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Worst cruise of my life.


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[quote name='HppyCamper']WOW! I signed up for the Cruise CRITIC forums not the Cruise CHEERLEADER forums.

I think people need to stop and look at what they are doing on this thread and many others. Anytime someone has a complaint about a cruise they have so many posters come out and tell them that they are wrong, or an idiot, or shouldn't cruise - REALLY!

I run a conference center that provides lodging, food, and activities to the guests. I understand customer service.

NCL was wrong when they denied access to their son to the Teen Lounge. We do kids camps and their are age requirements. We realize that 13 is a transitional age and some kids feel more comfortable with younger kids at that age, some older. NCL should allow flexibility in this. By not doing so they created the negative situation.

Also the waitress in the Japanese restaurant handled that situation wrong. If this had been at my facility and I would have seen this take place, I would have corrected the waitress in front of the customers, and comped their meal.

I can see where the treatment of their child would really put a damper on their vacation. All of this could have been avoided by using a little common sense.

Now to give NCL a little credit here, they did try to make the situation right with the freebees. One of the things that is going on here is that NCL is such a large organization that it makes it really hard to NOT have inflexible rules. MUCH easier for management. However, I am sure that NCL realizes the cost of one bad experience like this in negative advertisement. They need a little retraining of managers.[/quote]

I agree with every word you've said.

There seems to have been unjustified inflexibility on BOTH sides, when a little common sense (again, on both sides) would have worked wonders.

That said, strawberries, wine, and dinner aren't really compensation for an awkward situation with a brand new teen. A very nice gesture on NCL's part, but not really a solution. THAT said, I wouldn't have accepted those gifts. If they couldn't come up with the result I was hoping for, so be it. I don't need gifts to make up for it, I'd just file it away for future cruise decisions.

To those like dwjoe who said the post deserved to be ignored...why didn't you?
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[quote name='HppyCamper']WOW! I signed up for the Cruise CRITIC forums not the Cruise CHEERLEADER forums.

I think people need to stop and look at what they are doing on this thread and many others. Anytime someone has a complaint about a cruise they have so many posters come out and tell them that they are wrong, or an idiot, or shouldn't cruise - REALLY!

I run a conference center that provides lodging, food, and activities to the guests. I understand customer service.

NCL was wrong when they denied access to their son to the Teen Lounge. We do kids camps and their are age requirements. We realize that 13 is a transitional age and some kids feel more comfortable with younger kids at that age, some older. NCL should allow flexibility in this. By not doing so they created the negative situation.

Also the waitress in the Japanese restaurant handled that situation wrong. If this had been at my facility and I would have seen this take place, I would have corrected the waitress in front of the customers, and comped their meal.

I can see where the treatment of their child would really put a damper on their vacation. All of this could have been avoided by using a little common sense.

Now to give NCL a little credit here, they did try to make the situation right with the freebees. One of the things that is going on here is that NCL is such a large organization that it makes it really hard to NOT have inflexible rules. MUCH easier for management. However, I am sure that NCL realizes the cost of one bad experience like this in negative advertisement. They need a little retraining of managers.[/QUOTE]

1. For the record, not all the responses here tell the OP they are wrong, or call him an idiot. For example, my response merely asked how any of NCL's actions to the OP were to be considered "arrogance"... Perhaps you can explain that.

2. You claim that based upon YOUR business, that NCL was wrong to deny their child access to a teen club before his birthday. Just as you would not expect NCL to judge your business practices, you should not impose your standards on their business. NCL has clearly addressed this issue to the letter in their kids crew documentation on their website. The fact that you would implement a different policy from NCL does not make either of you right or wrong. NCL chose to implement their policy for a reason, and since it is clearly documented, it is what it is. Passengers are expected to abide by the policies set forward. If there was a gray area where "common sense" could be applied, it was eliminated by the policy that specifically addresses the situation. Common sense is not a license to circumvent a policy that is not convenient to you. You may have the ability to amend your policies as you see fit, but consider that NCL may not for reasons only they know.

3. Even with all the over-the- top hyperbole, you seem to accept the statement from the OP as absolute fact as to events that occurred in the sushi bar. Most people know that there are probably three sides in that situation... The OP's side, the waitress's side and what really happened. I doubt that all the facts have been presented on this forum for any one to judge. One thing is certain, when people use dramatic exaggeration to illustrate their point it probably is lacking in substance.

4. All in all, NCL made several decent attempts to make this right with this customer ( at least from we have been told) ... and yet it still is not good enough. Keep in mind you have only heard one side of the story, and more than likely it has been expressed to cast the events in a light favorable to the author.
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[quote name='eeyoremum']Wow if I spent 10,000 on a trip and my kid was "not happy" because he didn't get his own way that would be the LAST trip with the little snowflake. Next time leave the kid home.[/quote]
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Nothing more needs to be said. All the PP have said all that needs to said. My last cruise on the Jewel the luggage belt "ate" one of our bags and totally destroyed our clothes and the bag. Only a few pieces of clothes were salvagable. NCL called us down to reception and we went through the bags and we gave them estimated prices on the clothes. None of the clothes were new or anything and we low balled most of the stuff. They contacted mangament and the next day they had the clothes that were salvaged hanging up in our stateroom laundered. (Free of charge) and a $250 OBC and a replacement suitcase. The clothes were no where near that amount. We were totally satisfied with what they did for us. Just to give a positive.

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1. For the record, not all the responses here tell the OP they are wrong, or call him an idiot. For example, my response merely asked how any of NCL's actions to the OP were to be considered "arrogance"... Perhaps you can explain that.


2. You claim that based upon YOUR business, that NCL was wrong to deny their child access to a teen club before his birthday. Just as you would not expect NCL to judge your business practices, you should not impose your standards on their business. NCL has clearly addressed this issue to the letter in their kids crew documentation on their website. The fact that you would implement a different policy from NCL does not make either of you right or wrong. NCL chose to implement their policy for a reason, and since it is clearly documented, it is what it is. Passengers are expected to abide by the policies set forward. If there was a gray area where "common sense" could be applied, it was eliminated by the policy that specifically addresses the situation. Common sense is not a license to circumvent a policy that is not convenient to you. You may have the ability to amend your policies as you see fit, but consider that NCL may not for reasons only they know.


3. Even with all the over-the- top hyperbole, you seem to accept the statement from the OP as absolute fact as to events that occurred in the sushi bar. Most people know that there are probably three sides in that situation... The OP's side, the waitress's side and what really happened. I doubt that all the facts have been presented on this forum for any one to judge. One thing is certain, when people use dramatic exaggeration to illustrate their point it probably is lacking in substance.


4. All in all, NCL made several decent attempts to make this right with this customer ( at least from we have been told) ... and yet it still is not good enough. Keep in mind you have only heard one side of the story, and more than likely it has been expressed to cast the events in a light favorable to the author.


Excellent post and points.

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Nothing more needs to be said. All the PP have said all that needs to said. My last cruise on the Jewel the luggage belt "ate" one of our bags and totally destroyed our clothes and the bag. Only a few pieces of clothes were salvagable. NCL called us down to reception and we went through the bags and we gave them estimated prices on the clothes. None of the clothes were new or anything and we low balled most of the stuff. They contacted mangament and the next day they had the clothes that were salvaged hanging up in our stateroom laundered. (Free of charge) and a $250 OBC and a replacement suitcase. The clothes were no where near that amount. We were totally satisfied with what they did for us. Just to give a positive.


Wow thats pretty cool, I'd love to see an airline do that, I would think the airlines wreck more luggage than a cruiseship would even remotely ruin.

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  1. 10,OOO on 2 balcony suites, Aft balcony'd / Penthouse? You need to research a new TA, or get cheaper flights
  2. Your failure to do research is not the problem of NCL, you beleive that as someone who has paid, the "filipino:" staff should take care of the great American.
  3. If your kids are do dependent on the kids club for fun, then you need to look at yourself for that not them, your kids are victims in your self centered life.
  4. Try this on ANY other cruise, just please post when and where you will be going so I can make sure I'm not there.
  5. Last thing - Welcome to CC - POST 1, is all I have to say

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One of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children is that they can't get everything they want exactly the way they want it. Of course parents have to understand that themselves in order to educate their children, and unfortunately many have such an overwhelming and unwarranted sense of entitlement that they don't stand a chance of teaching their children a healthier, more appropriate attitude.


My wife has made a very good living for almost 40 years thanks to those whose unwarranted sense of entitlement causes them to make a mountain out of every mole hill. People who think everything in the world has to be just perfect based on their personal and unrealistic standards of perfection are usually very unhappy because nothing is ever good enough for them. It's no way to go through life.

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One of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children is that they can't get everything they want exactly the way they want it. Of course parents have to understand that themselves in order to educate their children, and unfortunately many have such an overwhelming and unwarranted sense of entitlement that they don't stand a chance of teaching their children a healthier, more appropriate attitude.


My wife has made a very good living for almost 40 years thanks to those whose unwarranted sense of entitlement causes them to make a mountain out of every mole hill. People who think everything in the world has to be just perfect based on their personal and unrealistic standards of perfection are usually very unhappy because nothing is ever good enough for them. It's no way to go through life.


Wow - that was very well-said!

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One of the most valuable lessons we can teach our children is that they can't get everything they want exactly the way they want it. Of course parents have to understand that themselves in order to educate their children, and unfortunately many have such an overwhelming and unwarranted sense of entitlement that they don't stand a chance of teaching their children a healthier, more appropriate attitude.


My wife has made a very good living for almost 40 years thanks to those whose unwarranted sense of entitlement causes them to make a mountain out of every mole hill. People who think everything in the world has to be just perfect based on their personal and unrealistic standards of perfection are usually very unhappy because nothing is ever good enough for them. It's no way to go through life.


Well said, I strongly agree. As someone who plays by the rules in life I am annoyed to no end by those who think the rules only apply to everybody else.


I'm guessing your wife is a therapist?;)

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The absense of REDCAB after his first post has told the story.

I think he has finally got it, ' HE KNOWS HE IS WRONG "

Enough said I think. He may learn from this. PERHAPS.....


Actually he/she came back because this thread went poof for awhile. I believe the mods have removed the most offensive post, from what I saw it was their own. They created a new thread saying the same thing, and now that thread too has gone poof (rightly so).


Down to name calling and other such behaviours since we didn't tell them what they wanted to hear.


Hmmm...if I wasn't such an idiot, I might be able to see a pattern.

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Did anyone else see another thread today (from the op) that was removed? Something about how he intentionally used inflammatory language in his first post in order to elicit responses and it worked.


LOL-told me everything I needed to know

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Well, the admin was kind enough to repost my thread, so let me repost the reply that I typed earlier(with some small edits).... I really LOVE this discussion. Here goes....




Well I posted this negative review last night and when I woke I see that I have 6 pages of replies. This is exactly the reaction I wanted!!!


The point of my post was that NCL could have done things for me AT NO ADDITIONAL COST which would have saved them from comping me with free stuff AND made my family joyful for being on their boat AND inspired me to tell all my friends what a fantastic time we had on their ship. I pointed out that the problem was that line people and managers on the ship were not given the flexibility to solve problems on the spot. Read that last sentence, it may be a little more insightful than the usual complaints I've read here about the size of the TV or the plushness of the towels.


That is called "constructive criticism". I used some inflammatory words like "arrogant" and "ruined" to get your attention and it worked!


See, NCL could allow their people to use sound judgment and they would have lower expenses AND more positive reviews. Business 101.


Instead they spend $ on me and I'm still telling everyone I know and all of you and every cruise board I can find. That's not good. Business 101.


For the few of you that agree with me that attentive customer service is the difference between "it was a hotel" and "I'm telling all my friends it was the best week of my life, you should definitely book w/ NCL", KUDOS to you for being good consumers who vote with your hard earned money. KUDOS to you for realizing that we're not just paying for a place to sleep and 3 meals, we're paying for service that flexibly meets our needs.


For the most of you old people who apparently go on cruises because there are lots of rules and therefore no surprises, please continue with your happy lives. I bet you're the same people who put towels on the beach chairs at 7am so that I have to walk around for 30 mins looking for an open one just so that I can move it next to the other open one I found 5 mins earlier despite what you do being "against the rules". You wouldn't know the difference between the Holiday Inn and the Ritz Carlton.


And for those of you who knock my now 13 year old son as being unable to take care of his own needs or whatever, you obviously forget what its like to be a teenager trying to make friends but not allowed "in the club". BTW, we checked out the 9 - 12 year old group that they wanted him to join. When we looked in it was 9 girls who looked to be about 10 years old learning origami. They didn't want my son any more than he didn't want to be with them.


I'll admit, the mistake on my part was having the wrong expectations. From reading all the NCL collateral that arrived in my mailbox both physical and electronic, and their extensive website, I thought I was headed for a 4 star experience. Sort of Hyatt or Westin level. I was under no illusion that it would be the Ritz or Four Seasons. If I had my expectations in check for a Holiday Inn experience I would have been satisfied that I had a clean place to sleep and edible food. BTW, I have no grudge against Holiday Inn which I reference them - I frequently stay there on single night business trips because all I want is a clean room and a lock on the door. My point is that they deliver a much more narrow product AND set expectations perfectly. Happiness is a function of expectation setting and NCL over promises and under delivers.


If my post served as a warning the dissuades one single group from booking with NCL, than I have succeeded.


Some of you love exactly what you've been getting from NCL for years, and I applaud you that you've found a place that meets your expectations. We are clearly different people each with our own wants and expectations.


PS There seemed to be disbelief that my vacation was nearly $10K. The two balcony mid ship rooms during xmas week were $6700 + the mandatory gratuity and we used the specialty restaurants, bars and spas extensively.





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I saw it and didn't read that he said he intentionally used inflammatory language. Perhaps I misread it, but I got the impression he said he intentionally brought up a subject he knew wasn't going to be popular so as to spark some converstaion about the negative side of things.


(Editing: thought you meant his FIRST post, not the second one. Second one was something altogether different)


Ooops...posted at the same time the OP re-posted the original thread.


Must say, it's kinda weird that he's enjoying it so much. Things that make you go Hmmmmm.....

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Yup, I'm here now in part because I do "marketing and sales" for a living and I appreciate it when customers tell me the open unabridged truth because then it is easier to make things right both for them and the others who didn't want to make the effort but were thinking the same thing. If I care about their future business I listen carefully and figure out how to make the negatives never reappear. I'm hoping NCL is listening...


And you'd be absolutely correct to point out that sometimes I'd rather not have a certain person's business and I won't react to them. We all have choices. That's what makes America great.


The main point is that I was very disappointed that cruising with NCL was like flying on an airplane these days.... rules, rules, rules with absolutely zero tolerance for judgement. All of my friends tell me other cruise lines don't behave this way.

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That is called "constructive criticism". I used some inflammatory words like "arrogant" and "ruined" to get your attention and it worked!

Actually constructive criticism is exactly the opposite. It avoids using inflammatory language, and focuses on a plain statement of dislikes and reasons. Hopefully your next post will be more constructive.

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I'm fairly new here, but the OP is simply ticked off and trying to get the point "out there". I frequent lots of car forums and the same thing happens. A few negative posts to rant, the regulars state their opinions and the OP disappears.


As far as trying to please the OP NCL went above and beyond. I can't believe the OP complained that after getting comped on dinner that they charged for the drink. They didn't have to do anything.

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Actually constructive criticism is exactly the opposite. It avoids using inflammatory language, and focuses on a plain statement of dislikes and reasons. Hopefully your next post will be more constructive.


Excellent point.

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Yup, I'm here now in part because I do "marketing and sales" for a living and I appreciate it when customers tell me the open unabridged truth because then it is easier to make things right both for them and the others who didn't want to make the effort but were thinking the same thing. If I care about their future business I listen carefully and figure out how to make the negatives never reappear. I'm hoping NCL is listening...


And you'd be absolutely correct to point out that sometimes I'd rather not have a certain person's business and I won't react to them. We all have choices. That's what makes America great.


The main point is that I was very disappointed that cruising with NCL was like flying on an airplane these days.... rules, rules, rules with absolutely zero tolerance for judgement. All of my friends tell me other cruise lines don't behave this way.


I am sure NCL is listening and hoping you keep your word not to return. 35 years in sales and marketing and the one thing I learned there are some customers that are not worth the problems. Focus on the customers that are making or can make you successful.

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