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I'm Baack - NCL Gem Bermuda - Kid Dailies All Ages


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Please be patient, I just got back from our 10/2 - 10/9 cruise and I have been posting/scanning like a mad woman and my one computer just took a dive. So after a reboot - I need to get to sleep but the beginning of the review of my NCL Gem "A Suite Life" cruise is here...



I will get the kid dailies all posted in the next day or 2. They DID combine the 6 - 12 year olds. (my 11 year old was soooo unhappy to be with her little sis, but oh well)


All in all - as far as the Kids Crew - THEY ROCK! I cannot say enough good things about them. You all know how {AHEM} critical I can be about the various kids clubs on the different lines. But the Kids Crew on the Gem were truly ANGELS this entre cruise!


You all know some of my past moments with my youngest {Helloooo Rubber Shark Abuse on Carnival!} - so I told the counselors that they WOULD want me to have a phone so THEY could call for help. :p


Well bless their heart, can you imagine, when I arrived after the first night, one of the counselors "Gypsy" said "After tonight we ARE taking your phone back! You don't need it! WE don't need you to have it. She has been GREAT!" :eek: Not my kid! You must have her confused with someone else? :p KIDDING! She went on to say that YES, she is "energetic" but she is not agressive, mean or BAD. And they can handle her.




Full review to come, keep checking the link...

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You mention looooving NCL often in what is so far your review....tell us, what is the best cruise line overall for a family like your's?


UGH - tough one. :D Whichever I am on at the time. :p


No, seriously, I think we know I have sworn off Carnival for the time being. I love the food, just can't handle the treatment of my kids in the kids club and the general service.


I think I am going to be jumping back and forth between RCI and NCL ships as long as they keep making new ones. I said before I left for NCL that as long as my kids were happy, then I would be happy. And the kids were generally thrilled with the entire experience. They are REALLY excited to try Epic and its all they have talked about since I started packing our bags on Gem.


So, for now, I think either NCL or RCI is a great choice for families.

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So, for now, I think either NCL or RCI is a great choice for families.


Good to know! We're hoping to get in plenty 'o cruises with school age children in the years to come so I appreciate the insight from someone who's been-there-done-that!

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UGH - tough one. :D Whichever I am on at the time. :p



So, for now, I think either NCL or RCI is a great choice for families.

Glad you had a great time!!! I knew you would. NCL Kids clubs are the best. Wait until you try Epic....the kids club (and everything else) is incredible on that ship.

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Michelle - I haven't been on the family boards for long and am dying to know more about "rubber shark abuse" care to share?


HAHAHA! Oh that was fun! :D That thread got locked on the Carnival board. :p Basically it was formal night and I was heading to dinner with some CC friends, the girls were having dinner with the kids club. My kids club phone rang and I was told that she was "Hitting children with toys" - so of course, MORTIFIED, I excused myself from formal night dinner and ran to the kids club - fully thinking that I would find my child had gone completly out of her mind in a rage, and was now beating the life out of the other kids (she was never aggressive, but who knows, it could happen :p)


So I arrive to the kids club and I find my little 5 year old QUIETLY playing with another little girl in the play kitchen. I say to the counselor "I am here, what happened? Who did she injure? Is everyone ok?"


And they say,"We called you because she took this rubber shark" {and they held up a plastic rubber shark} and hit THAT metal pole. So we wanted you to talk to her about it.


So I said to them "Wait. You called me because she took a RUBBER SHARK and hit a METAL POLE. Did she hit ANYONE?"


Answer: No


Did she stop?


Answer: Yes


Is the shark hurt in ANY way?


Answer: Blank stare. A few eye blinks.


Me: So let me get this straight, you called me out of formal night dining to talk to my 5 year old child about rubber shark abuse? I will be signing her out now. Thank you.


Answer: Well, you don't have to take her. We just wanted you to talk to her about it.


Me: Nooooo, really, I will be taking her now. Thaaaanks!


So I changed OUT of my formal dress and into PJs and we grabbed sandwiches and spent the night in the cabin together, coloring.


This was our THIRD time on Carnival. On the same cruise, same counselors, they told me that the same 5 year old "ran during a game of duck, duck goose" :eek: Oh I am sooo ashamed! She was grounded for weeks for THAT one. :p


With that being said, I KNOW that others here have had a WONDERFUL experience with the Carnival counselors. My kid is special, she is a Rubber Shark Abuser who likes to run during games of duck, duck goose. :D

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Uh Oh, maybe I should avoid Carnvial. My 10 mo old is currently a turtle eater and bunny abuser :eek:. I can't even imagine what will happen when he can run.


You are probably better than me because I may have had to ask if they have ever actually met a child before.

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Oh Michele, I'm so glad to hear that she had a good experience with the kids' club. I know this was a concern, especially with the rubber shark situation (seriously, I know it was mortifying and annoying and ridiculous at the time, but it's oh, so funny now LOL!), and to hear that they "got" her and she had fun makes my day.


Can't wait to read your full review of the trip.


Good to have you back.

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Uh Oh, maybe I should avoid Carnvial. My 10 mo old is currently a turtle eater and bunny abuser :eek:. I can't even imagine what will happen when he can run.


You are probably better than me because I may have had to ask if they have ever actually met a child before.


LMAO!!!! Bunny abuser!! :D

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Hi Michele,

We are taking our children on their first cruise in a couple months. Do you have a link for a suggested packing list for a family with young children? Our kiddos will be 7, 5, and 2 when we sail. The oldest 2 are girls. Thanks very much.


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Hi Michele,

We are taking our children on their first cruise in a couple months. Do you have a link for a suggested packing list for a family with young children? Our kiddos will be 7, 5, and 2 when we sail. The oldest 2 are girls. Thanks very much.



You can try this one...



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Thanks for the great review!


Quick question: Was the weather iffy due to the tropical storm, or is that just how it is in the Fall? I noticed your next cruise is in the fall too. The reason I ask is because when we, eventually, cruise again I want to go at a time of year when we can hit the beach as much as possible. :D



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Thanks for the great review!


Quick question: Was the weather iffy due to the tropical storm, or is that just how it is in the Fall? I noticed your next cruise is in the fall too. The reason I ask is because when we, eventually, cruise again I want to go at a time of year when we can hit the beach as much as possible. :D




It's the nature of the beast, cruising from NYC in the Fall - during hurricane season. We cruise every year during hurricane season. We got married in September, took our first cruise wayyyyy back (14 years) on our honeymoon and so started the obsession and seems to be annual hurricane sailing.


When we left from NYC, we knew we were taking a risk of having a few cold days on either side of the cruise because we knew what the weather is like in the North East in the Fall. When we cruise during the same months and start IN Florida, we have much better luck with the weather.


But I guess even that's not a guarantee because the people on Freedom (out of Port Canaveral) did NOT have a good time this week :eek:


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HAHAHA! Oh that was fun! :D That thread got locked on the Carnival board. :p Basically it was formal night and I was heading to dinner with some CC friends, the girls were having dinner with the kids club. My kids club phone rang and I was told that she was "Hitting children with toys" - so of course, MORTIFIED, I excused myself from formal night dinner and ran to the kids club - fully thinking that I would find my child had gone completly out of her mind in a rage, and was now beating the life out of the other kids (she was never aggressive, but who knows, it could happen :p)


So I arrive to the kids club and I find my little 5 year old QUIETLY playing with another little girl in the play kitchen. I say to the counselor "I am here, what happened? Who did she injure? Is everyone ok?"


And they say,"We called you because she took this rubber shark" {and they held up a plastic rubber shark} and hit THAT metal pole. So we wanted you to talk to her about it.


So I said to them "Wait. You called me because she took a RUBBER SHARK and hit a METAL POLE. Did she hit ANYONE?"


Answer: No


Did she stop?


Answer: Yes


Is the shark hurt in ANY way?


Answer: Blank stare. A few eye blinks.


Me: So let me get this straight, you called me out of formal night dining to talk to my 5 year old child about rubber shark abuse? I will be signing her out now. Thank you.


Answer: Well, you don't have to take her. We just wanted you to talk to her about it.


Me: Nooooo, really, I will be taking her now. Thaaaanks!


So I changed OUT of my formal dress and into PJs and we grabbed sandwiches and spent the night in the cabin together, coloring.


This was our THIRD time on Carnival. On the same cruise, same counselors, they told me that the same 5 year old "ran during a game of duck, duck goose" :eek: Oh I am sooo ashamed! She was grounded for weeks for THAT one. :p


With that being said, I KNOW that others here have had a WONDERFUL experience with the Carnival counselors. My kid is special, she is a Rubber Shark Abuser who likes to run during games of duck, duck goose. :D


Love it!!!!

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hello! first of all I just want to say that I loved reading your review - seemed like you and your family just had a wonderful time.


Since you seem to be a well-seasoned cruiser/traveler with NCL, I'd appreciate your opinion on this my dilemma.


I'm planning on taking my children (DD12, DD10, DS5) on a cruise. I've been on a couple of cruises, both with RCL, and absolutely love cruising. I mean, who wouldn't!?! No cooking and cleaning for 7 days! Heaven! Anyhow - back to my question. I'm torn between 2 cruiselines - NCL Jewel and DCL Dream.

We plan to cruise during spring break 2012. We live in VA so the Jewel leaving out of NYC would save us from airfare. However, I've been reading reviews and DCL seems to be a great choice for first time cruising for kids. I mean, we're talking Disney.


I really want my kids to have a great experience so they'll want to cruise again. I hesitate with Jewel because of the sea days and potential for rough waters up in the northern coast, not knowing how my kids will react to the rocking of the ship. The 12yr old does get car sick on long cartrips, but not all the time.


Disney would be awesome, but I'm also thinking of the cost of airfare or the 14-hour drive. I'm sure it would be a fabulous experience but was also wondering if we can have that fabulous experience on the Jewel - since they do have Nickelodeon characters.


Also - I know I used it on my post but exactly what does DH, DS, DD stand for? I get the second letter - husband, daughter, son, etc. correct? But what does the first "D" stand for? thanks!

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But I guess even that's not a guarantee because the people on Freedom (out of Port Canaveral) did NOT have a good time this week :eek:



Yep, I can unfortunately vouch for that one.....first cruise with my two little girls, and it was pretty scary that Sunday night. One of my girls was terribly sick, but after that Sunday night, all was good (despite still a lot of rain). Have to say, on a different note, I was happy with Adventure Ocean, they did a great job with the kids, especially considering the A.O rooms were closed all week because of all the water damage (omg, the carpets stank on the ship from the water). So with the rooms closed, they moved a lot of the stuff to another room for the activities, and the girls still enjoyed it. :)

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hello! first of all I just want to say that I loved reading your review - seemed like you and your family just had a wonderful time.


Since you seem to be a well-seasoned cruiser/traveler with NCL, I'd appreciate your opinion on this my dilemma.


I'm planning on taking my children (DD12, DD10, DS5) on a cruise. I've been on a couple of cruises, both with RCL, and absolutely love cruising. I mean, who wouldn't!?! No cooking and cleaning for 7 days! Heaven! Anyhow - back to my question. I'm torn between 2 cruiselines - NCL Jewel and DCL Dream.

We plan to cruise during spring break 2012. We live in VA so the Jewel leaving out of NYC would save us from airfare. However, I've been reading reviews and DCL seems to be a great choice for first time cruising for kids. I mean, we're talking Disney.


I really want my kids to have a great experience so they'll want to cruise again. I hesitate with Jewel because of the sea days and potential for rough waters up in the northern coast, not knowing how my kids will react to the rocking of the ship. The 12yr old does get car sick on long cartrips, but not all the time.


Disney would be awesome, but I'm also thinking of the cost of airfare or the 14-hour drive. I'm sure it would be a fabulous experience but was also wondering if we can have that fabulous experience on the Jewel - since they do have Nickelodeon characters.


Also - I know I used it on my post but exactly what does DH, DS, DD stand for? I get the second letter - husband, daughter, son, etc. correct? But what does the first "D" stand for? thanks!


EEEK, well, no wonder you are torn. What are the price differences? With spring break being IN SPRING, and it still being cold in NYC during that time of year. And it being your FIRST cruise - I would say - that it would be an AMAZING experience to do the Dream. You would have better weather starting in Florida. The Dream seems to be an amazing ship. You wouldn't have the 2 days on either side leaving/coming from NYC of being totally freezing. Honestly, if the prices aren't totally out of whack from each other (which between DCL and NCL they usually are) then I would go with Dream.


If this was your 5th cruise, then I would say "Hey, leave from your backyard, its easier" But this is your first. Give the kids a good time. The weather WILL be a little rocky during that time out of NYC.


Yep, I can unfortunately vouch for that one.....first cruise with my two little girls, and it was pretty scary that Sunday night. One of my girls was terribly sick, but after that Sunday night, all was good (despite still a lot of rain). Have to say, on a different note, I was happy with Adventure Ocean, they did a great job with the kids, especially considering the A.O rooms were closed all week because of all the water damage (omg, the carpets stank on the ship from the water). So with the rooms closed, they moved a lot of the stuff to another room for the activities, and the girls still enjoyed it. :)


WOW, AO was damaged! I had no idea! I am glad you are alright! :eek: And I know where AO is, I can't believe it was damaged. And your first cruise too. :(

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HAHAHA! Oh that was fun! :D That thread got locked on the Carnival board. :p Basically it was formal night and I was heading to dinner with some CC friends, the girls were having dinner with the kids club. My kids club phone rang and I was told that she was "Hitting children with toys" - so of course, MORTIFIED, I excused myself from formal night dinner and ran to the kids club - fully thinking that I would find my child had gone completly out of her mind in a rage, and was now beating the life out of the other kids (she was never aggressive, but who knows, it could happen :p)


So I arrive to the kids club and I find my little 5 year old QUIETLY playing with another little girl in the play kitchen. I say to the counselor "I am here, what happened? Who did she injure? Is everyone ok?"


And they say,"We called you because she took this rubber shark" {and they held up a plastic rubber shark} and hit THAT metal pole. So we wanted you to talk to her about it.


So I said to them "Wait. You called me because she took a RUBBER SHARK and hit a METAL POLE. Did she hit ANYONE?"


Answer: No


Did she stop?


Answer: Yes


Is the shark hurt in ANY way?


Answer: Blank stare. A few eye blinks.


Me: So let me get this straight, you called me out of formal night dining to talk to my 5 year old child about rubber shark abuse? I will be signing her out now. Thank you.


Answer: Well, you don't have to take her. We just wanted you to talk to her about it.


Me: Nooooo, really, I will be taking her now. Thaaaanks!


So I changed OUT of my formal dress and into PJs and we grabbed sandwiches and spent the night in the cabin together, coloring.


This was our THIRD time on Carnival. On the same cruise, same counselors, they told me that the same 5 year old "ran during a game of duck, duck goose" :eek: Oh I am sooo ashamed! She was grounded for weeks for THAT one. :p


With that being said, I KNOW that others here have had a WONDERFUL experience with the Carnival counselors. My kid is special, she is a Rubber Shark Abuser who likes to run during games of duck, duck goose. :D


lol, I wonder if they are just so overworked or burnt out or something that they just find any excuse to call you to get them. I sent my son once to play an hour before dinner so hubby and I could get ready for formal night. About 15 minutes after I get a call to come get him because they said he was "tired". I got there expecting to find him sleeping or cranky or something. I found him playing nicely, happy as could be. They told me they observed him rubbing his eyes and thought they should call. WHAT? he's playing nicely and you observe him rubbing his eyes and that constitutes a call 30 minutes before scheduled pick-up time? I also immediately signed him and his sister out.

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lol, I wonder if they are just so overworked or burnt out or something that they just find any excuse to call you to get them. I sent my son once to play an hour before dinner so hubby and I could get ready for formal night. About 15 minutes after I get a call to come get him because they said he was "tired". I got there expecting to find him sleeping or cranky or something. I found him playing nicely, happy as could be. They told me they observed him rubbing his eyes and thought they should call. WHAT? he's playing nicely and you observe him rubbing his eyes and that constitutes a call 30 minutes before scheduled pick-up time? I also immediately signed him and his sister out.

I have said this before and here you have posted another working example. Carnival kids club (toddler ages) goes out of its way to disqualify children. My last carnival cruise I went to the pre-meeting and sign up and they talked at least a half hour about how your child will not be accepted. So much for a welcome aboard. I have never seen anything like it. Even more sad it all went downhill from that meeting on.

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lol, I wonder if they are just so overworked or burnt out or something that they just find any excuse to call you to get them. I sent my son once to play an hour before dinner so hubby and I could get ready for formal night. About 15 minutes after I get a call to come get him because they said he was "tired". I got there expecting to find him sleeping or cranky or something. I found him playing nicely, happy as could be. They told me they observed him rubbing his eyes and thought they should call. WHAT? he's playing nicely and you observe him rubbing his eyes and that constitutes a call 30 minutes before scheduled pick-up time? I also immediately signed him and his sister out.


WOW! Yeah same experience!


I have said this before and here you have posted another working example. Carnival kids club (toddler ages) goes out of its way to disqualify children. My last carnival cruise I went to the pre-meeting and sign up and they talked at least a half hour about how your child will not be accepted. So much for a welcome aboard. I have never seen anything like it. Even more sad it all went downhill from that meeting on.


I think so too. It happens in the YOUNGER ages. The older ones can fend for themselves - because my oldest liked Camp Carnival. She liked the "Swimming Under the Stars" and the "Scavenger Hunts". But I have also seen problems with bullies being in those older ages. And we did NOT have that problem on Gem.


We just had a good experience all around. :)

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