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So is the new tipping rate screwing the crew over now?

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I heard the alternative service people included the entertainment staff??? So does this mean the cruise director & his staff??? I dunno....will be curious to find out!


You should post this question to JH on his FB page and see who in his entertainment department now gets a cut :confused:

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I have forever just left my tips on and pay'd them ( since they did away with the envelopes)..I will now just go back to paying individuals in cash. I am not tipping guest services and entertainment. Generally guest services is not awesome and guess what..the entertainment SUCKS! It has gone so far down hill since I started cruising it's ridiculous. What an fing joke!!:mad:

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I have forever just left my tips on and pay'd them ( since they did away with the envelopes)..I will now just go back to paying individuals in cash. I am not tipping guest services and entertainment. Generally guest services is not awesome and guess what..the entertainment SUCKS! It has gone so far down hill since I started cruising it's ridiculous. What an fing joke!!:mad:


As Tom-n-Cheryl pointed out earlier on one of the threads that has been deleted.....can you imagine going to Guest Services and asking to have you tips removed now - knowing that Guest Service is part of the cut! :eek:

Call me crazy....but I do not see that going well!! :rolleyes: :o

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RCL still allows cruisers to pay their tips the last night in envelopes. Carnival are you Listening.


Maybe that is why RCL's fares are so high for a much smaller cabin on a comparable cruise to what Carnival offers? People probably stiff the crew at the end, so they need to charge more up front to compensate their staff.


I'm just sayin' :rolleyes:.

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I want to know what Carnival pays their bean counters, to keep coming up with these "fabulous and ingenious",ways to save them money. Does this new tip structure mean that Carnival now will pay their entertainers, and other behind the scene employee's, LESS money? Ahem, starting Dec 1st dear employee's, we are happy to announce that part of your pay will now be paid in tips, from our passengers. I have decided that I want to earn what the "bean counters" make. It must be really substantial, because they are constantly thinking, thinking, thinking.

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Maybe that is why RCL's fares are so high for a much smaller cabin on a comparable cruise to what Carnival offers? People probably stiff the crew at the end, so they need to charge more up front to compensate their staff.


I'm just sayin' :rolleyes:.


Maybe RCI pays their employees a decent wage........so yes, their fares would be higher........wish all cruise lines would do the same.. Let tipping be what it should be...........money given for exceptional service!!:)

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I've always had the gut feeling we were ACTUALLY paying the crews WAGES with the DSC not a TIP. This proves it IMO....

Does this not hit the nail on the head? CCL doesn't respect the crew that much to pay them and count , I repeat, count on customers to do this. It is only expanding in this economy. I will not be intimidated to tip or that if I tip directly that I am doing something wrong. There is no proof that anyone is hurt. Someone post that definitive proof, not opinion or some crap you read online. Too many people drinking the kool-aid.

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Does this not hit the nail on the head? CCL doesn't respect the crew that much to pay them and count , I repeat, count on customers to do this. It is only expanding in this economy. I will not be intimidated to tip or that if I tip directly that I am doing something wrong. There is no proof that anyone is hurt. Someone post that definitive proof, not opinion or some crap you read online. Too many people drinking the kool-aid.


I guess the majority of the mass market cruise lines don't respect their crew as they all pretty much work under the same system.





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Can you help me out by explaining why you think that post was the Best. Post. Ever.?


Basically to me it is saying if Carnival wants me to pay more that is ok with me and I don't care how they pass the extra money they are taking out around.


The people we all seem to love the most, the cabin stewards, dining room teams, are getting pennies from that $1.50 extra per person per day, while they have added IMHO questionable extra people in the mix that will be getting the bulk of that extra money.


I will be removing that extra $1.50 per day until it is explained to me what the actual breakdown will be, because while I can afford it, I do not go down the street throwing money out.


It is not the amount of money, it is who are these extra people that will now be sharing in the tip pool. Why are we suddenly needing to tip people outside the ones we are used to tipping.


I am all for auto tip. It helps me out, but I do like to know who will be getting it in the end.




I also will be taking the $1.50 off. The "it's only $1.50" group will accept it without question because it's "only a buck fifty". I would pay it if I agrred with where it is going. I DO NOT agree to tipping the guest services people or the entertainment ( that has done nothing but go down hill). If the laundry people needed tips they would have been included 10 years ago, why now?


I am not just going to accept it and move now. Sorry!:mad:

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I also will be taking the $1.50 off. The "it's only $1.50" group will accept it without question because it's "only a buck fifty". I would pay it if I agrred with where it is going. I DO NOT agree to tipping the guest services people or the entertainment ( that has done nothing but go down hill). If the laundry people needed tips they would have been included 10 years ago, why now?


I am not just going to accept it and move now. Sorry!:mad:


Where did it say laundry workers are getting these tips:confused:

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Where did it say laundry workers are getting these tips:confused:



The move also represents a change in how Carnival distributes tips to crew. The old tipping levels were broken down as follows (per day): $5.50 to the headwaiter/waiter, $1 to the assistant waiter/cooks and $3.50 to the cabin steward. The new guidelines allocate $5.80 to dining room services, $3.70 to cabin services and $2 per day for alternative services, which include kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members. "The increase in the recommended gratuities amount will result in increased compensation for impacted crew.



Hotel staff includes laundry staff.

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The move also represents a change in how Carnival distributes tips to crew. The old tipping levels were broken down as follows (per day): $5.50 to the headwaiter/waiter, $1 to the assistant waiter/cooks and $3.50 to the cabin steward. The new guidelines allocate $5.80 to dining room services, $3.70 to cabin services and $2 per day for alternative services, which include kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members. "The increase in the recommended gratuities amount will result in increased compensation for impacted crew.



Hotel staff includes laundry staff.


Hotel staff includes alot of people:rolleyes: That's pure assumption.

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As Tom-n-Cheryl pointed out earlier on one of the threads that has been deleted.....can you imagine going to Guest Services and asking to have you tips removed now - knowing that Guest Service is part of the cut! :eek:

Call me crazy....but I do not see that going well!! :rolleyes: :o


It probably wont go over big..But unless they do something above and beyond the norm there is no way they should expect a tip. Guest services is just that, guest services. Not "tip me because I'm doing my job and giving you a service as a guest". That is just ridiculous!! Now, If I have a problem that requires extra attention ect then MAYBE...

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It probably wont go over big..But unless they do something above and beyond the norm there is no way they should expect a tip. Guest services is just that, guest services. Not "tip me because I'm doing my job and giving you a service as a guest". That is just ridiculous!! Now, If I have a problem that requires extra attention ect then MAYBE...


What if they get mad and instead of adjusting them down,they adjust them up the morning you disembark.:eek:


Then when you get home,I wonder how you would dispute that? You don't sign now for tips.

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Tipping was originally conceived as a way to acknowledge a personal service over and above what was to be expected.



  • A waiter should be tipped for things like thorough knowledge of the menu, the city, local attractions, etc.; not for bringing me the food or keeping my glass full, that is to be expected that is there job and should be adequately compensated through their salary.
  • A cab driver should be tipped for his knowledge of the local area and suggestions that might help me in my travels; not for taking me to the address I told him to, that is there job and should be adequately compensated for in their fare.
  • Room service should have never required a tip. I am ordering food which before hand you know needs to be delivered to my room. It should already be in the price and that should cover someones salary to deliver it. I should not be tipping someone I see for less than 30 seconds typically - it should never have been a tipped service.
  • The pizza delivery guy should have never required a tip. I am ordering a pizza that you know needs to be delivered, the price should include delivery in it. I should not be tipping someone I see for less than 30 seconds typically - it should never have been a tipped service.


Yes, I understand that tipping in these situations above have now become the norm. I just bring them up to show the slippery path we started down. It is only going to get worse.


Tipping is getting totally out of control. We are paying for "tipping" because businesses are trying to keep their prices from appearing higher. The airlines got in on it with baggage service and restaurants and cruises are doing it with tipping. Pulling services that should be compensated for in the base prices and expecting us to pay for the service on the backend making their prices appear lower.


Does the $1.50 additional a day bother me at all? NO


Does it bother me that people complain about it? YES, in a way.



Because most of the ones that are complaining about it are complaining about THE WRONG THING. You shouldn't be complaining about the extra $1.50 a day it costs you (your cruise is very reasonably priced in most cases and some of this has to do with staff who are inadequately compensated to begin with). That $1.50 a day should have already been in the cruise price, and it should probably be a lot more than that. What you should be complaining about is that now the cruise is asking you to "tip" for many services that should not require a tip.


What has now become of "Tipping" on Carnival and shouldn't be....


The old tipping levels were broken down as follows (per day): $5.50 to the headwaiter/waiter, $1 to the assistant waiter/cooks and $3.50 to the cabin steward.



  • Other that the cooks listed above, I believe the other people listed above should be "tipped" for service over and above there job.


The new guidelines allocate $5.80 to dining room services, $3.70 to cabin services and $2 per day for alternative services, which include kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members.



  • Yeah, this whole thing has gotten convoluted. We should only be "tipping" for those people who we interact face-to-face with and who give us a service which is over and above what is expected by their job which should be adequately compensated by a salary.


"Tipping" even as obscured as it has gotten has always been for a face-to-face service. Yes, it has gotten away from just being a compensation for over and above service, now to a supplement for an inadequate salaries. But Carnival has now taken it a step further and now requesting tips for staff we may never even see and will most likely have no personal interaction with. Yes, I believe the laundry staff does a great job and I'm always appreciative of the clean sheets and towels, that does not mean I should tip them - this is there job. They should get an adequate salary for it. The entertainer on stage who performs for his job, yes he entertains me but also should be adequately compensated in his salary for this.




Do I blame Carnival for this? No. At least not completely.



  • I do like the idea of not having to worry about paying tips continually throughout the day on my vacation and a reasonable daily flat rate is a great idea!!! I commend you for offering this service Carnival! ...I'm not going to give you a tip for it - so don't ask!
  • My issue is with who they are going to! At a minimum if I don't interact with you face-to-face you should not be getting a tip. You should be getting adequately compensated for it in your base salary.
  • Until people complain about it (and in the right way, for the right reasons) this will continue to happen and will only get worse.

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Hotel Staff include the laundry people.


Good point,think of all them towels and bed sheets everyday:eek:


Not relevant to Carnival USA "Yet" but when P&O Australia did away with auto tips totally last year and added the cost to other things:(,the dinning room waiters stepped up a big notch and nothing was too much trouble for them.


Some of the wait staff had become a bit complacent because they knew Australians on a whole were not big tippers and especially with the introduction of "your time/Anytime dinning" and not having the same guests each night it seemed some did just enough required to keep there portion of the Auto tip.


Now no auto tips they work towards a nice personal tip at the end of the cruise even managing to get guests to the same table every night without booking.


So reduced $ amount of auto tips to wait staff may be in favor of both them and us?




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Tipping was originally conceived as a way to acknowledge a personal service over and above what was to be expected.



  • A waiter should be tipped for things like thorough knowledge of the menu, the city, local attractions, etc.; not for bringing me the food or keeping my glass full, that is to be expected that is there job and should be adequately compensated through their salary.
  • A cab driver should be tipped for his knowledge of the local area and suggestions that might help me in my travels; not for taking me to the address I told him to, that is there job and should be adequately compensated for in their fare.
  • Room service should have never required a tip. I am ordering food which before hand you know needs to be delivered to my room. It should already be in the price and that should cover someones salary to deliver it. I should not be tipping someone I see for less than 30 seconds typically - it should never have been a tipped service.
  • The pizza delivery guy should have never required a tip. I am ordering a pizza that you know needs to be delivered, the price should include delivery in it. I should not be tipping someone I see for less than 30 seconds typically - it should never have been a tipped service.

Yes, I understand that tipping in these situations above have now become the norm. I just bring them up to show the slippery path we started down. It is only going to get worse.


Tipping is getting totally out of control. We are paying for "tipping" because businesses are trying to keep their prices from appearing higher. The airlines got in on it with baggage service and restaurants and cruises are doing it with tipping. Pulling services that should be compensated for in the base prices and expecting us to pay for the service on the backend making their prices appear lower.


Does the $1.50 additional a day bother me at all? NO


Does it bother me that people complain about it? YES, in a way.



Because most of the ones that are complaining about it are complaining about THE WRONG THING. You shouldn't be complaining about the extra $1.50 a day it costs you (your cruise is very reasonably priced in most cases and some of this has to do with staff who are inadequately compensated to begin with). That $1.50 a day should have already been in the cruise price, and it should probably be a lot more than that. What you should be complaining about is that now the cruise is asking you to "tip" for many services that should not require a tip.



What has now become of "Tipping" on Carnival and shouldn't be....


The old tipping levels were broken down as follows (per day): $5.50 to the headwaiter/waiter, $1 to the assistant waiter/cooks and $3.50 to the cabin steward.



  • Other that the cooks listed above, I believe the other people listed above should be "tipped" for service over and above there job.

The new guidelines allocate $5.80 to dining room services, $3.70 to cabin services and $2 per day for alternative services, which include kitchen, entertainment, guest services and other hotel staff members.



  • Yeah, this whole thing has gotten convoluted. We should only be "tipping" for those people who we interact face-to-face with and who give us a service which is over and above what is expected by their job which should be adequately compensated by a salary.

"Tipping" even as obscured as it has gotten has always been for a face-to-face service. Yes, it has gotten away from just being a compensation for over and above service, now to a supplement for an inadequate salaries. But Carnival has now taken it a step further and now requesting tips for staff we may never even see and will most likely have no personal interaction with. Yes, I believe the laundry staff does a great job and I'm always appreciative of the clean sheets and towels, that does not mean I should tip them - this is there job. They should get an adequate salary for it. The entertainer on stage who performs for his job, yes he entertains me but also should be adequately compensated in his salary for this.




Do I blame Carnival for this? No. At least not completely.



  • I do like the idea of not having to worry about paying tips continually throughout the day on my vacation and a reasonable daily flat rate is a great idea!!! I commend you for offering this service Carnival! ...I'm not going to give you a tip for it - so don't ask!
  • My issue is with who they are going to! At a minimum if I don't interact with you face-to-face you should not be getting a tip. You should be getting adequately compensated for it in your base salary.
  • Until people complain about it (and in the right way, for the right reasons) this will continue to happen and will only get worse.

Fantastic post!

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