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I remember when my g/f husband died, she was making mortgage payments she had notified the bank of his death. I told her to look into weather the bank had life insurance built into the mortgage payments, She did and they did. The bank had to and did pay her back for payments she made after his death. Please friend look into this. Take care, Karen

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Sharon, we are leaving shortly. We need to be there at 10 for a noon surgery. I do not know when I will be back on here. It all depends on how long we will be there and when we get back. I may have to go into work for a bit, I just do not know yet.


The banquet went very well last night and all was just fine. I hope you will get good news today about your test results. I also hope that things will go good for you dealing with those kids. Let your lawyer do all of the talking with them to remove you from getting all upset dealing with them. You do not need that kind of stress.


Oh well, hear we go. I will get back when I can. Piece,




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Glad he finally got it all taken care of and now just has to get through the recovery! I haven't heard how it went but I'm thinking it went just fine!


I did not get a phone call from either the breast clinic or my doctor but today got a letter in the mail saying I need to have further testing. So I called and got another appointment for Oct 2. I am very upset that no one could take a minute to give me a call! Now I can worry about that for almost 2 weeks.


Went to my stock guy today, he had some good ideas but not sure I want to keep all my money in there, his point is we put it in "safe" things and keep making more money so I can keep taking money out with a regular paycheck. Told him I would think about it, he has always given me good advice before but now that I am alone have to worry more about keeping what I have and not losing it.


Again, post when you can and tell me the good news!

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Sharon, we are back home and good news for me. But more like good/bad news for Bill. We arrived there at 10, surgery was supposed to be at noon. Surgery was after 12:30, and a 2 hour surgery. He was awake the entire time, as a nerve block was given to him so he felt nothing. With him and the Dr team, they had discussions for a good long while of what would be the best approach to follow. So that part went very well.


Bill had also talked on how sick he gets on the pain medication that he takes from home. He said they have to give him something to prevent the sickness. So the block lasts from 12-24 hours. He started taking the medication last night, as not to wait for the block to wear off. He was sick all last night, and had to have a bucket next to the bed. He never took another dose, and is now waiting for a different medication to be called in.


He goes down on Monday, to see a therapy and to have the dressing and stitches looked at. Then back down on 10/5, for another session, and to see the Dr and to have the stitches removed.


I would be extremely upset as well, not calling you and only sending you a letter. In all of the time witting and sending, they could have spoken to you on the phone. Your best advise, is not to make any rush decisions. Let things calm down, and wait and see.


Oh one more thing. The 2 that had dropped out, now one is back with the group. So only finding 1 will not be too hard, and like Belle had said, things may work better with some fresh blood.




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Oh boy, glad the surgery went well and he didn't have to be put to sleep, but too bad about feeling so bad at home later. I cannot take that strong meds they give you for pain either, I think a lot of people can't. Hope they finally gave him something that will work that won't make him sick either.


Went to exercise this morning, not as many women come on Fridays for some reason.


Got my mower back, it needed a new clutch too so that part alone was over $300. The total was $520.00, expensive but cheaper than buying a new one and it does run good.


Good you can still play the bunco, is it scheduled for this weekend or next?

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Sharon, it was last night, and I was home the earliest I have ever been, before midnight. Of course Bill was already asleep, as the med's he is on makes him tired. They finally gave him something that does not make him sick.


Just staying around here over the weekend. Bill goes down on Monday to get checked up, to see how all is doing.


It is good that you were able to get out to exercise and that you were able to get the mower fixed and back to you.


Enjoy this nice weekend and the great weather.




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Kathy..Glad your husband went thru surgery

fine but sorry he got sick. Glad he has new

meds now.


Sharon..Sorry you got a letter instead of a call.

To me if didn't get a call from the Dr. it's more

routine testing. Double check. Try not to worry.


Both of you try to have a nice weekend.

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Kathy glad you had enough people to play did someone new come or did you just make do? Also great that Bill was able to get some meds to help him sleep, probably the best thing for right now.


Belle, it is hard not to worry when you have already had breast caacer once before and then watching my sister going through chemo and feeling so bad. I am trying not to think about it but when you wake up at 3 in the morning sometimes your brain just won't quit.


Had a bad day today, just kept the blinds drawn and stayed inside all day. Some days I miss Bill so bad it physically hurts and today was one of those days.

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Belle, thank you for the kind words. The best healer is time.


Sharon, I am so sorry that you had such a bad day yesterday. I hope and pray that today will be much better for you. Bunco was fine. We were 1 short and we just did what Belle had suggested a few days ago.


Have a good day today,




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Sharon, yes I am driving him to the train this morning, and then picking him up this afternoon. So hopefully he will be right on track.


If you saw the eclipse, then you saw more than us, with all of the clouds. We did see the phase to the total eclipse, but never saw the total.


Our last day of heat before it cools off. Enjoy the day,




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Got a call from our bank today, saying they had gotten two letters from a Trust lawyer who wanted my account balances. They were confused because the account was not in a Trust. I told them they are just trying some underhanded things to get some information. Then I went in and talked to my lawyer and he said close the joint account as soon as possible, but I have been writing checks and using my bank card so I think it will be another month before I can do that. He also said he thought the Trust lawyer was wracking up charges and is now wondering how far he will go with litigation trying to get answers and money. He said if he does that it will be a long time before this is over and very expensive. Knowing the Trust lawyer I think he will keep it going as long as possible to keep getting paid.


So Bill must be doing better if he can take the train in to see the doctor, that's great! Hope he continues to improve and get well quick.


This was supposed to be the last 80 degree day, I was planning on weeding but got side tracked with this latest development. I did go to exercise class this morning, quite a workout which is good because otherwise I haven't been doing much of anything.


Are you still going to WW's?

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Sharon, I only have to go once a month to maintain my lifetime status. So I have not gone in a few weeks with all that has been going on.


I agree that you should listen to your lawyer and close the joint account ASAP. I would not wait a month and as soon as those checks clear, then close it. They are just trying to run rough shot over you and see what they can do to mess up your life. If things are not a part of the trust, then it is really non of their business.


Bill got the original dressing/cast off yesterday, and they put a removable splint on. So he can take it off to do exercises and take a shower. Next Monday he goes back down to have the stitches removed and to see what the next steps are.


You are right, that we may have seen our last 80 degree day. Now and the rest of this week and next, we will struggle to get out of the 60's. Rain here now and very windy.


Do not let them get to you. Let your lawyer deal with them, but get those accounts taken care of soon. We leave Friday afternoon to visit my Aunt in Oshkosh for the weekend.




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Bet that feels alot better to Bill, also good when you can get back in the shower.


I'm sure your aunt will be glad for the visit, better take some warm jackets. It was raining here this morning and part of the afternoon and like you said, pretty windy.


When I talked to my sister last night she said she had a stomach ache and diarrhea. She has been having a stomach ache for the last several days. I told her if she didn't feel better in the morning to call the doctor. Well she called me today from the hospital. She had called the dr last night and they said to go to the ER room. Seems the diarrhea was blood but she didn't tell me that. Now they are saying she has colilitus. I think this chemo they are giving her is too much, don't know if she can handle one more treatment or not.


Yes I will be watching the checks that are clearing and close the account as soon as I can.

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Sharon, we did not get the rain yesterday, like you did. We only had sprinkles in the morning and just overcast the rest of the day. Today is much cooler and the rest of the week. Yes, it is jacket weather now and expected much cooler there. The key is leaving work early. Last year it took us over 5 hours due to leaving late and much construction.


Bill has much more flexibility when he takes the splint off for awhile. He said he wants to ice it some today as there is more swelling.


It is too bad about your sister. I am sure the treatment is too strong for her. But I guess it is her family and the Dr's call on this one. Hopefully they will make the process much better for her.


At least we have full sun today. I always feel much better when the sun it out bright.




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You better make sure you do leave early on Friday, that was way too long last time. As they say, just do it! Will you be doing the driving or can Bill?


Was just watching the news and saw the hurricane that is forming in the Atlantic. Almost too late to have to worry about a hurricane for the East coast and cruisers.


Went to exercise class this morning, last class for one friend. They are leaving for Florida on Friday where they have another house.They have to be there for 6 months and a day to claim residency. Another gal and hubby are leaving for Arizona the next week, they take a trailer. They too are staying until April.


Sister still in the hospital, only can have clear fluids to give her stomach a rest.

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Sharon, you'll love this one. I got a call from Bill last night a little after 6, and he said the jerk was standing in our living room. Bill was sitting there when the door bell rang and the jerk was standing on the front porch looking for me. Bill told him that I was not home, and the jerk locked his key in the office and needed me to come and get them. Bill said to come in and he would call me. The jerk said he had already tried calling me, and Bill said she will not answer your calls now and he would get in touch with me.


So I went back to let him in and all was good. We are all waiting for him to be doing the very same thing as your friends. He has that place in Florida and has to stay there the same amount of time as your friends. So we are just counting the days.


Another cool day and we have not had to turn on the heat as yet. We get enough sun during the day to warm up the house to sustain the heat during the night. It will not be too much longer when we will have to drain the hot tub.


Right now we plan on taking turns driving tomorrow. We will just have to wait and see tomorrow. I agree that it would be great to, " just do it", but I will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Bill will go nuts if I leave too late.


I will say prayers for your sister that she will improve and gets better.




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ha ha good for Bill telling him you wouldn't answer his calls at that time of day! Although wonder if he it even bothers him that you both think he's a jerk. Hopefully he will be leaving soon and you won't have to worry about him, except on the phone.


This house too stays pretty good at night, the sun warms it up and I don't have any windows open. I forgot you have a hot tub, do you get to use it very often? I think some people leave them going all winter and run out, get in and run back in when they are done. Might prove expensive to heat that way though.


Thanks for the prayers for my sister, I haven't talked to her yet today. I will be glad to get that ultra sound tomorrow so I know if I should keep worrying or not.


I plan on cutting some more grass today, it was sunny but now its pretty cloud covered and windy so I will have to bundle up to stay warm.


Hope all goes well tomorrow so you can leave early and be on your way.

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Sharon, the jerk is solely about himself and I doubt very much if anything fazes him at all or if he ever picks up on anything. The key is leaving by 2 so we can avoid the Friday traffic.


They said the high winds are supposed to hold on through the weekend. At least around here the sun is shining bright and windy. So it feels cooler than it is. I haven't decided on how long we will keep the hot tub running. It will not be for very long. It all depends on the long range forecast. I do use it when I come home. But it will only be another week or so. We left it running the first year we got it and I never used it once all winter. So a big waist of electricity.


Well at least you should be able to get the grass cut today, and working should keep you somewhat warm while working.


At least your sister has her own family, so they should use good judgment on caring for her, and hopefully her Dr's will do the same.




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Wondering if you got to leave by 2 so you could avoid the traffic, hope so.


Had the ultra sound, they wanted to look at one of the cysts again, to measure it, evidently it has not changed much so they said, come back in a year. A big sigh of relief!


Nothing much else so far today, have a nice weekend.

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So happy for you!

Didn't I tell you not to worry that they

were just "double checking". I was right...

for once! lol

Hope your doing alright with with the "children"?

Stand your ground. Yes close your bank account.

Hope your sister is doing better.


Kathy hope you left early, missed the traffic and

had good weather driving to see your aunt.

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Thanks Belle, yes was relieved! Always a concern when they call you back.

The two "kids" in charge are not talking to me it seems, and thats ok, I have nothing to say to them either. Just wish this whole thing was over. I know I am not going to want to spend time with them on holidays. Bill would be so unhappy with their actions.


I was talking with a gal that lost her husband earlier this spring. She said now she can do whatever she wants, when she wants. But I could do that with Bill and know he was here waiting for me. I'm just so terribly lonely without him.

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Sharon & Belle, the jerk kept playing games and I did not leave work until 4 and by the time I got home and then we had to gas up, we were on the highway by 5. So of course we ran into traffic and major construction, starting at Racine, where 3 lanes come into 2. Then in other areas almost all the way up to Oshkosh.


The weekend was almost like the same as back here. On the way home we stopped at this place called the Brat Stop, in Kenosha. This helped to break the way home a bit.


I am glad to hear that your test results were OK and now you do not have to worry for another year.


My Aunt is moving to a better place after 21 years. So we may go back toward the end of November to give her a hand. All in all it was a good weekend. We just had dinner ourselves on Friday night and then went to breakfast with my Aunt on Saturday and then dinner that night. We stopped back there on Sunday, before heading back home. We got back here around 7 pm.




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Kathy thats too bad about not getting to leave on time Friday. You should just leave at 2 like you wanted. But I know that is easier said then done. Hope he leaves for Florida soon so he leaves you alone.


I discovered a puzzle I had bought years ago and never put together. So Sunday after I got home from church I started on it. It was a good way to get through the day. Then I worked on it yesterday and finished it today. Will have to buy a couple more so I have something to do at night. I was reading almost a book a day but my eyes get pretty tired.


Yesterday around 5pm got a call from Bills son and girlfriend. They had came down to pick up a truck he had at the garage and wanted to know if it was alright to stop here for a visit. I said sure as he has remained nice to me. When they got here I was so happy to see someone I started crying and couldn't hardly stop. They probably thought I was crazy, which I think I am too sometimes. He helped me put away a swing I had on the deck and put the charger on my truck so all I had to do was plug it in today. The battery has been dead for a while. He said he would stop by again Sunday if I needed anything else.


Tomorrow supposed to go to the apple orchard with a couple of friend after exercise class. Will be good to talk to some one for a while.


It is really nice of you to keep in touch with your aunt and help her out. I know she really appreciates it.

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Sharon, my Aunt is the only 1 left on my Dad's side of the family. My Dad died, then his other sister, and now this sister is the only 1 left. So we shall see next month if we will go back and help her. It all depends on how many will be there. If not then we may go back.


So next Wednesday Bill is having a heal spur taken care of. The surgery is set for 8 am and we have to be there at 7 am. So we will stay over night in Oakbrook, as that is where the surgery is at. So this will be a good chance for us to go to Von Maur, as one of my favorite places to shop at.


It is good that someone is decent to you from those kids. Isn't he the one with the girlfriend that got drunk when Bill was still with us? Don't ever give things like that a second thought, we all have our days and we all feel crazy at times. I know I certainly do around here with a crazy boss, who drives men totally crazy.


Nice weather for the start of October.




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