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Stewards had a clipboard on cart clearly showing who had not paid tips


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My wish is that the cruiselines would eliminate the words " tips" or "gratuity", and , as someone has already suggested, just add the equivalent amount to the cost of the cruise tickets. If someone would still wish to tip extra, as many of us do, so be it. I guess the cruiselines must like this current system, but it seems to me to be a headache for whomever has to keep track of who pays ands who dont...and who gets how much, etc. I would still be paying the same $$$ for my cruise, and my guess is the cruiseline would spend less $$$ on keeping track of things. Now I know this system would anger some folks, for they would no longer be able to deduct the cost of the tips... for a ligitimate reason or not. If they had an issue that was important enough to complain about, they could take it up with management. I know others would say that without the extra incentive of receiving possible tips, the service staff may not perform as well. Maybe so, maybe not...and this would fall into the cruiselines laps as to correcting the issues. My guess is the management would want to keep things running smoothly for the guest/pasengers, or they would pay for it in the long run. If a person couldnt afford to pay the cost of the cruise...with the extra tip expense on top...then do without. My guess is a huge percent of cruisers always pay at least the standard amount, with a lot of folks also paying extra...as we usually do...so maybe it would all even out. This might be an unrealistic concept...but at least it might help eliminate the CC bickering every time a tipping post goes up. It might weed out some cheapskate cruisers, but I'd bet everyone else would eventually settle in and accept it. And the hard working service staff would get what they deserve!!! I'd sure hate to trade places with them! Just my thoughts!:)



P&O Australia did exactly that!


But they knew they couldnt put the price of Auto tips onto the cruise price because its just not good marketing,they need to keep the base price as low as possible to attract more custom.


The Auto tips got eaten up in drink/smokes/bingo/shore tours/photos/anything else paid for on board, in price rises.


Could you imagine paying extra for pizza or soft serve ice cream? even Burger&fries?

well this all costs extra on P&O and its owned by Carnival.


Seafood extender (crab sticks ) have replaced most shrimp/lobster meals,even in the MRD.




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Honestly, as someone who's worked as a server for years and depended on tips for my pay...if I saw a list that they were CARRYING around, I would be tempted to complain and/or remove my tips. That's just rude and petty IMO. I can't imagine being a server and carrying around an index card of who is a good tipper and who isn't so I could plan my service accordingly...


Thats actually been my experience in restaurants and bars.


First visit - great service

Subsequent visits - service varies based on tip


I'm not saying that's right or wrong, just what I've seen.

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The last day of my cruise i had a letter in my room saying that i did not pay my tips.


I had gave the room stewards cash. We were on a tight budget and i felt that i did not want run up my S&S account. so i had cash for each person i felt that served me well.


How does having your tips put on your Sail'n'Sign account OR paying in cash have anything to do with a BUDGET? Its the same amount, right? Its the SAME amount of discretionary income, right?


or did you mean JUST for each person that I felt served me well. :rolleyes:


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Thats actually been my experience in restaurants and bars.


First visit - great service

Subsequent visits - service varies based on tip


I'm not saying that's right or wrong, just what I've seen.


Of course it does. That's just how things work in the real world.

If you go back to the same restaurant routinely and are a crappy tipper you better believe the word gets around to all the servers. Why shouldn't they take better care of the patrons that take better care of them.

To suggest otherwise is just silly.

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How does having your tips put on your Sail'n'Sign account OR paying in cash have anything to do with a BUDGET? Its the same amount, right? Its the SAME amount of discretionary income, right?


or did you mean JUST for each person that I felt served me well. :rolleyes:



The painful truth is many who remove the Auto tips and profess to have given individual "cash tips only" are not giving as much as would have been charged on Auto tips!


$12 per day per person,on a 7 night cruise thats minimum $168 per twin share cabin for adults.


If there were no auto tips I cant see me ever dishing out $168 cash to the room stewards and MDR wait staff!


On another note,In my opinion its fine for those on a budget to pay what they think they can afford,its a tip after all and not compulsory.


I think people forget that most ships domestic staff are earning more than they would if doing a similar job in their home country or they wouldnt do it in the first place and I for one do not feel sorry for any of them,so I tip accordingly to my situation. auto tips are ample, an extra $20 to the steward for more towel animals and a quick whip a round the table in the MRD last night.



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This continual business about the stupid $2 going to the "other fully paid personnel" has been asked and answered on here time and again. This $2 goes to personnel who do jobs outside of the ones they are salaried for. My brother was a musician for several years on cruise ships out of Los Angeles and he played in an orchestra nightly at the shows but he was not allowed to laze around some fancy pool the rest of the time on the ship, he did other duties which were assigned to him by other departments, i.e. handling luggage delivered at debarkation and embarkation, setting tables in the mdr before meals, etc. the tip is collected for these services not for playing his clarinet in the orchestra each night.


None of what you describe sounds like service activists. This sounds like extra duties, that Carnival should be paying salaries for.


Are you saying they did this gratis prior to the new tipping structure? Or did what we land lubbers called getting overtime?

Has he worked on a Carnival ship since December to experience this?


But clearly, none falls under a tipping stucture in my limited world.


By the way, setting the tables in the MDR? I would think I was already tipping my personal staff to do that?


And last, are these assigned additional duties paid by compensation of a salary, or some other means?

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Your definition of being trolled must be pretty light/mild.

The existence of this list has been reported previously, and it eventually comes out that the list ibeing reported is from the previous cruise to notify the workrs of impacts to their pay. The OP knew exactly what she was doing with the way her story was framed.


You're welcome.

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Honestly, as someone who's worked as a server for years and depended on tips for my pay...if I saw a list that they were CARRYING around, I would be tempted to complain and/or remove my tips. That's just rude and petty IMO. I can't imagine being a server and carrying around an index card of who is a good tipper and who isn't so I could plan my service accordingly...


Honestly, it's a lot less rude than someone who expects their cabin to be in perfect condition 24/7 and then opts out of paying tips because they are cheap or ran up a huge drink bill. If someone decides not to tip I think the worker has a right to know that.


And yes, the charges are put daily on the S&S card and it is viewable on your cabin TV.

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The existence of this list has been reported previously, and it eventually comes out that the list ibeing reported is from the previous cruise to notify the workrs of impacts to their pay. The OP knew exactly what she was doing with the way her story was framed.


You're welcome.


Regardless, it makes for interesting reading ;)



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Honestly, it's a lot less rude than someone who expects their cabin to be in perfect condition 24/7 and then opts out of paying tips because they are cheap or ran up a huge drink bill. If someone decides not to tip I think the worker has a right to know that.


And yes, the charges are put daily on the S&S card and it is viewable on your cabin TV.


Makes me wonder if they are changing it over so that it doesn't look so bad in one lump sum.


Food for thought.


It's also a smart move if true.

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When I sailed on the Liberty two weeks ago, two of the stewards had clipboards on the fifth day clearly showing a computerized sheet as to who had NOT paid their tips. I tried to take a photo but I could not get my camera to zoom in enough to get a shot.


For folks who don't think they know, it's just not true.


For those that wish to take them off just do it on the last day.

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You've all been trolled.....hard.


The OP of this thread has a history of starting tip-centric trolling threads. Carry on.


:rolleyes: She is certainly not a troll for goodness sake.

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Cabin staff are only allowed to keep tips over and above the Auto tips.


The list is to advise each steward of the personal tips they are "not allowed" to keep.


It is not so the steward can treat each person in any different way because of lack of tips.


If a cruiser removes Auto tips and chooses to tip individuals instead,the individual tips must be pooled until it reaches the Auto tip amount,it is in their contract.


Failing to declare personal tips from a cruiser who has removed Auto tips can lead to dismissal if caught.


This was told to me by a cabin steward after I once removed my Auto tips because of an unpleasant event onboard.I decided to tip individuals at the end of the cruise.


I have no reason to disbelieve him and he no reason to tell me other than he must have had to pool my tip.


I live in Australia where people are always talking about the removal of tips because on a whole tips are not common place.


Many seasoned cruisers always tip but a few dislike auto tips and tip individuals.


I have always liked Auto tips and think it is a fair way of distributing those tips.


P&O Australia which is part of Carnival did away with Auto tips because so many removed the tips at the end of the cruise. The tip costs went on top of onboard items ie drinks.


Ask a Cabin steward,I am sure the list on Carnival would be the same (but not quite as long:D) as the P&O lists because its the same company.





Thanks for posting that, although I wager some will still insist it's to embarrass passengers.


There are plenty of lists floating around the ship.

1) List of all Platinum and Milestone is given to Dept heads and the Casino

2) List of children broken down by age given to the various kid venues

3) List of dining rooms that the guest are dining at. (electronic version sent from Miami)

4) Casino has a list of VIP's of its casino club that are given certain gifts or casino cash.

5) List of passengers for embarkation stations.

6) List of passengers who exceed a certain dollar amount in the gift shops forwarded to Customs.

7) List of passengers assigned to room steward




I'm sure some people will find fault with all of that.


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What amuses me is that so many are "overly delighted" with a small price drop and free OBC with details of how they will spend it, then profess to give so much more away in extra tips :confused:




Why is that amusing to you??? :confused:




well, since technically, TIPPING SHOULD OCCUR AFTER THE SERVICE, normally this would not be the situation. Most people you tip after their service, therefore there should be no list, no need for reprimands and no need for employees wondering, questioning, creating lists etc.


I have never ever tipped a server before he took my order or brought me my food. I have never tipped a hairdresser before she did my hair, i have never tipped a manicurist before she did my nails, I have never tipped the pizza delivery person before I received my pizza. i shouldn't be tipping onboard before I received my services either. But I do. I even left the stupid ridiculous entertainment tip on there even though I saw ZERO shows the entire cruise.


So remove your tips or don't tip if this offends you.


It never ceases to amaze me that for mere dollars a day people get so insane and totally irate.

It's unbelievable to me that this could cause such a stir.


You all keep arguing over the lousy couple bucks a day that gets automatically charged to your account.

I wish they'd post the list on the jumbo screen out on the pool deck. It would be more interesting than what's usually shown on there anyway.

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I wonder how many people that remove there tips and do the right thing and tip properly. I bet most think that giving the cabin steward and the head waiter 50 bucks on a 7 day cruise for a familly of 4 is a great tip. when you prepay your tips everyone who should be tip does get tipped

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You've all been trolled.....hard.


The OP of this thread has a history of starting tip-centric trolling threads. Carry on.

:rolleyes: She is certainly not a troll for goodness sake.


In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response. (emphasis mine)


We'll have to agree to disagree then. From memory of many previous posts by the OP over the years, my original statement still applies. I'll also offer that the OP knew full and well that their own name wasn't on the list for their cabin, but left out that detail because it dimishes the response she is hoping to provoke.

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Just pay the tips, you cheap ass people.

If you can afford to cruise then tips are not much more.

Crazy to think its ok to not Tip.

Go ahead flame or whatever but if you need to not tip then you need to be home finding a third job cause you must have two already and its not enough.



Trying to save money i can understand, many things can be done, however taking money from hardworking crew i have no patience for this.

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I LIKE that Carnival went to the auto tip! I almost wish it was mandatory.


I can't imagine how I would feel walking off of the ship after a week of fantastic service (I have NEVER had anything less on Carnival) knowing that I screwed my servers out of their tips.



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Just pay the tips, you cheap ass people.

If you can afford to cruise then tips are not much more.

Crazy to think its ok to not Tip.

Go ahead flame or whatever but if you need to not tip then you need to be home finding a third job cause you must have two already and its not enough.



Trying to save money i can understand, many things can be done, however taking money from hardworking crew i have no patience for this.

Can you imagine the outrage that would happen if the tips were built into the cruise price:eek:

Then there would be complaints! And then want to know what EXTRAS they will get for the price increase:rolleyes:

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Tips are normally added on the first day of the cruise for the entire sailing. That way people can see the total amount charged to the S & S card on a daily basis and not be caught off guard at the end.

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I think the confusion here is... Some people opt for the prepaid gratuities, in which case you pay they are paid when you pay for your cruise, if you opt of out then each day the gratuities are added to your sail and sign account. Of course you always have the option of going down to the pursers desk and asking them to remove some or all of the tips, as you always have the right to refuse a tip.

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