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Surprise Birthday Cruise


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Hi all I am looking for some guidance here if anyone can help me. My mom is turning 60 in September and I am planning to take her on a surprise one week NCL cruise on her fav ship. Are there any tips for someone who has never surprised someone with a cruise and/or any advice on how to pull this off? Any help, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated!:D

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How generous and kind of you.


I'm someone who hates surprises but you know your Mom. If you are sure she'll love the idea, then fabulous. But if she is not someone who will be thrilled to be surprised, be careful. Make sure this is all about her and her likes/dislikes in order for it to be the special gift you want it to be.


You are a great son/daughter to do this for her. (I couldn't decide if I think you a guy or a girl. :D)

Hope it's wonderful.

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I am a female the handle I use here can be confusing. My mom is not crazy about surprises and she doesn't like a big fuss. So something like a huge party with 20+ people she would hate. What I am planning to do is take her on her favorite ship the NCL Jewel on her favorite itinerary (Bahamas) and pay for the trip. I am giving her 5 days notice so that she can do laundry take out money and get her nails done (that kind of stuff). I am doing all of the worrying for her before we go and making sure she has everything in order so that she doesn't need to. I am not going to make a huge deal out of it when I tell her. A few of her very close friends my sis and I are going to go out for dinner and I will give her a card with a pic of the Jewel and on the back it will say we are leaving on Friday. As someone who doesn't like surprises how do you think that this will sit with you? I talked to her bestfriend about the plan and she thinks as long as we keep the dinner low key and give her enough time to do the running around she needs to that it will be all good.


I am wondering logistical things about how to keep this quiet without her suspecting? I don't want her to know that I am up to something and I also don't want her to think that I don't care about her birthday. I think that she will be shocked when she first hears about this and will then cry (she's a crier) and then be excited and shocked.

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I am a female the handle I use here can be confusing. My mom is not crazy about surprises and she doesn't like a big fuss. So something like a huge party with 20+ people she would hate. What I am planning to do is take her on her favorite ship the NCL Jewel on her favorite itinerary (Bahamas) and pay for the trip. I am giving her 5 days notice so that she can do laundry take out money and get her nails done (that kind of stuff). I am doing all of the worrying for her before we go and making sure she has everything in order so that she doesn't need to. I am not going to make a huge deal out of it when I tell her. A few of her very close friends my sis and I are going to go out for dinner and I will give her a card with a pic of the Jewel and on the back it will say we are leaving on Friday. As someone who doesn't like surprises how do you think that this will sit with you? I talked to her bestfriend about the plan and she thinks as long as we keep the dinner low key and give her enough time to do the running around she needs to that it will be all good.


I am wondering logistical things about how to keep this quiet without her suspecting? I don't want her to know that I am up to something and I also don't want her to think that I don't care about her birthday. I think that she will be shocked when she first hears about this and will then cry (she's a crier) and then be excited and shocked.


Does she have her passport or the necessary docs to go?

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As long as her papers are in order I think this is a great plan. You know she likes the ship. You could also make a check list of things she needs to do (house, pet, plants, etc) so that she can use the five days efficiently.

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Being someone who doesn't like surprises, I think you have thought this through well to make it wonderful for your Mom. Making a list for her of the things that need to be seen to before she can leave, is a wonderful idea. Her head will spin a bit when she realizes what you have planned and she'll start to think of 'all she must do' in such a short time,,,,,,,, probably. :D Make up the list to give her during the dinner so she can relax and enjoy the moment without stressing that she won't forget something.


If you have a good idea of her schedule, make her nail and hair appointment. (She can always change it if she needs to.) Make a suggested packing list for her...... 2 swim suits, three pairs slax etc


I like your presentation idea of low key on the card and enough days in advance. To be with you, your sister and her best friends at an intimate dinner is perfect.


You're a lovely daughter doing a very sweet thing. Most of all make it 'easy' for her. You want her to leave for the cruise excited and happy and not anxious.


Let us know how it all goes. :)



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I don't like surprises either EXCEPT when it comes to a cruise vacation. I would be absolutely THRILLED to get a gift like this, and you are amazing to be thinking of her this way.:)


Let us know how the surprise dinner goes.:)

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I think your idea is fine and I doubt she will think that you don't care about her birthday. Just talk about the dinner and she will assume that that's the main celebration and present.


I would tell as few people as possible to lower the risk of someone accidently mentioning the trip when she is around. Also, just do all your planning, phone calls...etc...out of her presence and you should be able to keep the secret.


My only main concern for doing something like this for my mother is that she ALWAYS has something going on so I would have to give her more than 5 days notice. If you are 100% sure your mother won't have anything major to do for the duration of the trip, has all her docs in order and has sufficient funds for whatever you are not paying for (you mentioned her taking $$ out...I'm unsure if you met for trip related things or something else not pertaining to the trip) then I say go for it and have a great time!

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You know your mother, and she doesn't like surprises.....I think it's a sweet idea but worry about the reality.


I would HATE a surprise trip. My husband knows this about me - he knows that the research & planning of a trip is almost as good as the travel itself to me - so he better not EVER spring a last minute vacation on me:p


I know other people are saying "go for it", so I just wanted to gently offer a differing opinion.....

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What a lovely gift. Just a couple of thoughts. Is there a possibility that she may make plans herself as well? If she has to reschedule doctors appointments, get prescriptions reordered or anything like that she may find herself rushed doing all this with 5 days notice. It is nice to be as relaxed as possible prior to vacation.

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You know your mother, and she doesn't like surprises.....I think it's a sweet idea but worry about the reality.


I would HATE a surprise trip. My husband knows this about me - he knows that the research & planning of a trip is almost as good as the travel itself to me - so he better not EVER spring a last minute vacation on me:p


I know other people are saying "go for it", so I just wanted to gently offer a differing opinion.....


My DH and I have a pact such as this as well. To me it is different when it is a husband -wife thing though. We go by the thinking " it is both of our money after-all", but a gift like this for a mom or sister or friend is truly a gift in MHO and I was always taught to accept a gift and say thank-you.

So if you're listening SIS, the answer will be wow, what a generous gift, Thank-you!!:D

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Thanks for all of the advice I am really appreciating it and would love for people to keep it up:D


She has her passport it is still valid at the time of the cruise so this is not a concern.


She tends to be a homebody and doesn't really make major plans. The only thing that could come up is a doctor's appointment that she may need to reschedule.


Regarding her needing money it would be her spending money the rest is on me! She budgets well and has some fun money tucked away and I am sure she will be fine and just need to exchange it as we are Canadian.


I am making a list of all of the things that she had to do to get ready for our last cruise. She is a foster parent so she works at home. I have already arranged child care for her during the trip and pet care.


I am trying to take all of the worry out of this trip as she says this is that the worry about making the arrangements is her least favorite part.


Regarding the build up to a trip being the favorite part we don't tend to book far in advance. We will frequently book about 3-4 weeks before a trip and she doesn't really get excited until all of the childcare and other arrangements have been made and she is getting ready to go (getting nails done, doing laundry and packing).


I really want this to be the most memorable birthday for her. Her birthday is in September so I have been planning it for awhile now getting childcare and all of that. She will actually turn 60 on the ship! She is the best mother in the world and I want her to know how much I appreciate her so I want it to be as perfect as possible.

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[she is the best mother in the world and I want her to know how much I appreciate her so I want it to be as perfect as possible.


Sounds as though you have really thought this out fully - especially as pertains

to your special Mother ! Wish I had been able to cruise with my Mom -

and I know she would have really loved your plans.


Perhaps check her calendar pertaining to any doctor's appointments as well

as needed prescriptions. Maybe even check on things like holding mail and/or

newspaper deliveries. Just to relieve her of a couple of last minute items.



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I surprised my mother a few years ago with a Hawaiian cruise. I did let her know a few months in advance because she doesn't like surprises.

Anyway, the way I told her was in the form of a card/booklet.


I gave her the booklet on Mother's day, which was perfect because she was of course expecting a card of some kind on that day. The storyline was about a trip. There were many details about the trip, but it was missing two things where the trip was to and one letter on each page.


Finally 19 pages in she came to a page that had a puzzle with blanks for all of the missing letters. She had to go back over the previous pages and figure out the "missing letters" and fill them in. The blands read " We are going to Hawaii" When she got to the letter H for Hawaii she hesitated. Then went on to finish filling it in. She started crying. (It was a life dream to go, but she had never been). I had the next section taped so she couldn't get to that part. I cut it open and she learned about our time in Hawaii. She started crying. When the waitress refilled our coffee she realized that my mom was crying and asked her if she was okay. My mother said "I'm going to Hawaii" but it was barely recognizable as that statement. It took the waitress a second to decipher the words and then exclamined "YOU' RE going to HAWAII?" At that point all my mother could do was nod.


She worked through the next section about Hawaii and I informed her in the booklet that we would would "sadly leave our Wakiki home and grab a taxi for the airport". She was thinking that we didn't spend much time there, but at least she got to go to Hawaii. I then slit open the next section that was taped shut, which informed her that we would be "going right past the airport and getting on to our cruise ship" to see the rest of the Hawaiian islands and Fanning Island. She started crying again. The waitress came over and ask" Now what?" My mother replied "And I am going on a cruise too" with tears.


My only problem is that she now expects a cruise every Mother's Day.



I don't know how far you have to drive but you could at first let her think that she is just going to Miami (or wherever you are departing from), then let her learn after a short time that the trip includes a cruise.


Other options is to make it look like a wedding invite that the honor of her presences is requested and then fill in the cruise information. Other ideas, gift wrap a bottle with sand or water or both.


Have fun


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but a gift like this for a mom or sister or friend is truly a gift in MHO and I was always taught to accept a gift and say thank-you.

Of course, if someone bought me a cruise, I would smile and say thank you. My parents raised me properly:p My point is that those who truly know me well (any of my 8 parental units, or 7 siblings, or family, or even my husband;)) would never do this, because they know I wouldn't want this sort of surprise. Like the most recent person - sure, surprise me with a cruise you want to pay for - but tell me months in advance and let me help with the planning. THAT would make me really happy.


However, OP, your mom doesn't like making arrangements and you're going to take care of everything, so it sounds as if she will really be able to enjoy herself on the trip without any worries at all!

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Thanks to all I am finding the different opinions and advice to be helpful. I especially love the idea of giving my mom a check list of all of the "worrying" that I have done on her behalf so that she can see how ready to go she is. I am now starting to wonder if I should give her a full weeks notice instead of just five days. What do you all think?


Also I loved the story about another person giving a surprise cruise. Anyone else who has a story to share about this it would be wonderful to hear. I can borrow ideas from them too :D As well as learn from any mistakes that others have made when trying to do this!

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I gave my husband our 1st cruise for Christmas. I got his oldest bathing suit, put in a box with tissue paper and put the cruise catalogue and paper work under the suit. When he opened the present he could not figure why I was giving him the old suit. I told him to take it out of the box. Was he surprised when he saw what was under it! We left in January, 1982 and are now cruise-a-holics, cruising a LOT. Maybe you can give your mom an early birthday gift!

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I surprised my DH with a Med. cruise for out 25th wedding anniversary. I printed up a travel brochure and actually gave it to him on a cruise we were on one year prior.


I had all the info planned. Since it was a lot of money and time off, I had to check with him to see if he really wanted to go and if he could get the time off from work. I had to ask a year in advance but that was okay. It did give him time to have it sink in where we were going. Plus, he started watching history shows/dvd's on some of the cities to learn more about them.


One day I will spring a very last minute "closer" cruise/all inclusive on him. I mean - last minute. I will talk to his boss and have his luggage packed. When he gets home from work, it will all be at the door waiting to leave! Well, that's the plan. LOL Can't decide if I should tell him where we are going then or just say we are headed to the airport and then he will see where the flight goes.

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I am loving all of the stories and all of tips. I don't want this thread to die out as I count on CC to make sure that I don't miss anything!!! Thanks to all and keep the stories and tips coming! :D

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This has been a cool thread, glad to see I'm not the only one planing a surprise cruise.


I am going to Alaska with my partner later this year and plan to surprise him the morning of the cruise.


I have sold him on the idea that I am going to Seattle for a business conference (does Seattle even have an active conference circuit?) and that he is coming with me, and we will spend a few days there after the conference to explore Seattle.


He doesn't have a passport, so I emphasized how close Seattle is to Canada, and that we would be renting a car and driving to Canada, so he would have to get a passport. It's impossible to get a passport without someone knowing, otherwise, I may not have even told him about the "business trip." He doesn't work, so it certainly isn't an issue, and only have to prearrange dog care.


I love planning surprises, I'm glad you are having fun with your mom's! Hope its a good time!

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Can I adopt you? You are just a perfect child. I love that your mother is so dear to you that you would do this for her. She must be one heck of a lady to have someone like you who loves her enough to spring this as a suprise. Well done and good luck!:)

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I am a female the handle I use here can be confusing. My mom is not crazy about surprises and she doesn't like a big fuss. So something like a huge party with 20+ people she would hate. What I am planning to do is take her on her favorite ship the NCL Jewel on her favorite itinerary (Bahamas) and pay for the trip. I am giving her 5 days notice so that she can do laundry take out money and get her nails done (that kind of stuff). I am doing all of the worrying for her before we go and making sure she has everything in order so that she doesn't need to. I am not going to make a huge deal out of it when I tell her. A few of her very close friends my sis and I are going to go out for dinner and I will give her a card with a pic of the Jewel and on the back it will say we are leaving on Friday. As someone who doesn't like surprises how do you think that this will sit with you? I talked to her bestfriend about the plan and she thinks as long as we keep the dinner low key and give her enough time to do the running around she needs to that it will be all good.


I am wondering logistical things about how to keep this quiet without her suspecting? I don't want her to know that I am up to something and I also don't want her to think that I don't care about her birthday. I think that she will be shocked when she first hears about this and will then cry (she's a crier) and then be excited and shocked.



Can I adopt you? The plan sounds PERFECT to me!

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I think your mother will be thrilled.


I, too, wasn't much on surprises, until I realized as I got older, that I wanted to be "in control"...no one could do the planning like I could, no one would put the detail in like I could....no one would remember everything like I could, etc.

I, I, I.....


Then I finally learned to relax and realize that people did things for me or surprised because they loved me, and because they wanted to. When I learned to appreciate that for what it truly meant, I started enjoying not HAVING to do all the planning, etc. It was liberating! :)

So what.. that I might have done some things a little different...so what... SOMEONE cared and loved me enough to want to do this for me. That's what really mattered.



and this trip you've planned is coming from your heart, and this is from HER daugher.... who knows her better? She KNOWS you would understand her and what she needs to have done ahead of time.

(it's not like you're throwing her a surprise party with 200 guests) :)


With all the planning you've done and are doing... 5 days should be fine.


and put me on the list to adopt you, too :D


Please let us know how it goes!!!

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Thanks to all for the offers to adopt me!! I think that is very sweet and would to think that it`s because you think I am a nice person and not in the hopes of a birthday cruise LOL (unless of course it`s for me and then I am definately in!!!) :D


I will keep all posted on the planning and especially my mom`s reaction to the news when I tell her. That won`t be until September so we have to keep the thread alive. All tips, stories, anything is appreciated as this is my first time trying something like this :D

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