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All things EARTH...

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Thanks Pam for guiding me to the new location. NYGirl, I'll post my Galapagos pix in the new Pictodiary thread under Friends of Cruise Critic.


Check out the July 31 post on The Vivienne Files in camel, terracotta, and blue. SO pretty. I wouldn't wear the blue she chose but I would definitely love to try it with an EARTH blue or green. Terra cotta is a yummy color if you can find it.

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Margaret, I love the terra cotta color. I grab it whenever I find it. It's one of of those colors that looks great on any earth toned person, in my opinion.


I need to go over and check out the Vivienne files. They keep me inspired, even if I don't like a particular color or style being shown. It's food for thought.

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Since I don’t have any Vogue photos to share this month, here are some pictures of my recent back-to-school purchases. I was very focused on filling some holes in my wardrobe with things appropriate for both work and play, and I think I did a pretty good job. I have plenty of winter and summer clothes so I was also targeting seasonal transition pieces. Our fall and spring weather can go from hot to cold in a blink, and also it feels weird to be wearing darker winter clothes on a 70 degree October day, or a 50 degree day in May.


This top from TJMaxx looks nice with a jacket or sweater for work, or on its own for play. I like that the colors are seasonless and go with a lot of things I have already:



I ruined the shirt that goes with my champagne sweater, so I found this to replace it. It is from White House Black Market, a store I haven’t looked at in years because nothing would fit. Although it isn’t exactly what I wanted, I do like it a lot:



Here it is with the sweater:



I wanted a plain chocolate brown top that was dressy enough for work, not a t shirt (also from TJMaxx):



I was keeping my eye out for other champagne colored options, and I found this sweater at TJMaxx that will look great with my patterned jeans, but will also be ok for work on a cold day if I dress it up:



I have to say, I love Calvin Klein but they’re so expensive, and the fabrics can be very delicate. So, I’m always happy to find something CK at TJMaxx that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and isn’t black or white. I have very few sweaters left, and most of them are ver y heavy. So I like this one because it is super light and I can layer it over a tank for now, and over something heavier later in the season. Also, I think the color combo of gold and tan will work year-round:


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I needed a nightie, and Soma has this one in brick red! Perfect:



Finally, I wanted solid color tops that I could wear under a jacket but would still cover my shoulders if I took it off. I couldn’t decide which color so I bought them both. On sale, $20 each at Nordstrom! I’ve already worn the purple one:







You can see I have a hi/low approach to my clothes. Sometimes I’ll be wearing a pair of $20 pants from Target with my Coach bag. I don’t care, as long as I look good! And it’s EARTH.

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Margaret, you found some good things!


I look forward to this time of the year, because even though many stores are putting out fall colors, they are also still producing some warmer weather items. If I am able to find something in our colors that is still summery, I grab it.


Then, once I start shopping for regular fall clothes, we get all those great colors too.


I'm learning to open my eyes more, especially where purple is concerned. I am hit or miss with teal, It just seems to be affected so much by lighting, don't you think? I do want to expand though so that I have a nice variety of things.


I am not a reality show person at all. As a matter of fact, I watch little TV other than NCIS, which I love. However, I've recently become very intrigued by "Say Yes to the Dress". It's amazing how much you start paying attention to body shapes, and what looks the best. I see a lot of softer whites in addition to the bright whites, but it seems the warmer shades are still a bit slow to catch on.


If I were to pick a wedding dress all over again, the first thing I'd do is tell myself to not worry about what other people expect or want. The dress is the one thing that states your personality. The next thing is find a warmer color. I love the shimmery soft gold that you can sometimes find.


I was married very young (19) and wore a dress that someone had found in their attic, I kid you not. When I married my current husband 6 years ago, I was so concerned that people would think that I shouldn't do this, shouldn't do that, etc. because I had been married before and I was now in my 40's. With all that being said, I loved my wedding dress, and still do. I just wish I had approached the process with less reservations.

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Nice shopping Margaret! I love the shopping to fill a hole in the wardrobe. So purposeful. And when you complete the goal...so satisfying!! It's almost better than shopping for full on outfits, etc., because you were missing something, when you find it, you started wearing it right away. Contrast to the outfit for that one occasion that isn't here yet...and you're waiting to wear your new purchases because you don't want to wear them before that new occasion...not quite as much fun to me.


I am slowly fitting back into my clothing. SO slowly. BUT...it is happening for sure and is very exciting. I was just talking to Mom about how I have all these great clothes for our Spring Break cruise next year...some of which, I have never worn, and I'm so excited to get there. I've been on my own personal reset program now for a week and I'm down 12 pounds, which is mostly water...I know...but I was retaining a ton of water...OBVIOUSLY!...it's just what my body type does...and I've done it forever. There was a big drop at the beginning and now I have steadily been losing up to a pound a day. Once I can fit back into my clothes, I'll be able to have some fun with my wardrobe again. I'm very excited!


The fact is that I really edited my clothing in a huge way before we moved. And then I gained weight and have refused to buy any more clothing that wasn't exercise related (yoga pants, etc.). So this is all working together to really inspire and motivate me to keep after it and just get myself back into shape.


Laura, I think the lighting makes a huge difference. I've been on the phone with Mom before, telling her that I bought a great green skirt and then see that it's brown in daylight. :confused:


Since my reset diet is based on body typing...I have been paying more and more attention to body shapes. I slowly have over the years. I just saw a commercial with Beyonce? I think? It's for some new 2 step lip color...anyway, she is wearing a white dress that hugs her curves...and she's got some curves...very hippy...and wow...she looks fabulous. I think to myself...perfection is really overrated.


And what is perfect anyway? My guilty pleasure show is "America's Next Top Model" and I have heard them say more than once how a girl is just pretty but doesn't have the unique character of face to really make photographs more interesting. It's the flaws that go against perfection that add interest.


It's like the old saying, if you've got it...flaunt it! Got a sweet booty? Show. It. Off. It's the trap of comparisons that can make someone not feel so good about how they look. You have to dress for your best self and be happy.

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Anita, you've made many great points. In my mind, I kept thinking that I couldn't look attractive if I was heavy, so I went with all the cliche' type clothing that did nothing for me. I didn't like them, they didn't like me.


I've learned that we all have things that are wonderful about us, and when we are happy with ourselves, it shows. What a difference that makes.


I'm very much enjoying the journey.


It's very interesting that someone my daughter may think is beautiful, I do not think of that way. I often think it has more to do with what we wished we looked like.


I am very focused on trying to be me, on trying to look my best, but it's coming from the inside out these days.

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After much deliberation on where we could go for a long weekend, we actually decided to fly down to Miami to take a 3 day getaway cruise on Majesty. I'm so excited!


Work has been pretty rough lately, with more than enough extra hours for the entire year.


Seeing that there is no formal night on a short cruise, I got to thinking if I would bring a cocktail length dress instead. I always wear a dress every night, and love it. However, a 3 day may turn out to be so informal that I would look odd. I have decided that I may take more casual dresses. I don't know if everyone would agree that they're casual, but at least they aren't glittery or long.


I'm not buying anything new.


Here is a dress I really like. I just want to point out that this is incredibly earthy looking. That's a chocolate brown with the burnt orange.




Here is another one, that I think some may say is not casual, because the fabric is that satiny stretch type fabric. Believe it or not, it is something I want to wear to work, but worry it might be a bit much. Many of my co-workers wear things like this all the time, but I don't wear this style for work so hence the concern.




I'm unsure about the third dress, but I have a pretty jersey dress in a color called ginger that is a great earth tone. I'll have to take a picture of it.


My main issue is that even though all are great colors, the color block and brown sheath have higher necklines, so they could look much better.


Of course, you know what's up next...the jewelry. I just love a statement necklace. :D

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Oh, Laurie, how fun for you! You’ll have to let me know how you like the shortie cruise. I have been thinking of taking one out of NY just to have a quick getaway, but I don’t know anyone who’s done one. BTW I love that red color block dress. I know what you mean about some things not having everything you want, but sometimes we’re allowed to pick something just for fun, right? That dress has fun all over it! I can’t wait to see what jewelry you pick for it.


I’ve been thinking about what you said about fashion’s narrow views about what is attractive that we absorb along the way, and that we all have things that are wonderful about us that we should appreciate. Sometimes it pisses me off that my husband can get dressed in the morning and not think about whether his pants make his butt look big, or whether his shirt would look better if it were an inch longer or shorter. I mean, I know there are women who get dressed in the morning with the same attitude, but I don’t think I could ever be one of them. I think early on I learned from my mother’s example that I was not good enough just as myself, even though I can truly see beauty in everyone else. I am always my own harshest judge, though I think I’m getting better about it since I quit the dance biz.


Laurie, I am so looking forward to seeing the clothes for fall. If what I saw at L&T is any indication, we will have lots of things to choose from in terms of color, especially browns and oranges. I actually have an easier time with teal than purple because of my eye color. The right teal makes my eyes pop, and the wrong ones make them look dull (usually because it is not muted enough). With purple and red I really need to just focus on what it does to my skin. I forget who on the FIRE board was saying she was drawn to the darker colors in their palette, and I think I am that way too. I have gone out on a ledge with a pale peachy/pink top, but since it is a size down I haven’t worn it yet.


Anita, I was thinking a lot about body types while I was shopping, and thinking about shape. You can see that my new tops are mostly on the longer side, which is a better balance for me. I feel like I’ve purged a lot of clothes lately, things that I put on and then take off in favor of something else. I think -- why don’t I like this? – and it’s almost always because the proportion is off (now that I’m getting better about color). Especially with things that I pulled out of storage, I look and go wrong, wrong, wrong!


I’ve been a little frustrated with myself this summer because I haven’t lost any weight, mostly because of house guests and a lack of routine. I missed Zumba for two weeks in a row, and right after I went back to it I strained my back skiing so I’m on the DL for a while. I am trying to shut the voice in my head and just enjoy the remainder of my summer break. I was so hoping to go back to work in a smaller size, though. And I dropped my cell phone in the lake and lost my calorie counter with all the data in it. Duh.


Way to go Anita on the 12 pounds. A pound a day??!!?? I’m lucky if I can lose a pound a week. You go girl.

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Margaret, I had this huge reply all typed up yesterday, and I hit a wrong button somewhere. I hate it when I do that!


I've been on a 4 day cruise before, and very much enjoyed it. Generally, the shorter the trip, the older the ship. But you know what, that really works well. RCI keeps up their ships very well, and I find that we get to the know the staff so much better. It's very enjoyable.


When we planned for our last cruise, it was for 7 nights and I had never vacationed that long before. It made me realize that there were certain things in my wardrobe that I didn't have enough of. When you are home, you can do a few loads of laundry every day. It was a very different experience, planning for two formal nights and so forth.


What I am liking a lot about this trip is that we are going in just a few months, and I can use what I have easily. The hardest part will be deciding which dress to wear and so forth. It should be easy, but it's not! I love that brown sheath so much, I know I want to bring that for sure. My red dress from my last cruise is really calling me, and I'm hoping I won't be bloated funny this time when I wear it, lol. But then if I bring that, I have to leave either the color block maxi or the ginger dress at home. Now I'm looking at other dresses too. Boy!


I'm giving a ton of thought to what necklace would go with the color block dress. I already have a few ideas for the brown dress, and it will just be a matter of what kind of effect I want to have. The color block dress is a bit harder for me. My daughter and I are going to look at the dresses and necklaces that I have tonight to get some ideas. I love that she is game about all these things. I told her that when she is fully settled at her job down the road, we are going to take a girls' getaway cruise together. She is excited about that.


The whole family is very psyched about our cruise planned for May of 2014. The girls haven't cruised in quite some time.


I love that I'm learning to fine tune my clothing. When I have the right thing on, it just feels so good. The color block dress is a good example of buying something that you like that isn't perfect though. High neckline, and wrong hemline. I will likely take it though. I even was thinking it would be so comfy on the plane and I wouldn't need to change when arriving in Miami.


This is fun!!!!

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Thanks Margaret. It's just water. I have that body type that retains water like you can't even imagine. What is great is that I can measure the difference...that's how bad it is. *sigh* And now that I've gotten the excess water off...I'm working on actual fat.


My main problem right now is managing my stress levels. I'm not a relaxation person...I actually don't really know how to relax very well. One thing I read for me was that I should purpose to have time to waste. And I have to say that the idea of that is like :eek:. I have a hard time just watching television. I always want to be DOING something, preferably productive and as such my mind is constantly going. This is my big challenge right now and I recognize that until I learn how to deal with this...every other effort is pretty pointless.


Laurie...your November weekend cruise sounds like fun! I've been thinking about these lately. My SIL lives in St. Petersburg and they seem to have shorter cruises out of Tampa sometimes. We are about to end our Disney extravaganza with our last weekend trip this Labor Day. The fact is that some of those cruise deals are definitely cheaper than a weekend at Disney. I'd love to hear all about your experience on the ship.


I remember that Debbie took a fast cruise out of NOLA I think? I think it only went to Cozumel and back? She loved it. I think I might be close enough to some of the ports to take advantage of some of these shorter cruises.

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Anita, I used to have a similar personality. Since my job began to be more and more demanding though, I have been teaching myself the benefit of down time. I have much more appreciation for the little things.


My daughters were getting older and more independent. I was filling my time with my job, but I felt rather empty.


I know that reading is "doing something" but the year before last, I asked for a Nook for Christmas. I had stopped reading books a long time ago. I didn't have time, all sorts of reasons. Then, the few times I tried to sit down and read, I found it difficult to do with bifocals.


My Nook took care of all of my excuses. I never forgot what page I was on, and I could enlarge the font.


Overall though, I am slowly changing, and trying to balance things out more.


I went on a 4 day cruise before, but we had extended the vacation with a full day at The Kennedy Space Center. This is truly a short vacation for us this time. If I could drive to the port, I'd do these all the time!!

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A few things worth mentioning:


There is a formal night on a 3 night cruise. I debated if I should take a short dress or a long one. My husband asked me to wear my new long red dress, so I will be bringing that.


I also thought I was going to Nassau for one day and that was it. We will actually be in Cococay one day as well.


I am still debating on what to wear the other two nights, but I think the brown satin type dress for DressBarn is definitely making the trip.

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I picked these up the other day. I used to have a pair that were golden but every time I thought to wear them...they just seemed too light. I really needed a brown or bronze pair. I gave the gold ones to Mom (she has between the toe issues though so I don't think she's wearing them.) Anyway...I've been surprised at how much I've worn my cheap orange sandals from Target so I'm believing these will be another great addition.




Laurie...I love to read. My big reading problem is the second wind. If I get caught up in the book then I can be up all night. I've been reading into the wee hours of the morning since middle school at least. So not too relaxing. I have been loving my kindle for reading...mostly because I can get new books so fast. Love the online library!


I've been getting back into my cross stitch. I can recognise when I get too tired when I do that.


I think you should definitely wear your red formal on your November cruise. I know you love it. Just be that woman in the red dress! You are totally hot in that dress...I just bet your DH wants to admire you in that dress in the cruise setting. Oh yeah. What necklaces are you debating?


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2

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It is so much fun reading about your planning for your cruise. I agree with Anita about the red dress; I think I posted on the other thread about wearing what you felt like. Sometimes, I think of us as just WARM ladies and ignore that you guys are over "here" and we are over "there" and I get the threads confused.


Anyway, I want to see your necklaces! I've been stumbling all over the internet lately and I saw an article about the best necklaces to go with different necklines. I just that... Laurie has that down.. and didn't bother to read the article because I'm not much of a necklace wearer. Maybe I'm not much of a bracelet wearer either. I don't know; those pieces just make me feel all "twitchy," or something. I love earrings; and I love rings... but necklaces and bracelets are a puzzle to me, how much they get in my way!


BUt.... Anita, those gold sandals have been so great! I wear them all the time. I was going to ask you if you thought that the toe-thing doesn't bother me with them because they're a 1/2-size bigger than I usually wear? Should I try another pair in that slightly bigger size? Or is it the construction around the heel? Because I can totally stand the toe ring in that sandal style and you KNOW how much I can't tolerate that ick between my toes!!! Weird.

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I have so much fun with this. I really, really enjoy putting outfits together. Some work better than others, but that is all part of the process.


I hope to take a few pictures this weekend of some of the ideas I have. I think I have the perfect necklace for my brown dress.


I can't wait to get the red dress situated with the adjustments. I loved the dress the moment I saw it, and I was so excited to still feel that way when I tried it on. It goes back to some of the things that Anita was talking about - perception, and what is pretty and what is perfect. I really braced myself for envisioning myself in the dress, and not a model. I didn't want that letdown feeling. It turned out to be a great dress, and with the adjustments it is getting, it really will be a great dress.


It's funny in a way that the brown dress would likely be something that another person would wear on formal night. I have no objections to that - I certainly think that our personalities come into play. For me, I love to dress nice on a cruise.


That brings me to my next point. I'm thinking that the last night I have available should belong to the other red dress, the shorter one. I have to think about that bit though.


My color block maxi may be my night in Miami dress! I had some thoughts on actually wearing it out of Syracuse, but doing what I need to in order for it to feel right in November for the flight out. It's likely to be cold here. I may just put the outfit together for you guys, and see what you think.


I still get the fun of planning the daytime outfits, and figuring all that.

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My color block maxi may be my night in Miami dress! I had some thoughts on actually wearing it out of Syracuse, but doing what I need to in order for it to feel right in November for the flight out. It's likely to be cold here. I may just put the outfit together for you guys, and see what you think.


Laurie, I hear you about this idea! I had the same idea for the flight I'm taking to Hawaii; I thought that it would be perfect to just get dressed in a maxi dress that would be tropical and beachy feeling. Then, I realized that I couldn't do that because I've GOT to wear my walking/travel/almost hiking type shoes because of my luggage packing situation. Unfortunately, a beautiful tropical maxi dress just doesn't look quite "right" with heavy duty walking shoes! LOL.


So, I'm having to change my direction and dress from the ground up. I will, however, take my maxi dress and those gold sandals that Anita bequeathed me and change as soon as possible once we arrive.


I hope your flight dressing is easier! Waiting patiently for your pictures. I'm hovering over CC today because Anita is on the road to Disney and the weekend is stretching in front of me....

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Laurie, I can't wait to see pictures of you in your long red dress. It's fun to follow your packing decisions and hear about your trip. I'm like you, I love the opportunity to get really dressed up on a cruise, and I love to plan what I'm going to wear. Have you decided about taking that other red dress too? I love that one on you.


I don't know why, but I just can't travel in a dress. Have you thought about wearing tights and flats, and just taking off the tights when you get to FL?


Anita's mom, if you come across the article about necklaces and necklines, can you post it here? I have to admit that I need to try necklaces on before knowing what will work, so if there is a formula I'd love to know what it is. Don't you have a cruise coming up soon too?

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Hello everyone! I have batteries for the camera, and I'm back!


It's been one of those weekends where I'm all over the place.


I took lots of pictures. Some are not very good, but I always have trouble when I take pictures in my bedroom. It's just hard to lug things up and down the stairs, so bear with me a bit.


First, here is a reminder of the formal night dress, and the necklace I plan to wear with it:






The dress is coming up at the shoulders, and the lower part of the dress is being taken in.


Our weather here in the Syracuse area is very fickle in November. It could be anywhere from 35 to 65. I have been thinking that unless it's unusually warm, I will wear some sort of suitable traveling outfit, and change when I get to the hotel. If there are no delays, we should be there by 3:00 or 3:30. This is the maxi dress I will change into. I can wear comfy flat sandals with this, so my feet won't be hurting as I stroll around Miami. I posted a link that shows this dress better, but it is a burnt orange/red color, with a nice warm brown.



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I took a bunch of pictures, not realizing my camera setting was off. They are a blurry mess, so I will need to retake them. Here is my Miami dress next to the dress I will likely wear on the last night. I wish the other pictures weren't so bad, but I will retake them tomorrow. You can sort of see the necklace I think I'm wearing with it:





Here are some of my options for the 1st night's dinner. This is the one night where I'm on the fence a bit. I have mostly more casual dresses in this grouping, and that red dress I'm fond of. I have other options, but these are the ones that stood out to me.



The dress on the far end is in a color called ginger. I was thinking that it is dressy, without being over the top for the first night when most people show up in the dining room wearing shorts. But, that red dress...it just calls to me.

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Here are a few possibilitiesfor my sail away outfit. It's casual and easy to wear, and with the straighter skirts, they won't fly up on me!



The color is a brownish black in that shirt, but it really seems to cool down the outfit. the neckline makes it hard to wear a necklace, but I will have fun picking a bracelet and earrings if I wear this.


For the next one, I think this may be a bit more likely. This is a great shirt. I wear it under jackets at work, but it is a touch of dressiness to a casual weekend outfit.



I'm sure I'd find jewelry for this one too! Right now, I'm narrowing down the outfits, then I will choose the jewelry. It is less chaotic that way for me.

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Here are just a few random daytime possibilities. We are in Cococay one day, and then in Nassau. I want to look nice so I will definitely add a necklace, but I don't want anything too fussy.







Some other top options. The one on the right I really like, but it doesn't travel well.



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Here's a way to change out that potential sail away outfit. Keep the off white skirt, but warm up the top:




And a great necklace for this is:



And I have to share this link, because I think this is really cute, and it's already been ordered. I think it would look great with the red v neck and shorts, and it's fun!



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Here is another option for a shirt to wear with one of my pairs of shorts. This is a really cute top.




And here are some better pictures of the necklaces, but not much better. :( My camera settings were toyed with, so I need to go in and makes some changes. They are at least better than some of the pictures I took yesterday.


These would work with the maxi. The one on the left is long. The one on the right I really like...it enhances without competing. There is something about the style of the maxi that makes choosing jewelry a bit tougher for me.




Here are options for the brown dress. The necklace on the left is the one I was leaning towards. A lot of different jewelry items work with the dress, but they all add a different feel. It's an interesting process.



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