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Legend 8/28/11 review... NO HURRICANE, with lots of pics (yep, food porn)


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Thursday, Sept. 1 Roatan


Another early excursion, so it’s the room service routine. I’m so glad we got up early this morning…. I don’t often see the sun rise (even tho I get up every work day at 5:30 I don’t’ have my eyes open enough to see the sun rise on a regular basis…. plus it does not look anything like what I saw this particular morning!). Out onto the balcony and this is what I see:




Now that’s the way to start a day. We are off the ship early – 8:30 excursion again. Another booked through Carnival, because that’s the only way to get where we wanted to go. The first time we went to Roatan we booked with Fins and Flippers (found that on the Roatan board here), and LOVED it. Now it’s called Maya Key, and you have to book through the cruise lines. It costs more, but we think it is worth the money – lunch is included and it’s never crowded. Our third time there, and it still amazes us.

Well, we get off the ship and find our excursion meeting place – here he is




We follow him down the path to the pier and our transportation to Maya Key




and off we go…. all 16 of us on the boat




There it is… see the row of white chairs in the middle?




Here’s another view of those chairs




We get to Maya Key, skip the welcome talk since we’ve been there before, and head right down to the beach.

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Now THAT is a view




Not much company yet, and we never did have much company – we’ve never felt crowded here.




L and I immediately head out to the end of the pier, put on our snorkel gear (I have all my own, she had a snorkel and a mask but no fins), they have snorkel guides there, so one took L and towed her around, pointing out all the cool stuff. The water was a tiny bit murky, but it’s still an amazing sight. Coral everywhere, then you get to the edge, and it drops off like a wall. It’s a more intense snorkel experience than the reef in Belize.




Right at the edge







Snorkeling makes you hungry, so we head up to the buffet lunch. Again, it was great. The best sea bass I think I’ve ever had. The Bahamian half of me was very happy with this lunch, the peas and rice felt like ‘home’ (yes, I really am half Bahamian. My dad was born and raised there… his family goes back several generations. Most everyone is gone from there now, tho. But it made it much more fun to go spend the summer with my grandmother when I was a teenager!!)



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I try to avoid Carnival sponsored excursions AT ALL COSTS but this one just fit the bill too well. LOVED that you were picked up right at the ship and Bannister Island was awesome. The rum punch didn't hurt either - we drank 'em dry on our trip :p. There was lots of booty shakin going on!! This is one Carnival excursion that I would definately recommend!


Great review BTW!! Also - just in case you want to try something different in Coz (we've been to PB three times) you should look up Tucan Sailing Adventure - awesome day on a catamaran!!


Thanks for the catamaran tip... will look into that. We'll be there again the day after Christmas (great Christmas gift for all the kids!)


We did the same excursion in Belize. Once we got back to the ship I couldn't have gone into Belize if I had wanted to. DH put me to bed for the afternoon, but that rum punch was really, reeeaalllly good. To this day, whenever we talk about the cruise he says "It was good but it would have been really nice to see Belize". Oh well, he can take me on the Legend and we can try again lol.




sounds like a plan to me...


Another 1973 grad here, too funny. I noticed the cover for the Kindle also, where did you get it? Not sure if it would work with my Sony since it has a hard cover.


Love the pictures of Paradise Beach, we are going to Nachi Colum instead but I am hoping for the same pool experience. Forget the beach, plant me by the swim up bar. ;)


Can't wait to 'hear' the rest of the review.


I got the Kindle cover from Amazon. I bought one for me and a Nook cover for a friend. Just search for Sony reader waterproof cover on Amazon, you may find one that works.

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The day in Roatan is a short one – we had to be back on board at 2:30. Our boat left Maya Key at 1:30, and we had a few minutes to do some shopping at the port before we sailed.




Mahogany Beach




It’s all new and, well, “new”. The first time we went we docked at the other pier, Coxen Hole maybe? I think I like that better – I am not a huge fan of the manufactured port areas. But that’s just me – I love Progresso and Costa Maya because they are not so touristy, yet.

The afternoon routine sets in, nap, room service, get ready for dinner (the 2nd ‘Elegant Night’).

Now THAT’S a BLT! There really is a little tomato and lettuce in there somewhere




The show was The Big Easy. They used most of the same sets we had seen 2 years ago, but some of the songs and routines were different. We enjoyed it.

Then off to dinner…

“Didja” tonight was escargot, not a new item but one of my favorites




And Chateaubriand, very good tonight.




More comedy tonight…. John Wesley Austin was absolutely hilarious – funniest comedian we’ve seen on a ship, and funnier than most we’ve seen other places.


tomorrow…. Grand Cayman

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Thanks for this review! 3 weeks and a day til I'm on the Legend, I can't wait.


What kind of underwater camera did you use?


I have a Fuji FinePix. Easy to use, takes decent pics, and it didn't break the bank. I had it narrowed down to an Olympus and the Fuji by reading reviews online, then I went to a store and held them both to see which fit my hands better (small hands, short fingers!). The Fuji just felt better to me, so I ordered it from Amazon - cheaper than the store (checked prices on my phone while I was shopping! Handy little things, those phones). Added benefit: I have all my Amazon purchases sent to school, and since dh gets the mail at home I can sneak more stuff by him!! I know he won't read this, he hates computers!)

Will get Grand Cayman (and maybe the rest of the story) done this afternoon, in between dh and I yelling at the TV (TN / FL game today, I'm a Gator girl, he's a Vol fan. I have oranges ready to throw at him)

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Friday, Sept. 2 - Grand Cayman


(disclaimer: I’m typing this during the FL / TN game, so just excuse me if something finds its way into this review…. GO GATORS!! dh is not happy right now, poor baby)


No early morning room service wake up call today!!! Tender tickets will be given out starting at 10:15, so it’s sleep late for us day. Breakfast in the MDR, same menu as always – we have learned to order our Eggs Benedict with the sauce on the side, that way it isn’t sitting back there cooking under the lights. Much better. We got the essentials packed for a day in Grand Cayman: towel, money, sunscreen, money, Kindle, money, hat, money, camera, more money. Then we head down to the Follies lounge to get a tender ticket. If you are not in a hurry you can wait until the ‘all call’ (sometime around noon) and just head down to the gangway. We want more beach time, so tickets are for us. (FL 16, TN 0)

We get ticket #10 and sit where they tell us and wait. Folks from the Belize excursion (rum punch) are behind us…. that’s all you need to know about that conversation!!!!

They call our row to get up and leave… follow the leader down to the gangway on deck A and into the tender




and on into Grand Cayman. Not as long of a tender ride as in Belize, and much slower.




I LOVE this pic:




Coming into the tender area:




(Before heading to the taxi area, we made a rest room stop – some things make me wonder…. like the need to post this sign:




We head across the street to the taxi area. It’s not well ‘advertised’, you might not realize that’s what it is, it looks more like a small parking lot. But if you head out to the right as you leave the port area, just cross the street – there has always been someone standing under the awning of the store on the end, just tell them you want a taxi to where-ever and they will call one over for you. I think it was $8 per person to get to Royal Palms (remember to bring some money with you). (FL 16, TN 7, dh cracked a smile – well, actually he yells at the TV)

We are the only ship in port, again today. Cozumel is the only port we had company. So the beach is not full, plus we got off the ship fairly early – our normal plan of attack for a beach: come early, leave late.

We pay our $10 for a chair, and $10 for an umbrella (remember that money I said to bring????) and set up camp. We only got 2 chairs and 1 umbrella for the 4 of us; we spend most time in the water, anyway.

Grand Cayman is beautiful, as always. The pictures just don’t do justice to the colors of the water.




every shade of blue all in one place.

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We accomplished our goal of being total slugs all day. It’s such a good feeling to reach your goals. We swam (well, floated around a bunch), did some people watching, read, ate, drank, and just generally enjoyed the day.

Royal Palms was a great choice – first time we’ve been here – see the umbrella in the front left? That’s our spot for the day.




They have a restaurant/bar






and a pool (notice the sign)




We had a great lunch (blackened grouper sandwich – it was very tasty) and a few adult beverages (I was feeling a definite need for added salt, must be a sodium deficiency I have… I’m sure that’s it. ) Headed back in time to get some shopping done (L and W have younger children and it’s their first time here, so there is shopping to be done. Again, without benefit of a shopping talk, and somehow we managed. We just amaze ourselves sometimes!)

The school mascot where L and I teach is a salamander…. we really wanted this shirt to wear on our first day back




I know the rest of the faculty would appreciate it! Our principal would want one!


(FL 23 / TN 7 dh is gonna be grumpy tonight…. think I’m going to see The Help with dd)

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Back at the tender port there was a guy doing a great business selling fresh coconuts.




I walked closer to take this picture because we have a fruit/veggie grant at school that provides fresh stuff for snacks a couple of days a week – we always get coconuts one time a year (just the inside shell, tho), so I wanted my class to see what the real deal looks like. I finished taking the picture and just happened to look down into a box he had sitting on a table. OMG!!!! QUINEPS!!!!! QUINEPS FOR SALE. Out comes the $2, quickly




My Bahamian half was doing the happy dance (well, inside it was, I showed some restraint!!!). If you’ve never had one… a quinep is a small tropical fruit with a large seed inside – you just crack the outside shell and suck the pulp off the seed inside. It’s kind of a sweet-tart taste, seems like you either love them or hate them. I LOVE them – used to eat them by the bag at my Grandmother’s house. Another perfectly good reason to move to a tropical island. I’ve got lots of reasons…. list is building every year.


The last tenders of the day are loading… we are on the 2nd to last today. (FL 30 / TN 7 – yep, I’m going to a movie tonight)


Back to the ship for the nap/room service/ shower routine.

The show tonight was Gravity Defying Comedy – with Dana Tison. Juggling. Comedy. Would be better in a smaller venue. But it’s a show, something we don’t have out here in East Podunk. So we’re happy (this has nothing to do with the added salt I had today. Nothing. Really. )


The ‘didja’ today was Oysters Rockefeller




I love me some oysters, any way I can get them. I ordered 2 of these when Lovelie told us there are only 2 in a serving. 2??? That’s not a serving of oysters, that’ just teasing. 4 was better


Filet Mignon and Short Rib Confit (whatever that is)




So far the food has been good. There’s not anything that we didn’t think was edible. We know it’s not going to be 5 star dining, so we don’t expect that. But it’s better than any banquet food we’ve had, better than any restaurant within easy driving distance of my house, and I’m not cooking. So we are happy diners!

Tomorrow: lazy day at sea

(FL 30 / TN 13 , movie starting in 90 minutes)

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Thursday, Sept. 1 Roatan


Another early excursion, so it’s the room service routine. I’m so glad we got up early this morning…. I don’t often see the sun rise (even tho I get up every work day at 5:30 I don’t’ have my eyes open enough to see the sun rise on a regular basis…. plus it does not look anything like what I saw this particular morning!). Out onto the balcony and this is what I see:




Now that’s the way to start a day. We are off the ship early – 8:30 excursion again. Another booked through Carnival, because that’s the only way to get where we wanted to go. The first time we went to Roatan we booked with Fins and Flippers (found that on the Roatan board here), and LOVED it. Now it’s called Maya Key, and you have to book through the cruise lines. It costs more, but we think it is worth the money – lunch is included and it’s never crowded. Our third time there, and it still amazes us.

Well, we get off the ship and find our excursion meeting place – here he is




We follow him down the path to the pier and our transportation to Maya Key




and off we go…. all 16 of us on the boat




There it is… see the row of white chairs in the middle?




Here’s another view of those chairs




We get to Maya Key, skip the welcome talk since we’ve been there before, and head right down to the beach.


We were in Roatan in June and spent the day at West Bay Beach. It was beautiful, but it was hard to enjoy because there were so many local vendors walking up and down the beach selling everything from homemade jewelry to mahogany carvings. They would come right up to our chairs and ask us to buy from them--very pesty.


Just curious--did you deal with that at Maya Key, or were you left alone since you were on an island?

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Guess you are at the movies by now, hope you enjoy The Help, I did, saw it with my SIL.


LOVE your review and even more your sense of humor!


Got the answer to the question I was going to ask, about the waterproof Kindle cover, I am a Kindle kinda girl, didn't think I would like it at first, not holding a book in my hand, but I love it! Went on a 5 day trip to Massachusetts to visit my mom and I read 3 books on my Kindle, and no extra weight in my luggage!


We sail Legend in January and I am thrilled to read about the snorkel tour in Belize leaving from the ship; hope they are still offering it when we cruise, because it will be on our "to do" list.


Also loved reading about Maya Key, I always wondered what happened to the original destination, now I know they changed names. We have always done Tambayana Beach but it has gotten way too crowded and touristy.


Mahogany Bay along with the port in general were under construction the last time we sailed on Legend....but I am going to look into the Maya Key excursion.


I thoroughly am on the same page with your style of cruising, that's how we do our cruises as well.


My question to you is the cabins you booked......was the location quiet and did you feel any vibration in your cabins.


Our 1st cruise on Legend we had an aft balcony on Main deck and it was the first cabin location we did not like. We are balcony people but there was so much vibration in the aft every night it would wake us up in the middle of the night....so now we sail a balcony port side.....but your location sounds interesting.


Great job on the review and enjoying your writing and photos!


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Never had a quinep but they sure sound interesting (and boy what a great scrabble word for my next game!).


Can you confirm that your oysters rockefeller were made with cheese - sure looks like it but many are reporting (on other cruises) that their oyster had spinach but no cheese? Very strange!!!


Also heard about Royal Palms and would love to visit one day - did you see their 'tent like' cabanas? Did you try out the pool? (did anyone? looks empty!)

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We were in Roatan in June and spent the day at West Bay Beach. It was beautiful, but it was hard to enjoy because there were so many local vendors walking up and down the beach selling everything from homemade jewelry to mahogany carvings. They would come right up to our chairs and ask us to buy from them--very pesty.


Just curious--did you deal with that at Maya Key, or were you left alone since you were on an island?


Not a single vendor on any of our 3 trips there. They have a great gift shop with some wonderful local handmade items as well as the typical t-shirts and stuff. I hate to be pestered when I'm trying to be a slug. :D


Guess you are at the movies by now, hope you enjoy The Help, I did, saw it with my SIL.


LOVE your review and even more your sense of humor!


Mahogany Bay along with the port in general were under construction the last time we sailed on Legend....but I am going to look into the Maya Key excursion.


My question to you is the cabins you booked......was the location quiet and did you feel any vibration in your cabins.


Great job on the review and enjoying your writing and photos!



Yes, I made it to the movie, and loved it. I read the book, and for once the movie did not disappoint. dh has calmed down a bit. He may even smile... in a day or 2.

We were in 4172 and 4170 - great location and very quiet. No vibrations, and quiet because there are not many cabins right in that area, no one is right across the hall (it's the atrium). Last time we heard the music from the lobby bar a couple of times (we didn't mind, the musician was fabulous), but this time not a peepl

Thanks for the kind words


Never had a quinep but they sure sound interesting (and boy what a great scrabble word for my next game!).


Can you confirm that your oysters rockefeller were made with cheese - sure looks like it but many are reporting (on other cruises) that their oyster had spinach but no cheese? Very strange!!!


Also heard about Royal Palms and would love to visit one day - did you see their 'tent like' cabanas? Did you try out the pool? (did anyone? looks empty!)

Yep, Oysters Rockefeller had cheese - wouldn't be ordering 2 if they didn't. No cheese, no Rockefeller.

I didn't see any tent-like cabanas, except those at the pool. Dh went in the pool, the rest of us stayed on the beach, except for those trips to the bar - needed salt ya know.

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Thursday, Sept. 1 Roatan


Another early excursion, so it’s the room service routine. I’m so glad we got up early this morning…. I don’t often see the sun rise (even tho I get up every work day at 5:30 I don’t’ have my eyes open enough to see the sun rise on a regular basis…. plus it does not look anything like what I saw this particular morning!). Out onto the balcony and this is what I see:




Now that’s the way to start a day. We are off the ship early – 8:30 excursion again. Another booked through Carnival, because that’s the only way to get where we wanted to go. The first time we went to Roatan we booked with Fins and Flippers (found that on the Roatan board here), and LOVED it. Now it’s called Maya Key, and you have to book through the cruise lines. It costs more, but we think it is worth the money – lunch is included and it’s never crowded. Our third time there, and it still amazes us.

Well, we get off the ship and find our excursion meeting place – here he is




We follow him down the path to the pier and our transportation to Maya Key




and off we go…. all 16 of us on the boat




There it is… see the row of white chairs in the middle?




Here’s another view of those chairs




We get to Maya Key, skip the welcome talk since we’ve been there before, and head right down to the beach.


OMG, love the pic of the sunrise. I want to be there. Roatan now on my list of places to cruise..right after HMC...thanks for the review and the pics.

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Saturday, Sept. 3 – at sea


Another lazy, relaxing day at sea. We slept late since there is nowhere to go today except to find a spot to relax. Breakfast in the MDR again, Eggs Benedict with the sauce on the side




Then up to find a place to plant myself for the day. L and I found a strange sight…. no chair hogs, and a sea day no less. Check out the time on this clock and all the empty chairs right next to the pool. This is not the main Lido deck pool with the stage and music, but the one right next to it.




B had the pool to himself for a while, I took my Kindle and sat on the edge and read for an hour or so before it started to get filled up. Made for a great relaxing morning. Well, that and this:




L went up to see if she could score a watch for W. during the big watch sale. They had all the watches on tables and they were all covered up with cloths. At the ‘sale’ time, they removed the covers – turns out L was standing right in front of the stack of watches that W. wanted! Lucky day! Me? I’m still back at the pool. All day. Slug-fest in action. At some point they must have closed the other pool for some reason (I don’t think I want to know….. ) because they moved the Synchronized Fun to this pool – 2 groups (1 guys, 1 girls) and some ‘synchronized’ fun in the pool. It was fun to watch, then it was right back to read, drink, relax, slug time. Lunch was a burger and fries (they have great fries), and a bite or 2 from the chocolate buffet – I don’t eat a huge amount of sweets, so dh has to clean up after me…. he’s never argued, either!

Mid-afternoon it’s time to go do the dreaded deed: pack. Absolute worst thing to do on a cruise. When I grow older (I swore years ago to never “grow up”, and I’ve stuck with that one!), I want to just retire to a cruise ship for a few months… I could live with that. Packed (we’re dragging them off behind us tomorrow, so I don’t have to get everything in there yet)




Shower, dress, and it’s down to the Fun Farewell. This is not heavily advertised, and if you don’t know what it is you could easily miss it. Check the list of things to do in the FunTimes for the last day, 5:00 in the Firebird Lounge on the Legend. Music and free drinks. Lots of free drinks. This cruise there seemed to be quite a lot of blue cards around, and the lounge was nowhere near full. Here we are, having fun saying farewell




table, after a few cleanings. Just the 4 of us, do the math



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After the Farewell, we spend some time watching the water glide past our balcony and moaning about how we have to leave tomorrow. And finishing off the 2 drinks we each carried out of the Fun Farewell party before we all head down to our last supper.

Tonight the ‘didja’ was frog legs. Yum. Most of the time I’ve ordered frog legs they’ve been fried. These were marinated and baked?/broiled?/sautéed? cooked somehow. But they were very good, I would order them again in a heartbeat




With all the controversy/complaints (from people who had never ordered from them???), I decided to try the fried chicken. Just because. And it was very good, tender, moist, great flavor.




And my favorite cruise dessert: Grand Marnier Souffle




Final night entertainment: Leaving on a Fun Ship, as usual. We will miss Lovelie, Lam, and Avardo. Great service this week.




My own personal opinion of the new menus and all the discussion/complaints I read before we left:

I didn’t find that they took away much of what I’ve ordered and enjoyed in the past, with the one exception of the shrimp cocktail from the everyday menu choice. I can live with that. The biggest complaint was the addition of the ‘comfort food’ section. Everyone with a negative comment seemed to say that Carnival was lowering their standards – losing some ‘class’. But what about the addition of the ‘didja’ items? Seems like that evens out the ‘class’ factor!!! Don’t like meat loaf? Don’t order it, get Baked Herb Polenta or Jerked Pork Loin. Solves that problem. I’ll step off my vent box now….


We wandered around the ship for a while after dinner, then back to our cabin for one last balcony evening. We are going to self-debark in the morning. Dh has never wanted to do this and always grumbles about waiting around for our number to be called. I did self-assist in the spring on my Elation cruise and it was a breeze, so he’s been talked into trying it this time. So we (well, that would be ME) finish the packing. I get a wake up call for in the morning so we can have one last breakfast in the MDR before we head north.



Sunday, Sep. 4 – debarkation


I woke up before the wake-up call this morning. Out on the balcony to see us come into Tampa




We got dressed and headed down to breakfast. This was the only meal where our service was not wonderful. Just the 4 of us at a table, and had to ask for everything, twice. They never offered bread/pastries (had to ask), coffee refills (had to ask), it was slow and unfriendly. We were even more thankful for Lovelie and her staff!


They started calling self-assist around 8:00 or so, with Deck 1. We were back in our cabin then, so we headed toward the mid-ship elevators soon after that, we knew we would be next (no cabins on deck 2 or 3 and we were on 4). Right when we got into the elevator they called deck 4. Off the elevator and right through the door. No lines, no waiting, no problem (well, I was about to throw a 2 year old type tantrum NO! I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!!!!!!), but dh gave me the “LOOK” and I behaved. Outside. I was having a tantrum on the inside, tho!

The Customs lines were short, and we were in our car by 8:30. Headed North (I really, really, really don’t like that word. I threatened to cover up the N on my dh’s rearview mirror).

We usually divide the drive into 2 days, since there is someone else living in our house until noon on Labor Day (we have a huge 10 day long horse show in our town, the final night is the Saturday before Labor Day, and we rent our house). This time we decided to drive all the way home on Sunday because of the weather. It started to rain in southern Georgia (around Macon was horrible), and the weather reports online showed that Monday was going to be worse because of TS Lee. So…. all the way home, and we got a room in town for Sunday night. No turn down service, no towel animal, no chocolate, what kind of place is this?????


About TS Lee… we did get a letter one night about the weather situation. It said, in part:


We wanted to let you know that a broad area of low-pressure is located a couple of hundred miles south of the Louisiana coast and is producing a large area of cloudiness, thunderstorms, and gusty winds over the eastern and central Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, this means we may feel some of the effects over the next few days.


But, luckily, this is what we saw most of the time:




Smooth sailing, great weather, great service, great company. As Jimmy Buffett says:


I’m sorry it’s ended

It’s sad but it’s true

Honey, we’ve had a lovely cruise

These moments we’re left with

May you always remember

These moments are shared by few

There’s wind in our hair

And water in our shoes

Honey, it’s been a lovely cruise.

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