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My Allure Trip Journal- 5/27/12: There IS No Reader's Digest Version!

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Thank you all sooooo much for your kind, encouraging, supportive words! I wish I had more to write about-you guys are great for a person's self-esteem! If you want to read me occasionally even when it's not about cruising, check the link in my signature for my personal blog.


I'm very glad that my review was enjoyable to read and follow and that you were touched and influenced in whatever small ways it did for you. Again, any questions or anything, feel free to ask.


Also, I might have mentioned in a previous post that I'd add you on Fb if you request it and mention where I know you from (CC). I had a request today that I didn't recognize, and I haven't done anything with it yet. Thanks!!



And cmoose-- I'm all up for that! :D

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Thanks so much for your great review! I have a special needs daughter too so the story of Hiccup really brought tears to my eyes. I know what it's like when they want something.


We were treated very well on our recent Disney cruise also. It meant so much to me that she was happy. In fact your ship was right next to ours in Nassau! I was amazed at the size of it!


Needless to say I enjoyed your review very much and I'm sorry it's over already.



Hey. Yeah, Jas would have loved to jump off the Allure and stow away on the Magic! Disney is her first love, and we took about a half dozen pictures of her standing in front of Magic! :D Thanks for reading!

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Yes, I was really, totally, absolutely interested in your entire review and your wonderful photos! Thank you so much for your honest, funny, and heartfelt report.


I especially related to everything you said about the food!


Glad you got your suitcase back.

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I very much enjoyed your review! Thank you for sharing it with me.


Took a similar trip a few years back with my 2 children (youngest has global delays), and a friend of DD's, with me being the only "adult", DD being 16 and DS was 13.


I, too, remember a few particularly hurtful moments when "adults" just didn't "get it"...


Ah, but life moves on, sweet memories are made and cherished, and in due time... those who didn't get it, will find it coming back to bite them in their derrières!


I am happy that you had the trip of a lifetime! Sounds like you deserved it~ Have a wonderful day! ;)


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Hello all. Thanks again so much for the kind comments and wishes. I really, truly appreciate your words.






I remembered a few things I wanted to share about the post-cruise experience, how I was feeling in the week or so after we returned home. For one thing, all of us still had the "sea legs" sensation of still feeling movement when we were sitting still. Seemed like it took a whole week or so for that to disappear completely.




And also, I wanted to share, from a first-time cruiser's perspective, how it feels once you're back home. I remember thinking about this and planning to include it in my eventual review. The first few days, I tried to see everything around home as fresh and new. I'd be driving around during lunch or running work errands and be thinking, "I've been in a different part of the world since I was last on this spot!"




It's difficult to put into words. I was thinking about how when you come home from seeing a different country or a different area of the world, especially if you've seen the poverty and neglect of some places, it's sort of like everything has changed. Everything looks different. But it's not that your home has changed, your hometown. It's that YOU have changed. Or more accurately you have BEEN changed. You are now seeing what's in front of your eyes with a different perspective. You're seeing blessings, or maybe luck, fortune or favor depending on what you want to call it. You're seeing accessible technology and infrastructure, food and transportation, entertainment, medical care... all of these things, and they remind you what a blessed life you really do lead, and you come to appreciate your own world, just a little bit more.




When it comes down to it, I think maybe that's why people travel- to gain perspective and to learn appreciation, both of the places they've visited and the place they started from.


Just my thoughts... what are yours?

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Was there a pullman bed in your room? If so, could you walk by that easily when it was down? Reason I ask is on another cruise line, we could barely squeeze past the sofa becd and pullman to get to the closet. Just wonderin if i should try for a larger size room.


Also, was your deck noisy? Ad in, could you hear things above you?

Edited by mizdiz
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Was there a pullman bed in your room? If so, could you walk by that easily when it was down? Reason I ask is on another cruise line, we could barely squeeze past the sofa becd and pullman to get to the closet. Just wonderin if i should try for a larger size room.


Also, was your deck noisy? Ad in, could you hear things above you?


Nope, no pullman. We had the two single beds and the sofabed. The two singles were together, making a king ? sized bed. It seemed huge. And the sofa made out into a double or queen size. Not sure, but it was plenty big enough, and pretty comfortable. There wasn't a lot of room for movement when all the beds were out, but it was adequate. We didn't really notice because if we were in there when the beds were out, we were getting ready to sleep! :)


I don't remember our deck being noisy at ALL. I was afraid my kids would be too loud for the next door neighbors, but nobody ever said anything, and I don't remember hearing noise from either side of us, either. I think I did hear their closet door bang, like one time, but that was it. No big noise issues at all, that I can remember. I do kind of sleep like the dead, though. :D

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I am not a wordy person and I do not respod often on these boards, but I just have to comment.

Your review is one of the best ever. I could not stop reading and vacillated between laughing and crying.

Your are a wonderful mother and a very funny and compassionate person.

I pray the very best for you and your family in your life's journey.

May God bless you.

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Ok so I've laughed..now I cry! What a lovely letter, and how wonderful they would accommodate your daughters wish to see her favorite character! I've heard that RCLs special needs department is excellent, clearly there is a company wide effort to make "whishes come true" for special children!:D


;) Ditto to everything and thank you for being so detail oriented on your port days. I am hoping we can still make our October cruise (changing jobs) and your days sound like the kind if fun that my family would like! Thanks for sharing! :)

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:eek: took off the entire 15, plus a few ounces, which tells me that the VAST majority of it was nothing but water retention :cool: Now that is freakin awesome!!!! I think I have put on about 15 pounds since our October trip wish it was just "water weight" but :(:o honestly it is just giving up my healthy habits. Boo, so I have to ask? Are you back to taking good care of yourself? Make sure you are because we mommas are worth it! :)

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What a wonderful, well thought out and inspired review. I rarely comment on review posts because, it is just that - a review. Yours was fun, interesting, honest and heartfelt. I too, got teary eyes at some parts. When you can incite emotion in people you don't know, that's how you know you wrote something well. I look forward to reading more in the future.



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People are acting like you are a ROCK STAR because you are a ROCK STAR and you just don't know it................


I am happy you accidentally cut the line and got good seats for the breakfast.....I almost cheered outloud!!!!!!!



I am so sorry that I got involved reading this so late............I don't know how I managed to miss it..........



I hope as the postings continue (I'm currently only on page 3), you will forgive yourself for being human..........


You are quite extrordinary in my opinion.........


You are an unsung working class hero in my book.....if I could write music I would write a country song about you..............


Your kids will remember this trip forever and they will not remember any of the little misteps, or Weight Watchers failures.........


How oftern do you cruise? Prior to this never......so if you would have gone on this cruise and followed the points system to the letter I wouldn't even want to read the review............sorry if that offends the WW's in the world.....but for one week of your life on the ALLURE you should eat, drink, say, think do whatever you want with no regrets..........there are millions of people in this country and around the world that will never have the pleasure of a cruise nevermind the greatest cruise ship in the world........so ride that carousel, eat that cake, stop for that pretzel and enjoy your life!!!!!!!!!

Edited by cherylroslyn
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I gotta tell ya, I'd buy a book of you and your family's travel adventures! If I had any extra money to invest, I'd pay to send you and your family on vacations just to publish such a book. We'd make a fortune. Definitely a best seller. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for this TR. You made my week.



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Thank you for taking the time out your busy life to right this review. Like everyone I absolutely loved it you are an amazing and brave woman cruising with 3 kids let alone having kids with some difficulties. My daughter has developmental delay also so I can empathies with a lot of your story but was crying like a baby at the character meeting. You are now famous in my wee part of Scotland as I've been going on about your review to my friends and workmates(even though most have no idea what cruise critics is)

Hope you find the man of your dreams and your family have a happy and healthy future.

Take care

Moira x

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  • 4 months later...
[NOTE: I wanted to include pictures with this post, but I have not gotten them uploaded yet to a suitable hosting site. I will do that soon, and a future post will include the important pictures from this part of the trip journal. Thank you for your patience!]



Hello all! Well, we made it. I’m just back from my very first cruise. We were on the Allure sailing 5/27/12. I love to write and blog and journal, and there are so many different perspectives from which I could come at this review- first timer cruiser, single cruiser, cruising-with-kids cruiser, trying-to-budget cruiser. I will try to add in the important points from each of those perspectives when they come up. So anyway, I had been looking forward to writing this for quite a while before I ever even left home! I was even playing around with cutesy titles. Some of the contenders were: A First Time Cruiser’s Big Adventure! (Pee Wee Herman, Eat Your Heart Out!); Cruise Virgin No More- How I Lost It to The Allure of Seas!; and Me and My Kids: From Oklahoma to the Caribbean and Back on Two P ro zac A Day! In the end, I just decided to go with the obvious.


Just the Facts, Ma’am:

First timers, family of 4: Mom, twin 18 YO girls, 11 YO boy

Allure of the Seas- Eastern Caribbean sailing

Captain Johnny

CD- Anna Banks

Pre-cruise- fly in on 5/26, stayed at Pier 66

Cabin- Interior Quad, Deck 3 #838

Dining- Traditional, early seating

Ports of call: Nassau, Bahamas; Charlotte-Amalie, St. Thomas; Phillipsburg, St. Maarten

Tours: Nassau- self-guided walking. Went to Pirates Museum and Ardastra Gardens

St. Thomas- Sunny Liston Fun Tours

St. Maarten- Bernard’s Tours, Driver- Sugar




And now… The REST of the story!


Saturday, May 26, 2012- We Leave For Cruise!


I woke up early and knew I had no chance at going back to sleep. Packing was pretty much complete, lacking only things we had to use before leaving that morning, like toothbrushes and deodorant. You’re welcome. icon_biggrin.gif?m=1129645325g Being a charter member of Internet Addicts Anonymous, I got online, checked CC here, checked Facebook, and took a screenshot of my one-day countdown on Royal’s website. My nerves felt so tightly wound at that point, if I’d been hooked up to some electrodes or something, I probably could have powered a small city!




Finally it was time to wake up the kids, which if you have them, you know is a gamble as to what kinds of moods you’ll be facing when they finally become fully conscious. Luckily, on this day, mine were pleasant. I should add here, that in addition to being just your normal kid types, one of mine has been diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and some as-yet-undefined mood instability issues. Another one is developmentally delayed and operates at a level approximately 4-5 years younger than true chronological age. The third one is basically pretty normal and well-behaved, thank you Jesus! icon_biggrin.gif?m=1129645325g




Well, we got around, and got dressed, and got all the last minute stuff collected and waited for my mom (hereafter referred to as G-ma) to come pick us up and take us to the airport in Dallas. She arrived, bringing a few things that we had left at her house and might possibly need, (her credit card for emergencies being the most important) and we started loading our bags (2 large bags to be checked, and two carry-ons, if you’re interested.) Experienced a small moment of panic when her car did its usual thing of not wanting to start unless the key and the steering wheel were perfectly and precisely aligned. Finally it started. Whew! We stopped at the Dollar Store and I ran in to grab a few last minute things while G-ma ran to put gas in the car. Our flight was at noon, and we left my tiny little hometown (Lone Grove, OK) at about 8:15.




The trip to DFW seemed to take no time at all. G-ma had brought along a little GPS thing which kept telling her to take certain actions, and she would take them, and the calm little voice would say “RE-calculating…” as if we had totally gone off the wrong direction. These things do NOT take construction into account. (Later, we texted her to say one last goodbye and she said she was still “arguing with the lady who keeps trying to tell me how to drive!”) I wasn’t sure whether she would be able to accompany us into the airport or she would just be dumping us out on the curb, and as it turned out, it was a curbside farewell. She popped the trunk, plopped our bags on the sidewalk, hugged us all… and from that moment on, for better or worse, it was just me and The Munchkin Herd.




We paraded inside, a mama duck and her little ducklings (with suitcases) and checked our bags. I had done the flight check-in online the day before and that whole process was super easy and quick. (American Airlines, flight 600, if you’re interested.) We went to the waiting area, where The Boy quickly made friends with an older gentleman sitting nearby, who kindly and cheerfully chatted with him, as well as with the girls, despite the fact that he had just opened his newspaper. I love older gentlemen like that. icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g We had plenty of time before the flight, and the kids decided they were hungry. DFW has a wide variety of places to grab food and stuff once you get through security (at least from my less-travelled, not-familiar-with-many-large-airports perspective.) So The Rugrats decided they’d like some Subway sandwiches for lunch. I knew their usual, as we go to Jared’s Place frequently at home, and they ALWAYS get the same thing! (Remember this tendency of theirs toward habit and repetitiveness when it comes to food. This will be pertinent later.) So I trotted over to Subway and acquired sustenance.




Not long after I had returned to them and we had wolfed down our sandwiches, they began making the usual pre-boarding announcements and I ran back to get the other package of chips I forgot to get, and we got ready to board. The kids sat three across in one row and I was in the aisle seat across from them. There was a small child seated by the window in my row, all by himself. I quickly determined that his parents and two small siblings were in the row in front of us. I was worried that this was going to be a HUGE problem, as I could easily picture the little urchin wanting to climb in and out of his seat the whole flight. He was already playing with the trays and the window shades. He put the middle tray down and tried to put mine down too, and I ever-so-gently indicated that this would not be taking place. The middle seat was as yet unoccupied, but eventually a young man arrived and indicated that was his spot. A few minutes later his friend came and asked me if I could trade seats with him so they could sit together, but I politely declined, explaining that the three kiddos in the row across belonged to me, and I probably should stay near them. The two young men were perfectly accepting of this and the friend returned to his seat several rows forward.




We took off (the man in the aisle seat behind the kids crossed himself) and it quickly became apparent that the kiddo in my row was not going to be a problem. He conked out almost immediately. I am one of those travelers who feels she should make some attempt at conversation with those sitting next to her, and I felt guilty that I didn’t do that with this young man, because I didn’t really know what to say. He and his friend hadn’t seemed to be fluent English speakers, so I just let it go and consoled myself with the fact that he was listening to his music and napping anyway. The flight was somewhat bumpy and I think the captain left the seatbelt sign on for the entire flight.


(I don’t think I like flying much, by the way. The minute I step on a plane I always notice the mild urge to use the restroom, which gradually grows more “urge-nt” but I hate getting up and walking past all those people, so I just stay put and suffer the whole time. Strangely, I always accept a soda when the flight attendants begin serving beverages, and then I get to sit and watch the Great Pee Parade of others who also accepted their drinks, but don’t have my particular hang-ups.)




So anyway. Not a moment too soon, we landed in Ft. Lauderdale, and after a much needed restroom stop, we claimed our bags, which seemed to take quite a while, especially with The Boy, who was of the opinion that hanging back and waiting patiently for our bag to make its way around was for lesser mortals, and we needed to crowd our way up to the front and just get our bags, darn it! At one point I think he might have suggested we just leave it there and go on to the hotel. Patience is definitely not his strong point. (Not to get ahead of myself, but if you were unfortunate enough to come within a 25 yard radius of us at any point during the week, but particularly on Sapphire Beach, Studio B ice rink, or the 2:00 Cupcake Class on Saturday, you probably noticed this particular fact about him. I’ve been combing the reviews of my fellow sailors with terror, looking for references to “that one horrible kid I saw who …………………..” Fill in the blank with any one of a dozen objectionable attitudes he displayed during the week.)




Ok, we got a cab to our hotel. (Hyatt Regency Pier 66, if you’re interested.) Cab fare was $15.90 and I just gave the driver a $20. (As an aside, this would be a theme for the rest of the trip- cabs were always more than I had thought they were supposed to be based on research here on CC.) The room wasn’t ready, and we waited in their lounge area for only about 15-20 minutes, maybe. It didn’t feel like very long. It was here I uttered to my children the first of many similar sentiments I would reiterate in different variations throughout the week: “Don’t act like rednecks!” We felt like the hotel was a little on the fancy side for us. I wanted to make everything as amazing and impressive for the kids as possible for this trip, but we would have been just as well served at a basic Holiday Inn-type establishment. Anyway. The waitress approached us as if we were there to eat, and after a moment’s confusion we told her we were just waiting for our room. She brought us water and I left her a small tip. Finally, they said our room was ready, and we checked in and got directions to the room. It should be noted here for future reference that I am terrible with directions. TERRIBLE! So we took a rather scenic route to our room and finally had to ask a housekeeper to help us find it. We had a balcony room facing away from the port, with a big fancy yacht outside our window.




The kids were getting hungry, but they were also in full-on “Veg Out” mode, having discovered the TV clicker, and were flipping back and forth between something about alligators on Animal Planet, and Forrest Gump. I wanted to make the most of our only night in Ft. Lauderdale, and had planned that we would ride the Water Taxi around and eventually find a place to eat supper. So I insisted that they get up and we went to the desk to get directions to the Water Taxi stop. We had to stop once more when we got out by the pool area, and finally got headed in the right direction. The first of many poignant moments occurred about now- I was rushing along, trying to get to the stop, and we were passing all these boats, both super-impressive and not so much. The Boy said something like “Hey, mom, look at these fish!” or something similar, and I replied with something along the lines of “I don’t care about the fish, we’re trying to get somewhere, hurry up!” and I looked at the boat we were walking past at that exact second, and its name was “Share the Moment” which was the absolute most important objective for me on this trip. That hit me like a prize fighter, and I stopped, looked at the fish, and took a pic of the boat so I’d never forget that moment. And I won’t.


Up next: The Water Taxi, Embarkation, and First Day

Until next time,



I love it you sound like me. A mom with kids dealing with all kinds of issues, ADHD , and my membership also to Internet addiction anonymous. Lol had to laugh. This site has now become added to the others u mentioned as well

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Not sure Oklacruisermom will be back on here soon but just wanted to tell her that another former Oklahoman so enjoyed her review on CC.

As you can see by my CC name where I am from in OK.


She showed such strength in the way she made sure that all of her young people experienced the cruise and the rest of the off ship tours they took. Proud of her and her smarts and savey.

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