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My Allure Trip Journal- 5/27/12: There IS No Reader's Digest Version!

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I've never really wanted to post.

But, after reading your trip report I had to register and post.

You are the best mom and most considerate person ever.

If people were anywhere as aware of the feelings of others as you are and as dedicated to their kids as you are, the world would be a much better place.


I love your reports..."seeing each other in the glass elevators each going in opposite directions" and 'the boy's complaining not being as bothersome after the banana daquari' were hilarious. I'm not sure how things ended up yet but remember that as the years pass, all three of your kids will always remember this special trip with you whether or not it seemed like that by the end of the week or not


I include cmoose's post #47 below to show you how two people that have NEVER posted have now registered to tell you how wonderful you are : ) !!


This was from cmoose:

This is my first time posting on this board, though I have been lurking for months.

Such a great review. You sound like an awesome mom to me, with a very full plate. Any mom who would take her 3 kids on the biggest ship in the world, by herself, even though those said kids might be a bit of a challenge from time to time and even tough she might not have the best sense of direction, which would cause many people not to ever travel alone, and for the sake of her kids put herself in a situation that may temporarily derail her weight watchers journey. That mom gets an A+ in my book, in case your interested!!

Can't wait for the rest.


Ok, back to my post now - Don't beat yourself up over other people's reactions to what you perceive as a big mistake - all these things you've described are no big deal. You are aware of others and work hard to be nice to them , that's enough.

Great job on the trip reports

Great job on the kids

and great job as a person : )


Thank you so much for the incredibly kind and supportive words!! I really appreciate it! I'm loving writing my review and still have a lot to share. I'm glad that at least some people aren't getting tired of it yet. :)


What a great review. This is one of the best reviews that I have seen in a while. I have attempted to do reviews of my past cruises but it does not come remotely close to what you have done with yours. Can't wait for the next installment.


Reading your review makes me remember my cruises with my family and my upcomming family cruises.


Thank you!! I hope your memories of your family cruises are wonderfully happy ones.


I think you have encouraged me to ditch Carnival and book RC. My only concern is.....will my 19 and 17 yo have fun since they can't go to camp anymore. Did your young adults have activities to keep them busy? Thanks in advance for sharing...


There were a lot of activities always scheduled for all ages, but we might not have been as aware of them as others might have been because we spent most of our time together. There are sports competitions, dance parties, games and game shows, learning activities like health seminars, "cruise-y" things like napkin and towel folding demos, belly flop contests, etc. There is a special cruise compass that highlights some of the activities that are geared toward the 18-20 age group. Make sure and ask for that if they don't automatically give it to you.



Thanks again for the great feedback, everybody!! I am going to try to get some pictures up today! :D


ETA: For those who had mentioned it, or were wondering, my "date" with my old crush from high school was totally wonderful. All we did was grab a soda from the 7-11, sit on a park bench by a lake and watch the sunset and talk for 2 hours, but I could have stayed there all night. It was super fun. Things are really complicated right now, but at least I can say he is now a really good friend rather than a mythical, made-up crush I had once, and that is a true blessing.


More later!

Edited by OklaCruiserMom
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I'm joining this late and there are many replies, but I have to say despite the fact that we probably have nothing in common, I'm laughing and enjoying this immensely. Despite the fact we have little in common I enjoy most reviews and can always find something of value. Ok, just found the first thing in common, I'm trying the same hotel for precruise next year. Back to reading.


Ok, we got a cab to our hotel. (Hyatt Regency Pier 66, if you’re interested.) Cab fare was $15.90

Edited by BillOh
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I can say I am a review snob/or maybe I don't like to have to 'read' everyone elses silly family stories on a review...however I've really enjoyed hearing about yours. I usually go for the one's full of pictures [hence, no reading required]. Your's sparked my interest from the first post, and I read it all in one seating. You sound like someone I could hang out with and laugh at each other all day. I have countless "Moron moments" everyday and while no parent is perfect, we all do our best and hope the outcome is good [our kids don't end up in jail or worse]. You sound like a fantastic mom, and I can't imagine taking three 'kids' on a cruise alone.

Looking forward to hearing more...and if you ever get the picture thing worked out...even better! LOL [ps. I use photobucket...a tip from I believe Trainman...who taught me how to post my photos here] there's a free version or the pro package you pay for. Hint, once you post them here, don't go to photobucket and 'rearrange or organize" your photo albums it causes CC to loose the link to your pics...and thus no pics show up in your reviews...THAT's my "moron moment" for ya.;)

Edited by Sunebeach
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I can't figure out how to size these things- I would like them to appear in the post without being huge, but I don't think I can figure it out, so for now, here are links to specific pics in the media gallery on my blog:


The kids with our Cruise Fund jar the night before we left.


In G-ma's car on the way to Dallas.


Same as above.


Chillin' in the airport.


Me in the hotel lobby.


The Share the Moment.


What they did with the Milk Money.


On the water taxi.


Smile! (water taxi)



Embarkation morning!


Cheesin' on the balcony. We're ready to cruise!


Sailaway, sailaway, sailaway!


Our first breakfast- In Johnny Rockets. (This was a picture of the ceiling over our heads, in case it's confusing)


Nassau: Ardastra Zoo, with a bird on my head.


Shanny gives the bird. Or is she getting the bird?


Shannon gets a kiss.


Flamingo Flirtation!


Make these things stand still, will ya?


Feeding the parrots


Arrrgghhh, Mateys! (At the Pirates museum in Nassau)


Jasmine and her Mother Ship! (The Disney Magic. She loves Allllll things Disney with a passion.)


Me on Formal night- The infamous Yellow Dress


The kids on Formal night


St. Thomas- Emancipation Park


Sunny Liston Fun Tours


St. Thomas photo stop


Kids at St. Thomas


Beautiful Magens Bay


Mountaintop Rum Factory




First Sea Day- Our breakfast view


Character breakfast- girls w/ Shrek


Shanny with her beloved Puss In Boots (and Jazzy)


Me with Princess Fiona- What a couple of dolls! LOL!


Whole family at breakfast



Ok, I think that about takes us through where we are in the review. I hope these worked out- if not, I'll have to figure something else out. Enjoy!! Up next, St. Maarten, Bernard's Tour and Rita's Fiesta.

Edited by OklaCruiserMom
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It's been a crazy few days, but just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed reading your review. It is bringing back wonderful memories! Wasn't Sunny's tour fun?? I loved the looks on the faces of some people on other tours. We were a really loud group, but it was a BLAST!! I'd love to exchange emails. My address is PRW27529@yahoo.com. From what I saw, you are a wonderful mom!!! I can't imagine how you do it with 3 kids. Some days it is so hard to hang on to one shred of sanity after dealing with my son. But like we talked about, there are times when he is so darn sweet it melts my heart.. Looking forward to reading the rest.

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It's been a crazy few days, but just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed reading your review. It is bringing back wonderful memories! Wasn't Sunny's tour fun?? I loved the looks on the faces of some people on other tours. We were a really loud group, but it was a BLAST!! I'd love to exchange emails. My address is PRW27529@yahoo.com. From what I saw, you are a wonderful mom!!! I can't imagine how you do it with 3 kids. Some days it is so hard to hang on to one shred of sanity after dealing with my son. But like we talked about, there are times when he is so darn sweet it melts my heart.. Looking forward to reading the rest.



HI!! Thank you! That tour was definitely a lot of fun. People wanted to be part of our group, for sure. We were the cool kids. Yes, I'll definitely email you. It would be nice to be able to compare notes on the boys. Looking back on my pictures, it seems like he had a big smile most of the time, but when the mood moments hit, they just overshadow some of the good times. Reminds me how important it is to remember that there WERE definitely a lot of good moments, probably more than the bad. Maybe we'll cruise together again. :)

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Thank you so much for all the laughs. Several times I/my DH laughed out loud while reading your review. Great writing skills. So real. Dont be so hard on yourself. YOU planned like crazy and did EVERYTHING it took to take your kiddos on a great trip. Being a single mom of 3 is tough (did that and whew!!) My DH and I took my/our 3 kids and 2 moms on our first cruise (Allure also) and it was more hectic at times than we thought it would be. We all still loved it but can be overwhelming on the first one and you did it by YOURSELF!! So huge congrats! Next time it will be easier.

Oh and the 3 kids we have..2 girls and "The Boy", his nickname.

So keep up the great review, very funny..

Your date...;)

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Thank you so much for all the laughs. Several times I/my DH laughed out loud while reading your review. Great writing skills. So real. Dont be so hard on yourself. YOU planned like crazy and did EVERYTHING it took to take your kiddos on a great trip. Being a single mom of 3 is tough (did that and whew!!) My DH and I took my/our 3 kids and 2 moms on our first cruise (Allure also) and it was more hectic at times than we thought it would be. We all still loved it but can be overwhelming on the first one and you did it by YOURSELF!! So huge congrats! Next time it will be easier.

Oh and the 3 kids we have..2 girls and "The Boy", his nickname.

So keep up the great review, very funny..

Your date...;)


Thanks! I can't wait to do it again someday. Maybe with The Date, if I'm lucky. :D

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Great review okcruiser. Getting ready to write my own review, but my wife deleted everthing on the I pad we had half way thru cruise . So have to just go by what we remember. Nice to talk to you in St maarten at the beach...DISFANS3

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What a wonderful review so far! I totally love the picture of your daughter with Puss and Boots.. her face says it all!!! You have a lovely family and it looks like you had a great time. I too am a single mom with 2 kids and I can really appreciate your mom moments! I have them a lot! So I'm relieved to see I'm not alone.


Keep up with the review!

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Great review! :) I read it all in one sitting and now sadly I am at the end of it. I don't know what to do with myself. LOL. ( Maybe figure out how to make one of those "Collins drink" like you had.;)...hmm.)


Your family is adorable and I have really enjoyed your honesty and humor! Us moms can be extremely hard on ourselves at times, but you girlfriend should be very proud, because you got SO MANY things right!!!! Glad you had a great cruise. Please keep the posts coming and don't leave us hanging too long...

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What a great review! Loved the yellow dress, and you all looked awesome on formal night! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. What is a vacation without a tantrum here or there (at least that is what I told my husband when I had mine ha ha) :D

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OklaCruiserMom, Thank you for your awesome review. I love your writing style, it's so colorful and very captivating.


I basically happened upon your review today at the beginning of my lunch hour ... I was reading, laughing, and munchin' away. Thank goodness I had my own little cubby area to myself!! :eek: :p

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Hello all. I'm totally peeved right now, because I just spent a solid hour and a half typing my next installment about St. Maarten, which I don't normally do right here on the thread, and one wrong keystroke and it's gone. Feeeel my frustration!!! Grrrrr!

It was a work of genius, too. I'll see if I can recreate it, but it's going to take some time. SIGH!!

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Hello all. I'm totally peeved right now, because I just spent a solid hour and a half typing my next installment about St. Maarten, which I don't normally do right here on the thread, and one wrong keystroke and it's gone. Feeeel my frustration!!! Grrrrr!

It was a work of genius, too. I'll see if I can recreate it, but it's going to take some time. SIGH!!


Oh that is annoying...I usually do mine in a word doc then cut and paste, because I live in fear that it won't load and if I hit refresh...gone! I really enjoyed your photos. Looks like you captured all the best moments...so maybe the tough times will fade, and that's what you will all remember.


Ok, love the yellow dress! Its a brave color, but it totally works on you! Also happy to hear your "meeting" went well.

Hope to read more, once you get it all in again :(

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Hello again!




Thursday was our port stop at the beautiful island of St. Maarten. I must have been determined to do better at getting off the ship in a timely manner than I did on St. Thomas, because by the time we got up, dressed, ate breakfast in the WJ, and disembarked, we were still early for the tour. Go, us! :D




Through previous email communications with the tour vendors (Bernard's tours, if you're interested) I knew a little better exactly where to go and what to look for when getting off the ship. The steel drum band playing when we disembarked was charming, and a neat touch that really added to the festive feel of the port, at least for me. So we found the tour operator and paid for our tour ($40 per person, in case you're interested). They said we were still waiting for some other folks, so we sat in the shade at a little table by the gift shop. I didn't want my little darlings to get sunburned, so I took this opportunity to, as we call it in my family, "slime them down" with sunscreen. A note here: I had stocked up on sunscreen and had 5 (FIVE!) containers of the stuff in varying forms and strengths tucked away in suitcase pockets here and there.




At this point, The Boy wanted to check out the gift shop. He was still on the hunt for "pirate stuff" because I had found the stuff at the museum in Nassau too pricey, and also because the shirt he had wanted in St. Thomas, (Pirate flag: Dead Men Tell No Tales) we hadn't found in his size, although we didn't actually look that hard. I checked out the gift shop with him, and found nothing we desperately needed. (Not like I was getting dangerously low on key chains and refrigerator magnets, right?)




So finally the remaining participants arrived and tour was about to start. I had informed them when I made the reservation that we wanted to go to some other beach than Orient. Yes, I had read all the reviews and discussions about the whole nudity thing, and still hoped to minimize the likelihood that the kids would encounter it. They had told me they would take us to Le Galion beach, but the first thing the driver ("Sugar," if you're interested) did was to get on the bus and start trying to talk me out of going to Le Galion. He explained that the nudity was all contained to the left side of the beach and that if you don't go that way you don't see it, yada yada yada, but if we went to Orient and I still wanted to go to Le Galion, they would take me. Ok, fine, whatever, let's go.




Our first stop was the Iguana Farm. I couldn't always make out every word the driver said, but basically some guy discovered that the iguanas would come up every day when he fed his chickens. Whether they were actually responding to his call or whether they just learned that there was food given there regularly, who knows? We stopped here and the driver had a bag of lettuce that he scattered around as he called to the iguanas with a high-pitched whistling noise. They came out of the woodwork, surrounding us like a swarm. There were all sizes and colors. The driver told us a few facts about them, and let the kids feed them, and they would come up and take the food right from your hand. He encouraged the kids to touch them, all the while saying they felt like a Gucci purse and asking if Mama liked Gucci. (For the record, Mom wouldn't know a Gucci if one came up and asked her to dance. ) Anyway, we took tons of pictures and some video, and got back on the bus.




Here was one aspect of our day on St. Maarten that I didn't particularly care for. I understand why it has to be this way, but this wasn't exactly an 'at your leisure' tour. The schedule is constantly in the forefront of the driver's mind, because the stop at Maho beach is considered the highlight of the tour. If you want to see the big planes land and get back to the ship on time, you have to be there by a certain time. Therefore, your minor stops like feeding walking Gucci purses and fondling sea creatures (not as kinky as it sounds- more on that later) have to be somewhat regimented. Granted, it doesn't take a great deal of time to complete these activities, but it does lend a somewhat rushed feeling to the tour, and a feeling of being herded.




On the other hand, this feature of the tour might be offset for some folks by the fact that this tour offers free drinks! Sugar had stocked his bus with a cooler filled with water bottles, Capri Sun juice pouches ("for the babies," he said, handing one to my 11 y.o.) cans of soda, AND... a huge bottle of some pink, fruity libation he described colorfully as "...special rum punch, I make it up fresh for you just this morning!" He passed it around to everyone on the bus, along with a stack of tiny little Dixie cups for passengers to help themselves to, or not, as they chose. On our particular bus, he only had to break out one bottle, although he informed us he had prepared FIVE! Yikes! I suppose on a different day, with a different busload of folks, the atmosphere might have been different and he might have needed all 5 bottles, but we were an unusually small group, and mine was not the only family touring with kids, so that might have had something to do with it. If you were the hard-partying type, you would have been well-situated. Later, he let one of the tour participants pour the remains of the rum punch into their own container to drink on the way back to security. I bet his wife really appreciated that! ;)




So anyway. Back to fondling sea creatures. Our next stop on the tour was a visit to an enterprising gentleman named Calvin who captured things like sea urchins and spiny urchins and sea stars, and let tourists hold them and take pictures with them. It was fascinating to see them sitting there, moving oozily around in your hand. (Although I politely declined to enjoy that particular sensation!) The kids had fun looking at them, and shock of all shocks, Daughter S. even let him place the sea star (an odd looking creature if I ever saw one) on the back of her neck, calling it a 'temporary tattoo.' It's a great picture, though. Calvin had a little table set up, with shells and sea urchin bits for people to take for free as a souvenir. He also had a little jar and a sign reading, 'tips appreciated.' I thought this was, again, quite enterprising of him, and when I later discovered that the bits of seashells and stuff the kids collected while snorkeling didn't make it through security and back onto the ship, I thought it was actually quite sneaky, and not in a good way. Anything you took from Calvin and left a "donation" for would probably not have made it home with you. ( In case you're interested.)




So we returned to the bus and made it to our first of two beach stops- the famed, feared, and much discussed Orient Beach. The driver let us know he was taking us to the establishment of a good friend who would give us a great deal on beach chairs (Only $5 per chair, umbrellas free, in case you're interested.) I think it was called Brothers? They also boasted easy access to food and beverage, and free bathroom facilities among their amenities. (I thought, GeezMaria, do they even charge for the bathroom in some places?!) Anyway. We were dropped off and made our way between the bar shacks to the chairs. I rented 2 chairs for $10 (the umbrella was free :D) and the kids walked on down to the water. It was very beautiful and would have been a great time if we'd had longer than an hour.




I plopped myself down on the chairs and promptly encountered the next feature of the day on St. Maarten that I didn't exactly care for, and that was the vendor women. These women walked back and forth right at the foot of your beach chairs, trying to sell you towels, wraps, beach bags, and every imaginable variety of jewelry. I made the mistake of letting one of them get too settled in near me (she was hitting up the lady in the next chair) and eventually found myself the owner of $50 worth of magnetic necklaces. (5 of them, in case you're interested.) I decided that on my next visit I'm going to have a matching t-shirt and hat ensemble made, with the shirt reading "Do Not Try to Sell Me Anything!" and a hat, says a big old 'NO!' on it! Lol! I hoped I didn't get ripped too bad; I figured I'd stuff some in the girls' Christmas stockings and give one or two of the others away as souvenirs. I'm telling you though, this particular vendor was pretty funny. I think I later remembered her making mention that she made all these beautiful things herself. It didn't occur to me at the time that two of them were in plastic factory wrapping! ROFL! She must have seen me coming a mile away.




All this while, the kids were snorkeling and having all kinds of fun. They found a crab, fairly recently deceased. He was very pretty. Too bad for him he was dead. He must have been very popular with the ladies. Eventually, our brief stop was over. I had only walked down to the water and got my feet wet, rather than swimming, because I knew we still had a little touring to do before our next beach stop, and at the time, I didn't want to be wet and sandy walking around in Marigot. Of course, if I had it to do over again, I'd say the he** with it! :D




So our next tour stop was Marigot, the French side capital. The kids were pretty hot and tired by this time, so all we did here was get off the bus and walk across the street to a pastry shop called Serafina's. This place was freakin' awesome. I took a picture of their display case- beautiful pastries lined up for yards! Ok, maybe only a couple of yards, but still- it was pretty impressive to this little small-town girl. We were all ravenous, so I bought the following: a chocolate eclair, a lemon tart, a goat cheese quiche, a fruit salad, some kind of little sandwich and drinks for all of us. I might have forgotten an item or two, but I thought that sounded like quite a lot for a reasonable price. ($22, if you're interested.) And let me just say here- it was heavenly. Lemon is my favorite flavor of absolutely everything, and that tart was soooo good! We shared everything, and it made a wonderfully refreshing lunch/snack. If I ever go back there, I will most definitely stop in there again. Yum! If my Weight Watchers hadn't already been a total trainwreck, this would have absolutely killed it, but it was well worth it! How often does someone from Lone Grove, Oklahoma get to eat real French pastries. Oh, and by the way, if you've been there before and they're actually more French-ish than real French, don't anybody tell me. Just let me keep my happy delusion. Lol!




So finally we went to Maho beach. I could have and should have gotten in the water here, but I was already getting sunburned, despite my earlier "sliming," so I opted to be the weird woman sitting on the beach with a wrap over my legs and a towel across my shoulders. Besides, if I'd been in the water, how could I have taken pictures of the planes? Also, the beach was pretty crowded and I wasn't sure how safe our stuff would be if I left it there.




I met and chatted with a few CCers here, and had a private, wry chuckle at at least one other. Sorry to tell tales here, but this person's spouse said that this person was "completely toasted" and every time someone answered one of this person's questions or volunteered information to this person, they would invariably reply with a hearty, "No sh**!" It was pretty funny, if a little obnoxious. I can't really say anything, because as I have previously confessed, I did a number of obnoxious things on this trip. :)




So finally it was time to go. The kids had had a good time snorkeling and Daughter S. had worked hard to collect several really pretty little shells that, as I mentioned, didn't make it back through security with us. The scan picked them up and they were removed, but Daughter S. took it much better than I thought she would. We stopped at the "discount" souvenir place, Rimas, that Sugar told us was the 'WalMart of island souvenirs,' meaning they were cheaper here than anywhere else. He said he took us there because we had been delayed and had such a short time at Orient Beach, but maybe he always stops there. Not sure. Anyway, in true Hillbilly Tourist fashion, I went in and stocked up. Got some more necklaces (but this time it was a 6-pack for $6.99, in case you're interested.) Also bought some magnets, postcards, and a completely redundant purchase of some flip-flops for the boy, who had tolerated 3 beaches with socks and tennis shoes as his footwear. So had I, but I don't have his lack of patience with sand. (By the way, my case of Crappy Souvenir Buying syndrome had now reached a semi-critical level, but it wouldn't peak until the last night at sea when I "hit the ship shop." Try saying that 5 times fast! Anyway, more on that later.)




We staggered back to the ship, taking a few more pictures along the way, and went back to our room. Daughter S. showered, and the rest of us hung out. For some reason, she and I were both in the bathroom at one point (I don't know how- we defied physics.) I heard a high pitched screeching commotion and asked her if The Boy and Daughter J. were fighting. (Not at allll out of the realm of possibility.) I burst out of the bathroom ready to conk some heads together if they were the ones making that racket, but what I discovered was Daughter J. jumping up and down and shrieking with joy. Guest Services had called and told her that she could meet Hiccup after the first How To Train Your Dragon ice show on Saturday. She was ecstatic, to say the very least. I have not yet emailed the corporate head honcho boss guy whose name everybody throws around here, but I can't currently remember (- Oh yeah, Adam, how could I forget?) but I plan to. And I plan to tell him that of all the good food, good service, fun entertainment, amazing piece of machinery/art that is this ship, and everything else we experienced this whole week, that one small gesture that probably meant little or nothing to them, topped it all for my special little girl. More than they will ever know. :)



Next: Rita's Fiesta and more!

Edited by OklaCruiserMom
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So finally the remaining participants arrived and tour was about to start. I had informed them when I made the reservation that we wanted to go to some other beach than Orient. Yes, I had read all the reviews and discussions about the whole nudity thing, and still hoped to minimize the likelihood that the kids would encounter it. They had told me they would take us to Le Galion beach, but the first thing the driver ("Sugar," if you're interested) did was to get on the bus and start trying to talk me out of going to Le Galion. He explained that the nudity was all contained to the left side of the beach and that if you don't go that way you don't see it, yada yada yada, but if we went to Orient and I still wanted to go to Le Galion, they would take me. Ok, fine, whatever, let's go.

One correction and one addition to this section:


The correction is I think I meant to say right side, rather than left. The naturist resort was to the right of our location.


The addition is that we only saw one or two instances of toplessness and they weren't really all that obvious. The somewhat ... disturbing thing we saw was an older man with a swimsuit (and I use the term loosely) which was basically a little pouch in front and a thong in back. We all saw it and we were all thinking, "My eyes! My eyes!" I guess if there is any comfort, it is that for the age he was and the outfit he was wearing, at least he was in decent enough shape to be able to wear such a thing. LOL!

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I found your review right before i had to leave for work. The first thing i did when i got home was get on and hope you had written another part to it! you did! I love this review. It has me laughing out loud! And i agree, you are quite the woman and mother!

More please more please

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