAY!! And now we have been relaxing and busy being a family.


Today was an awesome Independence Day celebration.




I am amazed that the first Tuesday since March's Spring Break cruise passed without me teaching a class! :eek: I have only NOT taught on Tuesdays 4 times since October 4!! And I feel a bit out of sorts with inactivity...


Earlier was fine...Dh was into the Wimbleton broadcast and I was fixing my nails for our big anniversary celebration tomorrow...but later in the day...I couldn't believe that I wasn't doing something...I've been so busy either teaching, researching, or learning Zumba and/or packing...


SO...I weighed myself before the drive to GA...and I broke through the 160 barrier...I was 156.something and 23.something body fat...so I managed to survive the transition from teaching 9 classes weekly to suddenly teaching only 2...and I even managed to lose 4ish pounds and some body fat. I can tell you that I am almost desperate for a class right now...I NEED the FUN sweat! I haven't figured out my first class to attend around here...but I am SO looking forward to it!


My plan is to find a class or more to attend and to start to introduce myself to the local instructors and to offer myself as a sub...especially during the summer, I'm thinking that subs could be in good demand...and I think that I could put together a great playlist that would have basic moves with fun music and give everyone a great workout...isn't that Zumba? LOL!! But you KWIM...the moves would be easy to follow...with longevity in a song so that the changes weren't too fast, etc etc...


On the Floor is a great Zumba song...I did it for a warm up for a while...


That's all of the current conversation that I read...leaving tomorrow for an overnight anniversary celebration...15th! It's all a surprise...IDK what we are really doing. Hope everyone is well!

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Hello everyone!


I've been in Georgia now since Monday. We arrived in the evening. Tuesday, we had some help to unload the truck. We fit everything into the basement of my SIL's house, where I am now living in the midst of all my stuff while we wait for the house we are going to rent to become available...the current renters are being transferred to Ohio and they will be out around the end of the month. Wednesday was a family Independence Day celebration. Thursday was my anniversary celebration overnight (details are on the All things Earth thread on the Fashion board). This past weekend, we settled the basement into a livable space and unpacked the necessities.


AND I went to my first Zumba class in this area. I couldn't take not going to class any longer. I found a class near by on Saturday morning at my preferred time...9:30 am...and it even offered the first class free...yay!...and so off I went. Funny enough...the instructor was leaving that morning for a trip...and she was only there to let in the sub...not a problem. I met two instructors...introduced myself...and the one even got my information as a possible sub at her location. Awesome.


The class was good. I can tell my cardio is hurting a bit and not quite what it was. I was so happy to be moving! Working up a sweat and having fun. I didn't like a couple things she did...in the warm up...her neck warm up section included the move where you fully look at the ceiling (which is NOT a good move...you aren't supposed to hyperextend your neck like that) and also several times, during the warm up, in the middle of the class, and during the cool down...she bent over so that your head would be below heart level...I CAN NOT do this in this type of class...I have very low blood pressure and the head rush I get is HORRIBLE...so I didn't do either of those moves. Everything else was fun though.


DH brought home the info for the company facilities. They let you do a free week...and then the cost for employee and spouse is only $13 a month. They have two Zumba classes...one lunchtime and one early evening. Probably do the free week in two weeks. DH travels for the early part of next week...so the week after.


Meanwhile...DS and I are doing what we can to be active. Yesterday, we went to a local park that is HUGE for a Metro area. Over 17 miles of hiking trails...real hiking trails. We did a one mile hike to the top of the "mountain" which is about 1800 feet...800 feet above the local 1000 foot elevation of the area. Lots of trees. Lots of shade. Great views. It was a great thing to do.


Then yesterday evening...we walked more with DH in our neighborhood. So this neighborhood has trees the way that our old neighborhood had a greenbelt. And there is a gravel packed trail through the trees. Very nice. And all the hills around here! It's a whole different walking experience!


I haven't figured out today's activity yet. Something less ambitious. But something. And I have to plan my next Zumba class...


How is everyone doing?

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I have not posted on here for months, but just wanted to come back and say how much I love Zumba. I strated going one night a week and then wanted more and found out here how to find another class (thanks!) so I now go two, sometimes three times a week... still looking for the elusive Friday class which suits my schedule. I love Zumba. I go to classes with two different instructors. They each have their own style and I like that. I can't say I prefer one over the other.

So I was reading Princess does Zumba. Has anyone done this on a Princess ship? I've never been on Princess. DH loves Celebrity. We have also sailed Norwegian and Royal Caribbean and like them. For DH it has to have good food. How is the food on Princess? I like the food, shows, pools and if it has Zumba I would much prefer that than going to the gym or walking on the deck!

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So I was reading Princess does Zumba. Has anyone done this on a Princess ship? I've never been on Princess. DH loves Celebrity. We have also sailed Norwegian and Royal Caribbean and like them. For DH it has to have good food. How is the food on Princess? I like the food, shows, pools and if it has Zumba I would much prefer that than going to the gym or walking on the deck!


The feedback I've been getting about Zumba on Princess is, "it depends." It depends on the ship, on the crew, on the itinerary. Lots of variables. So far I have not been able to get a definitive answer for my particular cruise (in November). I think the exercise classes are firstly crew dependent, so if they have someone who can teach it, then it is offered, presuming they have space for it.


I haven't been on Princess in over ten years, so I cannot comment on the current state of the food. On our very first cruise (to Alaska), our table assignment was an eight that included the Food & Beverage Director and his wife, and needless to say our meals and service were exceptional. :) A rather high standard for all our subsequent ones to live up to!

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I've been in Georgia now since Monday.


AND I went to my first Zumba class in this area



I'm happy to hear that you arrived safely in Georgia. Moving - what a lot of work! I'm not surprised that you dropped some weight, congrats! And you sure didn't waste any time finding some Zumba! I missed Zumba last week, so I expect to be hurting when I return tomorrow.


Here is something I have noticed about Zumba as cross-training. DH and I love to waterski from late May through September. All winter long we go to the gym and do our cable rows and whatnot, but it is so hard to go back to skiing in the spring -- it is one of those sports that seemingly uses every single muscle in your body. This year I have had a much easier time getting back in the groove, and I think it's because of all the core work in my Zumba class. Yeah, my hands and shoulders and quads hurt, but I didn't have that all-body ache that lasts for days that I get when I usually begin the ski season. And my back feels like it's in really good shape, nice and strong.


So, just another big plus for Zumba!

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