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SD I -July 14, Venice to Athens

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Thanks again FT for a very comprehensive fair and balanced review. It seemed like we were there with you. I agree with you completely about the "two faces of SeaDream" and regret that we continue to have these issues come up. Especially disturbing was that Sr. Management on board seemed to justify the kids on board. In the past, crew were apologizing when kids were disrupting life on board and commiserating about not being able to control it due to top management. It does make us stop and think about future trips. Like you said, if it was as advertised, SD would probably be our only cruise choice too. As it is currently, not so much. Anyway, thanks again for all your effort to share with us.:D

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FT, thank you so much for your comprehensive review of your trip, and also your analysis. We have three future trips booked with SD, one in late October right before the crossing, one in December the week prior to Christmas, and the back-to-back Panama Canal/Costa Rica in early November of 2013. I really can't envision families traveling with children at those times, but who really can be sure? The reason we will no longer sail on the New Year's cruise is teenagers. I do know that now I'm a bit nervous. Our first two trips are not that far away. I will certainly report back on the "children" situation.

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FT, thank you so much for your comprehensive review of your trip, and also your analysis. We have three future trips booked with SD, one in late October right before the crossing, one in December the week prior to Christmas, and the back-to-back Panama Canal/Costa Rica in early November of 2013. I really can't envision families traveling with children at those times, but who really can be sure? The reason we will no longer sail on the New Year's cruise is teenagers. I do know that now I'm a bit nervous. Our first two trips are not that far away. I will certainly report back on the "children" situation.


Zimmy, my bet is your only possible concern is likely the December week right before Christmas. Schools are out then. We did it once and there were some children on board but more impact that time was a huge group that really changed the dynamics. But that happens- can't complain about that. October and November seem very safe. Good luck and I look forward to your reports.

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Zimmy, my bet is your only possible concern is likely the December week right before Christmas. Schools are out then. We did it once and there were some children on board but more impact that time was a huge group that really changed the dynamics. But that happens- can't complain about that. October and November seem very safe. Good luck and I look forward to your reports.


We have done this week previously on SD. There was not a child on board, and in addition there was a wonderful mix of passengers, which of course is just luck. It was one of our better cruises. Groups certainly do change the dynamics, though. And you're right - what is, is. Thanks for the good wishes.

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FT, thank you for such an excellent, honest review. We tend to travel in the shoulder seasons so are hoping not to encounter the "unruly kids" issue that you did during the second part of your cruise.


As many of us have mentioned, it is the "adult/couples" marketing aspect of SD cruises that most appeals to those of us wanting to get away from it all. While I have no issue with the occasional well behaved kids on board (I have always said I would sail with fpebbles' kids any time because they are polite, engaging, and very well behaved), it is irresponsible for parents to let them run wild and basically take over the ship! At some point the crew should be given the OK to step in if the kids' unruly behavior is affecting the rest of the "paying" passengers.


Anyway, am so glad to know Donatas was offered such a wonderful opportunity, but his departure will leave a big void. He was one of our favorites and will be greatly missed.


Thanks again for your honest summation, FT. It is obvious you still love SD but some of the issues mentioned are things that have been noticed by others and will hopefully be addressed at some point.

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FT, thank you for such an excellent, honest review. We tend to travel in the shoulder seasons so are hoping not to encounter the "unruly kids" issue that you did during the second part of your cruise.


As many of us have mentioned, it is the "adult/couples" marketing aspect of SD cruises that most appeals to those of us wanting to get away from it all. While I have no issue with the occasional well behaved kids on board (I have always said I would sail with fpebbles' kids any time because they are polite, engaging, and very well behaved), it is irresponsible for parents to let them run wild and basically take over the ship! At some point the crew should be given the OK to step in if the kids' unruly behavior is affecting the rest of the "paying" passengers.


Thanks again for your honest summation, FT. It is obvious you still love SD but some of the issues mentioned are things that have been noticed by others and will hopefully be addressed at some point.


Unfortunately, we have been hoping for SeaDream to do something about this issue since March of 2005.:eek: 30 kids on board! 7 years and a number of kid marred trips later, we are getting rather wary of the way SD management works.:eek:

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Unfortunately, we have been hoping for SeaDream to do something about this issue since March of 2005.:eek: 30 kids on board! 7 years and a number of kid marred trips later, we are getting rather wary of the way SD management works.:eek:




I am going to push back again - since we shared the fun of that Easter voyage with you - another holiday! At that time you could put a 3rd person in the cabin (I don't know how - make the kid sleep on the sofa?) for an unreasonably low amount, so people did. I remember one family I think put 3 kids and the nanny in a cabin :eek: this is the nanny that was nowhere in sight when the 3 yr old was wandering around Deck 2 unattended.

But SD did change the pricing - no heavy discounts for the 3rd person in the cabin.


Now, if the toddler is full fare - they can do anything on board! We also heard a similar remark from a member of the activities staff - since they paid full fare the kid is entitled to . . . .


There is also unbelievably low airfare in Europe so a week on SD is very reasonable for families. I have to figure out to avoid fall break, spring break summer holidays . . .etc.




P.S. thanks very much to all who appreciate the postings - its a lot of fun and since I don't take pictures a nice way to remember the trip.

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Unfortunately, we have been hoping for SeaDream to do something about this issue since March of 2005.:eek: 30 kids on board! 7 years and a number of kid marred trips later, we are getting rather wary of the way SD management works.:eek:


We've actually been fortunate on all our past SD cruises. Have occasionally had a few kids on some of our cruises but they were quiet and well behaved.


It's the complete takeover of the ship that has me concerned. I guess the same could be said about passengers "reserving" spots around the pool then leaving for hours at a time or "taking over" the TOY. Comes down to people respecting other passengers' rights to enjoy their time on board too -- but unfortunately there will always be those who feel that the world revolves them. :rolleyes:


Good news is, SD still ranks high in service and really delivers when it comes to the quality of food and its preparation. I do agree with FT that a bit more attention could be given to some of the arranged port excursions and supplying better info for those who want to wander around on their own. Like FT we usually do our own research beforehand, since this is an area where SD can be a bit weak.

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FT, a huge thanks for your wonderful reports. I initially followed along since I was interested in your passage through Corinth Canal, but then I became captivated by your descriptions of life aboard SeaDream. Sounds positively marvelous, kiddies notwithstanding. But since we prefer to travel in spring and fall, they should not affect us as much.


I thought I had it pretty settled that we'd take PG Tere Moana for an intensive Croatia itinerary with a transit through Corinth Canal, but now you've given me some additional stuff to consider. And for that, I'm very grateful! Thanks again.

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FT, every reader on CC should be grateful for your honesty in reviews. I like that you say it like it is, but not whiny in the least bit.


Thanks for your contributions, and your great descriptions of soups. ;) Seriously.

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FT, a huge thanks for your wonderful reports. I initially followed along since I was interested in your passage through Corinth Canal, but then I became captivated by your descriptions of life aboard SeaDream. Sounds positively marvelous, kiddies notwithstanding. But since we prefer to travel in spring and fall, they should not affect us as much.


I thought I had it pretty settled that we'd take PG Tere Moana for an intensive Croatia itinerary with a transit through Corinth Canal, but now you've given me some additional stuff to consider. And for that, I'm very grateful! Thanks again.


You are very welcome. I am envious of people who have the flexibility to travel on SD in the spring and fall. It's my goal to win the lottery and park in the Admiral's Suite for a couple of months at a time followed immediately by a trip to fitness camp.


I think another poster might have mentioned water temp in May as being a tad chilly. Locals seemed unanimous in recommending September for avoiding crowds while still being able to enjoy the beaches. I am determined to swim in the clear aquamarine Adriatic again. Next time from the SD marina in Sept. it may take years but it will happen;)


Please consider it seriously MightyQuinn.


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Please consider it seriously MightyQuinn.

FT, I'm so serious that I've already checked the SD website for sailings that include the Corinth Canal. Some absolutely fab Adriatic itineraries but I could only find a couple that include the Corinth Canal. Both are on SD1 and in peak summer months of June (11323) and July (11330) which would not be our preferred time frame. Do you know if they typically offer such a sailing in spring or fall? SD doesn't have their 2014 sailings loaded yet so there still is hope. Thanks again for piquing my interest! And thanks also to ZQVOL for the excellent pics.
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Thanks Knot! You're absolutely right - wonder how my hawk eye missed that? Time for new readers. LOL. Nice itinerary but I'm really looking for a combo of Corinth Canal (daytime transit) with some Croatian ports. SD has a couple but in mid-summer. Kinda picky huh?

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I think early June might not be bad. Europeans don't tend to do major summer travel until July and August. We have friends that are planning to book SDI-II323, leaving June 5, 2013 from Istanbul to Venice. It does Corinth Canal and Croatia. I am not a mid summer traveler unless it is to a cool climate but even I would consider this trip if I had not already done most of it. In addition we are on the previous cruise on May 25 from Istanbul to Istanbul doing the Black Sea ports. Good luck on finding cruise that fits!

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We did a BtB athen to Istanbul to Athens at the end of May and first of June in 2010. We only had a few children , very well behaved (by coincidence one family was on during week 1 of this voyage). Agree that Europe goes on holiday in July so risk of large no of children is lower in early June. Drawback if you want to get in water - its cold. I kayaked a lot in 2010 but barely got my toes in the water.



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We did a BtB athen to Istanbul to Athens at the end of May and first of June in 2010. We only had a few children , very well behaved (by coincidence one family was on during week 1 of this voyage). Agree that Europe goes on holiday in July so risk of large no of children is lower in early June. FT


Agree with FT. We took our Athens-Dubrovnik SD1 cruise (going through Corinth Canal during the daytime) in early June 2010 and no kids on that one.


Then in 2011 we (everyone close your ears now!) cheated on SD and took a Venice-Venice (Croatia) cruise on L'Austral in mid June 2011 and no kids on that one either - but the ship was new and most of the other passengers belonged to a large, specific tour group. :eek:


I would also recommend May or the early part of June to reduce your number of children on board odds. Agree with FT that the water is quite chilly then and would be warmer in Fall, but if that's not an issue for you that is a really nice time of year to go through the Canal and also see Croatia.

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Thanks to FT for doing most of the work on our review. I have just a few thoughts that I want to share.


First IMO the activities director was more worried about bicycles than taking care of the guests who wanted other types of excursions, and did not do a good job of managing the excursions that were offered. There is no excuse for sending an excursion off on a speed boat with thirteen people on the boat but only ten seats, and never mentioning where the lifejackets were located. BTW this excursion crossed about 20 miles of open ocean.


The way the wait staff is scheduled does not work. On both weeks over 35% of the passengers chose to dine outside on deck 4 or 5 every night. One waiter and one helper had to take care of all these people while in the dining room there were a total of 10 waiters and helpers for the other 55 passengers. While it might not be clear to Sea Dream what is wrong with this picture, it is to everyone else.


There is no excuse for allowing the children to take over the pool, hot tub, and lounge every day and to remain unsupervised. Shame on the parents, but even more shame on Sea Dream for not talking to the parents, especially since one of them said he is a SD employee.


Sea Dream needs to address these issues at the corporate level. These things do not seem to show up on SDII, I don't know why and I am not going to speculate, but the experience on SDI is simply not the same as it is on SDII.

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Interesting that there is now a "Kids on Seabourn" thread over at the Seabourn board. World wide epidemic of kids???:eek::D



No, more a world wide epidemic of rather 'entitled' parents of young children. Sadly, some (by no means all) of these also have very 'entitled' brats who can behave badly and get away with it. We have met them more on Seadream than Seabourn (both kids and the entitled ones) and I think it is easier to keep away from them on the rather bigger ships of Seabourn.;)

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No, more a world wide epidemic of rather 'entitled' parents of young children. Sadly, some (by no means all) of these also have very 'entitled' brats who can behave badly and get away with it. We have met them more on Seadream than Seabourn (both kids and the entitled ones) and I think it is easier to keep away from them on the rather bigger ships of Seabourn.;)


So nicely put. We have now booked 2 cruises on lines other than SD. If I am going to have to avoid the entitled brats and their brats it takes more space. And on one we will be sailing with the wonderful Captain Tysse again.


So sad but my SD addiction has been greatly tempered.


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