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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Well, I made it thru Superbowl Sunday within my points, even w/margarita's:p, I weigh in on Sunday which will be 1 month in, but so far have lost 7.4lbs, I am very pleased. I purchased Just Dance 3 last weekend for our Wii and luv it! Lot's of activity points! It's so fun and DH joins in for some exercise too!

Hoping to lose 20lb by May, I just booked a cruise on the Paradise so I have even more incentive!

Happy Sailing,

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Lost 8lbs this week! wow! :) I even got a little naughty on Superbowl Sunday. Hope y'all have good weigh-ins!


Keystonemama: Thats awesome! I'm also losing specifically for a cruise but mine is in September, gives me a bit more time! lol


Cruisinmickey: so close to goal! wow!

Edited by cruisinnancy
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weightwatchers is a great program, It doesn't feel like a diet to me because I can eat whatever I want. It also makes me eat much better quality food and more vegetables and fruits. I love the program. Good luck with your weight loss and congrats on the wedding! I'm sure you will look beautiful.


Hi there,


I've been scrolling through this thread reading some of your success stories - so glad to see that WW is working for my fellow cruisers!! I just started it for the first time about a week ago, because I've had 2 not-very-successful attempts at regular old calorie-counting dieting since last April, and so many have told me that WW has worked for them.


My wedding is on a cruise in May... so not only do I want to look good in my bathing suit but I have to make sure my dress fits (hopefully without the help of Spanx but we'll see! LOL)


My timeline is so short since the wedding is coming up fast that I'm not setting a specific goal - just going to keep going until the wedding cruise and see how far I get. My big downfall with dieting is not following it through so I'm hoping joining this thread will keep me in line!

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Lost 8lbs this week! wow! :) I even got a little naughty on Superbowl Sunday. Hope y'all have good weigh-ins!


Keystonemama: Thats awesome! I'm also losing specifically for a cruise but mine is in September, gives me a bit more time! lol


Cruisinmickey: so close to goal! wow!


Eight pounds...super. Keep up the good w ork

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Sounds like alot of people are having a successful week! Congrats! My last WI was Sunday, and I lost 1.4#s Guess I really ought to set my goal weight with my leader... soooo afraid to actually do that. I am 8 pounds from goal, and I'm nervous about reaching it! Is that crazy or what???



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Well I for one am tired of all the success stories I keep reading here (LOL) I went out and bought a high powered mixer that will pulverize anything I put in it (veggies, fruits etc.) I stated before I started making smoothies for breakfast with apples, bananas, and carrots, then have veggies for lunch and I feel great. The one I had is too small to fit all the stuff I want to add plus make enough for my wife when she gets up in the morning. Still not losing any weight though. I purchased some protein powder to have mid afternoon to round out myself in case I was not getting enough of it. Then for dinner I have a sensible meal. My downfall is whole wheat bread and whole grain Cheerios with soy milk I tend to eat afterwards in the evening. I have to try to cut that back. I even got back to the gym today. Well we'll see how it all goes. I do think this forum is making me feel guilty (which is a good thing)

Edited by believer33323
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Sounds like alot of people are having a successful week! Congrats! My last WI was Sunday, and I lost 1.4#s Guess I really ought to set my goal weight with my leader... soooo afraid to actually do that. I am 8 pounds from goal, and I'm nervous about reaching it! Is that crazy or what???




WOW!! 8lbs from goal is amazing, you're an inspiration to me for sure! Did it take you a long time?

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WOW!! 8lbs from goal is amazing, you're an inspiration to me for sure! Did it take you a long time?




I started this journey August 6, 2011. My highest weight was 217, but my starting weight in August was 208.4. In the first five months (through the new Year), I dropped 40 pounds. Since then, my weight loss has slowed dramatically... but, the amount of weight I have to lose is much less, so I guess that is to be expected.


Since the New Year, I have lost 6.4 pounds, and am sitting at 163 pounds. The highest allowable weight for my height (5'6") is 155, so of course, that will be my official goal... leaving me with 8 pounds to go!


Like I said above... it's scarey! But I am glad I have people who share my passion for cruising to share this with! I am also happy I can be an inspiration for someone else!



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Wow! :eek::D Do you have any tips for the rest of us? I feel like I want to come to your specific meetings! lol





I started this journey August 6, 2011. My highest weight was 217, but my starting weight in August was 208.4. In the first five months (through the new Year), I dropped 40 pounds. Since then, my weight loss has slowed dramatically... but, the amount of weight I have to lose is much less, so I guess that is to be expected.


Since the New Year, I have lost 6.4 pounds, and am sitting at 163 pounds. The highest allowable weight for my height (5'6") is 155, so of course, that will be my official goal... leaving me with 8 pounds to go!


Like I said above... it's scarey! But I am glad I have people who share my passion for cruising to share this with! I am also happy I can be an inspiration for someone else!



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I started 9/23/11 at 192.2 went off and on thru 11/7 I was up to 193.2. I was absolutely done with myself at this point. I have been on track every sine the 7th of November and as of today's weigh in I have lost 17.4 lbs! It is slower coming off this time around but I can honestly say that WW is the only program that ever works for me. Plus I don't have to give up anything but overloaded plates of food. I know that I won't be at goal when I leave on 5/17 for 11 day Alaskan cruisetour but I will feel and look better than I did when I started this journey. Great job just4kixx at being so close to your goal. :) Happy Friday!

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Hello all! I have been on CC for a year now and I can't believe I just now found this section!


I have been on WW for two years, attending weekly meetings (Tues. a.m.) and using WW e-tools. In that two years I have lost 120 lbs. The first year I lost about 75 or 80. Last year was about half that, because I've spent much of the last 4 or 5 months bobbing like a cork in the water, not being able to pull my head out of my... armpit, so to speak.


Despite how incredible 120 lbs sounds, :D I still have 89 lbs to go to reach the top of the WW-defined healthy weight range for my age and height. I am hoping to accomplish this by the end of this year. It's an average of only a little over 2 lbs a week, which I think is do-able for me if I can really stick with it.


Excercise-wise, I have a sister who is a fitness instructor (ironic, I know. She's not adopted.) I have been doing a group class of TurboKick aerobic exercise with her from mid-Spring of last year to October of last year, and then I've started it up again in the last few weeks. Also started doing strength training with her as part of a team fitness challenge our gym is sponsoring. (5 ppl on a team, whichever team has the most total weight loss AND total body fat percentage lost wins, splits $1000.) Last year her team won. I'm hoping to pull off a 'Miracle on Ice' repeat of that this year, but we're off to a slow start. :o


Anyway. I have 107 days until my cruise. What I would like to discuss here is whether or not most people even TRY to stay on WW on a cruise, and if so, how? I have to confess, as a food addict and compulsive eater, I am looking forward to the food on this trip as much as any other part of it. But I am NOT looking forward to getting back, going to my first post-cruise weigh-in and having gained 10 lbs. I refuse to let that happen. So what are some good tips and suggestions people have used to try to at least maintain their weight while on a cruise? I need to have a plan!



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Thanks again nancy and 6girls! Now I have an inspiration... OklaCruiser!!! Unfreakinbelievable! 120 pounds is awe-inspiring!


What works for me... Fortunately, I like rather simple things, And thanks to WW, I now like to try NEW things!

First thing in the morning is a bottle of water.

I save most of my points for "after work". Breakfast is a piece of fruit, and a ff greek yogurt (3Pts). Coffee is ff half & half and equal, so I don't count any points for that.

Lunch is usually baby carrot sticks and dip (hummus, spinach artichoke, etc. generally 3-4 points) another piece of fruit, more water, and either Orville Redenbachers Smart Pop Kettle Corn single serve (3points) or 9 pretzel nubs (2points). When I get home from work, it's another bottle of water and a piece of fruit.

At this point I have my recommended fruit/veggies in for the day.

Dinner, I try to have what ever I plan for the family. I modify the recipies to be WW friendly, and use my food scale faithfully to measure portions and calculate points (normally between 9-12) I LOVE roasting veggies with olive oil, salt and pepper for 1 point (for the OO)

With my remaining 6-8 points, I plan an evening snack of Healthy choice or WW fudgesicles (2points), skinny cow ice cream sandwich (3 points), popcorn (3), pretzel nubs (2), and if I have stayed on plan, I end the night with some chocolate. 3 mini- peppermint patties are just 4 points!!!


On Facebook, there is a few WW recipe sites/ subscriptions that I signed up for. I also bought the new "One Pot WW cookbook", and am really enjoying introducing my self and family to new meals!


Also, I have an Android phone, and found a WW ScanCalc app (free) that I use at the grocery store. It is similar to the iphone app you can get with etools, but you don't have to have an iphone, and you don't have to subscribe to etools! There is also a ww point calculator app that I use instead of the calculator that I bought when I first joined!


As for my plans to stay on plan while cruising.... Oh, THAT has been dancing through my head for quite some time!!! Here is how I am looking at it... fruit is your friend. Portion control is your friend. steps are your friends. Dancing is your friend. you get the idea ;) I am hoping that I don't feast on the cookies as I have been known to do... that the ice cream just doesn't have the same appeal that it has had in the past, and that perhaps the chefs are on strike the week I go!!! Hey, it could happen!!!


But really, I am hoping that a few of my "anchors" that I carry with my will remind me from where I was, and that I never want to go back there again!!!


My downfall is that I have not incorporated excercise into my weight loss plan. I am certain that results would be achieved much faster if I would just get off my lazy BUTT!!!!f


Let's keep this thread going sharing daily tips AND cruise tips! I love having a forum of people who share my old and dear passion for cruising and my new dedicaton to a healthier lifestyle! :cool:



Edited by just4kixx
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How does the point system work?


Taken from WW Online

You have a daily PointsPlus Target

Every food has a PointsPlus value, and your daily PointsPlus Target represents the number of PointsPlus values you should stick to every day in order to lose weight safely. This daily Target is calculated using a scientific formula, and is customized for you.

Each day, you can eat any combination of foods you’d like, while staying within your daily PointsPlus Target. And the Good Health Guidelines can serve as a framework for making choices, as well as providing nutrition while you lose weight.

We recommend using up your daily PointsPlus Target every day, so you stay satisfied and stick with the plan.






Each food has a PointsPlus value

PointsPlus values are derived from our formula, which we developed based on the latest nutritional science. They take into account the way your body processes the major nutrients:

· fat

· carbohydrates

· protein

· fiber

For every food you eat, those nutrients' impact is considered in one easy-to-work-with number. You'll learn over time that certain nutrients make foods higher or lower in PointsPlus values, but the program gives you ways to fit them all in.


The benefits of the WW verses many other diets is that it actually teaches you how to eat and not just make you lose weight. That is why after losing weight with other diets they gain a lost of the weight back again. (Atkins, Cookie diet, etc.)

Edited by believer33323
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Good morning all, well it's my weeky WI and I'm at 1 month on WW, I lost another 1.4 this week, 8.8lbs for the month or yes ya know it's coming...drum roll please....34 sticks of butta!:p I luv to visualize! I'm in the teens for the first time in over 10 yrs! Even though my daily pt. are 33, I average about 42 daily, I always use my weekly, plus bonus and usually have some activity pts. left over, but I'm still averaging about 1.8lbs. per week.

I run a group on WW online called 40 Something's Needing to Lose 50+, and we have a great support group, we are learning things about our bodies, food, weight plateau's etc together thru this journey. I try to instill little things for people to remember on a daily basis, because what you eat starts in the brain ya know. I really don't feel like I'm on a diet, but I do find it's important to pre-plan and chart down your points BEFORE you eat.

I'm finding some women are not losing due to not enough protein. Women need at least 100g a day or your body goes into "starvation" mode and will slow your metabolism. I eat fresh fruit, not alot of breads, I'll have like a turkey burger topped w/salsa instead, shrimp & stirfry are a good low pt meal also, throw in some shiratake noodles for free. I don't do alot of smoothies, ya have to be careful w/those.

After the first initial weight loss, we lose slower due to lean tissue is now being lost. You have to jumpstart your metabolism also , don't eat the same amount of pts. everyday, go high, go low, if you stay the same, your body will adjust, add some weight training for muscle, we lose muscle but certain foods help w/that like eggs, spinach, almonds, pork loin...I try to throw spinach in everything I can.

Another thing is water, healthy weight people are supposed to drink 8 glasses a day, overweight should drink that + add 1 cup for every 25lbs. overweight and if you exercise add 1 cup for every 10 minutes.

Hope I'm not boring you guys, but knowledge empowers us and I so want to help those trying to lose weight to be able to accomplish their goals, ya have BELIEVE TO ACHIEVE!!!!

Happy Sailing,

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Hi Folks,


Have enjoyed reading your posts today and want to join. I know WW works, when I stay on plan. DH and I considering a cruise January 2013 and how great it would be to be to goal by then. I have around 50- lbs to lose. My tracker is out and my pedometer is on. Weigh in is Thursday night. My largest problem is the evening, Any advice?

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Congrats Keystonemama!!! I am certainly not bored by what you share in your post! Keep it coming!


I weighed in this morning also... no big drum roll, but a loss is a loss, right? I down .4 this week, that's 45.8 pounds total! I have no idea how many sticks of butter, but I DO know that is the size of a small child! Also, more than that huge 40 pound bag of dog food that I buy for my pupper-dogs!


I also took that huge step and actually set my goal with the leader today! 7.6 pounds to go! Sounds like nothing in the grand scheme of things, but at the rate of <.5 pounds/week, we're talking another 2 months till goal :eek: I'm not discouraged. Kinda relieved, actually. Since January, I;ve continued to stay on plan and track, etc, but i have also eaten out (comfortably), had an occassional beer or mixed drink, gone to Super Bowl and birthday parties, etc and continued to lose at a steady (albeit slow) pace! What more could I realistically ask for?


Hope everyone is doing well! More later!


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Goodluck smirff,

just4kixx.. So close! wow! Thanks for the tips too!

Keystonemama; Thanks for all those helpful hints,

OklaCruisermom.. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! 120lbs in two years is amazing!


My weigh in day is Wednesday so I will check in then, I'm starting exercise this week and already have a class booked for Wednesday morning at 7am. EEK! I really need to get my 3x per week in. I have two little ones, a job and do school full time so sometimes its hard. :) No excuses though, I am getting to it this week.


Hope everyone has an on-point week!

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How does the point system work?


Everything has a point system, some more than others. The best thing to do is go to a meeting and sit down with someone so they can explain it to you. I used to go to meetings but do it online now. Its a great program and very liveable rather than cutting out specific food groups, kwim?

give it a shot :)

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Hi, I though that I would drop by...


I am using WW on-line. I started last May and took off about 25 pounds in 4 months. I fell off the wagon for several months but I am back on the plan again!! :)


I started weighing again on Jan 30 and am down 7 pounds in 2 weeks. (my weigh in is on Monday). I have a lot of weight to lose, but know that I have to be realistic as well.

My DH are planning a Med Cruise in October to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday. This is a long and very expensive cruise compared to what we usually plan. We expect to do a lot of walking during our tours so both my DH and I are walking 2 to 5 miles at least 5 times a week. We do a lot of this at our local malls. I am finding that mall walking is really appealing to me. It is well lit, clean and the folks are very friendly. Also it is a wondeful incentive for me to keep walking when I see all of those lovely outfits that I cannot squeeze into. :p I am also using an exercise video, but having mixed results with that :rolleyes:.


My goals are the following:

1. Drop at least one dress size. (Two would be better :))

2. Get my weight under 200. (I am 222 now and I really need to get to the 180's)

3. Be able to walk continuously for over 2 hours. (Three would be better)


So, I have 7 months...

If I can stay focused and lose at least 5 pound a month, that would take me down 35 pounds. While I would not be slim by any definition, the weight loss would definitely help me feel better and better able to enjoy our cruise.



Edited by janetlm
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I just uploaded the WW bar scanner on my Iphone. WOW what a great tool. I went over to the grocery store and anything I was concerned about I just scanned the ar code and it told me what the points are. If I wanted it I could even upload it into my daily tracker or just save it in favorites. I makes shopping wasy easier for things your not sure if you could have them. It even had Wal-Mart brand Non-Dairy creamer in it's database.

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I just uploaded the WW bar scanner on my Iphone. WOW what a great tool. I went over to the grocery store and anything I was concerned about I just scanned the ar code and it told me what the points are. If I wanted it I could even upload it into my daily tracker or just save it in favorites. I makes shopping wasy easier for things your not sure if you could have them. It even had Wal-Mart brand Non-Dairy creamer in it's database.


I have the WW app but haven't seen the bar scanner, i'm going to have to look for that. That will make things SO much easier!

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I am doing WW online also, Good luck! Your future cruise sounds amazing. My cruise is September 29th, I gave myself plenty of time too ;)


Hi, I though that I would drop by...


I am using WW on-line. I started last May and took off about 25 pounds in 4 months. I fell off the wagon for several months but I am back on the plan again!! :)


I started weighing again on Jan 30 and am down 7 pounds in 2 weeks. (my weigh in is on Monday). I have a lot of weight to lose, but know that I have to be realistic as well.

My DH are planning a Med Cruise in October to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday. This is a long and very expensive cruise compared to what we usually plan. We expect to do a lot of walking during our tours so both my DH and I are walking 2 to 5 miles at least 5 times a week. We do a lot of this at our local malls. I am finding that mall walking is really appealing to me. It is well lit, clean and the folks are very friendly. Also it is a wondeful incentive for me to keep walking when I see all of those lovely outfits that I cannot squeeze into. :p I am also using an exercise video, but having mixed results with that :rolleyes:.


My goals are the following:

1. Drop at least one dress size. (Two would be better :))

2. Get my weight under 200. (I am 222 now and I really need to get to the 180's)

3. Be able to walk continuously for over 2 hours. (Three would be better)


So, I have 7 months...

If I can stay focused and lose at least 5 pound a month, that would take me down 35 pounds. While I would not be slim by any definition, the weight loss would definitely help me feel better and better able to enjoy our cruise.



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