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Update on Grand Circle - Paul Gaugin problems!


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Yes, there is an unbelievable amount of conflicting information being given out by RSSC personnel of all types and at all levels about the future of the PG. Will there be an '06 schedule? Will perhaps the PG remain until '09? These are questions to which reliable people have been told "yes" by RSSC personnel. According to newspaper accounts in FP, '06 sailings have been approved as a result of negotiations with the FP government. I suggest it is best to believe and rely upon NOTHING in this regard until (and unless) an '06 PG schedule appears on the RSSC site.


And another interesting question arrises from the fact that Princess will reportedly pull out of FP at the end of '06, and Windstar is already gone. So soon, there will be NO cruise opportunities in FP -- except occasionally as a small part of a larger itinerary!




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As we mentioned in our post #27 our TA corroborated this thread. He spoke with Captain Bossard on a very recent cruise and was told directly by the Captain that he was "really sad" to be leaving the PG after so many years.


Our TA would not tell us this if it wasn't true at the time, since he knows how much we love this cruise and we were calling him to make a future booking. He certainly wants our continued business.


It would be great if GCT worked out an extended contract for Capt. Bossard to remain onboard the PG and they may have, however, to use this sytle of negotiation speaks volumes of the integrity of GCT IOO!

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Radisson has lots of its own problems with bookings- see what they just did to me!!!!:confused:

Has anyone ever had this happen? I was booked (and paid) since last year to sail on Radisson's Paul Gauguin on Aug 6th 2005 in French polynesia with a 4 day pre-package on Moorea and air from LAX to Tahiti included in cruise package. My travel agent called today to say that Radisson has bumped all passangers booked on this week to let a charter company have the ship. This was to be a trip of a life time, with my sister and husband, who would be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary the week we were at sea. I am shocked at Radisson, they have not been at all helpful or nice. They offered a cabin upgrade of one catagory on another sailing, but then were unable to give us any of the alternative dates that we requested. They did offer a full refund of the price of the cruise. (Not what I wanted at all!) I am very upset, and concerned about the non-refundable costs that Radisson has incurred to me: 4 first class airline ticket I booked to LAX, the hotel at LAX, the limo, not to mention the scheduling, time, effort and now the huge disappointment. In doing research on Radisson today, I found out that the Paul Gauguin ship has been sold and may not be in French polynesia much longer. Perhaps this is why rebooking with Radisson seems impossible. Does anyone have any advice or comments about the way Radisson treats their customers? Do I have any other options?

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You need to read all the posts above to really understand the stauts of the PG. As stated above, it has always been owned by others and leased by Radisson. The troublesome difference now is that the owners seem to be exercising a bit more control than the old owners did. The PG departure date from the RSSC fleet is a bit hard to determine. Dates are quoted all the way from the end of '05 till the end of '09 --- all according to RSSC personnel. My best guess (and it is just that) is the PG will leave at the end of '06.


If you review the "fine print" of your booking agreement, you'll find that RSSC reserves the right to cancel in the event of a charter. BUT, RSSC's offer of compensation to you is a bit lacking, under RSSC's historical standards. When the Daimond was abruptly pulled from service beginning 6/05, those booked after that date got a $700 future cruise credit AND were made whole for out of pocket expenses, such as non-cancelable airline tickets and the like. If you have a TA, have the TA contact RSSC to try to get you compensation more along these lines.




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My family (7 adults) did the 7 day Tahiti cruise on PG March 28-April 2, 2005. Captan Broussard is a class act, but his last cruise on the PG is the April 2 departure for the solar eclipse. He was not a happy camper at all on our cruise.


We did notice a few changes in the cruise to cut costs from previous Radisson experiences. Wine is no longer served at lunch, and the wine selection at dinner was not as high end as I remembered. My sister noticed that toiletries are not refreshed daily. I found the rest of the amenities to be just as good as previous RSSC. We have put down advanced booking for a yet to be determined PG cruise to the Marquesas in 2006, as soon as they release the schedule.


The staff, butler service, food and excursions were fantastic, and I would not change a thing. Hopefully it will still be the same next year under the new captain's reign.

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We are also having a problem with GCT Oat travel. After making several phone calls to Oat for information, we and another couple booked a Best of Burgundy canal boat cruise starting Aug 29. the price per person was confrimed to be $3007.30 including $162.30 tax. I asked if there were any other costs and was told only tips for the crew and tour guides. We also told them we didn't want to be on a waiting list and we were assured that there was none at that time, and we were confirmed. We also told them we didn't want their insurance. We paid the $1000 deposit. A week later we received the cruise packet and the price per person was listed as $3259 plus $162.30 for tax and fees, and $274 for insurance. A total of $3,695.30 per person. When we called Oat, they said they didn't know where those numbers came from, They had a computer glitch, but the correct prices are now in the computer and they will send us another invoice. They also had no explaination for the letter in the other couple's packet saying that they were no longer on the waiting list and were confirmed. I told them it was looking like a 'bait and switch' scam and that we are cancelling the trip. They said they were sorry that we are cancelling and it will cost us a $250 cancellation fee. Our credit card company is contesting the fee. Wish me luck!

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Radisson owns Mariner, Voyager and Navigator outright. The Diamond was leased, but is leaving Radisson' fleet in late spring/early summer.


The PG is the only Radisson ship owned by GCT



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My apologies for correcting your post. No, RSSC does NOT own Navigator, Mariner and Voyager outright. To the best of my knowledge, a joint venture owns these ships consisting of RSSC and V. Ships. The ownership in the joint venture is 50-50. V. Ships provides almost all ship board functions under a contract with RSSC including ship management, crewing, catering, etc, with the exception of hospitality management. V. Ships does precisely this for many cruise lines but not always to this degree and certainly not when the ship's ownership is a joint venture with V. Ships and the cruise line.



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....and their status has never changed from the time they launched the first yoyage. Bill is not trying to tell you things have changed, as nothing has changed. Editing to say here that this has nothing to do with PG

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's a link to the column running on the internet today, written by the National Geographic Traveler ombudsman, Chris Elliott.




Note that he gives Cruise Critic posters a nod, while not mentioning the site directly. Jut thought you'd be interested in seeing this.

Thanks not only to Chris Elliott, but especially to flahagan and the well informed posters who have enlightened so many of us, there should be a clear message out there regarding GCT and its shady practices. I suspect GCT and Vantage are very aware of the cost to their reputations. This thread shows incredible daily viewership despite few recent postings. I can think of no excuse for such stupid public relations blunders.

Flahagan, even if they are too sleazy to do the right thing for you and your friends, they have taken a big financial hit. I, for one, would have booked their low priced web PG cruise had I been able to clear my schedule back then, and we would be in your shoes, along with another family we travel with. RSSC is a step up from our moderately priced land vacations and yearly cruises on Celebrity, but we thought it looked like such a great deal for a destination we long hoped to visit. When we saw your original postings on this (a few threads ago) we were outraged, but assumed GCT would cut its publicity losses by honoring the original price.

Unfortunately, RSSC may not be able to control the impact of such disreputable owners. Even if their original plans to send the PG to out on very high seas has been reversed, such ridiculous itineraries had to have been planned without consulting RSSC staff -or anyone in the cruise industry. What else will they do without considering RSSC's expertise or reputation? We can see how the fuel surcharges and other little cuts are beginning to irritate posters on this board. Do we know if RCCS really wanted to make those changes? What a cruiseline lists in the fine print of its terms and what it really does to its passengers can be very different things, especially with a luxury market. Being reduced to honoring only the minimum guaranteed in the passenger contract would surely destroy even a mass market cruiseline. If the new owners can't see that and RSSC can't stop it, a clash is inevitable.

Despite the "REAL'' cost of sailing on RSSC, by booking with a reputable TA,

I might be able to budget for a once in a decade type PG sailing, but the thought of the new owners getting any of my vacation money just seems so wrong! Please keep us updated. It is posters like you who provide the only way to limit these unscrupulous practices.

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The lower staff that you would talk to at RSSC would be the LAST to know what is going on at RSSC..as with every other cruise line the truth gets to the bottom last..


Boy is this the truth!!!


We just got off the Voyager World Cruise and there were several inquiries to the "future" of the PG. We were told by RSSC corporate execs who came on board that the PG would be in full operation THROUGH 2006. I know things can change but this is the word we got less than 2 weeks ago.

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Having never sailed on RSSC there is no way I would make a negative comment about that line's service with regards to ships other than the PG. In fact, it is the RSSC reputation and glowing reviews on this board that caused me to thrill at the chance we could easily afford it. After seeing the legitimate price we are back to looking at Princess, but with some let down. If we had the option of waiting another year with certainty there would be an opportunity to cruise the FP itinerary, I might make it work within our budget. We suspect the new arrangement between GTC/Vantage will end in divorce in an extreme case of irreconcilable service cultures. They seem to be so opposite. In the short term the PG probably still offers a superior experience, but one that isn't up to its previous standards- witness the new "red eye" routes, dropping the LAX hotel for many, and other details recently posted on related threads. RSSC seems to have too much on the ball (and on the line) to allow a steady deterioration in passenger expectations without a struggle. My concern is that RSSC may not retain controll over PG service standards much longer.

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Thanks for your kind words, and I agree that this topic needs to be kept current to warn future travelers who may be thinking of booking through GCT.


We were just talking tonight about how disappointed we still are, even though all 3 couples have booked different trips now. Unfortunately, none of us will be traveling together, which was going to be a large part of the fun.


One couple has booked a Windjammer cruise (a little too rugged for our tastes), the second couple are going to Maui for a week, and my husband and I are going to London! A far cry from Tahiti, but we didn't want a similiar trip where we might be comparing what we'd lost out on.


I heard on TV a few days ago that Holiday Inn had an error on their website, advertising rooms for $1.13 a night, and ended up honoring over 1,000 rooms that had been purchased at that rate. Kudos to them!! I'm sure they've gained many future, loyal travelers by doing so.


I'm with you on doing a future PG trip - even though I'd really love to go, I don't want to give any of my hard-earned dollars to GTC. And even if we booked directly through RSSC, that's what we'd be doing now. They don't deserve it! There are too many wonderful places to see in this world to do business with the likes of this company. I guess the best thing that's happened from all of this is that, from here on, whenever anyone types in a search for GTC, this negative information will come up for years to come. That's a sweet thing!!!!!!!!!


Have you made any travel plans for this year? Would love to hear about them.

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I know you will love London. It is the spot (for different reasons) we like every bit as much as Tahiti.


I would like to correct, or emphasise, one thing you said in your post aove. None of us "old Radisson regulars" are quite sure of what the relationship between Radisson and GCT is, exactly. The PG has ALWAYS been owned by others and leased to Radisson. But the prior owners NEVER booked their own cruise packages on the PG --- cruises were available only through Radisson. The big question here (and it is exactly that) is how much operational control does GCT have over the PG onboard cruise experience? And I would be very eager to hear an authoritative answer to that one!




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Guest Jancruz

Personally, I will no longer have anything to do with the PG due to their agreement with GCT..too many problems..




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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name=flahagan.



I heard on TV a few days ago that Holiday Inn had an error on their website' date=' advertising rooms for $1.13 a night, and ended up honoring over 1,000 rooms that had been purchased at that rate. Kudos to them!! I'm sure they've gained many future, loyal travelers by doing so.


I'm with you on doing a future PG trip - even though I'd really love to go, I don't want to give any of my hard-earned dollars to GTC. And even if we booked directly through RSSC, that's what we'd be doing now. They don't deserve it! There are too many wonderful places to see in this world to do business with the likes of this company. [/quote]


Yes, there are many places I'd love to see or see again with London an absolute favorite from several previous visits. I'm just so sad not to be on the PG this summer that I have not yet put much in to finding a substitute for it.

I recall several posters suggesting that RSSC should be quite concerned about the shabby way you were treated, not to mention the amount of negative attention this has generated for them, and I wondered if there has been any official response from them. Have you heard more from GCT?

A recent posting on another thread (on this board) mentioned the rumor that

the PG is for sale, so I've been anxious for any news that something might be changing between GCT and the cruise line. Given the fact that next year's schedule for PG has appeared and then vanished from the RSSC web, I've

been hopeful there could be a non-GCT ownership in it's future.

The wealth of in-depth (inside?) knowledge of Radisson found on these threads in the past keeps me checking for further news.

Meanwhile, you should LOVE London. Don't know if you're going on a package or have hotel bookings to make, but last year our family recieved an amazing walk-up rate on the Hilton connecting to Paddington Station, the

station for Heathrow express trains and subway to Westend theatres. The immediate neighborhood was nothing special but the freedom of instant connections to everywhere, without even walking outside, made it our top choice for any future visits.

I know I join a great many on this board in wishing you a fantastic time. Who knows? Maybe we'll run into you in Tahiti some day on a more acceptable cruise.

Leigh (Zorita)

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We recently returned from a back to back on the PG (booked thru travel agent with RSSC). We felt that the staff, the ambience and the Polynesian scenery and hospitality were all that we believed it would be. The Paul Gauguin voyage was one we've thought about for a long time. By doing a back to back we were able to note how much of a different experience one can have when the weather changes...windy, rainy, or sunny.


The RSSC staff and members of Tahiti Nui Travel did a great job of getting us to where we expected to be with no mishaps. The only problem we incurred was on the last day at the Radisson hotel. (Confusion about luggage) On board there were many ship-sponsored parties. With the liquor provided in the rooms we didn't really miss the wine at lunch. If you wanted to consume a lot of alcohol there were plenty of opportunites.


The staff got to know you fairly quickly and were all very helpful.


We've sailed on the RSSC Mariner, Oceania Insignia, Silverseas (Silver Whisper (2x) and Silver Wind), Princess (3x), Royal Caribbean (3x), Holland America and Norwegian Cruise Lines so I would say we have the experience to be able to say whether the cruise experience is worth the price paid. This certainly was. We hope to do it again one day and convince many friends to come along. Hopefully the PG will still be in French Polynesia after 2006.


Cathy K.

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Thanks SO very much for the well-wishes on our upcoming trip to London. We would have been going to Tahiti this very weekend had all gone well, but I have to think that things happen for a reason. We're looking forward to London, but tonight I'm pretty melancholy about the PG and Tahiti.


We've booked everything independently, as we always had in the past, and will be staying at the Milennium Bailey's in South Kensington, across from Glouscester Tube Station. For now, I'm having loads of fun planning the trip - I really do love this part!


As to hearing anymore from GCT, not a word, other than the glossy catalogues that continue to show up in our mailbox several times a week! Needless to say, they go right in the trash.


I hope some of the cruisers post a review of their June 4 PG sailing when they return, and I can shed a few tears over what we missed. We wish them bon voyage, great weather, and will be with them in spirit as they raise a toast to the first gorgeous sunset!

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