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Eat at your own risk on Carnival Legend


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So now you're insinuating that people are going to travel across the country with a piece of glass from home to place in their food on the cruise ship....:rolleyes: Get real.


i'm not insinuating anything. you're not following the thread, are you?

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I hope you are healed now. Mouth sores can be difficult. We had a friend who had a similar incident at a chain sit down restaurant but just bit down on it and didnot cut his mouth. The manager came over and they said he acted like they'd planted the glass in the food and did nothing for them.


all these restaurants on board and on land have a hard time knowing who is putting and feigning stuff and injury. who's to say where the glass came from.




Unfortunately things planted in restaurant food happens more often than we like to think.


A few years ago a woman found a fingertip in her fastfood meal. Ruined the reputation of the restaurant and franchises went out of business. Several months later the police figured out the woman planted it.




Not accusing OP in anyway of planting glass in her food. Those who eat out often enough find things in their food. In LA a 'restuarant to the stars' had reams of health code violations and things in food incidents. Never stopped people from going there.

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Maybe you'd do that... but I don't think most people would. I'm offended that you're accusing people on this board of being so devious.


Actually, no one is accusing anyone on this board of doing anything of the sort.


The fact is people *DO* stuff like this pull scams all the time. I once saw a guy clearly throw himself down the subway steps, to the point of watching him give himself a pep talk and dramatically wobble before falling.


The point is that scammers and opportunists see things of this nature as a cash-in, which is why even people with real claims who aren't being demanding are getting the shaft.

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I sailed with my family last week (July 3-10) on Carnival Legend. Everything was fabulous until our 5th day. I was eating breakfast on the Lido Deck, bit into a pancake and a shard of glass went through my tongue. Upon pulling it out of my tongue, my tongue began to bleed profusely. I covered 2 cloth napkins in blood. I was told by Carnival that it was an unfortunate accident and that they apologized. Beyond an apology though, there is NOTHING that they will do. Has anyone had a similar experience with Carnival? Guest Services were the rudest people I have ever dealt with. This was my fourth Carnival cruise....but it will be my last.


Get yourself a good Lawyer!! Companies and people as well need to held responsible for the actions they do.


You had glass go through your tongue not a small cut

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I sailed with my family last week (July 3-10) on Carnival Legend. Everything was fabulous until our 5th day. I was eating breakfast on the Lido Deck, bit into a pancake and a shard of glass went through my tongue. Upon pulling it out of my tongue, my tongue began to bleed profusely. I covered 2 cloth napkins in blood. I was told by Carnival that it was an unfortunate accident and that they apologized. Beyond an apology though, there is NOTHING that they will do. Has anyone had a similar experience with Carnival? Guest Services were the rudest people I have ever dealt with. This was my fourth Carnival cruise....but it will be my last.

Im really suprised it bled so bad as my wife is a CDA and said the tongue heals really fast! Accidents do happen so i can't hate Carnival for one incident even if it happened to me. They are always going around taking temperatures of the food and drinks and seem very careful but like i said accidents do happen.....Sorry it happened to you but i wouldn't hate Carnival or any Restaurant for that , thats why its called a accident.

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I do think a "show of good faith" such as some choc. strawberries or small obc would have gone a long way in this case. I also know that if I drop a glass object (plate, glass, etc.) in my kitchen, I find shards of glass literally 6-7 feet away - it is like the object "exploded." The amateur CSI in my asks - "was it white glass - like a Lido dinner plate, or clear glass that ended up causing the injury." Not a lot of clear glass up on Lido - but there is tons of white glass, with all the dishes around. Then I wonder "was the glass cooked into the pancake?" And then I think "I really have to get a life, getting so wrapped up in these threads!":p

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I do think a "show of good faith" such as some choc. strawberries or small obc would have gone a long way in this case. I also know that if I drop a glass object (plate, glass, etc.) in my kitchen, I find shards of glass literally 6-7 feet away - it is like the object "exploded." The amateur CSI in my asks - "was it white glass - like a Lido dinner plate, or clear glass that ended up causing the injury." Not a lot of clear glass up on Lido - but there is tons of white glass, with all the dishes around. Then I wonder "was the glass cooked into the pancake?" And then I think "I really have to get a life, getting so wrapped up in these threads!":p


This is what I cant understand about Carnival.My buddy ordered from BV a few months ago and his bottles were not delivered to his room.They gave him an im sorry and didnt even reduce his bar bill or anything.His order went to another cabin!! So someone who didnt even order bottles drank free the entire cruise.I mean a couple of bottles of rum wholesale is like $30= happy guest!

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I'm sorry that happened to you. They should have at least given you some OBC. That is just terrible!

I completely agree. Accidents happen, but he did get cut in the tongue. He might even need stitches or medical attention later on so an OBC would have been a nice gesture for the inconvenience.

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Actually, no one is accusing anyone on this board of doing anything of the sort.


The fact is people *DO* stuff like this pull scams all the time. I once saw a guy clearly throw himself down the subway steps, to the point of watching him give himself a pep talk and dramatically wobble before falling.


The point is that scammers and opportunists see things of this nature as a cash-in, which is why even people with real claims who aren't being demanding are getting the shaft.


While I know personally (my DH works in manufacturing..beverage) that you are right, you can't deny that there are cases where stuff like what happened to the OP happens...and I believe the OP


I don't know what I would want if that happened to me...I guess what I want would be impossible and that would be for it never to happen again.


Glass in food is unacceptable and totally avoidable...this is not an insect in your produce, this is glass. There is no reason for it to 'accidentally' be in your food. If glass is broken in the galley near any food, ALL that food needs to be tossed. It is what I do at home and what I expect when eating in a restaurant or on a cruise ship.


Im really suprised it bled so bad as my wife is a CDA and said the tongue heals really fast! Accidents do happen so i can't hate Carnival for one incident even if it happened to me. They are always going around taking temperatures of the food and drinks and seem very careful but like i said accidents do happen.....Sorry it happened to you but i wouldn't hate Carnival or any Restaurant for that , thats why its called a accident.




The entire mouth heals very nicely...but that doesn't mean it can't bleed profusely first

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Get yourself a good Lawyer!! Companies and people as well need to held responsible for the actions they do.


You had glass go through your tongue not a small cut


And that is the ONLY thing that will make companies be more careful.

Glass broke and they cleaned it up as best they felt like thinking nothing will happen and that its not a big deal. After spending some $$ learning a lesson and a few folks looking for new jobs, it will tighten safety down a bit.

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On one of our first Carnival cruises many years ago, my daughter found glass in her pina colada. thank god she found it and didn't swallow it! anyway, we had been assigned early seating and had asked for late but been told by the maitre'd that late wasn't available. After finding the glass, I told the bartender to please get a supervisor which he did. I said if they could arrange to get our dining time changed and a little OBC, the incident would go away-and I did say it nicely and calmly. When we got back to our cabin, there was a note saying our dining time was changed and we had X amount of credit at the bar.:D


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It's true that wounds in the mouth heal faster then other wounds. HOWEVER, it doesn't mean they bleed any less then a wound in another place. THIS ISN'T THE POINT THOUGH.


If a piece of glass would be swallowed it could cause serious injury, and lets not even think about the piece of glass being big enough to make it through the stomach and intestines.


Glass in food isn't okay. Since when is it okay to pay thousands of dollars to go on vacation and for food THAT MAY have glass in it? If the glass would have done anything besides nick my tongue.. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A MAJOR PROBLEM! Just my opinion :D

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Let's see....spill a hot cup of coffee on your lap, get a million dollars.......eat glass in your food....so sorry...:D


Get your facts straight:




McDonald's had already received complaints of over 700 burn injuries from its coffee. The plaintiff in the lawsuit merely wanted McDonalds to pay for the medical treatment of her 3rd degree burns. McDonalds DIDN'T CARE that its customers were getting burned from coffee that was held at temperatures of over 180 degrees -- hot enough to scald. By the way, take a look at the pictures. That coffee was too hot for human consumption.


Over 700 burn injuries; only one elderly woman brave enough to tell McDonalds to do the right thing.


OP -- there is no excuse for a shard of glass to be in your food. *These things do not just happen* in restaurants. This is not an accident; it is negligence. The only way there could be glass in your food is if someone didn't follow procedure somewhere. Shards of glass do not "accidentally" fall into our food. If you were injured, you should be compensated.

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Get your facts straight:




McDonald's had already received complaints of over 700 burn injuries from its coffee. The plaintiff in the lawsuit merely wanted McDonalds to pay for the medical treatment of her 3rd degree burns. McDonalds DIDN'T CARE that its customers were getting burned from coffee that was held at temperatures of over 180 degrees -- hot enough to scald. By the way, take a look at the pictures. That coffee was too hot for human consumption.


Over 700 burn injuries; only one elderly woman brave enough to tell McDonalds to do the right thing.


OP -- there is no excuse for a shard of glass to be in your food. *These things do not just happen* in restaurants. This is not an accident; it is negligence. The only way there could be glass in your food is if someone didn't follow procedure somewhere. Shards of glass do not "accidentally" fall into our food. If you were injured, you should be compensated.



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Get your facts straight:




McDonald's had already received complaints of over 700 burn injuries from its coffee. The plaintiff in the lawsuit merely wanted McDonalds to pay for the medical treatment of her 3rd degree burns. McDonalds DIDN'T CARE that its customers were getting burned from coffee that was held at temperatures of over 180 degrees -- hot enough to scald. By the way, take a look at the pictures. That coffee was too hot for human consumption.


Over 700 burn injuries; only one elderly woman brave enough to tell McDonalds to do the right thing.


OP -- there is no excuse for a shard of glass to be in your food. *These things do not just happen* in restaurants. This is not an accident; it is negligence. The only way there could be glass in your food is if someone didn't follow procedure somewhere. Shards of glass do not "accidentally" fall into our food. If you were injured, you should be compensated.


Obviously not a Toby Keith fan

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The Op doesnt seem to be asking for much. He just felt a little more than an apology would have done. I agree with the Op. If this had happened to any one of us we would have taken the situation much more serious. I mean this is glass that could have been swallowed.Like a past post said,

What if it was a child. The kitchen workers on that shift should have been reprimanded. I think the op should have gotten a nice OBC and then some.

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I do think a "show of good faith" such as some choc. strawberries or small obc would have gone a long way in this case. I also know that if I drop a glass object (plate, glass, etc.) in my kitchen, I find shards of glass literally 6-7 feet away - it is like the object "exploded." The amateur CSI in my asks - "was it white glass - like a Lido dinner plate, or clear glass that ended up causing the injury." Not a lot of clear glass up on Lido - but there is tons of white glass, with all the dishes around. Then I wonder "was the glass cooked into the pancake?" And then I think "I really have to get a life, getting so wrapped up in these threads!":p


I wondered the same thing.

I remember a case on People's Court in which it was explained that there are things that can be reasonably expected to be found in food, like bones or seeds.

Glass is not naturally a part of pancakes.


I have said before that Carnival gives good value for a ride on their boat, but from my experience they need training in dealing with people.


In this case a nice apology and a gift would have been a nice gesture.

A nice note, some strawberries or a couple of drinks on the house would cost Carnival pratically nothing.


If a guest was injured in my home I would be upset.

And I would send a note or a card, flowers, chicken soup, or whatever was appropriate.

It is not the value of the offering, it is the thought.

Being gracious or expressing concern does not necessarily cost money.

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I have to admit, that a lot of people come on this board and complain about trivial things and expect a free cruise or something. Though I don't think a free cruise was in order here either, I do think something more than a "sorry" would have been in order. Treating the wound is obligatory, but a gesture of sort would have been proper.


Heck, I bought a veggie tray from my grocery and it had a old date on it and I didn't realize it when I picked it up. I took it back the next day just to exchange it. I simply said that I didn't check the date on it and it was really my fault. The manager was highly apologetic and said, "It shouldn't have been on the self in the first place." He left me pick out another one with more veggies in it for my time spent having to come back. My point isn't that my veggies are comparable to this situation, but it seemed like my local grocery manager was more concerned and willing to fix my problem than Carnival.


That being said, though people are trained to handle these situations on the cruise ships, it doesn't mean that they each handle it a little differently. Where one guest manager might have sent strawberries, another might have thought a simple, "sorry" and medical care was enough. I don't think I'd judge a whole fleet on one managers thought process.


If it were me? (being that I was concerned) I probably would have taken a picture of the glass, the food, my tongue and everything. If the ship didn't take care of it there, I would have just sent a letter with the pictures to corporate explaining that as a loyal Carnival customer that I felt this incident was not handle correctly.


Unfortunately I did not bring my camera with me to breakfast and I wasn't even thinking of needing proof of anything at the time it happened. The glass was quickly taken away from the table and when I asked for it back to determine if it truly was glass, I was told it could not be released from Security and needed to be sent with their report to Carnival. I wrote to Carnival upon returning home. I explained that this was my 4th cruise with Carnival and explained the situation that had occurred. I was told they were sorry, but unfortunately they would offer me nothing more than that and that they hoped I returned to cruise with them again in the future. I certainly understand that accidents do happen. I truly believe the way they are handled after they do can make all the difference in the world. If they had sent a plate of strawberries, my 2 children who witnessed their mother bleeding profusely that morning, at least could have enjoyed them as I was unable to eat for the remainder of the cruise. It wouldn't have changed what happened, but a bit of compassion goes a long way.

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Well, since you know there is nothing they will do, what did *YOU* ask them to do for you that was turned down?


I've also had issues with guest services, it usually stems from someone (me, the other person) being unreasonable.


I quietly and calmly asked if an OBC was possible. Do you feel that to be an unreasonable request after my tongue was sliced open while eating a pancake? What would *YOU* have recommended in that situation?

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To the OP: I'm glad you're okay and the people who are disregarding what you're saying and saying it's an accident oh well and making less of it would be singing a different tune if it had happened to them. It was an accident but it could have seriously injured you or killed you, and they should have treated you better on the cruise. I'm so sorry it happened to you.


Thank you so much. I agree with you and truly appreciate your kind words.

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I do think a "show of good faith" such as some choc. strawberries or small obc would have gone a long way in this case. I also know that if I drop a glass object (plate, glass, etc.) in my kitchen, I find shards of glass literally 6-7 feet away - it is like the object "exploded." The amateur CSI in my asks - "was it white glass - like a Lido dinner plate, or clear glass that ended up causing the injury." Not a lot of clear glass up on Lido - but there is tons of white glass, with all the dishes around. Then I wonder "was the glass cooked into the pancake?" And then I think "I really have to get a life, getting so wrapped up in these threads!":p


I don't want to leave you wondering :p so I will clear this up. It was white glass. I believe it was inside the pancake.

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