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Pet Peeves


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Well, how about people just in general not trying to do better with what they have, clothing wise? I do a lot of expert witness work in court related to my profession and I am constantly amazed at how people dress when they go to court..women looking like hoochie mamas in the name of trying to get their kids back from the state..men looking like they just rolled out of bed and never took a shower in their life. You might not have "the clothes", but you can still look neat and clean.


Along with that, I noticed throughut Europe (especially in Italy and England) women looking impecabble even with a pair of jeans and a top to go to the grocery store..a nice pair of jeans, pretty top and a clever pin, etc. Contrast with that , I was on military bases both time and in the PX noticed woman who didn't seem to care about their appearance..sloppy jeans, unkempt tshirts, hair not combed, etc. I am not condeming those women, just noticed they weren't groomed as neatly.


I bought some really cool outfits from other countries that were popular for the area, and they still hang in my closet!


Also, going overboard on cruise shopping clothing...don't these people wear nice clothes other times of the year?



Pet peeve: people who wear all those cutsie "cruise clothes" that they wouldn't be caught dead in at home. Draws attention to themselves and everyone around them. Makes us prime targets for pickpockets even though I'm not in the group and am dressing more natively appropriate for the venue we are visiting.




Kidding about the cutsie clothes. I am serious about my peeve about people dressing like tourists and not being sensitive to the region they are visiting. Nothing pissed me off more than seeing men wandering around the attractions in Egypt and Jordan wearing basketball shorts (I blame Michael Jordan for this one) and shirts, and ladies in very short shorts and platform espadrilles. And I get miffed when I see the same types of people huddling around the Pantheon in Rome or in the Piazza della Repubblica in Florence or around the Segrada Familia in Barcelona.

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Ugh...saw exposed bras/straps far too many times on my cruise this week. Halter and racer back dresses and tops with regular bra straps exposed, low back dresses with a bra strap going across the back completely ruin the look. They make a plethora of bras for all type of clothing...no excuse for exposed bras.

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Too much cologne...ACK!!!


While blow drying my hair yesterday morning, all of a sudden I could smell mens cologne...the cheap kind that gags you. My house is close to the neighbors (as are all houses in OC :rolleyes:), but to smell cologne from 20 ft. away and inside the house to inside mine?


So, I leave for work about 20 minutes later, when I walk out the front door it was like a wall of fragrance captured me. I had opened the garage door a few minutes prior and the smell wafted into the garage, into my car. I drive to work, 20 minutes or so, with the windows partially down...I CAN STILL SMELL IT :mad:


I ended up using a tissue with water on it to clean out my nose.


I don't wanna smell anyone elses cologne unless I'm giving them a hug, especially cheap mens cologne.


To close I do have to say I have sympathy for anyone in that mans perimeter yesterday, I can bet some of them still have irritated sinuses today!

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especially CHEAP cologne!!!


Too much cologne...ACK!!!


While blow drying my hair yesterday morning, all of a sudden I could smell mens cologne...the cheap kind that gags you. My house is close to the neighbors (as are all houses in OC :rolleyes:), but to smell cologne from 20 ft. away and inside the house to inside mine?


So, I leave for work about 20 minutes later, when I walk out the front door it was like a wall of fragrance captured me. I had opened the garage door a few minutes prior and the smell wafted into the garage, into my car. I drive to work, 20 minutes or so, with the windows partially down...I CAN STILL SMELL IT :mad:


I ended up using a tissue with water on it to clean out my nose.


I don't wanna smell anyone elses cologne unless I'm giving them a hug, especially cheap mens cologne.


To close I do have to say I have sympathy for anyone in that mans perimeter yesterday, I can bet some of them still have irritated sinuses today!

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I just know so many women who were mis-fitted at VS. People go there expecting "expert help", and are dissatisfied with the result. Also, their biggest bra goes up to 38DDD (38F), I started high school at 42D. I was already sized out of their system. Lane Bryant now says they have bras up to 48G, but none show up on their search. I could only wear a 48G if I was sister-sizing.


I agree that each bra needs an endurance trial, but most women don't know to do that. They put the bra on, look in the mirror, twist a few times, and then call it good. By the time they've worn it the third time, the strap is riding way up between their shoulder blades.


It's so incredibly frustrating being a LARGE LARGE breasted woman. Bras are EXPENSIVE and UGLY. I remember my older cousin taking me to get fitted for a bra in high school, when the woman told me I was an F cup.


My response: "They go that high??"


It's also hard to walk into a store and buy a new bra, because most stores don't carry my size in stock. I remember starting my shift one day and my underwire broke and began trying to kill me.


I had to work 12 hours like that. Taking the underwire out would result in floppage, and I couldn't find a new bra, and my post was an hour from my house. No fun!


And I've researched breast reduction, which I'd have to pay for out of pocket and the surgery is brutal :eek:


No thank you, I like my nipples where they are, thank you.

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And I've researched breast reduction, which I'd have to pay for out of pocket and the surgery is brutal :eek:


No thank you, I like my nipples where they are, thank you.


It amazes me when someone is very large breasted and doesn't have the health issues I do because of it. Two tours of duty in Physical Therapy to strengthen my "core", chronic low back pain, chronic sciatica, plus compressed disks and permanent deformation of my back.


I have the projected date of my reduction mammoplasty already in my mind. It won't be till 2015, either.

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I've had a BR and my sister just had hers this past week. I can only speak for myself, but it was the best thing that I ever did and my girls have more sensitivity and better nipple placement than they did before. And my recovery was very easy, as I returned to work within 8 days.


My suggestion is doing all of the research and a very good plastic surgeon. It's well worth it.

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It amazes me when someone is very large breasted and doesn't have the health issues I do because of it.


I feel you. I only have D and even I have trouble A)finding clothes that fit and do not make me look cheap B) doing sports without getting pains.


I hope 2015 comes soon :)


I am serious about my peeve about people dressing like tourists and not being sensitive to the region they are visiting.


This is just vile in Muslim communities like Dubai. It is very impolite to show your shoulders and knees (applies to both sexes) and then you see women with shorts and tops as skimpy as they come and men without their shirts on. It's just plain RUDE (not to mention they can actually get arrested for indecent exposure...) and ignorant.

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It amazes me when someone is very large breasted and doesn't have the health issues I do because of it. Two tours of duty in Physical Therapy to strengthen my "core", chronic low back pain, chronic sciatica, plus compressed disks and permanent deformation of my back.


I have the projected date of my reduction mammoplasty already in my mind. It won't be till 2015, either.


I second Diva's comments re: BR! Wish I hadn't put mine off so long but didn't realize some insurances pay for it if certain measurements are met. (Thanks to lunch with a dozen ladies I hadn't seen in ages....three of whom had had BR.....and one who works with insurance. None of whom were the type you'd ever think of having any sort of plastic surgery.)

Wierd how they're measured but what the heck since they qualified.

Do find the best....... board-certified and preferably one you have heard about from someone you know.......plastic surgeon who will work with you and answer all questions. Don't just pick a name from the yellow pages or some ad! My general doc recommended three and also documented possible need due to shoulder pain, etc. in case I needed something from him.

Consultations should be free so have at least two or three by different doctors (in different clinics). More if you've a mind. Compare what they all tell you re: expense (if no insurance), recuperation time, adding any other procedure if you're thinking of it, etc. Go in with a notebook and your questions written ahead of time. Easier to compare them.

If a doctor makes you uncomfortable at all, know to go somewhere else! Yes, the idea of the surgery is yucky and some people don't want to know all details ahead of time (I did not want any visuals beforehand.....just the basics). Can't say it would be for everyone since we all heal differently but in my experience, it was well worth it.

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back to pet peeves ...

I didn't think I had one that hadn't yet been noted, but I saw something today in the 3 airports I've flown through (Dulles, Denver, Portland)

Women (mostly women, although I'm sure some men are guilty) who wear sandals that are small! Toes hanging off the sides, toes hanging off the front ... don't they worry about running into something??

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back to pet peeves ...


I didn't think I had one that hadn't yet been noted, but I saw something today in the 3 airports I've flown through (Dulles, Denver, Portland)


Women (mostly women, although I'm sure some men are guilty) who wear sandals that are small! Toes hanging off the sides, toes hanging off the front ... don't they worry about running into something??

I can't say it's really a pet peeve for me but I do notice what you saw. Can't figure out why some won't buy the correst size shoes. Maybe vanity sizing needs to be started for shoes.:D

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Funniest thread I've seen in a long time! Ok, I'll get flamed for this one, but here goes:


Ladies, after you've hit the glorious 40 mark, I don't care what decade's sizing you were/are wearing a size 2 or 4 in....leave the short shorts to the younger girls!!!


As a matter of fact, once you hit 30, start buying slightly longer ones each year; that way, when 40 hits, your shorts are closer to your knees than your butt. :D


Some of us still workout at gym in our 40s to 50.. So our "butt's" are still where there susposed to be, but tighter..LOL:D I still have a swimmers build. I will be 50 in March 2013.

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In no particular order and not cruise specific.


1. Mispronunciation of words by dropping or adding a consonant or vowel. Not accents just ignorance of the vocabulary he or she is attempting to use in order to appear more intelligent. (I know not really fashion but its up there on my list of all pet peeves)


2. Sweatpants with tanks or cami tops. Make up your mind are you cold or hot?


3. "Uggs" worn with anything or everything unless you are doing a sexy photo shoot then maybe you get a pass.


4. Heels over 3 1/2 inches...hard to pull off and not look skanky.


5. Platforms


6. Gymwear outside of the gym (windpants/suits, sportsbras, spandex, muscle shirts/tanks/a shirts, etc...) I give a pass to gym shorts if they are well taken care of in a very casual place.


7. If I can smell you and I am not sitting next to you or standing behind you whether its cologne or lack of deodorant I don't want to smell you!


8. Clothes that are too small or too large (muffin tops or t-**** dresses).


9. Hats that are worn everywear more for an accesory not utilitarian use.


10. Over done makeup. I dont care if you are going to see the President, Queen, Prime Minister, or your in-laws...it NEVER looks good!


I know 10 things is a bit overboard but it's like pringles "once you pop..." anyway I may not exceed at any or everyones liking of fashion but these are the faux pas I see quite often and dont care for. (There are more but I will contain)

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I don't know if I will ever get caught up on this thread, but I'm having a blast trying! I agree with almost everything that has been said so far, except I think tee shirts of the right fabric and cut can be dressy. I have several that I wear to work with pencil skirts or under suits and they are great for the office.


Two peeves:

#2 Leggings are not pants. Leggings are not pants. Leggings are NOT pants! If you are going to wear leggings, please wear a shirt long enough to cover your hindquarters! Please!


I am so glad someone said this. Have you seen the "am I wearing pants?" flow chart that's been floating around the Internet? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/05/am-i-wearing-pants_n_858179.html


I have a lot of little pet peeves but I have to mention mixed-season ensembles. Now, as one who gets really cold in air conditioning, i understand sometimes having to throw a cozy sweater on over a sundress or shorts. But....Furry boots with tiny cut-off shorts? Once on the subway I was across from a woman wearing sweatpants and a big parka... And a straw hat. And what exactly is the appropriate time to wear peep-toe BOOTS?? (hint: never!)

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I love this thread. It is so therapeutic.


To prove that pet peeves are very subjective, I HATE men in shorts. My father and all the men in my life (that I find attractive) wear long pants. Even if men think they have nice legs (and their significant others do as well), I still hate them.


There .... I feel so much better now. LOL


I also don't like baseball caps in the dining room.:eek:

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I don't mind men in shorts, but PLEASE don't wear loafers or velvet textured shoes..sans socks..wear nice sandles..and don't wear a long sleeve shirt with them...why?


Same thing: men who wear fine suits without socks..really cheapens the look of the suit..and it's not so much the "Palm Beach" look people think it is.



I love this thread. It is so therapeutic.


To prove that pet peeves are very subjective, I HATE men in shorts. My father and all the men in my life (that I find attractive) wear long pants. Even if men think they have nice legs (and their significant others do as well), I still hate them.


There .... I feel so much better now. LOL


I also don't like baseball caps in the dining room.:eek:

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I like men in shorts, as long as it's not the big droopy over-sized athletic shorts or cargo shorts that come past mid-calf. Do they realize how short it makes there legs look?


Agreed. Half century ago women got to admire basketball players' legs in short shorts rather than the big droopies. Yeah, really.


This is a great thread. Most of mine have been mentioned and some things cited aren't a concern for me.


re: shoes.........other extreme to falling off the edges/backs/toes of sandals is having toes removed to fit in really pointed shoes.

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I'm happy everyone is enjoying this thread. And I want to thank everyone for keeping it light and humorous. I'm also grateful that people are taking it in the right way and not getting offended. Obviously people have different opinions or else we would all be dressed exactly alike.

Back to business - Young girls teetering around on really high platform shoes. I really worry about their skinny little ankles breaking!

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One more pet peeve personal one. When shopping: Vanity sizing is the devil. Make me feel I'm going down a size NOT up a size(dress story on another thread). then again my firend who's a personal shopper at Macy's said don't look at the number, try 1 size up, your size and 1 size larger. You never know how the sizing runs small or large, or in rare occasions true to size.- my pet peeve of the day:D


I do a lot of discount and resale shopping and have learned to shop by style and color first and to check not only the size I "usually' wear, but one or even two sizes above and below. I have gotten some great deals this way. Often an item reaches the discount stage because it fits differently than people think the marked size "should" fit and many people aren't willing to try something that is not "thier" size.

My most common size is M, 10 or 12 petite tops and 12 petite bottoms, but the clothes I own that fit me well include dresses marked 10, 12, 14, M, and L,; pants in 10, 12, 14, M, L, and XL and tops that range from S -XL. Most are petites, but some are regular misses size.

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Your talking to the person who has been a consistent size 10 and at times a size 12 her whole life..and purchased a size 20 wedding gown..I tried on 12 gowns anywhere from a size 10 and up and of course the one I liked was a size 20...so I called it my "Chinese size 20" wedding gown



I do a lot of discount and resale shopping and have learned to shop by style and color first and to check not only the size I "usually' wear, but one or even two sizes above and below. I have gotten some great deals this way. Often an item reaches the discount stage because it fits differently than people think the marked size "should" fit and many people aren't willing to try something that is not "thier" size.

My most common size is M, 10 or 12 petite tops and 12 petite bottoms, but the clothes I own that fit me well include dresses marked 10, 12, 14, M, and L,; pants in 10, 12, 14, M, L, and XL and tops that range from S -XL. Most are petites, but some are regular misses size.

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Hey! This is going to be interesting... *marks spot*


I won't call it a peeve, but a faux pas... white stockings with black shoes... unless you're twelve and under. :D



Or men in long white socks and dark dress shoes with shorts.:eek:

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I think my biggest pet peeve would be "spandex abuse". Why is it that the very people who shouldn't be wearing brightly colored skin-tight spandex leggings and skimpy tank or tube tops are always the ones who do it the most? Buy a mirror, people!

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