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Legend Losers!!


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Hi ..glad someone posted..I've been posting on the "Anyone..."site above cause no one was here for awile...

Had a good weigh-in this week..

159.0...down from 160.8 last week..slow progress but progress none the less!

Have added in regular exercise..and I'm noticing some changes in body shape as well!

Love this!

Keep the motivation coming!!


Progress is progress. The body shape changes are just about as rewarding as the number on the scale. Keep up the commitment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feeling like I might actually be making some headway! I'm much more controlled in the evening, so that I'm not devouring everything in sight! Also walked on a pretty good incline on the treadmill for 45 minutes tonight... Hopefully I'm headed in the right direction!

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Hope it is not too late to join the conversation and get some motivation from you all as you all seem to be heading in the right direction.


My DH and I are sailing on BOS in late September and I would love to lose about 20lbs. I am 5'10" and weigh 181lbs and have become fairly sedentary since my recent retirement so any help is appreciated.


Last week we bought a treadmill and I try to walk at least 20 mins a day and have cut out a lot of rubbish from my diet, mainly crisps, chocolate and lollies. I've started having oats for breakfast, a low fat cup o soup for lunch and cut my portions down for dinner. Snacking on fruit, nuts and low fat/low sugar yoghurt.


My weigh in day is Monday and I'll keep you updated on my progress.




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Blonde valor..sounds like you're making progress...mine's been SLOW this week..but I weigh Sunday so we'll see...still doing alot of yard work..and today I'm waiting for a phone call (actually a pretty important one from CCL..re: price drop and casino special that I was promised and has not shown up yet...I've been sitting by the phone waiting for the 'solutions' department to call me back..they promised TODAY..so..here I sit...)

I did do some sit-ups and floor exercises but I don't dare get in the pool or go for a bike ride for fear I'll miss the call!

Welcome Jilli..I too, love the word 'rubbish' new take on junk food for sure!

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I would love to jump on this bandwagon for support and encouragement. El, don't get discouraged - be proud of yourself, and continue. About a year and a half ago I started Weight Watchers. I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks and boy was I happy! I thought I was on the road to success. WRONG! I plateaued and in the 4 following weeks lost 0 pounds. I ended up stopping and, of course, gained it all back. I know if I just would have stuck with it, I would have done well.


Fast forward to February 2012 . . we booked our cruise for Sept/Oct and I decided to get motivated and not go back on Weight Watchers but just start eating healthier. I was and still am doing very well but was getting discouraged because I wasn't losing weight. I knew the reason was lack of exercise but I'm not a big a fan. Two weeks ago I pushed myself to start a boot camp program at a local gym. I LOVE IT! It's one hour three times a week of intense cardio.(When I get really tired and want to stop, I chant to myself ALLURE, ALURE, ALLURE). I can't believe how much energy I have and how I just feel better in general. At the start of boot camp I weighed 152 (I'm 49 and 5'4"). I haven't weighed in since, but I will report my honest weight when I'm done on June 1st. I plan to continue at the gym when I'm done with BC.


Best of luck to everyone and thanks for starting this thread. It's great to have support. :)

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Welcome noshoobie...

No I won't get too discouraged...I'm not a fan of exercise either..but I force myself to do something every day now...and am really just counting calories...not eating 'empty calories' (gave up alcohol..boo hoo!)and trying to eat healthier. I am perfectly content with 1200 calories a day. There are so many low cal, low fat choices from meals to desserts out there that I'm kind of enjoying trying them out! I don't feel deprived at all (well, maybe except for the lack of rum/cokes) and hope to just eat this way for the rest of my life. We don't cruise til Dec and I have PLENTY of time.

I have my favorite evening dress hanging in my exercise room for motivation. I feel so much better having given up diet coke and eating better that I hope to NEVER go back to my AM donuts and my PM chocolate bars..I might 'cheat' now and again but so far (since March 31st) I have not eaten ONE forbidden thing. I guess I'm more disciplined than I thought:o

BTW I'm 58 (scaring 59 pretty well) 5'4"..and at 159..down from 165 when I started on 4/1.

Two things that I'm worried about..

A friend of ours is coming next week to stay a few days..she wants DH to help her with some computer stuff..and to work out some bugs in a motorhome she owns (we have one too and she's a widow so doesn't really have a man around to do the man stuff)

We already talked today about getting away for some girl-time..to the beach etc...hope I don't eat or drink (at least not too much)

The other thing is..we are leaving next month to spend the summer at our place in NC. I tend to be naughtier about falling into bad habits there...don't have any exercise equipment up there. ( no room)..and our hills are SO STEEP around our property that a leisurely walk is difficult.

I'm going to try to walk to our mailbox everyday..(1mile round trip..uphill both ways:rolleyes:)..Actually that's kind of true...our road goes up and down three hills just from our place to the boxes...so we'll see!

Good luck everyone...

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Sounds like we are all starting to get serious! Whoo hoo! Tonight after going to my son's baseball game and getting home at 8:30 pm, instead of just saying it was a lost night, I actually am downstairs and 35 minutes into my walk on the treadmill at a 9 incline! Yes! Good going girls! We're cranking now! Now I just hope the scale is kind to me come Monday!

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Had a good day today..finally got to the beach and took a long walk..really felt good!

Came home and did more exercises in the pool..then my usual sit-ups...also got the last bags of mulch (i hope) for the landscaping and unloaded those...

Tomorrow I'll spread that..work out in the yard a little more and then I'll be so hot I'll want to get in the pool..more exercises etc....

Hope my Sunday weigh-in will be successful...I've been good!

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Oh well done you! Lots of exercise (my demon) for you today, I'm sure it will show on the scales.


I'm a bit off colour today and am sooo tempted to comfort eat, but so far I've resisted. Weekends for some reason are hard for me, even though I don't work anymore lol Go figure!


Good Luck El for weigh in tomorrow, I look forward to hearing your result.




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I have trouble with weekends too! Something psychological about treating myself...that's why I especailly need to stay busy and disciplined on Sat and Sun...

I don't work either...don't know how I ever got anything done when I did work full-time..run kids around etc...now it takes me all day to do nothing:rolleyes:

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Too funny!


Life is so full now, but full of good things, not just living by the clock.


I need to learn to sew or something to keep my hands occupied at night or when reading. That is when I want to reach for a biscuit or choccie. Luckily there are none in the house anymore!


Good luck with weigh-in!

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Another good day today..spread more mulch (yech)..re-arranged some other stones in the garden..did my floor exercises and got in the pool for a short work-out..then went out and ran some errands.

Thank you for my good luck with the weigh-in wishes....we'll see...

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Today was weigh in day...lost 1.4lb this week!!

Nice to see progress..so now that's a total of about 7lbs in 6 wks..Also lost another 1/2" on waist and hips..1/4" on thighs and upper arms..bmi down too!

It was such a beautiful (cool) morning here I already went for a bike ride..so starting the week off right!

I'm looking for a (cheap) step machine for our NC house..I used to have one of those $99 jobs and LOVED it..so..any recommendations?

It has to be small and easy to move around as our place up there has NO SPACE!

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Well done!


Your Sunday = my Monday so we weigh in the same day!


My loss not as good but close - 1.3lbs which makes 6.4 over the past month. I'm happy with that as my cruise goal is to lose 1lb a week.


Love having someone to share my battle with!! Have a good strong week!

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Thank You Blonde and Jilli...I really am surprised at how motivated I am this time...hope it sticks!

Good job Jilli

Blonde...don't get discouraged...my weigh-ins seem to be only 'positive' every OTHER week..fully expecting to remain the same this Sunday and then have dropped again the following one...weird...

Jilli..Australia is definitely on our 'bucket list'..we're hoping to visit your beautiful country eventually...but when we do we want to see as much as we can, so we plan to spend about six weeks to two months between Australia and New Zealand..so...we need to save some $$ and I have some reservations about being that far away from my elderly (93) mother for a long time. I am an only child and am already 1300 mi away but at least here it's a relatively short plane ride.

Have you ever been to the US?

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A good start to the week...went for a bike ride yesterday, along with usual floor exercises..nordiktrac..some weights and got in the pool..I hope to do the same today along with picking up and spreading more mulch (Yep..I'm STILL not done)

This has been the never-ending landscape project from H***

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I wanted to pop in here and say hello, and join you all in the quest for that elusive weight loss!


After seeing my photos from my 2009 cruise, I joined Weight Watchers again, got serious, and finally got to the top of the acceptable weight range for my height, losing 32 lbs. I'm 56, 5'5", and 150 is the top of the BMI normal range for me. For my build, that is very acceptable for me and I felt very comfortable.


I bought a bunch of new clothes, enjoyed my cruise on RCL Freedom of the seas a bit TOO much, came home to Thanksgiving, then Hanukah, Christmas, New Years, and you guessed it...I'm now at 160.:(


I started back to WW, didn't take it seriously and couldn't see spending the money, so I quit that and began using My Fitness Pal. It is SO easy and fun - but like everything else, no good if you don't follow it! I know exactly what my problem is - night time eating. I eat perfectly healthy all day, go to the gym 3 times a week (I LOVE Zumba!), but DH has to get to bed an hour before my mind (and my mouth!) is ready to shut off.


So, I hope that by posting it here, having a new support group, we'll all get to our goals together!



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I know exactly what my problem is - night time eating.


Hello Judi - That's exactly my problem too! I try so hard to make healthy choices all the time but it's hard at night. Why can't I just have a darn cookie?? Well, sometimes I do, but instead of half the box, I just have one. :D

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Hello Judi - That's exactly my problem too! I try so hard to make healthy choices all the time but it's hard at night. Why can't I just have a darn cookie?? Well, sometimes I do, but instead of half the box, I just have one. :D


I know! As much as possible I try to buy single serving size items - I'm pretty well able to have 'just one'.


Even when I DO have the resolve to take 'just one' of a full package of something, I end up getting up later for another one. At least I get some exercise walking in and out of the kitchen:rolleyes:

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Hello Everyone!


You all seem like such a great, and positive group of people ... I would love to join in on your weight loss journey!


I'm cruising on the Legend in November (Can't wait!!).


I have quite a bit of weight to lose ... I am 5'11" and weigh 250 ... my big problem is when I go on vacation, I want to try everything in site - I just got back from one and had gained 10 pounds :confused: I just don't know where it comes from!


I do belong to Weight Watchers - my weigh-in day is generally on Wednesdays (except this week as I'm home with the flu, but I will go on Saturday).


My final goal weight is 160 - I'm not looking to lose it all before November, I know that isn't realistic, but I want it to start coming off again!


I go to an Aquafit Class three times a week and walk to and from work every day - plus I try to fit other walks in too!


Looking forward to getting to know you and motivating each other!!

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Yeah..nighttime eating is the WORST..but I'm tempted most times...

In fact I ate a cookie..and I even had a drink today (1st one in 7wks!..but I needed it after today)

Today in a nutshell..was pretty bad...DH woke me in the middle of the night to take him to the ER...

He had a splitting headache..had been feeling under the weather for the past two days..very tired...

This has happened in the past and since his stroke last year, his neuro had asked that next time the fatigue happened we were to call and schedule tests..WHILE this was going on to rule out neuro cause etc...so he had had tests scheduled for today anyway..I had to make the call to schedule them cause DH wouldn't do it..(typical man)

Anyway..he woke me EARLY this am to take him to the ER..and off we went....Of course I spent most of the day there with him off and on..then in his room after he was admitted. He is spending the night there and will probably be released tomorrow..we really don't know much yet..Doesn't appear to be another stroke. (thank goodness!).but he is still feeling REALLY miserable. They still had him hooked up to an EEG (that monitors brain waves for hours at a time) when I left this evening..so we'll know more tomorrow.

SO..anyway...sorry to go on and on but I came home and had to have a drink...eat a cookie and VENT someplace!

Have a good "rest of the week" everyone..and stay motivated!

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