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Capnpugwash is back on the high seas, BTB on QM2


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I must be starting to get accustomed to the excitement and anticipation of sailing on the Queen Mary 2, I only woke at 5.30am this morning to a gloriously sunny day in the south of England. There wasn’t a great deal of heat in the sun at that time but it was a great improvement on the recent weather that we have experienced.

For some strange reason I had packed my first case with the uncrushable items and electrical kit that is required three days ago, so this morning all I did was look out my DJ and trousers plus a blazer with 2 pairs of trousers and shirts and tee shirts, I gently folded them into an empty case, added a wash bag and I was ready to go. After showering I waited an hour for the rest of the family to emerge at 7.45 and had my last land based breakfast for 14 glorious days. Weetabix was the order of the day and a nice cup of tea hit the various spots.

It was still only 8.30 and I expected to leave at around 10.15 for what I anticipated would be a pleasant drive down to the port. I actually left at 10.30 and pretty much immediately hit traffic, I took a big looping route to avoid this and ran into some more but it was sunny, I had the radio on and I was heading for this great ship, so what the hell was I worried about. All in all, the journey only took an hour and three quarters so I arrived at the QE2 terminal at 12.15. I dropped my luggage and then parked at C&PS. Job done.

I strolled into the registration area, which was quite empty and was dealt with without any delay at all, I was given a card with the letter G on it and ushered through security into the lounge where hordes of people were waiting, They were just boarding letter B cardholders so I was in for a long wait, at least I was until I saw the Chief Purser standing by the entrance to the ship, I had dined with him last trip and when I approached him today, he was effusive in his greeting and graciously allowed me to board when I requested to do so. This meant that I was on by 12.30, I had a cheese and ham sandwich followed by a cup of coffee in the King’s Court and returned to my cabin. This is a D6 on deck 6 between C and D stairs, so it is handy for the Britannia, the Terrace Bar, Chart Room, Sir Samuel’s, the Golden Lion and the cocktail parties but a long way from the Gym, Spa and Commodore Club. Nothing in this world is perfect, is it?

My room key didn’t work so I went to the Purser’s Desk and had it reprogrammed, I got back to my cabin and that didn’t work either, returning again the man was very apologetic sand helpful and got an engineer to attend to the lock and replace the battery nd reprogramme it, having done that he accompanied me to the cabin to ensure that it worked, which of course it did.

I thought this was Pol Acker time and was just about to crack open the golden liquid when the luggage arrived. Perfect timing, three glasses later and the luggage emptied and clothes hung up, I can relax, and it is only 2.30pm. I am going to the spa now to book for the 14 days and hope that I can get another good deal from them. The afternoon is wonderful, the sun is fantastic and I think that I will sit on deck 7 for a while to take advantage of this rare treat.

I spoke with the Spa manager and was able to arrange a very nice deal as I am on for basically 3 round trip TAs, she has agreed a price of $10 per day which I consider to be outstanding. She has booked that for me and I will sort out the payment tomorrow morning.

After this I sat on the Promenade Deck for about 45 minutes but I was burning up with the heat of the sun so I headed inside to the shade and cool.

The drill passed without incident and I actually went to the sail away as the weather was so nice. I went to the Terrace Bar at the stern and had a great time, there were about six crew that I hadn’t seen for an age and it was hugs and kisses all round. It really was fun in the sun, normally when we sail out it is grey and dismal and not at all conducive to a party. I had far too much Stella Artois lager but it just slipped down so easily, no wonder they call it wife beater, it is really strong and certainly creeps up on you. But I am up to the challenge. We gain our first hour tonight and I am really looking forward to Eggs Benedict tomorrow. J

We have an elegant casual dress code tonight and I am fortunate to be on the table of John Duffy, the Hotel Manager again. It should be great fun.

More later

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Hi capn, Good to get your updates again. I looked longingly at the QM2 webcam today, wishing I was on it. But I will have to live vicariously through your updates. The only thing better would be a webcam you'd carry around with you! talk about reality TV! :eek:


I was wondering with your frequent trips if perhaps you found it too short in between voyages? But it sounds like from your update that you were still very happy to be on board.


Happy sailing!

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Your post had me very confused, as I was certain you just finished that cruise a few days ago. You are doing the same one over again? Whats up with that? Are you in the same cabin? Just wondering. Have fun.


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So good to read your missives once again Cap'n! We send you our very best wishes for a fabulous trip and plan to enjoy it all and live it all vicariously through your musings! Keep us posted!


PS - loved the Stella story!! made me laugh about the 'wife beater' name!!

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Jim - I will also enjoy your writings. Looking at the calendar I see it is just two weeks until school is out and 4 weeks until I board QM2 for the summer. Reading about your adventures will help me visualize what is to come!! I know that Jamie is not in Brittania but can you tell me the name of the new person in charge? I would like to contact him to request a table for my next trips. If you can help, thanks. Looking forward to seeing you again when you board on July 6. Katherine

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Jim - I will also enjoy your writings. Looking at the calendar I see it is just two weeks until school is out and 4 weeks until I board QM2 for the summer. Reading about your adventures will help me visualize what is to come!! I know that Jamie is not in Brittania but can you tell me the name of the new person in charge? I would like to contact him to request a table for my next trips. If you can help, thanks. Looking forward to seeing you again when you board on July 6. Katherine


The Britannia Maitre D' is Tarun Chadda. ~I believe that Jamie leaves on July 20 and joins QE on July 26 in Britannia.

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Your post had me very confused, as I was certain you just finished that cruise a few days ago. You are doing the same one over again? Whats up with that? Are you in the same cabin? Just wondering. Have fun.



No, different cabin but same deck.:)

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Ah, Dearest Cap'n


Who exactly is in charge whilst you are shoreside? Should you not be a commodore by now?


Looking forward to yet another set of missives! Have a wonderful journey and i shall be waiting anxiously for your reports.


Thanks so much for doing these, you do it so well, one feels they are aboard with you!

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Update No 1


Last night at dinner there were only 3 of us on our 8 seat table, the lady who works on tugs and an elderly lady, we had all sailed over from New York together so it was somewhat of a reunion. The elderly lady was complaining before the meal that she was unwell and only came to dinner out of courtesy, which I thought was very charming. She really only wanted something very light like chicken soup. This dish wasn’t on the menu but the chef made it especially for her and it looked delicious. Her light snack continued with a chicken breast and vegetables and was quickly followed by a large dish of strawberries and whipped cream, if this was her not being well, I wonder what she eats when she is firing on all cylinders. Anita, the tugboat lady and I both had leg of lamb, well I think that they served meat from a little too low on the leg, I didn’t realise that lambs wore shoes but the meat was certainly as tough as old boots! Still that is we have teeth I suppose.


It is Saturday June 4th and we have a steady barometer, 59/15 degrees, very slight seas with waves less than 4 feet and a light breeze of force 3. It looks as though it may be a lovely day. We have 2900 miles left to New York.


I am heading to the gym soon which I will follow with a couple of hours in the spa. I am not sure quite how I am going to fit breakfast in, it looks as though I will have to go to King’s Court later this morning, I have until 11.30 so it should work out, not sure about my eggs though, I don’t know if they are available up there.


It is 7.15am now and I feel that it is time to start the day so I am going to trek the 300 yards forward and go to the gym.


More later.

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Hi Capn, So pleased you are back on board. Love reading all your posts. I will have to wait until next year until I will be back on board.


Do you think going to the gym helps to reduce the weight gain that can happen when on board? Last year I found after 12 days on board my clothes were feeling a bit tight.


Have a great trip.



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Hi Capn, So pleased you are back on board. Love reading all your posts. I will have to wait until next year until I will be back on board.


Do you think going to the gym helps to reduce the weight gain that can happen when on board? Last year I found after 12 days on board my clothes were feeling a bit tight.


Have a great trip.




I certainly hope so, as does skipping lunch :eek:


Update No 2


The best laid plans do often go awry as you know and the road to hell is truly paved with good intentions. I went to the Britannia for breakfast, had porridge and eggs Benedict and then went after that to the gym, I am unsure whether this is the best order in which to do these things but with my cabin being so far aft and the gym being so far forward it seemed to make logistical sense, albeit my digestion may ultimately disagree. I don’t intend to run miles, just a little rowing and cycling will do me perfectly so hopefully it won’t cause too many problems.

The gym was very crowded and I just managed to get one of the four upright cycles, I did my bit on it for as long as I could whilst waiting for the rowing machine, sadly the lady using it was very diligent and was still rowing enthusiastically when my attention span had expired. To cool off a little I went out onto deck 7 and stood by the rail on the port side near the bow. We were heading slightly south of west and the sun was shining brightly from near the stern. As the ship was making its way there was an incredibly fine spray blowing off the bow cutting through the water and as this drifted towards the stern the sun struck it before it disappeared and a mini rainbow was formed every 5 to 10 seconds almost at sea level. It was beautiful and something that I have never seen before.

After viewing this for a while I headed to the spa, paid for my season ticket and went inside. It was nice to be back there and after a relaxing soak and steam I went to the relaxation area which has comfy chairs and large footstools, tea, juice and water and overlooks the deck. The walkers and joggers were out in force; strangely people seem to be absolutely oblivious of whether they are heading with or against the flow of the majority of people. Before I knew it, the tannoy came alive outside, with the familiar ding dong sound and the Captain made his noon announcement, I couldn’t hear what he said as the broadcast was not made inside where I was.

It is almost 1pm and in a little over 90 minutes we will have the CC meeting, which today is in the Winter Garden, there are almost 40 members on board and it will be interesting to see how many attend.

More later.

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Cap'n, for future reference, so I'm hopefully not one of those people going against the flow of traffic on Deck 7: does the flow generally go clockwise or counterclockwise? Or is it just random depending on the day and time and who's out there?

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Cap'n, for future reference, so I'm hopefully not one of those people going against the flow of traffic on Deck 7: does the flow generally go clockwise or counterclockwise? Or is it just random depending on the day and time and who's out there?


It seems fairly random, but I can't be certain.

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Cap'n, for future reference, so I'm hopefully not one of those people going against the flow of traffic on Deck 7: does the flow generally go clockwise or counterclockwise? Or is it just random depending on the day and time and who's out there?


I typically walk 5 miles each morning and I'd say it's probably 2/3 counterclockwise. The deck is wide enough so passing others is never an issue.



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On our Christmas cruise ( 12-19-2010) I was a bit disturbed to see dogs on the boat deck and in Kings Court, always thought, dogs were kept in the kennels. These were small dogs, but even small dogs have been known to lift a leg. Any on board this cruise ?


Hope you had a great turn out for the CC M&G


Give my regards to my good friend Linda and a hug on her upcoming Birthday :)


Have a wonderful cruise.



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Anita, the tugboat lady and I both had leg of lamb, /QUOTE]


Capnpugwash: I read your posts avidly and learn many things. I also poke fun when I can but you wisely ignore me. I am interested, however, in your table companion, one tugboat lady Anita. (Certainly not the Tugboat Annie of Norman Vincent Raine fame, whose stories I read and loved in the Saturday Evening Post when I was a boy.)


If you get a chance please tell Anita there’s a guy on Cruise Critic (moi) who ran a large harbor tug in Seattle for the Navy about thirty years ago. The Navy’s title for us was tugmaster, rather than tug captain, probably because we were enlisted, not officers.


Anita might be interested in what a Navy large harbor tug was capable of: She displaced 350 tons, propelled 2,000-horses with two diesel engines and a steam boiler. She was single screw (backed to port), length 109 feet, beam 29 feet. We were also equipped with a 2000 GPM fire pump with AFFF (foam) fire fighting equipment.


Our towing bitts were designed for 100.000 pounds pull.


We worked the harbors, channels, rivers, and coastal waters - sometimes the Straits of Juan de Fuca - but we were not ocean going. We carried a crew of 8-10. We had a small galley and living quarters.


Although small by waterborne craft standards, we easily assisted in moving the largest of ships afloat, up to and including Nimitz class aircraft carriers. It was the most enjoyable job I ever had in the Navy, and although I found myself “in irons” (tugboat expression) at times, with a mouth full of cotton, I wouldn’t trade what I did for anything.


Navy tugs are no more. Now civilian contracted tugs are used. Modern tugs have all the modern “bells and whistles,’ - thrusters that enable ‘em to turn on a dime and other upgraded equipment. They are far more advanced, and thankfully so, than tugboats used to be.


Please enjoy fair winds and “take it on the slow bell.” Anita will know what that means.



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