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Non-smoker here. We generally have a balcony or suite and never had a problem. It's been too windy out there for smoke to be an issue... and I do spend a lot of time outside. We'll be under the pizzaria this trip... I anticipate more problems with that smell (hunger pangs) than with smoke. Happy cruising.


If I was there, I'd be far more concerned about the pizzaria than the smoke! I'd keep smelling it and going up to grab a slice or 2! :p

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so now following the rules by smoking on your balcony comes under fire again...I stayed away from commenting...not any longer



Just got off the Miracle. this month

Non smoking bars...EMPTY....most of the time except waiting for dinner

Smoking venues packed

Piano Bar...empty most nights...oh that is right now non smoking...so where are the complainers???


Lido deck smoking side ...packed...non smoking...not so much

Waiters on smoking side most of the day...hmmm..


So yes CCL is in business to make money...get over it...if they say no smoking on the ships...do you really think more non smokers will just magically appear out of no where to take our place


Non smokers have 90% of the ship ...but will not allow smokers 10%


the average wind on the ship was 20+...yeah the smoke was blowing in my face my arse


The non smokers who do nothing but whine...stop attacking smokers...we keep your cost of the cruise down...you should be thanking us!!


Piano Bar was DEAD EMPTY on our Nov.'11 cruise on the Miracle. When you used to be allowed to smoke in there, we enjoyed the music and song (and crowds). On our last cruise, we were fully prepared to spend a SMOKELESS hour or so per night in there this last cruise. Pretty hard to do when the piano player even quit early (5 nights) due to "lack of participation".


It's too bad that cigarettes have visible smoke....I just can't wrap my head around the fact that NOBODY on these boards ever seem to have an "allergy" to the incredible amount of INvisible vehicle exhaust and pollution in the air in our cities. And let me tell you, it is far, far more "smoke" than what you may think is wafting over to your balcony from one cigarette.


Yes, I am a smoker. I have kept my mouth shut when a non smoker ripped me a new you-know-what in the casino for lighting up in the SMOKING section. I have kept my mouth shut when Carnival diminished the smoking areas on their ships. I do not sail on Princess because they do not allow smoking on their balconies. Having said that, I am a courteous smoker and wouldn't dream of breaking the rules and smoking in an area I am not allowed to. It's a big ship people. Can't we just get along?

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^^ Bottom line, non-smokers don't want to breathe cigarette smoke. Yes, you're in the smoking section. It's probably best to enjoy it now while you continue to say nothing. One day, smokers will be limited to a small, aft section on a single deck where others will never notice them. That's a good thing for the majority of pax.


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

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^^ Bottom line, non-smokers don't want to breathe cigarette smoke. Yes, you're in the smoking section. It's probably best to enjoy it now while you continue to say nothing. One day, smokers will be limited to a small, aft section on a single deck where others will never notice them. That's a good thing for the majority of pax.


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2


That may very well be true. But until that day comes, I'll enjoy my balcony as allowed by Carnival. And while I believe that day is waaaaaayyyyyyy down the road and doubt I will live long enough to see such a change, if it does, I'll take my vacation dollars to someone else who wishes to cater to my lifestyle. It doesn't matter to me who get's my dollars as long as I enjoy my time there.

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I haven't smoked for 19 months using a PV[personal vaporizer also known as a E-cigg] When I did smoke ciggs I always asked my neighbours if my smoke bothered them. They had responses : NO,Not yet. Never a yes it does. If they were eating [i could hear the forks on plates] I would go up on deck. If someone said it does annoy me I would try to be more aware of when they were out or not. I'm glad I don't smoke them stinky things anymore.


Congratulations on quitting. My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. We're praying he is part of the 20% for whom treatment works.

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And this is exactly why we DON"T cruise Celebrity anymore!!!

We love the longer cruises and just the nice ships, but my husband smokes and the restrictive smoking policy did lose them business too. <shrug>

It is what it is, I will go back to Celebrity for longer cruises when husband finally gives up the smokes, but we really do enjoy Carnival for it's less stuffy, less dressy options and darn nice people.

On Celebrity we had a guy at our table who complained EVERY night to the Maitre D that the lamb was wrong, the bread was wrong, this man LOVED to make people goosewalk to his tune, it was highly annoying!! He said he "had to retire because it was too expensive to pay the taxes in his high bracket" <rolls eyes> who cares???? UGH

We've never encountered anyone near as bad as this jerk on any of our Carnival cruises!!!( opps did I just have a little rant)):o

JMO, Carole


Wow, I wouldn't judge all Celebrity passengers by one nitwit! On any cruise line you'll find probably equal numbers of fun people, stuffy people, kind people, rude people. We have seen little difference in the people on Celebrity and Carnival...perhaps Celebrity is a LITTLE more dressy in the evenings, but certainly not significantly so, in my opinion. Hope you'll give Celebrity another chance when your husband stops smoking!

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I am a former smoker. Smokes does not bother me but I am aware of it. However, I agree that some people are hyper sensitive to it and are rabid about it. I dated a guy recently who if someone lit up in 200 yards of him started salivating at the mouth and spewing all sorts of hate and venom. You know, I am breathing the same air, and it ain't nowhere close to us. Relax. He couldn't. He would get so agitated about it...unreasonably so. You know, at some point, you have to let it go. I agree with the poster that said, at some point, smokers are going to be hidden in the far reaches of the ship or not allowed. Until that point, if it bothers you, move on. The percentages of places a smoker smokes is so limited now and get honest... the balcony of a moving ship is not going to saturate you!


The bottom line... if it is such a huge problem and you are fanatic about it.... book a spa cabin or cruise a line that doesn't allow it. Make a choice. But don't beat your fellow man about it.

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I am a former smoker. Smokes does not bother me but I am aware of it. However, I agree that some people are hyper sensitive to it and are rabid about it. I dated a guy recently who if someone lit up in 200 yards of him started salivating at the mouth and spewing all sorts of hate and venom. You know, I am breathing the same air, and it ain't nowhere close to us. Relax. He couldn't. He would get so agitated about it...unreasonably so. You know, at some point, you have to let it go. I agree with the poster that said, at some point, smokers are going to be hidden in the far reaches of the ship or not allowed. Until that point, if it bothers you, move on. The percentages of places a smoker smokes is so limited now and get honest... the balcony of a moving ship is not going to saturate you!


The bottom line... if it is such a huge problem and you are fanatic about it.... book a spa cabin or cruise a line that doesn't allow it. Make a choice. But don't beat your fellow man about it.


I hoped you dumped that guy. What a big sissy.

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When I am on my balcony, I make a point of asking my neighbors if they mind me smoking.

If they do mind, I tell them if they rap on the balcony divider, I will put it out, no problems.

I figure they should be able to enjoy their balcony also.



I'm not a smoker and, really don't like being around those actively smoking. I can appreciate that you take it to heart that your non-smoking neighbors may not want to be exposed to your smoking while out on their balcony. Your suggestions is a good neighborly compromise. Often times, it's not what you say but, HOW you say it. Good manners and consideration can go a long way.....on both sides of the balcony partition!;)

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I book a balcony so that i may sit out there in peace and smoke. As they have taken away almost all of the smoking areas this is one of the very few left. I do not want to have to listen for others doors to see if nonsmokers are coming out. I don't want to have to watch a clock to make sure it is ok to smoke now. Since I am being forced to pay extra to have a smoking area I don't want to be disturbed while smoking.

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I didnt read the entire thread but having both parents suffer(and pass) from smoking related illness I understand both sides because I used to smoke 3 packs a day as well


I think it depends on the smoker, some are considerate when around non smokers and some dont really care and blow smoke wherever and dont really care who inhales it


my opinion is if you pay for a balcony you should be able to burn as many butts as you wish:)


In like 7-8 balconies we have never smelled smoke other than once we smelled pot

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We were recently on the Liberty. Smoking is allowed on deck 10, Starboard side. I took this photo on the last day of our cruise. When I saw this, I wasn't quite sure what to think. It struck me as rather odd. My guess is that a non-smoking passenger wanted to use one of the lounge chairs on deck 10 (in the smoking area), and took it upon him/herself to put the sign there in an attempt to have a smoke-free area for sunbathing. I don't know if the sign is still there, or if a crew member saw it and put it back wherever it came from.




If it was embarkation day it was because they were fueling the ship. You cannot smoke anywhere outside while they are doing that. You have to go to the casino bar and it takes hours. I went on 2 cruise in the past year and the first allowed it as soon as we were on board (Fascination) the second (Conquest) did not allow outside smoking till we left port. Not sure about the balconys.

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I just don't understand why this issue keeps coming up here on the boards all of the time.


If you don't smoke and you have done your research before your cruise, then you should know before the cruise even begins where on the ship that smoking is allowed by Carnival.


Knowing this if smoke bothers you that much then don't book a regular balcony on any Carnival ship. Book an inside, Oceanview or a Spa balcony.


It is just down right stupid of anyone that knows all of this to come on this or any internet board and complain about it.

I mean really???????


Do you think that things are gonna change for the better for what you want just by coming on here and complaining about it????? NO it will not!!!!!!!


If you want to whine and complain about things, we as guest have no control over, then whine and complain to the one's that have the power to change things. Do your whinning and complaining and crying to Carnival.


It keeps coming up that the balconies will be smoke free in the near future.

I personally don't see this happening anywhere in the near future.

Yes Carnival has made a VERY BIG change in their smoking policy in the recent past giving the nonsmoker over 90% of the ship to be smoke free and to some that's not good enough.

If it's not good enough for you, you have only 2 choices, either stay home or book a cruise with a cruiseline that doesn't allowe smoking at all.


If you still choose to remain with Carnival, all I can say is suck it up and take it as it comes your way.

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I totally agree with this....and Im a non smoker. There used to be one or two non smoking ships...Revenue went down considerably...


I just don't understand why this issue keeps coming up here on the boards all of the time.


If you don't smoke and you have done your research before your cruise, then you should know before the cruise even begins where on the ship that smoking is allowed by Carnival.


Knowing this if smoke bothers you that much then don't book a regular balcony on any Carnival ship. Book an inside, Oceanview or a Spa balcony.


It is just down right stupid of anyone that knows all of this to come on this or any internet board and complain about it.

I mean really???????


Do you think that things are gonna change for the better for what you want just by coming on here and complaining about it????? NO it will not!!!!!!!


If you want to whine and complain about things, we as guest have no control over, then whine and complain to the one's that have the power to change things. Do your whinning and complaining and crying to Carnival.


It keeps coming up that the balconies will be smoke free in the near future.

I personally don't see this happening anywhere in the near future.

Yes Carnival has made a VERY BIG change in their smoking policy in the recent past giving the nonsmoker over 90% of the ship to be smoke free and to some that's not good enough.

If it's not good enough for you, you have only 2 choices, either stay home or book a cruise with a cruiseline that doesn't allowe smoking at all.


If you still choose to remain with Carnival, all I can say is suck it up and take it as it comes your way.

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When I am on my balcony, I make a point of asking my neighbors if they mind me smoking.

If they do mind, I tell them if they rap on the balcony divider, I will put it out, no problems.

I figure they should be able to enjoy their balcony also.



Wow that is the single most courteous answer I have ever read in the millions of smoking threads ever in cruise critic and I thank you and hope and pray you are my neighbor on my next cruise! :D


Back on the subject, I do not smoke and hate the smell BUT if my neighbor is smoking while I am outside and if it a continual stream of smoke, I will just go inside, no need for the dramatics of yelling or rude comments, I just remove myself from the situation as I am on VACATION, there are too many things in life to be grumpy about and this is a small inconvenience as they are on vacation also..............;)

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If you knowngly jump into a pool full of sharks you really can't complain if one of them chomps off your leg. True?


If you knowingly book a balcony cabin on Carnival you really can't complain if there are smokers around you. True?

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Piano Bar was DEAD EMPTY on our Nov.'11 cruise on the Miracle. When you used to be allowed to smoke in there, we enjoyed the music and song (and crowds). On our last cruise, we were fully prepared to spend a SMOKELESS hour or so per night in there this last cruise. Pretty hard to do when the piano player even quit early (5 nights) due to "lack of participation".


It's too bad that cigarettes have visible smoke....I just can't wrap my head around the fact that NOBODY on these boards ever seem to have an "allergy" to the incredible amount of INvisible vehicle exhaust and pollution in the air in our cities. And let me tell you, it is far, far more "smoke" than what you may think is wafting over to your balcony from one cigarette.


Yes, I am a smoker. I have kept my mouth shut when a non smoker ripped me a new you-know-what in the casino for lighting up in the SMOKING section. I have kept my mouth shut when Carnival diminished the smoking areas on their ships. I do not sail on Princess because they do not allow smoking on their balconies. Having said that, I am a courteous smoker and wouldn't dream of breaking the rules and smoking in an area I am not allowed to. It's a big ship people. Can't we just get along?


Most of vehicles built today the exhaust is next to nothing, I know, i fix cars for a living. Most people dont "sit" within a few feet of a exhaust pipe of a vehicle like you do on a ships balcony.

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The time-honored vehicle exhaust retort is many smokers' "go to" card when faced with accusations of polluting the air others breathe. A ridiculous arguement on many levels.


Nevertheless, over time, we will have more alternative-fuel vehicles and fewer smokers. A win-win in the name of technological and societal progress.


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2

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The time-honored vehicle exhaust retort is many smokers' "go to" card when faced with accusations of polluting the air others breathe. A ridiculous arguement on many levels.


Nevertheless, over time, we will have more alternative-fuel vehicles and fewer smokers. A win-win in the name of technological and societal progress.


Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2


True, But as far as vehicles go.. we all need them to live out our lives and to go on cruises, etc:).. And other enviromental issues to make human life possibe is a way of life.. BUT.. People CHOOSE to smoke.. Nobody twisted there arm.. They can always stop.. My boss always tells us at work.. "It only takes 21 days to break a habit". I cant prove that since everybody is differnt.. I think he's smoking something...lol. He needs to challange that timeframe to break his "chewing" habit, which i think is more discusting then smoking.


As far as balconys go, I dont say anything about my neighbors smoking directly, It dosent really bother me to point of annoyance, I can tolerate it. On aft balconys or upper decks toward the rear of the ship I may smell the exhaust odor from the ships stack before I do with smokers.. LOL.

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I just don't understand why this issue keeps coming up here on the boards all of the time.


If you don't smoke and you have done your research before your cruise, then you should know before the cruise even begins where on the ship that smoking is allowed by Carnival.


Knowing this if smoke bothers you that much then don't book a regular balcony on any Carnival ship. Book an inside, Oceanview or a Spa balcony.


It is just down right stupid of anyone that knows all of this to come on this or any internet board and complain about it.

I mean really???????


Do you think that things are gonna change for the better for what you want just by coming on here and complaining about it????? NO it will not!!!!!!!


If you want to whine and complain about things, we as guest have no control over, then whine and complain to the one's that have the power to change things. Do your whinning and complaining and crying to Carnival.


It keeps coming up that the balconies will be smoke free in the near future.

I personally don't see this happening anywhere in the near future.

Yes Carnival has made a VERY BIG change in their smoking policy in the recent past giving the nonsmoker over 90% of the ship to be smoke free and to some that's not good enough.

If it's not good enough for you, you have only 2 choices, either stay home or book a cruise with a cruiseline that doesn't allowe smoking at all.


If you still choose to remain with Carnival, all I can say is suck it up and take it as it comes your way.



Why would you think non-smokers would research where the smoking areas are on a ship? The thought would not cross their mind as it did not cross mine. That is like a non-smoker researching the smoking areas at the Magic Kingdom, why would they do that? Or a non-pet owner researching the closest dog park in a city they are going to visit. It is something that is not done or even a thought until we read it on a board like this. I grew up in a family of 5 and am the only non smoker of my parents and brothers and I booked a balcony to enjoy the balcony and before I came to this board, the thought of someone smoking on the balcony next to me NEVER occurred in my mind at all.


Smoking around non-smokers goes way beyond the smell, there are physical effects to non-smokers. Whenever my family of 6 visit my mom within the first hour in her house we all begin to have physical signs of being sick such as runny nose, burning nose and throat, headaches. We have to all both headache medicine and allergy medicine to relieve the symptoms. These are things that smoke does to non-smokers.


I haven't even been on my carnival cruise yet, but this will be my one and only on carnival... that is for sure (for several reasons). Sorry, room was booked before I realized that there was smoking allowed on balconies. I did lots of research, but researching smoking policies was not on my list.

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Why would you think non-smokers would research where the smoking areas are on a ship? The thought would not cross their mind as it did not cross mine. That is like a non-smoker researching the smoking areas at the Magic Kingdom, why would they do that? Or a non-pet owner researching the closest dog park in a city they are going to visit. It is something that is not done or even a thought until we read it on a board like this. I grew up in a family of 5 and am the only non smoker of my parents and brothers and I booked a balcony to enjoy the balcony and before I came to this board, the thought of someone smoking on the balcony next to me NEVER occurred in my mind at all.


Smoking around non-smokers goes way beyond the smell, there are physical effects to non-smokers. Whenever my family of 6 visit my mom within the first hour in her house we all begin to have physical signs of being sick such as runny nose, burning nose and throat, headaches. We have to all both headache medicine and allergy medicine to relieve the symptoms. These are things that smoke does to non-smokers.


I haven't even been on my carnival cruise yet, but this will be my one and only on carnival... that is for sure (for several reasons). Sorry, room was booked before I realized that there was smoking allowed on balconies. I did lots of research, but researching smoking policies was not on my list.



One good way to do your research is to read reviews, would you not agree?


If there is a problem with smoking on that ship do you not think that it would be found somewhere within a review?


If you have been on this board any time at all you should already know about Carnival's smoking policies.

There is a different thread about smoking almost weekly on here.

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