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Bye, Bye Carnival...........


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I am sorry the experience isn't what you were hoping for, but I do want to mention one thing about your comments.


The Hand Sanitizer issue. While I understand that you think everyone should be using it at all times, there are some people who really can't! My kids (and mine for 20+ years so there wasn't hand sanitizer then..) by day 2 we came to the conclusion that me and my youngest DS (3 at the time) were going to have to pass on there "insistence" that we use it.


After 3 meals having that stuff put on our hands, they were a MESS. Both our palms were peeling because of the hand sanitizer. Neither of us have generally sensitive skin.


Because I am sure some people just don't care, but I am sure there are more than just us who can't use them! Would you rather see us walk past the hand sanitizer on our way to eat, or have us going up to the buffet with skin flaking off of our palms :rolleyes:

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Grilled chicken was never at the grill, only the chicken fingers. its at the pizza window, with ceasar salad usually, but Im sure they would give it by itself.


My TA was on Magic and got off last sunday and he liked the steakhouse, but complained about this balcony. He said Celebrity and RCL they have air tight locks on the balcony doors. His door on the Magic, the wind made it whistle all night and it drove him so crazy it sounds like it was a major deal to him. He wants to know why Carnival doesnt make the balcony doors air tight like other cruiselines (we know Carnvial builds these ships cheaper, and I guess its little things like this that show)


Knowing all this your cruise sounds typical to me .. I will still do Carnival.


We always got grilled chicken sandwiches and steak sandwiches from the same grill we pick up the burgers and hot dogs.

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As you can see from my signature, we have been Carnival cruisers for over 20 years and have completed 8 cruises with Carnival. Sad to say that our cruise on the Magic will probably be our last for a long time to come. We have been on both the Dream and the Magic and have to agree with those who say the decor is dated (looks like the early 90's) and cheesy. In my opinion the ships are nothing special, just larger versions of what came before, essentially passenger haulers.


We took the 9 day European cruise and must say that the ports and the weather were both about as good as you can get. As such, if we just considered the Magic a floating hotel it surely served it's purpose. Everything on the ship is new and clean as you would expect from a new ship. I will give Carnival kudos for the tours, which we took in every port, and organization of getting us on and off the ship each day. Also the transfers from the airport to the hotel and on to the ship and back to the airport were well handled. Our cabin stewardess was about the best we've encountered.


But the ship itself was a disappointment. The layout of the food in the Lido is the worst I've seen in all of our 20+ cruises. You had to search out pancakes, french toast and waffles by the pool, while if you wanted yogurt or hot and cold cerial you had to wait on a separtate line and of course a 3rd line for omelets. The scrambled eggs are about as gross as you can get. Smoked Salmon wasn't served untile 11AM at the deli or from room service. This may work in the Caribbean but in Europe when you are eating a quick breakfast at 7 AM and going out on 10 hour tours; day after day, it was a major frustration. The selections on the buffet line for breakfast, lunch and dinner were either limited or repetitive as compared to other cruises from both Carnival and other lines.


What's with the passengers not using the hand sanitizer before entering the dining venues?? Other lines have a staff member stationed at the entrance to the Lido encouraging everyone to use it, one line even sprays it into your hands as you enter. I would guess 80% of the passengers never bothered to use it.


Also, talk about unhygienic, passengers filling up personal water bottles, jugs and thermos bottles with water, tea, coffee and other beverages, placing them right up to the lip of the spouts. Never once did a staff member say a word or was there a sign posted prohibiting the practice as we've seen on other ships. Now I know the second meaning of OBC, On-Board-Cold, which I'm still nursing here at home.


Something new in the dining room, dessert orders are taken up front with appetizer and entree. Heck that isn't even done in a diner. The service in the dining room was robotic and uneven, some nights making recommendations, offering a drink from the bar waiter, offering ice tea, others not. I guess it goes along with the passenger's "casual dress", blue jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, etc. "Elegant" now means slacks and an open shirt for men with jeans being acceptable, how standards have sunk.


The food in all non-paying venues was acceptable but nothing more, you didn't look forward to eating as you do on most cruises. The one exception was Cucina Del Capitano, which we had for lunch on 2 separate occasions and thought it was top notch. The pizza is never ready and you have to wait no matter what time of day. Try getting a slice at 5:30AM, like I did, no one was manning the area, thought it was supposed to be 24 hours. Never had grilled chicken ready at the grill, only dogs and burgers, it's difficult to eat healthy on Carnival.


The T.V. feed in the room was limited and repetitive, showing the same programs over and over for the entire 9 days. How many times can I watch a show on the virtures of Macedonia??


The cruise director was nothing special.


Never heard an announcement from the bridge the entire cruise.


Two nights we had rough seas, the ship shook in such a way as to keep you awake all night, strange. We're used to the rocking of a ship in rough seas but not the actually shaking of the bed as if it had a vibrator in it.


Lot's of other issues but I won't bore you with them.


We thought Carnival reached it's peak for us in 2008 on the Freedom in Europe. It was a top notch product exceeding our expectations. The Dream in 2009 was a bit disappointing but the food was still as good as or better than other lines. But in 2011, when compared to Princess and Celebrity, which we took earlier this year, there was no comparison or I should say Carnival suffered by comparison.


Won't say we would never take Carnival again but it would have to be on a special itinerary, not one that other lines are sailing. I think it's worth the extra $$ for a better experience.


Just my opinion of course.

Bye, dont let the door hit you on the way out !!! Its amazing you blame rough seas on Carnival. So many nit picking complaints. Home is your best option.

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One question about the balcony door thing. Is this something the room steward can fix? I've never had it happen in our balconies, so I just want to be prepared. On our last cruise, we had the balcony door squeak everytime it was open, which would have been just a minor annoyance if it didn't wake up our son about everytime we opened our door. As soon as we asked him about it, he had it fixed by the time we returned to the room. Didn't know if this was the same or not.

Does anyone recall a recent post about the singing door on one of the Queens? Even loud enough to be recorded and put on u tube! Never got fixed.

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Okay I have to ask, if you have no desire to cruise with Carnival any longer, why are you on the Carnival board?


:rolleyes: Maybe because the OP has sailed CCL 8 times and finds it disappointing now??????

I love all these wanna-be moderators :rolleyes:


Why do people feel the need to let everyone else know that they are leaving a particular cruise line?

I would like to know if you think these boards are meant for praise only. If so, YOU need to find a new message board.





OP, I totally understand your comments and agree. It just is not the same anymore. The issues don't have to be MAJOR ones in order to feel that your cruise experience with Carnival isn't matching up to previous ones, and it makes it all the worse when you experience disappointments on a brand new ship. I hope you enjoy future cruises on whatever line you find suits you. :)

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Don't suppose you have a source you'd care to share with us for those rumors? Without a good source it becomes more akin to gossip.



Here is a link to that article. I remember reading it in '06 when we were charged the $10 per day fuel surcharge. Like I said it is from '06, but the gas costs remain high.



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The hand sanitizer is totally pointless. The only time I *may* use it is if I've been handling dirty chips in the casino.


And I'm a boat germaphobe, I grab a bunch of tissues to open the public bathroom doors and I really don't like eating things that aren't handed to me by an employee but will make some exceptions.

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DH and I are in our 50's. We haven't "outgrown" Carnival yet!:)

I'm one of the people who you will see passing the hand sanitizer by without using it. I hate the stuff. It's just a useless, sticky mess. I wash my hands on my own, thank you. I hope I don't encounter anyone holding a bottle of the stuff and insisting they squirt it on me. I would decline. I consider that comparable to the purfume demonstrators in the department stores that would squirt you with their stinky perfume, years ago. Now they squirt it on a card for you to smell.

I'm sorry your cruise wasn't what you wanted it to be. I hope you find one you enjoy next time.

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DH and I are in our 50's. We haven't "outgrown" Carnival yet!:)

I'm one of the people who you will see passing the hand sanitizer by without using it. I hate the stuff. It's just a useless, sticky mess. I wash my hands on my own, thank you. I hope I don't encounter anyone holding a bottle of the stuff and insisting they squirt it on me. I would decline. I consider that comparable to the purfume demonstrators in the department stores that would squirt you with their stinky perfume, years ago. Now they squirt it on a card for you to smell.

I'm sorry your cruise wasn't what you wanted it to be. I hope you find one you enjoy next time.



LOL....excellent analogy!! ;) :D

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The hand sanitizer is totally pointless. The only time I *may* use it is if I've been handling dirty chips in the casino.


And I'm a boat germaphobe, I grab a bunch of tissues to open the public bathroom doors and I really don't like eating things that aren't handed to me by an employee but will make some exceptions.


Unfortunately.....that's no guarantee either :cool:

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Unfortunately.....that's no guarantee either :cool:


Yeah, but I cut down on 85% of the possible slob interaction. ;) And they wear gloves. Just too many nasty passenger things I've seen, I mean, if I really, really want something I look past it....

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Hey guys, don't misunderstand, we had a great vacation (note I didn't say cruise). Wonderful ports (Rome, Florence, Sicily, Barcelona, Capri, Monaco, etc), great weather, great tours. It was just the comparision between the Freedom in Europe in 2008 and the Magic in Europe in 2011. Stark differences in lots of areas.


A couple of comments regarding some of your responses:


They no longer offer salad at the Pizza station.


They list grilled chicken at the grill but don't want to be bothered, they were sending me off to the deli, until I said the chicken was listed on their menu, than they made the chicken up fresh and several other people on the line also ordered up the chicken.


Pancakes, waffles and French Toast (soggy) were offered at the pool along with an omelet station, but you had to stand on 2 separate lines.


The hand sanitizer has been beaten to death but the filling of peoples personal drink containers at the beverage stations is gross and shouldn't be permitted.


You're right there is no comparison between Princess, Celebrity and Carnival, it's like comparing a Buick to a Cadillac.


Dessert was listed along with the rest of the menu, no separate menus and we were asked for our dessert orders each night along with our entrees.


We had no problems with the balcony doors, but we do use earplugs when sleeping on the ship, blocks out all of the hall noise and any other noise coming from above or below.


Agree that RCCL is probably our least favorite line with the exception of the actual ship. Their food was always way below Carnival's in our opinion but Carnival is catching up.


You'll see from my signature that we sailed Carnival from 1989 to 2001 and at that time felt Carnival had lost it's way. We came back in 2008 and were very surprised by the high quality we experienced on the Freedom. Unfortunately it seems the overall quality is slipping again, guess we need another break.


For those who can't accept any criticism of Carnival or any other line, I think you are missing the point of these forums.

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Yeah, but I cut down on 85% of the possible slob interaction. ;) And they wear gloves. Just too many nasty passenger things I've seen, I mean, if I really, really want something I look past it....


True! But too often I see things done with the gloved hands - like empty the trash or taking a tub of dirty dishes to be washed - and then the gloves aren't changed! :eek:

But....it's still probably reducing your risk compared to the reset of the passengers :o.

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As you can see from my signature, we have been Carnival cruisers for over 20 years and have completed 8 cruises with Carnival. Sad to say that our cruise on the Magic will probably be our last for a long time to come. We have been on both the Dream and the Magic and have to agree with those who say the decor is dated (looks like the early 90's) and cheesy. In my opinion the ships are nothing special, just larger versions of what came before, essentially passenger haulers.


We took the 9 day European cruise and must say that the ports and the weather were both about as good as you can get. As such, if we just considered the Magic a floating hotel it surely served it's purpose. Everything on the ship is new and clean as you would expect from a new ship. I will give Carnival kudos for the tours, which we took in every port, and organization of getting us on and off the ship each day. Also the transfers from the airport to the hotel and on to the ship and back to the airport were well handled. Our cabin stewardess was about the best we've encountered.


But the ship itself was a disappointment. The layout of the food in the Lido is the worst I've seen in all of our 20+ cruises. You had to search out pancakes, french toast and waffles by the pool, while if you wanted yogurt or hot and cold cerial you had to wait on a separtate line and of course a 3rd line for omelets. The scrambled eggs are about as gross as you can get. Smoked Salmon wasn't served untile 11AM at the deli or from room service. This may work in the Caribbean but in Europe when you are eating a quick breakfast at 7 AM and going out on 10 hour tours; day after day, it was a major frustration. The selections on the buffet line for breakfast, lunch and dinner were either limited or repetitive as compared to other cruises from both Carnival and other lines.


What's with the passengers not using the hand sanitizer before entering the dining venues?? Other lines have a staff member stationed at the entrance to the Lido encouraging everyone to use it, one line even sprays it into your hands as you enter. I would guess 80% of the passengers never bothered to use it.


Also, talk about unhygienic, passengers filling up personal water bottles, jugs and thermos bottles with water, tea, coffee and other beverages, placing them right up to the lip of the spouts. Never once did a staff member say a word or was there a sign posted prohibiting the practice as we've seen on other ships. Now I know the second meaning of OBC, On-Board-Cold, which I'm still nursing here at home.


Something new in the dining room, dessert orders are taken up front with appetizer and entree. Heck that isn't even done in a diner. The service in the dining room was robotic and uneven, some nights making recommendations, offering a drink from the bar waiter, offering ice tea, others not. I guess it goes along with the passenger's "casual dress", blue jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, etc. "Elegant" now means slacks and an open shirt for men with jeans being acceptable, how standards have sunk.


The food in all non-paying venues was acceptable but nothing more, you didn't look forward to eating as you do on most cruises. The one exception was Cucina Del Capitano, which we had for lunch on 2 separate occasions and thought it was top notch. The pizza is never ready and you have to wait no matter what time of day. Try getting a slice at 5:30AM, like I did, no one was manning the area, thought it was supposed to be 24 hours. Never had grilled chicken ready at the grill, only dogs and burgers, it's difficult to eat healthy on Carnival.


The T.V. feed in the room was limited and repetitive, showing the same programs over and over for the entire 9 days. How many times can I watch a show on the virtures of Macedonia??


The cruise director was nothing special.


Never heard an announcement from the bridge the entire cruise.


Two nights we had rough seas, the ship shook in such a way as to keep you awake all night, strange. We're used to the rocking of a ship in rough seas but not the actually shaking of the bed as if it had a vibrator in it.


Lot's of other issues but I won't bore you with them.


We thought Carnival reached it's peak for us in 2008 on the Freedom in Europe. It was a top notch product exceeding our expectations. The Dream in 2009 was a bit disappointing but the food was still as good as or better than other lines. But in 2011, when compared to Princess and Celebrity, which we took earlier this year, there was no comparison or I should say Carnival suffered by comparison.


Won't say we would never take Carnival again but it would have to be on a special itinerary, not one that other lines are sailing. I think it's worth the extra $$ for a better experience.


Just my opinion of course.


Welcome to Cahills downhill................:D

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Hey guys, don't misunderstand, we had a great vacation (note I didn't say cruise). Wonderful ports (Rome, Florence, Sicily, Barcelona, Capri, Monaco, etc), great weather, great tours. It was just the comparision between the Freedom in Europe in 2008 and the Magic in Europe in 2011. Stark differences in lots of areas.


A couple of comments regarding some of your responses:


They no longer offer salad at the Pizza station.


They list grilled chicken at the grill but don't want to be bothered, they were sending me off to the deli, until I said the chicken was listed on their menu, than they made the chicken up fresh and several other people on the line also ordered up the chicken.


Pancakes, waffles and French Toast (soggy) were offered at the pool along with an omelet station, but you had to stand on 2 separate lines.


The hand sanitizer has been beaten to death but the filling of peoples personal drink containers at the beverage stations is gross and shouldn't be permitted.


You're right there is no comparison between Princess, Celebrity and Carnival, it's like comparing a Buick to a Cadillac.


Dessert was listed along with the rest of the menu, no separate menus and we were asked for our dessert orders each night along with our entrees.

We had no problems with the balcony doors, but we do use earplugs when sleeping on the ship, blocks out all of the hall noise and any other noise coming from above or below.


Agree that RCCL is probably our least favorite line with the exception of the actual ship. Their food was always way below Carnival's in our opinion but Carnival is catching up.


You'll see from my signature that we sailed Carnival from 1989 to 2001 and at that time felt Carnival had lost it's way. We came back in 2008 and were very surprised by the high quality we experienced on the Freedom. Unfortunately it seems the overall quality is slipping again, guess we need another break.


For those who can't accept any criticism of Carnival or any other line, I think you are missing the point of these forums.


And this is a problem because ???????????


The the price you pay for a Carnival cruise....you really aren't expecting a "Four Seasons" experience...are you?

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Didn't get thru your whole post because it seemed like minor annoyances to me, but I have to comment on the hand sanitizer thing. I never use the sanitizers ever........just don't like them. However we always visit the restroom and wash our hands with soap and water before entering any food venue. Hope that explains why some of us pass on the sanitizer.

Watching everyone that comes in and trying to guess the percentage of people that use the sanitizer....well is truly weird and bizarre to say the least IMHO......


I sneeze like a crazy person if I use that stuff! I will use my own or use actual water, but I won't use the big generic bottles.


OP, I enjoyed your critique and found it to be balanced overall.

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I very much appreciated the OP's comments.


We cruise more for the itinerary than the ship, however a nice ship, good food and great service go along way to insure I return for more. I won't go so far as to say I woulld never cruise Carnival again after our recent experiences, however, they are not my first choice. I think input from past passengers is very valuable, and comments like those articulated in this posting allow other cruisers to go with more realistic expectations. Decline in food quality and service is nothing new among ALL mass market cruise lines; but in Carnival's case, they made the decision to change their business model, which caters to an all together different demographic now. I am no longer in that demographic, so for me Carnival is no longer a "perfect fit". But if a ship were going to ports I wanted and the price was right, I would know what expect and go anyway.



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As you can see from my signature, we have been Carnival cruisers for over 20 years and have completed 8 cruises with Carnival. Sad to say that our cruise on the Magic will probably be our last for a long time to come. We have been on both the Dream and the Magic and have to agree with those who say the decor is dated (looks like the early 90's) and cheesy. In my opinion the ships are nothing special, just larger versions of what came before, essentially passenger haulers.


We took the 9 day European cruise and must say that the ports and the weather were both about as good as you can get. As such, if we just considered the Magic a floating hotel it surely served it's purpose. Everything on the ship is new and clean as you would expect from a new ship. I will give Carnival kudos for the tours, which we took in every port, and organization of getting us on and off the ship each day. Also the transfers from the airport to the hotel and on to the ship and back to the airport were well handled. Our cabin stewardess was about the best we've encountered.


But the ship itself was a disappointment. The layout of the food in the Lido is the worst I've seen in all of our 20+ cruises. You had to search out pancakes, french toast and waffles by the pool, while if you wanted yogurt or hot and cold cerial you had to wait on a separtate line and of course a 3rd line for omelets. The scrambled eggs are about as gross as you can get. Smoked Salmon wasn't served untile 11AM at the deli or from room service. This may work in the Caribbean but in Europe when you are eating a quick breakfast at 7 AM and going out on 10 hour tours; day after day, it was a major frustration. The selections on the buffet line for breakfast, lunch and dinner were either limited or repetitive as compared to other cruises from both Carnival and other lines.


What's with the passengers not using the hand sanitizer before entering the dining venues?? Other lines have a staff member stationed at the entrance to the Lido encouraging everyone to use it, one line even sprays it into your hands as you enter. I would guess 80% of the passengers never bothered to use it.


Also, talk about unhygienic, passengers filling up personal water bottles, jugs and thermos bottles with water, tea, coffee and other beverages, placing them right up to the lip of the spouts. Never once did a staff member say a word or was there a sign posted prohibiting the practice as we've seen on other ships. Now I know the second meaning of OBC, On-Board-Cold, which I'm still nursing here at home.


Something new in the dining room, dessert orders are taken up front with appetizer and entree. Heck that isn't even done in a diner. The service in the dining room was robotic and uneven, some nights making recommendations, offering a drink from the bar waiter, offering ice tea, others not. I guess it goes along with the passenger's "casual dress", blue jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, etc. "Elegant" now means slacks and an open shirt for men with jeans being acceptable, how standards have sunk.


The food in all non-paying venues was acceptable but nothing more, you didn't look forward to eating as you do on most cruises. The one exception was Cucina Del Capitano, which we had for lunch on 2 separate occasions and thought it was top notch. The pizza is never ready and you have to wait no matter what time of day. Try getting a slice at 5:30AM, like I did, no one was manning the area, thought it was supposed to be 24 hours. Never had grilled chicken ready at the grill, only dogs and burgers, it's difficult to eat healthy on Carnival.


The T.V. feed in the room was limited and repetitive, showing the same programs over and over for the entire 9 days. How many times can I watch a show on the virtures of Macedonia??


The cruise director was nothing special.


Never heard an announcement from the bridge the entire cruise.


Two nights we had rough seas, the ship shook in such a way as to keep you awake all night, strange. We're used to the rocking of a ship in rough seas but not the actually shaking of the bed as if it had a vibrator in it.


Lot's of other issues but I won't bore you with them.


We thought Carnival reached it's peak for us in 2008 on the Freedom in Europe. It was a top notch product exceeding our expectations. The Dream in 2009 was a bit disappointing but the food was still as good as or better than other lines. But in 2011, when compared to Princess and Celebrity, which we took earlier this year, there was no comparison or I should say Carnival suffered by comparison.


Won't say we would never take Carnival again but it would have to be on a special itinerary, not one that other lines are sailing. I think it's worth the extra $$ for a better experience.


Just my opinion of course.


Thought bigger would not be better.


Had the exact same issue with the grilled chicken onn the Lido on the Splendor. They would say 5 minutes and it would never show up. If it did it was cold and tough.


Sorry Firefly but yes they do serve grilled chicken at the grill.

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Grilled chicken was never at the grill, only the chicken fingers. its at the pizza window, with ceasar salad usually, but Im sure they would give it by itself.


My TA was on Magic and got off last sunday and he liked the steakhouse, but complained about this balcony. He said Celebrity and RCL they have air tight locks on the balcony doors. His door on the Magic, the wind made it whistle all night and it drove him so crazy it sounds like it was a major deal to him. He wants to know why Carnival doesnt make the balcony doors air tight like other cruiselines (we know Carnvial builds these ships cheaper, and I guess its little things like this that show)


Knowing all this your cruise sounds typical to me .. I will still do Carnival.

This is not true. We had a balcony on RCL-Freedom of the Seas and the balcony door made a horrible whistling like sound, it was not air tight. RCL decor also is not for us, it would be fine for my grandmother, boring and old(the decor not my grandmother). Please try to give correct information because I know for a fact our balcony was not air tight.:(

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My experience with those kinds of doors is that no one knows how to use them, and then breaks them. At land or at sea. A lock or two is more than some people can comprehend.



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I disagree.

I used to be able to get a grilled chicken sandwich at the grille when DH got a burger or the steak sandwich. But.....sadly.....both the chicken and steak sandwich options have been discontinued. :(



Me too, that is another cutback that they have made... of course I always got the burgers.. only a couple of times did I get the chicken sandwich.. but you are correct... chicken and steak sandwiches were at the grill

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As someone who is not "loyal" to any one cruise line, I can tell you there will be things you dislike/like on ALL cruise lines. By all means check out different lines and ships, that's how you know what fits you.


I go on a cruise for price and intinerary. I know certain ships/lines are going to be dead after 9:00 and others have better entertainment or dance venues. When you are aware of these things beforehand you aren't disappointed with your cruise.


Sorry to tell you this but DH & I feel Carnival has some of the best food and selections of all the lines we have been on!



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No real need to shed tears as you part ways, just leave. I did and never looked back. Well, not all together true. Even earlier this year when I was looking for a new cruise I looked at every option from Baltimore and NYC down to FLL and Miami. I just couldn't see me back on a Carnival ship. And that's fine. Carnival isn't for everyone. This year it's a B2B cruise on the Celebrity Millennium, maybe in 2012/2013 I'll look at Princess Cruises again.


Isn't it great to have so many choices in the cruise industry? ;)Okay I have to ask, if you have no desire to cruise with Carnival any longer, why are you on the Carnival board?


That is a great question!! I had 3 bad cruises on HAL and will never go back. I said how I felt on HAL board, as my parting comments-were ripped by HAL lovers-and I have never been back to HAL board-would just be a waste of my time. I have been on HAL,RCCL, Princess, Azamara, and Oceania, and other than the last two cruise lines, Carnival will always be my first choice.:D

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I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy the ship. As an FYI, the common cold virus is deposited into the front of your nasal passages by contaminated fingers or by droplets from sneezes and coughs. I don't think a water bottle opening touching a water dispenser would spread the virus. It is also possible you contracted the virus on your flight.


Hope you feel better soon. When we cruise we always take Cold F/X, it seems to help. Also a flu **** every fall keeps that nasty ailment at bay too!

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