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Silhouette Maiden Caribbean Voyage 11/06 to 11/18

Ocean Dancer

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I really hope you aren't referring to me. I did not bring the topic of the acapella singer up on this post, I simply stated that he was not sick, was not on drugs, and was not caught with a passenger in crew areas. What happened is none of anyone's business, BUT my boyfriend, an entertainer aboard the ship who is friends with the guy, and ME, knowing the guy that left the ship as well, I think I have every right to "dismiss" rumors on this board. I am not saying what happened because that is privacy that needs to be kept. And my boyfriend is FAR from distasteful...thank you very much. *end rant*


I absolutely was not referring to you or to your boyfriend in my post.

Sorry if it seemed that way.

I was referring to the way I was told about this unfortunate incident while on the Silhouette.

I was attending an activity when another passenger came up to a group of us and said something like "I heard from a staff member what happened to the singer, but I can't tell you - oh, well, here's what I heard".

What I find distasteful are two things - first, that a staff member would discuss another with a passenger - and second, that such rumors get spread at all.


You certainly have the right to dismiss the various rumors that are being passed around. Good for you! None of us posters have the right to know what happened to this young man. (As you see, I didn't relate the content of the rumor I heard - not one already mentioned. Not my business to do so.)

Too bad "people" couldn't have accepted the explaination that he left due to a family emergency

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I absolutely was not referring to you or to your boyfriend in my post.

Sorry if it seemed that way.

I was referring to the way I was told about this unfortunate incident while on the Silhouette.

I was attending an activity when another passenger came up to a group of us and said something like "I heard from a staff member what happened to the singer, but I can't tell you - oh, well, here's what I heard".

What I find distasteful are two things - first, that a staff member would discuss another with a passenger - and second, that such rumors get spread at all.


You certainly have the right to dismiss the various rumors that are being passed around. Good for you! None of us posters have the right to know what happened to this young man. (As you see, I didn't relate the content of the rumor I heard - not one already mentioned. Not my business to do so.)

Too bad "people" couldn't have accepted the explaination that he left due to a family emergency


Agreed, sorry for jumping to conclusions, just a little frustrated with how rumors get spread! (As I see you can understand, I think it's wrong that a crew members told a passenger...that's a little bit sad.)

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I disagree, because on every single other cruise that I've taken, my shore excursion tickets were always in my cabin when I walked in the door. Even David Campbell didn't suggest that maybe they hadn't been delivered yet. On the contrary - he kept insisting over and over that they were there, and he refused to accept the possibility that they were not there. So, if my experience told me that the tickets should have been there, and David Campbell insisted that they should have been there, then why should I have waited until bedtime (when the Shore Excursions desk would have been closed) to do something about it?


I don't understand that part about my cabin steward worrying about my being upset. Yes, I was upset about not having gotten my tickets, which meant that I had to waste my time standing and standing on line, waiting my turn to speak to someone, when I hadn't done anything wrong, but I would have gotten over it ONCE I HAD MY TICKETS. It wasn't as if something irreplaceable had been lost. So why didn't he confess that he neglected his duties? And I still don't understand why, once he decided to tell David a lie, he went and did something that proved to me that he was a liar. So, besides being a liar, he wasn't overly bright. Not a good combination for a cabin steward! And that is something worth getting upset about.


Who would be interested in taking a Celebrity cruise if they knew ahead of time that their cabin steward, besides not being overly bright, was a liar?


Since you had three sea days before the first port you probably would have received your tickets without wasting your time. I do not recall if they were in my cabin or I received them later for this particular cruise, but I do agree that they are usually in the cabin when your arrive. If I recall correctly I did ask my cabin steward for our elite coupons.


I assume that you asked your cabin steward initially, so I can understand how you would be disappointed if he told you that he did receive them. Their is always the possibility that there was some confusion between the cabin steward and their assistant.


From my experience I have never had a problem receiving my tickets on any of my cruises without ever asking.

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Agreed, sorry for jumping to conclusions, just a little frustrated with how rumors get spread! (As I see you can understand, I think it's wrong that a crew members told a passenger...that's a little bit sad.)


It doesn't sound as if any confidences were broken. Anytime I have run into a "missing" singer/musician/dancer someone almost always says "So and so is sick tonight" or something to that effect in order to explain an absence. May or may not be true and it isn't anyone's business anyway. I spend quite a bit of time in Branson and some in LV so know many of the performing folks and have seen most of the shows.

This is common practice. Later it may come out that something else has happened but nobody gets too upset about it. One performer had some rumors flying around and finally came out on stage and stated that he was fighting cancer. I didn't hear anyone get angry that they had not been told

"the truth" earlier on. I did hear a lot of folks say they would pray for him but, of course, Branson folks are a little different in some ways.

I loved the cruise on the Silly and will be on her again 2-2-12 and then a TA on 12-1-12. Hope to see Rory and Demara as well as well as other acquaintances.

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Vacationluvver, you did not NEED your shore excersions tickets as we had three sea days before we got anywhere. I would have waited until the next day to moan and groan, not using up valuable vacation time over something that would have worked out anyway.

I don't know what you mean by this, because if I had waited until the next day, I would have used up "valuable vacation time" (your words) the next day. I don't see how things would have worked out anyway, because I have no reason to believe that if David Campbell hadn't called him, he would have found my tickets.


When I first walked into my cabin, I saw that the cabin steward had been there already, because the daily bulletin was there, as were room service slips for ordering breakfast. I thought it was really nice that the slips were already in my cabin, since I found out from other people that they were not given such slips. Anyway, there was no indication that he hadn't finished delivering everything that he was supposed to deliver to me.


Even David Campbell kept insisting that my tickets were in my cabin. He refused to believe me when I suggested that maybe my cabin steward had put them somewhere else. He didn't say one single word about waiting for them to show up later. Well, he did want me to come back in a couple of days, but that was only because he just knew that the tickets were in my cabin, and he wanted to give me another chance to find them. It was NOT because he thought it was possible that the tickets hadn't been delivered yet. So even HE insisted that the tickets were already in my cabin, so why should I listen to someone who says that I should have waited?


Someone needs a chill pill. If that's the only complaint you had, consider yourself lucky!! Regardless of where the tickets were, you weren't going anywhere for 3 days!! To make a big deal out this and calling your cabin steward a liar is totally uncalled for. YOU actually owe HIM an apology!

I have no idea why calling my cabin steward a liar is totally uncalled for. And why the heck do I owe him an apology? If you read the other posts, you will see that Ma Bell said 'I do agree he shouldn't have lied about it" and Ocean Dancer said "So he lied", so I'm not the only one who thinks he lied. Maybe they owe him an apology too!


David Campbell specifically told me that the cabin steward said that he was never given my tickets in the first place. By saying that, David made his own department, Shore Excursions, look bad, especially since he went on and on and on about how my tickets HAD to be in my cabin. And he had defended my cabin steward by disagreeing with me when I suggested that maybe he had put my tickets in someone else's cabin by mistake. David insisted that that was absolutely impossible. He kept carrying on and on about how the tickets were in my cabin, and I just wasn't able to find them. If anyone deserved an apology, it was me! Because David wouldn't accept any possibility that I was telling the truth when I said that I never got my tickets.


I never said one single word to my cabin steward about the tickets. When I saw that they weren't there, I immediately went to the Shore Excursions desk. I did not go looking for my cabin steward to ask him what happened to my tickets. When I returned to the cabin, my friend told me that he had come by with the tickets. I never said one word about it to him afterwards. So why do I owe him an apology, especially since HE LIED to David?


If you have an explanation that proves that he didn't lie to David, I would be interested in hearing it.


As for taking a chill pill, I don't like it when I have a valid complaint about something, and someone, instead of acknowledging that I am justified in feeling annoyed, says that I should take a chill pill. I didn't do a single thing wrong! When I ordered my tickets online, I expected to find them in my cabin, and then I wouldn't have to spend time waiting on line at the Shore Excursions desk. There wasn't any box to check that indicated that I wanted my tickets in my cabin. They were supposed to be there automatically. But even though I didn't do a single thing wrong, I still wound up having to wait on line to straighten out something that wasn't even my fault and I had to listen to David tell me over and over that the tickets were in my cabin WHEN THEY WERE NOT, and finally, he admitted that his department had screwed up, which turned out not to be the case, as I eventually found out that my cabin steward WAS A LIAR! Yes, he was a liar! And I'm not apologizing for saying it!


I didn't go back to the Shore Excursions desk and tell David that my cabin steward had lied, and that his department hadn't screwed up. I just didn't feel like spending any more time than I had to on something that wasn't my fault in the first place. Maybe I should have told David, I don't know.


Since you had three sea days before the first port you probably would have received your tickets without wasting your time. I do not recall if they were in my cabin or I received them later for this particular cruise, but I do agree that they are usually in the cabin when your arrive. If I recall correctly I did ask my cabin steward for our elite coupons.

As I said before, I wasn't given any indication that if I hadn't gone to the Shore Excursions desk and asked for my tickets, I would have gotten them eventually. If I hadn't taken over twenty cruises previously, none of which were on Celebrity, and found my tickets in my cabin every single time, I guess I would have waited for them, not knowing any better. But I have no way of knowing if I ever would have gotten them without saying something.


Nope. I didn't ask him initially. As I said before, I didn't say a single word about it to him. For some reason, I figured that it was the Shore Excursion Dept.'s fault.


And there was NO possibility that there was confusion between the cabin steward and his assistant. The reason I say this is because David told me that the cabin stewards are given a list of all of the cabins they take care of that includes everything that it supposed to be put in those cabins, and they have to check every single thing off after they put it in its cabin. So my cabin steward had to get his list and see what he had checked off that went into my cabin. David told me that the cabin steward's list did not show any shore excursion tickets for my cabin. So that's why I don't blame this on confusion between my cabin steward and his assistant.


From my experience I have never had a problem receiving my tickets on any of my cruises without ever asking.

Me neither! That's why I knew there was something wrong right away. Now, if Celebrity had told everyone, "If your shore excursion tickets aren't in your cabin when you arrive, just take a chill pill and don't bother us and keep your mouth shut, and you'll get them when we feel like giving them to you," I would have known what was going on. But they didn't, which is why I expected the same kind of service that I've gotten on my other cruises. And didn't get, because (1) my cabin steward was inefficient, and (2) he was A LIAR.

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From what I can read, all this ticket stuff happened on boarding day which was actually 4 days before we reached our 1st island. Ok, it was a problem but you had plenty of time to get it all worked out. As it turned out the problem was easily solved. I was on that cruise too & although there were a few glitches there was nothing so serious as to merit such a negative attitude. It was a lovely cruise with a very pleasant staff. I'd hate to think that a ticket glitch & bad breakfast service ruined your cruise. If so, then maybe you really do need to chill out. LOL

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Vacationluvver, please don't put words in my mouth, YOU said he LIED, I just assumed he did because YOU SAID SO!! I said, so he lied, he was probably afraid.


You really need to let this go as you appear to be embarrassing yourself. Ship happens, and this is/was a minor issue. Nothing is perfect in every aspect of our lives, not at home, not at work, and not on vacation.


Other posters and myself have given you excellent information and advice. If you choose not to use it, and or rant at us, we can NOT help you!!



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Vacationluvver, please don't put words in my mouth, YOU said he LIED, I just assumed he did because YOU SAID SO!! I said, so he lied, he was probably afraid.


You really need to let this go as you appear to be embarrassing yourself. Ship happens, and this is/was a minor issue. Nothing is perfect in every aspect of our lives, not at home, not at work, and not on vacation.


Other posters and myself have given you excellent information and advice. If you choose not to use it, and or rant at us, we can NOT help you!!



Need to 'write the letter'.....tell it to the CEO just as you have typed on this thread. SOMETHING will be done; even if it's just an acknowledgement from Celebrity. Celebrity needs to know that you have 'aired' all this publicly.:mad: AND if you don't hear anything....WE ALL NEED TO KNOW THIS:( for future reference.


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Yes, there were some "typos" in the dailies as to times. quote]


There needs to be more attention paid to proofreading the dailies. There were many errors that should have been caught. Everyday I would spot another one. The obvious ones where when the specified the port agent for the upcoming island and it was the one from the previous island. This occurred multiple times. I understand everyone makes mistakes, but appears no one took a second look at these before they were sent out to be printed.

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Yes, there were some "typos" in the dailies as to times. quote]


There needs to be more attention paid to proofreading the dailies. There were many errors that should have been caught. Everyday I would spot another one. The obvious ones where when the specified the port agent for the upcoming island and it was the one from the previous island. This occurred multiple times. I understand everyone makes mistakes, but appears no one took a second look at these before they were sent out to be printed.


Job opening

Proof reading for the Silouete daily newssletter.

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There were many errors that should have been caught. Everyday I would spot another one. The obvious ones where when the specified the port agent for the upcoming island and it was the one from the previous island. This occurred multiple times.

OMG! That never occurred to me! Yes, I did notice that the port agent for three islands was in Barbados, and we never went to Barbados, and I wondered about that, but it NEVER occurred to me that it was wrong! I have in front of me the dailies for the days we went to St. Thomas and Antigua. Both of them say that the port agent is the U.S. Embassy in Barbados. And the phone number provided is in Barbados. The other dailies are around here somewhere, but I have proof right in front of me that the listed port agent for St. Thomas and Antigua is in Barbados.


I'm just glad that I never had to call them! When I was on a Royal cruise and took a ship's shore excursion, we got back to the ship VERY late, hours after it was supposed to have left, because the guide said that the ship had to wait for us, so he told the driver to drive around in circles. I didn't know what to do. When we got back, members of the crew were outside the ship, very angry and concerned, and I told them that the tour guide had made us late on purpose. Then I asked if the ship had a telephone number that I could call in case this happened again. I was told that it did not.


When I mentioned that here, people said that I could call the port agent if this happened again, which I thought was a great idea. But I don't know what the U.S. Embassy in Barbados could do for people who are stuck on a bus in St. Thomas or Antigua with a crazy guide who insists on delaying the passengers' return to the ship for hours.


In another thread, someone wondered if you want to go shopping, are you better off taking a morning excursion (and going shopping in the afternoon) or taking an afternoon excursion (and going shopping in the morning). People seemed to think that they were better off taking the morning excursion and going shopping in the afternoon. I have to disagree, because if anyone on the excursion that I was on (which was in the USA) had decided to put off shopping until the afternoon, he wouldn't have had a chance. As soon as we got off the bus, we had to board the ship. We couldn't say, "Oh, but I wanted to go to that store over there" because the ship should have sailed hours ago.


Thanks so much for telling me about this serious mistake, because I'm going to include it in my letter.


On Celebrity's website, I didn't see any mention of the CEO's name. Does anyone know what it is, or how to find it? Yes, I could call Celebrity and ask them, but I've had experience in the past with people giving phony names when asked the name of the CEO/manager/whatever, and the letters just wind up in the garbage.

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  • 1 month later...

Just wondering if vacationluver has heard anything, and what happened.:confused:


Memory fades with time, and starting a new year on a more positive note, I hope all our CC cruisers will have an enjoyable year, with many more cruises in your future.


My heart goes out to anyone affected by the Costa accident last Fri.


We seem to take a lot for granted, just be aware, stay safe, and special thanks to all who contributed to our cruise, are you listening Fred and Barb? Thanks again for the video and all the pix and info about the ship.:)


This is probably my last post on this thread, just wanted to see if vacationluver added any updates.


Love to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)


Vicki & Jerry

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