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Grandma: "I did not bring my Brith Certificate with me, did I need it?"


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:confused: Why does Carnival make it so difficult to leave the country? :confused:






Same reason Canada makes it so difficult to come back into our country. I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped at the border with my minor children only to be asked for the "travel letter" from my ex. Yes, customs officer, I am kidnapping my kids back into the country to send them to school after a nice vacation outside of the country :rolleyes: That's why they are crying!!:p. Thankfully I never crossed the border without that letter, just in case, my I know many a person who had a big hassle coming back in. :confused:

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Well, as much as I thought I was prepared and in control, Grandma threw me a curve ball.


Last Sunday as we are in our taxi approaching the cruise terminal in Tampa I said to everyone in the car... "make sure you do not have your Passport or Birth Certificate in your bags that are going to be taken by the port people, you are going to need them”. My 70 year old Grandmother who was sitting next to me says... "I don’t have a passport". I said, I know grandma, you dont need your passport, just your birth certificate. Grandma: "Oh, I did not bring my birth certificate with me, did I need it?". WHAT???? We had a discussion three weeks prior about her birth certificate and I had her get it out for me so I could look at it and make sure it was the correct one. I told her that she needed to bring it with her on the cruise and how important it was. Two days prior to leaving I asked her about it again and she said she is all ready.


Well, I guess I should have taken it because she just filed it back away in her papers.


Great, what do we do now? So, good thing that it was 11am as we arrived at the port so we had plenty of time to deal with this issue. We immediately talked to the port people and was directed to a supervisor. He had told me if we could get someone to get the BC we could fax it into him and he would allow her to board. Perfect, grandma knew exactly where it was (well, so we thought).


Finally we were able to get ahold of my Aunt. She went to grandmas house and was directed to the box of paperwork. The box of paperwork contained every piece of paper work from the past 70 years! My aunt looked and looked and looked. Finally after about an hour the port supervisor escorted us inside thru security for us to be seated while we waited for the BC to be found. A port agent had to be seated with us the entire time. Finally my cousin went to the house to help look, which as a good thing because I guess my aunt was sobbing because she could not find it. After about 90 minutes of panic by us, we got the call that the BC was found and it was being faxed to the port. The Port Supervisor came over to us with the copy and allowed us to be checked in. We even got to be checked in VIP so we did not have to wait any longer than we already had! That was a nice perk!


We were so thankful that they accepted the faxed copy of the BC so we could enjoy a fantastic cruise!


Moral of the Story? Take grandmas BC with you and file it with your Passport!


OMG :eek:

I got stressed just reading that.

I am so happy it turned out ok....


Did Grandma like the cruise????


I have an LLBean passport wallet type thing that I keep our passports in. It sits on top of my desk with my cruise folder/paperwork the week prior to cruising and I wear the dang thing around my neck when I leave the house for a cruise.

I check inside it at least twice prior to getting to the airport.

The thought of forgetting my passport is a never ending nightmare.....and now, the thought that it's possible to completely lose my mind at the age of 70 is a nightmare as well. :eek:

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We had similar experience 11 months ago. My wife grabbed the stack of family passports from the safe deposit but hers was not in it. It was a Sunday so no getting to the bank. After 3 trips home digging up alternate papers, we were finally allowed on with

Drivers license

Photo copy of passport

Marriage license

Son's birth certificate that somehow had her maiden name on it


We went from being first 100 to board to being very last family.

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When the in=laws travel with us (they are almost 80)...I make them show me their passports before we leave their house.....



Well, I do the same with my friend in her forties!


After we got to the airport and she had only her outbound ticket in her purse and no return ticket and no cruise tickets (that was way back when!). They had just tightened airport security (still pre-9/11) and they wouldn't let me take her luggage with me and they wouldn't let her check it until she was ready to go.


She spent $100 on a REALLY FAST cab ride back to her house with all her luggage where she FINALLY found the tickets in a travel magazine :confused: and got to the airport just in time to run to the boarding gate. We had decided that I had no excuse to change my flight (for the money) so I would go on ahead to Fairbanks and wait for her on the next flight if she missed that one. This was a big Denali/Alaska cruise package. The nice people at Alaska AL told her they would put her on the next flight if she didn't get back in time.


I stood at the boarding gate yelling for them not to close the door because I could see her running towards it.


Turned out okay, but could have been a bad experience (and not just an expensive one for her) if she had not been able to locate the docs.


This is one reason I always get to the airport within the 2 hours they recommend. We have needed it twice (other time there were 400 people in Security line). I just shop at the Brighton store, take a good book and have a snack and know that I've done everything I can to get there on time and with the correct docs in hand.

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When we travel I always hold the documents (tickets, boarding pases, passports). Because I obsessively check my purse repeatedly to make sure I have them all, and because my husband has been known to walk into a room with something in his hand, put it down and ten minutes later ask "Was I carrying something a while ago?". For example, years ago after a two day search for his keys I finally found them in the refrigerator behind the juice. He had come into the house and was thirsty, and put his keys down on the handy shelf inside the fridge. Then put the juice back.


So, if I could trust him not to lose...er, I mean "misplace"...the paperwork - like in the refrigerator - he'd be carrying them. But since that will never happen, I'm the "keeper of the documents", and everyone else knows they're going to get to their destination without a hitch. So far, so good! :D

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I just got this from Carnival for my cruise. Looks like I can use just my Enhanced Driver License. Most states have been issuing these for a while.


Alternatively, you may also bring one of the following acceptable travel documents:(this is instead of a passport)


Passport Card

Original or suitable (legible) quality copy of a Birth Certificate (issued by the Department of Vital Statistics)

Original Certificate of Naturalization

Enhanced Driver's License (EDL)

Enhanced Tribal Card (Native American Indians)

Trusted Traveler Program Membership Card, e.g., Nexus Card, Sentri Card or Fast Card

A Consular Report of Birth Abroad

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I just got this from Carnival for my cruise. Looks like I can use just my Enhanced Driver License. Most states have been issuing these for a while.


Alternatively, you may also bring one of the following acceptable travel documents:(this is instead of a passport)


Passport Card

Original or suitable (legible) quality copy of a Birth Certificate (issued by the Department of Vital Statistics)

Original Certificate of Naturalization

Enhanced Driver's License (EDL)

Enhanced Tribal Card (Native American Indians)

Trusted Traveler Program Membership Card, e.g., Nexus Card, Sentri Card or Fast Card

A Consular Report of Birth Abroad


make sure you bring another additional identify documentation JUST IN CASE you the port you are sailing from does not know how to process EDLS

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Well, as much as I thought I was prepared and in control, Grandma threw me a curve ball.


Last Sunday as we are in our taxi approaching the cruise terminal in Tampa I said to everyone in the car... "make sure you do not have your Passport or Birth Certificate in your bags that are going to be taken by the port people, you are going to need them”. My 70 year old Grandmother who was sitting next to me says... "I don’t have a passport". I said, I know grandma, you dont need your passport, just your birth certificate. Grandma: "Oh, I did not bring my birth certificate with me, did I need it?". WHAT???? We had a discussion three weeks prior about her birth certificate and I had her get it out for me so I could look at it and make sure it was the correct one. I told her that she needed to bring it with her on the cruise and how important it was. Two days prior to leaving I asked her about it again and she said she is all ready.


Well, I guess I should have taken it because she just filed it back away in her papers.


Great, what do we do now? So, good thing that it was 11am as we arrived at the port so we had plenty of time to deal with this issue. We immediately talked to the port people and was directed to a supervisor. He had told me if we could get someone to get the BC we could fax it into him and he would allow her to board. Perfect, grandma knew exactly where it was (well, so we thought).


Finally we were able to get ahold of my Aunt. She went to grandmas house and was directed to the box of paperwork. The box of paperwork contained every piece of paper work from the past 70 years! My aunt looked and looked and looked. Finally after about an hour the port supervisor escorted us inside thru security for us to be seated while we waited for the BC to be found. A port agent had to be seated with us the entire time. Finally my cousin went to the house to help look, which as a good thing because I guess my aunt was sobbing because she could not find it. After about 90 minutes of panic by us, we got the call that the BC was found and it was being faxed to the port. The Port Supervisor came over to us with the copy and allowed us to be checked in. We even got to be checked in VIP so we did not have to wait any longer than we already had! That was a nice perk!


We were so thankful that they accepted the faxed copy of the BC so we could enjoy a fantastic cruise!


Moral of the Story? Take grandmas BC with you and file it with your Passport!


Bless Grandma's heart!!! She probably felt terrible...:o

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Well, as much as I thought I was prepared and in control, Grandma threw me a curve ball.


Last Sunday as we are in our taxi approaching the cruise terminal in Tampa I said to everyone in the car... "make sure you do not have your Passport or Birth Certificate in your bags that are going to be taken by the port people, you are going to need them”. My 70 year old Grandmother who was sitting next to me says... "I don’t have a passport". I said, I know grandma, you dont need your passport, just your birth certificate. Grandma: "Oh, I did not bring my birth certificate with me, did I need it?". WHAT???? We had a discussion three weeks prior about her birth certificate and I had her get it out for me so I could look at it and make sure it was the correct one. I told her that she needed to bring it with her on the cruise and how important it was. Two days prior to leaving I asked her about it again and she said she is all ready.


Well, I guess I should have taken it because she just filed it back away in her papers.


Great, what do we do now? So, good thing that it was 11am as we arrived at the port so we had plenty of time to deal with this issue. We immediately talked to the port people and was directed to a supervisor. He had told me if we could get someone to get the BC we could fax it into him and he would allow her to board. Perfect, grandma knew exactly where it was (well, so we thought).


Finally we were able to get ahold of my Aunt. She went to grandmas house and was directed to the box of paperwork. The box of paperwork contained every piece of paper work from the past 70 years! My aunt looked and looked and looked. Finally after about an hour the port supervisor escorted us inside thru security for us to be seated while we waited for the BC to be found. A port agent had to be seated with us the entire time. Finally my cousin went to the house to help look, which as a good thing because I guess my aunt was sobbing because she could not find it. After about 90 minutes of panic by us, we got the call that the BC was found and it was being faxed to the port. The Port Supervisor came over to us with the copy and allowed us to be checked in. We even got to be checked in VIP so we did not have to wait any longer than we already had! That was a nice perk!


We were so thankful that they accepted the faxed copy of the BC so we could enjoy a fantastic cruise!


Moral of the Story? Take grandmas BC with you and file it with your Passport!


Yes, I learned that the almost hard way. Went to Mexico this year with my 84 year old Mom (She is still a Mexican citizen and took her passport).

So as we left the house I said, so you have everything you need all documentation (she had made this trip many, many times in her life), her answer "Jes, I dooo." We make our transfer in Phenoix and she has forgotten her green card. No problem for the trip to Mexico, hard to get come back home to US without it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!:o:o

So like yourself, we send my sister to the house to find it. She has to FED EX it to Mexico for the return trip home.


Yes, yes, yes always ask to see the document two months before the trip, one month before the trip, a week before the trip and then don't leave the house without it in your hand.


I sure hope one day someone look out for me with this much patience, like it or not we all get there.



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In 2007 we took my in-laws on the NCL Spirit. We are driving down the morning of the cruise and find out that FIL does not have a picture on his drivers license, he renewed it by mail. We are trying not to freak out, he says "I have my Sam's Club card, my pictures on it". We are both trying to figure out what we will do if they don't let him onboard, but there was no problem, they checked him through. We were surprised and relieved!

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Looks like I can use just my Enhanced Driver License. Most states have been issuing these for a while.

Unfortunately, not at all true. As of January 1 of this year, I believe only 4 states were issuing EDLs: New York, Washington, Vermont and Michigan. I don't know of any states which have begun issuing them this year, but certainly very few states have so far adopted EDLs.



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Unfortunately, not at all true. As of January 1 of this year, I believe only 4 states were issuing EDLs: New York, Washington, Vermont and Michigan. I don't know of any states which have begun issuing them this year, but certainly very few states have so far adopted EDLs.



I thought we had them here...turns out, we don't yet.

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Unfortunately, not at all true. As of January 1 of this year, I believe only 4 states were issuing EDLs: New York, Washington, Vermont and Michigan. I don't know of any states which have begun issuing them this year, but certainly very few states have so far adopted EDLs.





Not sure if that will last, either. The local TV station here in Phx did an expose on some states, including Arizona DLs issued from a place in China that even included the holograph. That is what TSA and cops depend on here. Makes me sick.:(

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Oh hell ... I'm Gramma!!!!!! :D


I've already printed out my boarding pass, luggage tags and cruise documents *AND* filed them in a folder with my passport. But maybe I'll just go ahead and give that all to my son and DIL tomorrow for safe keeping ;)

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scgamecock's #1 cruising rule: ANYONE cruising with me will have their birth certificate/passport checked personally by myself before the car rolls out of my driveway and everyone is notified that if they don't have their documentation when we get there, I will not hesitate to leave them at the port.

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OMG, poor Grandma and poor OP who had planned the cruise & diligently instructed her repeatedly to have her BC.


I predict another cruise nightmare brewing after reading this!


If I live long enough to get ditzy and become a challenge to my child or grandchildren, I hope they still look out for me and take me on cruises. :p

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Unfortunately, not at all true. As of January 1 of this year, I believe only 4 states were issuing EDLs: New York, Washington, Vermont and Michigan. I don't know of any states which have begun issuing them this year, but certainly very few states have so far adopted EDLs.





Yes..it was suppised to be for states with significant borders/traffic with Canada. I guess Mexico border states were potentially going to be added but have not yet. I can travel to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean on my EDL without my passport as long as it's by sea or land. No good for air travel.

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Well, as much as I thought I was prepared and in control, Grandma threw me a curve ball.


Last Sunday as we are in our taxi approaching the cruise terminal in Tampa I said to everyone in the car... "make sure you do not have your Passport or Birth Certificate in your bags that are going to be taken by the port people, you are going to need them”. My 70 year old Grandmother who was sitting next to me says... "I don’t have a passport". I said, I know grandma, you dont need your passport, just your birth certificate. Grandma: "Oh, I did not bring my birth certificate with me, did I need it?". WHAT???? We had a discussion three weeks prior about her birth certificate and I had her get it out for me so I could look at it and make sure it was the correct one. I told her that she needed to bring it with her on the cruise and how important it was. Two days prior to leaving I asked her about it again and she said she is all ready.


Well, I guess I should have taken it because she just filed it back away in her papers.


Great, what do we do now? So, good thing that it was 11am as we arrived at the port so we had plenty of time to deal with this issue. We immediately talked to the port people and was directed to a supervisor. He had told me if we could get someone to get the BC we could fax it into him and he would allow her to board. Perfect, grandma knew exactly where it was (well, so we thought).


Finally we were able to get ahold of my Aunt. She went to grandmas house and was directed to the box of paperwork. The box of paperwork contained every piece of paper work from the past 70 years! My aunt looked and looked and looked. Finally after about an hour the port supervisor escorted us inside thru security for us to be seated while we waited for the BC to be found. A port agent had to be seated with us the entire time. Finally my cousin went to the house to help look, which as a good thing because I guess my aunt was sobbing because she could not find it. After about 90 minutes of panic by us, we got the call that the BC was found and it was being faxed to the port. The Port Supervisor came over to us with the copy and allowed us to be checked in. We even got to be checked in VIP so we did not have to wait any longer than we already had! That was a nice perk!


We were so thankful that they accepted the faxed copy of the BC so we could enjoy a fantastic cruise!


Moral of the Story? Take grandmas BC with you and file it with your Passport!


I'm wondering how grandma was allowed to enter the US with this documentation.


Carnival can accept whatever they want....but the customs agents have to stick to rules.


You're very lucky that things worked out.

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I'm wondering how grandma was allowed to enter the US with this documentation.


Carnival can accept whatever they want....but the customs agents have to stick to rules.


You're very lucky that things worked out.


CCL wouldn't accept it if Customs did not accept it- the final regulations do allow copies of birth certificates as long as they are legible and a copy of the correct birth certificate issued by the state.

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This is my biggest fear. I must check every 10 minutes that I have all my documents before I leave. Some call it OCD, I prefer detail oriented and organized. :o It's funny but I've never thought to make a copy of my passport as well. I will make 2 copies, one to carry with me and one to leave at home, just in case.

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My friend is leaving for a cruise on a couple of weeks, she was telling me about it (it's a family group not hers and she got invited along) and she didn't know anything about it, the ship, the cruise line, the itenerary, anything! I asked her about her identification and she said "I hadn't thought about that!" She had traveled to Germany for a year, but it was right around her 18th birthday so if she had gotten her passport before her birthday it would've been expired but after she'd be fine. She couldn't remember which (and she was set to leave in 2 weeks!) I told her to check ASAP and if it was expired I'd help her find out if her BC was correct...I emailed her the next morning and she'd forgotten already! Thankfully she checked then and she was still good, but I think it's so funny!

On DH and i's first cruise (my 2nd) we drove down from good Ol' Indiana the day before (this was in 2006)...got all the way to Georgia on a Sunday (the cruise left the next morning) before I realized I'd forgotten the birth certificates!!! I immediately had a panic attack, it was horrible! We debated turning around and driving back, but we didn't have time. Long story short, we decided to have my MIL and his best friend break into our second story apartment, get it, and fax it to us and go on a wing and a prayer that it would work. I swear my blood pressure was through the roof until we got on the ship! We arrived at the port and some nice old lady looked at our faxed copy and said it shouldn't be a problem, brought us right to the counter where someone else looked at it and said "You're fine!" I know we shouldn't have been, but God was smiling on us that day! We got a VERY stern talking to from customs coming back into the country, but he still let us back no problem. Trust me, identification is glued to me now!

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I'm baffled the risks people take. They spend all this money on a vacation, but don't want to get a passport or don't want to bother checking documentation requirements. With all the changing rules, just get a passport so you don't have to worry what changes they make.


I have a passport book & passport card. Cost me $140 for both and they are valid for ten years. That a lot of piece of mind for $14 a year.


This post is completely irrelevant to the matter at hand. It wouldn't have mattered if Grandma had a passport signed by the president himself since she left her documents at home! Yet another passport preacher, sigh...

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