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All things EARTH...

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It's interesting, Anita. We are 15 degrees at the moment, and that is warm compared to most of this week so far. I find myself always feeling cold, and not wanting to go outside except to go to and from work. It's frustrating because even though I keep myself busy and there is always plenty to do around the house, I don't feel active. It is driving me nuts. I am hoping that before the cruise arrives, we will have a decent span of time for some better weather. That can only be good, because we will be at the Erie Canal Park walking. My favorite walk is down to the aqueducts and back. That is 3 miles roundtrip, and very easy to do as it is nice and flat. You get good exercise without hurting the knees or being rough on my asthma.


I know what you mean about the whole pre-menopausal thing. At 49, I'm getting more than my share of hot flashes (I could use more at the recent time, with this cold weather) and bloating.


If you have what you need, then you sound ready to go! I tend to retain water as a cruise wears on - I hope that isn't an issue for you. When most people talk about leaving their looser clothing for later in the cruise, I do also, but for different reasons. I am pretty active on a cruise, even sea days. I'd rather walk than take the elevators and so forth. It's that darned water retention.


I'm still debating my dresses, but I know I have plenty of time to decide. Sometimes, I'm too cold to try on outfits that are sleeveless or light weight!

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You're so right, we're all different but alike in so many ways. I don't have a cruise planned this year. We usually cruise with the DS at spring break or in the summer. But, he's a college freshman now and only gets a week off. It's just too much trouble to fly off somewhere and cruise when you only have 5 days. We live in CA so unless we go to Mexico (which we've done a lot), we'd have to fly somewhere and then fly back. There's not enough time. The DS is 18 now and will be coming home for spring break...he was going to go to Cabo with his frat brothers but at the last minute got home sick (He's at the University of Arizona) and wants to come see his old BFFs, girlfriend, and us. Yea! He'll be home in two weeks! Yea!:D


I do have a trip planned to go home to visit the folks in FL for Easter. But clothing isn't an issue as I leave clothes there so I can travel light (something I don't do on cruises...LOL!). Also, one of my girlfriends wants to meet in New York City in Oct. for a few days, so I might get a few new things for that. We're also going to do a family vacation this summer...probably in Cabo at the SIL's timeshare condo. The DS wants to go back there and take his girlfriend and one of his old high school chums. But alas, no cruise plans...:(


I hope all of you have awesome cruises! I love the clothes I've seen on this thread. You all have great taste!;)


Menopause, been there done that! So glad I'm done with it. Hang in there ladies...it does end! And yes, I had my miracle boy late in life...48 to be exact. He's our only child. He and the DH are the loves of my life!:D

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Ugh, I hate water retention. I'm only 29, but for no apparent reason lately my feet have been swelling up -- it's hard to squeeze them into my boots if I have to go out, so annoying.


Cruise has been finalized -- we leave on April 6. I'm thinking of getting in some regular exercise for the next month, at least -- I don't need to lose weight, but I'm a bit flabby, if that makes sense. Too much time on the computer.


On the bright side, I found a nice earth-y bathing suit -- warm browns and beige.

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I turn 42 on the 25th!! I don't have to deal with hot flashes...I get to deal with hormonal imbalance and fluctuation issues. So not fun.


I think the hardest thing for me in dealing with this cold weather is the lack of wardrobe for it. I thought that living in the South would still be warmer like Texas...but it isn't. There are seasons here and I don't have the wardrobe for seasons. It took some time, but I finally had it in Colorado and Kansas...and then, moving further and further south...DFW and then Houston...and knowing my colors...I got rid of most of my cold weather clothes.


And I haven't bought that many because I haven't wanted to buy much in this current size...and so I struggle a bit more than I would if I were to just deal with it and buy some proper clothing. But the odd thing is that most of the people I see seem to be in denial about what the weather really is. Or they figure that the time they spend outside is so minimal, they don't really dress for the cold. For me...if the weather is in the 30s...I wear socks, KWIM? I don't wear flats with no socks...etc...and I see things like this...Mom's without a decent coat, etc. Meanwhile...I've dug out my ski jacket, hat, gloves... I'm feeling relatively warm and they are standing with arms crossed and shoulders in their ears because they are so cold...I don't get it.


Today, I get to go stand out in the cold for 2 hours. I'm training to be a docent at a local historical house and gardens. Today is plant identification day...ugh...and it's WINDY! I hate that! I hope the rain holds off. High of 46...I'm so sick of the cold.


Yay Molly on your cruise date! I disembark on April 5...what cruise are you taking?


mousey...in what area of CA do you live? That is my home state...I grew up in the SF Bay Area and only left when I went to college. I haven't been back in many years. I've been thinking about a trip out there...DS has never been. I still can't believe I live on the opposite coast now...:eek:

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A nice EARTH bathing suit is a good score indeed.


Hot flashes are terrible. But, just as bad is that my temperature doesn't regulate well, so if I get cold I stay cold a long time, and if I overheat it's very hard to cool off. In the summer I actually carry in my purse a folding fan that I got in Chinatown. Subway stations can be awfully hot.


It was 12 degrees again when I woke this morning. Yeesh. For us, this would be a very cold day in January, but for March it's just ridiculous. Everyone seems to be in horrible moods waiting for spring to come, and student attendance is just terrible.


Except for the actual packing, I have a pretty short to-do list. I pick up my dress on Saturday. :) I'm still looking for earrings to go with my short formal, but I have a place in mind to look. I have a pair of low wedge-heeled tan sandals that I bought at Christmas that I was thinking to bring, so I wore them around the house to break them in a bit and the strap broke! So I have to pick them up from the shoe-guy and then give them another test-drive. This weekend DH has to work so I'm going to practice with my hair again. I'm on the fence about my travel outfit, but since the weather has so much to do with it I may wait until last minute to decide.


Anita, if you want my red dress for your cruise, send me an email.


Two weeks from today = vacation.:D

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I turn 42 on the 25th!! I don't have to deal with hot flashes...I get to deal with hormonal imbalance and fluctuation issues. So not fun.


I think the hardest thing for me in dealing with this cold weather is the lack of wardrobe for it. I thought that living in the South would still be warmer like Texas...but it isn't. There are seasons here and I don't have the wardrobe for seasons. It took some time, but I finally had it in Colorado and Kansas...and then, moving further and further south...DFW and then Houston...and knowing my colors...I got rid of most of my cold weather clothes.


And I haven't bought that many because I haven't wanted to buy much in this current size...and so I struggle a bit more than I would if I were to just deal with it and buy some proper clothing. But the odd thing is that most of the people I see seem to be in denial about what the weather really is. Or they figure that the time they spend outside is so minimal, they don't really dress for the cold. For me...if the weather is in the 30s...I wear socks, KWIM? I don't wear flats with no socks...etc...and I see things like this...Mom's without a decent coat, etc. Meanwhile...I've dug out my ski jacket, hat, gloves... I'm feeling relatively warm and they are standing with arms crossed and shoulders in their ears because they are so cold...I don't get it.


Today, I get to go stand out in the cold for 2 hours. I'm training to be a docent at a local historical house and gardens. Today is plant identification day...ugh...and it's WINDY! I hate that! I hope the rain holds off. High of 46...I'm so sick of the cold.


Yay Molly on your cruise date! I disembark on April 5...what cruise are you taking?


mousey...in what area of CA do you live? That is my home state...I grew up in the SF Bay Area and only left when I went to college. I haven't been back in many years. I've been thinking about a trip out there...DS has never been. I still can't believe I live on the opposite coast now...:eek:




We did it the opposite way, I'm originally from FL where I lived in Tampa until I was 8 and then moved to Miami where I met the DH, who is from upstate New York and was attending Dade Jr. College, South. We left FL to go to San Francisco State. Loved that school! Go Gators!!! We lived in San Francisco for about 2 1/2 years before we moved to LA after graduation. The DH is a songwriter so LA is the place for him. We've been here (in CA)since the summer of 1972. We mostly lived in West Hollywood but now we live in Malibu up in the Santa Monica Mountains. We were down by the beach for a while but it wasn't very kid friendly so when the DS was 4 (he's 18 and at the U of Arizona) we moved up into the mountains and we love it here. Where exactly are you living now? You said the South, one of my BFFs lives in a suburb outside Atlanta, GA, are you near there?

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Margaret, I'm a bit like you in the sense that when I get cold, I stay cold. It was -3 when I left this morning, and I'm still not warm. Most of my hot flashes are at night, but as long as we don't keep the heat up too high, I'm okay. However, when the warmer weather comes, I think I'm going to melt. :eek:


Generally, there isn't much chance of wearing shorts or floods until about May around here. That won't be consistent either. One year, it snowed on Mother's Day. That was just the worst thing!


I have to wear socks to bed, or my feet get cold even if the rest of me doesn't. If my feet get cold, then I'm hopping out of bed all night with foot cramps.


I'm wearing a long sleeved knit shirt with a long sleeved fleece pullover at the moment....jeans, warm socks, slippers....


The thing with hormones is that when you start going through your change, your hair and skin get drier, and I was already experiencing those things with the hypothyroidism. I have to use regular moisturizer on my face right now, and sometimes the skin still gets flaky. Yuck. I can't wait for it to warm up!


Let's see....Margaret is up first for her cruise, then Molly then Anita, right? I won't be too far back! I think I'm 11 weeks out right now.


Earthy bathings suits are a true rarity. I just got a new one, and I'm so glad I did. It's ivory, gold and brown with some black, but the warm colors seem to dominate. I have a thing about animal prints, even though I don't wear them much. I will take a picture as soon as I can. I'm hoping to start working on outfits this weekend, so I should be taking a lot of pictures. The sad thing is digging everything out, then having to put it all back away since I still need all my fleece and heavy sweaters out, lol.

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Where exactly are you living now? You said the South, one of my BFFs lives in a suburb outside Atlanta, GA, are you near there?


Hey mousey,


I'm very private about my exact location...just because...but yes, I am near there. If you want to talk to me in more detail, you can email me at cc anita latte at gmail dot com.:)


Margaret...you've got mail!


I haven't NOT worn slippers in...IDK...and mine are significant slippers...they are like bootie slippers. And I wear socks with them...it's why I say...I almost can't wrap my head around this vacation and the anticipated difference in temperature...it might take me a day or two to thaw out!

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We are all getting close! Now, it is decent outside today, mid 30s. I'm hearing that it is going to get colder again, and then...maybe a storm this week? If we end up in the path of it, we get a foot or more of snow. I guess it's a bit early to tell though.


I feel ready, overall. I do want to get things out tomorrow as planned, and just line things up a bit. I think one of my big questions is which dresses to bring. I have some that I have picked out for sure, but there are a few nights in question. I might even use shoes to decide, since I was worried about bringing too much.

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I can't wait to see all the photos of your clothes!:D


I don't have a cruise planned as the DS is in college now and he doesn't have time for a spring break cruise (he's coming home for spring break...yea!) and it's not worth the time and money to take a short one. :( But, we are probably going to Cabo with him this summer so I'll be gearing up for that soon. I'm going to have the DS show me how to post pictures so I can share my outfits too! Right now I'm just living vicariously through all of you and your cruises and outfits! LOL! I do have a two week trip planned to visit the folks in FL coming up the first week of April that I'm looking forward to...but I won't be buying any new clothes for that trip. Keep the photos coming...I love them!:D

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Mousey, do you cruise at other times without your son? In 2012, we went to the Grand Canyon for my husband's 50th birthday. It was the first time we traveled without either of our girls, other than a few weekend trips. Last year, we went on Freedom in February, without our daughters as well. It has taken me a bit to get used to.


I love that we are all traveling together in May, as it is the first time in a while. We are learning to enjoy the trips that are just us as well. It's quite a transition.


My younger daughter, Alyssa, is in her final year of college. She is currently in an internship in Albany with the state assembly. She will be home for break in a week, and we are so excited. She came home for a weekend a few weeks back, and the previous month, we went to visit her. With the weather, we haven't seen each other as much as we would like. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive, which isn't bad.

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Yes, we are so close. I am excited that Margaret is sending me her dress!


We had a high today of 66. And sunny. It's been so long since we've had weather that makes you want to get outside...we went on a walk at the historic house and gardens that I've been training at to become a docent...ANYWAY...I was wondering how I would really feel. I wore my typical...shorts, a tank, and a hoodie...with socks and shoes. In the sun, I MIGHT have felt slightly overly warm...but as soon as I hit the shade...I was totally comfortable. And thankful for the long sleeves...


Just some more information for me for wardrobe planning.


mousey...there are two ways to add photos to your posts here on cruise critic. I don't know if you've cruised around enough to see the two different ways. One way is when the photo appears in a smaller version in the post...I think there is a black box around it?...and you can click on it and make it bigger. The second way is when the photo appears much bigger in the post...and you can't click on it.


I don't recommend the first methodology because I don't know how you could ever remove those photos in the future if you decided that you wanted to...but I'm very safety conscious regarding some aspects of the internet world. If you are posting only photos of clothing (and not yourself), I don't think it's a big deal. When you hit the reply to thread button...and the new window opens for you to type your reply...see the button above that box for typing that looks like a safety pin? Click on that. A pop up window appears. Click the Choose File button...and then work your way through your computer's folders to the file that is the picture that you want to post. You will upload the photo to cruisecritic. Cruisecritic now stores that photo somewhere. The link to where cruisecritic stores the file appears in your post. When people click on the link, the allowable size of the file appears for us to see...so that we don't have to try to see all that detail in the small picture allowed in the post itself.


To use the second methodology, you need to have a separate online, internet based storage place for the photo. A long time ago, I started using Photobucket for this purpose. There are many sites available though. Most are free. A word of caution...beware of the user names that you select...because sometimes this name is included in the "properties" of your photographs. If you use your real name when you create the account...it's possible for people to see your real name when you link photographs you have uploaded to that account. So you might want to think of a good first and last pseudonym for your username when you create the account. You will have to go through the process of uploading photos to that other site before you link them to cruisecritic. Once you do...there will be a way for you to share photos in that other site...generally this gets you a URL address. When you have a URL address...back in cruisecritic, you click on the picture that looks like 2 mountains with a moon in the corner. A pop up window appears where you can paste the URL address. This inserts a code that you can see in the box where you type a post. If you hit the button marked Preview Post, then you will be able to see that the photo will show up properly when you hit Submit Reply.


I don't know if you have read through all the color related threads but we have all talked to each other to tutor each other on how to post photos. Let us know if you have more questions. I hope this info helps!

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I just had this big post and poof! It was gone. That is one thing I hate about my laptop...I'm always doing that! I guess I start new.


I had all sorts of things out today. I will start with dresses today, and post day time outfits tomorrow.


Here are the two dresses I definitely plan to bring for formal night. I wish I could get better pictures, but the lighting is so bad in my room.




Here are two dresses that I definitely plan to bring with me as well:




Here are two more that are definitely in the running. I'm not certain yet though. I think the brown dress would be really nice for when we go to Chops.




Where do I go from here? Those last two are not definites. Here are some other options:





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I also looked at jewelry and shoe options with each. In these following pictures, I went with necklaces that I liked. I didn't include any earrings, bracelets or rings in the pictures.






How about a different necklace with the brown dress? It changes the whole look, actually.




You've seen this one already, but I will re-post:



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Here are some thoughts on the red dress, if I decide to bring this one. This has been worn on my last two cruises. I'm rather partial to it. Red has this effect on me. I can't really describe it, but there is something about it that I am drawn to, and it is a great confidence color.



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I know I post huge pictures. Sorry, but I like to try and show detail when I can.


Here is what I would do with the purple dress. This is a very fitted dress, and could use to be a smidgen looser. That means I should lose a few pounds between now and the cruise, or just make sure I wear it early on, since I tend to bloat a bit while cruising.




What do you think about this combination? I could always wear my gold sandals, but I really like the bronze ones with it. Maybe it is because this a really muted teal/green dress. It tends to look different in different lights.




Then there is my gold dress, and a few necklace ideas:




Then, I could go back to gold shoes if I wanted...



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I have a lot more to post, but I think it is best to break this up in increments. All your input helps me a lot, and just posting the pictures and seeing the details up close for myself really helps me. The funny thing is that even though it seems like I'm overly detailed, I never do a spread sheet. Once I decide, I'm good to go. I will know exactly what goes with what.


I really wanted to see how I felt about shoes. I love the gold ones that are mesh like, the bronze ones too. If I don't bring the shorter brown dress, I think I would not bring the brown satin peep toes, only because they would only go with one single thing. I think I could wear a few different shoes with the full length brown dress. Do you agree?

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Mousey, do you cruise at other times without your son? In 2012, we went to the Grand Canyon for my husband's 50th birthday. It was the first time we traveled without either of our girls, other than a few weekend trips. Last year, we went on Freedom in February, without our daughters as well. It has taken me a bit to get used to.


I love that we are all traveling together in May, as it is the first time in a while. We are learning to enjoy the trips that are just us as well. It's quite a transition.


My younger daughter, Alyssa, is in her final year of college. She is currently in an internship in Albany with the state assembly. She will be home for break in a week, and we are so excited. She came home for a weekend a few weeks back, and the previous month, we went to visit her. With the weather, we haven't seen each other as much as we would like. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive, which isn't bad.


The DH and I have cruised together alone many times since 1971 when we first met in Miami at Dade Jr. College. We started cruising with the DS when he was 5 and he's 18 now. The DH and I will probably cruise alone again sometime in the future. In the meantime, we'll be going to Cabo with the DS, his girlfriend, and one of his BFFs this summer. I can't wait. Being alone with the DH since the DS left for college has been a lot of fun. The DS is a Freshman and I miss him so terribly much! I just love that kid! He's coming home in a week for spring break. I went to Costco today and bought all his favorite snacks! LOL!:D

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Thank you so much for all the info re how to post pictures . I'm going to give it a shot sometime in the next few days:D


OMG! Red is my favorite color too!


I love the bronze shoes (all the other ones too)! And I really love that choker necklace with the flowers, that right up my alley. I also love that long dress with the high/low hem, I have a few skirts with that type hem and I really like that style.


You're going to look awesome on your cruise!

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Laurie, what fun! So many pictures!


Can I give my 2 cents? I am really partial to your purple dress. I would swap that for the short brown one since you're already bringing the brown formal, and there isn't any other purple so far. JMO. Can't wait to see the coral outfit, love the whole shebang! With your brown formal I like the strappy gold sandals on the lower right, I don't know why. I think maybe they complement the necklace best? I like the bronze sandals with the teal a lot, it's not something I would think of out of the blue either but I think it's a stunning color combo. With the ivory dress I think I like the bronze sandals with the chunky necklace on the bottom. I like the flower necklace too but I think it requires a more delicate shoe, like in the second photo? IDK, maybe I just like the punch of color all bronze gives. I love me some color!


Except for my formals and a couple of the dresses, I haven't thought about accessorizing yet. Usually with t-shirts I just wear earrings. I was up most of the night last night for no good reason (which hasn't happened in a long time) and I wanted to play with my clothes but didn't want to wake DH. So I just satisfied myself with getting my travel toiletries in order and cleaning my bathroom. I'm really annoyed that Princess has switched to a shampoo/conditioner combo in a shower dispenser, instead of little bottles of real shampoo. Now that's something additional I'll have to pack that's a real pain to travel with.


Here's something that makes me feel old... I keep my travel toiletries in my original cosmetic case, one of those square boxes with a handle that came with my first set of grown-up luggage! It went all over Europe with me in the old days, full of now-banned liquids and scissors and tiny swiss army knives. :) I bet I'm the only one here who has one of those laying around, and actually used it.


Just realized that our May birthday (yes, we have the same birthday, but he's a year older) is just within the window that we'll get a cake on board. How fun!

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Thanks, both of you. I have been thinking back and forth about the brown dress myself. I love the purple dress a lot, and of course...the red one. That one always gets me.


I am in agreement on the shoe and jewelry combinations as well. The brown formal is rather classic, and I think it is best suited for a classic shoe. That is one of the reasons I like the brown satin shoe. However, the gold sandals look especially good with that dress, so I think I am more inclined to wear those. Plus, I can wear them with other dresses where the brown shoes were limited.


My dresses are the easier part. I'm kind of struggling with my daytime outfits a bit. I'm not sure why. Maybe it is because I was digging them out of storage bags and so forth. I do accessorize those too, but not everything. I love to take things up a notch on sea days, but when we are in port, a lot relates to what we are doing.


That is one thing I've been thinking about too. On Labadee, it makes perfect sense to wear a swimsuit and a cover up while at the beach. But while in Cozumel and Grand Cayman, we are going to be in the water, but not the whole time at port. I'm not sure I want to wear a swimsuit the whole time, but I'm not sure how feasible it is to change either. I will have to figure that out a bit.


More pictures to come....I welcome your comments!

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Margaret, I hope the weather isn't too bad for you. We are getting a doozy of a storm here. So much so, they decided to officially call it a blizzard. As a bank, we couldn't close without permission so we remained open until our regular closing time. It was actually not too horrible on the way home, but the snow is picking up. I think we easily have about 10 inches already, and it won't be over until tomorrow around 10:00 AM.


My daughter in Albany said they are expecting snow there tomorrow, and they could get 8 inches. We could get up to 16 here, we shall see.


This may be a good night to post more pictures.

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I'm having such a great day...the whole day has to play out and then I'll share the most wonderful thing that has happened...


And to top it all off...I got Margaret's dress in the mail today!!!


And I LOVE it! OMG. She didn't tell me there were all these sparkly threads throughout the weave of the dress. And the colors. It looks FABULOUS with my new shoes! Like, really, really fabulous. I couldn't have purchased more perfect shoes for the dress. And it fits me. And that's so exciting too!


I'll to take photos later. Not tonight...it's a busy night! But soon...very soon.


Laurie...I like all your dresses. I'm not sure that I have the best eye for the accessories, but I really do like those bronze shoes with the blue dress. Such a lovely combination. And I love that dress on you. I'm so glad you are taking it.


I really like those last two too...I think the orangey/rust colors are among my favs in our palette though...so I'm partial to those.


And I haven't had too much time to really study everything...just glance. Oh it's such a great day!!! Such a long day coming!!! I'm pretty much so excited over here...if you couldn't tell.:rolleyes:;):D

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Anita, you sound super excited!!!


That is so much fun about the red dress. What are the chances of that happening? Sometimes, you just have to see something in real life. I find that all the time with pictures. I'm not always good at taking them, but it seems like I just can't get a good picture in our upstairs bedroom, and it is the only place I can really put out the clothes. I find myself trying to explain what something looks like. That is why I post such big pictures. I'm hoping that you can see the detail.


Right now, I'm certain I'm bringing the two formals shown, the teal dress, coral dress, ivory/gold dress. I am thinking about the red dress and purple dress. Part of me wants to bring those last two, because they are great earthy colors and I don't wear a lot of prints often. I too, am partial to those nice rust and gold tones.


For now, I will just post a few pictures of bathing suits.


This is a super cute suit, but I have a lot of trouble wearing things that are not earth tones, and this obviously not. It will likely not be brought with me, but it is a back up.




The swim dress on the left is new. It has black in it, but it has a great overall warm tone with the ivory, gold and brown in it. Plus it is a great fit. The far right is a brown suit that I've had for quite some time. I feel very self conscious in it though. I haven't worn it in some time, and I was surprised to see that it fit when I tried it on a while back. I think I will need to try it on again to decide if it's okay to wear. There is a cover up in the middle that I like a lot. As a matter of fact, it looks cute as a dress too, and comfy.




Here are two tankinis I own. They are a bi more fire than they are earth, but since earth tones are hard to come by in swimwear, I aim first for earth colors, then fire. I try to eliminate cool tones, and only picked the previous animal print one because it was pretty warm overall.




As of right now, the animal print swim dress and the last two tankinis will make the trip. I need to try on the coral like one again. The bottoms might be a bit loose.


I tell myself that swimsuits don't take up much room. Three of them are quite new, as I'm trying diligently to have the basics. Previously, I just had the brown one and the blue one with polkadots.


Oops, forgot the picture of the cover up to war with the tankinis. I's not the best because of the white (not pure white, kind of oyster like) but there are some warm tones in it.



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